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Health Benefits of a Vegetarian/Vegan Diet

Lacee RackiNTR 3009/28/12

Types of non-meat diets

Vegetarian- One who consumes no animal flesh.

Lacto-ovo Vegetarian- One who consumes eggs and dairy, but no animal flesh.

Vegan- One who consumes an entirely plant based diet. Doesn’t consume any animal flesh, dairy, or the byproducts of either.

What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is an organic substance

classified as a waxy steroid of fat.

Favorite place to hide in our bodies: inside arteries- YIKES.

A vegan diet, which contains no dietary cholesterol has the potential to limit the risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, and stroke in some people.

Most naturally low in fat and


Good sources of potassium-

may help maintain

healthy blood pressure

Good source of fiber-

Important for proper bowel


Good source of folate (folic

acid)- helps the body form red

blood cells

Good source of vitamin A –

Keeps eyes and skin healthy

Good source of vitamin C- aids

in iron absorption.

People who eat a vegetarian diet are at lower risk for:


Cardiovascular disease


Type 2 diabetes

Renal Disease

Some cancers


Vegetarian Food Pyramid

Source: http://www.medicinenet.com/vegetarian_and_vegan_diet/page5.htm

Vegan Food Pyramid

Source http://www.medicinenet.com/vegetarian_and_vegan_diet/page5.htm

Healthy, fulfilling, vegan

Adding nuts, seeds, and beans to ones diet can help them consume protein. Also eating dark leafy greens is a great way to get adequate amounts of calcium. Picture on the left is mixed greens with strawberry chunks and pine nuts, the Photo on the right is a mix of kale, black beans, pine nuts, and quinoa.
