


Portfolio of my architectural design works until the end of 2012

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    Curriculum Vitae

    Academic works at the school of Architecture

    Academic works at the Master



    C\ Andrs Segovia n 22 1 Dcha23440, Baeza (Jan) Espaa

    joponlo _@hotmail.com

    +34 661 40 45 18

    Profesional Profile:

    Newly qualified architech with experience in measuring and drawing historical and current buildings, having done various internships in diferent studies of architechture from 2006 to 2012. Experience in computer graphics and desing of structures for Final Projects

    Profesional Experience:

    2006/2007 Part-time temporary contract in the Office of Architecture EAPONCE of Baeza, carrying out the development of basic and execution projects. 2010 Collaboration with Dr. architech Francisco Granero Martn, professor at the School of Architechture of Seville, drawing buildings planimetry and developing their restoration planimetry.

    2012 Development of the practices of the Master of Science and Tecnology in Architectural Heritage in the architectural office of Dr. Enrique Carvajal Salinas


    2005/2011 Architech graduated in the School of Architecture of Seville

    2010/2011 ERASMUS in the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia

    2011/2012 Master in Science and Tecnology in Architectural Heritage from Granadas University.

    Nov. 2012 V International Laboraty of Architectural Restoration and Urban Rehabilitation

    Other skills:

    Languages: Spanish: native English: high level, First Certificate in English (B-2) form Cambridges University. Italian: medium level, B-1 from Centro Linguistico Ateneo de la Universit CaFoscari di Venezia. French: basic level

    Computing: Autocad (2D y 3D), Autodesk 3DS max, Photoshop, InDesing, Corel Draw, Office, SAP2000, Cype


    The collective dwellings come up with a number of needs that have to be covered to have a proper relationship between thier inhabitants.

    The location of the plot on the periphery gives it a border cha-racter which develops in establishing the building on the edge of the plot, staying front of it an elevated Plaza that serves as a collective space for the residents of the building and for the peoplle of Huelva.

    Three Modules in L (individual up)

    Two Modules in horizontal

    Two Modules in vertical

    One Module

    Housing planscale: 1/4000

    Three Modules in L (individual down)



    The building is determinated by an Skeleton on which the designed housing modules are placed in, like a puzzle, where the different pieces fit in their place. Because is a large building, in which will be installed many families of many different social classes, one of the objectives of this project is to avoid the appereance of ghettos in it, so the different modules are placed in a random place.

    As a collective housing project it is necessary to look for the existence and alternation of public spaces among the private spaces. To generate these public spaces we just have to do not fill one of the cells that are in the skeleton. By the other hand, to generate the private spaces we have to fill the existing cells of the skeleton. This alternation creates a public space system in the building.

    One module house

    Two modules house in horizontalThree modules house (upper individual)

    Three modules house (lower individual) Two modules house in vertical

    Proceso de rellenado y vaciado de espacios privados y pblicos



    Situation scale: 1/4000

    Planta Baja scale: 1/1000

    Sections scale: 1/1000

    To solve the problems of the block, it seems clear that we have to solve first the problem of the habitability of the square. Because of that it is proposed the change in the orientation of the apartments. In the original project, the apartments are oriented to the outside, to the street, leaving the square as a residual space. This could be observed in the yards facade, where the windows are smaller than those of the outer facade. With the change of the orientation we achieve the rehabilitation of the yard, making it more habitable.

    To solve the problems of rigidity and symmetry we introduce a number of volumes in the facade and in the yard. Those from the facade break the rigidity of the building; and those from the yard break with the symmetry.

    The square then turns into the main space of the project. It recieves a treatment of public space, pedestrianized, to giave access to the shops and equipment of the same level



    One floor apartments

    Corner apartments (3 bedrooms)






    x II








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    The break of the rigidity of the yard creates new spaces that are used to expand the interior space of the apartments. One of the actions that have been carried out in the apartments has been changing the orientation of them, giving a new use to the spacious yard.

    The rules of the exercice allowed the expansion of the surface of the apartments in the second bay a percentage of the current use, creating new possibilities. Due to the large height that have the apartments they have the possibility of generating new slabs that create new apartments with three differents levels.

    Moreover are also created two other apartments: one of them developed in one floor and other which has three bedrooms.

    Section A-A

    Section B-B

    Section C-C


    B B



  • USHERS HOUSEThe story The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe chronicles the last days of a lonely man whose only social relations are his sister, seriously ill during the course of the story, and his best and only friend, who will visit him at his request.

    Analyzing slightly the characters personality we see that this is a very educated person, very fond of painting and reading, but a lonely, melancholy, very locked in his world.

    The House proposal emerges from this personality, this lack of openness to the outside world. So we propose a self-enclosed housing, a house that barely shows what happens inside to the outside, constituting a Courtyard House around one of the trees in the plot.

    Roof floor scale:1/600 Perspective of the house

    1.- Hall 2.- Library3.- Living room4.- Toilet5.- Dining room6.- Kitchen7.- Laundry8.- Pantry9.- Guests Bedroom10.- Madeline Ushers bedroom11.- Roderick Usher bedroom12.- Study

    Ground floor scale: 1/300


  • LA CASA USHERThis home has several wings that are organized according to the use they will have. The first one might be call wing day because in it are the access, the living room and the library.

    The second wing is a transitional space between the days wing and nights wing. Here is the dining room and the kitchen, being in it also the area for the house service.

    The third and last wing is the one where are the overnight rooms. In it there are the Ushers bedroom, his sisters and a guest bedroom.

    Basement floor e: 1/300

    Section A-A e: 1/400

    Section B-B scale: 1/400

    Section C-C scale: 1/400

    West facade scale: 1/300

    North facade scale: 1/300

    South facade scale: 1/300

    1.- Crypt - Wine cellar2.- Service bedroom3.- Service bathroom4.- Installation room5.- Warehouse


  • SEVILLE:CITY, HOUSING AND IDENTITYAdaptation of public spaces and equipment

    The proposed exercise was to select one of the four areas proposed by the teachers, analyze it and create new pu-blic spaces and equipment, for the area of housing in particular and for the neighborhood in which they are.

    The area of the La Estrella building is located in front of a school, which gives an important education character sector view, deciding then to expand this sector through a day nursery.

    So then it could be seen also the lack of parking for the inhabitants of the building. So it is necessary to expand the buildings parking area, creating one underground parking of two floors.

    The in It is changed the inside environment of the block, giving a new morphology of an accessible park to the neighbours and the residents of the neighborhood.

    Location scale: 1/6000

    Section scale: 1/1500

    Ground floor scale: 1/1500


  • SEVILLE:CITY, HOUSING AND IDENTITYAdaptation of public spaces and equipment

    The day nursery is organized in three different wings, over-turned all of them to the central space, the Playground.

    A first wing opens us the reception of the children, with an adults toilet and a trolleys store, with the dining room (one for children and one for adults).

    In the central wing we find the classrooms of the children, distinguishing three (one for each course), which can be joined or separated through movable panels as needed.

    In the last wing is found the buildings administrative sec-tor, plus some new toilets for staff management.

    Day nursery ground floor scale: 1/400

    Virtual model of the enviroment

    Virtual model of the enviroment


  • CAJASOL Office Building and Business Center

    Elevation scale: 1/2000

    Ground floor scale: 1/2000


    The existing project Cajasol Tower in Seville proposes the creation of an office building in height, with a business center and a sports area. After an analysis of the winning proposal, it seems that a high height building is not necessary, so it is necessary to find a different alternative. Therefore it is came to the conclusion of generating the same office space but divided into several towers so we create spaces of relationship between workers in many levels (almost all of them in the roofs of the lower towers). In the same way, under the offices, it is the business center, which gives access to the public to the whole building.

  • CAJASOL Office Building and Business Center

    Section scale: 1/2000

    First floor scale: 1/2000

    Tenth floor scale: 1/2000

    Sketch of the roof area of the offices Image of the Main Hall of the buiding


  • Rehabilitation of the Ancient Flour Factory of Peaflor

    Location scale: 1/2000

    Ground floor (level -2) scale: 1/1000 First floor (level -1) e: 1/1000

    The current building was opened in 1926, although it is preceded by another one in the same location which was built in 1877 and burned in an accident in 1924.

    It is proposed a building with multiple uses apart from the main (hotel). So it is disegned also a conference room, an exhibition hall, a lounge for celebrations and a multiporpuse room. It is projected a building where the three different kind of uses are separated: public, private and Service.


  • Second Floor (level 0) scale: 1/1000

    Third and fourth floor (levels 1 y 2) scale: 1/1000

    Rehabilitation of the Ancient Flour Factory of Peaflor

    Fifth floor (level 3) and sixth floor (level 4) scale: 1/1000

    West elevation of the main building scale: 1/400




  • Service Area in Duino

    The project is located in the service area of Duino, a little village that belgons to the Fruili-Venezia Giulia region. It is the last stop before crossing the border with Slovenia, and the first italian service area if you are coming from Slovenia, so this service area should be very important for the public image of the Italian road system. The service station should be an example to follow of composition and landscaping.

    Located between the mountain, at north, and the sea, at south, it has been chosen to work with the mimetism and with point of view of the drivers and the travelers who stay at the station.

    The northern part is directly related to the mountain and the rock wall, which is a natu-ral, dry and sturdy landscape. On the south side, there are generated water sheets that seek to bring visually the viewer to the sea, and hide the agressive buildings from that part of the service area. At the same time there are created two crossed axes that create a continuity between the mountain and the sea.


  • Service Area in DuinoThe driver who crosses the highway is recieved by the covers of the two cafeterias, which extend one toward the other, like a threshold, as a gateway of the Italian road system.

    The program also includes a multi-religious chapel, with any specific reference to any religion. It is a place for the worship and reflexion, where the people are placed in chapels vertically organized around a contemplative space; inspired in an austere and silence cave. The light enters through a hole in the top, and the same happends with the rain water, which falls from the sky y get stored in a surface at the bottom of the chapel. Is has been tried to create a space which encourages the relaxation.

    Elevations and floors of the Cafeterias scale: 1/1500Section and floors of the Hotel and the Chapel scale: 1/1000


  • New Bus Station and Urban Park in Baeza

    (Final Project)


    When you have to propose a project of a new bus station it is necessary to think about a number of previous knowledge that a building of these characteristics have: it is a building that has a considerable size and a possible great visual impact in the environ-ment.

    Decreasing a bit the scale it is observed that near to the plot where is going to be built the bus station exists another plot which is designated to the creation of a green space: an urban park. We find here an opportunity to create a joint project between the station and the park, creating a symbiosis between the two projects.

    The relation with the environment is crucial when you have to disegn a new project. The new plot is very close to the city limit, from where you can apreciate the plain landscape before the Sierra Mgina mountains, a sea of olives.

    Tackling Niemeyer and Eisenman theories, joining and investing them we obtain a process that consists in the insertion of the landscape in the city. But this landscape cannot be curved, organic; it has to be adapted to the new environment in which it is located now: inside the city, where prevail the straight lines, the artificial things.

    We are taking aboutto square the circle, a process through the lines that form the landscape turn over straight lines, creating a distorted symmetry of the landscape. It is the camouflaging of the old landscape inserted in the city.


  • New Bus Station and Urban Park in Baeza(Final Project)

    General floor of the station and the park scale: 1/1000

    Elevations of the station and the park scale: 1/1000


  • New Bus Station and Urban Park in Baeza(Final Project)

    Ground floor of the Station scale: 1/500

    Model pictures and inside render of the Station


  • New Bus Station and Urban Park in Baeza(Final Project)

    First floor of the Station scale: 1/500

    Lenghtwise section scale: 1/500

    Cross section scale: 1/500



    Master Plan for the Convento de la Concepcin (Masters Thesis)

    Urban location of the Convent scale: 1/5000

    History of the Convent

    The convent was founded by Mrs Leonor Ramirez in 1518, being it destinated to the Third Regular Order of the Franciscan Sisters. The first location of the Convent was Elvira Street, moving it to its current location in 1523 because the original one was not enough big for number os nuns that it was having. The current building is the result of a number of additions of differents houses, which could be Christians or Nazaries, which were being bought when it was necessary to enlarge the convent.. The Church was built later, being modified its cover in the XVIII Century, as the result of a movement for the regeneration of the neighborhoud, covering the Mudejar armour with plaster vaults.

    Present use of the Convent

    * Religious: It is divided in three different parts: for the religious worship, the nuns have several rooms (Church, High Chorus and the Chapel); for the workplace they have several Salas de Labor; and finally the zone dedicated to the daily life.* Museum: it is composed of a number of rooms in the ground and first floor, all of them around the Patio de Clausura.


    Master Plan for the Convento de la Concepcin (Masters Thesis)

    Analysis and diagnosis of the current state of the Convent

    The museum inside the Convent

    This is a convent museum, in which it is necessary to avoid that the visitants tours cross themselves with the own tours of the Convent. This premise is not fulfilled today, because both of the uses share the same entrance.

    The museum does not have a space to recieve the visitants or a waiting area.

    There are big problems with the accessibility for people with disabilities in the entrance, in the same floor, and problems to go to the different floors.

    The Convent life

    Exists the same problem that has the museum: the entrance is shared.

    The parlors of the convent dont have use, because they are in an ilogical place for its use.

    The cemetery of the community is in one of the rooms of the museum.

    The convent has several wasted rooms, without an use because it doesnt have enough nuns to make the most of them.

    Ground floor scale: 1/500

    First floor scale: 1/500

    Second floor scale: 1/500


    Master Plan for the Convento de la Concepcin (Masters Thesis)

    Uses ground floor Uses first floor

    Uses second floor Uses third floor

    Proposal of intervention ground floor scale: 1/500


    Master Plan for the Convento de la Concepcin (Masters Thesis)

    Proposal of intervention first floor scale: 1/750

    Proposal of intervention second floor scale: 1/750

    Transformation objectives and actions of the Convent

    The objectives to accomplish to get better functioning of the convent are directly related to the needs that owns the convent. Thus the objectives are:

    - Create a new use to give utility to the entire building

    - Separate clearly the uses

    - Give access to the different uses

    To achieve these objectives is necessary to carry out a serie of architectonical transformations in the convent that start creating a new access and finish erasing the recently elements and substitute them for others more adequate to the new uses and the accessibility of themselves.


