Porters Forces for University


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  • 8/9/2019 Porters Forces for University


    Porter’s Model

    Threat of new entrants: Low  Also companies would want to do an economies of scale growth model and ensurebrand loyalty which would be difficult for a new comer into the ever burgeoning

    market• High Capital Requirements to set up educational facilities

    • Demand side benefits of scale- Students are more inclined towards those

    institutions that have a good reputation and enoys greater popularity amongstpeers

    • High Customer Switching Costs- !he student has to face high tangible and

    intangible costs in switching institutions

    • Restrictive "ov policy- Due to high entry barriers that a new university would

    face such as legal# ta$# red tapism etc%

    Threat of Substitutes: Low!he substitutes for the higher education sector are vocational training# corporateuniversities# online courses etc% &ven though these courses are on the rise# theirnumber and demand is substantially less than what its is for the higher educationindustry presently%

    • !he student's cost in switching to these substitutes are high

    Bargaining Power of Buyers: Low!he bargaining power of buyers is low because of the low number of players in themarket% !he demand is much greater than the supply for the same%!here are a large number of buyers ie%students in the country

    !he students face high switching costs in changing institutions!he services offered are not standardi(ed i%e the pedagogy and facilities offered byinstitutions vary!he students are more focussed on quality and are little price sensitive

    Bargaining Power of Suppliers: High!he bargaining power of suppliers is high% Here the suppliers refer to the academicstaff employed by the university%Due to the dearth of academically qualified professionals capable of providingacademic insight into the subect matter# the perceived power of the suppliers is veryhigh% !he supply for such people is very low compared to the demand for the same%)niversity faces high switching costs is finding and selecting suitable faculty%!here is also no substitute for academicians in universities%!here is also the threat of faculties forward integrating i%e% creating coaching facilitiesto provide education% Also each academic is unique and enoys an individualistic repute which canincrease or decrease their demand%!he suppliers could also refer to the suppliers of books and other academic material%Since higher education is somewhat a niche market# there are few suppliersavailable who can wield high power over the industry%

    Intensity of Rivalry: High

  • 8/9/2019 Porters Forces for University


    Due to the presence of large number of universities offering similar courses at almostsimilar prices# the intensity of rivalry would be very high% As the universities areindependent the decision of one university in the market affects the other universitiesdrastically%

    !he *ndian higher education sector has witnessed particularly high

    growth in the last decade# with enrollment of students increasing at a

    CA"R of +,%. and institutions at a CA"R of /.%

    0rivate institutions now account for 12. of the total number of 

    institutions and 3/. of enrollment in the country%

    *ndia4s higher education sector is still plagued with several

    challenges# e%g%# its relatively low "&R# inequitable access to higher 

    education by community# gender and geography# and lack of high-quality

    research and education institutions# resulting in sub-optimal


    5o of university and university level institutions6 173 89,+9:

    Courses offered vary from science# arts# commerce to engg# law# medicine etc


    8+: Shortage of teachers

    89: ;ow "eneral &mployment ratio


  • 8/9/2019 Porters Forces for University


    Environmental –

    Legal –

    1. ccreditation! reuired2. a- permi!!i#le inta/e

    . +redi#ility of profe!!or! 'min eligi#ility)

  • 8/9/2019 Porters Forces for University
