Pray for those on the Sick List · 2,000 years ago, our parish of Saint Gabriel Parish has been...


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May 31, 2020

Pentecost Sunday



“Brothers and sisters: No one can say ‘Jesus is

Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit. There are

different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same

Spirit; there are different forms of service but the

same Lord; there are different workings but the

same God which produces all of them in

everyone. To each individual the manifestation of

the Spirit is given for some benefit…For in one

Spirit we were all baptized into one body…and

we were all given to drink of the one Spirit.”

We proclaim that Jesus is Lord, and everything that

goes along with it. He is Savior, Teacher, Brother.

Because the Spirit dwells in me, I do not hesitate to

make this assertion.

Take a moment, to reflect upon the gifts I see in

others. They too are signs that the Spirit dwells in

that person. Do not hesitate to mention your respect

for them because of the presence of the Spirit and

the gifts they possess. It might be the special

moment to awaken in them the need to continue to

exercise these God given gifts. Do I find charity,

kindness, humility, the spirit of evangelization,

holiness in them? Pray for them, help awaken that

presence of the Spirit in them.

If anyone would like to have a Mass said, get in touch with Sr. Anita by mail at St. Gabriel Rectory, 2917 Dickinson St., Phila. PA, 19146, phone: 215-464-4060, or by email

Please leave your name and phone number. Give information about the intention of the Mass and the person who is requesting it. Also note your date preference.

The Mass intention will be said by Father

Carl, the Masses are streamed

on SATURDAY, May 30

For the deceased members of St. Gabriel Parish

SUNDAY, May 31

James "Jimbo" Gillespie RB by the family

MONDAY, June 1

Eddie McGrary RB Debbie & Paul McLaughlin


Angelina Gallo RB the family


Lynn & Patrick Kilgarriff RB the family


For Father Lee’s Intentions RB Anna Martin

FRIDAY, June 5

No Intentions


Tom and Laura Christopher RB the family

SUNDAY, June 7

Helen Ambrutis

Pray for those on the Sick List Grace Curran, April DeMatto. Tony Schriver, Joel Rivera, Cathy O’Brien, Catherine Krecko, Nicole Palandro, Claire Williamson, Donna Tafuri, Christopher Browne, Scott McDowell, Mary Kennedy, Lisa Ruggino, Steven Porter, Ed McCarron, Mary & Ann Bell, Tracy Cotter, Carol Mills, Grace Griffiths, Susan Cullen, Colleen Riddell, Greg Barrett, Brian Berry, Nan Mulligan and for those suffering from addiction, especially young adults. Please send us names you would like to add to the List

The app is also available on The Rectory gate will be open Monday – Friday

10:00AM-2:00PM, if you would like to drop your

envelopes in the mailbox It is located on the left side of the rectory door.

God bless you and your families. Thank you for your continued support of

our parish family and God bless!

Reflections from Sister Rose Fan into Flame the Gifts You Have Received!

Dear Friends in Christ,

Happy Pentecost! Today we celebrate the birthday of the Church (now don’t we all love a good birthday


Like Mary and the first apostles who prayed in the upper room for the coming of the Holy Spirit over

2,000 years ago, our parish of Saint Gabriel Parish has been praying the nine day novena in preparation

for this great feast!

Each day we prayed for a particular “fruit” of the Holy Spirit. Those fruits included charity, joy, peace,

patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control and goodness. As we prayed, we believe that God

truly wants to give us a deepening of these graces and blessings.

The apostles were afraid and scared before the coming of the Holy Spirit, but when the Holy Spirit

descended on each one of them in tongues of fire, they became changed people. Now they would proclaim

Jesus Christ risen from the dead with boldness, celebrating the mighty deeds of God and speaking in

different languages, singing, dancing, etc. As the apostles were changed people, so we pray that each one

of us might be changed and that we would allow God to use us as he used the apostles.

One of my favorite sayings from scripture comes from Saint Paul’s letter to the Ephesians 3:20. “Glory

be to God whose power working in “us” can do infinitely more than we could ask or imagine.” Instead of

the word “us”, I invite you each day to place your own name in the place of the word “us”. My prayer

each day is “Glory be to God whose power working in Sister Rose can do infinitely more than she can ask

or imagine.”

As we anticipate the opening up of our church for public masses next weekend, Saint Gabriel Parish and

the Grays Ferry needs you! God needs your unique gifts and talents so that his message of salvation can

be proclaimed even more boldly.

Our world needs people dedicated to Jesus Christ at this time more than ever.

Can you be counted on?

Daily prayers!

Happy Pentecost!

Sister Rose

WHAT IS YOUR LEGACY? Leaving a Legacy: Please remember St. Gabriel’s Church, 2917 Dickinson St. (our legal title) in your will. Your legacy will help support our mission and allow us to serve future generations. At the time of a funeral please consider requesting donations to be sent to the parish. That gift will have a long range effect for good and your loved one will be remembered in prayer.

MEMORIALS David Tighe RB Annamary E., Renevieve Prechtel, Elizabeth A. Prechtel Dunphy, Liz and Jake Dunphy, We sincerely thank the families and friends who request and make donations to the parish in memory of their loved ones.

Masses will be said during the year for the intentions of all those enrolled in the Memorial Fund and those who contribute to the Memorial Fund

Pandemic Beatitudes by Mark Davies

Blessed are the mask wearers, for they help keep persons of sacred worth from dying alone

and scared, separated from family and friends.

Blessed are those who care for the sick and comfort the dying, for they are the presence of

Beloved Community.

Blessed are those who mourn the dead rather than minimize their death, for they will retain

their humanity.

Blessed are the scientists searching for treatments and vaccines, for they are bearers of hope.

Blessed are the food providers, for those who can and cannot pay, for they are sustainers of


Blessed are those who keep their distance, for they allow our beloved ones to remain close.

Blessed are those who refuse to profit unjustly from the pandemic, for they bear witness to

justice and common decency.

Blessed are employers who keep workers safe, for they value life over profit.

Blessed are leaders who make compassionate decisions based upon knowledge and evidence,

for they forge a wise path.

Blessed are the truth tellers, for they provide the best information possible to keep all of us


Blessed are those who do not use the pandemic to divide us, for they work for the common

good of all.

St. Gabriel food Pantry Food collection at Mass, the first Sunday of every month
