Portfolio Kanban - Low-Friction Method to Improve Organization's Effectiveness



When we think about improving effectiveness we often focus on team level. The sources of ineffectiveness, however, are often rooted on a different level - in project portfolio. Too many concurrent projects, little knowledge about available capabilities and lack of discussion on cost and value often result in a situation where main decision factor is a gut feeling. Common approaches to solve the problem are heavy-weight and strongly formalized. On the other hand Portfolio Kanban is a low-friction method that allows tackling the issue steering change at PMO level. As with every Kanban implementation there is little, if any, changes at the very beginning and changes are steered in evolutionary manner. The picture isn’t rosy though. As long as you can say that there are standard approaches to introducing Kanban on a team level, there are no for portfolio level. As long as the method itself is easy to operate, its implementation is going to be anything but obvious and simple.

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Portfolio Kanban Low-Friction Method to Improve

Organization’s Effectiveness

Pawel Brodzinski


Hi, I’m Pawel

Lunar Logic Chief cook and bottlewasher http://llp.pl

I’ve been supervising

multiple concurrent projects for

8 years...

...and it sucks

Excel frenzy

Goal: Find meaningful data

You’ll make it!

Give me more!

Oh, there are just too many

of them!

It doesn’t come for free

Source: Gerald Weinberg, Quality Software Management: Vol. 1 System Thinking

Cost of context switching

Zeigarnik Effect: Tendency to experience intrusive thought about

an objective left incomplete

Source: S. Greist-Bousquet, N. Shiffman: The effect of task interrupton and closure on perceived duration

Cost of task switching is rooted in interference

from thoughts about the task your are not doing

Eyal Ophir

Time to market

Source: E. Ophir, C. Nass, A. Wagner: Cognitive control in media multitaskers

Lower quality

Don’t we know the cure already?

Portfolio Kanban Story

Where would you start?

Variability stupid!

Stalled board

WIP limits? Oh...

Side note: There are


Two-tier board

Few have such comfort though

Non-standard board designs

Alternative design



Total capabilities

Different capabilities

Free capabilities


Concurrent engagements

Planned time span

Types of work

Future commitments

Planned work


Show me that here

Low hanging fruit

What about WIP limits then?


Free capabilities

WIP limits by conversation

Finally, data from other sources

What’s in it for me?

A system of local optima is not an optimal system

at all; it is a very suboptimal system

Eli Goldratt

Processing the waste more effectively is

cheaper, neater, faster waste.

Stephen Parry

If you are doing the wrong thing you can’t learn, you will only be trying to do the wrong

thing righter.

John Seddon

Problem we tend to ignore

Low-friction method

Thank you

Pawel Brodzinski



