Power & Glory


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  • 7/29/2019 Power & Glory


    Garcia, Levin

    Liu, Liu Kin

    Malolos, John ReinardTiu, Joseph

  • 7/29/2019 Power & Glory


    is one of the most beautiful achievements of 18thCentury French Art.

    began as King Louis

    XIIIs hunting lodge

    Major improvements

    done by his son, Louis

    XIV who moved the

    court & government ofFrance to Versailles in


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    Then each of the 3 Kings that lived there also madevast improvements to make the palace even morebeautiful.

    Its the place of power & authorityof French Monarchs for some 100

    years until the seat of power came

    back to the French capital, Paris in

    October of 1789 at the beginning of

    The French Revolution.

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    View of the Palace from the gardens

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    MarieAntonettes chamber

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    Several halls & art galleries were constructed, and were heavily made ofGold.

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    Upon the return of the French Government to thecapital, Versailles still played a vital role in French Art& History as continuous repairs, expansions &renovations were done to maintain the beauty of thepalace.

    The Hall of Mirrors

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    Is the central gallery of Versailles

    One of the most famous rooms in the world

    It was constructed during King Louis XIVs reign, and

    back in the 17th

    century mirrors were considered to bemost expensive thing to be possessed.

    To be exact, there are 17 mirror clad arches eachcontaining 21 mirrors (a total of 357 mirrors) that

    overlook the gardens.

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    Several signicant events transpired here like the proclamation ofthe Second German Empire & the signing of the Treaty of

    Versailles that ended WWI.

    Overview of the paintings in the Hall of Mirrors(several work art were put here as a result of gifts from officials all over the world)

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    It was used daily by King Louis XIV as he travelsthrough the hall from his apartment to the chapel.

    The hall contains a lot of artworks, paintings so it sortof served as a gallery. However, some were lost due tofinancial problems during war times.

    Signed Treaty of Versailles that ended WWI.

    Today, the hall is still used for some state occassions of

    the Fifth Republic, such as a visit from other stateheads.

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    Today, the palace is open to the public and Frenchtourism encourages people from all over the world tovisit the Chateau

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    The official London residence of the British Monarchs

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    Started out to be a privately owned estate for around150 years for the Duke of Buckingham in 1705.

    And in the 19th century, it was enlarged by architects,John Nash and Edward Blore.

    Finally became the Royal Palace in 1837 in theaccession of Queen Victoria in 1837.

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    Queen Victoria used the Palace to hold state banquetsand ceremonies.

    The Grand Staircase in 1870

    The Ballroom

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    The Queens Breakfast Room Princes Alberts Music Room in 1880

    The Royal Family embraced the palace as both a place of power & placeof residence as there are less formal rooms in the palace to completetheir home.

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    The Forbidden City housed Chinese emperors fromthe Ming to the end of the Qing Dynasty.

    For almost 500 years, served as the seat of power of theChinese Government

    Listed by UNESCO as the largest collection ofpreserved ancient wooden structures in the world.

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    The Forbidden City is home of Chinas rich history and culture.

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    Chinese architecture composed heavily of gold

    Roofs were colored yellow as it follows the color of theclothes of the emperors

    The decorations on top symbolizes high status.

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    Houses a lot of artifacts from the different dynasties,the likes of porcelain, paintings and others.

    Blue porcelains from the Qing Dynasty

    Emperor Qianlong

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    Menkaure and his Wife, Queen Khamerenebty

    Caesar Agustus

    King Louis XIV

    Malakas at Maganda Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos

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    Unearthed during anarchaeological expedition atGiza headed by George Reisner.

    Almost 5ft. In height and wasdiscovered on January 18, 1910.

    Dated to have belonged in the4th dynasty which places duringthe age between 2548 and 2530B.C.

    Royalty descent is very evident.With the headpiece called kiltworn by Menakaure suggeststhat he is a pharaoh andKhamerenebtys wig which istypical of aristocratic women.

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    This head once formed part of astatue of the emperor Augustus(ruled 27 BC-AD 14).

    The bust itself was taken from alarger than life size statue, and is

    nicely illustrative of the uses ofRoman art in promoting thepolitical agendas of the rich andpowerful.

    In ancient Roman periods,Romans use statues or busts as asocial publicity oradvertisement.

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    King Louis XIV chose fashionbecause it had historically beenimportant, often because of itsexpense and impracticality

    On the other hand, when pain wasnot required to maintain afashionable image, nobles couldafford to have more comfortableclothing.

    Materials were also difficult tomake

    It was believed across France andthe world that expensive,impractical, spotless, and oftenuncomfortable clothing was theabsolute symbol of status.

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    The story of Malakas andMaganda is one of themost famous folk storieshere in the Philippines. It

    only shows how artisticthe Filipino people arewhen it comes to tellingshort stories.

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    Ferdinand Marcos won andwas inaugurated aspresident on December 30,1965. In 1969 he was re-

    elected, the first Philippinepresident to serve a secondterm.

    On September 21, 1972,

    Marcos imposed martiallaw.

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    Marcoss wife from 1954 was ,Imelda Romualdez Marcos, aformer beauty queen. Imeldabecame a powerful figure afterthe institution of martial law in

    1972. Imelda Marcos was known for

    her extravagant shoe and jewelrycollections which were verycontroversial.

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    Clothing and dressing up in therenaissance & baroque era paved wayto the FASHION that we knowtoday.

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    Louis became king at the age offive. He made fashion play a bigrole in the society. Fashion underhis reign pushed the nobles to be indebt.

    King Louis required different typesof clothing and code for every eventmaking it more expensive for other

    people. This made other peoplevery poor leaving him to be on topand the most powerful.

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    He also made laws about fashionwhich made the nobles and themiddle class more focused onfashion than power.

    With this competition in fashionbetween classes this proved thatFrance was a strong country to the

    world. Fashion made them elegant

    and powerful, both symbolicallyand physically.

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    15 mink coats, 508 gowns, 1,000handbags and 3,000 pairs of shoes,Imelda was indeed a fashion lover.

    The first ladywhos look is very

    distinct and whos love for fashionis known all over the world. TheRose of Tacloban who became abeauty queen. Shes also a good

    singer and was once the Muse ofManila.

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    Imelda was known for traveling the

    world in style. She introduced thebutterfly sleeves to everyone.

    Another distinct aspect of herimage are her shoes.

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    Versailles PalaceVersailles was an oldhunting lodge ofLouisfather. After a few years

    he transformed thathunting lodge to animpressive chteau.

    The interior of Versailles was very grand and luxurious to show

    off the wealth and the power of the king. Everything was veryshiny and very expensive to emphasize the rights of the king torule.

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    Buckingham PalaceThe buckingham palace issaid to be the queenshome. Queen Vitctoria wasthe first queen to live there.

    As time passed by,remodeling of the palace

    was made.

    From a simple home of the Queen, now the buckingham

    palace is one of the most expensive palaces. The renovationmade through the years made the palace bigger and moreluxurious fit for the royal family.

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