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FEBRUARY 20, 2018


Inside this issue:








by Alyssa Ramsey Behind the Scenes

The best elective you can

choose is Newspaper. This class lets

you express yourself in so many ways.

You can write all different types of

articles Plus, you can write with your

friends. Everything about Newspaper

is awesome.

This first semester has been

amazing! It was so much fun getting to

write with others and on my own. My

favorite part about Newspaper was

putting my article on the Publisher

page and designing what it would

look like. I also really liked editing

other people‟s articles. It‟s cool to see

what other people are writing about.

There are two newspapers that

are printed every semester. Before

you start writing about a certain topic

you have to ask Mrs. Lovell, the

Newspaper teacher. The newspaper

articles are always posted on the

Poquoson Middle School website for

the whole world to see all of the

students hard work.

It‟s so much fun writing,

editing, and publishing the articles.

The class provides you with a unique

way to express creativity and use

your imagination. I hope I will be able

to do it next year!

The first semester Newspaper staff!

Left to right: First row: Madison Deaver,

Evie Weimert, Garrett Battles, Alyssa Ramsey,

Faith Swindler (Editor), and Seraphyn Schoonover

(Co-Editor). Second row: Caden Gulick,

Tyler Hornsby, David Ward, Zoe Gauthier,

Hannah Riley, and Aisha Patel.

Third row: Cal Buchanan, Nick Perdue,

William Benson, and Ethan Stanish.

Adventure, India, Luray Caverns,

Oak Island Mystery

Washington D.C. Trip,

Hurricane, Music

New Teachers, Body Art and

Digital Art

Baseball, Bikes, Field Hockey,

Quidditch, Surfing, Football,

Adidas, Olympics, Popular

Sodas, Rejected Disney

First Fables, Girl Scouts,


Diamonds, Riggins Ford, and

Understanding Time

Page 2


The Adventure on Christmas Eve

I woke up the day before Christmas with a major headache. All of my memory from

the night before was fading. Everything from yesterday was a blur and everything I thought

I‟d known was going to the darkness in my mind.

“Wake up,” said my mother. Every day she always had a new surprise in store, from

what I remember. Give it another day and all my memory will be gone.

I went to my closet to find that all my clothes were for summer. Everything was tank

tops and shoulder shrugs to high heels and sandals. All the winter clothing was taken out

and put somewhere in storage. In my mind, this Christmas was going to be a one hundred

degree day. The sky would be a cloudless blue, and it wouldn‟t be snowing and raining.

I ran downstairs to the kitchen where my mother was sitting in her chair at the table. I

looked at her and asked “Where are all my winter clothes? It's going to be freezing

outside.” My mother just stared at me as if I was being crazy.

“What are you talking about, it‟s summer,” my mother replied back to me. Then I

realized that she was wearing a purple striped trendy tank top with denim shorts and mid

high gladiator sandals.

Clash clash. My phone beeped with a message from my friend, Blossom. She had

texted me in all caps saying, “HELP. I NEED YOUR HELP. COME TO BOARDWALK


rushed out the door and headed toward Boardwalk Beach.

All of my friends from school stared at me as I was running down the street in my

pajamas. Minutes later, I reached Boardwalk Beach and ran even faster toward the pier

where my friend was waiting. I approached her quietly and when the dock board snapped

and cracked, she jumped into the ocean. I looked more closely in the water when a bright

light jumped into the sky. I was curious to know what was going on. I closed my eyes to

block out the bright light when everything went dark. I opened my eyes to find that snow

was falling in tiny crystals on the ground. To the right of me was my friend in an elf suit.

That was when I woke up from my dream.

Pictures from Microsoft Clip Art

by Hannah Riley

Page 3


Recently, my family and I decided

to take a trip to see some of my relatives

in India. We have not seen them in eight

years! We left in September and we had

to go on two planes to get there. We

ended up staying there for a whole

month and a half. It was a lot of work, but

all I really cared about at that time was

seeing my cousins. They are my favorite

part of India and the number one reason

I love to go. India has some really cool

types of food, clothing, festivals, and


Food there always has a great

aroma. Indian food has a unique style

and taste compared to America‟s. Some

of their good spicy foods are called

“Samosa” and “Pani Puri.” They have de-

licious ice cream and different types of

main courses depending on what you

like. In India, there are interesting types

of food like Punjabi, Tamil, and Gujarat.

Americans enjoy chips for a snack but in

India they commonly eat “kurkure.” You

can find some amazing food in places

like Tirupathi, Patan, and Sander.

India has gorgeous clothing. Ladies

commonly wear simple, designer gowns

and dresses. These dresses can be worn

for almost anything. For the men they

have shirts, and for big events, they

might wear a “sherwani.” A sherwani is a

traditional outfit for men on special

occasions. In India, they have plenty of

shops to buy clothes.

The architecture in India is

beautiful. Some of the monuments are

called the Taj Mahal, Qutb Minar, and the

Charminar. One old piece of architecture

in India is the Konark Sun Temple. It was

built in the 13th century. The most

modern piece of architecture in India is

the Taj Mahal. It was built in Agra around

1631 to 1648. Ustad Ahmad Lahouri and

Ustad Isa built it together on the order of

Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory

of his wife.

India by Aisha Patel

This is a picture of the ocean view next to

a temple in India.

This is a closer look at the view

next to the temple.

Page 4


There are some really cool

festivals that occur in India. Some may

include “Holi” which is the festival of

colors. During this event, everyone

gets a lot of color and has tons of fun

with their families. People wear white

clothes for Holi because, white clothes

really bring out the rainbow and all the

chalk type colors being thrown at

them. When I went to India, I went

during a festival called “Navratri.”

Navratri stands for the nine nights of

dancing. Navratri usually starts at

about 8 pm and you dance till two or

three in the morning. There is a

festival of lights. The festival of lights

is called “Diwali.” On Diwali, people

put lights, candles, and decorations

outside their homes and have fireworks

and sparklers. All of these Indian

festivals are so much fun.

My trip to India was the best thing

in the whole world. I got to be there

with my relatives and the best cousins

you could ever ask for. We spent almost

every day together and I love them a

lot. India is a gorgeous place and I hope

to go back soon. It was an adventure

and I consider it a home away from


This a picture of a temple. In a

place called “Gad”.

This is a picture of me

with my two older

sisters and my relatives.

This is a picture of the beautiful sunset view by

my house in India.

Page 5


Luray Adventures

by Faith Swindler and Alyssa Ramsey

The quaint town of Luray has

much to offer. It is located in the

Shenandoah Valley and is surrounded

with many adventures just waiting for

you. In this town, there are outlets, thrift

shops, and restaurants all nearby.

There are lots of hotels that will make

you feel at home. You can hike a variety

of different trails, all ending with

beautiful views. In the town of Luray,

there are festivals including the Apple

Butter Festival. This town is home to

Luray Caverns, a spectacular tourist


In town, there is a place for

everyone. The rather small town

surprisingly contains many thrift shops

filled with anything anyone could ever

want. There are multiple outlets where

you can shop for souvenirs and other

decorations. There is also a used book

store. The small town has a friendly

environment that reminds you of


The Speakeasy Grille is located

in the Mimslyn Inn and serves

wonderful food. On the day we went,

there was live entertainment to enjoy

our food with. All the food was

fantastic! The chicken Quesadillas and

Steak were the best I‟ve had in a long

time. I would totally recommend it. We

also went to a Mexican restaurant

called Rancho that was decent. It took a

long time for them to get our food and

drinks, and no one came to serve us

for a while. In my opinion, if you have

to choose a close restaurant to go to,

you should pick the Speakeasy Grille.

In the Shenandoah National Park

there are multiple trails to hike. The

hikes help you experience the true

beauty of nature. Some of the hikes end

with waterfalls and others with just a

clear view of the valley, but they all

show you something amazing. The

Shenandoah National Park is only a

short drive away from the town and it is

a huge tourist attraction. Some of the

trails are more difficult, while some can

be quite easy. All of the trails are a

good workout and are a fantastic way

to spend your day.

Poquoson may have a Seafood

Festival, but Luray has an Apple Butter

Festival. The Apple Butter Festival on

September 23rd, offers activities for all

ages. For children, there are crafts and

for adults there are vendors. Everyone

can help make the apple butter, by

using a long stick to stir it while it is

cooking over a fire. There is taste

testing for the apple butter and

everyone can buy some. It is so

(Photo by



Page 6


delicious that sometimes they even

sell out! The Apple Butter Festival is

an amazing way to spend time with

your family and experience

something unique.

A wonderful place to stay if you

are looking to visit the small town of

Luray, Virginia is The Mayneview Bed

and Breakfast. It overlooks the

Shenandoah Valley and is close to the

town‟s outlets. We most recently

stayed there in the cottage that was

put up for rent. It has two bedrooms,

two bathrooms, a balcony, and a small

fenced-in backyard with a hot tub.

One of the most beautiful

formations in Virginia is called the

Luray Caverns. There are beautiful

creations inside that many people

come to Luray just to see. One of the

formations is the Shaggy Dog which

is a Stalactite and a Stalagmite that

have met each other to form what

looks exactly like a shaggy dog.

There is also a body of water in the

caverns called “The Wishing Well”

that people throw coins into. After

one year, volunteers come and

collect the money and donate it to

charities. Did you know they hold

weddings in the caverns? Well, they

do! They have an organ in the

caverns and they use that to make the

stalactites and stalagmites play the

hymn “A Mighty Rock” by Martin

Luther. There is a Veterans Memorial

for military veterans at the end of the

tour. The community thought it would

be the best spot to put it because

they thought more people would see

it that way. It‟s amazing how a

discovery from so long ago can still

be loved by so many people.

Luray is home to many great

adventures. Whether you want to go

hiking, sightseeing, or shopping,

there is always something for you to

do. The people and the places will re-

mind you of Poquoson and will make

you feel at home. The town of Luray is

a perfect place for a vacation and will

make you want to come back every


The Veterans Memorial honors those

who have risked their lives to fight.

(Photo by Faith Swindler)

This Fallen Stalactite fell 7,000

years ago and has been the

last to fall since then. (Photo

by Faith Swindler)

The Shaggy Dog is a unique

formation. (Photo by Faith


Oak Island Mystery

Page 7


Oak Island Mystery

By David Ward

Off the southern shore of Nova Scotia, Canada, there is a small, tree covered island called Oak Island. It may look insignificant at first, but if you dwell into the history of the island, you will find out that

it is much more.

When the first group of European settlers came in 1761, it was known as Smith’s Island. It was named after an early settler on the island who was called Edward Smith. The island was later called Oak Island because of the native flora. Nothing happened there for nearly 40 years after it was settled. In 1795, a teen named Daniel McGillis was exploring the island when he found a circular depression in the ground. Feeling suspicious, he started digging. Before he could get far in, he went back to the nearest town to gather some friends to dig with him. The next day, he, along with his friends John Smith and Anthony Vaughan, excitedly started digging on the spot they called the “Money Pit.” The reason that they were so excited was on that island, the famous pirate captain, William Kidd, admitted to burying treasure around the island before he was cap-tured in 1699. After they dug two feet under the top-soil, they found a slab of flagstone. Excitedly, they uncovered it, but they found no treasure whatsoever. Even farther down, they found pickaxe marks on the clay walls. Were these just a coincidence, or was it proof that pirates had been burying treasure? At ten feet deep, they found some planks of rotted wood that looked oddly like a platform. They knew this was it, all of their hard work had paid off! But, as you can suspect, after they opened the wood, nothing was there. A little disheartened, they went back to digging. Twenty feet down, they found another layer of planks. At this point, you would think that they

would give up, but no. They opened the planks, and wouldn't you believe it, there was nothing in the pit, like all the other times that they had dug. They dug another five feet, until they found a final wooden border. They dug one last grueling time until defeat set in for them. They had permanently stopped their treasure hunt. Many excavations at the site had been made after the initial discovery. One company, called the Oak Island Association, had tried going there in 1861, but failed after they had some deaths inside of the Money Pit. They also ran out of all of their funding money in 1864. So far, Oak Island has still remained a mystery. But someday, the mystery may be solved. Maybe even you could search for treasure on the



Map of Oak Island.

Page 8


By Nick Perdue

Washington, D.C

is a place were the

federal government is

located. D.C. is a city

between Maryland and

Virginia. The fun part

about D.C. is learning

about all of it‟s history.

You can tour museums

like the Smithsonian

and the Newseum.

In the Newseum,

there is a virtual reality

zone where you can

pretend that you are on

the right side of the

Berlin Wall.

There are

monuments like the

Lincoln Memorial and

the statue of Andrew

Jackson which is made

out of British cannons

from the Revolutionary


On the wall of the

Lincoln Memorial there

was a miss spelled

word. The engraver

fixed the spelling after

he realized his mistake.

On the streets of

D.C., there are more

than 700,000 people

and 10,000 at home.

Washington D.C

This is a picture taken of the capital building.

On the wall of the Lincoln Memorial future was

spelled wrong but the engraver fixed it.

This is the Lincoln memorial

in all it glory .



Page 9

by Faith Swindler


Washington D.C Not a Joking Matter Have you ever experienced a

hurricane? If you have, you have probably

seen how destructive they really are. In our

2017 hurricane season, we have already been

hit by many hurricanes. Two of the very

destructive storms were Hurricane Harvey

and Hurricane Irma.

Tropical storm Harvey was named on

August 17, 2017, On August 25, tropical storm

Harvey became a Category 4 hurricane over

the course of 56 hours. As a tropical storm,

Harvey caused 40-61 inches of rain which

increased the risk of flash flooding. The

hurricane hit Rockport, Texas as a Category 4

with 130 mile per hour winds. The wind and

storm surge damaged many homes all across

southeast Texas to Louisiana. From August

31st to September 1st, there was constant

flash flooding that broke records.

Hurricane Irma also hit as a Category 4

hurricane. It hit the Florida Keys, and then

moved north. Hurricane Irma also hit Georgia

and Alabama. The storm ended September

13, 2017 in Tennessee. Around 6.8 million

people lost power. Because of Hurricane

Irma, 80 people lost their lives. There were

deaths in the Caribbean, Florida, Georgia,

South Carolina, and North Carolina. The

hurricane turned houses and businesses to


Do you know how to prepare for a

hurricane? There are a few tips that just might

save your life. When a hurricane is coming,

you should board up your windows and clip

any dead tree branches. You should also

check your gutters to make sure they are

secure, as well as clean them out. Hurricanes

can sometimes affect your power so it is a

good idea to have a generator stored for

emergencies. In the time of a natural disaster,

you should always have a “go bag” with mon-

ey, a radio, clean water, a flashlight, a phone/

charger, and medicine inside. Whenever

there is a storm, you should make a plan in

case of evacuation.

Hurricane Harvey and Irma were very

powerful storms that made a huge impact on

the lives of many people. When a hurricane is

coming, you should be prepared for the

worst. If an evacuation is ordered, make sure

you leave your home immediately.

Hurricanes are harmful storms that are

nothing to joke about.

https://weather.com/storms/hurricane/news/tropical-storm-harvey-forecast-texas-louisiana-arkansas, https://

www.ready.gov/hurricanes, https://www.worldvision.org/disaster-response-news-stories/hurricane-irma, https://

www.google.com/search?q=hurricane+Harvey, https://www.google.com/search?q=hurricane+irma

The destruction Hurricane Irma brought devastated the Florida cities along the coast.

Hurricane Harvey victims trying to escape the record breaking flood waters by boat.

Page 10


Inspiration for Musicians by Faith Swindler and Evie Weimert

This year,

Poquoson Middle

School Library has

sponsored two

author visits for

students! Author

Alan Gratz came in

the beginning of

the year and now

Sarah Sullivan! She

is the author of

many books

including Passing

the Music Down.

Mrs. Sullivan

takes her time

when researching

for her books

because she wants

them to be realistic

and accurate. One

of her past books

took a lot of time to

research, especially

because it was a

true story. While

she was writing

Passing the Music

Down, she had to

think of characters,

a setting, and a

story line.

Mrs. Sullivan based

the story off of two

men and their lives.

Passing the

Music Down is a

story about an old

man and a young

boy. The man

travels around

playing old music

on his violin. A

young boy desires

to play music just

like the man. The

boy‟s parents drive

him to West Virginia

to meet the old

man. As the story

goes on, the man

teaches the young

boy his music.

When the man

passes, the boy

carries on the

man‟s legacy by

travelling and

playing his music in

memory of him.

The old man

in the story is

Above is a page in Passing the Music Down. (Photo by Evie Weimert)

The picture above shows the cover of Passing the Music Down, one of Sarah Sullivan’s recent books. (Photo by Faith Swindler)

Page 11


Inspiration for Musicians based on

Melvin Wine. The

young boy is a kid

named Jake Crack.

The setting, West

Virginia, where

Sarah Sullivan

used to live. All of

the events in the

story are true and

affected the lives

of the two men.

Although, Passing

the Music Down is

a true story,

Mrs. Sullivan likes

to think of it as a

ballad or fiction.

Two of our

fellow Poquoson

Middle School

students played

the violin at the

author visit. Since

the story was

about two fiddle

players, it really

made the story

come to life.


performing arts

students as well as

Mrs. Freeman‟s

students, and

other English

classes were able

to come and enjoy

the author visit.

They learned

about some of the

stories Sarah

Sullivan wrote and

she also gave the

kids writing tips.

Mrs. Sullivan loves

to see students

interested in

reading and

writing. She wants

to be the

inspiration for

students, as

Melvin Wine and

Jake Crack were

the inspiration for

Passing the Music


In the picture is Melvin Wine. He was the inspiration for the old man in Passing the Music Down. (Photo by Evie Weimert)

Left to right: Connor Whittaker, Mrs. Sullivan, Cassidy Spakes, and Isabel Spielberger.

Page 12


Sing Your Heart Out! by Aisha Patel

Chorus is one of the classes at Poquoson

Middle School. It is located in the auditorium.

In chorus, 7th and 8th graders get the chance to

grow their voices into the most impressive

works of art. It makes people want to pursue

singing as a career when they grow up. Peo-

ple‟s voices are getting so much better in

just their first year. Chorus is something that

only 7th and 8th graders are allowed to take,

and they have an incredible teacher, Mrs.

Sherman. Mrs. Sherman spends her

time making sure that the kids‟ voices are de-

veloping over time. She is a very good teacher

and students have changed a lot be-

cause of her.

This class gives students the opportunity

to be themselves and break free in song. It

helps your voice grow so much, you will be

surprised at what jaw dropping talent you

have. This class is perfect and a very good

choice if you are looking to get opportunities

to sing in front of a crowd, or to be a singer in

the future. I am a chorus student myself, and I

have seen everyone around me from the

beginning of the year to now and all I can say

is WOW! They have really proved themselves.

At the beginning of the year, I heard all the

students say they could not do it and wanted to

drop out, but Mrs. Sherman knew they had it in

them and helped them. They sing so angel like

and they are very capable of earning solos

with their voice.

In class, we sing a variety of

different songs including Christmas, Kwanzaa,

etc. For all you people out there that may not

be able to take Chorus, there is an after school

club just for you. Anyone is welcome to join the

club. If you do not join the club at the begin-

ning of the year, they will have another time

when they open up to new members. You just

have to wait for it because I guarantee you it is

worth it. In chorus, after a couple months,

the students will get a chance to perform in the

school auditorium in front of an audience. The

chorus is assigned a certain outfit to wear to

the performance according to lights. The

singing action takes place on the auditorium

stage. The rehearsals are fun and take a lot of

hard work to remember the song lyrics and

riser positions, but it‟s worth all the work.

It is a good option for you if you love

singing. People mainly choose chorus to get an

early start and improve their voices. This class

gives everyone a one of a kind opportunity to

sing better and students love it. In class, you

do amazing vocal warm-ups before you sing

your songs. Vocal warm-ups are taught to you

to give your voice a little head start before you

start singing the real deal. Many people

choose chorus according to their interests and,

if you love singing, you should join too.

I guarantee you it will help you to improve

your voice. Chorus is one of the very best

classes at this school and it gives the students a

great chance with their voice and I hope

whoever chooses this class loves it as much as

we all do.

Look at our very own teachers. WOAH!!!

Page 13


Your everyday class with their chorus family.

Our chorus teacher, Mrs. Sherman, with her students.

The chorus concert is here at last.

Look at these amazing students at Poquoson Middle


A big congratulations to the student conductor this year. Our

very own *Rebecca Imbasciani.*

Good Job teachers. Woo Hoo!!

Guess, How Many Percussion Instruments There Are.

Do you know the amount of percussion

instruments there are? The amount is…

anything you can hit. Like the snare, base,

timpani, marimba, even the Glockenspiel

(mallet). But, there are some real

percussion instruments I‟ll talk about.

It‟s likely that you joined the percussion

section of the band for the snare, but there

is so much more! If you want to play the

drums you need to learn the rudiments.

Rudiments are the necessary skills in

drumming faster. There are twenty-seven

rudiments. I started with the simple

“Paradiddle”. It‟s just R, L, R, R, or L, R,

L, L (R for right L for left). Once you can

do that fast, you move on to “rolls”. The

nine stroke roll is R(R), L(L), R(R), L(L),

R or just start with left L(L), R(R), L(L), R

(R), L. To do the five stroke, you just half it

(R(R), L(L), R or L(L), R(R), L).

The timpani is made normally from four

drums, measured in inches. There are 23”,

26”, 29”, 32”. You can change the sound of

the timpani by a pedal. The pedal stretches

and loosens the skins, depending on which

way you push it (up or down). Most of the

time there is a dial for which note it‟s on

but, normally it is not right and will be out

of tune.

Next on the list is the mallet. It has

normally about three octaves. An octave is

Page 14


by Garrett Battles

This is a picture of the snare on a stand. At

the bottom there are springs which gives

it a rattling sound. There is normally a see-

through piece at the bottom above the


This is the

school‟s set of

timpani. If you

look at the ones

in the middle

you can see the

pedals on the

bottom of the


This is the

glockenspiel with

mallets. If you look

close, you can see

the keys at the

bottom are the

normal notes and on

top are the


Page 15


the seven normal notes [no accidentals]

from A to G. A is the lowest and G is the

highest in the octave with no flats. The

best part is you can play the melody of

the piece and you can play more complex

things than the timpani and sometimes

the snare.

The sleigh bells are another instrument

you can play. You play them by holding

the part where there is no bells. Hold that

side up and then you can hit the part

above where you grip to get the most

sound. That‟s basically all there is about

that instrument.

The next instrument is the crash

symbol. You actually can bend the crash

symbol inside out by hitting both straight

on. In reality actually you hit it by hold-

ing one below the other and push them

both at in angle. Then when it says damp-

en in the music you push both of them in

between your arm and armpit and it stops

the sound. A crash is normally played

when you change from piano/P (the

softest basic dynamic [sound]) or softer

to forte/F (the loudest basic dynamic) or


Finally, the last instrument I will talk

about is the tom-toms. The tom-toms are

made from two snares with no bottom

and one bigger than the other. The reason

is so you can play two different pitches

with one instrument.

This is the crash symbol. This is what it looks

like. You can see the black slips in the middle of

the symbol. It is where you hold the crash


These are the toms. The bigger one is

the low tom. The smaller one is the high

tom. In this case the tom closer is the

high tom. There is a small change in size

but, the change in pitch is dramatic.

Page 16


This year, the eighth grade has a new

science teacher, her name is Mrs. Brooks.

She has taught at many schools around the

world such as Japan, Guam, and England.

She went to college at The University

of Michigan majoring in Neuro Science and

also went to The University of Maryland

and majored in Biotechnology. Her original

plans were to become a doctor, but she can

not handle blood. She even passed out one

time while volunteering at the university


Before coming to Poquoson, she lived

in Tokyo, Japan. Her husband is in the

military and was stationed there. He has been

all over the world because of his job.

When she was in high school, her

high school Biology teacher introduced her

to science and she started to absolutely love

it. Her favorite thing about science is trying

to figure out how some things work. In her

opinion, developing experiments are very

interesting and fun.

In 1998 she got her first job teaching

Biology at a high school. After that, she

moved all over the world to teach and she is

teaching in Poquoson now.

Mrs. Brooks is a really great teacher

and a nice person when you get to know her.

She even has some awesome stories about

her past experiences including stories of

some of the things that her past students did.

From Japan to Poquoson

by Cal Buchanan

Mrs. Brooks in Japan

A picture of Tokyo, Japan at night

This is a picture of Guam

Page 17


It All Added Up by Faith Swindler

As you have probably noticed,

Poquoson Middle School has

welcomed lots of new teachers this

year. One of the newly hired teachers

is Ms. Sneddon. She teaches Algebra I,

Foundations of Algebra Part II, and

Honors Geometry.

Although Ms. Sneddon loves all

types of math, her favorite is

Trigonometry. She has taught for

sixteen years, only math for eight

years. Her fifth and sixth grade

teachers inspired her to be a math

teacher. Ms. Sneddon was born in

Oklahoma but her dad was in the

military. As a child she lived in

Washington State, New York, Germany,

North Carolina, and Missouri.

Ms. Sneddon knew she wanted

to be a teacher in 2nd grade.

Originally, she didn‟t want to be a

math teacher, but then she discovered

that she loved teaching math. She

ended up going to three different

universities: Saint Leo, Christopher

Newport, and Old Dominion.

She has not only taught at

Poquoson Middle School but also at

Riverside Elementary, Gildersleeve

Middle, and Tabb Middle. She

decided she wanted to teach middle

school because she preferred the old-

er student‟s personalities and abili-


Our new math teacher, Ms.

Sneddon is great at her job. She is an

awesome addition to the math

department and the Poquoson Middle

School Staff.

Ms. Sneddon always encourages her students to make everyday a good day!

Page 18


Passion for Art by Faith Swindler

Ms. Freeman is one of our many

new teachers at Poquoson Middle School.

Ms. Freeman teaches Art! She learned art

in school and was inspired by her family

members and teachers. She is an amazing

Art teacher and loves Poquoson!

Ms. Freeman‟s favorite artist is

Michelangelo. She was able to travel to

Italy and see his work in person. Another

one of her favorites is Vincent Van Gogh.

Her favorite type of art to teach is drawing

with a pencil and clay sculpting.

Personally, her favorite type of art is

painting. She likes to do art because she

enjoys trying new things. Ms. Freeman has

a studio at her house. She works on her art

whenever she has free time, which is

usually several hours a week.

If it was not for Ms. Freeman‟s

family and former art teachers she would

not be teaching at Poquoson Middle

School today! She learned art from her

grandmother and in school. Her favorite

art teacher was Mrs. Bennet at her high

school. According to Ms. Freeman, “It was

Mrs. Bennet‟s first year as an art teacher.”

Ms. Freeman‟s high school art teacher also

talked her into applying for the Art pro-

gram at VCU.

In high school, she began to focus a

lot of time on her artwork. When applying

for art programs she had to send in the

original artwork. She needed a lot of art

because she was applying for multiple

colleges. Ms. Freeman ended up going to

the Virginia Commonwealth University

(VCU). At VCU, there is an Art program,

but the college is not just an art school. At

first, she wanted to be an illustrator but

then found a love for teaching children art.

Ms. Freeman taught art for

seventeen years. She has taught at York

High School, New Horizons, and Poquoson

Primary School. Ms. Freeman teaches

different ways to draw and paint. She also

teaches the kids sculpting, wire art, paper

mache, clay sculpting, and how to make


She enjoys teaching in Poquoson.

She has devoted her life to making and

teaching art. As a teacher, she has the

opportunity to sharing her passion with

the students.

Ms. Freeman, our new art teacher!

Page 19


Body Art by Zoe Gauthier

When people think of art, they usually think of canvases or paper. The concept of art on skin is often overlooked. But body art has origins that go back over 5000 years in India, Pakistan, Africa, and the Middle East. Body art is a creative way of expressing feelings and ideas, and can be a good way

to relieve stress.

One form of body art is tattooing. You can be tattooed with ink or with a special plant mix called Henna. Tattooing with ink requires a needle being repeatedly inserted into skin with variety of skin-safe ink until a picture is formed. Tattoo artists are just as talented as painters and illustrators. A lot of artistic abilities are needed to be able to draw a design and keep a steady hand so that a customer leaves with a meaningful drawing etched into their skin. Ink tattoos are

permanent, but will eventually fade slightly.

Henna tattooing is a natural process directly from the Henna plant. Mixed with warm water and paste, it creates a substance that will leave a stain on skin for a few weeks. It is applied in a design, which takes much skill, and is left to dry. When dry, the paste cracks and falls off, leaving behind a brilliant rust-colored stain. The stain is temporary and will last for two to four weeks. Both ink tattoos and Henna tattoos are safe

for skin.

Another way of having art on skin is body paint. Body paint is specially manufactured paint made to show on skin. It is vibrant and can transform what a person looks like. It is often used for costuming and special effects in movies. Body paint comes in many colors and is completely safe for use on skin. Depending on the brand, it can be inexpensive or very costly. Skin paint is available in many craft stores and online. It usually washes off easily with soap and


There are pens and markers made especially for skin. Some regular brands of drawing utensils do show up on skin, but you need to be careful about having too much ink on your skin that isn’t completely safe. Ink poisoning is a possible effect of using not skin-safe mediums on skin, but it takes a lot of ink to even happen. Try to stick to skin-safe mediums. Drawing on your own self can be very fun and can be just as relaxing as

drawing on paper.

Body art is an ancient tradition that has

been happening for years. People can make

their own art from tattooing, painting, or

drawing on their skin. Through the years, it

has been used for many different purposes,

but one thing remains the same: art on skin is

just as majestic as art on paper.

Page 20


Multicolored body painting

Painting on hand and wrist done with markers and body paint

Tattoos on hands

Henna in process Skin Markers

Tattoo Body Paint

Markers on arm

Page 21


The Big Art Question By Evie Weimert

Digital Art was first used for the

military in the 1940‟s. The first

program for digital art was made by

an artist in Germany named Frieder

Nake. Mr. Nake made a program to

draw shapes called an algorithm.

Algorithm is like a calculator, but

more complex.

The first painting on computer was

drawn by Kenneth Knowlton and

Leon Harmon in 1966. They put a

picture into pixel form and that was

the first digital piece of art work.

But is it really art? The question

has been around for years and

nobody knows the answer because

everyone has different opinions

about it.

Digital art is drawn on todays

technology. You can use a computer

or a tablet with different art

programs to draw. Some programs

are Krita, Wacom, and Photoshop. You

still need to learn how to draw

things, color value, and much more.

Personally, I love digital art. But,

it is hard, like drawing, you need to

learn how to draw things, learn the

program, and everything else. It also

has its advantages like deleting

mistakes instead of erasing them. I

believe digital art is art and it is one

of a kind.




Blooming flame by fractist.

Page 22


Not everyone is made for JV teams, not

everyone has skills and gifts like other people

do. Conditioning starts in October. Every

Tuesday at three p.m. there is conditioning on

the field at the high school. We start off with

stretching our bodies and then we toss the ball

to one another. When we are good and loose,

the coach calls us over, and gives us the

highlight of what we are doing that day. When

he tells us what we are doing he divides us

into usually five groups. The stations are

hitting, fielding, live base running, hitting off

the tee in the cages, and hitting live in the


While we do the stations, the coaches

are always telling us ways we can get better,

as in little tweaks in our swing or other

things, like the way of fielding the ball.

Official tryouts for JV are February 18th and

19th. That is when the coach really looks at

your skills and picks who he wants on his

team. Many kids don‟t make the team because

they are not what the coach is looking for.

The kids who make the team are skilled all

around, with the fielding, the batting average

and everything else.

The chances of making it while you are

in eighth grade are one in a million. As an

eighth grader you need to work extra hard to

get on the team. Being an outfielder is an

honor as an eighth grader because you

actually get to play. Weight room is on

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. If you work

out there then you will have more muscle and

you will have a better chance of making the

team. Not everyone is made for this though.

JV is for the best of the best.

Junior Varsity (JV) Preparations

by William Benson

It takes a lot training to become an

expert, so you must work hard.





Page 23


Major League Baseball (MLB) is a

professional sport involving thirty teams. The

MLB was founded back in 1869 in

Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1919 there was an event

known as the Black Sox Scandal. The Black

Sox Scandal was played between the

Cincinnati Reds and the Chicago White Sox.

They paid the Chicago White Sox more to

purposely blow the World Series. Ever since

the Black Sox Scandal happened the MLB has

grown greatly in popularity. It was once only

a white man‟s sport until the Los Angeles

Dodgers let Jackie Robinson play for them in


Welcome to Major League Baseball in

New York, home of the New York Yankees. It

was the top of the first, in a game of five, in

New York. The crowds were still piling in. No

one scores that inning for either team. It is a

one, two, three, out inning for both teams.

When the top of the second came around, the

Yankees hold the Astros to no score. When it

was the Yankees turn to bat, Aaron Judge hit a

double, which scored Didi Gregorious in, and

made the Yankees lead 1-0 in the second

inning. In the third inning, the Yankees were

doing great, and kept the Astros off the board.

The bottom of the third rolled around and the

Yankees knocked in a run to extend their lead

2-0. The following innings were one, two,

three, out, innings and no one scores, so the

score remains 2-0. In the fifth, the Astros still

did not score.

It‟s the Yankees turn to bat and Aaron

Judge knocks in a two run homerun. In the

sixth inning, it was a quiet inning with no

score but each team played well all around. It

was the top of the seventh , and Astros were

behind 4-0 but still no score. Up at bat now is

Greg Bird, and he drives in A SOLO HOME-

RUN, making the score 5-0 Yankees. As they

roll into the eighth inning, it‟s all quiet as the

Astros try not to make the deficit hurt any-

more with the Yankees leading 5-0. Astros

were not able to score and the Yankees win

the ball game 5-0.

by William Benson

When The Yankees Dominate

[Game 5 Yankees vs. Astros]

Page 24


What's the best

By Ethan Stanish

So who makes the best BMX bike? If you

have a BMX bike you have probably

wondered what is the best BMX bike. This is a

list of the top ten BMX bikes.

Number one is WETHEPEOPLE. It is the

number one bike in the world right now. It

started 20 years ago by Stephan Prantl and

Stefan Rose. Their top price bike, the Envy is

at the price of $1,280 and weighs 25 pounds.

Why are they the best? A lot of people like

these bikes and others don‟t; they disagree

with the quality and price.

Number two is Fitbikeco. Started in 1999

in Santa Ana, California by Chris Moeller.

Their top price bike is $670 What makes

them popular is they don‟t cost too much.

They also make a bike that weighs 22


Number three is Haro. Made in 1976 by

Bob Haro. The Lineage is the most expensive

at the price of $1,410 and weighs 28 pounds. I

don‟t see what's so good, most bikes weigh

25 pounds. I think it is overpriced and weighs

too much.

Number four is Stolen. Founded in 2003

by Anthony Revell. Their top dollar bike is

the Sinner FC XLT at $700 and weighs 25

pounds. Their bikes aren‟t over priced and

are all of good quality.

Number five DK. Founded in 1979 by

Charlie Danishek in Dayton, Ohio. Their top

dollar bike being $600. The model is X 20

and weighs 25 pounds. These nice, but

inexpensive bikes were started by a tool

maker who made a stem for his son‟s bike

and soon a lot of people demanded the parts

so he started making complete bikes.

Number six is Eastern. Founded in 1996

by Jon Byers and Mike Corley. Their top

dollar bike is the Natural. It is $600 and

weighs 24 pounds. Their bikes all have a

lifetime warranty and have and affordable


Number seven is Odyssey. Founded in

1985 by Brian Scura. They do not make bikes

but make parts to build a bike. They make

grips, chains, handle bars, stems, forks,

break pads, break cables, sprockets, rims

and a lot more.

Number eight is Sunday. Founded in

2005 by Jim Cielencki. The Soundwave is

their most expensive bike at $1,120 and

weighs 23 pounds. Sunday used to only make

frames and other things like frames, forks,

bars, and rims.

Number nine is Subrosa. Founded in

2006 by Brian Sher in Florida. Their top

dollar bike is the El Salvador it cost $420

and weighs 27 pounds. These bikes are

cheaper then other bikes, but weighs a little

more then some.

Number ten is Standard. Founded in 1991

by Rick Moliterno. They don‟t sell bikes they

sell things to build your own bike like chains,

frames, wheels, breaks, and bars.

This is a Fit bike.





Page 25


The modern name for “field hockey”

first appeared in England in the 14th

century, when King Edward the third is-

sued a proclamation outlawing leisure

sports to the working class. After lying

dormant in England for several centu-

ries, field hockey emerged again in the

post-Elizabethan British Empire and

started working its way back into

English public school in the 18th century.

The modern form of the game grew

directly from the format originally

developed in the English school system,

growing to the point where it rivaled

sports such as rugby and soccer, in

terms of popularity. Field hockey

reached its modern form in the 19th


Field hockey is one of the oldest team

sports in the world! It dates back almost

3,000 years to the Greek classical era.

During that time, field hockey closely

resembled a modern Gaelic sport of

hurling. Hurling is an outdoor team sport

of ancient Gaelic and Irish origin. Hurl-

ing is also the fastest running sport in

the world!

It is now played as a field game with

two teams, each team with eleven

players on the field. The teams compete

on a standard 100x60 yard field. They

attempt to score goals by hitting a ball

off the ground into a netted goal,

guarded by the other team‟s goalie

(more commonly known as a

goalkeeper). In 1849, the first

professional field hockey club was

started in London. But it wasn‟t until a

few years later that Teddington HC

introduced the striking circle and

changed the official ball shape to a

sphere as opposed to a rubber cube.

That is when field hockey truly reached

its modern form.

Field hockey may be a little less

popular, but it sure isn‟t any less

difficult. During a single game of field

hockey, a player can run up to five miles!

Men‟s field hockey has the highest swing

speed at 103 mph, even faster than

sports such as golf and baseball. I think

field hockey is the overall best sport you

could play!

The Poquoson Varsity field hockey team playing at

the Poquoson Middle School.




One of the Oldest Sports Ever! by Madison Deaver

Page 26


By Evie Weimert

Quidditch Is Finally Real Dear Harry Potter fans, our time has

finally come. Instead of waiting and

waiting and waiting for our Hogwarts

letters, we can play Quidditch. The

official term is Muggle Quidditch, but it‟s

more fun to say it‟s the real thing (even

though we don‟t fly).

Each team has seven players. There

are three Chasers, one Keeper, one

Seeker, two Beaters, and the Snitch

Runner. The Runner is in a

yellow uniform with a flag football belt.

The other players have team uniforms.

All of the team, except the Snitch Runner,

has to hold a broom between their legs.

The games include a Quaffle, and a

Bluger. The Quaffle is a volleyball while

the Blugers are just plain dodgeballs.

The Chasers job is to get the Quaffle

in one of the three hoops on the field.

This results in the scoring team earning

10 pts. They can pass, kick, or try to get

the Quffle into the hoop themselves.

The Beater‟s job is to knock out the

players with dodgeballs. If you get hit

with the ball, you have to go to your

teams hoops and touch them to get back

in the game.

Keepers are the guards of the hoops.

They make sure that the other team

doesn‟t score any points. The Snitch

Runner just runs around, hoping that no

one will get their flag.

The last player of the Quidditch team

is the Seeker. The Seeker tries to catch

the Snitch. In this case they are trying to

get the football flag. If they do, the game

ends and their team gets 100 points.

There are Quidditch teams

everywhere. Some examples are the

Richmond Ravens, Ma Tufflepuff, and

Atlantic Dragons. There are even some

teams in the United Kingdom like the

Belgium National Quidditch teams.

Quidditch is a fantastic game that

brings Harry Potter fans together. You

can make new friends and get exercise. I

think Quidditch is the best sport.

Information from https://www.usquidditch.org/

Picture from http://library.eiu.edu/news/


Page 27


Do you know how surfing first started? The

first surfers were fishermen who realized

riding waves was an efficient way of getting

their catch to the shore. The sport of riding

waves with wooden boards originated in

Western Polynesia over three thousand years

ago. Eventually riding waves developed from

an everyday work activity to being a hobby;

this change revolutionized surfing.

Surfing is a sport where you ride waves;

surfers can catch ocean, river, or man-made

waves. They glide across the surface of the

water until the wave breaks and loses its

energy. When surfing in the ocean, the surfers

stand up on surfboards and navigate through

the water to ride waves; nearly parallel to the

shore. There are four different types of waves

you can surf: spilling waves, plunging waves,

surging waves, and collapsing waves.

There isn‟t a record of when stand-up

surfing became a sport; all though it is known

that during the 15th century people of the

Sandwich Isles, along with the kings and

queens, were big into the sport of „he‟enalu”

or wave-sliding in old Hawaiian. “He‟e”

means to change from a solid form to a liquid

form, and “nula” refers to the surfing motion

of a wave. The Hawaiians, who surfed the ali‟i

or high class, claimed the best reputation for

skill with surfing. Today surfing is still a

popular sport in Hawaii, as well as the rest of

the world!

by Madison Deaver

History Behind Surfing!

Surfboards ranging from long boards to short boards.



Picture from http://www.cntraveller.com/recommended/active/best-surfing-holidays-for-beginners

A woman dunk diving under a wave.

Page 28


Thomas Canella is the youngest Poquoson

City Councilman ever recorded. He also goes

to Christopher Newport University majoring in

Political Science. Political Science deals with

many branches of government. And while

doing all of that, he still finds time to help

coach the football team for Poquoson. He is

only 21 years old, but is involved in many

things that happen in our city.

Born on January 27, 1997, Thomas has

always had a love for the city of Poquoson. As

a teenager, he had an interest in politics.

Thomas thought long and hard to decide if he

wanted to run for the City Council and he

decided that he would. He ran for the Central

District Councilman, taking Henry Ayers spot

after Mr. Ayers decided he did not want to hold

office anymore and wanted to focus more on

his business. Mr. Ayer has supported

Thomas‟ campaign a lot and has said lots of

good things about him in some interviews for

the Daily Press.

His family has a history of working for the

city as his grandmother was the Treasurer, and

his grandfather worked as the Vice Mayor for

seven years. During high school, he was the

Senior Class President at Poquoson. When he

was in middle school, he served as the SCA

President. He has done many more things in-

volving government throughout the state.

Thomas is a football coach for the JV

during the week and an assistant Varsity

coach on Fridays. When he is coaching, he is

usually serious but he‟s also a very funny guy.

He is very caring towards the players. He

encourages them to get good grades and

behave while in school. Canella says,

“education is important because it opens lots of

doors and gives you many opportunities.”

Thomas knows a lot about Poquoson football

because he played for them all throughout his

high school years. He played as a Center and he

also played as a Defensive Lineman.

Even though he participates in many

different activities, he still finds time to get

things done. He goes to class during the day,

practice during the evening and does his home-

work at night. Sometimes he has to go to meet-

ings during the evening. Even though he is only

21, he still has many responsibilities around


The Councilman Coach by Cal Buchanan






Thomas J Canella II is dressed

up for a City Council meeting.

Page 29


by William Benson

Adidas was founded in 1949, which is

headquartered in Herzogenaurach Bavaria,

Germany. They manufacture shoes, hats,

clothes, backpacks and much more. It is the

largest sports manufacturer in Europe, and

second largest manufacturer in the world,

while Nike is the largest. On August 18, 1949

Adolf Dassler founded Adidas. Adolf had a

brother named Rudolf. Rudolf had earlier

established Puma, which quickly became the

business rival of Adidas. Puma was founded

in 1948 in Herzogenaurach, Germany.

The trefoil a fashion success, a new

logo was needed for this sporting product.

Originally crafted by creative director Peter

Moore in 1990, the performance logo was

initially used on the company's equipment

range of sporting goods. The three stripes

come directly from those seen on early

Adidas sports shoes, but also form the shape

of a mountain, which represents the

challenges that athletes face, and to keep


Today, Adidas is worth 7.9 billion

dollars. Adidas is very popular and will only

continue to grow in popularity. From

1997-2008 Adidas sponsored the New York

Yankees. Adidas does a lot of sponsoring and

kids love the brand. Adidas makes everything

and anything. Shoes, hats, clothes, cleats,

even cologne! I think that they might make

their own cars sooner or later.

As we know, Adidas is a huge brand

name. When it comes to shoes, they are an

even bigger hit. The most popular shoes they

have are the Adidas Yeezys. They may vary in

price anywhere from $200-$1,000. Yeezys are

one of the most sold models in Adidas


This is the latest Adidas symbol, back

then in 1948, the symbol was only three

stripes and the word Adidas under it

These are Adidas Yeezys they are the

most sold shoe in Adidas history.



The History of ADIDAS

Page 30


The Winter Olympics are

finally here after four long years.

The first winter Olympics were held

in 1924 in Chamonix, France. Snow-

boarding was introduced 74 years af-

ter the Olympics started. There are

many sports that take place in the

winter and involve snow. They will

take place in PyeongChang, South

Korea. There will be 84 countries that

have one or more athletes qualified to


In the Olympics, there are 15

sports and 102 events. Personally, I

like to watch snowboarding because it

is just like surfing but with snow

instead of water. It was introduced

into the Olympics in 1998 in

Nagano, Japan.

Snowboarding has a long

history that starts in the 1960s. People

all around the country wanted new

sports to play in the winter time.

Many people picked up the sport and

it was loved by surfers and skaters.

Surfers did not like to surf because

the water was cold. The snow on the

ground stopped skaters from skating.

People who liked to snowboard went

to the ski resorts and it made the

workers and skiers angry. But they

eventually accepted the snowboarders

because they were making more


Snowboarding was a very popular

sport in the 80s. The United States hosted

the first National Championship in 1982 and

had a World Championship in 1983. Tom

Sims won in 1983 and also won another

championship in 1985. Lots of new

technologies have made snowboarding more

fun and safer. We have come very far in the


For The First Time In Years by Cal Buchanan


1.Coca Cola®: Coca Cola was

the first soft drink in the U.S. It was

invented in the 19thcentury by a

man named John Pemberton on

January 29, 1892 in Atlanta,

Georgia. It was first sold at soda

fountains in neighborhood

pharmacies. Today we get them

from stores or at restaurants. They

cost 5 cents back then. There are

many flavors of coke including

Coke Zero, Cherry Coke, Coca

Cola Life, Vanilla Coke, and

Caffeine Free Diet Coke. Coke is

popular at parties and special


2. Pepsi Cola®: Pepsi is the

second most poplar soft drink in

the U.S. It was invented in the 19th

century on August 28, 1898 in

Newbern, North Carolina. It was

invented by three men. Their

names were Donald M. Kendell,

Herman Lay, and Caleb Bradham.

It was once named Brad‟s Drink,

but it was changed in 1898

because of the word dyspepsia.

The Pepsi Company wanted the

people to know that it could cure

dyspepsia. (dyspepsia means in-

digestion). Pepsi has more flavors

than Coke. They include: Diet

Pepsi, Pepsi Wild Cherry, Crystal

Pepsi, Caffeine Free Pepsi, and

Pepsi Vanilla. Pepsi‟s are in a lot of

commercials and ads. With celeb-

rities drinking it like Michael

Jackson and Ray Charles.

3.Mt. Dew®: Mt. Dew is the third

most poplar soft drink in America;

it was also invented in the 1940‟s

in Tennessee, by Bill Bridgforth

and his assistants Ally and Berny

Hartman. Mt. Dew was made with

liquor and whiskey but now it‟s

made with sugar and water. It was

in a old cartoon commercial in

Phoenix, Arizona with a hillbilly

for the logo but now the logo is

just words. Mt. Dew has a lot of

flavors just like Pepsi. They are:

Caffeine Free Mt. Dew, Code Red

Mt. Dew, Voltage Mt. Dew, Kick

Start Mt. Dew, etc. Mt. Dew has the

most sponsors in sports and


4. Dr. Pepper®: Dr. Pepper was

the fourth most popular soft drink

in the U.S. It was also invented in

the 19th century in the 1880‟s by

Charles Alderton in Waco, Texas.

Dr. Pepper has a unique taste.

Some people say Charles Alder-

ton got the name Dr. Pepper from

an actual doctor back in the 1880‟s

named Dr. Charles T. Pepper. His

doctor had a bad disease back

then and he supported his doctor

by naming a soft drink after him, it

is still popular today.

Page 31


1.Coca Cola®: Coca Cola was

the first soft drink in the U.S. It was

invented in the 19thcentury by a

man named John Pemberton on

January 29, 1892 in Atlanta,

Georgia. It was first sold at soda

fountains in neighborhood

pharmacies. Today we get them

from stores or at restaurants. They

cost 5 cents back then. There are

many flavors of coke including

Coke Zero, Cherry Coke, Coca

Cola Life, Vanilla Coke, and

Caffeine Free Diet Coke. Coke is

popular at parties and special


2. Pepsi Cola®: Pepsi is the

second most poplar soft drink in

the U.S. It was invented in the 19th

century on August 28, 1898 in

Newbern, North Carolina. It was

invented by three men. Their

names were Donald M. Kendell,

Herman Lay, and Caleb Bradham.

It was once named Brad‟s Drink,

but it was changed in 1898

because of the word dyspepsia.

The Pepsi Company wanted the

people to know that it could cure

dyspepsia. (dyspepsia means in-

digestion). Pepsi has more flavors

than Coke. They include: Diet

Pepsi, Pepsi Wild Cherry, Crystal

Pepsi, Caffeine Free Pepsi, and

Pepsi Vanilla. Pepsi‟s are in a lot of

commercials and ads. With celeb-

rities drinking it like Michael

Jackson and Ray Charles.

3.Mt. Dew®: Mt. Dew is the third

most poplar soft drink in America;

it was also invented in the 1940‟s

in Tennessee, by Bill Bridgforth

and his assistants Ally and Berny

Hartman. Mt. Dew was made with

liquor and whiskey but now it‟s

made with sugar and water. It was

in a old cartoon commercial in

Phoenix, Arizona with a hillbilly

for the logo but now the logo is

just words. Mt. Dew has a lot of

flavors just like Pepsi. They are:

Caffeine Free Mt. Dew, Code Red

Mt. Dew, Voltage Mt. Dew, Kick

Start Mt. Dew, etc. Mt. Dew has the

most sponsors in sports and


4. Dr. Pepper®: Dr. Pepper was

the fourth most popular soft drink

in the U.S. It was also invented in

the 19th century in the 1880‟s by

Charles Alderton in Waco, Texas.

Dr. Pepper has a unique taste.

Some people say Charles Alder-

ton got the name Dr. Pepper from

an actual doctor back in the 1880‟s

named Dr. Charles T. Pepper. His

doctor had a bad disease back

then and he supported his doctor

by naming a soft drink after him, it

is still popular today.

Top 5 Most Popular Sodas

By Tyler Hornsby, Caden Gulick, and Ethan Stanish

Page 32


Dr. Pepper is supported mainly

by football fans and has a

stadium where football players

play. Dr. Pepper doesn‟t really

have as many flavors as the

other drinks. They have: Diet Dr.

Pepper, Cherry Dr. Pepper,

Liquorish Dr. Pepper.

5.Sprite®: Sprite is the fifth

most popular soft drink in

America. It was also invented in

the 19th century. It was intro-

duced in 1961, in West Germany.

Today Coca Cola companies

make Sprite. Sprite made the

first flavor, Sprite Zero, in the

U.S. Some people say it looks

like carbonated water but with

fizzing bubbles. It was the first

lemon - lime soft drink in the

U.S. Sprite has the most

basketball players and

stadiums supporting it. Sprite

has many flavors, such as: Sprite

Zero, Tropical Sprite, Cherry

Sprite, Grape Sprite, and

Cranberry Sprite. Coke bought

Sprite from Germany in 1961.

Pictures from Microsoft Publisher Clipart.

Page 33


Rejected When Suggested By Alyssa Ramsey

Everyone knows Cinderella, Snow

White, and Sleeping Beauty. But have

you ever thought of what princess ideas

Disney rejected? Yes, there have been

several princess ideas that Disney

rejected. Some of their stories were just

too violent for kids and some were just

plain weird. But, in my opinion, all of

them were amazing.

Iara, a rejected princess idea, was

part of an Amazon tribe. Everyone in

the tribe loved her, except for her

brothers. Her brothers wanted to try to

kill her. They knew she would be a

better fighter than they were, so they

decided to try and kill her at night

while she was asleep. But the brothers‟

plan didn‟t work out. She woke up and

killed all of them. After the rest of the

tribe found out about that, they chased

her and drowned her in a nearby river.

The story goes on to say that the fish in

the river liked Iara so much that they

turned her into a mermaid. She was

rejected by Disney because they

thought that killing her brothers and

drowning her was way too violent for

young children.

In 1338, during the 2nd Scottish

War of Independence, Black Agnes,

another rejected princess idea, was

about defending the castle that she

lived in while her husband was away. It

was common for women to do that at

the time. But not only did she protect

her castle, she was in charge of an army

of 20,000 men for about five months.

She won almost all of the battles she

was involved in. Black Agnes sounds

like the perfect Disney Princess, but

Disney rejected her because they

thought it would be too violent for little

kids because of all the killing.

This is a picture of Scotland and it is shaded with the Scottish flag.






Page 34


Another princess Disney rejected

was The Corn Maiden. She was part of

a Native American tribe. Wherever she

went, there would be an overflow of

corn. The tribe loved her. They would

always have tons of corn so they would

never starve. The Corn Maiden‟s one

request for the tribe was that no one

tried to figure out how she got all the

corn to grow. But of course, someone

did, and that person figured out that

she was scraping corn off of her skin.

There are two ends to this story. One

was that the tribe she belonged to

chased her off, realized their mistake,

then went to try to find her to take her

back. The other ending was that the

tribe killed her, but The Corn

Maiden said to keep her body with

them, so they would always have corn.

She was rejected because

Disney felt that it would be really hard

and, (not to mention) disgusting, to

have a Native American scraping corn

off of her arms.

All of these people sound like

the perfect Disney princesses to me.

They all teach kids lessons, like not to

judge people, which is exactly what

Disney always tries to do in their

movies. Maybe they will eventually

realize their mistake and make a movie

out of at least one of them.


All pictures came from Microsoft Clip Art except for the mermaid, which came from Google Images



Page 35


Do you Know who Made the First Fables?

by Garrett Battles

Do you know who founded and

wrote over 650 fables? His name is

Aesop and he was alive from 620 to

560 B.C. A fable is a short story,

normally with animals, convening a

moral. An example is The Tortoise

and the Hare which wanted to prove

that quick and steady wins the race.

Aesop was born a slave and had

two slave masters, Xanthus and

Ladmon. He was given his freedom

because of his intelligence. The King

offered him a job and a place to live

but, Aesop denied it.

He wrote so many fables that there

is a book of them called,

“Aesop‟s Fables.” Aesop wrote The

Wolf and the Crane, The Fox and the

Grapes, The Wolf and the Goat, and

The Lion and the Mouse.

Once the war between Delphi and

Lydia ended. The king sent Aesop to

give the Delphi‟s gold. Aesop

believed that the people of Delphi

didn't deserve the gold. He decided

he was not going to deliver the gold,

but instead hide it. Aesop was found

guilty of the crime and was put to

death by being thrown off of a cliff!

Aesop is a legend. He is

well-known because of his fables.

Today, people admire the morals of

his stories and the lessons you can

learn from them.

A sculpture of Aesop.

The front cover of

“Aesop‟s Fables.”

https://www.umass.edu/aesop/history.php, Google Dictionary, clip art, http://www.kids-pages.com/folders/

stories/Aesops_Fables_2/page1.htm, https://publish.illinois.edu/dlw2/metaphor/

Page 36


The Fox and the Goat by Aesop (http://read.gov/aesop/019.html)

A Fox fell into a well, and though it was not very deep, he found that he

could not get out again. After he had been in the well a long time, a thirsty Goat

came by. The Goat thought the Fox had gone down to drink, and so he asked if

the water was good.

"The finest in the whole country," said the crafty Fox, "Jump in and try it.

There is more than enough for both of us."

The thirsty Goat immediately jumped in and began to drink. The Fox just

as quickly jumped on the Goat's back and leaped from the tip of the Goat's

horns out of the well

The foolish Goat now saw what a plight he had got into, and begged the

Fox to help him out. But the Fox was already on his way to the woods

"If you had as much sense as you have beard, old fellow," he said as he ran,

"You would have been more cautious about finding a way to get out again before

you jumped in."

Look before you leap!

Page 37


Girl Scouts By Alyssa Ramsey If you are a girl, and you are

looking for a fun way to help out your

community, Girl Scouts is perfect for

you! Girl Scouts consist of a small

group of girls from your own commu-

nity who are all looking to help their

community with fun little projects.

If you want to be in Girl Scouts,

you will be in a certain level. The level

you are in depends on your age and

grade level. You get a different sash/

vest for every level you go into.

Once you get into the „Juniors‟

level, your troop has to start on their

„Bronze‟ award. The Bronze award is a

project that you work on for a few

months during your Junior level. To

earn your Bronze award, you and your

troop have to figure out a

non-renewing project for your

community. For example, my troop

built cat toys for the cats at P.A.W.S

(Poquoson Animal Welfare Society).

The „award‟ is a bronze pin to go on

your vest/sash.

Once you get into the „Cadette‟

level, your troop starts working on the

„Silver‟ award. The Silver award is

basically the same thing as the Bronze

award, except it has to be renewing. It

also has to help a community

problem. For example, my troop is

currently working on bat boxes, which

house bats. We are doing bat boxes

because bats eat 10,000 mosquitos a

night, which is definitely a problem in

Poquoson. Plus, once we build the bat

boxes, we never have to mess with

them again.

Once you get to the

„Ambassador‟ level, you have to start

working on your „Gold‟ award. The

Gold award is the most prestigious

and hardest award for Girl Scouts to

earn. It is noticed by colleges around

the world that may even offer you

scholarships. It is also the highest

award girls can get. In this award, you

do not work with your troop. You work

by yourself. It also has to be renewing,

just like the Silver award. Also like the

Silver award, your project has to help

a problem in you community.

As you probably know, Girl

Scouts also get patches. You can earn

patches by yourself or with your troop.

You get patches by achieving goals.

One of the goals is using your five

senses in the dark. You can also get

patches by going camping. Some of

the patches you can earn by going

camping are the cooking badge,

hiking badge, and setting up a tent

badge. Another way to get patches is

going on an overnighter with your

troop. An overnighter is when you

spend the night at an educational

place like a zoo, aquarium, etc. You

can also get patches by doing

journeys. Journeys are books of things

you have to do while you are in that


Page 38


Girl Scouts sell cookies so that we

can afford to go on overnighters and

go camping. Cookie sales are

something everyone looks forward to.

Every time we reach a cookie level,

we get prizes and patches, similar to

the stuff we can get during school

fundraisers. There are also fall sales.

Fall sales are the same thing as

cookie sales, except we sell different

types of nuts instead of cookies.

Girl Scouts is an awesome thing

to be a part of. You are helping out

your community, learning, earning

prizes, using your imagination, and

having fun! Plus, you can get a

scholarship for helping solve a

problem in your area! If you are

looking for something helpful to do,

Girl Scouts is the perfect thing to be a

part of!


All pictures came from Microsoft Clip Art.



This is the Girl Scout symbol. It is also the design for Trefoils, a Girl Scout cookie.

This is what the Bronze award looks like.

Page 39


Pokémon Go Deaths By: Ethan Stanish

Pokémon Go is a popular game that

was made to make people exercise

and move around. The problem is,

people won‟t look up from their

phones and some people end up

getting injured. The following are ways

people died from playing Pokémon


An 18 year old breaks into a home

to catch a Pokémon and is shot by the

person inside. A women disappears in

Brisbane Australia and is later found

dead. A Danish hunter is killed in a

traffic accident. A women was

dragged 229 feet by a stolen rental car.

A man in San Francisco was killed in a

parking lot called Fisherman's Wharf.

A man was stabbed to death in LeClair

park. A woman hit by car in Japan, was

the first Pokémon Go Death and the se-

cond deadly road accident in Japan. A

crane operator was playing the game

and hit a minibike with the crane. A 20

year old was beaten to death over the

game. A nine year old boy was playing

the game and was killed by a truck in

Japan. A teenager was hit by a car

while he was playing Pokémon Go

while he was on his bike.

Pokémon Go can be a fun game but if

you don‟t pay attention you could get


This is the Pokémon Go logo.




Page 40


How to Grow Diamonds by Garrett Battles

Growing crystals sounds like a fantasy, right?

But science has figured out a way. You can grow

rock candy, salt crystals, blue copper, calcium

carbonate, purple chrome alum, and storm glass

crystal, you can even diamonds.

Diamonds grow miles under in the earth‟s

crust. Not like ten to fifty miles, about one-

hundred miles and deeper. The next thing is, the

Xenolith (the growing crystal) has to cook at

somewhere around 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The

Xenoliths ride along the magma, which gives the

carbon a good atmosphere to cool into diamonds.

But the problem is getting the diamonds out, it is

expensive and make huge “crater's”. Plus, it de-

stroys residential areas and makes less space for


The most popular way to grow diamonds is to

use Chemical Vapor Disposition (CVD). The

CDV is made of a initiator, one or more

monomers, a vacuum chamber, and an exhaust.

When you start the process the initiator‟s,

purpose is to speed up the process of the

monomers. The monomers job is to make the

building blocks of the polymer coating. The

materials are vaporized by heat or by pressure

and then go into the vacuum chamber.

https://sciencenotes.org/how-to-grow-crystals/, http://sciodiamond.com/lab-grown-diamonds/how-they-grow/,http://


hunks-of-rock-called-xenoliths-some-100-miles-below-the-earths-surface-1, https://www.youtube.com/watch?

v=j80jsWFm8Lc, http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2015/02/26/lab-grown-diamonds-a-savvy-shoppers-best-friend/,

This is a crater used is to get diamonds out of the

ground. Look at the houses and compare them with

the crater to get a feel for how big it is.

This shows the difference between natural,

simulated and, synthetic. As you can see there is

little to no difference between natural and


Page 41


Making a man made dia-

mond requires first, inspect-

ing the diamonds seed to

make sure there is no corrup-

tion with the seed. Secondly,

prepare to put the diamonds

into the machine, put it on

the platform for growing,

and control the pressure. Put

pure carbon and other gasses

into the chamber.

Next, make the gasses

turn into plasma with heat.

According to SCIODIA-

MOND “ High-energy

carbon precipitates out of a

plasma cloud, and is

deposited on the seeds. The

atoms are of sufficient

energy that they form the

diamond allotrope, rather

than the lower energy

graphite allotrope”(6). So, as

the carbon precipitates and

lands on the seed it will

make enough carbon atoms

to turn the seed into a

diamond (SCIODIAMOND).

After awhile the seeds

will turn into diamonds, once

it reaches the desired thick-

ness remove them.

The diamond has been

completed and you can do

whatever you want with it

sell it, keep it, or even

destroy it.

Now you know how

diamonds are naturally and

man made. As you know

diamonds are mined in the

man made craters but, did

you know that the difference

in price is 20-40 percent less

for the man made ones. Also,

the color clarity and the cut

of the gem can effect the

price as well.

Did you know that

there is a planet made of

diamonds. Diamonds are

marvelous but, if we get to

that planet the diamond

market would crash and we

would need a new material

for rings and necklaces.

Diamonds have unimagina-

ble beauty but, diamonds

will soon come to an end.

There are only so many

diamonds left in the mines to

dig up. Someday they will

run out.

This what a diamond crystal looks like


This is what the growing diamond in the

close up (SCIODIAMOND).

By Nick Perdue

Page 42


Ford Motor

Company sells many

cars and trucks. Riggins

Ford is a little car/truck

dealership in Poquoson,

Virginia. It was started

by Hunter Riggins Sr. in

1929. In the 1930s when

the car industry was

booming, Riggins had a

huge auto parts counter

and a small staff. The

garage was an old

wooden building with

tools and car parts on

the wall. Riggins now has

changed from selling

model T Fords to pickup

truck. Riggins has

supplied Poquoson with

utility trucks and police


Now, Riggins has a

new Eco Boost C-max

hybrid engine that is put

in some cars and SUV.

Riggins has a nice staff

with a manger and a

crew of mechanics.

Riggins Motor Company

This is one of the police cars that Poquoson

bought from Riggins.

https://www.google.com/search safe=strict&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS761US761&tbm=isch&q=riggins







This is the Poquoson Ford dealership.

Page 43


by Seraphyn Schoonover

The Understanding of Time

The thing about time is that it never

stops, and it probably won`t stop until long

after we are all gone. Time is like a fly in a

car with an open window, flying by someone

without them even noticing and then it

disappears into the infinite past.

It is said that time was first discovered

around 8,000 BC. The concept founded as

„time‟ has been one of the first subjects

taught to the new generations as a basic

learning module.

Students have their first experience

with the idea of time in primary school.

Schools teach the children what time is early

on because it will be easier to retain and use

for everyday life. Today`s generation use

tools of their own ingenuity to distinguish

when to eat, sleep, learn, and many more

activities in our day to day agendas.

Now, think about how much in a simple

twenty four hour period you use this theory.

Setting an alarm? Requires time. Driving to

work to get paid for your hard labor? Takes

the concept of time! We are so lucky to live

in a time where such useful technologies

such as clocks, alarms, watches, and even

phones are easily accessible to us.

How lost would humans be as a species,

without our understanding of this theory?

Would humanity still live in caves with only

the darkness to keep us company? Just think

what would happen if people did not

understand this seemingly basic ritual. Yes,

time is a ritual, performed throughout the

world without really ever realizing it is there.

Before our very own eyes we see people

grow and wither, we witness buildings being

built and crumble away. People have to

remember that years are just twelve months,

months are made up of weeks, weeks are

only days, days are just hours, hours only

minutes, and minutes are combined seconds

that pass by within the blink of an eye.

Information from https://www.theodysseyonline.com/the-thing-about-time as

well as https://phys.org/news/2013-07-world-oldest-calendar.html

Picture from Google.

We need to be careful with our time and not waste it.