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205 Glenwood Park DriveGlenwood NSW 2768Subscribe:Subscribe: https://parkleaps.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe

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25 October 201925 October 2019






Welcome to Term 4! We hope you all had a restful andenjoyable break with your family and friends.

Welcome to our new families who have started at Parklea thisterm and we hope that you enjoy being part of our amazingschool community!

Congratulations to Mrs Fiona Gracie who will be growingParklea together as learners, leaders and thinkers to achievebeyond what was ever believed possible, towards our next 100years of education.

Term 4 has begun smoothly at Parklea! Year 5 students startedthis week with a Sport and Recreation Camp in Narrabeen.Feedback from our teachers and the camp staff was that ourstudents were OUTSTANDING! Well done Year 5 and our

amazing teachers. We are extremely proud of our studentsand teachers! We are looking forward to the next newslettershowing photos of all the fun they had.

Our teaching team are well underway with an exciting term oflearning and assessing, preparing for our new paperless reportsthat you will receive through our SENTRAL app. Soon, wemeet our Kindergarten 2019 students as part of our school’stransition program and we look forward to welcoming themto Parklea! We would like to welcome back to Mrs Park, MrsDracos, Mrs McKay, Mrs Gibb and welcome to Mr Rull, MrLofong who are all continuing with us for the remainder of theyear.

Mrs Gracie (Principal), Mrs Mlinaric (Deputy Principal)and Ms Saunderson (R/Deputy Principal).


Term 4 Calender

What’s going on at Parklea this term….


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Learning to Create Team update!

Sentral Parent Portal

This term, the new Sentral Parent Portal will be up and runningfor your convenience. Parents will be able to use this newcommunication platform to keep fully informed about everythinghappening at Parklea and make it easier than ever to manageyour child’s education – anywhere, anytime.

This free app allows you to be aware of everything that is goingon with the following benefits:

We strongly encourage all parents to register ASAP to enjoy allof the benefits and move forward technologically with Parklea’sfast-growing school vision of creating 21st century learners. Ifyou have any question, please do not hesitate to contact MrHiller or Mrs Mlinaric for assistance.

Learning to Learn Team update!

Helping Your Child Learn To Read: Rhyming AndTongue Twisters.

Parents and caregivers have an important role to play inchildren’s literacy development both before and after they startschool. The foundations of literacy ... begin to develop in theearly years of life, before children begin formal readinginstruction at school(www.fivefromfive.org.au)

Engaging children in play-based literacy activities encouragesthe development of oral language and vocabulary, as well as

other knowledge essential for learning to read. Songs, chants,rhymes and rhythmic patterns help children to explore thesounds patterns of language and provide a basis for reading.

• Digital notes. No more permission notes to sign orpapers sent home;

• Push notifications to notify parents of a new messagefrom the school;

• Instant messaging to communicate to parents swiftlyand easily;

• Online management of parent-teacher interviews;

• Online calendar; and

• Digital academic reports.

• Help your child become familiar with sounds byrepeating rhymes, television jingles, songs and radioads.

• Make up silly poems and limericks about pets orthings you see together.

• Find names that rhyme with family members orfoods.

• Change well known rhymes to create new rhymessuch as, Twinkle, twinkle little star, mummy bought amotor car ...

• Help your child to come up with rhyming wordsduring everyday activities – ‘I can see a black andwhite cat, sitting near a round mat, watching theclever grey rat!’

• Together create tongue twisters choosing abeginning sound for instance the sound ‘t’ – ‘TrickyTim took terrific Terry’s toy tiger to Tom’s talltreehouse!’

• Pick topics to create tongue twisters, for example,food – ‘We want wishy, washy, wet, wonderfulwatermelon!’

• Repetition and patterns in stories are very useful inhelping children learn about the patterns of languagesuch as, The Three Little Pigs.

• Using familiar songs and stories, clap the rhythm of afamiliar song for example, Old MacDonald had afarm.


Stewart House Clothing Appeal

Thankyou to all families who have brought back to schoola plastic bag from ‘The Smith Family’ for the collection ofunwanted clothes they were all picked up this week.

Thank you for your support!

P & C

A message from our P&C…

It’s Fundraising Time…

Billy G's Gourmet Cookie Dough

We are very excited to be running this yummy fundraiser at ourschool. 10 different flavors available of frozen, ready to bakecookie dough. Orders can be placed online or by placing yourorder form and cash in a sealed envelope and depositing it intothe P&C box. Orders close Friday, 1st November. Delivery dateis estimated to be Monday, 25th November. Additional orderforms and information can be found on the P&C box in theoffice.

DONATIONS NEEDED - Performance Night Raffle

We are currently seeking donation of gift vouchers or itemssuitable for gift hampers for our Performance night raffle whichwill be on the 29th November.

If you are able to help with this in way, please contact Meganon 0403 561 574.

School Working Bee

We will be holding a working bee at the school on Saturday,23rd November from 10am to 3pm. Our goals for the day are:

BYO Safety glasses and gloves and there will be a free sausagesizzle for all helpers.

Please RSVP to Jason on 0407 197 608 orjasonclinch79@gmail.com by 17th November.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Christmas Tree Appeal

It is that time of the year again! Mrs Cope has been busysetting up our amazing ‘Giving Tree’ so please come and havea look...it’s truly spectacular and is located in our front office.

Once again, we are asking for donations of new toys andsuitable gifts for Christmas presents, as well as non-perishablefood items for hampers.

These items are given to Mr Warren Weir from 'ProvidentialHomes'. This charity looks after the homeless. Warren and hisamazing team provide accommodation, food and support tothose in need.

Warren is always overwhelmed with the generosity of theParklea Public School Community. Thank you!!

We would appreciate it, if presents could be wrapped andlabelled e.g. boy/ girl and age. Don't forget Mums, Dads,Nannas and Pops, Aunties and Uncles.

Please place presents and food under the 'Giving Tree', whichis in the foyer in the office.

Come on Parklea... let's make this a very special Christmas forfamilies who need a bit of help at this time of year.

Office Staff

• Prepare area and lay 100 year pavers

• Re-stain picnic benches

• Gardening


NEWS FROM OUR STUDENTSOur students achieve some amazing things both inside andoutside of our school. Look at what they have been doingrecently.

Thanks Parents

Thankyou to all the parents that completed The Tell ThemFrom Me Parent Survey, either at home or when they poppedinto school with our Student Government representatives.Completing this survey will help our school understand parents’and carers’ views on their child’s experience at school. Thisgreat feedback will help our school make improvements inanswer to your thoughts. As our Student Governmentrepresentatives said…

“Thankyou for your time and helping us to make our school abetter school.”

Student Government.

Sydney West Athletics Carnival

Last Thursday 17th of October we had several studentsrepresent Parklea in the Ridges team during the Sydney WestAthletics Carnival. Our students gave it their all in each of theirrespective events leaving everything they had on the track.

We had some notable performances on the day including ourJunior Girls Relay team, who finished in 5th position in the final.Angelina B. finished the day with two 1st place finishes in theJunior Girls 100m and 200m.

Angelina will now be representing Sydney West in the NSWPSSA Primary Athletics Championship in the 100m and the200m. We as a School Community wish her the best of luck inthese events!

Mr Palmer

PSSA Results Round 9

We started summer PSSA last week, please ensure you applysunscreen and bring water as it is starting to get hot.

Opposition Juniors Seniors Players of

the Match

TeeBall /Softball

Quakers HillEast

12 – 12(DRAW)

12 – 8(WON)

Tayla F andOlivia. M

AFL Riverbank 35 - 1(WON)

65 – 6(WON)

Jordan. C andAustin. W

Cricket John Palmer 86 – 145(LOST)

55 – 130(LOST)

Aayan. V andShoaib. N

Oztag KellyvilleRidge

5 – 9(LOST)

2 – 7(LOST)

Khloe. K

League Stars

During the last week of Term 3, students at Parklea participatedin a League Stars program ran by James from the NationalRugby League. This gave the opportunity for students to havea practice their skills in a fun and controlled setting. James wasthe perfect coach for students who were worried about tryingthese skills as he motivated them to give it their best shot.Students worked on their skills of passing, controlling the ball,side stepping and of course, scoring a try! We would like tothank James and his staff for helping promoting the game ofRugby League here at Parklea.

Year 3 Excursion

Last term, Year 3 went to The Rocks next to the HarbourBridge. We discussed the history of The Rocks and learnt abouta few people who lived there a long time ago. We walkedaround and saw many building that have been there since TheRocks area was built. We even saw the oldest building in TheRocks!

Each class weaved bracelets or necklaces with really longpieces of grass using the traditional Aboriginal technique. Wealso made little spinning things on strings. It was awesome!

Year 3 played some old style games, for example, Marbles,skipping, hoop toss and horse shoe throwing.

All classes had different scavenger hunts and searched for oldthings used in the olden days. We had so much fun!

By Lily Cork and Taylor Foulstone.

Year 4 Excursion

On Monday the 23rd of September 4P and 4H went to therocks. We arrived outside the Sydney Observatory. We thenwalked to Barangaroo Park. There Austin our tour guide told ussome Aboriginal stories, as well as learning to weave, and draw


a Banksia. We also had recess and crunch and sip. Then wewalked to the Rocks Discovery Museum.

When we got there we did a scavenger hunt. Some objectswere a small barrel, a climbing axe and a canoe. Then we learntwhat many objects were used for. After that we went to theunderground ruins.

At the ruins we saw a 200 year old house. It was found whiledigging for a car park. In the house there was a kitchen, 4bedrooms, a cellar, as well as a well outside the house. Wealso talked about how the toilet was outside the house and theyused a gozunder at night. They also had to get water from thewell. Then we came back to school.

By Jordan (4P) and Alinta (4H)

Years K - 2 PBL Awards

Congratulations to the following K – 2 students who receivedPBL awards at our assembly in week 7 hosted by KI.


KM Charlie Amira Senuka

KI Mackenzie Kai Cooper

KW Olivia Brody Daniel K

KD Anthony Setayesh Elyse

KH Ella Jax Piper

1T Axl Eli Michaela

1F Viraj Eliana Tamam

1D Gavin Alyssa J Zayne

1J Alyssa G Alyssa J Rayn

2C Harper Holly M Ojas

2J Blake Samuel Jodie

2K Triptveer James S Scarlett

2L Sidharth Dakota Cavalli






K/2 Red Charlie Amira Senuka

4K Excursion

On the 26th September, classes from across Stage 2 wenton an excursion to some of the infamous landmarks at TheRocks in Sydney to provide students with a deeper knowledgeand understanding of the history of European Settlement andcolonisation. Students and staff were led on tour by BarangarooStaff and visited Barangaroo Reserve, The Rocks DiscoveryMuseum which showcased artifacts and interactive exhibitsspotlighting the history of The Rocks area and visited theremains of a 1920’s cottage built by early European Settlers.Staff and students had a wonderful time travelling back in time.

The Rocks Excursion

Last Term, we went on an excursion to Barangaroo. It tookus around thirty-five minutes to reach our destination. Austinwas our tour guide who took us around the area. We visitedBarangaroo Reserve and listened to Austin talk about nativeplants in Australia and how the Aboriginals used plants tosurvive. After morning tea, we visited The Rocks DiscoveryMuseum and looked at old artefacts from early settlement. Afterlunch, we went to an old convict house and looked around thenwent back to school. I found this excursion interesting becausewe learnt more about how Aboriginal people lived and whatEuropean Settlement was like.

Written by Methuli in 4K

