Portfolio: Sara Shaw



A compilation of visual communication design projects for Comm130.

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  • Sara Shaw626 S. 16th St. Ames, IA 50010832.693.4755sha01910@byui.edu

  • 1 Brochure2 Logos3 Event Ad4 Letterhead5 Business Card6 Web Page7 Flier8 Montage9 Photo Design10 Infograph

  • Description:A two sided brochure including a logo, body copy, and multiple images using text wrap and a clipped image.

    Date: 7.12.15

    Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 15Emily Kunz

    Programs/Tools Used: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop

    Objectives: To advertise a fun and adventurous trip to Chile for those who are from Chile living in the United States, or those who want to visit there.

    Process: I started this project by determining what my company was and to whom the brochure was intended for. After that, I created my penguin logo in Adobe Illustrator, and brought him into Adobe Indesign where I created my brochure. I selected two different font styles for the body copy, heading, and subheadings. I then created small illustrations back in Illustrator that added an interesting element in the offset design. I brought in photos that I obtained from morguefile.com that provides free for use without attribution photographs and edited them in Adobe Photoshop. I also used one personal photo from time spent in Chile. With one of the photos, I clipped out the background and text wrapped the image so that the text around it would move itself around the image. I mildly used this technique because it didnt flow well with the rest of the design, but it was a requirement for this project. After I brought in my own written body copy, I made more minor changes that had been suggested by critiques for the overall design.


  • Description:Three logo designs for a company.

    Date: 6.7.15

    Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 15Emily Kunz

    Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator

    Objectives: Communicate a children products business geared towards parents of young children.

    Process:I began this project by deciding what company I wanted to design for and what its name would be. I then brainstormed ideas for an accompanying symbol (a baby sheep) and a tagline to go with it (For Growing Little Sheep). Next, I did a little research to get the basic formation of a sheep drawn in a recognizable way and made my sketches from there in Adobe Illustrator. I made three different versions one with just typography, and two including the little lamb. I created a small survey to see which of the three was better and made revisions from there.


  • Description:A full-bleed flier that advertises an event for a beneficiary.

    Date: 5.17.15

    Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 15Emily Kunz

    Programs/Tools Used: Microsoft Word, scanner

    Objectives: To advertise a fun filled event that will benefit children in need for parents and children directly associated with the school and anyone wanting to give support in the community.

    Process:I first started by planning out who I wanted to be the beneficiaries, the sponsors, and what the event would be. From there I looked for photographs that would fit for an event for children. After I found my photo, I scanned it and edited it in Word. I then added the blocks of color in the circles and blocks and eventually the typography. After some critique, I made small changes including moving the address to right underneath the event time and making the upper circle smaller. I also made all of my reds the same color to create a more consistent look.


  • Description:A letterhead utilizing a personally made logo in multiple formats.

    Date: 6.14.15

    Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 15Emily Kunz

    Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator and Indesign

    Objectives: To advertise a business that sells apples to those who are farmers or who want to purchase apples.

    Process:I started my project by determining what business I wanted to create for. Once I decided on a apple farm, I brainstormed different ways to combine those two ideas together. I created many sketches and chose the one that best communicated the message. I then created that sketch in Adobe Illustrator and made refinements from there. Once my logo was created, create an InDesign document that contained a letterhead and the front and back sides of a business card. I chose typography that worked well with my logo and chose accent colors from it as well. After receiving feedback I made minor changes to the sizing and typography.


  • Description:A business card utilizing a personally made logo in multiple formats.

    Date: 6.14.15

    Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 15Emily Kunz

    Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator and Indesign

    Objectives: To advertise a business that sells apples to those who are farmers or who want to purchase apples.

    Process:I started my project by determining what business I wanted to create for. Once I decided on a apple farm, I brainstormed different ways to combine those two ideas together. I created many sketches and chose the one that best communicated the message. I then created that sketch in Adobe Illustrator and made refinements from there. Once my logo was created, create an InDesign document that contained a letterhead and the front and back sides of a business card. I chose typography that worked well with my logo and chose accent colors from it as well. After receiving feedback I made minor changes to the sizing and typography.


  • Description:A website page based on a logo previously designed.

    Date: 6.27.15

    Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 15Emily Kunz

    Programs/Tools Used: TextWrangler, Photoshop, & an online validator

    Objectives: A logo and webpage design for those interested in apple farming and produce picking.

    Process:I started this project by choosing a logo to create a website for. As I already understood the feeling I had with my logo, I wanted to continue that same feeling to create a cohesive design. I chose colors directly from my logo using Adobe Photoshop to identify the hex colors and then lightened or darkened them to add contrast. I added my content in an html document in Textwrangler and modified it using a css document. Within the css I changed fonts, colors, and spacing to create a visually interesting design. After I finished editing my code, I validated each document with an

    online validator.


  • Description:A promotional black and white flier geared towards recently graduated students for a

    leadership conference.

    Date: 5.9.15

    Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 15Emily Kunz

    Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Indesign

    Objectives: To create a strong professional flier that appealed to graduate students.

    Process:I started out with four basic concepts and sketched them out. I chose the one that I thought would be the most cohesive and interesting. I created a digital sketch in Illustrator and made minor changes to the layout to fix some alignment issues. Other changes I made include making the L in leadership a bit larger, putting more emphasis on graduate, and repeating the horizontal line element.


  • Description:A visual montage consisting of two or more images with typography and an inspirational message.

    Date: 5.31.15

    Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 15Emily Kunz

    Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Photoshop

    Objectives: To give comfort and hope to those who needed reminding of how much God loves all of his children.

    Process:I began my process by determining what I wanted my inspirational message to be and who it would be for. I then began my search for the images that I wanted to use and a scripture that fit that theme. Next, brought my photographs into Photoshop and started the process of cropping and intermingling photos. After I had blended the images together, I entered my text and added extra emphasis to words I thought were important by using a different type. Lastly, I had critiques of my design and made small revisions from there, including downsizing my bodycopy and blending my images further together.


  • Description:Create a poster design incorporating an original photo., do basic photo editing, and create a layout with a cohesive color scheme.

    Date: 5.23.15

    Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 15Emily Kunz

    Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Photoshop

    Objectives: An uplifting message made for those who worry about money as well as Spanish and Engligh speakers.

    Process:I started my project by deciding what I wanted to photograph. That helped me determine who I wanted my audience to be. From there I selected a color scheme that fit well with the photograph and my message. I then brought my picture into Photoshop and did some basic editing. I selected my specific colors from my image and made adjustments from there. I wanted to keep this design relatively simple to not overcomplicate the overall design. I wanted to incorporate Spanish and English text to widen my audience.


  • Description:An infograph that displays data in a visual format using three personally made logos.

    Date: 5.22.15

    Course/Instructor: Art 235 Section 02Anthony Carpenter

    Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator and Indesign

    Objectives: To create an engaging visual infograph showcasing three original logos with statistics.

    Process:I began this project by creating three original combination logos. After I finalized each logo, I made a short survey to gather statistical data. I reviewed each piece of information gathered and created visual representations of that data. I organized the flow for the infograph and finalized my color and font choices. Lastly, I made small changes following critique.
