Ppt on old age


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Presented By:Jagrati Jain

M.Sc. Human DevelopmentFinal year

There is a close relationship between the Number of interest people at all ages have and the success of their adjustment.

A number of conditions are responsible for the change in interest which are given below:-

1) Health2) Social status3) Economic status4) Place of residence5) Sex6) Marital status7) Values etc.

Types of Interest

Types of Interest

Personal Interest

Recreational Interest

Social Interest

Religious Interest

Interest in Death

Personal Interest During old age

Interest in Self:- Old person may become egocentric and self-centered to the point where they think more about themselves than about others and have little regard for others Interests and wishes.

They also show their preoccupation with themselves by talking endlessly about their pasts, expecting to be waited on, and wanting to be the center of attention.

Interest in Appearance:- Old person may cease to care about their clothes or become careless about grooming.

Place of residence also plays an important role in determining how great an Interest the elderly have in their appearance.

Old men ,as a group ,tend to be more Interested in their appearance than old women.Who live alone have far less Interest than those who live with grown children or in homes for the retired elderly.

Interest in Clothes:- Interest in clothes depends to some extent upon how socially active the elderly are, partly on their economic status, and partly on how willing they are to accept the fact that they are growing old and must adjust to it.

Women’s clothing styles changes faster than those of men.

Older people’s interest in clothing is also affected by the difficulty they have finding readymade that are stylish and yet fit their aging figures.

Interest in Money:- Retirement or

unemployed may leave the elderly with greatly reduced incomes or with no income at all unless they are eligible for social security or welfare relief.

This focus their attention on money and stimulates their interest in how they can get more money or make ends meet with what they have.

Recreational Interest During old AgeElderly men and women tends to remain interested in

the recreational activities they enjoyed in early adulthood, and they change these interest only when necessary.

Common recreational activities of older people includes reading, writing letters, listening to radio ,watching T.V. , visiting friends and relatives,

sewing embroidering, gardening, travelling, playing cards, going to the theater, and taking part in the activities of civil, political, or religious organization.

Social Interest During old AgeWith advancing age, most people suffer increase

social disengagement. They become boring to others. This further adds to their social isolation.

There is a rapid decline in membership and activity in community organizations after sixty or, for men, after retirement.

There is less attendance at the meetings of community organizations and a tendency to make a less active part in the running of the organizations.

A change in the individual’s status, due either to loss of a spouse or to retirement.

Religious Interest during Old AgeElderly people may become more religious as

death approaches, or if they are seriously disable, the average elderly person does not necessarily turn to religion in the sense that it becomes a new interest or a new interest or a new focal point of attention.

The most common effects of religious changes during old age like Religious tolerance, Religious Beliefs and Religious Observances.

Interest in Death During Old ageMany old people have a concept of heaven or

hell and about the afterlife.As people becomes older, they usually

become less interested in life after death and more concerned about death per se and about their own death. This is

whose physical or mental condition has begun to deteriorate.

Old persons may and often do still fear death because of the uncertainty about whether there is an afterlife and what it will be like:-

When will I Die?What is likely to cause my death?What can I do to die as I wish to die?Am I justified in taking my life?How can I have a GOOD Death?

Conclusion Old person become egocentric and self-centered. They also

show their preoccupation with themselves by talking endlessly about their pasts. They often do still fear about death. This age is a rapid decline in membership and activity in community. Old person take part in the activities of civil, political, or religious organization. Who live alone have far less Interest than

those who live with grown children or in homes for the retired elderly. Many old people have a concept of heaven or hell and about the afterlife.