Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana completes six years Elets...


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+C M Y K

Regn. No. 34190/75 No. 231 Port Blair, Saturday, August 29, 2020 Web: Rs. 3.00 Pages 4

...the Largest Circulating Daily of the Islands

Since 1920s the Oldest Daily...Maximum Temperature (°C) of Date: 32.4Minimum Temperature (°C) of Date: 25.6Relative Humidity(%) at 0830 IST : 071Relative Humidity(%) at 1730 IST : 075Sunrise time on 29.08.2020 (in IST): 0509Sunset time on 29.08.2020 (in IST): 1731Rainfall upto 0830 hrs of date (last 24 hrs)- in mm: 000.0Rainfall upto 1730 hrs of date in mm: 000.0Rainfall (Progressive total from 1st January 20 upto0830 hrs (of date) in mm: 1563.7 mm

Dry weather most likely over Port Blair.Maximum and Minimum temperature will bearound 32°C and 26°C respectively onSaturday 29/08/ 2020.

# Andaman Fights COVID 19 Use face mask & maintain 'do gaz ki doori'- Together we will fight COVID-19C M Y K

"I will not let anyonewalk through my mindwith their dirty feet."

Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana completes six yearsIts a game changer initiative serving as

foundation for many poverty alleviation initiatives& benefitting crores of people: PM

New Delhi, Aug 28Central Government's flagshipfinancial inclusion programmePradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana(PMJDY) has completed six yearstoday. The scheme was launchedon 28th of August in 2014 withan aim to provide universalaccess to banking facilities to thepeople in the country. While launching theprogramme, Prime Minister, ShriNarendra Modi had describedthe occasion as a festival tocelebrate the liberation of thepoor from a vicious cycle. Over40 crore 35 lakh bank accountshave been opened under thescheme since its inception andOne lakh 31 thousand crorerupees have been deposited inthese accounts. About eight crore

various schemes. Prime Minister,Shri Narendra Modi said thatPradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojanainitiative has been a game-changer and serving as thefoundation for many povertyalleviation initiatives,benefitting crores of people. In aseries of tweets, Prime Ministersaid, six years ago, the PradhanMantri Jan Dhan Yojana waslaunched with an ambitious aimof banking the unbanked. PrimeMinister said a high proportionof beneficiaries are from ruralareas and are women. He said, thefuture of several families hasbecome secure. PM alsoapplauded all those who haveworked tirelessly to makePradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojanaa success. (Source:

Sensitizing shopkeepers/vendors on COVID-19 ProtocolCommunity participation is the way ahead

in the fight against COVID-19: DC (SA)

Port Blair, Aug 28 The Deputy Commissioner (SA), Shri SuneelAnchipaka, SP (SA) alongwith Chairman, PBMC,Adhyaksh, ZP (SA) and Ward Councillors and otherOfficers of the District Administration made visit tovarious market locations in and around Port Blair area tocreate awareness among the public and vendors in its bidto curb the spread of COVID-19. At Ratnam Market and Mohanpura, the teamdistributed masks to the shop keepers selling groceries,vegetables, fish and chicken. They further interacted withthe customers/general public and appealed everyone towear masks properly and adhere to the protocols in orderto prevent further spread of COVID-19. At School Line, the street vendors selling vegetablesand fruits were also given masks and were made to

understand the importance of COVID-19 protocols suchas cleanliness, handwash, wearing of masks and socialdistancing in the effective fight against the spread of thevirus. The District Administration appeals to the public tojoin hands in this fight against the pandemic. DC (SA)appealed to the public to make sure that the articles theypurchase from shops and street vendors are clean andproperly sanitized and advised the shopkeepers to adhereto COVID-19 protocols. Further, DC(SA) requested theelected representatives, Civil Society Organisations,NGOs and other voluntarily groups to actively participatein this fight and ensure two 'Golden Principles' ofCOVID-19: 'Wear Masks properly' and 'maintain socialdistancing'/do gaz ki doori, a press release from DC (SA)said.

Port Blair, Aug 28 As per the direction of Andaman & NicobarAdministration, in order to enhance theexisting infrastructure facilities for treatmentof COVID patients, Andaman PWD in a recordtime of 15 days has developed an additionalCOVID Care Center with 144 beds atJawaharlal Nehru Rajkeeya Mahavidyalaya(JNRM). This newly created COVID Centerhas been set up in newly constructed triplestoried building of JNRM having 24classrooms and 8 laboratories. The existingrooms of this building have been modifiedto meet the requirement of COVID patientsand other facilities in consultation with theHealth Department. A total of 24 Rooms havebeen converted to COVID Isolation Roomwith six beds in each room apart from threerooms for doctors and other frontlinehealthcare workers. The Center facilitates 48 water closets inthe building and 20 bathrooms constructedon the ground floor rear side of the building.

Additional COVID Care Center with144 beds set up at JNRM by APWD

Complete area barricaded as 'No Entry' Zone

These bathrooms are provided with 24 x 7 hot and cold water supplies. Further, it is worth mentioning here that additional laboratory

(Contd. on last page)

PMJDY account holders are receiving DirectBenefit Transfer from the Government under

Port Blair, Aug 28 To contain thespread of COVID-19,Port Blair MunicipalCouncil has takenseveral measures. TheCouncil has deployeddedicated team tokeep the city spic &span and carry outsanitation across allwards. The bio wastesare collected fromQuarantine Homes,

Effective management of bio waste in Municipal WardsPBMC restarts developmental

works pertaining to roads,drainage & retaining walls

Guest House, Marketplaces and publicplaces of entireMunicipal wards.

Port Blair, Aug 28 The Ministry ofSocial Just ice &E m p o w e r m e n t ,Govt. of India underCentrally SponsoredScheme of Pre &

Post MatricScholarship, grantscholarship to OBCstudents of A& NIslands for studyingin Class I to X (Pre-Matric) and Class XI

& XII (Post Matric).Earlier theScholarship wasawarded to thestudents whoseparents /g uardians

The dedicated stafftoday with protectivegears collected wastes

(Contd. on last page)

(Contd. on last page)

Scholarship to OBC students of A&N IslandsMinistry of Social Justice & Empowerment revisesincome criteria for various scholarship scheme

Port Blair, Aug 28 Keeping in view theprevailing COVID-19situation in Andaman& Nicobar Islands, ithas been decided tocontinue with therestrictions of not more than one flight per day between Mainland-Island sector for a further period upto 30th September, 2020. Accordingly,the fights will be operated to Port Blair by Air India and Indigo airlines

Restriction in operation ofCommercial Flights between

Mainland-Island sector upto Sept. 30Air India & Indigo to operate flights in different sectors

(Contd. on last page)

Port Blair, Aug 28 The District Administration is taking various proactive steps tofacilitate smooth conduct of JEE/NEET examination in the SouthAndaman District. The District Administration will be arrangingtransportation, lodging & boarding facilities for the needy studentsparticularly for the inter-island candidates on nominal payment. Further, for smooth conduct of the examination, the DistrictAdministration has deployed Executive Magistrates to oversee the law& order situation and to maintain COVID-19 protocols at

District Administration makes arrangementfor candidates to appear for JEE/NEET

Deploys Executive Magistrates for smooth conduct of exam

(Contd. on last page)

Elets Virtual National Water Innovation Summit 2020 heldProud moment for Port Blair; PBMCawarded for 'Innovation in Water

Resource Management'

Port Blair, Aug 28 Port Blair MunicipalCouncil (PBMC) has beenawarded by Ministry of JalShakti in the Elets VirtualNational Water InnovationSummit 2020 in the category of

Innovation in Water ResourceManagement by an Urban Local Body(ULB). The award was presented to theSecretary, Port Blair MunicipalCouncil & Chief Executive Officer,Port Blair Smart Projects Limitedtoday.

The award recognized the work ofPBMC in restoring ten HeritageJapanese Well in Port Blaircontributing to Water Management, apress release from PBMC said.



SaturdayAugust 29, 20204 Daily Telegrams

Published by IP Division, Directorate of IP & T and printed by Manager, Govt. Press, Chief Editor (i/c): K. Biju Nair, Ph- 229217, 227201 Fax: 03192-227719 E-mail: thedailytelegrams@gmail.comFor distribution /advertisement queries contact Manager, Govt. Press : 229465


24x7 CONTROL ROOM NUMBERS: 240126/ 232102 / 1077/ 1070(Source: Commissioner-cum-Secretary (Health))

National Sports Day todayAwardees happy to be part of first-ever

virtual National Sports Awards

from Horn Bill Nest,Haddo Circuit House,South Point CircuitHouse, Zilla Niwas,Pillar Hospital,T r a n s i tAccommodation andITI Dollygunj andcarried it to theincinerator of theG.B.Pant Hospital forfinal disposal. The MunicipalCouncil also sanitizesthe Municipal area atregular interval. Theareas sanitized todayinclude ITIDollygunj, DairyFarm, Sea Shore RoadWard No. 14, RoundBasti, Ward No. 04and Aberdeen Bazaar,

rooms (8 Nos) of theexisting buildinghave been keptreserved as standbywhich may beconverted toadditional COVIDIsolation Rooms inshort notice, if theneed arises. Theintercom facilities inall rooms and CC TVwork are also inprogress which will becompleted soon. The

Additional COVID Care Center with 144 beds ...(Contd. from page 1)

complete area is being barricaded from the other infrastructure, to contain the spread of thevirus and has been made 'No Entry Zone', a press release from APWD said here.

Overall topp e r f o r m i n guniversity in inter-u n i v e r s i t ytournaments is givenMaulana Abul KalamAzad (MAKA)Trophy. In additionto these SportsAwards, the spirit ofadventure among thepeople of the countryis recognized bybestowing theTenzing NorgayNational AdventureAward. In a first-everendeavour, the firstNational Sports and

Adventure Award2020 is beingconducted virtuallyon 29th August, 2020.65 awardees areexpected to attend theceremony. The awardeeswill attend theceremony fromvarious places acrossthe country viz.Bengaluru, Pune,Sonepat, Chandigarh,Kolkata, Lucknow,Delhi, Mumbai,Bhopal, Hyderabadand Itanagar. (

PBMC restarts developmental works pertaining...(Contd. from page 1)

Ward No. 05.Dead Bodies are cremated at cremation ground with proper care following the guidelines.Sanitized vehicles are used to transport these bodies to the cremation ground. Besides sanitation and water supply, PBMC is also trying to restore its other normal worksduring this COVID situation. Different sections have started developmental works like plasticshredding for road work, construction of road works, construction of drainage and retainingwalls. PBMC's Revenue Counter has started functioning for receiving dues like market rents,water charges, property taxes and other charges also. PBMC has appealed to the citizens of Port Blair City to follow the guidelines issued bythe A&N Administration, a press release from PBMC said.

Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment revises income ...(Contd. from page 1)

income from all sourcesdoes not exceed Rs. 2.50lakh and Rs. 1.50 lakhper annum for Pre-Matric & Post Matricrespectively. In order toencourage morestudents enrolment andto avail the benefi tunder the scheme,MoSJ&E, GoI hasrevised the incomecri teria in variousscholarship scheme for

S.No Scheme Existing Income Criteria

New Income Criteria

1. Post Matric Scholarship for OBC Rs.1.50 lakh Rs.2.50 lakh 2. Dr.Ambedkar Post Matric

Scholarship for Economically Backward Class

Rs.1.00 lakh Rs.2.50 lakh

As earlier, eligible students may collect the form from the OBC Cell, Secretariat Complex. Students of Govt. & Non-Govt. School shall submit the application duly counter signedby their Head of Institution to the Nodal Officer (Scholarship), Directorate of Educationthrough the respective Zonal Education Officer/Deputy Education Officer. Principals/Head of the Institutions have been requested to facilitate the eligible students to availthe scholarship, a press release from Directorate of Social Welfare said.

the current FY 2020-21 as mentioned.

field of sports by asportsperson over aperiod of four yearspreceding the award. The awards will beconferred in virtualmode. The ceremonywill be held at 11 amtomorrow (Aug. 29).The event will betelecast live onDoordarshan andstreamed live onh t t p s : / / Arjuna Award isgiven for consistento u t s t a n d i n gperformance for fouryears; Dronacharya

Award goes to thecoaches for producingmedal winners atp r e s t i g i o u sinternational sportsevents; Dhyan ChandAward is for life timecontribution to sportsdevelopment andRashtriya KhelProtsahan Puraskar isgiven to the corporateentities (both inprivate and publicsector) andindividuals whohave played avisible role in thearea of sportspromotion anddevelopment.

New Delhi, Aug 28 National SportsDay is celebrated onAugust 29th, thebirthday of MajorDhyan Chand. Thisday commemoratesathletes who havemade an impact onIndia's progress insports culture andmedals. SportsAwards are givenevery year torecognize and rewardexcellence in sports.Rajiv Gandhi KhelRatna Award is givenfor the spectacularand outstandingperformance in the

* Additionally, Air India will be operating cargo flights from Chennaito Port Blair on every Wednesday & Saturday. This flight on its returntrip will carry passengers from Port Bair to Chennai, a press releasefrom Directorate of Civil Aviation said.

Day of operation

Airline Sector ETA ETD

Monday Indigo Hyderabad-Chennai-Port Blair-Chennai-Hyderabad

10.45 11.20

Tuesday Indigo Kolkata-Port Blair-Kolkata

9.55 10.35

Wednesday* Air India Delhi-Port Blair-Delhi 15.30 16.30 Thursday Air India Chennai-Port Blair-

Chennai 07.20 09.20

Friday Air India Kolkata-Port Blair-Kolkata

07.50 09.50

Saturday* Indigo Hyderabad-Chennai-Port Blair-Chennai-Hyderabad

10.45 11.20

Sunday Air India Kolkata-Port Blair-Kolkata

07.50 09.50

from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020 under the given schedule:

Restriction in operation of Commercial Flights ...(Contd. from page 1)

Apart from the above, the candidates attending the JEE/ NEETexamination may contact the District Control Room toll free no.1070functioning 24x7, for any assistance to candidates, a press release fromDy. Commissioner (SA) said.

Sl.No. Date Name & Designation Contact No. Area 1 01.09.2020 Shri Manoj,

Executive Magistrate 9434270398 Middle Point

& Aberdeen 2 01.09.2020

to 06.09.2020

Shri Ravi, Executive Magistrate

9434271462 DBRAIT

3 13.09.2020 Shri Manoj, Executive Magistrate

9434270398 Phoenix Bay & Goal Ghar

District Administration makes arrangement...(Contd. from page 1)

each Examination Centre, which is as follows:-

vaMeku rFkk fudksckj iz’kklu ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ADMINISTRATION

Lkfpoky;/SECRETARIAT Health Bulletin For Containment Of


28.08.2020 > Status of COVID-19 Cases :

Total Confirmed Cases 3050 Cured/Discharged from Hospital 2444 Death 42 Active Cases 564 > Clinical Management of Cases : Name of District Isolation Beds

Available Occupied Positive

Cases Admitted

North & Middle Andaman 123 13 13 South Andaman 890 252 252 Nicobar 26 02 02 Home Isolation 00 297* 297* * Includes five cases of Nicobar District. > Status of Sample and Testing for COVID 19: Total Samples sent till date 32100 Total Reports received till date 31815 Total Pending Reports 285 Rate of Testing Per Million 79538 > House to House surveillance throughout South Andaman District

including Containment Zones (Garacharma, Bathu Basti, Dairy Farm, Junglighat, Phoenix Bay, Haddo, Shadipur) are being conducted by District Administration with the help of Health Workers. 71856 population is being surveyed daily.

> Intensive awareness is continued through print and electronic media. > 20128 incoming Passengers screened at VSI Airport and 871 screened at

Haddo Wharf by medical teams since 25.05.2020. > 25520 outward Passengers screened at VSI Airport and 928 screened at

Haddo Wharf by medical teams since 25.05.2020. > 9967 samples of vulnerable passengers (Persons of the age of 65 years

and above, persons with co-morbidity, children age below 10 years, pregnant women, persons coming from mainland after treatment alongwith their attendant and persons who are destined to tribal areas of Islands) collected at VSI Airport/Harbour since 30.05.2020.

> 14759 Calls received by Health Department through Helpline 102 till date to avail health services.

> Tab Azithromycin 43050 Nos. and Tab HCQs 90140 Nos. are available in stock of G B Pant Hospital

SURVEILLANCE DATA (w.e.f 25.05.2020) 1. Asymptomatic Passengers (Flight) under Self-Monitoring

for 14 days till Date 1496

2. Asymptomatic Passengers (Flight) completed 14 Days Self-Monitoring


3. Asymptomatic Passengers (Ship) in isolation in Govt. Facilities.


4. Asymptomatic Passengers (Ship) put in Home Quarantine as on date


5. Asymptomatic Passengers (Ship) completed 14 days Quarantine inclusive of journey period/isolation period


6. Symptomatic Persons isolated in Health facility as on date 78 7. Symptomatic Persons under Home Isolation as on date 00 8. Symptomatic Persons completed 07 days in Home

Isolation 11

9. Contacts put under Home Quarantine till date 4521 10. Contacts completed 14 days period of Home Quarantine 3461 11. Contacts (Symptomatic) put under Isolation in

Government Facilities 00

12. No. of Passengers (Flight) of Outlying areas quarantined in Govt. Facilities as on today


13. No. of Passengers (Flight) of Outlying areas released from quarantined after they tested Negative as on today



August 29, 2020Daily Telegrams ClassifiedsQuotation No: - NHIDCL/RO/A&N/F.Y.2020-21/02

(NIQ) NOTICE INVITING QUOTATION Name of work: Hiring of JCB (Back Hoe Loader) and Tipper 10 ton capacity with Labourers for Clearing Debris from Chidiyatapu (Km 0+000) to Middle Strait (Km 107+000) of NH-04 accumulated due to Land

slide and also filling of suitable materials in cavities caused due to landslide and drain clearance etc during

Rainy Season / Monsoon during the year 2020 for NHIDCL, Project Sites in UT Andaman & Nicobar


Quotation Security : Rs. 10,000/-

Cost of Quotation document : Rs. 500/-

Time period : 06 months

1. Sealed quotations are invited from interested established, experienced and reputed individual/ firms/

organization /dealer and other agencies having adequate experience in above mentioned works. 2. The blank BoQ with Terms & Conditions for the above may be obtained from the Regional Office (RO),

Port Blair from 27/08/2020 (09.00 Hrs.) to 09/09/2020 (15.00 Hrs.). The cost of Quotation Documents is

Rs.500/- (Rs Five Hundred only) and will be paid in the form of Demand Draft in favor of National

Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited payable at Port Blair (A&N Islands).

3. The duly filled quotation in sealed envelope shall be submitted in the Regional Office (RO), Port Blair up to 11.00 Hrs. on 10/09/2020 with Quotation Security of Rs. 10,000/- in the form of Demand Draft in favor of

National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited payable at Port Blair (A&N Islands),

in separate envelope.

4. The quotation will be opened on 10/09/2020 at 16.00 hrs. by Quotation Evaluation Committee constituted

for this purpose in the presence of intending Quotationers. National Highways Infrastructure & Development Corporation Limited Regional Office Address:

The Executive Director (P),

Regional Office NHIDCL,

2nd Floor, J.J Bhavan,

Near Karpagam Dream Hotel, Birdline, Calicut (PO)

Port Blair-744105


Quotation No: - NHIDCL/RO/A&N/F.Y.2020-21/03

(NIQ) NOTICE INVITING QUOTATION Name of work: Hiring of JCB (Back Hoe Loader) and Tipper 10 ton capacity with Labourers for Clearing

Debris from Baratang (Km 107+762) to Humphrey Creek (Km 129+445) of NH-04 accumulated due to Land slide and also filling of suitable materials in cavities caused due to landslide and drain clearance etc during

Rainy Season / Monsoon during the year 2020 for NHIDCL, Project. Sites in UT Andaman & Nicobar


Quotation Security : Rs. 10,000//-

Cost of Quotation document : Rs. 500/-

Time period : 06 months 1. Sealed quotations are invited from interested established, experienced and reputed individual/ firms/

organization /dealer and other agencies having adequate experience in above mentioned works.

2. The blank BoQ with Terms & Conditions for the above may be obtained from the Regional Office (RO),

Port Blair from 27/08/2020 (09.00 Hrs.) to 09/09/2020 (15.00 Hrs.). The cost of Quotation Documents is

Rs.500/- (Rs Five Hundred only) and will be paid in the form of Demand Draft in favor of National

Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited payable at Port Blair (A&N Islands).

3. The duly filled quotation in sealed envelope shall be submitted in the Regional Office (RO), Port Blair up

to 11.00 Hrs. on 10/09/2020 with Quotation Security of Rs. 10,000/- in the form of Demand Draft in favor of National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited payable at Port Blair (A&N Islands),

in separate envelope.

4. The quotation will be opened on 10/09/2020 at 16.00 hrs. by Quotation Evaluation Committee constituted

for this purpose in the presence of intending Quotationers.

National Highways Infrastructure & Development Corporation Limited Regional Office Address:

The Executive Director (P),

Regional Office NHIDCL,


Floor, J.J Bhavan,

Near Karpagam Dream Hotel, Birdline, Calicut (PO)

Port Blair-744105


Quotation No: - NHIDCL/RO/A&N/F.Y.2020-21/04

(NIQ) NOTICE INVITING QUOTATION Name of work: Hiring of JCB (Back Hoe Loader) and Tipper 10 ton capacity with Labourers for Clearing

Debris from Kadamtala (Km 130+600) to Thoratang (Km 206+000) of NH-04 accumulated due to Land slide and also filling of suitable materials in cavities caused due to landslide and drain clearance etc during Rainy

Season / Monsoon during the year 2020 for NHIDCL, Project Sites in UT Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

Quotation Security : Rs. 10,000//-

Cost of Quotation document : Rs. 500/-

Time period : 06 months

1. Sealed quotations are invited from interested established, experienced and reputed individual/ firms/ organization /dealer and other agencies having adequate experience in above mentioned works.

2. The blank BoQ. with Terms & Conditions for the above may be obtained from the Regional Office (RO),

Port Blair from 27/08/2020 (09.00 Hrs.) to 09/09/2020 (15.00 Hrs.). The cost of Quotation Documents is

Rs.500/- (Rs Five Hundred only) and will be paid in the form of Demand Draft in favor of National

Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited payable at Port Blair (A&N Islands). 3. The duly filled quotation in sealed envelope shall be submitted in the Regional Office (RO), Port Blair up

to 11.00 Hrs. on 10/09/2020 with Quotation Security of Rs. 10,000/- in the form of Demand Draft in favor of

National Highways & infrastructure Development Corporation Limited payable at Port Blair (A&N Islands),

in separate envelope.

4. The quotation will be opened on 10/09/2020 at 16.00 hrs, by Quotation Evaluation Committee constituted

for this purpose in the presence of intending Quotationers. National Highways Infrastructure & Development Corporation Limited Regional Office Address:

The Executive Director (P),

Regional Office NHIDCL,


Floor, J.J Bhavan,

Near Karpagam Dream Hotel,

Birdline, Calicut (PO) Port Blair-744105


Quotation No: - NHIDCL/RO/A&N/F.Y.2020-21/05

(NIQ) NOTICE INVITING QUOTATION Name of work: Hiring of JCB (Back Hoe Loader) and Tipper 10 ton capacity with Labourers for Clearing

Debris from Thoratang (Km 206+000) to Lamiya Bay (Km 333+000) of NH-04 accumulated due to Land slide and also filling of suitable materials in cavities caused due to landslide and drain clearance etc during

Rainy Season / Monsoon during the year 2020 for NHIDCL, Project Sites in UT Andaman & Nicobar


Quotation Security : Rs. 10,000/-

Cost of Quotation document : Rs. 500/-

Time period : 06 months 1. Sealed quotations are invited from interested established, experienced and reputed individual/ firms/

organization /dealer and other agencies having adequate experience in above mentioned works.

2. The blank BoQ with Terms & Conditions for the above may be obtained from the Regional Office (RO),

Port Blair from 27/08/2020 (09.00 Hrs.) to 09/09/2020 (15.00 Hrs.). The cost of Quotation Documents is

Rs.500/- (Rs Five Hundred only) and will be paid in the form of Demand Draft in favor of National

Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited payable at Port Blair (A&N Islands). 3. The duly filled quotation in sealed envelope shall be submitted in the Regional Office (RO), Port Blair up

to 11.00 Hrs. on 10/09/2020 with Quotation Security of Rs. 10,000/- in the form of Demand Draft in favor of

National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited payable at Port Blair (A&N Islands),

in separate envelope.

4. The quotation will be opened on 10/09/2020 at 16.00 hrs. by Quotation Evaluation Committee constituted for this purpose in the presence of intending Quotationers.

National Highways Infrastructure & Development Corporation Limited Regional Office Address:

The Executive Director (P),

Regional Office NHIDCL,

2nd Floor, J.J Bhavan,

Near Karpagam Dream Hotel, Birdline, Calicut (PO)

Port Blair-744105


Govt. of India

Ministry of Shipping

Directorate of Lighthouses & Lightships

“Deep Bhavan”, 44-Bhagat Singh Road, Port Blair – 744101

Tel :03192-233298, Fax: 03192-244577

AN/DB (11)/2020

NOTICE INVITING QUOTATION For and behalf of the President of India, the Director of Lighthouses and Lightships, Port Blair,

invites offline bids from reputed firms registered with Central/State Government/Public sector organizations

etc. For the works:-

Name of Work Estimated cost of

work (Rs.) EMD (Rs.)

Bid Submission


Date of Opening of


Supply of MPPT Charge

controller for 1.8 Kw NAIS

power supply at North

Point, Little Andaman &

Katchal(E) Lighthouse

under Port Blair


1,06800/- 0.00

27/09/2020 at

1500 Hrs.

27/09/2020 at


Tender Notice & Document is available at office of the Director of Lighthouses & Lightships, Port

Blair upto 27/09/2020 (1400hrs) on all working days. NIQ can also be seen & download from Departmental

website The bid is to be submitted offline only upto last date and time of submission of


I.D. No. 6846 Sd/-Director

No. TN/DB/PHED/2020/746




PRESS NOTICE The Executive Engineer, PHED, APWD, Prothrapur invites on behalf of President of India, online

Item Rate tenders from manufacturers/ authorized dealers of kirloskar pump/ Greaves pump or equivalent or

eligible contractors of appropriate class of APWD and Non APWD Contractors irrespective of their

enlistment subject to the condition that they have experience on executing the relevant magnitude of work

as per CPWD Works Manual and with other GOI organisations in these Islands and do not have any adverse

remarks for the below mentioned work.




Name of work Estimated cost

put to Tender




Time of










Upgrading the existing Pump house at

Nayagaon Filter bed with 01 No. 127

HP diesel coupled with RKB

125/27/5ST and 01 No. 100 HP Electric

with RKB 125/27/5ST.


Rs.26,51,381/- Rs.53,028/- 03 (One)


Bid document publishing date :- 26.08.2020 1400hrs

Bid document download/ start date :- 26.08.2020 1400hrs

Bid submission start date :- 27.08.2020 1500hrs

Bid submission end date :- 03.09.2020 1100hrs

Bid opening date :- 03.09.2020 1130hrs

The Tender forms and others details can be obtained from the website


Executive Engineer

I.D. No. 6857 PHED, APWD Prothrapur




PRESS NOTE Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up posts of Project Coordinator (1

Post) and Project Assistant (1 Post) on contract basis under National Action Plan for Drug Demand

Reduction (NAPDDR) in Department of Social Welfare, A & N Administration.

About National Action Plan for Drug Demand Reduction: The Ministry of Social Justice and

Empowerment has formulated a National Action Plan for Drug Demand Reduction (NAPDDR) for the

period 2018 – 2025 which aims at reduction of adverse consequences of drug abuse through a multi-

prolonged strategy involving education, de-addiction and rehabilitation of affected individuals and their


Scope of Work: a) Implementation of Action Plan for De-Addiction and Rehabilitation at the UT Level;

b) Hand holding and guidance of all implementing agencies in the field;

c) Close and regular monitoring of all facilities/projects/programmes through visits all over the UT and

generation of requisite reports;

d) Follow up and liaison with all stakeholders, partners and experts including GOI for trouble shooting and

expediting recommendations/clearances/ approvals;

e) Any other task related to Drug Abuse Prevention that is assigned from time to time.

Interested candidates are advised to submit their detailed resume in the prescribed format alongwith

supporting documents with a covering letter addressed to Director (Social Welfare), Directorate of Social

Welfare, Goalghar, Port Blair or mail to: latest by 14.09.2020.



Name of the


No. of


Qualification Desirable Monthly


1 Project

Coordinator 01


Graduate with 05

years experience.

Ability to successfully

handle multiple tasks within

a team environment.

Attention to detail and

problem solving skills.

Good oral and written


Rs. 50,000/- per


(All inclusive)

2 Project

Assistant 01


Graduate with 03

years experience.

Rs. 30,000/- per


(All inclusive)

Terms and conditions:-

1. The appointment will be purely on contract basis as a project staff and no other regular service benefits will

be admissible. The candidates will not have any right to claim for regular employment.

2. No TA, DA will be paid for attending the test/interview.

3. The selected candidate shall be responsible for the implementation of the UT Action Plan for Drug

Demand Reduction functioning under Prohibition Cell, Department of Social Welfare, A & N


ID. No 6847 Director (Social Welfare) FORMAT OF APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF _______________

1 Name of Candidate (IN BLOCK LETTERS)

2 Name of Father/Husband

3 Date of Birth (Proof to be enclosed)

4 Nationality

5 Residential Address with Mobile No.

6 Educational Qualifications along with experience details (Proof

to be enclosed)

DECLARATION I do hereby declare that the information given above is true, complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any information stated above being false or incorrect

or my ineligibility being detected after the appointment, my candidature/ appointment is liable to be cancelled/



Date: Signature of the applicant

Affix Recent

Passport size



August 29, 2020 3Stop Global Warming

Protect future generations from the

harmful effects of global warming by

reducing emissions from power plants,

cars, factories and other sources

Shipping : 245555

Women : 1091

Children : 1098

Coast Guard (Search & Rescue) : 1554

District Control Room : 1070 / 238881

Ambulance : 102

Police Control room : 100

Fire Service : 101

Coastal Security : 1093

PBMC Control Room : 245798

State control Room: 1077/234287

Extn : 328 / 231179

Daily Telegrams

You too can help!!



DOB :14.08.1954 DOD: 18.08.2020

We the family members, deeply mourn the sad demise of


expired on 18.08.2020, Aged 66 years, R/o Nayagoan NearKali Mandir, Port Blair.

Shradh Ceremony will be perfor med on M onday

(31.08.2020) at our Residence, Nayagaon, Port Blair.

Inserted by: Deena Kumari (Wi fe) & all Family


DISCLAIMER Readers are requested to verify and make appropriate enquiries to satisfy

themselves about the veracity of an advertisement before responding to any advertisement

published in this newspaper. The publisher of this newspaper, does not vouch for the authenticity

of any advertisement or advertiser or for any of the advertisers products and services. The

Owner, Publisher, Printer, Employees of this newspaper shall not be held responsible/liable in

any manner whatsoever for any claims and/ or damages/consequences for advertisements in

this newspaper.


Mr S. LakshmananS/o Late Santhanam

M/S S.K.M. Store

R/o Baratang

We, the President, Secretary and all

the members of Grain Dealers and

Grocers Association Port Blair do

hereby convey our deepest condolence

on the sudden and untimely demise of

Mr S Lakshmanan , S/o Late

Santhanam, Age 72, Proprietor of S L

Store, Baratang on 28.08.2020 at


We pray the almighty to give

courage and strength to the family

members of the bereaved family to this

irreparable loss.

Inserted by: President, Secretary and

members of Grain Dealers and

Grocers Association, Port Blair.

REQUIRED One full time house maid. Food & Accommodation provided, Location Middle Point, P/Blair

Cont. 7063937988

AFFIDAVIT I, Sunil Gain, S/o Late Narendra Gain aged about 54 years, R/o Swaraj Dweep, South Andaman employed as Watchman in Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Dollygunj under Andaman and Nicobar Administration, Port Blair Tehsil, South Andaman District, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as follows: 1. That my actual correct name is Sunil Gain as mentioned in Aadhar Card No. 335330804802 and my father’s name is Late Narendra Gain as mentioned in land records documents.

2. That my name is erroneously recorded as “Sunil Kumar Gain and Sunil Chandra Gain” instead of “Sunil Gain” in the service book of Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Dollygunj and school documents. 3. That my name “Sunil Kumar Gain, Sunil Chandra Gain and “Sunil Gain” both are the same and identical person. 4. That my father’s name “Naren Gain” and “Late. Narendra Gain” both are the same and identical person. That I am swearing this affidavit is made for the purpose of correction of my name and my father’s name in the service book of Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Dollygunj and other school documents, hence this affidavit.

That the contents of Para 1 to 4 are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Verified on this 17th day of July, 2020 that the contents of my above affidavit are true and correct to be best of my knowledge and belief and nothing in material has been concealed thereof.


TO LET Available 2 BHK flat with master bedroom beside four & two wheeler parking, near Doctor’s Colony, Nayagaon.

Contact: Mob. No. 9434278808

RNK Water Supply Ensuring a 24x7 water supply reliability

Contact: 9476082627/ 9679562484/ 9933235377

Stay at Home Stay Safe

TO LET Fully tiled, newly painted, 2 BHK flat at

ground floor near Maa Kali Garage, Old Pahargaon.

24 hours water supply. Contact No. 9933235306

Second Death Anniversary

On 29-08-2020

Late Elizabeth PhilipOur lives go without you, but

nothing is the same.

Memories come flooding back,

when someone speaks your name.

Those we love don't go away, they

walk beside us every day, unseen,

unheard but always near, still

loved, still missed and very dear,

with love in our hearts, you walk

with us forever.

Fondly Remembered by: K J Philip,

Husband, Sons and Daughters-in-Law,

Daughters and Sons-in-Law, Grand Children,

Great Grand Children and all Relatives.


We deeply mourn the untimely

demise of Shri Ravi, PST, GSS,

Dairy Farm, P/Blair (Education Deptt.) who expired on 27.08.2020 at G.B. Pant Hospital, Port Blair, R/o Middle Point. DOB: 13.01.1967 to DOD: 27.08.2020

May his soul rest in peace Inserted by: R. Sasikala (Wife), Raja Illakiyan (Son), Preeti, Agnisha, Mangai (Daughters) & all family members, relatives and friends

CAR KEY LOST FORD Car Key lost on 27-08-2020 at Port Blair, If found please contact the below address or phone number, founder will be suitably rewarded. Contact Address

26, MG Road 1st floor Kartar Cloth Store,

Aberdeen Bazar, Port Blair – 744101 Phone: 03192-243044 / 77

Mob. 7063918141 / 9531909962

TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited for appointment of transporting agents for

transportation and clearing and forwarding of materials from Chennai to

Port Blair for all units of ANIIDCO.

Detailed tender documents can be collected from Sr. Manager(I&S),

ANIIDCO on all working days during office Hours free of cost or

downloaded from website The last date of

submission of the tender is upto 3.00 pm on 01.10.2020

General Manager(I&S), ANIIDCO

NOTICE A Local Certificate bearing No. 20201011LC01345 has

been issued to Shri V Manoj Kumar, S/o Shri Malakond

Rayudu, R/o Shadipur under Category 2 (Ten years continuous education in these Islands) from

this office.

Whereas, the said Local Certificate was issued mistakenly

due to over sight. Further, as per GOI, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi,

L. No. U-14011/10(S-41)/79-ANL dated 14.02.1984, he is

not entitled to get the Local Certificate as he does not have continuous 10 years education in these Islands.

Hence, the Local Certificate bearing No.

20201011LC01345 issued to Shri V Manoj Kumar, S/o Shri

Malakond Rayudu, R/o Shadipur is hereby cancelled.


Tehsildar, Port Blair



ON 29.08.2020 In loving Memory of




Though a year has passed but

we have missed you’re presence

every moment in our lives. Interested by: Smt. Baby (wife) &

all family member
