Ppt on Business Ethics FINAL


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8/8/2019 Ppt on Business Ethics FINAL

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BUSINESS ETHICSPresented By:Rashi Marwah

Rahul KasanaPriyankaRaghav SehgalNeha SinghKetan SehgalPooja Bhide

 Amit Nirban

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Business Ethics And Social Responsibility

Business ethics demand that a company examines its behavior 

towards the outside world. It takes into consideration morality, ethicalreasoning and ethics application

Social Responsibility as making

socially responsible products,

engaging in socially responsible

employee relations and making acommitment to the community

around it.

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7 Princip es o A mira e Business


1. Be Trustful: Trust defined, is assured reliance on the character, ability,

strength, and truth of a business.

2. Keep An Open Mind: For continuous improvement of a company, the

leader of an organization must be open to new ideas. Ask for opinions and

feedback from both customers and team members and company will

continue to grow.

3. Meet Obligations: Regardless of the circumstances, do everything in

your power to gain the trust of past customer's and clients.

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4. Have Clear Documents: Re-evaluate all print materials like advertising, brochures,

and other business documents making sure they are clear, precise and professional,

make sure they do not misinterpret.

5. Become Community Involved: Remain involved in community-related issues and

activities, thereby demonstrating that your business is a responsible community

contributor. In other words, stay involved.

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6. Maintain Accounting Control: Take a hands-on approach to accounting and record

keeping, not only as a means of gaining a better feel for the progress of your company.

7. Be Respectful: Treat others with the utmost of respect and courtesy. Regardless of 

differences, positions, titles, ages etc

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Typical problems in business ethics

Problems relating to:

The Environment

Human Resource Practices

Marketing and Consumer Protection


Competition and Business Alliances

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Environmental Problems

Air Pollution

Water Pollution

Noise Pollution

Energy Consumption and Carbon Emission

Toxic Waste

Contamination of Ground Water 

Oil Spills

Soil Erosion

Depletion of Ozone Layer 

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Coca-Cola's Water Sustainability Initiatives


This case is about the global water sustainability initiatives undertaken by The Coca-ColaCompany (Coca-Cola). It detailsthe activities undertaken by Coca-Cola's management andemployees to contribute to the benefit of the society andcommunity in which the company operated by pledging to return all the water it used in its

operations back to the environment.

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Understand the issues and challenges faced by Coca-Cola with regard to its globalenvironmental responsibility initiatives. Coca-Cola was accused of draining theunderground water table and of releasing improperly treated industrial effluents in lessDeveloped countries


In 2007, Coca-Cola initiated a global water project that focused on reducing,recycling, and replenishing water usedin the company's beverage

production.Coca-Cola opened anexclusive website, www.cokefacts.org.

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Contribution of Sunita Narain

The Delhi-based Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), which she heads, monitorsair pollution levels around India, studies the effects of climate change and even runstraining courses that show businesspeople and students how to lead greener lives.

But it is her criticism of international soft drink makers Coca-Cola and PepsiCo that has won Narain most attention. Over the past few years the CSE has regularly alleged that soft

drinks sold in India contain high level of pesticides a charge both Coke and Pepsi reject

 A little publicity goes a long way: her pesticide charges spurred some Indian states to banthe sales of Coke and Pepsi last year. Now, she's taking on river polluters.

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Marketing and Consumer protection

Pricing -lack of clarity in pricing

Dumping ± selling at a loss to increase market share and destroy competition in

order to subsequently raise prices

High pressure selling - especially in relation to groups such as the elderly

Counterfeit goods and brand piracy

Deceptive advertising

Encouraging people to claim prizes when they phoning premium rate numbers

Selling goods abroad which are banned at home

Omitting to provide information on side effects

Unsafe products

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Tactics to Recover Banks Loans in India

Raises Ethical Concerns- A Case of ICICI


In September 2007, Prakash Sarvankar, a customer of India's second largest bank, ICICIBank, committed suicide after being publicly humiliated by the bank's loan recovery agents. The case is about that the customer is being harassed by recovery agents of banks.


It was alleged that the recovery agents commissioned by banks often resorted to high-handed tactics such as verbal and physical abuse, threatening phone calls, and publichumiliation of customers to recover loans.

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New guidelines stated by RBI for commercial banks:

Recovery agents could not resort to "harassment of any kind, either verbal or physical.

 Verbal or physical harassment of any person, anonymous and threatening calls, intrusioninto the privacy of the defaulter and his or her family and friends were strictly prohibited .

RBI issued a warning to the banks that in case of any incident of high-handedness reportedin the future, a temporary or permanent ban would be imposed on the concerned banks

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Human Resource Practices







Need v/s Effort

 Ability v/s Contribution

Seniority v/s Loyalty

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I mportance of financial statements

Finance underpins what a business does

Misinterpreting financial information has a negative

impact on long term owner value

Ethical audit

1.Concealed liabilities and expenses

2.Fraudulent asset valuations

3.Fictitious revenues

4.Improper or fraudulent disclosures or omission

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Competition and Business Alliances

Bribery to secure a contract

Unethical practices in market research and competitor intelligence

Copying the style of packaging in an attempt to mislead consumers

³Bait and switch´ selling - attracting customers and then subjecting them to highpressure selling techniques to switch to an more expensive alternative

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Business Ethics Suggestions for 

Good Practice

The I nstitute of business et hics recommends t hat 

organizations issue statements of et hical practice in

respect of :

Relations with customers

Relations with shareholders and other investors

Relations with employees

Relations with suppliers

Relations with the government and the local community

The environment

Relations with competitors

Issues relating to international business

Ethical issues concerning directors and managers

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Recognizing the significance of business ethics as a tool for achieving the

desired outcome is only the beginning. A small business that instills a deep-seated theme of business ethics within its strategies and policies will be evident

among customers. It's overall influence will lead to a profitable, successful
