Poverty alleviation by vvr ias


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Poverty Alleviation : The Task Ahead

Considered as a world wide problem since historic times, poverty can be

defined as a condition where an individual

or a community lacks the resources and the

favourable environment to meet and fulfill

the basic requirement of life.

Indian Scenario

Despite tireless & renewed efforts by the

country since independence, poverty is still rampant in India. Still the

country is the home for third of the total poor of the world.


The major causes of poverty in India are high population growth,

unscientific agriculture practices, agrarian from of agriculture, illiteracy,

unemployment, caste based  politics, urban rural divide and

discrimination on the basis of caste, creed and religion.

Initiative by the government

In order to alleviate poverty, the government has initiated a number of

programmes such as providing subsidised food and other necessities,

advanced agriculture methods and price support & loan scheme etc.

Among the new flagship programmes launched, the Mahatma Gandhi

Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) was launched in

February 2006 & extended to several backward districts to provide

assured wage employment to the rural poors. The objective of the 

Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (launched in April 1999) was to

bring the daily wages earners above the poverty line by providing them

income generating tools through government subsidy and bank credit.

In addition to these, the government is about to complete a legislation to

provide food entitlement to both rural and urban poor. This would for

sure provide a more safe and reliable place to the poor in the society.

World Bank Report

As per a recently released World Bank Report, India is indicating a slow &

steady progress against poverty since the 1980's. It shows the poverty rate

declining at a little under one percent point per year.


In order to attain a higher & faster rate of poverty alleviation, India will

have to insure to ensure the active participation of the poor people in the

growth process. Poverty alleviation process is expected to attain a

comparative higher role in the coming 50 years than as a trickle down

effect of the growing middle class. Apart from this development in the field

of education, employment, women empowerment and uplifting of the

weaker section of the society would certainly contribute in the poverty


Importance from the examination point of view

i) Short Notes - MGNREGS, SGSY

ii) Related Topic - Main - 1994 - Paper II Can excessive economic

backwardness itself is a cause of excess population.

iii) What are the various causes of poverty in India. Discuss in brief

various initiatives taken by the government to alleviate the same.

iv) Short Essay - Poverty and its causes in India.


GS / CSAT Complete Intensive Main cum PT Regular & Weekend

Batches Begin From 28th September, 2012.

Public Administration (Foundation Course) Under the Guidance of Srikant Bhagat. (Director, Royal


 Sociology (Foundation Course) Under the Guidance of P.K. Pandey. (Director, Daksh IAS)

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