Powerpoint trip aorund the world




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Abbie and Liz’s Trip Around the World.

Our trip around the world

We’ve just returned from our trip around the world. We experienced so many new and different cultures.We had a budget of €12,000 each (€24,000 in total).Countries we visitedDeveloped countries: Poland & IcelandUnderdeveloped countries: Kenya & IndiaDeveloping countries: St.Lucia & Peru


• Capital: Reykjavik• Languages: Icelandic and English

• Currency: Icelandic króna• Religion: Christian

• Government: Parlimentary republic

Things to do

We went on a night

tour to see the famous

northern lights in


We went on a day

tour to Eyjafjallajökull

eruption area and

Þórsmörk nature

reserve. We got to

walk on hot lava and

see the underground


We also went whale watching. We saw minx, humpback whales and birds such as Puffins. We were luckey enough to see dolphins as well.

We went to the Blue

Lagoon Geothermal


We visited the National Museum of Iceland.

We got pretty musicy while we were in Iceland. We went to a Bjork concert and we went busking with Of Monsters and Men.

Cultural Experiences

"Þorramatur“ – A traditional meal had in the months of Þorri to honour the God Thor

Chocolate Chip Sour Cream Cake