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Trainer notes:

• The main development points are highlighted individually on the slide. This is a

visual display of how massage has evolved over time from 1500 BC through to


• This is a combination of movements of treatment, events, key influencers or

organisations being established


AMTA – American Massage Therapy Association

MTF – Massage Therapy Foundation

NCBTMB – National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork


Trainer Notes: The purpose of this activity is to gain an understanding of how

students interpret massage therapy as a practice and the effects on the body.

Students should get into small groups or pairs and discuss the term ‘massage

therapy’ outlining what it means to them, what it involves, what systems it affects

and the benefits of this treatment

Time: 15-30 min

Resources: Textbook, online resources, poster paper


• Students form pairs/small groups

• Students should not access online resources to perform this activity

• Students should discuss and write down their answers – can be point form, or a

brainstorm, or on poster paper

• Each group must record their research on poster paper/textas provided

• After each group has finished research and documented their answers, they

will share and present their findings with the rest of the class

• Consider and note any common themes shared


Trainer Notes: The purpose of this activity is to have students research a variety of

complimentary therapies: physiotherapy, aromatherapy, reflexology, osteopathy,

chiropractic, exercise physiology, dietetics, naturopathy

Time: 45-60 min

Resources: Textbook, online resources, poster paper


• Divide the class into small groups, pairs or in groups of three assigning each a


• Each group must perform research on the therapy they have been assigned

using classroom resources and online resources.

• Students should discuss and write down their answers – can be point form, or a

brainstorm, or on poster paper

• Students must address the questions on the slide

• Each group must record their research on poster paper/textas provided

• After each group has finished research and documented their answers, they

will share and present their findings with the rest of the class




Trainer notes:

Suggestion - research other reflexology foot maps and discuss




Wellness model – university of Nebraska


Class discussion: The purpose of this discussion is for students to be able to identify

different goals, constraints and develop strategies for achieving these goals

Read through each circumstance and ask the following after each:

• What is the goal?

• What is the limitation or constraint?

• How could the person work towards attaining their goal?

Ask for responses/ideas

Discuss as a class

Identify what the best/most effective strategies suggested are



• Showcase other decision making models – SWOT analysis, SMART goals, Strategic


• Use a goal to exemplify using the model/following the process

• The process is similar across models – identifying the goal, analysing available

information, reviewing facts, weighing up pros and cons and then defining the

strategy/action plan


Session Plan: HLTNSG001 Develop Massage Practice – Session 1 – HLT42015 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy

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Course Code & Title: HLT42015 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy

Unit/s Code & Title: HLTMSG001 – Develop Massage Practice

Session Title: Session 1 – Massage Practice

Date & Time:


Trainer Name:

Resources/equipment required

for delivery:

Poster paper


Access to internet



Essential oils

Tennis balls

Rubber bands

Foot outlines

Assessment resources

Supporting documents: Massage Therapy Principles and Practice - Fifth Edition, Susan G. Salvo, 2016, Elsevier

Online documents – see slide references

Session Plan: HLTNSG001 Develop Massage Practice – Session 1 – HLT42015 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy

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20 min 11

Historical views

- The Middle Ages – Western medicine declines after the collapse of

the Roman Empire, though ancient medical teachings of the Greeks

and Romans were preserved.

- The Canon of Medicine

- Existing and preserved work by the Muslims who had translated

Greek and Latin medical texts into Arabic

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Ref 1 - Pg.4-5

5 min 12

Massage in other languages

- Massage means ‘soft tissue manipulation’ and is also known by the

term ‘Bodywork’. - Massage is used across various groups including ancient


HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

5 min 13

Looking Back – Timeline

- The rest of the timeline depicting the evolution of massage

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Ref 1 - Pg.5-6

20 min 14

Historical views continued

- The Renaissance – New text is translated

- Timothy Bright - ‘The Art of Gymnastics’ - Published work in China and Japan

- Muscular contractions and blood circulation


HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Ref 1 - Pg.5-6

Session Plan: HLTNSG001 Develop Massage Practice – Session 1 – HLT42015 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy

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10 min 27

Nervous system

- Spinal cord reflexes

- Massage increases relaxation, decreases stress, anxiety and


- The effects on neurotransmitters

- Massage produces changes in brain activity in different regions of

the brain.

- Further research still required.

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Ref 1 - Pg.102-103

10 min 28

Endocrine System

- Influence on hormone levels – cortisol

- Decrease stress hormone cortisol after massage

- Massage effects the production/absorption of insulin

- Beneficial for people who have diabetes

- Promising research in this area

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Ref 1 - Pg.103

10 min 29


- Increase in skin temperature

- Few studies available which assess effect of massage on skin

- Improvements in dermatologic conditions

- Skin system inter-related with other body systems

- Improves nutrient exchange and stimulates blood flow

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Ref 1 - Pg.103-104

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10 min 46


- Energy centres

- Central channel

- Origins

- Chakra functions

- Ascending order

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Ref 1 - Pg. 343-344

10 min 47


- Origin and development across cultures

- Water used for therapeutic purposes

- Complementary agents

- Pain management

- Hot or cold application

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Ref 1 - Pg. 243

15 min 48

Heat transfer

- Homeostasis regulates temperature

- Heat is transferred to the body

- Cold applications transfer heat away from the body

- Modes of heat transfer

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Ref 1 - Pg. 244

10 min 49


- Cold application therapy

- Reduces pain, inflammation and acute injuries

- Takes heat away from injury

- Contradictions

- Adverse effects

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Ref 1 - Pg. 244 - 245

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1 min 58


- Topic objectives

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

1 min 59


- Summary of references used within this section

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

1 hour 60


- Assessment task 1 – written questions

- Complete short answer questions

- Open book task

- Assessment due date

- Submission requirements

- Resubmission requirements

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Assessment Task 1 –

Written questions

Topic 2 – Foundations of Massage (Approx. 8 hours)

1 min 61

Groups and needs

- Individuals and key groups

- Information needs

- Communicating needs

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

1 min 62

What will I learn?

At the end of this topic you will be able to:

- Identify key groups

- Assess information needs for individuals and key groups

- Communicate massage information

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

15 min 63

Quote on attitudes HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

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20 min 78


- Effective communication

- Rapport

- Body language – facial expressions, gestures, mannerisms, vocal

cues, tone, volume, posture and positioning

- Client communication and observations

- Unspoken discomfort

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Ref 1 - Pg. 202-203

10 min 79

Interview skills

- Stay focused

- Note taking

- Active listening

- Verbal acknowledgement

- Using open ended questions

- Using close ended questions

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Ref 1 - Pg. 203

20 min 80


- The purpose of this activity is to for students to practice writing

open/closed questions and practice asking them with a partner.

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Activity 2 – Open/Closed


15 min 81


- The purpose of this activity is to for students to demonstrate their

understanding and interpretation of common expressions, body

language or mannerisms.

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Activity 3 – Body Language

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20 min 85


The purpose of this activity is to for students to demonstrate their

understanding of legal and ethical implications in the client/therapist


HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Ref 1 - Pg.39

Activity 4 – Matching

1 min 86


- Topic objectives

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

1 min 87


- Summary of references used within this section

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

2 hours


Assessment outline

- Read over Assessment Task 2

- Read each scenario and sample health questionnaires provided

- Groups of 4:

o 1 x massage therapist

o 1 x corporate worker

o 1 x pensioner

o 1 x athlete

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Assessment Task 2 – Role


Session Plan: HLTNSG001 Develop Massage Practice – Session 1 – HLT42015 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy

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20-30 min 97

Equipment considerations

- Massage tables

- Table features: height, length, frame, padding

- Table fabric and maintenance

- Table/Chair accessories: stools, bolsters, face rest, arm shelf,

carrying case, table cart

- Towels, sheets and table warmers

- Linen care

- Lubricants: crème, oils, gels, butter

- Allergens and cautions

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Ref 1 - Pg.42-50

Basic massage equipment for

demonstration (optional)

15-20 min 98


The purpose of this activity is to for students to research massage suppliers

who focus on using sustainable materials in their professional practice.

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Activity 2 – Research


10 min 99


- Room accessories: mirror, clock, basket, chairs

- Room environment: colours, size, feel, style

- Lighting and music

- Windows and flows

- Room temperature

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Ref 1 - Pg.50-52

Session Plan: HLTNSG001 Develop Massage Practice – Session 1 – HLT42015 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy

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10 min 104

Occupational risks and hazards

- Sitting: trigger points in chest, shoulder, neck

- Standing: lower back pain

- Walking: back, leg pain

- Active: all muscles at risk

- Strenuous: pulled/strained muscles

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Ref 1 - Pg.58

10 min 105


The purpose of this activity is to for students to provide examples of risks

associated with specific occupations

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Activity 4 – Risks by


10-15 min 106


- Physical posture

- Health and well-being

- Diet/nutrition

- Emotional stress

- Physical activity

- Work/life balance

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Ref 1 - Pg.58-70

15 min 107


The purpose of this activity is to for students to practice and demonstrate

examples of hand massage warm ups as part of self-care

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Ref 1 – Pg. 59-60

Tennis ball, rubber band

Activity 5 – Massage warm


Session Plan: HLTNSG001 Develop Massage Practice – Session 1 – HLT42015 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy

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10 min 111

Wellness Model

- Emotional

- Environmental

- Intellectual

- Occupational

- Social

- Spiritual

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Ref 1 – Pg. 68-70

5 min 112

Wellness Model

- University of Nebraska HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Ref 1 – Pg. 68-70

10 min 113

Sustain professional practice

- Available support – family, peers, colleagues

- Networks and industry groups

- News/media/current affairs

- Professional development/upskilling

- Mentoring in the workplace

- Self-development

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

30 min 114


The purpose of this activity is to for students to develop their own personal

health strategy and action plan. This will help them support self-care

activities in their professional practice

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Activity 7 – Develop a

health strategy

2 min 115


Example table to demonstrate table format HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

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Topic 4 – Approach to practice (Approx. 8 hours)

1 min 118

Approach to practice

- Professional goals

- Opportunities

- Action plan

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

2 min 119

What will I learn?

Topic objectives:

- Assess professional opportunities

- Identify professional goals

- Develop a professional practice approach

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

15 min 120

Quote on massage

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

5-10 min 121

Employment opportunities

- Professional opportunities

- Specialist practices

- Local, national, international scope

- Required experience and qualifications

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

30 min 122


The purpose of this activity is to for students to research and review types

employment opportunities within the massage industry, required skills,

knowledge, experience and qualifications

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Access to job search engines

Activity 1 – Employment


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2-3 hour 131


- Read over Assessment Task 3

- Complete Question 1-11

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

Assessment Task 3

2 min 132


- Topic objectives

HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

2 min 133


- Summary of references used within this section HLTMSG001 – Develop

Massage Practice PPT

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Topic 2 - Additional activities Resources Time

Matching activity Chapter 2 – The Therapeutic Relationship

Pg.39 30 min

Discussion on the Code of Ethics Chapter 2 – The Therapeutic Relationship

Pg.40 45 min

Matching activity Chapter 11 – Special Populations

Pg. 241 30 min

Discussion on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Chapter 11 – Special Populations

Pg. 241 30 min

Topic 3 - Additional activities Resources Time

Matching activity Chapter 3 – Tools of the trade

Pg.54 30 min

Discussion on lost possessions Chapter 3 – Tools of the trade

Pg.55 30 min