Post 16: Guide for Parents - Suffolk One


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Post 16: Guide for ParentsMichelle Hughes: Assistant Principal - Students


“The quality of teaching and achievement of students is outstanding”

“The onus on students to take responsibility for their own learning and progress means that they develop the essential independence and resilience that prepares them well for their next stage of their


“The college has created an excellent environment for students, including those who might be daunted by its size. Students feel

completely safe and fully supported“

Did you know that….

• We are the only ‘Outstanding’ 16 -19 provider in Ipswich.

• 77% of our A Level students gained an A*-C in our 2015 results.

• 100% of our Level 3 Vocational students achieved D*D*D* - PPP.

• We offer over 55 courses

• We offer our students the fantastic opportunity of joining the Institute of Directors.

• One of our teachers was nominated for a BAFTA!

• Our links with other colleges, universities and businesses are second to none and we also offer masterclasses to students in many of the high schools.

• We have a HE Event on Monday 27th February (6.30pm – 8pm)

• We have a Student Leadership Conference on Tuesday March 7th (6pm – 7.30pm.)

Did you know about….

Changes to the GCSE grades • Our entry requirements recognise the changes from ‘Letter’ to ‘Numerical’ grades.

• A Levels: 6 A*-C grades including GCSE English at grade 4.

• BTEC National Diploma: 5 A* - C grades including GCSE English at grade 4.

• GCSE Maths and English Re-Sit programme

• As from 2018 the new ‘Good’ pass will be a grade 5.

Did you know about….Reformed A Levels

3 AS subjects in Year 1 4 AS subjects in Year 1

Benefits You can concentrate all your efforts on 3 subjects,

which may improve your final A Level grades

If you are quite sure you know which 3 subjects

you will want to study at A Level, you may feel

that a 4th subject is an unnecessary distraction

Your timetable will include extra study periods, so

that you have more time to complete work

outside of class time.

You have complete flexibility to choose your 3 best subjects for A Level,

following your AS results. There is an opportunity to increase your final A

Level grade.

If you have not yet made a final decision about your 3 A Level choices, you

can be flexible and leave the decision until later.

You are able to take an additional subject that you may not have studied

before, just for interest.

Factors to


Once you have decided on your subject choices at

enrolment, you are restricted to the same 3

subjects for the 2 year duration of the course.

If you do not achieve the grades you want at AS,

you have to stay with the same subjects.

Taking 4 subjects is a privilege and will require complete commitment over

the year. Once you have committed to this decision, you cannot change your


If you are quite sure you know which 3 subjects you will want to study at A

Level, you may feel that a 4th subject is an unnecessary distraction.

Our commitment to you…..

• You will have access to a report of attendance, progress and achievement information across the year.

• You will have the opportunity to discuss the progress being made by your son/daughter with his/her Personal Progress Tutor.

• You will be informed at an early stage if there are any concerns or any significant issues concerning your son/daughter.

• You will be informed of unexplained absences and persistent lateness.

Post 16 Qualifications: What are they?

• Choice

• 2 Year Programme.

• Enable progression to Higher Education, Apprenticeship or Employment.

Post 16 Qualifications: The Big Question…..

Vocational• Level 3*

• Full time

• Accepted by Universities and Employers

• Exam based element

• Requires good literacy/numeracy


• Entry Requirements

• Can focus on a particular area e.g. Engineering (growth industry in Suffolk).

• Subsidiary equivalent to one A Level

• Extended equivalent to three A Levels

A Level

• Level 3

• Full time

• Accepted by Universities and Employers

• Exam Based

• Requires good literacy/numeracy


• Entry Requirements

• Can choose more than one subject.

What will a week at One look like for a student on a vocational route?

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Independent Study Tutorial Chemistry BTEC Applied Science

BTEC Applied Science

Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch

BTEC Applied Science

BTEC Applied Science

Independent Study Independent Study Chemistry

What will a week at One look like for a student studying an A Level programme?

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

History Tutorial Fine Art English Literature Psychology

Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch

English Literature Psychology History Independent Study Fine Art


“Outstanding achievement and high quality advice and guidance, including from personal progress tutors, ensures that students’ progression rates are also high”

For Students

• Personal Progress Tutor

• Teaching Staff

• Careers Education Advice and Guidance

• Course Changes

• 16 – 19 Bursary

• Moodle

For Parents

• Consultation Evenings

• Student Services

• Teaching Staff

• Twilight Events on Careers

• Twilight Events on Student Finance

• Website

Our Expectations

Code of Conduct

Mutual Respect


Attendance: Lessons and Tutorials

Independent Study


"The behaviour of students is outstanding" (Ofsted 2015)


Level 2 Students

• 80% progressed to Level 3 courses at One.

• 10% went on to secure Apprenticeships or Employment.

• 8% progressed on to other FE providers

Level 3 Students

• 56% progressed to Higher Education*

• 32% secured Apprenticeships and Employment.

• 4% chose to have a GAP year

• 5% went on to Level 4 Foundation Degree programmes at One and beyond.

“The college’s systems for providing advice and guidance, including careers guidance, are a notable strength. Students are carefully counselled on their options…and say that guidance on post-college options is of a high quality.” (OFSTED, 2015)

Higher Education Event

Monday 27th February 2017


Student Leadership Conference Tuesday 7th March 2017

The aim of our Student Leadership Conference is to explore ‘Character Education’ through student debate. We are committed to ensuring that our students develop a set of character traits, attributes and behaviours that align with

Universal Values and underpin their success in education and work. We will focus on key areas such as:

Resilience: perseverance and grit

Problem solving: confidence and optimism

Leadership: motivation, drive and ambition; tolerance and respect; honesty and integrity; conscientiousness, curiosity and focus

Interpersonal skills: communication

Creativity: community projects

Proactivity: organisation, self-confidence and being brave.

We would like to use this opportunity to examine what students think about how these traits (which are central to leadership in general) can be embedded and supported in their day to day experience of education. We also want to

know ‘are we missing anything?’

Tickets can be booked by visiting:

Enrolment 2017

Main Enrolment Day: Thursday 24th August.

BTEC students enrol 10am - 12pm.

A Level students enrol 1pm - 4pm.

Any Other Questions
