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My arrangement of

A Little History

Written in 1891 and first published in

Christian Endeavor Hymnal.

Now in public domain (since 1970 or 1978,

depending on whether Yates’ or Sankey’s

death is the important one)

Writer and composer were different people

John H. Yates: 1837-1900

Wrote the lyrics

Not much known about him


Worked many odd jobs like

selling shoes

1886: became Methodist


Ira D. Sankey: 1840-1908

Famous hymn music writer

Song leader under Moody

Didn’t write words, just songs

My Choice of Project

“Faith Is the Victory”: uplifting message,

triumphant tone

Learning opportunity: arrange hymns

like they do at church


a Hymn

• Key: ‘flesh out what’s

written in hymnal

• Original: sounds

good sung but piano

can do better

• All double notes

• I notated chords and

measure numbers

Arranged Hymn

Based on melody line and chord


Different type of accompaniment,

dynamics, etc. for each verse

Tried to go by the tone of the words as

well as what ‘flows’ musically

Lyrics Verse 1:

Encamped along the hills of light,

Ye Christian soldiers, rise,

And press the battle, ere the night

Shall veil the glowing skies.

Against the foe, in vales below,

Let all our strength be hurled;

Faith is the victory, we know,

That overcomes the world.


Faith is the victory!

Faith, is the victory!

O, glorious victory,

That overcomes the world!

Verse 2:

His banner over us is love,

Our sword the Word of God;

We tread the road the saints above

With shouts of triumph trod.

By faith, they like a whirlwind’s breath,

Swept on o’er every field;

The faith by which they conquered Death

Is still our shining shield.


Verse 3:

On every side the foe we find

Drawn up in dread array;

Let tents of ease be left behind,

And onward to the fray.

Salvation’s helmet on each head,

With truth all girt about,

The earth shall tremble ‘neath our tread,

And echo with our shout.


Verse 4:

To him that overcomes the foe,

White raiment shall be giv’n;

Before the angels he shall know

His name confessed in Heav’n.

Then onward from the hills of light,

Our hearts with love aflame;

We’ll vanquish all the hosts of night,

In Jesus’ conqu’ring name.


A Great Experience

Arranging the hymn really taught me to delve into

how these pieces are composed – the chords

have a fascinating relation to each other.

And it reminded me (again) of the limits of my

piano-playing skill – I had to ‘dumb down’ quite a

bit so I could wrap my fingers around it!


http://cyberhymnal.org/bio/y/a/yates_jh.htm (biography of

John Yates. Image is from here too)

http://cyberhymnal.org/bio/s/a/n/sankey_id.htm (biography of

Ira Sankey. Image is from here too)

http://cyberhymnal.org/htm/f/a/faithist.htm (lyrics of Faith Is

the Victory; links to Yates and Sankey biographies)


07/columns/041.html (history of the hymn)

Finale NotePad 2011 (music arranging software)

“Faith Is the Victory”, hymn by John H. Yates and Ira D.

Sankey (published 1891, now in public domain)
