PowerPoint Presentation · 2014. 9. 15. · make jam in as healthy a way as Traditional jam is...


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SuperJam’s Awards. Enterprising Young Brit Award (2004) The Independent’s ‘Top 40 Children’ (2005) Outstanding Young Person of The World Award (2007) Biggart Baillie Innovation Award (2007) Young Entrepreneur of The Year (2007) Supernova’s Brightest Young Business (2007) Global Student Entrepreneur of The Year (2007) ‘Top 10’ in The Observer’s ‘Future 500’ (2007) Shortlisted for ITV’s ‘Britain’s Best’ Awards (2008) John Logie Baird Innovation Award (2008) Glenfiddich Spirit of Scotland Award (2008) BT Essence of The Entrepreneur Award (2009) Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year finalist (2009) Nectar Business Entrepreneur of The Year (2009) Bighearted Scotand Business Person of The Year (2009) HSBC Start-up Stars Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist (2009)