Präsentation SMGD PZ 07.12.2014


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Precious Metals: The Gold Bugs Index!

Our Focus: Growth of Earnings!

UxC Uranium U3O8 Swap Futures End of Day Settlement Price since 1999


Fukujima: $70

Summer 2014: $28

Now: $35

Gold USD/OZ. Since 2004

+389% -26%

Gold – meets the basic definition of money since it has

intrinsic value

Silver USD/OZ. Since 2004

+749% -66%

Not only is silver a precious metal but it is also used and consumed as a commodity.

Palladium USD/OZ. Since 2004

+362% -6%

Palladium and platinum are good catalysts.

Why Invest in Precious Metal Companies?


ROYAL GOLD: A World Class Royalty Company


Why Invest in a Precious Metal Fund?


Buying individual stocks is potentially lucrative, but it can be risky as well. When you buy an individual stock you always run the risk that the company will go out of business, or that the stock will fall sharply.

When you invest in a stock mutual fund, you become part owner of many different stocks. Some mutual funds hold dozens or even hundreds of different stocks, and this can spread out your risk and reduce the volatility of your overall portfolio.

Why Invest in The Sierra Madre Gold & Silver Venture Capital Fund?

The Fund will seek to achieve its investment objective by investing • at least eighty-five per cent (85%) of its assets in securities, issued by junior precious metal

exploration, development and production companies operating in Latin American. • The remaining fifteen per cent (15%) of the Fund’s assets may be invested in securities issued by

gold and silver exploration, mining and production companies operating anywhere in the world. Mexico, as one of the most prolific mining countries of the world, will be one of the main targets of investment where not less than forty per cent (40%) of the Fund’s assets will be invested. Capital gains may also be achieved by investing up to twenty-five per cent (25%) of the assets of the Fund in Private Placements of listed companies provided that the shares will be freely tradable within six (6) months from the date of placement. Capital gains may also be achieved by investing up to fifteen per cent (15%) of the assets in companies which are conducting an IPO (initial public offering) with the intention to list the shares within three (3) months. The Fund also retains the right to invest in Time/Cash deposits as circumstances may dictate. Borrowing may be affected to satisfy short-term liquidity requirements.

9 Reasons To Own Gold

• Gold is universal money, a tangible store of value and wealth protection. • Physical gold cannot go bankrupt or broke. Gold bullion will never

default on promises or obligations. • In times of crisis, gold bullion tends to increase sharply in value • Gold is not created by governments nor is its value dependent upon

governments. All of today's governments issue paper fiat currencies (dollars, euros, yen, pounds, yuan, rupees, pesos, etc. ). Fiat currencies have no tangible value and are backed only by government decree (namely legal tender laws ). Historically, governments always create and issue too much fiat currency.

• Investors can buy and own gold privately and anonymously.

9 Reasons To Own Gold (continued) .

• Today, most nations are inflating and devaluing their respective fiat currency's

purchasing power to both boost international trade and exports, and to more easily finance their nominal debts and social program liabilities. For instance, in the USA, retirees will most likely receive future promised Social Security checks... although there is no promise on how many goods and or services these checks will actually buy.

• Gold bullion investments are extremely portable, liquid, and easy top store. • Governments and Central Babnks are now net buyers of gold, meaning they are

buying and hoarding more gold bullion than they are selling. • Politically or through market demand, governments will come under increasing

pressure in returning to currencies backed by gold. Returning to a Monetary Systems anchored in gold could cause the value of gold bullion to rise considerably in the years ahead.

Why Mexico?

Competitive Advantages to Business in Mexico 1. Free trade agreements with major economies (U.S.A.,

Canada, Europe, among others) 2. Political and financial stability 3. North American style Legal & Accounting system 4. 100% Foreign Capital Allowed 5. Widespread modern communications and transportation

infrastructure 6. Highly qualified human resources 7. Strategic geographical location

Mexico’s Economy

• The economy of Mexico is the 14th largest in the world in nominal terms and the 10th largest by purchasing power parity, according to the IMF.

• Inflation and interest rates have been reduced to record lows. • Some of the government's challenges include the upgrade of infrastructure, the

modernization of the tax system and labor laws, and the reduction of income inequality.

• The economy contains rapidly developing modern industrial and service sectors, with increasing private ownership. Recent administrations have expanded competition in ports, railroads, telecommunications, electricity generation, natural gas distribution and airports, with the aim of upgrading infrastructure.

• As an export-oriented economy, more than 90% of Mexican trade is under free trade agreements (FTAs) with more than 40 countries, including the European Union, Japan, Israel, and much of Central and South America.

• The most influential FTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which came into effect in 1994, and was signed in 1992 by the governments of the United States, Canada and Mexico.

• Mexico's labor force is 78 million. The OECD and WTO both rank Mexican workers as the hardest-working in the world in terms of the amount of hours worked yearly, although profitability per man-hour remains low.

Where are precious metal shares now?

+37% +80% +128%

+29% +66%




Buy low, sell high! Low is now!

The Sierra Madre Gold & Silver Venture Capital Fund: a focused but well-diversified portfolio.

Country Weightings by Operations

Fund Facts

Who we are!

Timing is Everything!

Financial Crisis 2008?

The Recovery!

+472% The Erosion!
