Prayer & Worship 2015



Area clergy reflect on the Christmas season.

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  • Supplement to The News Sun, The Star, The Herald Republican and The Butler Bulletin December 15, 2015 and The Garrett Clipper December 17, 2015.


    December 2015Worship&

    This is a two section guide Section A

  • KPC Media Group Inc. A2 Prayer & Worship December 2015

    102 N. Main Street,Kendallville, IN 46755


    Terry G.



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    Tracey RobideauSpecial Section Designer & Paginator

    Daisy ReinhartGraphic Designer


    Charlene CondonJenny Ernsberger

    Jeff JonesCindy MillerTerri Myers

    Michele TrowbridgeMachele Waid

    Sue Yeager

    Randy Mitchell

    Chief Executive Officer

    S. Rick MitchellChief Financial Officer

    The News Sun, The Herald Repubican, The Star, The Butler Bulletin, The Garrett Clipper are

    publications of KPC Media Group Inc.2015 All rights reserved

    INDEXRev. Merle R. Holden ....................................................A3

    Pastor Jill Wright ...........................................................A6

    Pastor Jean Ness .............................................................A8

    Pastor Sam Hoffman ......................................................A13

    Pastor Mike Albaugh ......................................................A14

    Pastor Daryl Emowrey ...................................................A17

    Minister Brian M. Walter ...............................................A18

    Church Services Directory ............................... A20, B19, B20

    Brother Bud Ownes ........................................................B3

    Rev. Derrick Sneyd ........................................................B6

    Rev. Steve Bahrt .............................................................B8

    Pastor Betty Sivis ...........................................................B10

    Pastor Dr. Marcus J. Carlson ..........................................B12

    Pastor Tim Miller ...........................................................B14

    Pastor Tim Terrell ...........................................................B16

  • KPC Media Group Inc. A3Prayer & WorshipDecember 2015


    to come & celebrate Christmas with us

    Sun., Dec. 208:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.

    Christmas EveThursday evening

    5:30 p.m. & Midnight

    Christmas Day 9:00 a.m.

    St. Michael The Archangel * ( ; / 6 3 0 * * / < 9 * /

    *9 >H[LYSVV

    Merry Christmas!Come & Celebrate

    Gods Greatest Gift to UsWednesday Evening Advent Services:


    Drive Thru Nativity::H[\YKH `+LJLTILYH[! !WT

    Sunday School Christmas Program:


    TLC Preschool Christmas Program:


    Candlelight Christmas Eve Service:


    Christmas Day Service:-YPKH `+LJLTILYH[ !HT

    Trinity Lutheran Church5VY[O4HPU:[YLL[(\I\YU

    To me Christmas reminds me that God gave us the greatest of all gifts when he sent his son to die on a cross to be the once and for all time sacrifice for our sins!

    Over and over in the Old Testament the Holy Bible records God making agreements with his people and his people violating those agreements over

    and over!Once Gods people were slaves in Egypt

    and they prayed to be released!So God performed many miracles to

    have them released and yet at the first sign of any trouble they turned against God!

    But God still loved them so he sent his Son!

    Now a whole new agreement!Those who accept Christ as their Lord

    and Truly Risen Savior and seek to follow him will spend eternity with Christ in heaven!

    Now we no longer have to sacrifice a lamb or a bird when we sin!

    Rather we can repent of our sins and

    ask God to forgive our sins and since Christ paid the price for our forgiveness on the cross we can be assured our sins are forgiven!

    Because of this great gift those who accept Christ as their Lord and Savior and seek to follow him have the absolute and total assurance of spending eternity with Christ in heaven!

    When the Christian dies he leaves the land of the dying and enters the land of the living!

    Each day on earth we are one step closer to dying but in heaven death and dying are no more!

    As mere humans it really is impossible

    for us to truly comprehend heaven!Here is that the great Apostle Paul said

    about heaven:No one has seen, no ear has heard, no

    mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him. 1 Corinthians 2:9 NIV

    Paul was actually taken up into heaven and given a glimpse of it so he knew what he was talking about!

    I am also reminded that Christ will come again!

    This time every eye shall see him!Every knee shall bow!So be ready for we do not the time or

    the hour of our Lords return!

    What Christmas means to me


    New Life Lutheran Church, Waterloo

  • KPC Media Group Inc. A4 Prayer & Worship December 2015


    New Lifethrough Christs amazing grace!*VTLNYV^^P[O\ZH[5L^3PML3\[OLYHU







  • KPC Media Group Inc. A5Prayer & WorshipDecember 2015

    4793 CR 40A, Auburn5 miles east of Auburn at

    intersection of CR 40A and CR 47



    Thursday, December 246:30 PM ~ Candlelight Christmas Eve Service

    Sunday, December 2010:15 AM ~ Norris Chapel Choir performing

    the Cantata Breath of Heaven

    For additional info, please check out our webpage at and click on the newsletter page.

    501 S. Broadway Butler

    260-868-2191 800-292-6568

    Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 AM-5:00 PM


    Remembering the Reason for the Season

    1917 Dowling St., Kendallville, IN 260-343-0000

    Thank you for making us your first choice


  • KPC Media Group Inc. A6 Prayer & Worship December 2015


    601 W. North Street, Kendallville, IN (260) 242-5500

    Advertising Partners with:

    Merry ChristmasJoin Us for Worshipthis ChristmasChristmas Eve Eve Family

    Candlelight ServiceWednesday, December 23 7 p.m.

    at the Crosswalk Facility adjacent to theLigonier United Methodist Church.

    Family friendly service, childrens program,Christmas carol singing.

    Christmas Eve Candlelight & CommunionThursday, December 24 11 p.m.

    at the Ligonier United Methodist ChurchTraditional service with the Christmas story and hymns.

    Not a Silent Night

    Sunday Worship9 a.m. Traditional (Ligonier United Methodist Church)

    10:30 a.m. Modern (Crosswalk)2:30 p.m. Nuevo Principio (Crosswalk)

    Ligonier United Methodist Church466 Townline Road, Ligonier, IN 46767

    260-894-3765 www.ligumc.orgPastor Jill Wright

    Christmas is not our birthday, nor most likely is it the birthday of anyone in our family. In fact, most people who have birthdays in December, and specifically on December 25th feel left out because their birthdays, their special days are diminished. Christmas is about Jesus birthday; and his birthday is unimportant except we, as Christians believe in Easter, believe in the resurrec-tion and we believe in the life that Jesus offers us through the grace of forgive-ness. Therefore we celebrate Christmas, but our celebration should be different than the rest of the worlds celebration.

    So each year about this time, I ask

    myself, What can I do to honor Jesus on his birthday?, rather than ask the question, what should I get everybody for Christmas. The answer has always been clear, dont get more stuff for your family or others that dont need one more thing, but follow Jesus words from Matthew 25. Jesus has said, look out for those who are hungry, thirsty, in need of clothes, are in prison, or sick, or are strangers in our land. Therefore, our family has stopped giving extrava-gant gifts to each other. Instead we have turned our attention to the need for fresh water in Africa, specifically, Burkina Faso.

    In February 2013, I had the privilege of joining 14 other pastors and church leaders from Northern Indiana on a trip to Burkina Faso to see firsthand the needs of those in the 2nd most miserable country in the world (according to BusinessInsider) Fresh water is a critical need because many remote villages are without a clean fresh water

    source. Many other countries in Africa suffer from a similar plight. In addition, they are in need of sanitation facilities, food, and ways to be employed. The current unemployment rate is 77%.

    For me, Christmas means worship-ping fully, giving more, spending less, and loving all. Jesus came to change the world, and Christmas can still change the world, but we as Christians must first change the way we look at Christmas and celebrate Christmas. If we give more of ourselves (our time) to those we love rather than spend money on gifts that arent needed, we can make a difference in the world by spending our funds more wisely. (From 1999 to 2014, gifts card sales increased from $19 billion to $124 billion. An estimated $750 million in cards went unused.) If we give more of ourselves, we can have fuller, richer relationships that allow us to love all. Our relationships help build up our communities. Jesus calls us to love the unlovable. In Matthews 5th

    chapter, Jesus said, If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Reaching out to others helps make a difference right where we are. That gift cannot be measured and has a lasting impact on our families, our communi-ties, and to the world. In situations like in Burkina Faso or other places in Africa, we can make a difference by funding the building of fresh water wells and there is always a need for teams to go and build those wells, so we can build relationships with villages across the ocean.

    Please join me in finding new ways to honor Jesus on his birthday. Find ways to worship fully. Find ways to give more of yourself. Find ways to spend less, but spend more wisely. And finally, love all. We can love because Jesus first loved us.

    Honor Jesus on his birthday


    Ligonier UnitedMethodist Church

  • KPC Media Group Inc. A7Prayer & WorshipDecember 2015


    SUNDAY, DEC. 20 5-8 PM

    CHRISTMAS EVEThursday, Dec. 24

    Mass Times: Childrens Mass 5:00 PMMidnight Mass: 10:00 PM

    CHRISTMAS DAY Friday, Dec. 25 10:00 AM

    St. Anthony ofPadua Church700 W. Maumee St.,

    Angola, IN


    Come worship with us at

    St. Paul ChapelChristmas Eve,

    Thursday, Dec. 24 8:00 PM

    Christmas Day,Friday, Dec. 25 9:00 AM

    8780 E 700 N, Fremont, IN

  • KPC Media Group Inc. A8Prayer & WorshipDecember 2015

    In our family, we have a holiday tradition. We gather together to make chocolates and candies. We place them in Christmas themed papers and then carefully package them to use as gifts. This tradition has grown over the years and now includes lots of help - my daughters and their husbands/fiances, my husband, my sister, my mother, my sisters-in-law and an occasional friend or neighbor. Its a great day of laughter, good-na-tured hassling (they dont call me the Quality Control Queen for nothing!) creating and eating. But it wasnt always like this.

    I started this process when Pete, my husband, and I had more time than money. We needed a memorable gift to give to farming landlords and we didnt have the funds to do it. So I began dipping chocolates. It was small-scaled back then. My first year I bought 3 pounds of milk chocolate, 2 pounds of white chocolate and 1 pound of dark chocolate. I worked on the chocolates at night after we put the girls to bed. But as the years went on, his farming operation grew and so did the opportu-nity to give landlord gifts. I added more chocolate and worked more evenings. Fortunately, the girls started getting older and I included them in the candy preparations. Its grown from there. Last year, I bought 12 pounds of milk chocolate, 8 pounds of white, and 5 pounds of dark chocolate to dip! The volume of chocolate has increased, the girls have grown up and helping circle has gotten larger. The fun has gotten larger and better, too! Its so much more fun to do this with a group than by myself late in the evening.

    One big difference in the big group candy-making and my solo candy-making is the preparation. I have to be ready for lots of help. I have to have all the chocolate purchased and centers made. All of the papers and all of the boxes must be gathered or purchased. And I have to gather all of the other supplies, like cookie sheets, well need for the candy making so that the group can just get busy. I prepare each year so the group can gather and have fun. God did some major prepara-

    tion work before the first Christmas, too. God had given notice of what God would do through the prophets down through the ages. Isaiah 7:14 says, Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. God called a young woman and her fianc to be Jesus parents. And God sent Jesus as a baby.

    After his birth, God chose to give notice of the birth of our Savior to a strange group - the shepherds. (You can read about this in Luke 2:8-20.) They were second class citizens. They were not respected. But God honored them by announcing the birth to them first and announcing it with a resounding angel chorus. The shepherds joined the holy family to worship the newly born king. Later, Magi, wise men from the East, joined the family to worship the new king. (This story is in Matthew 2:1-12) The moral of this beginning? Youre never too poor or too humble of circum-satances to join Gods table and youre never too rich or important to join Gods table. God wants all people to be a part of the community of faith. God wants a relationship with everyone. God invites all people to Gods table!

    And somehow, because God wants a relationship with all people, theres always room at Gods table, too. Even though Jesus was born into a single family he didnt keep his message small for long. When he began his ministry he called twelve people to help him the disciples. Those disciples learned from Jesus about his intention to have a relationship with all of the people of the world. They began sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with their friends and neighbors and the group following Jesus grew.

    It continues to grow today. Unlike so many things in this world,

    Gods love is a never-ending, never-ex-hausted resource. Humans run out of time. We run out of money. But God never runs out of love. And like the growth of my candy making, God wants to grow the table. Gods dining room table is big enough to include everyone; and everyone is on Gods guest list. This Christmas, wont you join your friends and neighbors at Gods house? This Christmas, wont you accept the love God has for you for yourself? Pull up a chair. Well add another leaf to the table, put some extra in the pot, and get you a plate and some silver-ware, because at Gods house, all are welcome! Theres always more room at Gods table!

    Room at the table


    Howe UnitedMethodist Church








  • KPC Media Group Inc. A9Prayer & WorshipDecember 2015

    Th urs ., Decembe r 24Christmas Eve Service of

    Candles and Carols8:00 PM

    Holy CommunionHymns by Candlelight111 W. 12th St.

    (Corner of 12th and Jackson)Auburn

    Reverend Lyle Ewing


    CHURCHInvites you to worship with them this

    Christmas Season!

    Merry Christmas from our

    home to yours

    Kendallville Manor1802 East Dowling St., Kendallville, IN


    Long Term Care/Skilled NursingRehabilitation Services Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy Speech Therapy Rehab-to-HomeRespiteHospiceWound CareDiverse Patient TypesPrivate Insurances, Medicare and Medicaid Accepted

    Coming Spring 2016 Dementia/Memory Care Unit

    Let Heavenand NatureSing...All are welcome

    to Service on Sun., Dec. 20 at 8:30 a.m.

    and Christmas Eve Service at 5:00 p.m.

    Let Heavenand NatureSing...

    1948 CR 28 Auburn

    600 West Maple


    Your complete source for all your trim projects, crown, Victorian base, colonial casing and many more in

    stock. All made in Waterloo, Indiana.

    Its Christmas


    Shop Local!1109 W. Auburn Dr.,

    260-704-5263Dick Rowe,

    Plant Manager

    Your complete source for all your trim projects, crown,

    Victorian base, colonial casing and many more in stock.

    All made in Auburn, Indiana.

    Proudly keeping CHRIST in Christmas!

  • KPC Media Group Inc. A10 Prayer & Worship December 2015 KPC Media Group Inc. A11Prayer & WorshipDecember 15, 2015

  • KPC Media Group Inc. A12 Prayer & Worship December 2015


    Happy Holidays

    Kelly Anderson, Classified RepresentativeCharlene Condon, Classified ManagerKaren Elliott, ArchivesJenny Ernsberger, Marketing RepresentativeKatie Hieble, National Sales AssistantJeff Jones, Marketing Representative

    Megan Kline, Administrative Assistant to the Advertising Director

    Cindy Miller, Marketing Representative Terri Myers, Marketing Representative

    Michele Trowbridge, Marketing RepresentativeMachele Waid, Marketing Representative

    Sue Yeager, Marketing Representative

  • KPC Media Group Inc. A13Prayer & WorshipDecember 2015

    Th e Olde York Church8740 E 300 N PO Box 251

    Fremont, IN 46737Church Phone: 260.495.1911

    Pastor Sam Hoff mans cell 260.495.3125

    Sunday Morning Worship 9 AM2nd Sundays 6:30 PM

    Worship Concerts withguest musicians

    Wed like to wish everyone a blessed Christmas full of love

    and joy. As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, were reminded of

    how grateful we are for the gift s of friendship and goodwill.

    Of all the gifts we receive and give, the gift of presence is of most value. The gift of just being there for someone. Because of love, choosing to spend some time with someone. We have all had times of being in true need of a friendly visit. Or a relaxed (the I dont have anything better to do than to talk to you kind) phone-call. We remember well a shared meal (with eye contact now and again). I believe even children and pets know the value of a person truly being there. For you. The gift of presence.

    Christmas was born for this purpose. God personally gave to us the measure-less gift of His love. In person. In Jesus Christ, His son. My small and quite wise niece, Sylvia, said once that God wore a baby costume. He came to us! The Creator of humanity, the Giver of all that is good, came to dwell with us. How amazing is that? Just to be with us, in the moment, for all

    the moments of our lives. This space in eternity called time was in desperate need of God to being here in the flesh. Love needed to be fleshed out for us. He did that for us. He is the ultimate gift that keeps on giving.

    This gift of presence comes with promise from the One who cannot lie. A promise to never leave us. A promise to keep company with us for eternity itself. As with any gift, this gift requires participa-tion. Acceptance. Focus. Being there

    on our part. It involves real choice on our parts. The added component of love returned. Love without reserve. Love with complete trust in the almighty God.

    Even before Adam and Even chose to distrust the trust-worthy One and believe a deceiver, God knew that we would need a Savior. God without fail, has our eternal best in mind. Sin separates. Sin brings death into life. God knows well this wisdom. He warned. He warns. With the words of warning He always gives provision for complete forgive-ness and new beginnings. Relationship restored. Christmas was His plan to reunite with us. He was born to die for usto conquer the sin that wants to conquer conquer death. The beautiful truth is that we have the ability to choose to allow His Lordship to dwell within us. His sacrifice of love has the miraculous ability to clean our hearts in such a way that His Holy Spirit can

    reside in the hearts that warmly invite Him in. He will be the perfection that we are not, if we allow Him room to be. He longs to be our song when we cant remember the tune. He offers His strength we when are aware of how weak we really are.

    So this holiday season, lets include the birthday boy in our celebrations. He came to be with us in a humble manger. In humble hearts. To overlook Him is to miss the point. We are loved. True life comes when we love Him. Lets decide to give Him the gift of being open-hearted to Him, moment by moment and throughout eternity. His presence is the home our souls sing for with longing.especially this time of year. For it is in His presence that fullness of joy resides.

    Merry Christmas from Pastor Sam & Serena Hoffman

    The Olde York Church!

    The gift of presence is the most precious


    The Olde York Church

  • KPC Media Group Inc. A14 Prayer & Worship December 2015

    Tis the season to celebrate life and remember all the good times weve shared with loved ones

    past and present. As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, we give thanks for all the blessings he

    has bestowed upon us, including the fellowship of friends and neighbors like you.

    200 W. Toledo St., Fremont, IN200 W. Toledo St., Fremont, IN

    (260) 495-2915

    Beams Funeral Home

    WishingYou Peace

    Wishing you and yours a happyand blessed Christmas.

    Rome City United Methodist Church

    Pastor Kevin Brower297 Washington St., P.O. Box 111, Rome City, IN 46784

    (Corner of Washington and Martin)(260) 854-3941

    God is good, All the time

    Christmas is my favorite time of year. We have the opportunity to share our faith and the reason for CHRISTmas. We live in a culture that is quickly trying to diminish the reason for the season and that is Jesus. The greatest gift ever given to man is shared throughout the land in many different ways. Its

    so sad that many born again believers are less than bold with their faith in Christ Jesus. Our Christmas parades are filled with Emergency vehicles and bands and various other business related floats. It is rare to see a God presence anymore as we watch the parade route come to life with activity. Our merchants have gotten to a place where they are more concerned about the wording in sale ads and their windows that might offend someone or keep them from shopping. Happy Holidays has replaced Merry Christmas all over America.

    Our homes are beautiful with lights and wreaths and garland but nativity scenes are becoming a thing of the past.

    Reading the Christmas story has gone by the way side. Blessing the needy neighbor will be overlooked in many communities.

    How awesome would it be if we got back to sharing with our children that God is watching instead of pushing the myth that youd better be good or Santa will pass you by. Im not a Santa hater and I do like to get a gift or two, myself. For those of us that love our faith, God would love for us to have a giving spirit as He did. Sharing the gospel and giving to those in need will always be the greatest gift ever. Scripture is plain that: it is more blessed to give than receive, Acts 20:35.

    Jesus gave His life so that we could gain our life back. Before that could happen, He had to step out of Eternity and come to earth in human form to fully pay the price for all man and his sin. That is what we celebrate at Christmas time. The birth of Jesus will always be the most important part of Christmas. As long as there is breath, as long as life on this earth exists, Jesus will be the reason for the season whether we think He should be or not. MERRY CHRISTMAS

    Mike AlbaughDESTINY Family of Faith445 N. Riley St.Kendallville, IN 46755



    Destiny Family of Faith

  • KPC Media Group Inc. A15Prayer & WorshipDecember 2015

    Destiny Family of Faith Invites You to...

    Doors Open at 6:30 p.m. with aDessert Bar & Special Christmas Music

    Musical Starts at 7 p.m.

    Pastor Mike & Karen Albaugh

    Thursday Bible Study 6:30 p.m.Sunday Service 10:00 a.m.

    Youth Group Wednesdays 6:30 p.m.Mini Youth Tuesdays 6:00 p.m.

    December 18th & 20th

    445 N. Riley Street Kendallville, IN

    Please invite your family & friends...

    ALL ARE WELCOME!Also...Christmas Eve Service 6:30 p.m.

  • KPC Media Group Inc. A16 Prayer & Worship December 2015

    Christmas EveCome worship with us this

    Join us for Sunday worship 10:15 AM

    ST. MARKS EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH302 W. Washington St., St. Joe, IN 46785

    Member Church of the Lutheran Congregations in Mission for ChristFloyd Shoup, Pastor

    and experience the love of the coming Messiah!7 p.m. & 10 p.m. Christmas Eve Services

    300 W. Maple St., Waterloo(Corner of Maple & Elm)


    Please come join us as we celebrate the true meaning of the

    season on Christmas Eve at 5:30 p.m.

  • KPC Media Group Inc. A17Prayer & WorshipDecember 2015

    Each year Christmas for me is defined not by the date or even, sad to say, the church year, but by the Christmas shows I have seen. I can track the coming of Christmas through seeing old familiar favorites I grew up with, such as Rudolph, Frosty the Snowman and How the Grinch Stole Christmas. With the advent of cable, there is now the twenty-five days of Christmas hosted by ABC family that helps us count down. It has gotten to the point, for me, where it would not feel like Christmas had come if I did not get to see all of my favorite Christmas shows.

    Yet, as my brother loves to point out, most of these shows do not deal with the main event of Christmas: Gods Son entering the world for the sake of the world. They miss the reason for the season we might say. As you may guess, my brothers

    favorite Christmas show is A Charlie Brown Christmas, since it is the only one that, quite literally, has the gospel message. Thus, as I think about Christmas as the event where God began Gods redemption of the world through Christ, I thought it would be appropriate to begin the process of redemption for familiar Christmas stories and characters that many of us, including myself, love. I will not be able to tackle them all in this brief piece, but will begin with a major character: Santa Claus.

    We all know the gist of Santa Claus, he travels around the world in one night delivering gifts to good boys and girls and coal to those who have been naughty. In seminary, I remember being told to stay away from talking about Santa Claus in church because he already gets media attention and can be a symbol of material-istic indulgence. Well, I am going to try to redeem Santa Claus for use in the church (seems crazy, I know, to try to mix modern culture with the church, but here we go).

    For those of us who would like to keep the commercialized Santa Claus out of the church, I think it is important for us to remember that the origins of Santa Claus was in the church. In fact, St. Nicholas,

    the legend around whom Santa Claus was developed, was a bishop in the Christian church around 300 AD. But before we even dive down that rabbit hole, I think there already is a redeemable message about Santa Claus. How many children wake up Christmas morning and find coal in their stockings? Would that same number match if a strict list was kept around being naughty or nice all year for each child? The answer: probably not. Santa Claus, and parents, like to give good gifts to children, and yes that often includes naughty or undeserving children. If memory serves, Jesus himself addresses that very issue (Mt. 7:9-12). See, the way in which Santa Claus gives gifts is the same way in which God gives gifts, freely even to those who do not deserve them. Christmas is a time we remember God giving the gift of Gods Son so that all may be called children of God. Just as Santa Claus does not give us the deserved lump of coal in our stocking, so too does God not give as we deserve, but grants good gifts to us, gifts of forgiveness and salvation. So even without delving back into the origins of Santa Claus, we can find redeemable material that highlights the reason for the

    season. But just for fun, let us do a little delving

    into the life of St. Nicholas. The story goes that St. Nicholas lost both of his parents early in life, so he had a rather large inheritance at a young age. In his effort to follow Christ, he gave of that large inheritance to help the poor and needy in his midst. Out of his abundance he shared with those in need, even those others might say were undeserving. It is amazing to think about the transformative power this gift-giving had. It was enough for people to take notice and continue to commemorate almost 2000 years later. It is important to remember that this larger-than-life character of Santa Claus started as an individual addressing the needs of his own community. Of course, this stemmed from St. Nicholas recognizing the gift of abundant life God had already offered him in Christ. That is what Christmas is all about Charlie Brown: seeing the amazing gift God gives freely, Gods own son, for the sake of the world. Recognizing that gift in our own lives, we may transform communities through offering that same gift to those around us, not only at Christmas time, but every day of our lives.

    Redeeming Christmas stories


    EMOWREYCalvary Lutheran

    Calvary Lutheran Church1301 Williams Street, Angola,

    Celebrating and Sharing

    Christs Love

    O Come Let Us Adore HimChristmas Eve Service

    7:30 p.m.Worship with us on Sundays at 9 AM

  • KPC Media Group Inc. A18 Prayer & Worship December 2015

    I will never forget celebrating Christmas as a child. The sights, smells, and feelings of excitement rush into the forefront of my soul as the world gets ready for Christmas each November. The reminders begin to pop up all around; people begin hanging lights outside their homes, stores begin the Christmas push, and familiar songs and carols play on the radio. Christmas was special to me in those early years because it meant peace and security.

    At the age of 4 my parents divorced which left our family fractured. I have good memories of my childhood, but it was also a time of uncertainty and anxiety. Yet, the Christmas season felt different. It was a time when our family tightened up a bit; it was a season when we were more intentional about getting together and spending time with each other. Extended family would come and

    stay, we would have meals with one another, and for a day my sister and I could escape into one or two great toys we received as gifts. Christmas just felt more comfortable and more secure. My fondest childhood memories are bound to Christmas; it truly was a season of comfort and joy in the midst of darker family dynamics.

    It wasnt until I was older that I began to see just how much light, comfort, and joy Christmas brings. In my late elementary years I began to pay more attention to the birth of our Savior. Jesus was the central element for our family at every Christmas, but the significance emerged for the first time as I was beginning to get to know Him personally. Now, as an adult with two children of my own, its not difficult to see the gravity of that child born in Bethlehem.

    As an adult Ive endured great pain, Ive watched loved ones endure great pain, and Ive witnessed a world that has suffered through tragedies. The uncertainty and anxiety of the family dynamic I grew up in at the wake of my parents divorce was a microcosm of the fractured world in which we live. Life is full of mountain tops and valleys. We spend an inordinate amount of time climbing up steep slopes trying to get out of the valley, or worse, trying not to

    stumble down the other side back into another valley. Suffering is as real and unavoidable as the air we breath. It doesnt take long to realize this world leaves us with a lot of uncertainty and anxiety. And then theres Christmas.

    In the Bible Jesus reminds us that this world is broken and will be full of uncertainty; John 16:33b says, Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world. And overcome He didall beginning as brilliant light illuminating the dark, fractured, uncertain, anxiety ridden world from that manger in Bethlehem. Isaiah said it wellNevertheless, that time of darkness and despair will not go on forever. The people who walk in darkness will see a great light. For those who live in a land of deep darkness, a light will shine. For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace!

    For me, Christmas is still a season of comfort and security in the midst of broken-ness, yet in a more tangible and real way. In the words of Brennan Manning from his book Souvenirs of Solitude:

    Christmas is the promise that the God who came in history and comes daily in mystery will one day come in glory. God is saying in Jesus that in the end everything will be all right. Nothing can harm you permanently, no suffering is irrevocable, no loss is lasting, no defeat is more than transitory, no disappointment is conclusive. Jesus did not deny the reality of sufferingHe simply stated that the kingdom of God would conquer all of these horrors, that the Fathers love is so prodigal that no evil could possibly resist it. Christmas is a vision that enables the Christian to see beyond the tragic in his life. Its a reminder that he needs the laughter of God to prevent him from taking the world too seriously. The Christian law of levity says that whatever falls into the earth will rise again. Gods laughter is His loving act of salvation, and Christian laughter is the echo of Christmas joy in us.

    If you really accept the mystery of Bethlehem, your heart will be filled with comfort and joy in the midst of the darknessa joy the world cannot understand. Thats precisely what I think about in early November when the lights are being hung, the stores begin their push, and the carols begin to ringand I cannot be thankful enough for the comfort and joy that He brings.

    The comfort of Christmas


    South Milford Church of Christ

    Come all ye faithful...



    Agape Assembly of God of Waterloo

    960 W. LINCOLN ST. WATERLOO260 8377897





    WORSHIP 6:30 PM


    Merry christmas!

    Wishing you a Christmas lled with a whole lot of fun and cheer!



    818 N. Orange St., Albion, IN 46701 260-636-2288

  • KPC Media Group Inc. A19Prayer & WorshipDecember 2015

    South Milford Church of Christ Christmas ServicesJoin us this Christmas season as we celebrate the

    birth of the Savior!Christmas

    Communion ServiceWednesday, December 23 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

    We want to welcome you to come out to hear the Christmas message in song from our choir, and to be blessed as we observe the Lords Supper in honor of the birth, life, ministry,

    death, resurrection, and coming of Jesus.

    ChristmasSunday, December 20

    Service 1: 9:00 AM Service 2: 10:30 AMCome and worship the King with us as we praise Him during the Christmas season. Our worship

    times are the same each Sunday. We would be blessed to have you join us.

    God Bless and Merry Christmas from the South Milford Church of Christ.

    St. Rd. 3, 2 miles north of South Milford260-351-3671

    He is Christ the King

  • KPC Media Group Inc. A20 Prayer & Worship December 2015

    The Olde York ChurchPastor Stephen (Sam) Hoffman260-495-1911 cell 495-3125

    8740 E 300 N PO Box 251,

    Fairview Missionary ChurchPastor Joel Greenwood

    525 E 200 NAngola, IN 46703

    Clear Lake LutheranPastor Tim Miller270 Outer Drive

    Fremont, IN 46737Church phone number is: 260-495-9790

    Nursery only on Sunday morning worship services

    Lakewood Park Baptist ChurchPastor Scott Taylor

    5555 CR 29 Auburn, IN 46706260-925-2006

    St. Mark Lutheran ChurchPastor Floyd Shoup302 Washington St.St. Joe, IN 46785

    419-260-6991 419-260-4664

    Email: prshoup@gmail.comWebsite:

    Butler United Methodist Church

    Pastor Kevin Marsh501 W. Green St.Butler, IN 46721

    Bridgeway Evangelical ChurchPastor Jeff Wolheter

    210 Brians PlaceKendallville, IN 46755

    260-599-0339Morning Worship:

    First Christian ChurchDr. Thomas Clothier

    110 W. Waits Kendallville, IN 46755

    260-347-1729Morning Worship 8:00 and 10:00

    Life Changing Realities Fellowship

    Pastor Byron Adams Angola Campus

    2201 W. Wayne St.260-665-1463

    Edgerton Campus 428 W. Vine St.419-298-1463


    Howe United Methodist Church

    Pastor Jean Ness511 Third St., Howe, IN. 46746

    Ligonier United Methodist Church

    Pastor Jill Wright466 Townline Road, Ligonier, IN. 46767

    Messiah Lutheran ChurchPastor James Tews

    2955 E. 700 S., Wolcottville260-854-3129

    Rome City United Methodist Church

    Contact: Pastor Kevin Brower297 Washington St.,

    Rome City, IN. 46784260-854-3941

    South Milford Church of ChristLead Minister Brian Walter

    8030 E. 600 S., Wolcottville, IN. 46795

    Church Services Directory


    Handicapped Accessible

    Nursery Provided

  • Supplement to The News Sun, The Star, The Herald Republican and The Butler Bulletin December 15, 2015 and The Garrett Clipper December 17, 2015.


    December 2015Worship&

    Section B

  • KPC Media Group Inc. B2 Prayer & Worship December 2015

  • KPC Media Group Inc. B3Prayer & WorshipDecember 2015

    Come home for

    Christmas and join our family as we celebrate the birth of our

    Savior, Jesus Christ through candles, carols

    and scripture.

    Lakewood Park Baptist Church Christmas Eve ServiceDecember 24, 2015


    5555 County Road 29 Auburn IN 46706


    Join Us Dec. 24 6pm

    Christmas Eve Service

    Bring your family and join us for our

    CANDLES & CAROLSA special invitation for you to come celebrate

    Christmas with us!

    Monday, December 21How Dark is my Night - A Night of

    Hope & Remembrance7:30 PM

    Thursday, December 24Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

    9:00 PM

    He comes to bring us comfort

    4099 CR 59 ButlerAcross from SDI

    I was going through my girls toy room the other day oh, how I realized how quickly they have grown up! Gifts that they had received over past Christmases, they had quickly outgrown. There were dolls that had collected dust, board games that were missing pieces, and stuffed animals that had lost their stuffing. The room

    had the appearance of an abandoned toy store. As we approach another Christmas, my girls have already given me their wish list and I can see already that some of the items they will quickly outgrow.

    Im so thankful that when God gave us His gift that first Christmas morning, His son was born in a manger. It would be a gift that we would never outgrow our need for, unlike our toys, that eventually wear out and break down. Christs love for you and I will never break down or wear out. Its a love that cant be lost. He is alive and well and comes with a promise; I will never leave you or forsake you.

    The best giftEvoking memories from days gone by...

    Its nally the big night. The little church is lled with family and friends. All the children have assumed the roles of shepherds, angels and innkeepers. The scene is a stable in Bethlehem. Will you remember your part in the Christmas Story?

    At 7:30 PM, December 24th, Cedar Lake Church of Christ, with our Cedar Lakers Childrens Ministry, will present the story of Jesus birth. We hope your family can come and celebrate with us!

    Candlelight Christmas Eve Service

    Cedar Lake Church of Christ1492 CR 27, Waterloo

    (3 miles north of US 6) Handicap Accessible FacilityJonathan Pennington, Minister



    First Church of Christ Garrett

  • KPC Media Group Inc. B4 Prayer & Worship December 2015

    797 N Detroit St, LaGrange, IN 46761

    Prelude music at 6:30 and 10:30 pm.

    There will be Holy Communion at both services.

    Christmas Services

    at 7:00 pm and 11:00 pm

  • KPC Media Group Inc. B5Prayer & WorshipDecember 2015

    Auburn Baptist Church Wishes You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    910 N. Indiana Ave, AuburnWorship is at 10:45 a.m. Child care is provided

    For more information, call 260-333-0599.

    You are invited to join us forworship during the Christmas season on December 13, 20 and 27

    and New Years on Sunday, January 3, 2016.

    Christmas!Merrywishes you a

    Christmas Eve ServicesThursday, December 24 7 p.m. and 11 p.m.

    Butler UMC Chorus Christmas Program

    Dec. 20 9:30 a.m.

    Live NativityChurch Parking Lot Dec. 20 4-6 p.m.

    Please come and join us for one of our Christmas services.

    501 West Green Street 260-868-2098Pastor Kevin Marsh

  • KPC Media Group Inc. B6 Prayer & Worship December 2015

    The Childrens ServiceSun., Dec. 20 at regular

    9:30 AM service

    Christmas Service Thurs., Dec. 24 7 PM

    Advent ServicesDec. 2, 9 & 16 7 PM

    Messiah Lutheran Church2955 E 700 S Wolcottville

    Corner of SR 9 & 700 S 854-3129




    Christmas & New Years ScheduleSACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confessions)

    Any Sat. 4:00-4:45 p.m. & Tues., December 22 6:00-7:00 p.m.


    4:30 p.m., Concert of Christmas Carols5:00 p.m., Early Evening Mass

    9:00 p.m., Concert of Christmas Carols9:30 p.m., Late Evening Mass

    CHRISTMAS DAY FRI., DECEMBER 259:00 a.m., Christmas Mass

    NEW YEARS EVE THURS., DECEMBER 315:00 p.m., Evening Mass

    NEW YEARS DAY FRI., JANUARY 19:00 a.m., New Years Mass

    Glory to Godin the highest

    Luke 2:14

    CHRISTMAS the birthday of Jesus Christ, Son of God, Son of Mary, Savior of the world, fulfillment of the ancient promise. This is what His followers remember and celebrate. Jesus comes into the world to show us the way back to the Father. This

    assertion is what Christianity is all about for by treading in His footsteps we are sure of our eternal destiny. It is Jesus Who gives new life to our mortal beginnings. So let us put Christ back into Christmas! Midst the tinsel and colored lights and all that surrounds the usual festive celebrations, our focus is on Him born in a stable for there was no room in the inn. May He bring joy and peace to all who open their hearts to receive his love.




    Immaculate Conception

    Catholic Church

  • KPC Media Group Inc. B7Prayer & WorshipDecember 2015

    The Churches of the East Noble Ministerial Association wish you

    a Merry Christmas!

    Ark of Avilla Assembly of God - AvillaBeacon Baptist Church - KendallvilleBread of Life Tabernacle - Kendallville

    Bridgeway Evangelical Church - KendallvilleBrim eld United Methodist Church - Wawaka

    Calvary United Methodist Church - AvillaChurch of Christ - Kendallville

    Crosspoint Family Church - KendallvilleEmmanuel Lutheran Church - LaOtto

    Faith United Methodist Church - KendallvilleFellowship Bible Church - Kendallville

    First Baptist Church - KendallvilleFirst Christian Church - KendallvilleFirst Church of God - Kendallville

    First Presbyterian Church - KendallvilleGospel Lighthouse Church - Kendallville

    Grace Christian Church - KendallvilleHarbor of Love Baptist Church - KendallvilleHarvest Community Church - Kendallville

    Hopewell Presbyterian Church - AvillaHouse of Prayer - Kendallville

    Immaculate Conception Catholic Church - KendallvilleImmanuel Lutheran Church - Avilla

    Kendallville Assembly of God - KendallvilleLaOtto Wesleyan Church - LaOtto

    Liberty Free Will Baptist Church - Wolcottville Mt. Pleasant Lutheran Church - Kendallville

    New Hope Baptist Church - KendallvilleNew Life Tabernacle - Kendallville

    Pine Hills - KendallvilleRome City United Methodist Church - Rome City

    St. Gaspar Catholic Church - Rome CitySt. John Lutheran Church - Kendallville

    St. Mary of the Assumption - AvillaTrinity Church United Methodist - Kendallville

    Vineyard Christian Fellowship - Rome CityWayne Center United Methodist Church - Kendallville

    Weston Street Bible Church - Rome City

  • KPC Media Group Inc. B8 Prayer & Worship December 2015

    Do you remember a few years back when, on July 22, 2013, at 4:24 pm, Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a son? It wasnt hard for me to find the date and even time of little Prince Georges birth, or to find the words of the official Kensington Palace announcement. In Great Britain and elsewhere around the world peoples excitement about the birth of the future monarch was at a fever pitch and the impending birth monopolized the press.

    The first Christmas was the complete opposite of Prince Georges royal birth. No media were present. Joseph didnt Tweet out details of their journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Mary didnt have a Facebook page where she could show off pictures of her newborn son. Cable News wasnt there to provide moment-by-moment updates on the Saviors birth. Yet what happened that first Christmas transformed the world in ways no other birth before or since could. The world still hasnt gotten over the birth of Jesus!

    The early church set aside time before Christmas to prepare for Jesus birth. This season of Advent, a Latin word meaning coming, is all about understanding that Jesus birth was not

    a one-time occurrence, but that every Christmas has within it the possibility of Jesus being born again in our lives and in our world.

    The fourth verse of the familiar carol O Little Town of Bethlehem reminds us of this:

    O holy Child of Bethlehem, descend to us, we pray;

    cast out our sin, and enter in, be born in us today.

    Two-thousand years ago, a baby was born, sent by God to change the world. As God sent Jesus, so Jesus sends you and I to be his hands and feet, delivering Gods gift of hope to a world in need. The end of the book, Sent: Delivering the Gift of Hope at Christmas by Jorge Acevedo and four other United Methodist pastors and leaders, closes with this brief prayer, one I hope you will take to heart:

    God sent Jesus. Jesus sends us, with truth and grace.

    I pray that this will be the year when Jesus changes everything for you. Amen.1

    I too pray that each of us will take the time and effort this busy season to spend some time with God, taking Jesus command to heart, so that by the strength and power of the Holy Spirit, not only can we be transformed, but that we can transform the world through the love of God in Jesus Christ.

    1Jorge Acevedo with Jacob Armstrong, Rachel Billups, Justin LaRosa, and Lancecia Rouse, Sent: Delivering the Gift of Hope at Christmas Abington Press, Nashville. 2015. P. 104.

    Delivering the Gift of Hope at Christmas


    Faith United Methodist Church

  • KPC Media Group Inc. B9Prayer & WorshipDecember 2015

    Christmas Sunday, December 20Worship at 10:00 am

    Christmas Eve WorshipThursday, December 24 at 6:00 pm

    The GiftAuburn Church of the Nazarene

    2301 N. Main St. AuburnPhone: 260-925-3480

    email: of

    Come Celebrate Christmas with us!

    Advent SundaysNovember 29, December 6, December 13 and 20 Sunday School 9 AM and

    Worship at 10 AM

    Advent WednesdaysDecember 9 and 16 Supper at 6 PM and Worship at 7 PM

    Christmas Eve Service with CommunionTh ursday, December 24 at 7 PM

    Bring your family to this special service of candlelight, song, anticipation and celebration

    REJOICE FOR OUR SAVIOR IS BORN! Christmas Day Service with CommunionFriday, December 25 at 9 AM We gather to celebrate the greatest gift

    New Years Day ServiceFriday, January 1 at 9 AM

    Start your year off with fellowship, prayer and communion at the table of our Lord.

    Zion Lutheran Church, LCMS0389 CR 12, Corunna, IN

    Childrens Christmas ProgramSunday, December 20 at 10 AM

  • KPC Media Group Inc. B10 Prayer & Worship December 2015

    At First Christian Church, Christmas is only the middle of the story. The story begins on the last Sunday in November with the beginning of the holy season of Advent, when with the lighting of the Advent wreath-can-dles, we will herald the coming of Christ. But you may wonder; what is Advent? What is an Advent wreath?

    Advent and its symbol, the Advent wreath, as we know it today, has a rich history in Christian tradition, though the actual origins of the wreath are uncertain. Theres some evidence of pre-Christian Germanic peoples using wreathes with lit candles during the cold, dark days of December.

    They were a sign of hope in the future warmth and extended-sunlight days of spring. In Scandinavia during the winter, lighted candles were placed around a wheel and prayers were offered to the light, to turn the wheel of the earth back toward the sun to lengthen the days and restore warmth. By the Middle Ages Christians had adapted the Advent wreath as part of their spiritual preparation for Christmas. After all, Christ is the Light that came into the world to dispel the darkness of sin, and to radiate the truth and love of God. By the 1600s both Catholics and Protestants had developed more formal practices with the wreath.

    If we take a look at the rich symbolism of the Advent Wreath, the evergreens signify our eternal life. When laurel is used it signifies victory over persecution and suffering. The pine, holly, and yew evergreens represent immortality and the cedar, strength and healing. Even the prickly holly leaves

    remind us of the crown of thorns, and one English tradition even says the cross was made of holly. The circle of the wreath, which has no beginning or end, symbolizes the eternity of God, the immortality of the soul, and everlasting life found in Christ. Even pine cones, nuts, or seedpods often used to decorate the wreath symbolize life and resurrec-tion. The four candles of the wreath represent the four weeks of Advent. But tradition even holds that each week of Advent represents 1000 years, to sum up the 4,000 years from Adam and Eve to the birth of Christ. The three purple candles symbolize the prayerful and penitential nature of the Advent Season. The rose candle is lit on the third Sunday of Advent traditionally known as Gaudete or Rejoicing Sunday. It represents that weve arrived at the midpoint of this season of preparation and were close to the Feast of the Nativity Christmas Day. The progres-sive lighting of these candles symbolizes

    the expectation and hope surrounding our Lords first coming into the world and the anticipation of his second coming to judge the living and the dead. The lighting of the center white candle (the Christ Candle) on Christmas Eve celebrates the arrival of Jesus Christ, the Light of the World.

    This tradition may not have been the churchs original idea, but it has become a sacred time for us; a time of holy anticipation where we quietly and excitedly await the birth of the light that will shine into our darkness and bring us to life everlasting.

    We invite you, just as you are, and as you are able, to join us, as we celebrate this blessed birth. We invite you to witness the glory as with each candle, a little more of Gods light is let into a sometimes darkened world. From the family of First Christian Church to your family, may the peace of Christ be with you

    Pastor Betty

    Advent: A holy season


    First Christian Church of Auburn

    First Christian Church910 N. Indiana Ave., Auburn

    Call 925-2798 for additional information

    Please join usChristmas Eve

    at 7:00 PMfor a special service

    Festival of Lessons & Carolswith CandlelitCommunion

  • KPC Media Group Inc. B11Prayer & WorshipDecember 2015

    Sunday School: 9:15 amMorning Worship: 10:30 am

    Bridgeway Evangelical Church 210 Brians Place, Kendallville

    (260) 599-0339

    Breaking Barriers, Bridging Gaps, Building Community

    Bridgeway Evangelical Church wishes you a blessed

    Christmas season with family and friends!

    Join us for a night of worship as we celebrate the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

    Featuring the FCC Worship Choir, Kids Choir, and Praise Team.

    December 19 and 207:00 PM

    First Christian Church110 W. Waits Rd.

    Kendallville, IN

  • KPC Media Group Inc. B12 Prayer & Worship December 2015

    Please come celebrate the Christmas season with us!

    The Touch of ChristmasSunday, December 20

    A Touch from God

    Thursday, December 24Touching God With Our Praise

    Sunday service: 10:30 AMChristmas Eve service: 5:30 PM

    Nursery Available, Handicap Accessible

    Hopewell United Brethren Church6852 County Road 35, Auburn

    Church: 925-4568 Pastor John Erwin: 260-925-3667

    211 W. 9th Street,

    Pastor: Rev. Dr. Marcus J. Carlson

    St. MarksLutheran Church

    Sunday, Dec. 20Worship Service


    Silent Night,

    Holy NightSilent Nigh


    Holy Night

    Christmas Eve Services74!74

    When I think about Christmas (and the Advent season leading up to it), three key terms come to mind as we prepare for the coming of the Christ child: waiting, expectation and anticipation. It is certainly a season of preparation. As a church and a culture, we are distracted by earthly preparations like shopping, decorating, backing and wrapping instead of the kingdom preparation. Our goal should be preparing our hearts to celebrating the birth of Jesus, Gods only begotten son who came to earth to point us to God, show us life, save us and guide us to the abundant life God desires for each of us. It is also a season of waiting. As a father of two children, I think of how they eagerly wait for Christmas morning. I also remember the waiting that we experienced during Jessicas pregnancy with both kids. I can only imagine Mary and Josephs experience. As advent leads up to Christmas, it is also a season of expectation, knowing that Christmas will come whether we are ready or not.

    There are certain aspects of the advent season leading up to Christmas we can expect with great consistency, and hopefully our expectation is charac-terized by joy.

    Advent is also to be a season of anticipation, not only anticipating the Christ child, but also reminding us that we can and should anticipate the coming of God into our lives each day.

    The challenge is that we often fail to anticipate Gods work in our lives and relationships. We fail to assume a yes with one another, but also with God. We fail to remember the power of Gods grace as well as Gods miracu-lously redeeming power. In this way, we

    fail to be a Christmas people. In advent and Christmas we remember and celebrate the coming of Gods only son to earth, the coming of a king and savior in the form of a humble and innocent baby, born in controversy and in the midst of livestock. Simply put, we forget Emmanuel, God with us. One of the great miracles of Christmas is that God came to earth to be with the people he created out of love. God is still with us, and advent and Christmas are meant to remind us of the great power of Christ coming to earth. We fail to anticipate Christ coming into the world, not just in this season, but also in every season of life. God is with us. God comes to us. We can and should antici-pate the work of God in our lives and in the world. It is already here and already happening. If we can anticipate that Christ is with us, assuming a yes knowing that God is for us and wants to redeem all things, then I suspect our own relation-ship with God, our lives, our families, our churches and the world may begin

    to look very differently to us. Instead of assuming the worst, we can assume Christ will redeem and at the very least will have our hearts and minds focused on Christ instead of the circumstances that surround us.

    In the end, our anticipation is not a matter of hope. It is a matter of trust. It is knowing that the essence of faith is trust and that we can and should trust the God of the universe, anticipating his coming to us in all seasons and circumstances.

    The gift of Christmas is that we can anticipate that God is with us and desires to bring his life, grace, mercy, forgive-ness and redemption to us over and over again. Advent and Christmas are a time of anticipating Jesus Christ born in a manger so that we might be saved. This Christ child came to save, but also came to demonstrate the love of God who seeks to be a part of our lives and redeem each and every moment, experience and relationship that we have. Anticipate, for Emmanuel, God is with us.



    St. Marks Lutheran Church

  • KPC Media Group Inc. B13Prayer & WorshipDecember 2015

    Wishing you joy this Christmas season! Lets keep Christ in Christmas! He is the reason to celebrate!

    Come see us for your holiday baking supplies!

    We carry fresh produce, baking ingredients, fl our, grains, nuts, snack

    mixes, candy, cookie decorations, jams & jellies, teas, pasta, spices and many more items. We just opened

    a fresh meat case with beef, chicken and pork cut daily! Pause and enjoy a freshly made sandwich, salad, wrap or a cup of hot soup in our deli. We have a bakery with amazing cookies, pies,

    breads, rolls and yummy fudge.

    Family Owned and Operated1265 North S.R. 5, Shipshewana, IN


    Where You Find Exceptional Savings!

    Bibles CDs & DVDs Cards Gifts Party Supplies Childrens Books Books - Novels, Devotionals, Inspirationals

    Your headquarters for Sunday School

    Classes, Bible Studies, and Church Supplies



    1055 S. Van Buren St.Shipshewana, IN

    A Christian Bookstore



    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!From our family to yours.

    FREE estimates and rest assured withour 24/7 emergency service team!

  • KPC Media Group Inc. B14 Prayer & Worship December 2015

    On December 24, 2015, the Kendallville community is cordially invited to attend a Christmas Eve Service of Lessons & Carols and a traditional Candle-lighting Service

    at the First Presbyterian Church of Kendallville. The doors will open at 6:00 p.m. for this 7:00 p.m. Christmas worship experience.

    In a reprise of her extraordinary performance last year, we are welcoming back HarpistOlivia Seigel, from Huntertown, Indiana, as the guest musician for this beautiful service

    marking the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Along with Ms. Seigel, Choir Director Judy Kessler will be leading the Kendallville Community Choir which is composed of vocalists from a variety

    of Kendallville area churches.

    There should be ample parking available for this festive event on the streets in and around First Presbyterian Church, As in past years, there will be a reception following this service open to all attendees. A free-will offering basket to bene t Common Grace

    Ministries will be located at the back of the sanctuary for those who would like to support this important outreach ministry. We will also be taking up an offering during

    the service to bene t our congregations mission outreach. Hope to see you there!

    Christmas Eve Service at First Presbyterian Church

    201 S. State, Kendallville 260-347-3721

    Clear LakeLutheran Church

    270 Outer Drive, Clear Lake260-495-9219

    Oh Come Let Us Adore Him!

    Share the greatest gift of all this Christmas:the gift of faith!

    Christmas Eve CandlelightService 7:00 pm

    Regular Sunday Worship 9:00 am

    The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, full of grace and truth. John 1:14

    Birthdays lose their fascination as we age and eventually we want to ignore them all together. The attitude is: been there, done that, its time to move on.

    It is easy for our celebration of Christs birth to become buried in the commotion of the holiday. The fascina-tion of, God becoming man mellows, and we think weve heard that, and now what else?

    But there is nothing else to move on to. This is the good news of the ages.

    God who created the heavens and the earth, chose to become flesh and made his dwelling among us. This is hard to wrap our minds around. He became one with us to take our place on the cross.

    The child that Mary held in her arms, was so much more than He appeared to be. He was the one that God promised to Abraham would come, He was the Son of David, and He was the hope of the ages. Mary knew the surprise that Jesus was, and pondered it in her heart. She learned what we also have also come to know, that Jesus is the Good Shepherd, the Redeemer of the World, the King of All Kings, and the Resurrection and the Life.

    Year after year, there is so much to celebrate in Jesus birth. It fills us with thankfulness and joy. There is nothing more to move on to. We are looking forward to celebrating Jesus for all eternity.

    Celebrate Jesus


    Lutheran Church

  • KPC Media Group Inc. B15Prayer & WorshipDecember 2015

    Caring PeopleMake the Difference AMISH COUNTRY POULTRY

    Natural Antibiotic Free

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  • KPC Media Group Inc. B16 Prayer & Worship December 2015

    Thursday, December 24, 20157:00 PM

    Family and Candlelight Service

    11:00 PMTraditional Christmas Candlelight Service

    Pastor Tim TerrellPastor Tracey Zimmerman

    Come Grow, Share, and Serve

    Angola United Methodist220 W. Maumee, Angola, IN 46703



    FairviewMissionary Church

    See how Fairview Missionary Church is helping people take their next step toward Jesus.

    Come Join Us!



    Corner of SR 827 and CR 200 N(1 mile east of Meijer and Menards)

    Angola, Indiana

    Map to Fairview Missionary Church

    The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighbor-hood. John 1:14, The Message

    For me the main message of the Christmas story is that in Christ Jesus the God of the universe showed up.

    In Jesus, God showed up to forgive, heal, and restore us. God made the first move in our world. As Jesus followers, we are called to be people that show up in peoples lives. In being willing to show up, especially when people are hurting, we become channels of Gods love to others. God desires we be people who are willing to show up. A question to ask ourselves this Christmas is; Where is God calling me to show up this Christmas season?

    What Christmas means to me...


    Angola United Methodist Chruch

  • KPC Media Group Inc. B17Prayer & WorshipDecember 2015








  • KPC Media Group Inc. B18 Prayer & Worship December 2015

    May the gifts of peace, love and joy light your way to ful llment this Christmas.

    Two LocationsAngola, IN Campus 2201 N. Wayne St. 260-665-1463Edgerton, OH Campus 428 W. Vine St. 419-298-1463

    Handicap Accessible at both campusesLCRFWIRED.ORG Pastor Byron Adams

    December 19/20 Weekend(regular identical services)

    Edgerton Saturday 5pm,Sunday 9 & 11 am

    Angola Sunday 9 & 11 amKidzWorld/Childcare open for

    Newborn - 6th Grade

    Special Christmas Services,A Light in the Darkness

    (all services are identical)

    Wednesday, December 23at 6 & 8 pm

    Th ursday, December 24at 2, 4, 6 and 8 pm

    Location: Edgerton Campus OnlyEveryone welcome to attend this FREE event!

    KidzWorld/Childcare open for Newborn - 3rd Grade

    No Services at either campus onthe weekend of December 26/27

  • KPC Media Group Inc. B19Prayer & WorshipDecember 2015

    Church Services Directory


    Topeka United Methodist ChurchPastor Kevin Dekoninck

    104 Pine St., Topeka, IN. 46571


    Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

    Pastor James Elsner10275 E. 550 S.,

    Hudson, IN. 46747260-351-2144

    Garrett First Church Of Christ Pastor Brother Bud Owens

    213 E King St., Garrett, IN

    New Life Lutheran ChurchRev. Merle R. Holden, Pastor

    365 Lockhart St., Waterloo, IN574-215-4288

    St. Marks Lutheran ChurchRev. Dr. Marcus J. Carlson

    211 W. 9th St., Auburn, IN

    Waterloo United MethodistRev. Mike Halferty300 W. Maple St.,

    Waterloo, IN(Corner of Maple & Elm)

    Hopewell United Brethren Church

    Pastor John Erwin6852 CR 35, Auburn, IN

    Cedar Lake Church of ChristJonathan Pinnington, Pastor

    1492 CR 27, Waterloo, IN

    (13 miles north of US 6)260-587-3885

    Auburn Church of the Nazarene

    Pastor Doug Thomas2301 N. Main St.,

    Auburn, IN260-925-3480

    www.auburncn.orgChildcare Available for Sunday

    morning worship only

    Calvary Lutheran ChurchRev. Daryle J. Emowrey, Pastor

    1301 William St., Angola, IN

    New Hope Christian CenterPastor Ralph Diehl900 S. Wayne St.,

    Waterloo, IN260-837-3631

    Angola United MethodistPastor Tim Terrell &

    Pastor Tracey Zimmerman220 W. Maumee St.,

    Angola, IN260-665-3914

    St. Anthony of PaduaFather Robert Showers

    700 W. Maumee St., Angola, IN

    St. Paul ChapelFather Robert Showers

    8780 E 700 N,Fremont, IN

    St. Michael the ArchangelFather David Carkenord

    1098 CR 39, Waterloo, IN260-837-7115

    Handicapped Accessible

    Nursery Provided

  • KPC Media Group Inc. B20 Prayer & Worship December 2015

    Church Services DirectoryMaple Grove United Methodist Church

    Pastor Jim Kemerly1948 CR 28, Auburn, IN

    Auburn Baptist ChurchPastor Bill Weaver

    910 N. Indiana Ave., Auburn, IN

    Trinity Lutheran ChurchPastor Jonathan Nack

    1801 N. Main St., Auburn, IN

    Immaculate Conception Church

    Rev. Derrick Sneyd500 E. 7th St.,

    Auburn, IN260-925-3930

    Mt. Pleasant United Methodist ChurchPastor Christine Fodrea

    4099 CR 59, Butler, IN 46721

    868-5747Follow us on Facebook

    First Christian ChurchRev. Betty Sivis

    910 N. Indiana Ave., Auburn, IN

    260-925-2798www.fccauburn.comHandicap Accessible

    Auburn Presbyterian ChurchRev. Lyle Ewing111 W. 12th St.,

    Auburn, IN260-925-2987

    Zion Lutheran Church, LCMSRev. Al Wingeld

    0389 CR 12, Corunna, IN 46730

    Auburn Church of ChristPastor Joe Heins

    1103 S. Jackson St., Auburn, IN

    Agape Assembly of God of WaterlooPastor Tom Neddersen

    960 W. Lincoln St., Waterloo, IN260-837-7897

    Norris Chapel United Methodist Church

    Pastor John Cohrs4793 CR 40, Auburn, IN

    Faith United Methodist ChurchPastor Steve Bahrt411 E. Harding St.,

    Kendalville, IN 46755260-347-2616

    First Presbyterian Church of Kendallville

    Rev. Jordy Truman201 S. State,

    Kendallville, IN 46755260-347-3721

    Mt. Zion Lutheran ChurchPastor Justin Smoot797 N. Detroit St.,

    LaGrange, IN260-463-3624

    Handicapped Accessible

    Nursery Provided

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