PP Solid Liquid Gas Element Compound



Particle view of solid, liquid and gas along with elements and compounds

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Molecules - Atoms bonded together

Mixture Different atoms not bonded together

Element One type of atom

Compound Different atoms bonded together (molecules)

Mixture Different atoms in any proportion

4Y / 9G9Y / 4G5Y / 8G

CompoundDifferent atoms in fixed proportions

1Y 1R 1B 2R 1G1Y 1G

ElementAtoms of the same type


Solids Atoms packed into a regular pattern bonded together

Cold solid Hot solid

Liquid Atoms can move around but are attracted together

Cold liquid Hot liquid

Gases Large spaces between atoms

Cold gas Hot gas

Solids hold their shape

Liquids fill containers from the bottom

Gases fill the whole space

Gases can be squashed easily
