PowerPoint Presentation Enrollment Orientation.pdfTitle: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Roberto S....


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Barry UniversityDual Enrollment Program

Dr. Victor Romano, Associate Vice Provost for Student Success & Undergraduate Studies

Dr. Karen Callaghan, Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences

Dr. Elisa M. Pearson, Director of the Center for Academic Success & Advising

May 10, 2018

Enables students to earn high school & university credits


Adds rigor and broadens the scope of high school curriculum.

Acclimates students to university level course work and


Accelerates time to degree completion.


Purpose of Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment grades impact both your high school and college


Grades can affect your acceptance into colleges and universities.

Some colleges and universities will consider your dual enrollment GPA in their admissions decisions.

Dual Enrollment grades can affect your Bright Futures Scholarship.

Earning less than a C in a dual enrollment course may cause your

college/university application to be rejection and/or recinded.

Dual Enrollment grades can affect your acceptance into limited

access majors and/or your admission to graduate school. They

remain on your college and high school transcripts forever, and

they can not be forgiven on your high school transcripts.


Why is it important to take Dual Enrollment seriously?

Fall 2018

MGF 1107—General Education Mathematics (3 credits)

Nature and application of mathematics. Topics selected from algebra,

geometry, logic, numeration systems, probability, and statistics.

MAC 1105—Precalculus Mathematics I (3 credits)

Functions and their graphs; polynomial, algebraic, rational, exponential, and

logarithmic functions; real zeros of functions; polynomial and rational

inequalities; conic sections.

AMH 2020—U.S. People and Ideas Since 1877 (3 credits)

Topical survey of American history, its people and ideas from 1877 to the



What courses are offered through Barry University’s Dual Enrollment Program?

Spring 2019

STA 2023—Elementary Probability & Statistics (3 credits)

Sampling, tables and graphs, elementary probability, special discrete and

continuous random variables, linear correlation and regression, contingency

tables, hypothesis testing.

MAC 1105—Precalculus Mathematics II (3 credits)

Trigonometric functions of angles; trigonometric identities, equations, and

graphs; trigonometric applications; polar coordinates.

AMH 2010—U.S. People and Ideas Since 1877 (3 credits)

Topical survey of American history, its people and ideas to 1877.


What courses are offered through Barry University’s Dual Enrollment Program?


Who is eligible to participate in Dual Enrollment?

Eligibility Requirements

Be enrolled in a course of study which will fulfill requirement for high school graduation.

Be in either 11th or 12th grade.

Have a 3.0 unweighted high school GPA

College readiness scores on assessment tests

*SAT, ACT, PERT, or Barry Placement Test


How to get started?

Complete assessment testing

-Barry Placement Test, SAT, ACT, or PERT

Determine course(s)

Complete Application Form

Complete Authorization Form

Complete FERPA Form

Submit all forms to your Guidance Counselor.


Important Dates & Deadlines

August 20 – Classes Begin

August 22 – Course Drop Deadline. Last day a course may be dropped without being recorded on student’s permanent record.

*Course will not reflect on transcript

*No grade designated

*Not counted as an attempt

August 23 – Beginning of Withdrawal Period

*Student withdraws after drop deadline

*Course is listed on the transcript

*Grade of “W” is recorded

*Counted as an attempt

November 9 – Last day of Withdrawal Period

January 17 – Course(s) End

Dual Enrollment

Student Success


For the most part, dual enrollment courses are identical to the

courses offered to regularly enrolled college students.

Dual enrollment courses are as academically rigorous as the

courses offered to college students.

What is academic rigor?

The academic or intellectual challenge of a class

How difficult a class is


How hard a student has to work to earn a good grade


How well a class prepares the student by teaching them skills useful in school, the job world, and in life

= Rigor


It is essential to establish positive academic habits and behaviors

from the beginning to meet the challenge and give yourself the

best chances of being successful!

The more rigorous a course the more you can learn!

Be proactive!


What does this mean?


1. Maintain good class attendance.

Missing even one class can have a negative impact on your grade.

2. Manage your time and stay organized.

Set priorities

Plan ahead

Use a calendar

Make to-do lists

Don’t procrastinate

3. Be prepared.

Have the required textbooks before the class begins.

Come to class each day having read what was required and having reviewed

the notes and material from the previous class session.

4. Learn how to take good notes.

Systematic, shortened format (i.e. outline, 2-column, marginal, power notes, etc.).

Your notes should supplement the textbook and lecture presentations—not be

word for word!


Dual Enrollment Student Success Tips!

5. Study and review every day. (Yes, every day!)

Do not wait until you have a quiz or exam to study.

Review course material daily.

Re-read notes before the next class.

Do practice problems daily.

Avoid the cram!

6. Don’t let tests and exams intimidate you.

A test is simply the opportunity to show the knowledge you have gained.

Tests are not designed to make you fail.

Use a systematic approach to test-taking.

If you experience test anxiety, take a breath and remind yourself that you have

studied the material and know your stuff.

Take the test one question at a time and avoid second-guessing and over-

analyzing your responses.

If you don’t know something, skip it and come back to it later.


Dual Enrollment Student Success Tips!

7. Use the course syllabus.

It is a contract between the student and instructor

It lists course content and assignment due dates

It outlines your instructors’ requirements for the classroom

It provides attendance, grading, and exam policies

8. Keep track of your grades.

Pay attention to technology tools used to maintain grades

Record your grades on assignments when you get your results

Keep track of what you have done and what is left to do by using the syllabus

as a checklist

If you need specific feedback, to help you progress, talk to your instructor!

9. Communicate!

10. Get help early.


Dual Enrollment Student Success Tips

Barry University Support


Take advantage of the services provided…the earlier the better!

Academic Services

Center for Academic Success

and Advising (Garner 113)

Glenn Hubert Learning Center

professional tutoring services) (Garner 113)

Library Services (Library)

Technology Services

(Library, 2nd floor)

Student Services

Counseling and Psychological

Services (Landon 1st floor)

Accessibility Services

(Landon 1st floor)

Career Services

(Landon 2nd floor)

Campus Ministry (Chapel)

Public Safety (Landon 1st floor)

Dining Services

(Landon 3rd floor)

Professional Tutoring Services:

The Glenn Hubert Learning Center

The Learning Center is here to help you be successful in your academic coursework.

Start off with good habits—keep a regular weekly schedule to use the Learning Center resources.

Don’t wait!

Main Office: Garner Hall 113Phone: (305) 899–3687

Academic Support Services (GHLC)

Writing Center

Math Lab

Reading Center
