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November 3rd. 2011




The difference between evaluation and assessment

Objective vs. Competences

Blooms Taxonomy

Designing a blueprint

Types of tests

Class logs

Final work

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In this portfolio we can find the contents of our Evaluation and Assessment Techniques

class into the 6th. Semester. The following information is going to help us and other

teachers because we have references about evaluations and assessments. We as teachers

have to create exams but to write a better exams we have to read careful the following

information that this portfolio has. I know that this information is going to be very useful to

the teachers.

Chapter 9. Assessment Vocabulary The definitions in this list were derived from several sources, including:

• Glossary of Useful Terms Related to Authentic and Performance Assessments. Grant Wiggins

• SCASS Arts Assessment Project Glossary of Assessment Terms • The ERIC Review: Performance-Based Assessment. Vol. 3 Issue 1, Winter, 1994. • Assessment: How Do We Know What They Know? ASCD. 1992. • Dissolving the Boundaries: Assessment that Enhances Learning. Dee Dickinson • http://www.newhorizons.org/strategies/assess/terminology.htm

Accountability – The demand by a community (public officials, employers, and taxpayers) for school officials to prove that money invested in education has led to measurable learning. "Accountability testing" is an attempt to sample what students have learned, or how well teachers have taught, and/or the effectiveness of a school's principal's performance as an instructional leader. School budgets and personnel promotions, compensation, and awards may be affected. Most school districts make this kind of assessment public; it can affect policy and public perception of the effectiveness of taxpayer-supported schools and be the basis for comparison among schools. It has been suggested that test scores analyzed in a disaggregated format can help identify instructional problems and point to potential solutions. Action Plans – The statement that indicates the specific changes that a given area plans to implement in the next cycle based on assessment results. "The biology faculty will introduce one special project in the introductory class that will expose the students to the scientific method." "Career Services is implementing a software program called ‘1st Place’. This software will allow better tracking of job openings."

Action Research – Classroom-based research involving the systematic collection of data in order to address certain questions and issue so as to improve classroom instruction and educational effectiveness. Affective Outcomes – Outcomes of education that reflect feelings more than understanding; likes, pleasures, ideals, dislikes, annoyances, values. Annual Report: A report from each academic program based on its assessment plan that is submitted annually, which outlines how evidence was used to improve student learning outcomes through curricular and/or other changes or to document that no changes were needed. Assessment – The systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development. In general

terms, assessment is the determination of a value, or measurement, based on a "standard." We often refer to this standard as a "target." Standard-based measurement, or assessment, is useful in education for both the placement of students in initial course work and ascertaining the extent of students' acquisition of skills/knowledge. Assessment Cycle – The assessment cycle in higher education is generally annual and fits within the academic year. Outcomes, targets and assessment tools are established early in the fall semester; data is collected by the end of spring semester; results are analyzed during the summer and early fall. Assessment Tool – An instrument that has been designed to collect objective data about students' knowledge and skill acquisition. An appropriate outcomes assessment test measures students' ability to integrate a set of individual skills into a meaningful, collective demonstration. Some examples of assessment tools include standardized tests, end-of-program skills tests, student inquiries, common final exams, and comprehensive embedded test items. Assessment Literacy – The possession of knowledge about the basic principals of sound assessment practice, including terminology, the development and use of assessment methodologies and techniques, familiarity with standards of quality in assessment. Increasingly, familiarity with alternatives to traditional measurements of learning.

Authentic Assessment – A circumstance in which the behavior that the learning is intended to produce is evaluated and discussed in order to improve learning. The concept of model, practice, feedback in which students know what excellent performance is and are guided to practice an entire concept rather than bits and pieces in preparation for eventual understanding. A variety of techniques can be employed in authentic assessment. Benchmark – Student performance standards (the level(s) of student competence in a content area).

Cohort – A group whose progress is followed by means of measurements at different points in time. Course-embedded assessment – A method in which evidence of student learning outcomes for the program is obtained from assignments in particular courses in the curriculum. Course-level assessment – Assessment to determine the extent to which a specific course is achieving its learning goals. Course mapping – A matrix showing the coverage of each program learning outcome in each course. It may also indicate the level of emphasis of each outcome in each course. Criterion Referenced Tests – A test in which the results can be used to determine a student's progress toward mastery of a content area. Performance is compared to an expected level of

mastery in a content area rather than to other students' scores. Such tests usually include questions based on what the student was taught and are designed to measure the student's mastery of designated objectives of an instructional program. The "criterion" is the standard of performance established as the passing score for the test. Scores have meaning in terms of what the student knows or can do, rather than how the test-taker compares to a reference or norm group. Curriculum Map – A matrix showing where each goal and/or learning outcome are covered in each program course. Direct Assessment – Assessment to gauge student achievement of learning outcomes directly from their work. Educational Goals – The knowledge, skills, abilities, capacities, attitudes or dispositions students are expected to acquire as a result of completing your academic program. Goals are sometimes treated as synonymous with outcomes, though outcomes are the behavioral results of the goals, and are stated in precise operational terms. Formative assessment – The assessment of student achievement at different stages of a course or at different stages of a student’s academic career. The focus of formative assessment is on the documentation of student development over time. It can also be used to engage students in a process of reflection on their education. General Education Assessment – Assessment that measures the campus-wide, general education competencies agreed upon by the faculty. General education assessment is more holistic in nature than program outcomes assessment because competencies are measured across disciplines, rather than just within a single discipline. Holistic Scoring – In assessment, assigning a single score based on an overall assessment of performance rather than by scoring or analyzing dimensions or traits individually. The product is considered to be more than the sum of its parts and so the quality of a final product or performance is evaluated rather than the process or dimension of performance. A holistic scoring rubric might combine a number of elements on a single scale. Focused holistic scoring may be used to evaluate a limited portion of a learner's performance. Indirect Assessment – Assessment that deduces student achievement of learning outcomes through the reported perception of learning by students and other agents. Institutional assessment – Assessment to determine the extent to which a college or university is achieving its mission. Learning outcomes – Operational statements describing specific student behaviors that evidence the acquisition of desired goals in knowledge, skills, abilities, capacities, attitudes or dispositions. Learning outcomes can be usefully thought of as behavioral criteria for determining whether students are achieving the educational goals of a program, and, ultimately, whether overall program goals are being successfully met. Outcomes are sometimes treated as synonymous with objectives, though objectives are usually more general statements of what

students are expected to achieve in an academic program. Measurable Criteria – An intended student outcome, or administrative objective, restated in a quantifiable, or measurable, statement. "60% of biology students will complete an experiment/project using scientific methods in fall 2003;" "75% of responding MU students will indicate on a survey in fall 2003 that they have read materials about career opportunities on campus." Metacognition – The knowledge of one's own thinking processes and strategies, and the ability to consciously reflect and act on the knowledge of cognition to modify those processes and strategies.

Norm – A distribution of scores obtained from a norm group. The norm is the midpoint (or median) of scores or performance of the students in that group. Fifty percent will score above and fifty percent below the norm. Performance-Based Assessment – Direct, systematic observation and rating of student performance of an educational objective, often an ongoing observation over a period of time, and typically involving the creation of products. The assessment may be a continuing interaction between teacher and student and should ideally be part of the learning process. The assessment should be a real-world performance with relevance to the student and learning community. Assessment of the performance is done using a rubric, or analytic scoring guide to aid in objectivity. Performance-based assessment is a test of the ability to apply knowledge in a real-life setting or performance of exemplary tasks in the demonstration of intellectual ability. Portfolio – A systematic and organized collection of a student's work that exhibits to others the direct evidence of a student's efforts, achievements, and progress over a period of time. The collection should involve the student in selection of its contents, and should include information about the performance criteria, the rubric or criteria for judging merit, and evidence of student self-refection or evaluation. Portfolio Assessment – Portfolios may be assessed in a variety of ways. Each piece may be individually scored, or the portfolio might be assessed merely for the presence of required pieces, or a holistic scoring process might be used and an evaluation made on the basis of an overall impression of the student's collected work. It is common that assessors work together to establish consensus of standards or to ensure greater reliability in evaluation of student work. Established criteria are often used by reviewers and students involved in the process of evaluating progress and achievement of objectives. Primary Trait Method – A type of rubric scoring constructed to assess a specific trait, skill, behavior, or format, or the evaluation of the primary impact of a learning process on a designated audience. Process – A generalizable method of doing something, generally involving steps or operations which are usually ordered and/or interdependent. Process can be evaluated as part of an assessment, as in the example of evaluating a student's performance during prewriting exercises

leading up to the final production of an essay or paper. Program assessment – Assessment to determine the extent to which students in a departmental program can demonstrate the learning outcomes for the program. Reliability – An assessment tool’s consistency of results over time and with different samples of students. Rubric – A set of criteria specifying the characteristics of a learning outcome and the levels of achievement in each characteristic. Self-efficacy – Students’ judgment of their own capabilities for a specific learning outcome. Senior Project – Extensive projects planned and carried out during the senior year as the culmination of the undergraduate experience. Senior projects require higher-level thinking skills, problem-solving, and creative thinking. They are often interdisciplinary, and may require extensive research. Projects culminate in a presentation of the project to a panel of people, usually faculty and community mentors, sometimes students, who evaluate the student's work at the end of the year. Summative assessment – The assessment of student achievement at the end point of their education or at the end of a course. The focus of summative assessment is on the documentation of student achievement by the end of a course or program. It does not reveal the pathway of development to achieve that endpoint. Triangulation – The collection of data via multiple methods in order to determine if the results show a consistent outcome Validity – The degree to which an assessment measures (a) what is intended, as opposed to (b) what is not intended, or (c) what is unsystematic or unstable


Assessment and Evaluation Defined

Assessment  is the act of gathering  information on a daily basis  in order to understand  individual students' learning and needs.  

Evaluation  is  the  culminating  act  of  interpreting  the  information  gathered  for  the  purpose  of making decisions or judgments about students' learning and needs, often at reporting time.  

Assessment and evaluation are integral components of the teaching‐learning cycle. The main purposes are to guide and improve learning and instruction. Effectively planned assessment and evaluation can promote learning, build confidence, and develop students' understanding of themselves as learners.  

Assessment data assists the teacher  in planning and adapting for further  instruction. As well, teachers can enhance students' understanding of their own progress by involving them in gathering their own data, and by sharing  teacher‐gathered data with  them. Such participation makes  it possible  for students  to  identify personal learning goals.  

This  curriculum  advocates  assessment  and  evaluation  procedures  which  correspond  with  curriculum objectives and instructional practices, and which are sensitive to the developmental characteristics of early adolescents. Observation, conferencing, oral and written product assessment, and process (or performance) assessment may be used to gather information about student progress.  

Guiding Principles

The following principles are intended to assist teachers in planning for student assessment and evaluation:  

• Assessment and evaluation are essential components of the teaching‐learning process. They should be planned, continuous activities which are derived from curriculum objectives and consistent with the instructional and learning strategies.  

• A variety of assessment and evaluation techniques should be used. Techniques should be selected for  their  appropriateness  to  students'  learning  styles  and  to  the  intended  purposes.  Students should be given opportunities to demonstrate the extent of their knowledge, abilities, and attitudes in a variety of ways.  

• Teachers  should  communicate  assessment  and  evaluation  strategies  and  plans  in  advance, informing the students of the objectives and the assessment procedures relative to the objectives. Students should have opportunities for input into the evaluation process.  

• Assessment  and  evaluation  should  be  fair  and  equitable.  They  should  be  sensitive  to  family, classroom, school, and community situations and to cultural or gender requirements; they should be free of bias.  

• Assessment  and  evaluation  should  help  students.  They  should  provide  positive  feedback  and encourage  students  to  participate  actively  in  their  own  assessment  in  order  to  foster  lifelong learning and enable them to transfer knowledge and abilities to their life experiences.  

• Assessment  and  evaluation  data  and  results  should  be  communicated  to  students  and parents/guardians regularly, in meaningful ways.  

Using  a  variety  of  techniques  and  tools,  the  teacher  collects  assessment  information  about  students' language development and their growth in speaking, listening, writing, and reading knowledge and abilities. The  data  gathered  during  assessment  becomes  the  basis  for  an  evaluation.  Comparing  assessment information  to  curriculum  objectives  allows  the  teacher  to make  a  decision  or  judgment  regarding  the progress of a student's learning.  

Types of Assessment and Evaluation

There  are  three  types  of  assessment  and  evaluation  that  occur  regularly  throughout  the  school  year: diagnostic, formative, and summative.  

Diagnostic assessment and evaluation usually occur at  the beginning of  the school year and before each unit of study. The purposes are to determine students' knowledge and skills, their learning needs, and their motivational and interest levels. By examining the results of diagnostic assessment, teachers can determine where  to  begin  instruction  and  what  concepts  or  skills  to  emphasize.  Diagnostic  assessment  provides information  essential  to  teachers  in  selecting  relevant  learning  objectives  and  in  designing  appropriate learning experiences for all students, individually and as group members. Keeping diagnostic instruments for comparison  and  further  reference  enables  teachers  and  students  to  determine  progress  and  future direction.  

Diagnostic assessment tools such as the Writing Strategies Questionnaire and the Reading Interest/Attitude Inventory in this guide can provide support for instructional decisions.  

Formative  assessment  and  evaluation  focus  on  the  processes  and  products  of  learning.  Formative assessment is continuous and is meant to inform the student, the parent/guardian, and the teacher of the student's  progress  toward  the  curriculum  objectives.  This  type  of  assessment  and  evaluation  provides information upon which  instructional decisions and adaptations can be made and provides  students with directions for future learning.  

Involvement  in constructing  their own assessment  instruments or  in adapting ones  the  teacher has made allows students to focus on what they are trying to achieve, develops their thinking skills, and helps them to become  reflective  learners. As well, peer assessment  is a useful  formative evaluation  technique. For peer assessment to be successful, students must be provided with assistance and the opportunity to observe a model peer assessment session. Through peer assessment students have the opportunity to become critical and  creative  thinkers who  can  clearly  communicate  ideas  and  thoughts  to  others.  Instruments  such  as checklists or learning logs, and interviews or conferences provide useful data.  

Summative assessment and evaluation occur most often at the end of a unit of instruction and at term or year end when students are ready to demonstrate achievement of curriculum objectives. The main purposes are to determine knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes that have developed over a given period of time; to summarize student progress; and to report this progress to students, parents/guardians, and teachers.  

Summative  judgments  are  based  upon  criteria  derived  from  curriculum  objectives.  By  sharing  these objectives with  the students and  involving  them  in designing  the evaluation  instruments,  teachers enable students to understand and internalize the criteria by which their progress will be determined.  

Often assessment and evaluation results provide both formative and summative information. For example, summative evaluation can be used formatively to make decisions about changes to instructional strategies, curriculum  topics,  or  learning  environment.  Similarly,  formative  evaluation  assists  teachers  in  making summative  judgments about  student progress and determining where  further  instruction  is necessary  for individuals or groups. The suggested assessment techniques  included  in various sections of this guide may be used for each type of evaluation.  

The Evaluation Process

Teachers  as  decision makers  strive  to make  a  close match  between  curriculum  objectives,  instructional methods, and assessment techniques. The evaluation process carried out parallel to instruction is a cyclical one that involves four phases: preparation, assessment, evaluation, and reflection.  

In  the  preparation  phase,  teachers  decide what  is  to  be  evaluated,  the  type  of  evaluation  to  be  used (diagnostic,  formative, or  summative),  the  criteria upon which  student  learning outcomes will be  judged, and the most appropriate assessment techniques for gathering  information on student progress. Teachers may make these decisions in collaboration with students.  

During  the assessment phase,  teachers  select  appropriate  tools  and  techniques,  then  collect  and  collate information  on  student  progress.  Teachers must  determine where, when,  and  how  assessments will  be conducted, and students must be consulted and informed.  

During  the evaluation phase,  teachers  interpret  the  assessment  information  and make  judgments  about student progress. These judgments (or evaluation) provide information upon which teachers base decisions about student learning and report progress to students and parents/guardians. Students are encouraged to monitor  their own  learning by evaluating  their achievements on a  regular basis. Encouraging  students  to participate  in  evaluation  nurtures  gradual  acceptance  of  responsibility  for  their  own  progress  and  helps them to understand and appreciate their growth as readers and writers.  

The reflection phase allows teachers to consider the extent to which the previous phases in the evaluation process have been successful. Specifically, teachers evaluate the utility, equity, and appropriateness of the assessment techniques used. Such reflection assists teachers in making decisions concerning improvements or adaptations to subsequent instruction and evaluation.  

Student Assessment and Evaluation 

When implementing assessment and evaluation procedures, it is valuable to consider the characteristics of early adolescents. Developmentally, Middle Level students are at various cognitive, emotional, social, and physical  levels.  Assessment  and  evaluation  must  be  sensitive  to  this  range  of  transitions  and  address individual  progress.  It  is  unrealistic  and  damaging  to  expect  students  who  are  at  various  stages  of development to perform at the same level. It is necessary to clarify, for Middle Level students, the individual nature of the curriculum and the assessment strategies used; students should recognize that they are not 

being compared to their peers, but that they are setting their own  learning goals  in relation to curriculum objectives.  

Insensitive evaluation of the early adolescent can result in the student feeling low self‐worth and wanting to give up. Regular, positive feedback is a valuable part of the learning process and helps students identify how well  they have achieved  individual goals and curriculum objectives. As students begin  to achieve success, their  sense of  self‐esteem  increases and  the need  for extrinsic  rewards gives way  to  the development of intrinsic motivation.  

Early adolescents are vulnerable to peer approval or rejection, and they harbor a strong sense of fairness and justice. Because Middle Level students find it more satisfying to strive for immediately achievable goals rather  than  long‐term  goals,  they  will  respond  positively  to  a  system  of  continuous  assessment  and evaluation.  

Effective  evaluators  of  Middle  Level  students  are  astute  observers  who  use  a  variety  of  monitoring techniques  to  collect  information  about  students'  knowledge,  skills,  attitudes,  values,  and  language competencies. Well organized,  concise, and accessible  records accommodate  the  large quantities of data likely to be collected, and assist teachers' decision making and reporting.  

Some effective  techniques  for monitoring  student progress  in  the areas of oracy and  literacy  include  the following:  

• Make video and audio recordings of a variety of formal and informal oral language experiences, and then assess  these according  to pre‐determined criteria which are based upon student needs and curriculum objectives.  

• Use checklists as concise methods of collecting  information, and rating scales or rubrics to assess student achievement.  

• Record  anecdotal  comments  to  provide  useful  data  based  upon  observation  of  students'  oral activities.  

• Interview  students  to determine what  they believe  they do well or areas  in which  they need  to improve.  

• Have students keep portfolios of their dated writing samples, and language abilities checklists and records.  

• Keep anecdotal records of students' reading and writing activities and experiences.  • Have students write in reader response journals.  • Confer with  students  during  the writing  and  reading  processes,  and  observe  them  during  peer 


Self‐assessment  promotes  students'  abilities  to  assume  more  responsibility  for  their  own  learning  by encouraging self‐reflection and encouraging them to identify where they believe they have been successful and where they believe they require assistance. Discussing students' self‐assessments with them allows the teacher to see how they value their own work and to ask questions that encourage students to reflect upon their experiences and set goals for new learning.  

Peer  assessment  allows  students  to  collaborate  and  learn  from  others.  Through  discussions with  peers, Middle Level students can verbalize their concerns and ideas in a way that helps them clarify their thoughts and decide in which direction to proceed.  

The  instruments  for  peer  and  self‐assessment  should  be  collaboratively  constructed  by  teachers  and students.  It  is  important  for  teachers  to discuss  learning objectives with  the students. Together,  they can develop assessment and evaluation criteria relevant to the objectives, as well as to students' individual and group needs.  

Assessment and Evaluation Strategies

Assessment data can be collected and recorded by both the teacher and the students in a variety of ways. Through  observation  of  students,  and  in  interviews  or  conferences with  students,  teachers  can  discover much about their students' knowledge, abilities, interests, and needs. As well, teachers can collect samples of  students' work  in  portfolios  and  conduct  performance  assessments  within  the  context  of  classroom activities. When a number of assessment tools are used in conjunction with one another, richer and more in‐depth data collection results. Whatever method of data collection is used, teachers should:  

• meet with students regularly to discuss their progress  

• adjust rating criteria as learners change and progress.  


Observation  occurs  during  students'  daily  reading,  writing,  listening,  and  speaking  experiences.  It  is  an unobtrusive  means  by  which  teachers  (and  students)  can  determine  their  progress  during  learning. Observations can be recorded as anecdotal notes, and on checklists or rating scales. When teachers attach the  data  collection  sheets  to  a  hand‐held  clipboard,  data  can  be  recorded  immediately  and  with  little interruption  to  the  student. Alternatively,  adhesive  note  papers  can be  used  to  record data  quickly  and unobtrusively.  

Anecdotal Records

Anecdotal records are notes written by the teacher regarding student language, behavior, or learning. They document and describe significant daily events, and relevant aspects of student activity and progress. These notes  can  be  taken  during  student  activities  or  at  the  end  of  the  day.  Formats  for  collection  should  be flexible and easy to use.  

Guidelines for use include the following:  

• Record the observation and the circumstance in which the learning experience occurs. There will be time to analyze notes at another time, perhaps at the end of the day, or after several observations about one student have been accumulated.  

• Make  the  task  of  daily  note  taking  manageable  by  focusing  on  clearly  defined  objectives  or purposes, and by  identifying only a  few  students  to observe during a designated period of  time. However, learning and progress cannot be scheduled, and it is valuable to note other observations of importance as they occur.  

• Record data on loose‐leaf sheets and keep these in a three‐ring binder with a page designated for each student and organized alphabetically by students'  last names or by class. This format allows the teacher to add pages as necessary.  

• Write the notes on recipe cards and then file these alphabetically.  • Use adhesive note papers that can be attached to the student's pages or recipe card files.  • Design structured forms for collection of specific data.  

• Use a combination of the above suggestions.  

Teachers may  choose  to  keep  running written  observations  for  each  student  or  they may  use  a more structured approach, constructing charts  that  focus each observation on  the collection of specific data. A combination  of  open‐ended  notes  and  structured  forms may  also  be  used.  It  is  important  to  date  all observations recorded.  


Observation checklists, usually completed while students are engaged in specific activities or processes, are lists of specific criteria that teachers focus on at a particular time or during a particular process. Checklists are  used  to  record  whether  students  have  acquired  specific  knowledge,  skills,  processes,  abilities,  and attitudes. Checklists inform teachers about where their instruction has been successful and where students need assistance or further instruction. Formats for checklists should be varied and easy to use.  

Guidelines for using checklists include the following:  

• Determine the observation criteria from curriculum, unit, and lesson objectives.  • Review specific criteria with students before beginning the observation.  • Involve students in developing some or all of the criteria whenever it will be beneficial to do so.  • Choose criteria that are easily observed to prevent vagueness and increase objectivity.  • Use  jargon‐free  language to describe criteria so that data can be used  in  interviews with students 

and parents.  • Make  the  observation manageable by  keeping  the  number  of  criteria  to  less  than  eight  and by 

limiting the number of students observed to a few at one time.  • Have students construct and use checklists for peer and self‐assessments.  • Summarize checklist data regularly.  • Use or adapt existing checklists from other sources.  • Use yes‐no  checklists  to  identify whether a  specific action has been  completed or  if a particular 

quality is present.  • Use tally checklists to note the frequency of the action observed or recorded.  • Construct all checklists with space for recording anecdotal notes and comments.  

Rating Scales and Rubrics  

Rating scales record the extent to which specific criteria have been achieved by the student or are present in the  student's work. Rating  scales also  record  the quality of  the  student's performance at a given  time or within a given process. Rating scales are similar to checklists, and teachers can often convert checklists into rating scales by assigning number values to the various criteria listed. They can be designed as number lines or as holistic scales or rubrics. Rubrics  include criteria  that describe each  level of  the rating scale and are used  to  determine  student progress  in  comparison  to  these  expectations. All  formats  for  rating  student progress should be concise and clear.  

Guidelines for use include the following:  

• Determine  specific  assessment  criteria  from  curriculum  objectives,  components  of  a  particular activity, or student needs.  

• Discuss or develop the specific criteria with students before beginning the assessment.  • Choose criteria that are easily observed in order to prevent vagueness and increase objectivity.  

• Select criteria  that students have had  the opportunity  to practice. These criteria may differ  from student to student, depending upon their strengths and needs.  

• Use jargon‐free language to describe criteria so that data can be used effectively in interviews with students and parents.  

• Make  the  assessment manageable  by  keeping  the  number  of  criteria  to  less  than  eight  and  by limiting the number of students observed to a few at one time.  

• Use or adapt rating scales and rubrics from other sources.  • Use  numbered  continuums  to  measure  the  degree  to  which  students  are  successful  at 

accomplishing a skill or activity.  • Use rubrics when the observation calls for a holistic rating scale. Rubrics describe the attributes of 

student knowledge or achievements on a numbered continuum of possibilities.  


Portfolios  are  collections  of  relevant  work  that  reflect  students'  individual  efforts,  development,  and progress  over  a  designated  period  of  time.  Portfolios  provide  students,  teachers,  parents,  and administrators with a broad picture of each  student's growth over  time,  including  the  student's abilities, knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Students should be  involved  in the selection of work to be  included, goal setting  for personal  learning,  and  self‐assessment.  The  teacher  can  encourage  critical  thinking by having students  decide  which  of  their  works  to  include  in  their  portfolios  and  explain  why  they  chose  those particular items. Instruction and assessment are integrated as students and teachers collaborate to compile relevant and individual portfolios for each student.  

Guidelines for use include the following:  

• Brainstorm with students to discover what they already know about portfolios.  • Share samples of portfolios with students.  (Teachers may need to create samples  if student ones 

are not available; however, samples should be as authentic as possible.)  • Provide students with an overview of portfolio assessment prior to beginning their collections.  • Collaborate with students to set up guidelines for the content of portfolios and establish evaluation 

criteria for their portfolio collections. Consider the following:  o What  is  the  purpose  of  the  portfolio?  (Is  it  the  primary  focus  of  assessment  or  is  it 

supplemental? Will  it be used  to determine  a mark or will  it  simply be used  to  inform students, teachers, and parents about student progress?)  

o Who will be the audience(s) for the portfolio?  o What will be  included  in the portfolio (e.g., writing samples only, samples of all  language 

processes)?  o What  are  the  criteria  for  selecting  a  piece  of  work  for  inclusion? When  should  those 

selections be made?  o Who  will  determine  what  items  are  included  in  the  portfolio  (e.g.,  the  student,  the 

teacher, the student and teacher in consultation)?  o When should items be added or removed?  o How  should  the  contents  be  organized  and  documented? Where will  the  portfolios  be 

stored?  o What will be the criteria for evaluation of the portfolio?  o What  form will  feedback  to  the  students  take  (e.g., written  summaries, oral  interviews/ 

conferences)?  o How will the portfolio be assessed/evaluated (e.g., list of criteria)?  

• Assemble  examples  of  work  that  represent  a  wide  range  of  students'  developing  abilities, knowledge, and attitudes including samples of work from their speaking, listening, reading, writing, representing, and viewing experiences.  

• Date all items for effective organization and reference.  • Inform parents/guardians about  the use and purposes of portfolios  (e.g.,  send  letters describing 

portfolios home, display sample portfolios on meet‐the‐teacher evening to introduce parents to the concept).  

• Consider the following for inclusion:  o criteria for content selection  o table of contents or captioned labels that briefly outline or identify the contents  o samples of student writing (e.g., pre‐writing, multiple drafts, final drafts, published pieces)  o sample reading logs  o samples of a variety of responses from reader response journals (originals or photocopies 

of originals)  o evidence of student self‐reflection (e.g., summaries, structured reflection sheets)  o audiotapes and videotapes of student work  o photographs  o collaborative projects  o computer disks.  

Formats for portfolio assembly should be easily organized, stored, and accessed. Some possibilities include the following:  

• Keep file folders or accordion folders in classroom filing cabinet drawers, cupboards, or boxes.  • Use three‐ring binders for ease of adding and removing items as students progress.  • Store scrapbooks in boxes or crates.  

Evaluating Student Portfolios  

At the end of the term/semester/year when the portfolio is submitted for summative evaluation, it is useful to review the contents as a whole and record data using the previously set criteria. One method of recording data  is to prepare a grid with the criteria  listed down one side and the checklist or rating scale across the top.  If  there  is  need  to  assign  a  numerical  grade,  designate  numbers  to  each  set  of  criteria  on  the checklist/rating  scale  and  convert  the  evaluation  into  a  number  grade.  Some  examples  of  portfolio assessment and recording forms follow. The teacher can adapt these sample forms or create new ones.  



What is assessment and evaluation? 

Assessment  is  defined  as  data‐gathering  strategies,  analyses,  and  reporting  processes  that provide  information  that  can be used  to determine whether or not  intended outcomes  are being achieved: Evaluation uses assessment  information to support decisions on maintaining, changing, or discarding instructional or programmatic practices. These strategies can inform: 

• The nature and extent of learning, 

• Facilitate curricular decision making, 

• Correspondence between learning and the aims and objectives of teaching, and  

• The relationship between learning and the environments in which learning takes place. 

Evaluation  is the culminating act of  interpreting the  information gathered for the purpose of making decisions or judgments about students' learning and needs, often at reporting time.  

Assessment and evaluation are  integral components of the teaching‐learning cycle. The main purposes are to guide and  improve  learning and  instruction. Effectively planned assessment and evaluation can promote  learning, build confidence, and develop students' understanding of themselves as learners.  

Assessment data assists the teacher  in planning and adapting for further  instruction. As well, teachers  can  enhance  students'  understanding  of  their  own  progress  by  involving  them  in gathering their own data, and by sharing teacher‐gathered data with them. Such participation makes it possible for students to identify personal learning goals.  

Types of Assessment and Evaluation 

There are three types of assessment and evaluation that occur regularly throughout the school year: diagnostic, formative, and summative.  

Diagnostic assessment and evaluation usually occur at the beginning of the school year and before each unit of study. The purposes are to determine students' knowledge and skills, their learning  needs,  and  their  motivational  and  interest  levels.  By  examining  the  results  of diagnostic assessment, teachers can determine where to begin instruction and what concepts or  skills  to  emphasize. Diagnostic  assessment  provides  information  essential  to  teachers  in selecting relevant learning objectives and in designing appropriate learning experiences for all students,  individually and as group members. Keeping diagnostic  instruments for comparison and  further  reference  enables  teachers  and  students  to  determine  progress  and  future direction.  

Diagnostic  assessment  tools  such  as  the Writing  Strategies Questionnaire  and  the  Reading Interest/Attitude Inventory in this guide can provide support for instructional decisions.  

Formative  assessment  and  evaluation  focus  on  the  processes  and  products  of  learning. Formative assessment is continuous and is meant to inform the student, the parent/guardian, and  the  teacher  of  the  student's  progress  toward  the  curriculum  objectives.  This  type  of assessment  and  evaluation  provides  information  upon  which  instructional  decisions  and adaptations can be made and provides students with directions for future learning.  

Involvement in constructing their own assessment instruments or in adapting ones the teacher has made allows students to focus on what they are trying to achieve, develops their thinking skills,  and  helps  them  to  become  reflective  learners.  As well,  peer  assessment  is  a  useful formative  evaluation  technique.  For  peer  assessment  to  be  successful,  students  must  be provided with assistance  and  the opportunity  to observe a model peer assessment  session. Through  peer  assessment  students  have  the  opportunity  to  become  critical  and  creative thinkers who  can  clearly  communicate  ideas  and  thoughts  to  others.  Instruments  such  as checklists or learning logs, and interviews or conferences provide useful data.  

Summative assessment and evaluation occur most often at  the end of a unit of  instruction and at term or year end when students are ready to demonstrate achievement of curriculum objectives. The main purposes are to determine knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes that have developed over a given period of time; to summarize student progress; and to report this progress to students, parents/guardians, and teachers.  

Summative judgements are based upon criteria derived from curriculum objectives. By sharing these objectives with the students and involving them in designing the evaluation instruments, teachers enable students to understand and internalize the criteria by which their progress will be determined.  

Often assessment and evaluation results provide both formative and summative  information. For example, summative evaluation can be used formatively to make decisions about changes to  instructional  strategies,  curriculum  topics,  or  learning  environment.  Similarly,  formative evaluation  assists  teachers  in  making  summative  judgements  about  student  progress  and determining where  further  instruction  is necessary  for  individuals or  groups. The  suggested assessment techniques included in various sections of this guide may be used for each type of evaluation.  





• Introduction ....................................... 1

• Need for the Guide ............................ 1

• What is Quality Teaching? ................. 2

• Formative Assessment ...................... 2

• Summative Evaluation ....................... 2

• Overview of Assessment andEvaluation Strategies:

1. Teaching dossiers ........................ 32. Student ratings ............................ 43. Peer observations ........................ 54. Letters & individual interviews ...... 65. Course portfolios ......................... 66. Classroom assessment ............... 7

• Classroom Assessment Techniques .. 8

The Teaching Assessment and Evaluation Guide© is published by the Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning(SCOTL),York University www.yorku.ca/secretariat/senate/committees/scotl/ (revised January 2002)


The Teaching Assessment and Evaluation Guide providesinstructors with starting-points for reflecting on theirteaching, and with advice on how to gather feedback ontheir teaching practices and effectiveness as part of asystematic program of teaching development. As well, theGuide provides guidance on how teaching might be fairlyand effectively evaluated, which characteristics ofteaching might be considered, and which evaluationtechniques are best suited for different purposes. TheTeaching Assessment and Evaluation Guide is acompanion to the Teaching Documentation Guide (1993),also prepared by the Senate Committee on Teaching andLearning (SCOTL). The Documentation Guide (availableat the Centre for the Support of Teaching and on theSCOTL website) aims to provide instructors with adviceand concrete suggestions on how to document the varietyand complexity of their teaching contributions.


Teaching is a complex and personal activity that is bestassessed and evaluated using multiple techniques andbroadly-based criteria. Assessment for formativepurposes is designed to stimulate growth, change andimprovement in teaching through reflective practice.Evaluation, in contrast, is used for summative purposes togive an overview of a particular instructor’s teaching in aparticular course and setting. Informed judgements onteaching effectiveness can best be made when bothassessment and evaluation are conducted, using severaltechniques to elicit information from various perspectiveson different characteristics of teaching. There is no onecomplete source for information on one’s teaching, and nosingle technique for gathering it. Moreover, thetechniques need to be sensitive to the particular teachingassignment of the instructor being assessed or evaluated,as well as the context in which the teaching takes place. Ifmultiple perspectives are represented and differenttechniques used, the process will be more valued, theconclusions reached will be more credible, andconsequently more valuable to the individual beingassessed or evaluated.

Current practices at York University are varied. In mostdepartments and units, teaching is systematicallyevaluated, primarily for summative purposes. Individualinstructors are free, if they wish, to use the data sogathered for formative purposes, or they may contact theCentre for the Support of Teaching which providesfeedback and teaching analysis aimed at growth,development and improvement. Without denying thevalue of summative teaching evaluation, the mainpurpose of this Guide is to encourage committees andindividuals to engage in reflective practice through theongoing assessment of teaching for formative purposesand for professional development. Research indicatesthat such practice leads to heightened enthusiasm forteaching, and improvement in teaching and learning, bothof which are linked to faculty vitality.

S E N AT E C O M M I T T E E O N T E A C H I N G A N D L E A R N I N G ’ S G U I D E T O



consideration the level of the course, the instructor’sobjectives and style, and the teaching methodologyemployed. Nonetheless, the primary criterion must beimproved student learning. Research indicates thatstudents, faculty and administrators alike agree thatquality teaching:

• establishes a positive learning environment;• motivates student engagement;• provides appropriate challenges;• is responsive to students’ learning needs; and• is fair in evaluating their learning.

Concretely, indicators of quality teaching can include:

• effective choice of materials;• organization of subject matter and course;• effective communication skills;• knowledge of and enthusiasm for the subject matter

and teaching;• availability to students; and• responsiveness to student concerns and opinions.

Some characteristics are more easily measured thanothers. Furthermore, since instructors are individuals andteaching styles are personal, it is all the more important torecognize that not everyone will display the same patternsand strengths.


Formative assessment of teaching can be carried out atmany points during an instructional period, in theclassroom or virtual environment, to compare theperceptions of the instructor with those of the students,and to identify gaps between what has been taught andwhat students have learned. The purpose of assessment isfor instructors to find out what changes they might makein teaching methods or style, course organization orcontent, evaluation and grading procedures, etc., in orderto improve student learning. Assessment is initiated bythe instructor and information and feedback can besolicited from many sources (for example, self, students,colleagues, consultants) using a variety of instruments(surveys, on-line forms, etc. - see classroom assessmentbelow). The data gathered are seen only by the instructorand, if desired, a consultant, and form the basis forongoing improvement and development.


Summative evaluation, by contrast, is usually conducted atthe end of a particular course or at specific points in aninstructor’s career. The purpose is to form a judgmentabout the effectiveness of a course and/or an instructor.The judgment may be used for tenure and promotiondecisions, to reward success in the form of teachingawards or merit pay, or to enable departments to make


All assessment and evaluation techniques contain implicitassumptions about the characteristics that constitutequality teaching. These assumptions should be madeexplicit and indeed should become part of the evaluationprocess itself in a manner which recognizes instructors’rights to be evaluated within the context of their ownteaching philosophies and goals. First and foremost then,“teaching is not right or wrong, good or bad, effective orineffective in any absolute, fixed or determined sense.”¹Instructors emphasize different domains of learning(affective, cognitive, psychomotor, etc.) and employdifferent theories of education and teachingmethodologies (anti-racist, constructivist, critical,feminist, humanistic, etc.)². They encourage learning indifferent sites (classrooms, field locations, laboratories,seminar rooms, studios, virtual classrooms, etc.). Theyuse different instructional strategies and formats (usingcase studies, coaching, demonstrating, facilitatingdiscussions,lecturing, problem-based learning,online delivery, etc.),and they do thiswhile recognizingthat students havediverse backgroundsand levels ofpreparedness. In onesituation, instructorsmay see their role astransmitting factualinformation, and inanother as facilitatingdiscussion andpromoting criticalthinking.

As variable anddiverse as qualityteaching might be,generalizations maynevertheless be madeabout its basiccharacteristics asdescribed in the accompanying text box.

The criteria for evaluating teaching vary betweendisciplines and within disciplines, and should take into

______1. Mary Ellen Weimer (1990). Improving College Teaching(CA: Jossey Bass Publishers), 202.

2. Adapted from George L. Geis (1977), “Evaluation:definitions, problems and strategies,” in Chris Knapper etal Eds., Teaching is Important (Toronto: Clarke Irwin inassociation with CAUT).


Put succinctly, quality teaching isthat activity which brings about themost productive and beneficiallearning experience for students andpromotes their development aslearners. This experience mayinclude such aspects as:

• improved comprehension ofand ability to use the ideasintroduced in the course;

• change in outlook, attitude andenthusiasm towards thediscipline and its place in theacademic endeavour;

• intellectual growth; and• improvement in specific skills

such as critical reading andwriting, oral communication,analysis, synthesis, abstraction,and generalization.

Teaching Assessment and Evaluation Guide


A teaching dossier orportfolio is a factualdescription of aninstructor’s teachingachievements andcontains documentationthat collectivelysuggests the scope andquality of his or herteaching. Dossiers canbe used to presentevidence about teachingquality for evaluativepurposes such as T&Psubmissions, teachingaward nominations,etc., as they can provide a useful context for analyzingother forms of teaching evaluation. Alternatively, dossierscan provide the framework for a systematic program ofreflective analysis and peer collaboration leading toimprovement of teaching and student learning. For furtherinformation on how to prepare a teaching dossier, pleaseconsult SCOTL’s Teaching Documentation Guide(available at the Centre for the Support of Teaching andfrom the SCOLT website).



This section describes six strategies that teachers may use to assess and evaluate the quality of their teaching and its impacton student learning: 1) teaching dossiers; 2) student ratings; 3) peer observations; 4) letters and individual interviews; 5)course portfolios; and 6) classroom assessment. These descriptions draw on current research in the field (available at theCentre for the Suppport of Teaching, 111 Central Square, www.yorku.ca/cst) and practices and procedures at otheruniversities in Canada and abroad. All evaluation and assessment efforts should use a combination of strategies to takeadvantage of their inherent strengths as well as their individual limitations.

To focus on:

§ Appraisal of instructor’steaching and learning context

§ Soundness of instructor’sapproach to teaching andlearning

§ Coherence of teachingobjectives and strategies

§ Vigour of professionaldevelopment, contributionsand accomplishments in thearea of teaching.

Benefits: Dossiers provide an opportunity for instructorsto articulate their teaching philosophy, review theirteaching goals and objectives, assess the effectiveness oftheir classroom practice and the strategies they use toanimate their pedagogical values, and identify areas ofstrength and opportunities for improvement. They alsohighlight an instructor’s range of responsibilities,accomplishments, and contributions to teaching andlearning more generally within the department, universityand/or scholarly community.

Limitations: It is important to note that dossiers are notmeant to be an exhaustive compilation of all thedocuments and materials that bear on an instructor’steaching performance; rather they should present aselection of information organized in a way that gives acomprehensive and accurate summary of teachingactivities and effectiveness._______For further information on teaching dossiers see:

Teaching Documentation Guide (1993, Senate Committeeon Teaching and Learning).

Peter Seldin “Self-Evaluation: What Works? WhatDoesn’t?” and John Zubizarreta “Evaluating Teachingthrough Portfolios” in Seldin and Associates (1999).Changing Practices in Evaluating Teaching: A PracticalGuide to Improved Faculty Performance and Promotion/Tenure Decisions (MA: Anker Press).

Teaching Assessment and Evaluation Guide

informed decisions about changes to individual courses,the curriculum or teaching assignments.

At most universities, summative evaluation includes theresults of teaching evaluations regularly scheduled at theend of academic terms. However, to ensure thatsummative evaluation is both comprehensive andrepresentative, it should include a variety of evaluationstrategies, among them:

• letters from individual students commenting on theeffectiveness of the instructor’s teaching, the quality ofthe learning experience, and the impact of both on theiracademic progress;

• assessments by peers based on classroom visits;

• samples and critical reviews of contributions to courseand curriculum development, as well as ofcontributions to scholarship on teaching; and

• evidence of exceptional achievements andcontributions to teaching in the form of awards, andcommittee work.

One’s teaching dossier (see below) is an ideal format forpresenting these types of evaluation as a cumulative andlongitudinal record of one’s teaching.

Important note: It is crucial that the two processes –summative evaluation and formative assessment – be keptstrictly apart if the formative assessment of teaching is tobe effective and achieve its purpose. This means that theinformation gathered in a program of formativeassessment should not be used in summative evaluationunless volunteered by instructors themselves. It alsomeans that persons who are or have been involved inassisting instructors to improve their teaching should notbe asked to provide information for summative evaluationpurposes.



Student ratings ofteaching or studentevaluations are the mostcommonly used sourceof data for bothsummative andformative information.In many academic unitsthey are mandatory, andin several units, they arealso standardized. Forpurposes such as tenureand promotion, datashould be obtained overtime and across coursesusing a limited numberof global or summarytype questions. Suchdata will provide acumulative record andenable the detection ofpatterns of teachingdevelopment1. Information obtained by means of studentratings can also be used by individual instructors toimprove the course in future years, and to identify areas ofstrength and weakness in their teaching by comparisonwith those teaching similar courses. Longer and morefocussed questionnaires are also useful in a program offormative evaluation when designed and administered byan instructor during a course.

Benefits: The use of a mandatory, standardizedquestionnaire puts all teaching evaluations on a commonfooting, and facilitates comparisons between teachers,courses and academic units. The data gathered also servethe purpose of assessing whether the educational goals ofthe unit are being met. Structured questionnaires areparticularly appropriate where there are relatively largenumbers of students involved, and where there are eitherseveral sections of a single course, or several courses withsimilar teaching objectives using similar teachingapproaches.

Questionnaires are relatively economical to administer,summarize and interpret. Provided that students are askedto comment only on items with which they have directexperience, student responses to questionnaires have beenfound to be valid. While questionnaire forms withopen-ended questions are more expensive to administer,they often provide more reliable and useful sources ofinformation in small classes and for the tenure andpromotion process. Also, open-ended questions provideinsight into the numerical ratings, and provide pertinentinformation for course revision.

Limitations: While students’ perceptions providevaluable feedback to instructors, recent research hasidentified specific areas of teaching quality on whichstudents are not able to make informed judgments. Theseinclude the appropriateness of course goals, content,design, materials, and evaluation of student work.

3 Thus,

the use of a variety of techniques as described elsewherein this document can help to address the gaps andshortcomings in the student rating data.

Further, recent research indicates that care should be takento control for possible biases based on gender, race,discipline, and teaching approach, particularly for thoseusing non-traditional teaching methods and curriculum.Likewise, ratings can be affected by factors for which it isdifficult to control, such as student motivation, complexityof material, level of course, and class size. Care should betaken, therefore, to create an appropriate context forinterpreting the data in light of other sources of data andin comparison with other courses. One way to ensurefairness and equity is to ask students to identify thestrengths of the instructor’s approach as well asweaknesses, and to ask for specific suggestions forimprovement.

Teachers have such different perspectives, approaches,and objectives that a standardized questionnaire may notadequately or fairly compare their performance. Forexample, the implicit assumption behind the design ofmany evaluation forms is that the primary mode ofinstruction is the lecture method. Such a form will beinadequate in evaluating the performance of instructorswho uses different teaching methods, for examplecollaborative learning. One way to overcome thislimitation and to tailor the questionnaire to the objectivesand approaches of a specific course or instructor is todesign an evaluation form with a mandatory core set ofquestions and additional space for inserting questionschosen by the instructor.

Note: The Centre for the Support of Teaching has sampleteaching evaluation forms from numerous Faculties anddepartments, as well as books and articles which arehelpful resources for individuals and committeesinterested in developing questionnaires. In addition, webresources are posted on the SCOTL website._____For further information on student ratings of teaching see:

1. Cashin, William (1995), “Student ratings of teaching:The research revisited.” Idea Paper, Number 32 (KansasState University, Centre for Faculty Development)

2. See, for example, The Teaching Professor, Vol. 8, No.4, 3-4

3. See also Theall, Michael and Franklin, Jennifer,Eds.(1990). Student Ratings of Instruction: Issues forImproving Practice, New Directions in Teaching andLearning, No. 43 (CA: Jossey-Bass Inc.).

To focus on:

§ Effectiveness of instructor

§ Impact of instruction onstudent learning

§ Perceived value of the courseto the student

§ Preparation and organization

§ Knowledge of subject matterand ability to stimulateinterest in the course

§ Clarity and understandability

§ Ability to establish rapportand encourage discussionwithin the classroom

§ Sensitivity to and concernwith students’ level of under-standing and progress

Teaching Assessment and Evaluation Guide



Peer observations offercritical insights into aninstructor’sperformance,complementing studentratings and other formsof evaluation tocontribute to a fullerand more accuraterepresentation ofoverall teaching quality.Research indicates thatcolleagues are in thebest position to judgespecific dimensions ofteaching quality,including the goals,content, design andorganization of thecourse, the methods andmaterials used indelivery, and evaluation of student work.

Peer observation may be carried out for both summativeand formative purposes. For summative evaluation, it isrecommended that prior consensus be reached about whatconstitutes quality teaching within the discipline, what theobservers will be looking for, and the process for carryingout and recording the observations. To ensure that a fullpicture of an instructor’s strengths and weaknesses isobtained, some observers find checklists useful and somedepartments may choose to designate the responsibility ofmaking classroom observations to a committee. Given therange of activities in a class, some observers find it helpfulto focus on specific aspects of the teaching and learningthat takes place. It is also advisable that more than onecolleague be involved, and that more than one observationtake place by each colleague. This will counteractobserver bias towards a particular teaching approach andthe possibility that an observation takes place on anunusually bad day. These precautions also provide forgreater objectivity and reliability of the results.

Before an observation, it is important that the observerand instructor meet to discuss the instructor’s teachingphilosophy, the specific objectives and the strategies thatwill be employed during the session to be observed, andthe materials relevant to the course: syllabus, assignments,online course components, etc. Likewise, discussions ofthe criteria for evaluation and how the observations willtake place can help to clarify expectations and procedures.A post-observation meeting allows an opportunity forconstructive feedback and assistance in the developmentof a plan for improvement.

Peer observation is especially useful for formativeevaluation. In this case, it is important that the results ofthe observations remain confidential and not be used forsummative evaluation. The process of observation in thiscase should take place over time, allowing the instructorto implement changes, practice improvements and obtainfeedback on whether progress has been made. It may alsoinclude video-taping the instructor’s class. This process isparticularly helpful to faculty who are experimenting withnew teaching methods.

A particularly valuable form of observation for formativepurposes is peer-pairing. With this technique, twoinstructors provide each other with feedback on theirteaching on a rotating basis, each evaluating the other fora period of time (anywhere between 2 weeks and a fullyear). Each learns from the other and may learn as muchin the observing role as when being observed. Fullguidelines for using this technique, as well as advice andassistance in establishing a peer-pairing relationship, areavailable from the Centre for the Support of Teaching.

Benefits: Peer observations can complete the picture of aninstructor’s teaching obtained through other methods ofevaluation. As well, observations are an importantsupplement to contextualize variations in student ratingsin situations, for example, where an instructor’s teachingis controversial because experimental or non-traditionalteaching methods are being used, or where other uniquesituations exist within the learning environment.Colleagues are better able than students to comment uponthe level of difficulty of the material, knowledge ofsubject matter and integration of topics, and they canplace the teaching within a wider context and suggestalternative teaching formats and ways of communicatingthe material.

Limitations: There are several limitations to using peerobservations for summative purposes. First, unlesssafeguards are put in place to control for sources of bias,conflicting definitions of teaching quality, andidiosyncrasies in practice, inequities can result in howclassroom observations are done1. For example,instructors tend to find observations threatening and theyand their students may behave differently when there is anobserver present. Also, there is evidence to suggest thatpeers may be relatively generous evaluators in someinstances. A second limitation is that it is costly in termsof faculty time since a number of observations arenecessary to ensure the reliability and validity of findings.Since observers vary in their definitions of qualityteaching and some tact is required in providing feedbackon observations, it is desirable that observers receivetraining before becoming involved in providing formativeevaluation. The approaches described above can help tominimize these inequities and improve the effectiveness ofpeer observation. Finally, to protect the integrity of this

To focus on:

§ Quality of the learningenvironment (labs, lecturehalls, online discussiongroups, seminars, studios,etc.)

§ Level of student engagement

§ Clarity of presentation, andability to convey coursecontent in a variety of ways

§ Range of instructionalmethods and how theysupport studentunderstanding

§ Student-instructor rapport

§ Overall effectiveness

Teaching Assessment and Evaluation Guide


technique for both formative and summative purposes, itis critical that observations for personnel decisions be keptstrictly separate from evaluations for teachingimprovement.______For further information on colleague evaluation ofteaching see:

1. DeZure, Deborah. “Evaluating teaching through peerclassroom observation,” in Peter Seldin and Associates(1999). Changing Practices in Evaluating Teaching: APractical Guide to Improved Faculty Performance andPromotion/Tenure Decisions (MA: Anker Press).


Letters and/orindividual interviewsmay be used in teachingaward nominations,tenure and promotionfiles, etc. to obtaingreater depth ofinformation for thepurpose of improvingteaching, or forproviding details andexamples of aninstructor’s impact onstudents.

Benefits: Interviewsand letters elicitinformation not readilyavailable through student ratings or other forms ofevaluation. Insights, success stories, and thoughtfulanalyses are often the outcomes of an interview or requestfor a written impressions of an instructor’s teaching.Students who are reluctant to give information on a ratingscale or in written form, often respond well to a skilled,probing interviewer.

Limitations: The disadvantage of letters is that theresponse rate can be low. The major disadvantage ofinterviews is time. Interviews can take approximately onehour to conduct, about 30 minutes to arrange, and anotherblock of time for coding and interpretation. A structuredinterview schedule should be used to eliminate the biasthat may result when an untrained interviewer asksquestions randomly of different students.


A course portfolio is avariant on the teachingdossier and is theproduct of focussedinquiry into the learningby students in aparticular course. Itrepresents the specificaims and work of theinstructor and isstructured to explainwhat, how and whystudents learn in a class.It generally comprisesfour main components:1) a statement of theaims and pedagogicalstrategies of the courseand the relationshipbetween the method andoutcomes; 2) ananalysis of studentlearning based on key assignments and learning activitiesto advance course goals; 3) an analysis of studentfeedback based on classroom assessment techniques; and4) a summary of the strengths of the course in terms ofstudents’ learning, and critical reflection on how thecourse goals were realised, changed or unmet. The finalanalysis leads to ideas about what to change in order toenhance student learning, thinking and development thenext time the course is taught.1

Course portfolios have been described as being closelyanalogous to a scholarly project, in that:

“a course, like a project, begins with significant goalsand intentions, which are enacted in appropriate waysand lead to relevant results in the form of studentlearning. Teaching, like a research project, isexpected to shed light on the question at hand and theissues that shape it; the methods used to complete theproject should be congruent with the outcomes sought.The course portfolio has the distinct advantage ofrepresenting – by encompassing and connectingplanning, implementation and results – the intellectualintegrity of teaching as reflected in a single course.” 2

Benefits: The focus on a specific course allows theportfolio to demonstrate student understanding as an indexof successful teaching. For instructors, course portfoliosprovide a framework for critical reflection and continuousimprovement of teaching, and deep insight into how theirteaching contributes to students’ knowledge and skills.

To focus on:

§ Appropriateness of coursegoals and objectives

§ Quality of instructionalmaterials and assignments

§ Coherence of courseorganization, teachingstrategies and modes ofdelivery

§ Comprehensiveness ofmethods for appraisingstudent achievement

§ Level of student learning andcontribution of teaching tostudents’ progress

§ Innovations in teaching andlearning

To focus on:

§ Effectiveness of instructorthrough detailed reflection

§ Impact of instruction onstudent learning andmotivation over the longerterm

§ Preparation and organization

§ Clarity and understandability

§ Ability to establish rapportand encourage discussion

§ Sensitivity to and concernwith students’ level ofunderstanding and progress

Teaching Assessment and Evaluation Guide


For departments, they can highlight cohesion and gapswithin the curriculum and enable continuity within thecourse over time and as different instructionaltechnologies are incorporated. As well, course portfolioscan collectively promote course articulation and providemeans of assessing the quality of a curriculum andpedagogical approaches in relation to the overall goalsand outcomes of a program of study.

Limitations: Because course portfolios focus on onecourse, they do not reflect the full range of an instructor’saccomplishments, responsibilities, and contributions (suchas curriculum development and work with graduatestudents) that would be documented in a teaching dossier.Also, course portfolios take time to prepare and evaluate,and instructors should not be expected to build a portfoliofor every course taught; rather they should concentrate onthose courses for which they have the strongest interest orin which they invest the majority of their energy,imagination and time.3

______For further information on course portfolios see:

1. Cerbin, William (1994), “The course portfolio as a toolfor continuous improvement of teaching and learning.”Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 5(1), 95-105.

2. Cambridge, Barbara. “The Teaching Initiative: Thecourse portfolio and the teaching portfolio.” AmericanAssociation for Higher Education.

3. Cutler, William (1997). The history course portfolio.Perspectives 35 (8): 17-20.


Classroom assessmentis method of inquiryinto the effects ofteaching on learning. Itinvolves the use oftechniques andinstruments designed togive instructorsongoing feedback aboutthe effect their teachingis having on the leveland quality of studentlearning; this feedbackthen informs theirsubsequentinstructional decisions.Unlike tests and quizzes, classroom assessment can beused in a timely way to help instructors identify gaps

between what they teach and what students learn andenable them to adjust their teaching to make learning moreefficient and effective. The information should always beshared with students to help them improve their ownlearning strategies and become more successful self-directed learners.

There are a variety of instruments for classroomassessment, either in class or electronically, such as one-minute papers, one-sentence summaries, critical incidentquestionnaires, focus groups, and mid-year mini surveys(see page 8). Generally, the instruments are created,administered, and results analysed by the instructor tofocus on specific aspects of teaching and student learning.Although the instructor is not obligated to share the resultsof classroom assessment beyond the course, the resultsmay usefully inform other strategies for evaluatingteaching quality.

Classroom assessment can be integrated into aninstructor’s teaching in a graduated way, starting out witha simple assessment technique in one class involving fiveto ten minutes of class time, less than an hour for analysisof the results, and a few minutes during a subsequent classto let students know what was learned from the assessmentand how the instructor and students can use thatinformation to improve learning. After conducting one ortwo quick assessments, the instructor can decide whetherthis approach is worth further investment of time andenergy.

Benefits: Classroom assessment encourages instructors tobecome monitors of their own performance and promotesreflective practice. In addition, its use can promptdiscussion among colleagues about their effectiveness,and lead to new and better techniques for elicitingconstructive feedback from students on teaching andlearning.

Limitations: As with student ratings, the act of solicitingfrank, in-the-moment feedback may elicit criticalcomments on the instructor and his/her approach toteaching. However, it is important to balance the positiveand negative comments and try to link negativecommentary to issues of student learning. New users ofclassroom assessment techniques might find it helpful todiscuss the critical comments with an experiencedcolleague.


Adapted from Core: York’s newsletter on universityteaching (2000) Vol 9, No. 3.

To focus on:

§ Effectiveness of teaching onlearning

§ Constructive feedback onteaching strategies andclassroom/online practices

§ Information on what studentsare learning and level ofunderstanding of material

§ Quality of student learningand engagement

§ Feedback on course design

Teaching Assessment and Evaluation Guide

* “Classroom Assessment” is a term used widely byscholars in higher education; it is meant to include alllearning environments. For examples, see referenceson page 8.


ONE-MINUTE PAPERThe One-Minute Paper, or a brief reflection, is a tech-nique that is used to provide instructors with feedback onwhat students are learning in a particular class. It may beintroduced in small seminars or in large lectures, in firstyear courses or upper year courses, or electronically usingsoftware that ensures student anonymity. The One-Minute Paper asks students to respond anonymously to thefollowing questions:

One-Minute Paper

1. What is the most important thing you learnedtoday?

2. What question remains uppermost in yourmind?

Depending upon the structure and format of the learningenvironment, the One-Minute Paper may be used in avariety of ways:

• During a lecture, to break up the period into smallersegments enabling students to reflect on the materialjust covered.

• At the end of a class, to inform your planning forthe next session.

• In a course comprising lectures and tutorials, theinformation gleaned can be passed along to tutorialleaders giving them advance notice of issues that theymay wish to explore with students.

THE MUDDIEST POINTAn adaptation of the One-Minute Paper, the MuddiestPoint is particularly useful in gauging how well studentsunderstand the course material. The Muddiest Point asksstudents:

What was the ‘muddiest point’ for you today?

Like the One-Minute Paper, use of the Muddiest Point canhelpfully inform your planning for the next session, andsignal issues that it may be useful to explore.

ONE SENTENCE SUMMARIESOne Sentence Summaries can be used to find out howconcisely, completely and creatively students cansummarize a given topic within the grammaticalconstraints of a single sentence. It is also effective forhelping students break down material into smaller unitsthat are more easily recalled. This strategy is mosteffective for any material that can be represented indeclarative form – historical events, story lines, chemicalreactions and mechanical processes.


The One Sentence Summary technique involves askingstudents to consider the topic you are discussing in terms ofWho Does/Did What to Whom, How, When, Where andWhy, and then to synthesize those answers into a singleinformative, grammatical sentence. These sentences canthen be analyzed to determine strengths and weaknesses inthe students’ understanding of the topic, or to pinpointspecific elements of the topic that require further elabora-tion. Before using this strategy it is important to make surethe topic can be summarized coherently. It is best toimpose the technique on oneself first to determine itsappropriateness or feasibility for given material.

For further information on these and other classroomassessment strategies see:

Cross, K. P. and Angelo, T. A, Eds. (1988) ClassroomAssessment Techniques: A Handbook for Faculty (MI: NationalCenter for Research to Improve Post-Secondary Teaching andLearning).

CRITICAL INCIDENT QUESTIONNAIRESThe Critical Incident Questionnaire is a simple assessmenttechnique that can be used to find out what and howstudents are learning, and to identify areas whereadjustments are necessary (e.g., the pace of the course,confusion with respect to assignments or expectations).

On a single sheet of paper, students are asked fivequestions which focus on critical moments for learning ina course. The questionnaire is handed out about tenminutes before the final session of the week.

Critical Incident Questionnaire

1. At what moment this week were you mostengaged as a learner?

2. At what moment this week were you mostdistanced as a learner?

3. What action or contribution taken this week byanyone in the course did you find most affirmingor helpful?

4. What action or contribution taken this week byanyone in the course did you find most puzzlingor confusing?

5. What surprised you most about the course thisweek?

Critical Incident Questionnaires provide substantivefeedback on student engagement and may also revealpower dynamics in the classroom that may not initially beevident to the instructor.

For further information on Critical Incident Questionnaires seeBrookfield, S. J. and Preskill, S. (1999) Discussion as a Way ofTeaching: Tools and Techniques for a Democratic Classroom.(CA: Jossey Bass), page 49.

Teaching Assessment and Evaluation Guide



Teacher does not examine and/or analyze formal and informal evidence of student learning to inform professional growth.

Teacher occasionally examines and/or analyzes formal and informal evidence of student learning; professional growth is only loosely aligned with the needs of students.

Teacher regularly examines and analyzes formal and informal evidence of student learning; professional growth is aligned with the needs of students.

Teacher engages in an ongoing examination and analysis of formal and informal evidence of student learning; professional growth is aligned with the needs of students. The teacher reviews the impact of professional learning on student achievement.

2 Communicates purposes and criteria

Teacher does not communicate purposes of assessments, the assessment criteria or the parameters for success to students.

Teacher communicates purposes of assessments, the assessment criteria or the parameters for success to students, but for some students, the explanation is unclear.

Teacher communicates purposes of assessments, the assessment criteria, and the parameters for success, and the explanation is clear to most students.

Teacher communicates purposes of assessments, the assessment criteria, and the parameters for success clearly to all students. Students are able to explain purposes and criteria to others.

3 Provides preparation and practice

Teacher does not prepare students for assessment formats using authentic curriculum and/or does not appropriately modify assessments or testing conditions for students with exceptional learning needs. Teacher rarely seeks out specialists to ensure modifications to meet individual student needs.

With limited success, teacher prepares students for assessment formats using authentic curriculum and modifies assessments and/or testing conditions for students with exceptional learning needs. Teacher occasionally seeks out specialists to ensure modifications meet individual student needs.

Teacher prepares students for assessment formats using authentic curriculum and appropriately modifies assessments and/or testing conditions for students with exceptional learning needs. Teacher frequently seeks out specialists to ensure modifications meet individual student needs.

Teacher prepares students for assessment formats using authentic curriculum and appropriately modifies assessments and/or testing conditions for students with exceptional learning needs. Teacher consistently seeks out specialists/resources to ensure modifications meet individual student needs.

4 Provides assessment skills and strategies

Teacher does not equip students with assessment skills and/or strategies.

Teacher equips students with some assessment skills and/or strategies. Some students apply the skills and/or strategies when coached by teacher.

Teacher equips students with several assessment skills and strategies. Students apply the skills and strategies when coached by teacher.

Teacher equips students with multiple assessment skills and strategies. Students independently apply the skills and strategies.

5 Designs instruction using current levels of student understanding

Teacher does not use students’ responses to questions, discussion or other work nor considers possible misconceptions when planning instruction.

Teacher uses students’ responses to questions, discussion or other work, and may or may not consider common misconceptions when planning instruction.

Teacher uses students’ responses to questions, discussion, and other work, and considers common misconceptions when planning instruction.

Teacher uses individual students’ responses to questions, discussion, and other work, and routinely considers common misconceptions when planning instruction.

6 Designs learning experiences using prior knowledge

Teacher does not design learning experiences that connect students’

Teacher designs some learning experiences that connect prior content

Teacher designs learning experiences that connect prior content knowledge

Teacher designs learning experiences that connect prior content knowledge


GROUP ASSESSING:______________




prior content knowledge to new learning.

knowledge to new learning.

to new learning within and across disciplines.

to new learning. Teacher plans opportunities for students themselves to make connections to prior learning within and across disciplines.

7 Designs instruction to meet diverse learning needs of students

Teacher does not use a range of instructional strategies to design learning experiences that reflect the experiences, strengths, and learning needs of students.

Teacher uses few differentiated instructional strategies to design learning experiences that reflect the experiences, strengths, and learning needs of students. Teacher plans an alternate strategy to adapt instruction if needed.

Teacher uses several differentiated instructional strategies to design learning experiences that reflect the experiences, strengths, and learning needs of students with some differentiation for different groups of students and awareness of 21st Century Skills. Teacher plans several alternate strategies to adapt instruction as needed.

Teacher uses several differentiated instructional strategies to design learning experiences that reflect the experiences, strengths, and learning needs of all students. Instruction is differentiated, as appropriate, for individual learners and incorporate 21st Century Skills. Teacher plans alternate strategies to adapt instruction in anticipation of various levels of student understanding.

8 Plans for student strengths, interests, and experiences

Teacher does not plan instruction to address the strengths, interests, and experiences of students.

Teacher plans instruction to address the strengths, interests, and experiences of some students.

Teacher plans instruction to address the strengths, interests, and experiences of most students.

Teacher plans instruction to address the strengths, interests, and experiences of each student and is able to adapt the lesson as needed.

9 Gives and receives constructive feedback

Teacher does not give or receive constructive feedback to improve professional practice.

Teacher inconsistently gives or receives constructive feedback to improve professional practice

Teacher regularly gives, receives and acts upon constructive feedback to improve professional practice. Feedback to colleagues is conveyed in a professional and supportive manner.

Teacher regularly gives, receives, and reflects upon constructive feedback to improve professional practice. Feedback to colleagues is conveyed in a professional and supportive manner. Teacher encourages and engages in peer assessment to improve professional practice.




Create a Venn Diagram estableshing the

differences and similarities between

objectives and competences.

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (RBT) employs the use of 25 verbs that create collegial understanding of student behavior and learning outcome.

Retrieved from: http://www.kurwongbss.qld.edu.au/thinking/Bloom/blooms.htm

Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy

• Taxonomy of Cognitive Objectives• 1950s- developed by Benjamin Bloom• Means of expressing qualitatively different kinds of

thinking• Been adapted for classroom use as a planning tool• Continues to be one of the most universally applied

models • Provides a way to organise thinking skills into six levels,

from the most basic to the more complex levels of thinking• 1990s- Lorin Anderson (former student of Bloom) revisited

the taxonomy• As a result, a number of changes were made

(Pohl, 2000, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, pp. 7-8)

Original Terms New Terms

• Evaluation

• Synthesis

• Analysis

• Application

• Comprehension

• Knowledge






•Remembering(Based on Pohl, 2000, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, p. 8)

Retrieved from: http://www.kurwongbss.qld.edu.au/thinking/Bloom/blooms.htm

Change in Terms• The names of six major categories were changed from noun to

verb forms. • As the taxonomy reflects different forms of thinking and thinking

is an active process verbs were used rather than nouns. • The subcategories of the six major categories were also

replaced by verbs and some subcategories were reorganised.• The knowledge category was renamed. Knowledge is an

outcome or product of thinking not a form of thinking per se. Consequently, the word knowledge was inappropriate to describe a category of thinking and was replaced with the word remembering instead.

• Comprehension and synthesis were retitled to understanding and creating respectively, in order to better reflect the nature of the thinking defined in each category.



CreatingCreatingGenerating new ideas, products, or ways of viewing thingsDesigning, constructing, planning, producing, inventing.

EvaluatingEvaluatingJustifying a decision or course of action

Checking, hypothesising, critiquing, experimenting, judging

AnalysingAnalysingBreaking information into parts to explore understandings and relationships

Comparing, organizing, deconstructing, interrogating, finding

ApplyingApplyingUsing information in another familiar situationImplementing, carrying out, using, executing

UnderstandingUnderstandingExplaining ideas or concepts

Interpreting, summarising, paraphrasing, classifying, explaining

RememberingRememberingRecalling information

Recognizing, listing, describing, retrieving, naming, finding

Retrieved from: http://www.kurwongbss.qld.edu.au/thinking/Bloom/blooms.htm

The Cognitive Dimension Process

Level 1 - C1

Categories & Cognitive Processes

Alternative Names


Remember Retrieve knowledge from long-term memory

Recognizing Identifying Locating knowledge in long-term memory that is consistent with presented material

Recalling Retrieving Retrieving relevant knowledge from long-term memory

Level 2 – C2

Categories & Cognitive Processes

Alternative Names


Understand Construct meaning from instructional messages, including oral, written, and graphic communication

Interpreting Clarifying Paraphrasing Representing Translating

Changing from one form of representation to another

Exemplifying Illustrating Instantiating

Finding a specific example or illustration of a concept or principle

Classifying Categorizing Subsuming

Determining that something belongs to a category

Summarizing Abstracting Generalizing

Abstracting a general theme or major point(s)

Inferring Concluding Extrapolating Interpolating Predicting

Drawing a logical conclusion from presented information

Comparing Contrasting Mapping Matching

Detecting correspondences between two ideas, objects, and the like

Explaining Constructing models

Constructing a cause and effect model of a system

Anderson, Lorin W. & Krathwohl, David R. (2001). A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching and Assessing: a Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy. New York. Longman Publishing.

Level 3 – C3

Categories & Cognitive Processes

Alternative Names


Apply Applying a procedure to a familiar task

Executing Carrying out Applying a procedure to a familiar task

Implementing Using Applying a procedure to an unfamiliar task

Analyze Break material into its constituent parts and determine how the parts relate to one another and to an overall structure or purpose

Differentiating Discriminating Distinguishing Focusing Selecting

Distinguishing relevant from irrelevant parts or important from unimportant parts of presented material

Organizing Finding coherence Integrating Outlining Parsing Structuring

Determining how elements fit or function within a structure

Attributing Deconstructing Determine a point of view, bias, values, or intent underlying presented material

Evaluate Make judgments based on criteria and standards

Checking Coordinating Detecting Monitoring Testing

Detecting inconsistencies or fallacies within a process or product; determining whether a process or product has internal consistency; detecting the effectiveness of a procedure as it is being implemented

Critiquing Judging Detecting inconsistencies between a product and external criteria; determining whether a product has external consistency; detecting the appropriateness of a procedure for a given problem

Anderson, Lorin W. & Krathwohl, David R. (2001). A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching and Assessing: a Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy. New York. Longman Publishing.

Categories &

Cognitive Processes Alternative

Names Definition

Create Put elements together to form a coherent or functional whole; reorganize elements into a new pattern or structure

Generating Hypothesizing Coming up with alternative hypotheses based on criteria

Planning Designing Devising a procedure for accomplishing some task

Producing Constructing Inventing a product

The Knowledge Dimension

Dimension Definition Factual Knowledge The basic elements students must

know to be acquainted with a discipline or solve problems in it

Conceptual Knowledge The interrelationships among the basic elements within a larger structure that enable them to function together

Procedural Knowledge How to do something, methods of inquiry, and criteria for using skills, algorithms, techniques, and methods

Metacognitive Knowledge Knowledge of cognition in general as well as awareness and knowledge of one’s own cognition

Anderson, Lorin W. & Krathwohl, David R. (2001). A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching and Assessing: a Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy. New York. Longman Publishing.

Potential Activities and Products

Remembering: Potential Activities and Products

• Make a list of the main events of the story.• Make a time line of events.• Make a facts chart.• Write a list of any pieces of information

you can remember.• What animals were in the story?• Make a chart showing…• Make an acrostic.• Recite a poem.

Understanding: Potential Activities and Products

• Cut out, or draw pictures to show a particular event.• Illustrate what you think the main idea may have been.• Make a cartoon strip showing the sequence of events.• Write and perform a play based on the story.• Retell the story in your own words.• Write a summary report of the event• Prepare a flow chart to illustrate the sequence of events.• Make a coloring book.• Cut out, or draw pictures to show a particular event. Illustrate what you think the main

idea was.• Make a cartoon strip showing the sequence of events.• Write and perform a play based on the story.• Retell the story in your own words.• Write a summary report of the event• Prepare a flow chart to illustrate the sequence of events.• Cut out, or draw pictures to show a particular event. Illustrate what you think the main

idea was.• Make a cartoon strip showing the sequence of events.• Write and perform a play based on the story.

Retrieved from: http://www.kurwongbss.qld.edu.au/thinking/Bloom/blooms.htm

Applying: Potential Activities and Products

• Construct a model to demonstrate how it works• Make a diorama to illustrate an event• Make a scrapbook about the areas of study.• Make a papier-mache map / clay model to include

relevant information about an event.• Take a collection of photographs to demonstrate a

particular point.• Make up a puzzle or a game about the topic.• Write a textbook about this topic for others.• Dress a doll in national costume.• Make a clay model.• Paint a mural using the same materials.• Design a marketing strategy for your product using a

known strategy as a model.

Analyzing: Potential Activities and Products

• Design a questionnaire to gather information.• Write a commercial to sell a new product• Make a flow chart to show the critical stages.• Construct a graph to illustrate selected information.• Make a family tree showing relationships.• Devise a play about the study area.• Write a biography of a person studied.• Prepare a report about the area of study.• Conduct an investigation to produce information to

support a view.• Review a work of art in terms of form, color and texture.

Retrieved from: http://www.kurwongbss.qld.edu.au/thinking/Bloom/blooms.htm

Evaluating: Potential Activities and Products

• Prepare a list of criteria to judge…• Conduct a debate about an issue of special

interest.• Make a booklet about five rules you see as

important. Convince others.• Form a panel to discuss views.• Write a letter to. ..advising on changes needed.• Write a half-yearly report.• Prepare a case to present your view about...

Creating: Potential Activities and Products

• Invent a machine to do a specific task.• Design a building to house your study.• Create a new product. Give it a name and plan a

marketing campaign.• Write about your feelings in relation to...• Write a TV show play, puppet show, role play, song or

pantomime about..• Design a record, book or magazine cover for...• Sell an idea• Devise a way to...• Make up a new language and use it in an example.

Retrieved from: http://www.kurwongbss.qld.edu.au/thinking/Bloom/blooms.htm


Questions for Remembering• What happened after...?• How many...?• What is...?• Who was it that...?• Can you name ...?• Find the meaning of…• Describe what happened after…• Who spoke to...?• Which is true or false...?

(Pohl, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, p. 12)

Questions for Understanding• Can you write in your own words? • How would you explain…?• Can you write a brief outline...?• What do you think could have happened next...?• Who do you think...?• What was the main idea...?• Can you clarify…?• Can you illustrate…?• Does everyone act in the way that …….. does?

(Pohl, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, p. 12)

Retrieved from: http://www.kurwongbss.qld.edu.au/thinking/Bloom/blooms.htm

Questions for Applying

• Do you know of another instance where…?

• Can you group by characteristics such as…?

• Which factors would you change if…?• What questions would you ask of…?• From the information given, can you

develop a set of instructions about…?

(Pohl, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, p. 13)

Question for Analysing• Which events could not have happened?• If. ..happened, what might the ending have been?• How is...similar to...?• What do you see as other possible outcomes?• Why did...changes occur?• Can you explain what must have happened when...?• What are some or the problems of...?• Can you distinguish between...?• What were some of the motives behind..?• What was the turning point?• What was the problem with...?

(Pohl, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, p. 13)

Retrieved from: http://www.kurwongbss.qld.edu.au/thinking/Bloom/blooms.htm

Questions for Evaluating• Is there a better solution to...?• Judge the value of... What do you think about...?• Can you defend your position about...?• Do you think...is a good or bad thing?• How would you have handled...?• What changes to.. would you recommend?• Do you believe...? How would you feel if. ..?• How effective are. ..?• What are the consequences..?• What influence will....have on our lives?• What are the pros and cons of....?• Why is ....of value? • What are the alternatives?• Who will gain & who will loose?

(Pohl, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, p. 14)

Questions for Creating• Can you design a...to...?• Can you see a possible solution to...?• If you had access to all resources, how would

you deal with...?• Why don't you devise your own way to...?• What would happen if ...?• How many ways can you...?• Can you create new and unusual uses for...?• Can you develop a proposal which would...?

(Pohl, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, p. 14)

Retrieved from: http://www.kurwongbss.qld.edu.au/thinking/Bloom/blooms.htm




TYPES OF CELLS 1 5 2 2 1

CELL PARTS 3 15 5 3 2 2 1 2

MITOSIS 2 10 2 2 2 2 2

MEIOSIS 1 5 1 1 1 1 1







TRAITS 2 10 2 2 3 1 1 1

PUNNET SQUARE 3 15 2 2 6 2 2 1

PEDIGREE 1 5 1 1 3




NOUNS 1 5 2 1 2

VERBS 2 10 2 2 2 2 2

ADJECTIVES 1 5 2 1 1 1

ADVERBS 3 15 3 2 3 2 3 2

PRONOUNS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



NOUNS 1 5 2 1 2

VERBS 2 10 2 2 2 2 2

ADJECTIVES 1 5 2 1 1 1

ADVERBS 3 15 3 2 3 2 3 2

PRONOUNS 1 5 1 1 1 1







Item Value Item Value Item Value Item Value Item Value Item ValueSeries Series Series Series Series Series PER CONTENT

5 5 3 6

3 6 3 6 2 2

7 7 4 4 3 6 3 6 2 4 3 6

3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 2 4

2 2 2 4 2 4 1 2 1 2

LEVEL 100 pointsITEMS 20 15 10 7 5 3 60.00





















SUBJECT: Language

TEACHER: Ingrid Toledo

Item Value Item Value Item Value Item Value Item Value Item ValueSeries Series Series Series Series Series PER CONTENT

4 5 2 4 4 5

4 5 3 4 4 5 3 4 4 5

4 5 2 4 2 3 2 3

5 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5

2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 1 2

LEVEL 100ITEMS 19 13 17 11 10 5 75.00




















SUBJECT: Science

TEACHER: Ingrid Toledo

Item Value Item Value Item Value Item Value Item Value Item ValueSeries Series Series Series Series Series PER CONTENT

12 12

7 7 4 4

4 4 4 4 8 8 2 4 2 4 2 4

4 4 4 4 14 14 5 5 5 5 2 2

2 4 2 4 7 7

LEVEL 100ITEMS 29 14 29 7 7 4 90.00


















What is an essay question?

It is a test item which requires a response

composed by the examinee, usually in the form of

one or more sentences or paragraphs, about a

presented situation or to required questions.

Contained elements

Requires examinees to compose rather than select their response.

Elicits student responses that mus consist of more than one sentence.

Allows different or original responses or pattern of responses

Requires subjective judgment by a competent specialist to judge the accuracy and quality of responses.

Essay question sample Education comes not from books but from

practical experience. Write a unified essay in which you perform the following tasks.

Explain what you think the above statement means.

Describe a specific situation in which books might educate students better than practical experience.

Discuss what you think determines when practical experience provides a better education than books do.

The statement means that at times practical experience can be a better method of education than pure classroom work.

The use of books to present abstract ideas is one kind of education that is better to learn from books than practical experience. Take math, for instance. Math concepts are best learned from books rather than practical experience. Also, history is best learned in the classroom since a person can't physically go back in time and watch a war.

Certain professions are learned on the job, like carpentry and plumbing. Practical experience is the primary method of education. It is the same way for surgery. You wouldn't want someone to take out your appendix unless they had practiced this procedure many times on someone else.


Essays are essential for development and evaluation of student’s skills – Writing and reading skills, analytical and critical thinking skills, research skills, and the ability to write under time pressure. All these skills are assessed in the entire essay writing process.

Essay writing is a good way to internalize the facts that has been heard or read. Writing activity stimulates the intellect and leads to intellectual development and also is a healty way to improve writing skills. Essay are used to judge the mastery and comprenhension of material in fields such as the humanities and social sciences, also include non-literary types such as visual arts, music, films, and photography Though essay wrinting is not very easy and simple; it needs practice and the students have to learn essay writing rules and about the collection of material.

A student must have a critical and analytical

mind that is keen to research on any specified

essay topic.

Knowledge internalization

Intellectual development

Feed Back Generation

Good Practice

Reaction: How the learners react to the learning process.

Learning: The extent to which the learners gain knowledge and skills.

Behavior: Capability to perform the learned skills while on the job.

Results: Includes such items as monetary, efficiency, moral, etc.

Elements of an essay that can be assessed through an essay Evaluation

Content: Evidence of the use of appropriate material. There should be transition sentences linking the paragraph.

Idea: It directly answer the question of the essay.

Organization: Of material into a coherent structure: introduction, argument and evidence, coclusion.

Form: Clear style, including accurate spelling, clear sentence construction and punctuation.

Language: Avoidance of inappropriate slang, racist or sexist language.

Type of essay to test a specific topic and what does it consist in.

Extended Response: These answers have three parts:

a) Beginning: The first paragraph introduces your main idea or position. Often it simply restates the questions.

a) Middle: The second paragraph provides information, examples and details to support your main idea of position.

a) Ending: The final paragraph sums up your main idea or position. It restates your topic sentence, this time with more feeling.

Restricted response: Relate more directly to a specific objective, generally assesses the lower complexity outcomes.

Process Essay: The writing project in which we describe how to do something or tell how to do something of tell how something happens.

Classification Essay: It is supposed to organize or sort the arguments of the wssay in categories. An important thing to mention is that the categories are to fully resemble the essence of the essay’s topic.

Comparison Essay: This type is focused on the comparison of things, people, facts or events. Its basic purpose it to find the most significant similarities of the differences of specific things, facts, evets, etc. First is described the less significant points and up to the conclusion the most significant point is revealed.

Problem Solving Essay: It is a kind of academic paper that describes one or more problems and provides possible variants for their solutions. It is crucial to remember that a problem solving papaer cannot be written without one definite solution. You cannot just dwell on the problems for pages without providing your ideas of solving them.

“Advantanges” Assess complex learning outcomes and thought processes

Test writing skills

Promote original thinking

Stimulate increased studying

Simulate realistic tasks

Relatively simple to construct

Encourage the organization of knowledge, integration of theories and expression of opinions

“Disadvantages” Time consuming to answer

Scoring is more subjective and time consuming

Grading can be influenced by context effects, expectations, or grading fatigue.

Grading may be influenced by factors extraneous to the content.

Students can submit an organized coherent essay of irrelevant material

Evaluation Tool used to avoid bias or Subjective Results

When evaluating an essay for professional rubrics, common assessment areas include focused thesis statement, satisfactory grammar, organization, and conclusive sections that fully answer the question timeline can aid in correction and evaluation of professional writing to meet the standardized objectives.

Descriptions uses tools such as denotative language, connotative language, figurative language, metaphor, and sImile to arrive at a dominat impression.

Tips for using Essay Question Focus each question so that students know exactly what is expected.

Provide specific guidelines about time limits, amount of info expected, weighting of questions, criteria for evaluating.

Limit the use of essay questions to objectives that benefit from them.

Avoid making optional essay questions so that different tests.

Don’t give questions to students ahead of time, but you can go through sample questions to prepare students.


Politicians too often base their decisions on what will please the voters, not on what is best for the country. Write a unified essay in which you perform the following tasks. Explain what you think the above statement means. Describe a specific situation in which a politician might make an unpopular decision for the good of the country. Discuss the principles you think should determine whether political decisions should be made to please the voters or to serve the nation .

Performance Assessment WHAT IS IT? Performance assessment, also

known as alternative or authentic assessment,

is a form of testing that requires students to

perform a task rather than select an answer

from a ready-made list. For example, a student

may be asked to explain historical events,

solve math problems, converse in a foreign

language, or conduct research on an

assigned topic.

performance assessments can be divided into

two rough categories:

Task-Centered performance assessments that

are primarily intended to tap into and evaluate

specific skills and competencies.

Construct-Centered performance assessments

that are intended to tap into and sample from

a domain of skills and competencies.

The performance assessment could consist of a

single task and a scoring method, or it could consist

of multiple tasks and one or multiple scoring


Performance assessment measures students skills

based on authentic tasks such as activities,

exercises, or problems that require students to

show what they can do.

In some cases performance tasks are used to

have students demonstrate their understanding

of a concept or topic by applying their

knowledge to a particular situation.

We can`t use the performance assessment for kids

because it is made by hight levels skills and we must

to have high care on the kinds of assessments.

Small children are used to have short activities and

we as teachers check our students knowledge

while they are working.

Small children don`t notice when your are checking

their work. They are always imitating what the

teacher or other students do , so we can`t check

what they really think.

An example of the performance test is

when you are on a driving test. The person

is able to perform the functions of a

competent driver of an automobile.

Another sample are the rubrics they show

us a kind of testing of different skills.

Let students have an introduction about the topic they are going to work on.

Give specific instructions and roles when they work in groups.

Be specific and let them know what are you going to evaluate or score.

Omit scoring creativity, decoration, writen works and other that may distract students from the main objective… that is to perform.

Make sure to give different assigments to each student, so all students can present somenthing different.

Make sure to ask the audience to listen to each classmate when presenting.

One of the major limitations when testing

by performances is to loose the object of


Another one might be the level of

difficulty in the assigment.

An the last one is that, if the teacher

does not take the time to explain the

topic it may not be clear for all the


Performance assessments use grading strategies that are

commonly used in the performing arts, fine arts, and Olympic

competitions. In the context of the science laboratory, students are

graded on the performance of manipulating variables, using

scientific apparatus, identifying hypotheses, making measurements

and calculations, organizing and managing data, and the

communication of results. Graded laboratory performances go far

beyond grading a final field report - this strategy considers the

processes that become the laboratory report as well. In the

evaluation of a performance

task, the process of performing the task is emphasized more than

the final product itself.

Clearly define the knowledge and skills students need to apply or demonstrate in solving a problem. Determine the criteria (standards) against which students will be judged and define indicators of “levels” of competence. Inform students of your expectations that students have every opportunity to clearly demonstrate to that course learning objectives have been mastered Design an authentic task that is somewhat undefined, complex, and has multiple entry and exit

Holistic Scoring Example, The Telescope Task

Your task is to set up and align the 8” telescope, find three different sky objects, and accurately describe some aspects of these objects that astronomers consider to be important. Level 3: Student completes all aspects of task quickly and efficiently and is able to answer questions about the equipment used and objects observed beyond what is obvious. The tasks are: 1. align telescope mount with north celestial pole; 2. align finder telescope with primary telescope; 3. center on target object; 4. select and focus appropriate eyepiece; 5. provide information about the target beyond the literal descriptive level; and 6. answer questions about the target correctly. Level 2: Student completes all aspects of task and provides descriptive information about the equipment and objects observed. Level 1: Student is not able to complete all aspects of task or is not able to sufficient provide information about the equipment used or objects observed. Level 0: No attempt or meaningful effort obvious.




The matching test item format provides a way for

learners to connect a word, sentence or phrase in

one column to a corresponding word, sentence or

phrase in a second column. The items in the first

column are called premises and the answers in

the second column are the responses.

The convention is for learners to match the

premise on the left with a given response on the

right. By convention, the items in Column A are

numbered and the items in Column B are labeled

with capital letters.




___1. Person who performs

mysterious tasks no one


A. Facilitator

___2. Person who provides

schooling for children

B. Trainer

___3. Person who enables a group

to find solutions

C. Instructional Designer

___4. Person who instructs adults

in a classroom

D. Meeting Organizer

E. Teacher

Many authoring tools come with a pre-built

matching test item template, which may involve

dragging responses to the premise or typing the

letters from Column B into Column A. The

authoring tool templates may vary from the

conventions of the written format.


The matching test item format provides a change

of pace, particularly for self-check and review

activities. Many instructional designers employ

them in quizzes and tests too. They are effective

when you need to measure the learner’s ability to

identify the relationship or association between

similar items.




Terms and Definitions

Objects or Pictures and Labels

Symbols and Proper Names

Causes and Effects

Scenarios and Responses

Principles and Scenarios to which they apply



If you decide to use a matching format, take the

time to construct items that are valid and

reliable. Here are some guidelines for this.

1. Two-part directions. Your clear directions at the

start of each question need two parts: 1) how to make

the match and 2) the basis for matching the response

with the premise. You can also include whether items

can be re-used, but often pre-built templates don’t

allow for this.

Example for exercise above: Drag each career name in

Column B to the best definition in Column A. No items

may be used more than once.

2. Parallel content. Within one matching test item,

use a common approach, such as all terms and

definitions or all principles and the scenarios to which

they apply.

3. Plausible answers. All responses in Column B

should be plausible answers to the premises in Column

A. Otherwise, the test loses some of its reliability

because some answers will be “give-aways.”

4. Clueless. Ensure your premises don’t include hints

through grammar (like implying the answer must be

plural) or hints from word choice (like using the term

itself in a definition).

5. Unequal responses. In an ideal world, you should

present more responses than premises, so the

remaining responses don’t work as hints to the correct

answer. This is not often possible when using a


6. Limited premises. Due to the capacity limitations

of working memory, avoid a long list of premises in the

first column. A number that I’ve come across is to keep

the list down to six items. Even less might be better,

depending on the characteristics of your audience.

7. One correct answer. Every premise should have

only one correct response. Obvious, but triple-check to

make sure each response can only work for one



Rearrangment items: rearrange and skip certain

items in order to better estimate the examinees'

abilities, without allowing them to cheat on the


The rearrangement procedure is effective in

reducing the standard error of the Bayesian

ability estimates and in increasing the reliability

of the same estimates.


A ranking is a relationship between a set of

items such that, for any two items, the first is

either 'ranked higher than', 'ranked lower than'

or 'ranked equal to' the second. It is not

necessarily a total order of objects because two

different objects can have the same ranking. The

rankings themselves are totally ordered. For

example, materials are totally preordered by

hardness, while degrees of hardness are totally


By reducing detailed measures to a sequence of

ordinal numbers, rankings make it possible to

evaluate complex information according to

certain criteria. Analysis of data obtained by

ranking commonly requires non-parametric




HAVE Advantages:

Relatively easy to construct

Easy to score


Time consuming for students

Not good for higher levels of learning


Need 15 items or less.

Give good directions on basis for matching.

Use items in response column more than once

(reduces the effects of guessing).

Use homogenous material in each exercise.

Make all responses plausible.

Put all items on a single page.

Put response in some logical order (chronological,

alphabetical, etc.).

Responses should be short.



Good for:

Knowledge level

Some comprehension level, if appropriately



Terms with definitions

Phrases with other phrases

Causes with effects

Parts with larger units

Problems with solutions



They are time consuming for students

They are not good for higher levels of learning

They have difficulty measuring learning

objectives requiring more than simple recall of


They are difficult to construct due to the problem

of selecting a common set of stimuli and


They place a high degree of dependence on the

student's reading ability and instructor's writing




The items in the first column are

called premises and the answers in the second

column are the responses.


A previous statement or proposition from which

another is inferred or follows as a conclusion. In tests:

Words or phrases.


Written answer.

When there are exactly as many premises as there are

responses and when each response is used once and

only once in the matching process, the test item is said

to have perfect matching. When some of the responses

are used more than once or not at all, the item is said

to have imperfect matching. Imperfect matching

makes guessing more difficult.



______1. James Michener A. History

______2. Stephen King B. Horror

______3. Erma Bombeck C. Humor

______4. Agatha Christie D. Mystery

______5. Walt Whitman E. Poetry

______6. Danielle Steele F. Romance

______7. Isaac Asimov G. Science Fiction



______1. James Michener A. History

______2. Stephen King B. Horror

______3. Erma Bombeck C. Humor

______4. Agatha Christie D. Mystery

______5. Walt Whitman E. Poetry

______6. Danielle Steele F. Romance

______7. Isaac Asimov G. Science Fiction

H. Tragedy





October 22/2011

In the most basic format, true-false questions are those in which a statement is presented and the student indicates in some manner whether the

statement is true or false.


True-false questions are well suited for testing student recall or comprehension. Students can generally respond to many questions, covering a lot of content, in a fairly short

amount of time. From the teacher's perspective, these questions can be written quickly and are easy to score.

Skill levels evaluated by True/False tests

While true-false and other forced choice questions are generally used to measure knowledge and understanding,

they could also be used at higher levels. The student:

Analyzes a statement Assesses whether true or false Marks an answer

Appropriate for all levels of cognitive ability objective Efficient in testing recall and comprehension of a broader content area

relative to other testing strategies Well suited to test recall, comprehension of simple logic or

understanding, as with "if-then" "causal/because" statements Useful for automated scoring Useful for item analysis, internal and over time


Scoring tends to be high since guessing yields a 50-50 score (half right half wrong) as a base. i.e. if there are 100 items, and the student knows the correct answer to 50, and guesses on the other half, the score will be 75 knowing only half the material.

Since the stem can cue a correct answer, guessing is enhanced without really understanding the question

The format does not provide diagnostic information on why a student got it wrong

It may be easy to cheat


Because random guessing will produce the correct answer half the time, true-false tests are less reliable than other types of exams. However, these items are appropriate for occasional use. Some faculty who use

true-false questions add an "explain" column in which students write one or two sentences justifying their response.

Words like "sometimes, often, frequently, ordinarily, generally" open

up the possibilities of making accurate statements. They make more modest claims, are more likely to reflect reality, and usually indicate "true" answers.

Why do students tend to answer True or False?

Every part of a true sentence must be "true" If any part of the sentence is false, the whole sentence is false despite many other true statements.

Absolute words restrict possibilities. "No, never, none, always, every, entirely, only" imply the statement must be true 100% of the time and usually indicate "false" answers

Research indicates that students tend to mark "true" when guessing blindly, thus false items discriminate better between high and low ability students. At the same time, students tend to quickly pick up on patterns of responding. To prevent response-bias and effectively assess understanding, instructors should include an equivalent number of true and false items within the assessment.

Why should be the True/False questions ratio?

To prevent rote memorization of trivial facts or general knowledge, avoid using exact wording from the textbook. A well-designed true-false item is very effective for assessing the accuracy of statements,

understanding of definitions, and novel applications of theories or principles.

Statements should be relatively short and simple. True statements should be about the same length as

false statements. (There is a tendency to add details in true statements to make them more precise.)

The answers should not be obvious to students who don't know the material.

Some tips in reference to True or False tests:

Be sure to include directions that tell students how and where to mark their responses.

Finally, arrange the statements so that there is no discernible pattern of answers (such as T, F, T, F, T, F and T, T, F, F, T, T, F, F) for True and False statements.

Avoid Unfamiliar vocabulary and concepts Long strings of statements Ambiguous statements and generalizations

T F Poor: "The Raven" was written by Edgar Allen Poe.

T F Better: "The Raven" was written by Edgar Allan Poe.

T F Poor: The square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle equals the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

T F Better: If the hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangle is 7 inches, each of the two equal sides must be more than 5 inches.


True/False tests can be used for different skill levels and they measure knowledge and

understanding as well as students recalling information.




Short-answer questions are similar to

objective items in that a clearly-defined

answer is required, but differ from the

latter in that the answer has to be

generated and supplied by the learner

rather than chosen from a number of

options provided.

They can have extremely high reliability, thus minimizing possible marker subjectivity.

While short answer items often target knowledge or comprehension understanding, effectively developed completion items can also be utilized to assess application, synthesis, analysis, and evaluation levels. One means of measuring this type of higher-order understanding is to utilize combinations of short answer statements within a given paragraph. When implementing the paragraph format, be sure that desired knowledge is clearly specified.

Easy to construct.

Minimizes guessing

Encourages more intensive study-student must know the answer vs. Recognizing the answer.

Short-answer tests are also fairly simple to administer and mark.

Effective as either a written or oral assessment.

Effective for assessing who, what, where, and when information.

May overemphasize memorization of facts.

Take care – questions may have more than one correct answer.

Scoring is laborious.

they are not particularly well suited for testing some types of higher-cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes

Not suitable for item-analysis

Often criticized for encouraging rote memorization

When using with definitions: supply term, not the definition-for a better judge of student knowledge.

For numbers, indicate the degree of precision/units expected.

Use direct questions, not an incomplete statement.

If you do use incomplete statements, don´t use more than 2 blanks within an item.

Arrange blank to make scoring easy.

Try to phrase question so there is only one answer possible.

Do instructions clearly specify the desired knowledge and specificity of response?

Is there only one clearly correct answer?

Completion items

In their simplest form, these consist of

incomplete statements, the learner having to

supply the missing words, terms, symbols, etc.

Four typical examples are shown below.

Example 1 (a simple completion item that only

requires a single answer to be provided)

1. How you call a person who studies space?

(answer: astronomer)

Completion items can also be built round

things like tables, maps, diagrams, drawings

and photographs, with the learner again

having to supply missing pieces of


These take the form of actual questions (or

instructions that imply questions), with the

learner having to supply the answer(s). Such

items can themselves take a wide range of

forms, some of the possibilities being shown


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

(Executive) (Legislature) (Judiciary)

Example 2 (a similar question that requires more

than one answer)

'Name the three basic branches of government.'

These are similar to unique-answer questions

except that they allow for some variation in the

nature of the answer, either in terms of its

intrinsic content or in terms of the way in which

it is expressed.

Example 1 (a question that has several

acceptable answers)

Two planets that have rings are ___________

and ________________.

(Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune)

Example 2 (a similar question that requires slightly longer answers)

'Outline four fundamental differences between the

systems of government of the United States of

America and the United Kingdom'.

(Possible answers might include: The USA's head of state is a president while that of the UK is a constitutional monarch; the USA has a federal structure while the UK has not; in the USA, the executive and legislative arms of government are separate, while in the UK they are not; the upper legislative house in the USA is elected whereas that in the UK is not; the USA has a written constitution whereas the UK has not; the USA has a supreme court whereas the UK has not)

Like objective questions, they are of limited use

in testing non-cognitive skills such as

communication skills, interpersonal skills and

psychomotor skills. Thus, the first thing that

anyone thinking of making use of short-answer

questions should do is check that the learning

outcomes that it is wished to assess are in fact

suited to this form of assessment; if they are not,

some other assessment technique should be


The most common method of evaluating a

short-answer question (or, more usually, a test

composed of such questions) is to have it

checked by a colleague or validation panel. In

order to enable such an evaluation to be

carried out in a meaningful and systematic


Is a short answer item an appropriate

assessment of the learning objective?

Does the content of the short answer

question measure knowledge appropriate to

the desired learning goal?

Is the item clearly worded and stated in

language appropriate to the student


Does the positioning of the item blank

promote efficient scoring?



• Multiple choice

• True or False

• Completion/Short Answers

• Matching

• Essay Questions

• Performance Assessment


• Multiple-choice items can be used to measure knowledge outcomes and various types of learning outcomes.

• They are most widely used for measuring knowledge, comprehension, and application outcomes.

• The multiple-choice item provides the most useful format for measuring achievement at various levels of learning.

• When selection-type items are to be used (multiple-choice, true-false, matching, check all that apply) an effective procedure is to start each item as a multiple-choice item and switch to another item type only when the learning outcome and content make it desirable to do so.

For example (1) when there are only two possible alternatives, a shift can be made to a

true-false item; and (2) (2) when there are a number of similar factors to be related, a shift can

be made to a matching item.


• Learning outcomes from simple to complex can be measured.

• Highly structured and clear tasks are provided.

• A broad sample of achievement can be measured.

• Incorrect alternatives provide diagnostic information.

• Scores are less influenced by guessing than true-false items.

• Scores are more reliable than subjectively scored items (e.g., essays).

• Scoring is easy, objective, and reliable.

• Item analysis can reveal how difficult each item was and how well it discriminated between the strong and weaker students in the class

• Performance can be compared from class to class and year to year

• Can cover a lot of material very efficiently (about one item per minute of testing time).

• Items can be written so that students must discriminate among options that vary in degree of correctness.

• Avoids the absolute judgments found in True-False tests.

LIMITATIONS • Constructing good items is time consuming.

• It is frequently difficult to find plausible distracters.

• This item is ineffective for measuring some types of problem solving and the ability to organize and express ideas.

• Real-world problem solving differs – a different process is involved in proposing a solution versus selecting a solution from a set of alternatives.

• Scores can be influenced by reading ability.

• There is a lack of feedback on individual thought processes – it is difficult to determine why individual students selected incorrect responses.

• Students can sometimes read more into the question than was intended.

• Often focus on testing factual information and fails to test higher levels of cognitive thinking.

• Sometimes there is more than one defensible “correct” answer.

• They place a high degree of dependence on the student’s reading ability and the instructor’s writing ability.

• Does not provide a measure of writing ability.

• May encourage guessing.

Helpful Hints

• Base each item on an educational or instructional objective of the course, not trivial information.

• Try to write items in which there is one and only one correct or clearly best answer.

• The phrase that introduces the item (stem) should clearly state the problem. • Test only a single idea in each item. • Be sure wrong answer choices (distracters) are at least plausible. • Incorporate common errors of students in distracters. • The position of the correct answer should vary randomly from item to item. • Include from three to five options for each item. • Avoid overlapping alternatives (see Example 3 following). • The length of the response options should be about the same within each item

(preferably short). • There should be no grammatical clues to the correct answer. • Format the items vertically, not horizontally (i.e., list the choices vertically) • The response options should be indented and in column form.

• Word the stem positively; avoid negative phrasing such as “not” or “except.” If this cannot be avoided, the negative words should always be highlighted by underlining or capitalization: Which of the following is NOT an example ……

• Avoid excessive use of negatives and/or double negatives. • Avoid the excessive use of “All of the above” and “None of the

above” in the response alternatives. • In the case of “All of the above”, students only need to have partial

information in order to answer the question. Students need to know that only two of the options are correct (in a four or more option question) to determine that “All of the above” is the correct answer choice. Conversely, students only need to eliminate one answer choice as implausible in order to eliminate “All of the above” as an answer choice.

• Similarly, with “None of the above”, when used as the correct answer choice, information is gained about students’ ability to detect incorrect answers. However, the item does not reveal if students know the correct answer to the question.

Multiple-Choice Item Writing Guidelines

Multiple-choice questions typically have 3 parts: STEM, KEY & DISTRACTERS

Procedural Rules: • Use either the best answer or the correct answer format. • Best answer format refers to a list of options that can all be correct in the

sense that each has an advantage, but one of them is the best. • Correct answer format refers to one and only one right answer. • Format the items vertically, not horizontally (i.e., list the choices vertically) • Allow time for editing and other types of item revisions. • Use good grammar, punctuation, and spelling consistently. • Minimize the time required to read each item. • Avoid trick items. • Use the active voice. • The ideal question will be answered by 60-65% of the tested population. • Have your questions peer-reviewed. • Avoid giving unintended cues – such as making the correct answer longer

in length than the distracters.

Content-related Rules: • Base each item on an educational or instructional objective of the course,

not trivial information. • Test for important or significant information. • Focus on a single problem or idea for each test item. • Keep the vocabulary consistent with the examinees’ level of

understanding. • Avoid cueing one item with another; keep items independent of one

another. • Use the author’s examples as a basis for developing your items. • Avoid overly specific knowledge when developing items. • Avoid textbook, verbatim phrasing when developing the items. • Avoid items based on opinions. • Use multiple-choice to measure higher level thinking. • Be sensitive to cultural and gender issues. • Use case-based questions that use a common text to which a set of

questions refers.

Stem Construction Rules: • State the stem in either question form or completion form. • When using a completion form, don’t leave a blank for completion

in the beginning or middle of the stem. • Ensure that the directions in the stem are clear, and that wording

lets the examinee know exactly what is being asked. • Avoid window dressing (excessive verbiage) in the stem. • Word the stem positively; avoid negative phrasing such as “not” or

“except.” If this cannot be avoided, the negative words should always be highlighted by underlining or capitalization: Which of the following is NOT an example ……

• Include the central idea and most of the phrasing in the stem. • Avoid giving clues such as linking the stem to the answer (…. Is an

example of an: test-wise students will know the correct answer should start with a vowel)

General Option Development Rules: • Place options in logical or numerical order. • Use letters in front of options rather than numbers; numerical answers in

numbered items may be confusing to students. • Keep options independent; options should not be overlapping. • Keep all options homogeneous in content. • Keep the length of options fairly consistent. • Avoid, or use sparingly, the phrase all of the above. • Avoid, or use sparingly, the phrase none of the above. • Avoid the use of the phrase I don’t know. • Phrase options positively, not negatively. • Avoid distracters that can clue test-wise examinees; for example, absurd options,

formal prompts, or semantic (overly specific or overly general) clues. • Avoid giving clues through the use of faulty grammatical construction. • Avoid specific determinates, such as never and always. • Position the correct option so that it appears about the same number of times in

each possible position for a set of items. • Make sure that there is one and only one correct option.

Distracter (incorrect options) Development Rules: • Use plausible distracters. • Incorporate common errors of students in distracters. • Avoid technically phrased distracters. • Use familiar yet incorrect phrases as distracters. • Use true statements that do not correctly answer the item. • Avoid the use of humor when developing options. • Distracters that are not chosen by any examinees should be replaced. • Suggestions for Writing Good Multiple Choice Items: • Present practical or real-world situations to the students. • Present the student with a diagram of equipment and ask for application,

analysis or evaluation. • Present actual quotations taken from newspapers or other published

sources and ask for the interpretation or evaluation of these quotations. • Use pictorial materials that require students to apply principles and

concepts. • Use charts, tables or figures that require interpretation.

General Guidelines to Writing Test


• Begin writing items well ahead of the time when they will be used; allow time for revision. • Match items to intended outcomes at the proper difficulty level to provide a valid measure of the

instructional objectives. • Be sure each item deals with an important aspect of the content area and not with trivia. • Be sure that the problem posed is clear and unambiguous. • Be sure that each item is independent of all other items (i.e., a hint to an answer should not be

unintentionally embedded in another item). • Be sure the item has one correct or best answer on which experts would agree. • Prevent unintended clues to the answer in the statement or question (e.g., grammatical

inconsistencies such as ‘a’ or ‘an’ give clues). • Avoid duplication of the textbook in writing test items; don’t lift quotes directly from any textual

materials. • Avoid trick or catch questions in an achievement test. (Don’t waste time testing how well the

student can interpret your intentions). • On a test with different question formats (e.g., multiple choice and True-False), one should group

all items of similar format together. • Questions should follow an easy to difficult progression. • Space the items to eliminate overcrowding. • Have diagrams and tables above the item using the information, not below.

Examples & Tips

Below are some strategies to reduce the cognitive load of your test items. 1. Keep the stem simple, only including relevant information. Example: Change [Stem]: The purchase of the Louisiana Territory, completed in 1803 and considered one of Thomas Jefferson's

greatest accomplishments as president, primarily grew out of our need for a. the port of New Orleans*

b. helping Haitians against Napoleon c. the friendship of Great Britain d. control over the Indians

To [Stem]: The purchase of the Louisiana Territory primarily grew out of our need for a. the port of New Orleans*

b. helping Haitians against Napoleon c. the friendship of Great Britain d. control over the Indians

*an asterisk indicates the correct answer.

Any additional information that is irrelevant to the question, such as the phrase "completed in 1803…," can

distract or confuse the student, thus providing an alternative explanation for why the item was missed. Keep it simple.

2. Keep the alternatives simple by adding any common words to the stem rather than including them in each alternative. Example: Change When your body adapts to your exercise load, a. you should decrease the load slightly.

b. you should increase the load slightly.* c. you should change the kind of exercise you are doing. d. you should stop exercising.

To When your body adapts to your exercise load, you should a. decrease the load slightly.

b. increase the load slightly.* c. change the kind of exercise you are doing. d. stop exercising.

Instead of repeating the phrase "you should" at the beginning each alternative add that phrase to the end of the stem. The less reading the student has to

do the less chance there is for confusion. 3. Put alternatives in a logical order. Example: Change According to the 1991 census, approximately what percent of the United States population is of Spanish or Hispanic descent? a. 25%

b. 39% c. 2% d. 9%*

To a. 2%

b. 9%* c. 25% d. 39%

The more mental effort (or cognitive load) that students have to use to make sense of an item the more likely a comprehension error can occur that would provide another rival explanation. By placing the alternatives in a logical order the reader can focus on the content of the question rather than having to reorder the items mentally. Although such reordering might require a limited amount of cognitive load, such load is finite, and it does not take much additional processing to reach the point where concentration is negatively impacted. Thus, this guideline is consistently recommended (Haladyna, Downing, & Rodriguez, 2002).

4. Limit the use of negatives (e.g., NOT, EXCEPT). Example: Change Which of the following is NOT true of the Constitution? a. The Constitution sets limits on how a government can operate

b. The Constitution is open to different interpretations c. The Constitution has not been amended in 50 years*

To Which of the following is true of the Constitution? a. The Constitution has not been amended in 50 years

b. The Constitution sets limits on how a government can operate* c. The Constitution permits only one possible interpretation

Once again, trying to determine which answer is NOT consistent with the stem requires more cognitive load from the students and promotes the likelihood of more confusion. If that additional load or confusion

is unnecessary it should be avoided (Haladyna, Downing, & Rodriguez, 2002).

If you are going to use NOT or EXCEPT, the word should be highlighted in some manner so that students recognize a negative is being used.

5. Include the same number of alternatives for each item. The more consistent and predictable a test is the less cognitive load that is required by the student to process

it. Consequently, the student can focus on the questions themselves without distractions. Additionally, if students must transpose their answers onto a score sheet of some kind, there is less likelihood of error in

the transposition if the number of alternatives for each item is always the same.

Reducing the Chance of Guessing

Correctly • It is easy to inadvertently include clues in your

test items that point to the correct answer, help rule out incorrect alternatives or narrow the choices.

• Any such clue would decrease your ability to distinguish students who know the material from those who do not, thus, providing rival explanations.

Keep the grammar consistent between stem and alternatives. Example: Change What is the dietary substance that is often associated with heart disease when found

in high levels in the blood? a. glucose

b. cholesterol* c. beta carotene d. proteins

To a. glucose

b. cholesterol* c. beta carotene d. protein

Obviously, "proteins" is inconsistent with the stem since it is singular and the others are plural. However, it can be easy for the test writer to miss such inconsistencies. As a result, students may more easily guess the correct answer without understanding the concept - a rival explanation.

Avoid including an alternative that is significantly longer than the rest.



What is the best reason for listing information sources in your research assignment?

a. It is required b. It is unfair and illegal to use someone's ideas without giving proper credit* c. To get a better grade d. To make it longer


a. It is required by most teachers b. It is unfair and illegal to use someone's ideas without giving proper credit* c. To get a better grade on the project d. So the reader knows from where you got your information

Students often recognize that a significantly longer, more complex alternative is commonly the correct answer. Even if the longer alternative is not the correct answer, some students who might otherwise answer the question correctly could be misled by this common clue and

select the wrong answer. So, to be safe and avoid a rival explanation, keep the alternatives similar in length.

Make all distracters plausible. Example: Change Lincoln was assassinated by a. Lee Harvey Oswald

b. John Wilkes Booth* c. Oswald Garrison Villard d. Ozzie Osbourne

To Lincoln was assassinated by a. Lee Harvey Oswald

b. John Wilkes Booth* c. Oswald Garrison Villard d. Louis Guiteau

If students can easily discount one or more distractors (obviously Ozzie Osbourne does not belong) then the chance of guessing is increased, reducing the discriminability of that item.

There is some limited evidence that including humor on a test can have certain benefits such as reducing the anxiety of the test-takers (Berk, 2000; McMorris, Boothroyd, & Pietrangelo, 1997). But humor can be included in a manner that does not reduce the discriminability of the item. For example, the nature of the question in the stem may be humorous but still

addresses the material in a meaningful way.

Avoid giving too many clues in your alternatives. Example: Change "Yellow Journalism" is associated with what two publishers? a. Adolph Ochs and Martha Graham

b. William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer* c. Col. Robert McCormick and Marshall Field III d. Michael Royko and Walter Cronkite

To a. Adolph Ochs and Martha Graham

b. William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer* c. Joseph Pulitzer and Adolph Ochs d. Martha Graham and William Randolph Hearst

Since both of the publishers in choice "b" are associated with yellow journalism

and none of the other people mentioned is, the student only has to know of one such publisher to identify that "b" is the correct answer. That makes the item

easier than if just one name is listed for each alternative. To make the question more challenging, at least some of the distracters could mention one of the correct

publishers but not the other as in the second example (e.g., in distracter "c" Pulitzer is correct but Ochs is not). As a result, the student must recognize both

publishers associated with yellow journalism to be certain of the correct answer.


July 23rd. 2011

Formal and Informal Assessment

Formal Assessment:

This assessment is very useful and usually the teachers apply it with their students.

It helps us to evaluate the knowledge and it can be a written test, essay, search or

other activity where students write about what they learned.

Informal Assessment:

This assessment includes many activities in which the students never imagine that

the teacher is evaluating them. Some examples can be role plays, questions, show

and tell, draw, projects etc.

We as teacher can use many activities to assess our students and at the same

time can be fun for them.

Ingrid Noemí Toledo Sicán



July 30th. 2011

Formal and Informal Assessment

We reviewed about formal and informal assessment.

Formal assessment: We can assess the students with different activities like:

projects, written form, reports, summary, show and tell, presentation, portfolio, etc.

Informal assessment: we can use games, competitions, puzzles, memory,

questions, draw, roll plays, etc.

We saw three examples that Licda. Evlyn did with her children, and she explained

the process of each activity, we saw the children participate and enjoyed it.

We as teachers have to be creative in our class; we can assess our students in

different ways not always in the same way.

We worked in groups because we have to create a lesson plan with a formal and in

formal assessment to the same topic.

Ingrid Noemí Toledo Sicán



August 6th. 2011


Formal and Informal Assessment

I like this activity because each group present a formal and informal assessment

for a particular topic so in particularly I learn so much, I could experiment many

activities that I unknown. I applied some of them with my students and they enjoy

them so much.

We as teacher have to investigate different activities and adequate them in our

classes it helps us and the students too. We can apply it in any subject and we

enjoy and share with the students in other hand I think that with activities students

learn more than we only talk or write.

In particularly I liked all the presentations because gave me some tips and ideas to

have a best clases.

Ingrid Noemí Toledo Sicán



AUGUST 20TH. 2011


They are the achievements that students have to demonstrate at the end of the

unit or bimester. They have to be valuable and clear. The objectives are so

important in any course because they help us as teachers to go in the correct

way and we have to take account when we plan our class.


They are the abilities that our students are going to apply at the end of each

topic. They can be activities, projects, group work where the students can

demonstrate what they know. They give the opportunity to the students to

practice, apply and develop their abilities.

Ingrid Noemí Toledo Sicán



November 4TH. 2011

Different types of tests:

Performance assessment: The performance assessment could consist of a single

task and a scoring method, or it could consist of multiple tasks and one or multiple

scoring methods. It can be divided into two rough categories:

Task-Centered performance assessments that are primarily intended to tap into and

evaluate specific skills and competencies.

Construct-Centered performance assessments that are intended to tap into and

sample from a domain of skills and competencies

True and False: True-false questions are well suited for testing student recall or

comprehension. Students can generally respond to many questions, covering a lot of

content, in a fairly short amount of time. From the teacher's perspective, these

questions can be written quickly and are easy to score.

Matching: The matching test item format provides a way for learners to connect a

word, sentence or phrase in one column to a corresponding word, sentence or phrase in

a second column. The items in the first column are called premises and the answers in

the second column are the responses.

Essay Questions: It is a test item which requires a response composed by the

examinee, usually in the form of one or more sentences or paragraphs, about a

presented situation or to required questions.

Short answers: Short-answer questions are similar to objective items in that a

clearly-defined answer is required, but differ from the latter in that the answer has to be

generated and supplied by the learner rather than chosen from a number of options


Multiple choice: items can be used to measure knowledge outcomes and various

types of learning outcomes. They are most widely used for measuring knowledge,

comprehension, and application outcomes. The multiple-choice item provides the most

useful format for measuring achievement at various levels of learning.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


4 5 Topic: Introduce past


Objective: Identifying past


Assessment Activity: Circle the

past continuous in the story.


6 Topic: Past Continuous

Objective: Comparing the

past continuous

Assessment Activity:

Matching sentences with the



7 Topic: Past continuous

Objective: Use past


Assessment Activity: Write a

story using past continuous.


8 Topic: Review past continuous.

Objective: Differentiating past

simple/past continuous

Assessment Activity: Select past

simple/continuous to complete the



9 Topic: Question with who /


Objective: Identifying question

with who / whose.

Assessment Activity: Writes 5

questions. (Remember)


11 12 Topic: Question with who /


Objective: Understand the


Assessment Activity:

Answer the questions.


13 Topic: Introduce how of-


Objective: Identifying and

representing it in different con-


Assessment Activity:

Interview a friend. (Remember

and Understand)

14 Topic: How often…?

Objective: Use how often…?

Assessment Activity:

Interview a friend.


15 Topic: How often…?

Objective: Organizing it in

different content.

Assessment Activity: Say haw

often you do some activities.


16 Topic: There is/there are

Objective: Recognizing and

understand them.

Assessment Activity: Circle the

correct option.

(Remember and understand)


18 19 Topic: There is / there are

Objective: Illustrating them in


Assessment Activity: Look at

the picture and write 5



20 Topic: There is / there are

any / some

Objective: Differentiating

them in context.

Assessment Activity: Look at

the picture and write 5

sentences. (Analyze)

21 Topic: There is / there are

and is there / are there

Objective: Checking the

grammar structure

Assessment Activity: Answer

the questions. (Evaluate)

22 Topic: Review there is /there

are and is there / are there.

Objective: Planning them in a


Assessment Activity:

matching exercise.


23 Topic: How much / how many

Objective: Identify and

understand the difference.

Assessment Activity: Complete

the questions. (Remember and



25 26 Topic: How much / how


Objective: Exemplifying and

use them in the correct way.

Assessment Activity: Circle

the correct option. (Apply)

27 Topic: Possessive’s and

possessive s’

Objective: Identifying and

translating possessive ‘s, s’

Assessment Activity: Look

and match. (Remember and


28 Topic: Possessives

Objective: Use possessives in

the correct way

Assessment Activity:

Complete the sentences.


29 Topic: Review of


Objective: Focusing

possessives in context.

Assessment Activity: Write a

short story. (Analyze)

30 Topic: Possessive’s and

possessive s’

Objective: Detecting the different

possessives listening a short dia-


Assessment Activity: Complete the

dialogue. (Evaluate)

September 2011

October 2011 Su Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 3 Topic: Future with going to

Objective: Identifies the correct


Assessment Activity:

Underline the correct

structure of going to.


2 Topic: Future with going to.

Objective: Students interpret the

correct structure to describe

activities in future.

Assessment Activity:

Students write and talk about their

plans for the next week.


5 Topic: Future with will/won’t

Objective: Implementing ideas

about future using will as tool.

Assessment Activity: Write 5

sentences using will and won’t

to predict ideas. (Apply)

6 Topic: Future might/ might not

Objective: Students differentiate

and organize the structure.

Assessment Activity: In a reading

circle the correct structure.


7 Topic: Review of future

Objective: Detecting the

correct structure of the future.

Assessment Activity:

Complete the sentences with

the correct structure.



9 10 Topic: Sequences

Objective: Identifies


Assessment Activity:

In a reading circle the

correct sequence.


11 Topic: Sequences

Objective: Matching

sequences in a context.

Assessment Activity: Label

sequences with pictures.


12 Topic: Sequencing past


Objective: Implementing

sequences in correct order

using previously knowledge.

Assessment Activity: Read the

text and number in correct

order. (Apply)

13 Topic: Zero Conditional (when)

Objective: Identifying and understand

the structure and use.

Assessment Activity: Complete the


(Remember and understand)

14 Topic: Zero

Conditional with when

Objective: Uses and

applies the correct


Assessment Activity: Read

and complete the

sentences. (Apply)


16 17 Topic: Zero Conditional

Objective: Selecting in the


Assessment Activity: Write a

short history using zero

conditional. (Analyzes)

18 Topic: Before/ after

Objective: Recalling and

clarify the differences

between them.

Assessment Activity: Match

them with the correct option.

(Remember and understand)

19 Topic: Before/ after

Objective: Use them in the

correct way. Assessment Activity: Look at

the picture and write after or

before. (Apply)

20 Topic: Can / Could

Objective: Identifying and Compre-

hend the meaning and the difference

Assessment Activity: Circle the

correct option.

(Remember and Understand)

21 Topic: Can / Could

Objective: uses and applies

the correct structure.

Assessment Activity: Com-

plete the paragraph.



23 24 Topic: Review Can /


Objective: Differentiating

and testing in any context.

Assessment Activity: Create

and present a dialogue using

can and could.

(Analyze and evaluate)

25 Topic: Prepositions of time .

Objective: Recognizing and

understand the

correct preposition.

Assessment Activity: read the

sentences and circle the correct


(Remember and


26 Topic: prepositions of


Objective: Implementing and

use them in correct way.

Assessment Activity: Com-

plete the sentences.


27 Topic: Prepositions

Objective: Distinguishing the

information to choice the correct


Assessment Activity: label prepo-

sition to complete the story.


28 Topic: Review of


Objective: Checking the

preposition in any content.

Assessment Activity:

Role play





TEACHER: Ingrid Toledo


FUTURE AND PAST TENSE 9 2..2 2..1 2.1 2.1 1.1 6



HOW MUCH/HOW MANY) 12 4.2 4.1 3.1 2.1 1.1 1.1 7



BEFORE/AFTER) 8 3.2 3.1 3.1 1.1 5


PREPOSITIONS) 8 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.1 5

CAN / COULD 3 1.1 1.1 2

40 ITEMS 25



TEACHER: Ingrid Toledo

Item Value Item Value Item Value Item Value Item Value Item ValueSeries Series Series Series Series Series PER CONTENT

2 8 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4

2 8 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4

2 8 1 4 1 4 1 4

1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4

1 4 1 4

LEVEL 100ITEMS 8 32 5 20 4 16 4 16 3 12 1 4 25























NAME:________________________________________________ DATE:____________

SERIE I Instructions: Read carefully each sentence or question and circle the correct option.

1. What__________ be doing this time tomorrow? a. Were you b. Did you c. Will you d. Have you

2. My father _________ a new car last week. a. Buy b. Will buy c. Buys d. Bought

3. The next year I____________ study music on Saturdays. a. Will b. Am going to c. Is going to d. Went

4. Mary ________ her arm in the soccer game. a. Brake b. Brakes c. Broke d. Will broke

5. I _____________ T.V. when my mother called me. a. Was watching b. Were watching c. Will watching d. Watching

6. John ________ travel to Europe next week. a. Is b. Were c. Will d. Is going to

SERIE II Instruction: matching to complete the following questions. Use different colors. 1. Is there….. a. five apples on the desk?

2. How often… b. do you play soccer in the week?

3. How many….. c. jacket is there?

4. Are there…. d. a drugstore?

5. How much… e. pets do you have?

6. Who… f. is your father?

7. Whose… g. flour do you need?

SERIE III Instruction: Read the sentence and write T (true) or F (false) in the line. If the answer is false explain why?

1. I use “can” for request _______ Why?_________________________________________

2. I have to use “could” in present tense. ______ Why?_________________________________________

SERIE IV Instruction: write the correct answer.

1. Write three prepositions of time. ___________ _____________ ____________

2. Write three prepositions of place. ___________ _____________ ____________

3. Give two examples of possessives.

_____________________________ _________________________

4. What are the two options using possessives with („) apostrophe.

___________ _____________

5. Look each picture and write the correct preposition.

SERIE V Instruction: write an essay using sequencers and zero conditional. In the world exists many types of sports. What it is your favorite sport and what are the benefits to practice it?














As you can see in this portfolio we can find much information about assessments

and the different options that we as teachers have to evaluate. In particularly I

learned so much in this class and this information is going to be useful for me. This

portfolio is a good tool to have reference about everything related with creates





This  course  is  dedicated  in  the  study  of  the  principle  theories  that  inbound  evaluation  and assessment  in  the  classroom.  A  critical  analysis will  be  held  in  order  to  critique  and  put  into practice  the  different  perspectives,  techniques  and  styles  related  to  performance‐based assessment, summative and formative feedback methods to assess and evaluate student learning in the classroom.  


By  the end of  the course, students will be able  to plan and create assessments and evaluations that  provide  their  students  with  activities  closely  related  to  learning  objectives  and/or competences.   


Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:  

1. Demonstrate development and use of academic standards across the curriculum and application of standards and objectives in classroom assessment and evaluation.  

2. Match assessment to learning outcomes, develop rubric criteria and select appropriate assessment and evaluation choices using the tools proportioned by the course.   

3. Apply current research tools to create authentic assessment, discourse analysis, self and peer evaluation, rubrics, surveys, tests and mini‐quizzes for self‐paced tutorials. 

4. Evaluate and utilize appropriate tools such as grade books, calendars, spreadsheets and portfolios.  

GENERAL AND SPECIFIC EXPECTATIONS OF THE COURSE  Student Assessment and Evaluation  General Expectation 1: to communicate an overview of evaluation frameworks and processes.  Specific Expectations:  

1. Identify the following: a) the purposes of evaluation, b) key terms relative to evaluation, c) types of evaluation, d) links between planning and evaluation  

2. Develop student assessment and practice within a philosophical framework  3. Understand equity issues in evaluation and assessment.  

  General Expectation 2: to understand the purposes of various types of evaluation strategies.  Specific Expectations:  

1. Differentiate between diagnostic, formative, and summative evaluation  2. Compare the purpose and function of different information sources for evaluation  3. Identify a variety of evaluation and assessment procedures, their purposes, strengths, and 

weaknesses  4. Discriminate between traditional and authentic assessment and appropriate application in 

teaching/learning  5. Incorporate appropriate assessment and evaluation strategies into your teaching practice.  


General Expectation 3: to place evaluation strategies in the context of a unit of study.  Specific Expectations:  

1. Design student assessment instruments (including rubrics) for a unit of study  2. Accommodate the needs of exceptional students within the unit and its evaluation 

component.  3. Enhance research in teaching to improve their own practice.  4. Be capable of doing self assessment.  5. Share the knowledge acquired to benefit the school community to which they belong.  


• Students are expected to attend all classes. Class attendance will be a part of the final evaluation.  

• Students are expected to arrive for class on time. Any student who arrives late will not be given additional time to complete quizzes, exams, or in‐class assignments. 

• Students are expected to submit all assignments on time. Late submissions will be penalized or not be accepted depending on the particular case. 

• Students are expected to come to class having read and completed all assignments. • Students are expected to participate in class discussions. • Students are expected to complete all quizzes and examinations in class on the date 

specified by the teacher. • Students are expected to word process assignments as required, handwritten work will 

not be excepted unless it is a test blueprint.   CONTENTS:  



• The difference between evaluation and assessment • Types of evaluation (Diagnostic, Formative & Summative) • Establishing High‐Quality (Validity, Reliability etc. ) • Becoming aware of content, context and learners • Curriculum and Evaluation • Visualizing your actions: planning and testing • Objectives vs. Competences • Blooms Taxonomy • Designing a blueprint 



• Test type items • Test item type instructions • Organizing test type items according to competencies and domain 

levels  • Analyzing test  • Creating different core content tests 



• Assessment strategies • Self Improvement through self assessment • Self assessment tools: rubrics, checklists, portfolios etc. • Differentiated learning  • Declarative and procedural knowledge based assessment • Reflective Teaching and Learning • Administering and interpreting standardized tests 

  NOTE: Additional content may be added to list.          


1. Summary on subject matter must be turned in weekly. (Except when having test) 2. Teacher and student exchange of knowledge and experiences. 3. Group discussions.  Students must read the material in advance. 4. Individual research and enrichment.  5. Multimedia presentations. 6. Teaching Project 7. Portfolio 8. Exams 

  EVALUATION:  Attendance 80% to apply for final term  TOTAL ZONE…………………….……………………………………………10 PTS 


 TWO MIDTERMS…….…………………………………………………….40PTS PORTFOLIO …….……………………………………………………………. 20 PTS FINAL EXAM ….…………..…………………………………………………. 30 PTS TOTAL …………………………………………………………………………..100PTS  REFERENCES:  


1. LANGUAGE PROGRAM EVALUATION, Brian K. Lynch Cambridge University applied linguistics 


& Jim Hicks 3rd. Edition Merill‐Prentice Hall. London 2002  

3. PLANNING LESSONS AND COURSES. Tessa Woodward. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge 2001 


James H. McMillan. McMillan Press. Virginia 2001  


CLASS REQUIREMENTS AND GUIDELINES  Submitting Assignments:   All  assignments  either  have  or  will  have  an  identified  “due  date”.  Extensions  beyond  the designated due date are not granted except  in the most extenuating of circumstances. With the exception of an immediate and pressing “emergency”, all requests for an extension will be written, signed, dated, and delivered in person to me, as your Professor, before the specified due date and in time for me to respond to your request in writing.   All assignments are to include a title page that clearly identifies the assignment topic/title, course name  and  number,  the  date  submitted,  the  teacher’s  name,  and  the  student’s  name  and  I.D. number.  All  assignments  are  to  be  given,  in  person,  directly  to  the  teacher.  I  will  take  no responsibility  for assignments  that are given  to other  students or given  to  the personnel  in  the “Escuela de Idiomas” office. While I have not yet lost any student assignment; there is always the first time! Therefore, you would be well advised to back up your assignment electronically and  if feasible, in hard copy.    An assignment will be considered late if it is not directly handed to me, as your Professor, by the end of class on  the specified “due date”. Late assignments will be penalized 5%  for each day or part thereof following the specified “due date” [including Saturday(s) and Sunday(s)].    Attendance and Participation:    Attendance  will  be  taken  at  the  beginning  of  each  class  period.  Attendance  in  each  class  is mandatory; however, there  is a proviso  in the University regulations that students are permitted to miss the equivalent of 3 classroom contact hours.  Beyond this limit, the student will be issued a warning that any more absences may result in being excluded from writing the final examination. Regular attendance, being prepared, and constructively participating in classroom activities, are all seen as  integral components  in the growth and development of becoming a professional teacher and in the establishment of a meaningful community of learnership in our class.       Tardiness     This can be extremely disruptive and disrespectful to members who strive to be on time. Naturally, we all encounter circumstances that occasionally cause us to be late – but habituated tardiness is not  acceptable.  If  you  are  late  for  class, no material will be  repeated.   Therefore,  you need  to contact your classmates to be filled in on the material covered.  If you arrive after attendance has been taken and you have no excuse, you will be marked as absent.    Class Policy on Cell Phones  Cell phones must be turned off at all times. If you are expecting an emergency call make sure to talk to me before class.  Class Policy on Laptop Computers     You may bring your laptop to class, but all work done on laptop computers must be related to the class work of that day.    Academic Dishonesty  Academic  honesty  is  fundamental  to  the  activities  and  principles  of  the  University,  and more broadly to society at large. All members of the academic community must be confident that each person’s work has been responsibly and honorably acquired, developed, and presented.   References  Use the A.P.A format 5th Edition.