Pray for the Philippines




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The Philippines, a country in Southeast, has close to

98 million people and the majority

is Roman Catholic.

The Philippines will have its presidential elections on

May 10 and, for the first time in the

nation’s history, the Commission on

Elections will implement full automation.

Victory is one church that meets in 60 locations all across the Philippines. In Metro Manila alone, Victory has 13 congregations with

over 70 weekly services.

Prayer Points • Intercede for the leaders of the body of Christ and pray for true reconciliation and unity among each other.

• Pray for a peaceful, orderly an honest election and pray for the full automation to work. Pray that the church and all Filipinos will actively take part in the election process.

• Ask the Lord for His will to be done and to put in position his appointed leaders.

• Pray that the Filipino people will vote wisely and according to conscience. Pray against election fraud and manipulation.

• Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and for God’s agenda to be fulfilled in the prayer gatherings being organized by the leaders of the body of Christ.