POOL O'f .9ldventurers Journal · 2013. 6. 9. · twns of Zhentil '.J(up anli '}.{...


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.9ldventurers Journal FREE NEW PHLAN!

Tue New Phlan City Council is leading the fight to free their captive city. Heroes are retaking the city block by block from the evil hordes.

RICHES & FAME! The council is looking for soldiers and rogues, mages and clerics, heroes of all kinds,

to come to New Pblan. Tue wealth and land of an ancient city await those willing to reach out and take it.

GLORY! Legends will be written about the heroic srruggle to free New Phlan! Ships to New

Phlan depart twice monthly. When you arrive, sec the New Pblan City Council for the latest news and information.


The Civilized Area of New Pblan

.· ~::..- ,,. . .- · . . ··.: \ . . .. .. . . -

Wfiat is tfie Mventurers Journal .fJJ{ Jllbout?

'Ifil Jtiventurers Journa{ is your guitfe to POOL o:r 'R._51v1M{CL. It inc{uie.s j{iers, maps, anti information tfi.at your atfventurers woura KJiow before beginning tfi.eir quest. It afso induie.s information tfiat your aaventurers wi£( iiscover iuring tfi.eir quest.

'IM. journal is aivitfuf into sever· a[ stctions. 'IM. CQVtr sfwws a rtcruiting announcement tfwt temptetf your aaVtn· turers to curne to 7{pu Pfilan ana a. map of tfu civili.zetf area of tfu city. 'IM. rwc.t stctions are a history of 'Phlan (pg. 2) anti a 6tstiary of tfu monsters in ad IJl'ouni Phiait (pg. 10). %is is information your aaventurers sfwuU almufy K_rww, so reatf it clJl'efully. 'IM. answer to PFifun 's cur· rent pfigfit may Ge in its fiistory.

'IM. neJ(j tftru stctions of tfu journal are information tfwt tfu aaven· turus will come across auring tfu:ir aaventure. PooL O'f '.!QtDJM(cr. as~ tfwt your cfwractus, 6eing careful anti tfiorougfi aaventurtrs, f;µp a written journal of important items tfwt tfuy Jina auring tfuir quest. Suen items induiU announcements from tfu city council {'.Proclamations, PB· 13), information co{ futd rluring an aaventure {Journal 'F.ntries, pg. 16), ad tafu overfuarrf in taverns fTavern 'To.fu, PB· 33).

'During tfu game you will 6e refemd to tfie entires in tfie Afventurers Journal for atUfi.tional information. Tor ~mpft, if you go to tfuHa!L of tfie City Cowuil tfie program will refer to tfu council's currently futd Prodamations by number. LooK,.up tfu spu.ifa. num6eretf proclamations ana reatf tfiem_ Ignore tfie otfur Procfamations until tfiey are postd.

'IM. game will also reference Journal 'F.ntries ad 'Tavern 'To.fu 5y number. 'Wfien sucfi a rejmna appears, fooK,.up tfu spuifrc num6eretf entry anti reatf it.

'Ifu.se items are informaticm tfie aaventur· er woufd copy into his journal. Jls items a11: rejerencetf cfucf;_tfwn off in tfie mar· gin so you fater K_rww wfiicfi i terns fwve come up auring tfugame.

?{pt every Procfamaticm, Journal 'F.ntry, or'Tavem 'Taft in this journal is actually true. Many entries IJl'e only rumors, rlreams, or pfain ftLS. ~t tfu temptation to reatf afuatf in tfu journal; tfu true items may reveal information your aaventurers coufdn't K_rww yet, ad tfu false items will ccmtain information tfwt can ftatf tfiem astray. "J1ifu:n you've finis/id tfu game you can ruuf tfirougfi tfu wfioft journal anti spot tfie false entries.

'I1te final stctions in tfie journal incfutfe reference material for pfaying tfie game. '11tese appentfices ( pg. 35), are a quuK,.reference for sptcific game inf orma· tion you may rud rluring pfay. 'Togetfi.o; af1 of tfu stctions sfwuU give you every· tliing you rud to compute tfie quest in POOL OJ 'l(MJJM{f:i;.

JlL Jlistory of Pfifan and tfie Afoonsea !Rgacfies Jt 'Discourse on 'I!i.is ~rea and its Pro6{ems

6y Jtff qru.6

'To rrwst infi.abitants of tfi.e {antis of tfi.e Inner Sea, tfi.e '.Moonsea antf its cities represent tfi.e boraer between civili.za~ion anti bar6arisTTL '11il '.Mo~ea sits {i~ a great pfug straai{ing tfi.e temtory between tfi.e. '.M~untains of 'llaasa anti tfi.e 'J{pmai Steppes, protecting tfi.e soutfi.em temtorus from tfit incursions of savage ?{prtfitmers. 'To tfi.e soutfi. of tfit '.Moonsta {ie tfit ci.vi· {i.zei {antfs of Cormyr anti Sem6ia. 'To tfi.e rwrtfi. {ay fiwufreis of square miles of co{tf anti unf01[!i.ving waste. 'Even wfi.en tfi.e soutfitm fjngtfoms are tfi.em· sdves 6esiegea by orcisfi. fi.ories, dragons, anti fdf rrumsters, tfity ta~ wm·

· fort in tfi.e fact tfi.at, 'It's worse arountf tfi.e '.Moonsea.'

'IM. 'Moonsea ~fies are iefinei by sages as 6eing tliose fands 6or· tfuing on tfie 'Moonsea ad its major con­tributing rivers. 'lliese major rivers are tfu 'Tesli, f fowing past tfu sfuuUrwetf 6at tft · ments of Zkntil 'l(up; tfu 'Wyrmjfow, a cofd stream flowing from tfie east; tfie 'Duatfiamper, also ca[fu{ tfie 'F.venffow, 61!ffinning tfup in tfu fuart of tfu 'F.[ven Court anti ffowing nortli; anti tfu 'Bam,n '.l(;'ver wliicfi ffows out of tfu 'Dragonspine 'Mountains anti into 'Phfan. 'I1te 'lljver Lis carries tfie waters from tfie Afoonsea soutfi to tfu Inner Sea.

'I1te 'Moonsea itself is an orfd combination of abyssal tfup spat..<, sfiip· ripping sfioaL<, ad n·cn fre.sli-water reefs. 'De.spite this, travd across tfu 'Mocmsea is generaffy safer tfwn rnal\jng tfu journey on {and, so tfwt mast of tfie major mer­cfwnt activity is by water.

'Ifiis is not to say tfwt tfu 'Moons ea is witfiout tfangers. 'WYiile man· sters are mare infreq~nt along tfie 'Moonsea, tfiose tliat e:>jst are genua!Ly mare powerful tfwn tfu:ir faruf.d cousins.

'}l_fgions of tfu 'Moonsea are rtcorrfuf as 6eing liaunted, ad tliue fwve 6un. numerous sitJfr.tings of gliost ships.

rTfte Jlncient City of Pfilan

Pfilan was tfu first great city of tfie Moonsea, reaching its peal\..some tfiousad years ago. In tfiose tfays, tfie Afocmsea was 6etter (llCWn as tfu 'Dragon Sea, nametf for tfu fa1lJe numliers of great 'Wyrms tfwt infwhitetf tfwt area anti tfie re.oions to tlie rwrtfi. 'IM. 'Bam,n 'JQi•er was tfien calfuf tfu Stojanow, a awarvisfr. wora meaning "TrCUU. ~ute,. for it was tfown tliis passage tfu are· fader1 61JTges ffoat.d, 6ountf for tfie soutfi. '£1JT[y Pfilan was a trading outpost on tfie rumfi sliore of tfie Moonsea, set up to facilitate trcuU 6et-..vun tfu 'Elves of :Mytfr. 'Drannor (tfu mast powerful dve.n capital of tfu time} ad tfie tri6es of '11tar, 'J/aasa, ad tfu 'l(itfe., as well as tfie 'Dragonspine 'Dwarves.


'Trtuk hetwun tfu powuf ul dVtS, tfu wiM fuunans, ana mei-diant· iwarvts was a grr.at success for all si&.s. Soon Plilan was tfu 17WSt powerful city on tfu 'Moonsea, outsfunine its only rival, tfu 'Elvtn 'Doc~ of :Jfilfsfar, on tfu south coast.

jft this time, tfu dves pfanted tfu Q¥i11tri11fi 'T OT?St north of tfu city. 'Ifi.is copse was miUffy encfiantul, hasten· i11fi tfu growi"IJ season to proiuce a grr.at woois in tfu span of a hwnan generatwn. 1fuJuoh tfu woois fiave bun f dfd on a ruun6u of occasians, it has always returnei to its uritfinal form, 6ecomine a {itJht woois within two years, ana a iup sfuufowf ilfuf forest 6y tfu ena of a man's fife .

'Ifie elVtS, tfu kfioul says, first tfJSU1Vt;J'tl{ tfu Poo[ of !l(adiana.. Its rkscription has variei tfirough tfu pas· soge of tfu years. 'Many wise sages fia11t rUdaml it a myth ana a con-man's gam· 6it. 'Ifie Wc.atian of tfu Pool cfianees from tale to tak. Sometimes it is iup in tfu heart of an eternal wooi, sometimes on an isCana cirdetl 6y grr.at wyrms, anli sometimes in tfu heart of a fwge so[itary pe.aK:_ that rises a6ove all others in tfu 'Drogonspine 'Mountains.

1 t is saUf that tfu poo[ gfows with its own energy. 'Ifi.ose that approach it fed new power within tfuir 6ones, wfiik an unreal mefoiy fwfds tfum in a rapture. Lefientls say that the PooCs power created tfu Q¥iverine 'T orest ana cau.sei the Sorcerer's I sk to appear.

'Ifie Poo[ is saUf to 6rine great power to tfu Worthy, anlf tUath 17WSt fwr. ri6~ to t~ unwortfiy. Some tales say tfiat tfu miivitfual sfwufd tfrinf;_it, 6atfu in it, or throw coins into it ana wish. 'Ifi.ere are numerous fo{f:..taks of tfu wise Joo[ stum·


6fine upon tfu Pool anli gainine won· irous power or mu tine a gory end. 'Ifie a6ilities of tfu Poo[ cfianee acconiine to the neeis of tfu tale-spinner. Jn any event, a trtukr or adventurer wfw encoun­ters a siufaen winaf all or great ricfus is saUf to fiave 'visited tfu Pool·

~tfiu tfu Pool is real or some [iterary invention, tfu 'first City of Plilan (also cafld jfrcfiaic Plilan} survive/ in peace /or =y generations of mm. Jn tfu erul outsUfe inf fucias hrough t a6out its tfuwnfalf. Settlers 6eoan to intnuk from the {antis of Corrmy anli S em6ia in to tfu south of tfu 'Elven Court. jft tfu same time, the 6east-men of 'lFi.ar, wfiic.h are toiay caffuf ogres, 6eoan gatfurine into farge fwrrfu, ravagino tfu countrysUk.

pfilan 6uilt mighty walls ana witfistooi a iwufe of constant invasian. Jn tfu erul its fate was s~ 6y the dVtS witfttfrawine within tfu Court com6inei with tfu iwarves pu!Iine 6acf:_into west· em reacfus of tfu 'Drogonspine Mountains.

'l.Yith its tradi11fi [ijdine cut, Plilan fell into iisrepair. mun tfu 'Bfacf:_ Jforrk finally tU11WCisfiei the city walls in tfu Year of the 'Tusf:_(l 12 'DafcJW.F:.Pnine), tfuy founli uttk 6ut an empty fiusK., 'Ifie greatness that was >lnc~nt Plilan had passei.

yreath.ammer and tfie Jfrst 'RJ6irtft. of Pft.lan

. Plilan remainei relatively unin· fia6ited for tfu naj 500 years. 'Ifie city's pos1twn at tfu mouth of tfu Stojanow iUf

maq it a useful mutine pface for trtukrs. 'Twice iurine this perWi a pirate commu­nf ty grew on the ruins of Plilan. 'Ifie first ~1me tfiey were 6urnei out 6y a navy sail­'"9 from 'Mufmaster. 'Ifie secona time a group f:_nown as tfu ~ Jforrfr., ~ 6y a rei rfrogon of increii6k aee, k~ tfu community. 'TolUJwine this attack, 6ucca­nurs never reoainei their power in the 'Moonsea (tfwugh small 6antfs stU£ persist}.

'With time, tfu civili.zatWns of man 17WVei furtliu north, tfu greater 6easts retrr.atuf, anlf many cities Wert f ountfd on tfu sfwres of tfu 'Moonsea. ~t the_6easts iUf not retreat far. 'l>raeons nested in tfu 'l>rOfionspine 'Mountains, ogres raUfd from tfu (jreat (jrey Lana of ?fwr, anli fwrri6k wufuu{ thines uneerei in tfu swamps anli in the passes through to %asa.

:Jfilfsf ar retainei its elven ties ana ffourisfiei even as Plilan 's power was ieterU1ratine, growine from a small town into a large prosperous city. 'Ifie fourufa­twns of Zhentil '.J(up anli '}.{ ulmaster were [aU{ Whik Plilan fay in ruins. Small t:nJJnS such as 'Mdvaunt, 'Ifi.entia, ana 'Elmwooi Wert startei iurine this periai. 'Ifie inCana city of '.)'ufasft, situatei atop a grr.at mount that aominates tfu south· western corner of tfu faq, rose to the zenith of its power tfurine this time.

• Jn 712 'D'1?., the year of the 'Moon's 'Tears, 'Milsor tfu %gu•o, J'ounier of tfu 'Va§evo 'Drjnasty, jour· ru:yctf to 'Pfifan to re-estabCish t'lu. city as a

traiing outpost. Jfe was aiiei in his tas( 6y the 'Wizani '.]\j11Wn ana the Pmstess 7.fonius of 'f yr.

'Milsor, '.1\jmon, ana jl{o,ijus gatfiuei togetfur interestei adventurers ana ckansei tfu city of tfu evil ores anli go6fins tfiat had matk it their Cair. 'l1iey ckarei tfu 6a~ of tfu Swjanow ana irove tfu arcfi -fidt Zanaf:..ar from tfu Sorcerer's /s[anlf in the center of La~ '.J(uto. Jn return /or his efforts, 1(J°17Wn was gi11tn tfuSorcmr's lsfana as his fwme. jl{onius, in turn, was given a wide area in tfu recoverei reowns of Plilan as a tempk to 'Tyr, tfu goi of justice.

'By 750 '])'}{.the tempk compfu:.. fuuf 6un finisfutf. Jn its iay, it was saii to 6e tfu fargest tempk of gooi in the entire 'J{smfi. 'Ifie city as well had recov· urA_, ana farge nwnDers of immigrants amvei. Some were natives of other 'Moonsea cities sukine to maq or ~anli their fortwus in tfu new {antis. 'But oth· us arrivei as well, incfudine mm of tfu 'Dal.dantfs ana Sem6ians, as wdl as farm· ers ana fum.6ermen, intent on maki"IJ the rqfa>n tfuir fwme.

'Ifie newcomers 6uilt on tfu ruins of the ora city, often not cfuck.ine wfiat had fay 6ouath tfuir fowufations. Some curious souls reporteigreat, twist· ine passaees Uadine f IU 6ouath the earth. 'I.J(]Jforine sucfi areas was first iis. couraeei. It was later outCawei after a party of adventurers ftw£ an etrremdy farge 6efw&kr. 'Ifie newcomers, ~ 6y 'Va§evo anli his fuirs, cfosei off tfu pas· saees cfioosine to ignore tfu past anli sukine only tfu f utun for tfuir city.

~ tfaksmm spmuf up t& Swj01WW 9(iver. 'I1iey tfivertd tfu. rivus ffow and turnul tfu. nx.f:y terrain into a ricfi Carufsc.apt of falds and orcfuurfs. ~ ruuA of tfu. fannltwfs ~from 141- Xµto to tfu. city of Phian at tk moutfi of tfu. rivu. Some say tfu. fad was so ricfi Dwwst of tfu. prox;imity of tfu. tnduuttd Qyivering '.forest. Otfrers ascriDt tfu. hounty to tfu. wizanf ms of 'l{_imon.. StilI otfiers crufit tfu. striti of tfiX:# and fevus tfult tk farmus, aUfd fry maeicaf spells, usuf to liarness t& ri~ritsdf

'J-1.fuuvu tfu. c.ause, t& fualtfiy fwrvtsts oft& SwjOIWW 9(ivu 'llafley provUfd Phlan witfi a so{U{ trrufmg fuse. '.for tfu. ~ 2.00 years Phian was t& an· t.u of trtuk arowuf tfu. '.Moons ea. Its grains, fruits, and tuhtrs fillu£ vaults from '.Mufma.ster to Zfimtif XJep. It appearuf tfiat civili.zatWn, aft.er a f af.se start, W finally 11llUfe a major f ootfwUf in tfu. Carufs nortfi oft& '.Moonsea.

Sue.Ii was not to 6e tfu. c.ase,for t& f orw of gootf ansi evil t66 and ffow {i~ tfu. sfwrr.s of tfu. '.Moonsta itself In t& 195tli yuu of Phlan, (907 '1YJ(j, t& goftfm Dfit tlllfu{ in rust. ;I pfant rust, wfUcfi affectd most of tfu. fannltwfs arountf Plifan, tkstrorpf ~for tk ~ tfiru years. SudAenfy tfu. '.Moonsea ruuAts wae in tfu. grips of a powtrful famine, rt.Ee~ at gnat cost witli sliip· ments from tfu. sou.tli. 'Ifiut was great suffering, and otfieratits, once so ouun· urul of Phian 's gmtfr. power, Wert re.smt· fu£ tfiat it fllJ({ f ai!d.

~ TliltiVt Phfanars Wtrt rt.Sent·

fu£ as wdL '!Mr ona gootf rulers W f alkn into a sfotli and ease in t& an· turiLs since tk rusta6fufunent of tk


city. ~ %§evo 6fuotf was saitf to run tliin in tfu. Princes and Prinus.ses of P/i{an. 'I1iey rr.actd to tfu. p{auiu infest· ing t& grain fry first itJnorino it, tlu.n stt· ting up committus, and finaffy f.t,gisfating it out of~- Only wfitn t& '11iJ9Tli· twk of tk prohkm 6tc.ame cU.ar, aitf tfity act. 'Even tkn tliey f ajfuf tlu.ir pwpk, overruuting to tfu. point of p(acing a 6an on all sliipmmts out of tk city, suX;.ing to kµp wliat supp&s Wert {ejt for t& native population.

~ otfitr cities, afmufy angry witli Phian for its risillfJ prius in tk face oft& pfagut, rt6dfuf Dfiainst tliis new mtasun. 'f{uts from '.M ufma.ster antf JfJisjar 6t.tJan to raitf c.a'lJOS tfutinul for tfu. city. Srrwggfus operatd out of tk 'Twi£iolit '.Marc.Ii and StorTT11J 'Bay tfupiu. official attempts to enf oru tfu. 6an on sfiipmmts.

;I {a;ge {ansf force t.quippuf witli sietJt madlinery set out from Zhentil 'l(u:p towarrf Phlan. ~ f orr.t enc.ampuf at Stormy 'Bay wliife tk ruGng liaufs of P/i{an negotiatd to spart t& city. Jn t& erul, t& 'l(u:pcr f oru was turnetf 6act tfiroUIJ!i a massi~ payment to tlitir fuuf. ers. ~t Ceaaus Wert t& first appear· ana in Phian rwmf of tk Z&ntarirn, wliicli wouUf increase in power ova t& nOJ 300 years.

'During tliis activity, 'J{imon, now oUf in tfu. ways tfiat only wizards c.an 6t ofd, aisappearui from liis rockJJ a6orfe. mat hec.ame of 'J{imon is untnown, for tfu. rulers of Phian W not

SOUfilit liis council for a generatian. Some say k 6ec.amt a ficli Iii msdf, using tfu. metfuxfs tfiscoverttf fry ZanaXJir. Otfrers say tliat & sacrificd liimsdf in hattk on a f ar-tfistant pfant in orckr to sa~ tfu. Carufs of Phfan. StilI otfiers staU tfiat & W f ountf t& Poo{ of 1{.adianc.t and

6ecame a great and powerf uC 6ting in some otfu.r part of tfu. 'l{µlfms. '.Most Gk {y 'J{imon merrly f ef[ prey to tfu. effects of oUf Dfit as all mortaf.s io. '11-fuittvu tfu. c.ause, 'J{imon was ne~ sun Dfiain in tfit ~, and liis citatld 6tc.ame a liauntetf, a6arufcnd ruin witliin a tkciUU.

~'.famine of tfu. ~Prants passuf af tr.r tfirtt seasons, and an a6un· tfant liarvest rtturnetf to Phlan. 'But tfit fwrvests Wert never to 6e as great as 6efort, nor tfit fruit from tfit ortliarrfs as swut. 'Wliattva '"'¥fie, true or imDfJind, tfiat fiat[ rttsta6fufittf Phian passuf. ~ city 6r.ean to 6ecome fPTl!J and orrflnary, f.osing power to tfit 'l(/epus anti tfu. men of '.Mu&nasttr. ~ goUfen Dfie was over.

~ 'llagevo Prinu.s, tfitir.6f.ooa tliin iruled, c.ontinuuf for anotfier antu· ry. ~ centu11· was fillu£ wi.tfi petty wars 6etwun tfu. various city· states. 'J{p f.onger tfu. fuufing city of tfit '.Moon.sea, Phian 6attfr.tf witfi its riva{ mort often. Piracy, or rrufier privateering, was on tfu. rise, a situation tfiat continues to tliis tfay amDllfJ tfu. city·statts.

Phian was wrac~ fry inu.rior tormmts as wefl ~ peopfe of tk city wert we[[ awart of tfitir f.oss of power ad prestitJe. Y:arms nortfi of Phlan were now 6eing a6aiulond. 'Dartsfr.atfows {urK.Ff 6etwun tk massive tru~ of tfit tru.s in tfit Quivering '.forest. ;In attempt to &ar a patli tfiTOUIJli tfiat growtli in 1023 W<.rr.suftd in tfu. rfeatfi of tfu. fast surviving (jrtat Princ.e of tfit 'lla§evo fami(y.

~ rfeatli of tfit (jrtat Princ.e rr.suftd in a tfiru·year civil war witliin tf..e city, as various factions supportd aiffertnt c.arulUfatts to t~ tfit mantfe of tfit (jreat Prince. Ji'.[[ cantfufatts' cfaims upon tfit royal 6f.ootf wue questiona6U.

antf every faction SOUIJfit to contro{ P/i{an"s jutUrt tfiroUIJfi p{acing tfitir dwia on t& tlirone. 'During tliis time, t& great tempk of 'fyr was fuotd ansi 6urnd, lulving on{y a great 6fac~nul sfit.fl '.Many of tk fuufillfJ mertfiant fomi· [iu ffd to otlitr cGmes.

In tfit eruf, tfit fast survivor was a young no6U. supportuf fry a group of powoju{ mertfiants. 'I1iey crtatd tf..e first Council of P/i{an to act as rtgmts for tfit youtli. ~ Council spaifd tfit diifd,

· wfw grew into a spoild man wlio was una6{e and unwilfing to ta~ tfit reins of power. Jfe aid witfwut issue forty years fau.r, and t& Council lias ruid evu since.

'Ifie :fa{[ of Pfifan

~ fast 300 yuus of Phfan lia~ 6un a continua{ ntreat from tfu. great· ness tliat once was. Smalkr rura{ towns wert a6anionul in tfit face of incrtasillfJ evil to tk north. Soretrtrs I sfe was saitf to 6e inlia6ituf again fry Jeff powers. ~ city fef[ 6actupon tfiat wliicli it tfia so we[[ so f.ong DfJO: tratfillfJ. It 6t.tJan to serve Dfiain as t& mitfdkman 6ttwun tfit new powerju{ ?{prtlitrn tri6ts antf tfu. esta6{isliuf nations oft& Soutli. JC or a sliort time, a6out a fiiuufru{ years DfJO, t& awju{ tUk of retreat sumuf to 6t fia{td antf tfit city was on its way to 6ecoming a praspaous tratfing town onc.e more.

Yet tfarf;_ tliings continuuf to {urton t& 6orckrs of Phlan. Sorcur:r's Isfansf was saitf to 6t inlia6itd fry ')'arasli, an evil mage wfw was saitf to 6e sutillfJ 'J{imon s power, t& ;trtfi. Licli 's


TTUlf!I£, tfie Poo[ of 'l{.adianc.e, or a[[ tliru. 'Du grwtfy t!imini.slid '.Dwarven ?{ptions of 'Dragonspiru. reporwf grt.at liorrfe.s of orr:s anti ogres attacking tlieir citadtls, a1 .tf tfieir 6arae trade came to a compute /io[t. Srnaff towns anti liamkts wm raitf­ttf anti Gurned witli increasing rreufarity, sent!ing refugus to Phlan suJ;,ing passage to safer Carufs.

'Dun tfi.saster stnut 1{g.idus from tfie nortli, aUfd by tfragons anti otfier tfangerous matures, pourttf tUnun. out of tlie nortfifarufs. 'Du Qjdvering 'forest was hurnd in a massive fire tliat tfqminatetf tfie sky for a montli. '.Monstrous liorrks containing every imag· inahf.e creature marr.lid witli fwrrifying precision towarrf tlie city.

'Du Council lkhaterl, arauuf, anti tkhatttf again wliile tlie liorrfe.s tfrtw tu.am; m.ucli as tlie fast 'Jla§evo Princt.s aid in tlieir fono-ago fo([y. 'Jina([y, tliaj cliose to figfit, hut were overw/ie[mttf by tlie f orr.e.s of ore anti tfragon. Plilan 6urnetf anti f tfl to tlie forr.es of evil, wlio fuutttf anti piffagd tfiat wliicli remainttf.

'Du fast remnants of tlie Council stootf tlieir growul, trying to wacuate as many citiuns as possihf.e. Of tlie wuncil memhe:rs, tlie Last Priest of 'T yr, 'J err an '.Martine.:;, lieM tlie fast garrison, Sof:_af 'J(up, wliicli stootf at tfie moutfi of tfie 'Barren 'lQver. It i.s said tliat 'ferran pfacttf a terrihf.e curse upon tlie 'l(up to prevent anyone from takjng it.

In tlie oui, even tlie waters of tlie S tojanow river turnttf poisonous anti rrw1*Jf, anti tlie ri wr took_ its pre.sent name, tlie 'Barren. 'Du ricli farmlmul.s of tlie Stojanow 'lQver %lUy were (aid waste anti hecame k_nown as tfieScouretf Laruls

'The 1?,gemergence of Pfzian

'INa t sfiouUf fiave hem tlie entf of Pfifan's story, hut it i.s not so. '.Men rernemher tlie tofu of 'Jla§evo, wlio hrouglit tlie first city of Plilan hacijrom if.! ruins. Afventurers, S11WfJ9UrS, anti srnaff traders vi.sitetf tlie region anti hrougfit hack_ tofu of Pfifan untfu contra( of its evil masters. '.Many of tlie huilaings were hurned, hut many otfie:rs were sparetf. 'Du sfitfl of tlie tempf.e of 'Tyr fiat! heen rehuilt, tfuficatd to some tfarf;sr, mare evil got!. Zfien tarim spits anti agents of t!ark_ 'J/aasan nooks met anti pfanru.tf in Plilan, anti tfie ricfies of tlie ages stifl sur· vivttf for tliose wlio sougfit to fuot

In time, mare morkst men returned to Plilan to rthuild lier. JI stocf:: atUtf wmmunity rose from among tlie rufJ­hf.e of tlie past gfurit.s. 'lluse men interufuf to engage in tlie same prof e.ssion as tliose hefore tliem, /or Pfilan stifl occupittf a prime position for traiing on tlie Moonsea. 'Jfowever, until tfie city was cf.earet!, tlie 'Barren 'lQve:r matk &an, anti tlie competing city-states pacified, Pfifan was fikdy to stay in impoverislid ruins.

'Two yt.ars ago, in tfie )'ear of tfie 'Worm, two tliilliJS liappend tfiat wouM mean a cliange of Phlan 'sf uture. J"irst was tlie J"[iglit of tfie 'Dragons tliat surattf tlirougli tlie nortliern regions of tfie Carufs of tfie I nne:r St.a. 'Due to a cause unk_nown, great wyrm.s come rfown from tfie Jar nortli rkstroying a[[ in tfieir patfi. 'lluse art not tfie rare, opportunistic tfrag­ons seekjng a(Jiance witfi fiumanoid trihes, hut rat.fr.er fiuge waves of angry sca!ttf monsters, hringing rkstruction wliere tfiey'travd

']v( any of tfie Moons ta a ntf 1Jaf.et011.ms su.fleret! grtat rkstruction in

tlie hattf.es tliat foffowetf. )'ul.asli was utteriy ruinetf by tlie attack, anti 'Jf'illsfar was grtatfy tfamaguf. 'Du most tdling hfuw was tfdiverttf by tlie 6atfy of a grwt tfroeon tliat f tfl in!o tlie 'Jf'illsf ar fiarfur, h&xkjng tliat entrance for a montfi.

?tfucli of Phlan was also smaslid into a smo{;jng ruin by tfit.se · ht.asts. Strangtfy, it worf;p{ in tlie Javor of tfiase men wlio fivttf tliert. Most of tlie tfamage was taf;sn in tlie afmufy· ruinetf section of tlie city, wliert various evil warfurrf.s vied for contra[ anti ricfit.s. 'Du attack_ of tfie tfragons hrof:J tlieir power, creating a vacuum in tlie contra[ of tlie city anti giving tlie men of Phlan a cfiance to rt-esta6fuli tliemsdV£S anti tfieir liomes.

Yet tliis wouM not occur witli· out f.eacf.ers, anti tlie reappearance of tlie Council of Pfifan was tlie secant! great tfiing to occur in tfie city. 'Desccuf.ents of tlie fast Council still survivetf a[[ tfie tur· moil tfiat fiat! occum.tl, anti many f amilit.s wislid to return to tlie [anti. 'lluse f.eatf­ers Wert no great mages or wontfrous figliters, 6ut traders, merr.liants, ant! cf.er­ics. 'lluir f.eacf.ers, wlio remain to tliis tfay, were tlie sfirewtf ant! powtrf uf tralkr •Ufric~ 'E6erliarrl, tlie retirttf merr.tnary captam 'Werner 'lion 'llrsfingen, anti tlie 'Bisfiop of 'Broe.cw of 'Tyr. %.ey liave he.en joinuf by tlieir junior member, Porp/iynjs of tfie ancient 'Jfouse Carforna.

'Togetfier tfie council fias pro· posttf e:r._acdy tfiat wliicli 'J/aijevo accom· pfulid so W"!f ago, cf.eari"!J tlie city by mt.ans of recrui tetf atfvci turers. 'TFr.e promise of grwt trtasurt anti tlie mytli of tlie Poo[ of 'l{.atfiana provUid atfVfntUT· us witli an irnsi.stahf.e tfraw. 'TFr.e Council puh[i.s/id notices anti poUf traveling harrfs to ~ surt tfiat tlie story of Pfilan's waiting ricfies was aistrihutttf a[[ around tfie '.Moonsea anti fxyontf.

Pfzian 'Totfa.y

'Du city of Pfilan, huift on ruins upon ruins, i.s a city at war. It is tfivUfd hetween tlie liuman forces of tlie Council, anti tfiase evil forces tfiat lioUf a grwt tfw1

of tlie city under tlieir sway.

'TFr.e liuman territorit.s of Phlan art ru.stf.etf &liintf a strong stock.a& of stone quarri.etf from tlie ruins anti trtt.s fumberet! from tlie Qjdvering 'Jortst. JI suhstantiaf city-guartf patrols tlie open· ings in tlie walls at a[[ liours, afway.s reatiy to repel any attat.(:;} by tfie oUf city's evil inliafritants.

'Du huilaings of rchuilt Phlan art sturrfy anti utifitarian, witli fittf.e of tf:'- spkrufor of tlie ancient past. 'Du gfu· rus of tlie past sfiine tlirougli in an ancient cofuTTUt now usetf to support a stahf.e's wootkn roof or a fatkt! fresco ove:rfuokjng an atfventurer's taproom. 'Du past i.s afway.s witfr. tfie inliahitants of Pfifan, rtmintfilliJ tfiem of wfiat once was anti couM yet he again.

'Du natives of Pfifan art a mi:r._ttf group, incfiufing tft.scentknts of tfie Jami· fi.es of 'Jlaijevo 's tfay anti rtturnus wlio seek_ to rtefaim Carufs anti trtasurt fust to tfie tfragon liorrk fifty yr.ars ago. 'Du city i.s also fi[fttf witli atfventurers seeking new f ortune.:s anti tratkrs fwping to reestah[i.sli tlie oUf traiing [ines.

Orr.s anti otfier geru.ra(Jy evil liumanoitfs are W.wetf witli afarm witliin tlie city, tfiougli evil liumans come anti go unmof.estd witli tlie sfiips. It i.s said tliat spits from tlie otficr cities of tlie Moonst.a maf:J rreufar caffs witli tlie sliips, oversu-


itlfJ tfie progress ef tfie Council in re-t.sta6· Gsfiit!fJ tfie city. If tfie Council is 'TOO suca.ssfuI, sume say, tfien. sahotage may 6e in cmfer to prevent Phfan. from return· it!f! to its former puwer.

'11ie (arufs 6eycruf tfie civilizd stock_tuk ore wi1i ndns wntro{fu:{ hi{ wliauver fuca£ f acticn or tri6e fwUs tfiat ~ of fan4 Contra[ fasts on.fy as forvJ as tfie muft of daw or sword. Petty 6arufs of ores, go6fins, aiu£ men vie for zxnver, some [d hy more sinister monsters.


'Mucfi of Phfan's ndrwi great· n.ess can 6e found in tfie OU City. 'Ifie main sigfits in.cfutfe: tfie f019otun. ricfus of tfie weaftfty oU n.o6fe's fwuses; Pocfo[ 'P[aza, tfie cmter of tfie oU trtulit!f! tfi.s · trict; and tfie OU 'Tempfe, now tfdicatd to tfie cfo.rkgo<f 'Bane. 'Vaijevo Castfe lias 6een. ref ortifid and is heit!f! u.suf as a ft.uufquarters for one faction. featfer or an.other.

Pliian. remains now, as it lias ever 6een, a city witft tfie grr.au.st of potential Jn tfie cy;fes of its rise aiuf faff, ftgerufs liave arisen. 6efore. Jn entJinurit!f! 'J{Jw Phfan 's renaissance, new ftgerufs are SUrt to emerge.

rrFi.e Pftfan 5.f.rea 'Bestiary

'11ii.s is a fut ef somr. ef tfie. monsters fowuf in and arowuf Pfilan ani tfie. rwrtn sfiore ef tfie. ']y{oon..sea. ']y{ost monsters can st~ fear into tfie. fie.arts ef men, 6ut somr. are more powerjuf tfian otfie.rs. 'I1ie monster's reputation is refftctuf in its monster Cevel {istttf as a 'l<fnnan numera{ after its name. Leve{ I monsters are fess powufoi tfian a we{{-eq_uippuf 6eginning fignter. JI Leve{ 'III II monster may 6e more powerju{ tfian severa{ fie.roes.

~{'VI}: Lorge 6urrowine insects witft great mandi6fes. 'These creatures liave 6an K:_n.oU111 to spit a puweifui acid.

'BasilisK:_('J/I I}: .91.giJmt eigftt-f.teguf fizorcl One of tfte most tfangerou.s crea · tures in tfie reafms 6ecau.se tfteir gaze can tum creatures to stone!

'Bug6eor (I'J/): :Hideous giant sizuf go6-fins wfw stand ove.r seven feet in fieigftt . 'Bug6eors [ook_cfumsy 6ut are strOt!f!, quicfJioftters witftgreat steaftft.

Centaur (I'J/): 'These gooa creatures are lia[f men aiuf ftaff ftorse . 'ITiey ore capa6t:e. figftters and can 6e vafua6{e af.&s.

'Disp(.acer 'Beast ('VI}: 'These creatures are fa1lJe, 6facK:_puma-fikJ, creatures wit.ft two tmtades sproutit!f! from their 6acf;J. 'These creatures can appear severnf feet from tfteir actuaf [ocation.

'Dri&r {'VI): 'These creatures resem6fe a cross 6etween. a rfrow df and agiant spi· rfu. 'ITiey are powerful spd£ caSters.

'Efrttti ('J/IJ}: 'These fmoe puwerfuljinn art from tfie ef:e.mentaf pfane of fire. 'ITiey are very. arrogant aiu£ wiI£ only serve a puwerful master

'Ettin ('VI I}: 'These creatures [ooK:_fikJ, giant tWo·ftuufuf ores. 'ITiey liave great strtt!fJtft and usually wieU two spiK:_uf cfufu tftat inflict terri6fe tfamDiJe in com-6at.

'fire (jiant ('VI I I}: 'These evilgiJmts liave ffamitlfJ ruf ftair aiu£ are immune to all fire. 'ITiey u.sualfy attack_ witft giant two­ftarufd sworrfs.

(jian.t 'frog (II I}: 'These artgiJmt carnivo­rous frogs. 'ITiey art fast, tfangerou.s pretfa· tors wfto may 6e poisorwus.

(jian.t Li.zartf {I'J/}: 'These are tfte giant cousins to tfie common {i.zarrl.

(jian.t 'Mantis {'VI I}: 'These art tfie giJmt version. of tfie common mantis. 'IIU.se crta· tures ore fast, strolt!J, and ftave goorf. armor.

(jian.t Scorpion. {'VI): 'These are tfte giant version. of tfie common scorpion. Its poi · son.ou.s tail can K:_if[ a man.

(jian.t Snak.r- ('J/J: 'These are giJmt poi· SOTUJUS snakJ_s.

(jftouf {I I I}: 'These are evil urufuuf wfwse toucft may porafyu a man in com6at. 'ITiey feetf on corpse..; and attack_ a{{ fivilt!J creatures on sigfit.


(jrw[i ( 11 }: 'I1ae.se. creatuns art fiyena· fwuf.uf fwmaMUfs wfr.o stand over seven fut talI.

(jo6Gn (I}: 'Ifust art smaf[ fwmarwUfs common in tfu 'R.Ja[ms.

J{iff (jiant ('III I}: 'Ifust art one uf tfu smaller, more stupid giants, out tftey art stiff toutJfi opponents. %ey u.sualf:y CIJTT'j

fa'l!e cfu6s.

Jfippogriff (I I I}: 'Ifuse magnificent crea· turf.S fr.eve tfi.e fordimfis and fwu£ uf an wgu and tfu fuay anti fiinti ~ uf a fwrse.

Jfo6go6fin (I I}: 'Ifust are fi.uman.size.c£, intdligtnt refativf.S uf tfi.e go6G.n.

'l(pooU (I}: 'Ifust art smalf, cowardly fiumaMUfs wfr.o tfdigfi.t in fjlling anti torture.

Lizaraman (I I I}: 'Ifuse. art lizarrf.fiq fi.umanoUfs . %ey are omnivorous fut tky fi.aveapart~ufarfaru.yforfwmanf~~

'Me.tfusa ('Ill): 'Ifust are fi.idwu.s womm witfi. s~ for Fi.air. %ey can turn a man to stUIU wi tfi. tfi.eir gaze.

'Minotaur ('VI}: 'Ifuse are strong fu[f. fwuf.uf fwmarwUfs. %ey are crud man eaters, commonly found in mazes.


'Mummy ('VI I}: 'Ifust art powerful unduuf witli grr.at Stre"tJt~ %r. mere siglit uf one /ias 6un k_nown to paraf,y.u a man in corn!Jat. %r. toucli uf tfi.e mummy causf.S a strange rotting tfi.seast.

'J{ympfi. ('VJ: rifust art t:{tremdy De.autiful creatures tliat appear as ever· young femaks. %ey u.sualf:y infi.a6it wif.tf fa~ and streams.

Ogre {I'll): 'Ifuse are fawe, fouf·ttmperu{, ugUj liumaMids. %ey art strong figlittrs.

Ore(/}: 'Ifuse are tTJil, pigface.tf fwmarwUfs.

PliastSpider ('Ill}: 'Ifust are giant pui· sonous spi&rs witli tfu a6ility to pliast in and out uf tliis aimension. 'l.1su.alhj t/iey on6j 'p/iase in· to attacK, tfi.en 'pfiast out· O!Jain.

Qy.id:fing (I'll): 'Ifust art smalf., fast ·mov· ing creatures. '&cause uf tfitir grr.at sped t/iey art invisi6u wfi.en t/iey move.

S~ton (!}: 'Ifuse art tfi.e f.e.ast uf tfi.e unduuf. 'Ifuse animate.tf sk_e.Utons are usually contro{fd 6y some evil fore e.

Spectre ('VI!}: 71te.se art one uf tfi.e most powerful uf tlie untfuul. 'Ili£ir toucli can drain tfie {ije out uf men.

Stiwe (fl): 'Ihe.se aresmalf., 6fooa·sudiing hirrfs.

'Ifiri·k.retn ('VI}: 'Ihe.se art inte.aigent, car· nivorous inse.ct·men wlio five in hurrows. 'lTiey /iave four arms and a pois01WUS hite tliat para£yzf.S tfi.eir fof.S .

rr 19er ('VJ: 'Ihe.st art rwhu De.asts w/io art

hutli strong anL siUnt. 7Twugli tlieir rwr· ma{ prey art animals, t/iey Fi.ave 6un k.rwwn to hewme 'man·eatus. ·

'Tro[f ('VI}: 'I1te.st are fawe, strong, ugf.y liwnaMUfs. %ey f:.rww no fear anL can T'tf/tntrate wounas.

'Vampire ('VI I I}: 71te.se are one uf tfi.e most aruufui unduuf in tfi.e 'R.Ja[ms. 'ITiey can drain fife uvds, are strong figfi.ters, anti art sometime.s powerful. users.

'Wanfog (/I I}: 'Ifuse. art fawe, StrOTl!J tfcgs, traind to k_iff. Ores, gohfins, anti otfur evil fi.wnanoUfs art k.rwwn to USt tfion.

'Wig/it ('VI}: 'Evil, unduuf fwmans wfr.ose toucli can arain tfi.e fife out uf a man.

'WiU 'Boar {I'll): 'Ifust creatures art tfie wiM refative.s of tlie pig.

'Wraitli ('VI}: 7Tte.se creaturf.S are rum·cor·

pored urufead. %ir toucli can arain the {ije out uf a man.

'Wyvern ('VI I}: 'Ifust creatures art distam re.fative.s uf aragons. %ey attack,6y hiting ana ana using tlie poisonous sting in tlieir tail

Zurn!Jie ( l'V): 'Magicaffy animaua corpses con.tro{fd 6y an evil Jura. Ztorn!Jies a£ways fig/it 6ack_unti{ rfe.stroye.tf or turnul

'ITU Procfamations of 'ITU City Counci[ of 'J{g,w Pfifan

'!Fu.st rmssagts art postta on tfu wa[{ of tfu City JfalL 'Ifiey nprtsent rms­sagts tfiat tfu City Council wants to rdate to tfu dtiuns anti atfventunrs in 'J.f!,w Phfan. '1'0ien you go to City %U£ tfu gamt wi£[ nftr to tfu postttf proclamations 6y number. 'FAcft. prodamation 6egins witfi:

!from tfu City Council of ~w Pfilan to a[[ 6rave anti fuarty atfventunrs:

Proclamation LIX .iJe it k_nown that tfie COU11(.il is

inte7?.StUf in rulaiming tfie mnaining bUxKJ of tfie city of ~w Phlan. 'To rufaim saUf bfocf;J tkt.J must & first cfuJml of monstus, vermin, anti otlier unciviliua inhafritants. 'To tliis end tfie COU11(.il is off eri"IJ a rewanf to any person or group WM is rrsponsibk for ckari"IJ any bCock_of tlie of.i city.

Proclamation LXI'll 'Be it k_nown that tfie council is

int.ereste.tf in IU'{uiri"IJ information a.s to tfie aisposition of VarWuJ formerly·uving entities nunoruf to be fiara.ssing fwnm

citizens in tlie 'llicinity of 'ValhitJen (jraveyartf. Jl rewartf is off erul to any person WM sfwl£ travd to saUf graveyarrf anti return an eit·wi.tness account.

Proclamation LXX'lll I I 'Be it k_nown that tfie cou11(.il is

offering a rr:warrf to any person or persons WM can prowu information as to tfie aisposition of seVtrai CLJU11(.il agents WM have bun sent to investigat.e tlie unsumfy happenings in tfiL. 'llicinity of 'llalhitfen (jraveyartf.


Proclamation Cl

'.Be it k_nown that tlie council, k_nowi.ng that ccmmerce is tfie ufe s bCooa of ~w Phfan, has tfurw{ that Sok_ al 'X_up is to 6t ckaruf of alf unlawful. in!iafritants. Jl ~arr[ is offtrul to tlie person or persons wfw suca.ssfally carry out tliis wmmi.ssion. 7Jl inttrrst.ei in app(:ying for saUf wmmi.ssion sfwl£ present tfiemsdves to tfiL. ckrk_of tfie council.

Proclamation CIX '.Be it k_nown that tlie council is

offering an irufuament to any iniivUfu.af WM sfwl£ serve in tfie rescue f oru for tfie muc.enary band of'Taimalfi·tfie-lnvincibk wliicli has aisappearuf inside 'Valhitfen (jraveyarrf.

Proclamation ex '.Be it k_nown that tfie council is

suf::ing a stalwart bana to wufma~ a mission of particular sensitivity. Jlny brave anti clever fund of adventure seU;,; ers WM are not adverse to wrning a farge rewartf sfwur.a present tfwnsdves to tlie council ckrfJor a spe.cial cammission..

Proclamation CXI'V 'J3e it k_nown tfiat tfie COU11(.il is

offering a spe.cial rewartf for tlie safe return of tfie lieir to tlie Jfouse of '.Bivant. SaUf minor was carrid off auring a b'uc­canur attack_ on tliL. men:hant sliip in wfricfi fie was sailing. Jtpp(y to tfie coun· cil dmJor tfie councifs commission anti adaitional inf orm.atUm as to tfie abiuction..

Proclamation CXX 'Be it k_nown that tfie council has

tfurw{ that tlie tlireat of tfie pirates WM plafiue east.em sliipping to ~ Phfan wif£ be wminatetf. 'I1ie council offers a generous rewarrf for tfie t,tact focation of tfie pirat ~ strongfwU in tfie 'Twiliglit '.Marsh. Jln even greater rewanf iS offerol for tfie dimination of tfie pirates as a tlinat to sliipping. Jtpp{y to tfie council dmJor a commission.

Proclamation CXX'Vl 'Be it k_nown tliat tfie cou11(.il is

offering a rewarrl for alf boof;J and tomes containing information about tlie f alf of Phfan. 'I1ie amount of saUf rewartf to be iepenient upon tfie valzu of tfie informa· tion providd

Proclamation CXXIX 'Be it k_nown that tfie council has

tfurw{ that tlie foul poisoning of tfie river formerly k_nown as Swjanow is to 6e 6rouglit to an end. !4a.oraing(y, a rt:Warrf is offtrul to any group wliicfi sfwl£ travd up tfte river curnnt{y &own as 'Barrm, Cocat.e tfie source of its poisoning, aruf eUm.inatt saUf SOUl'ct. Jil commission may be obtaine.tf from tfie council ckrf:.,

Proclamation CXXXI'll '.Be it k_nown that tfit council fias

tfufarea tMse indivUfuafs wM Mve ta~n up resitfence in tfie mansion of tlie former 'l(pvai 'family to 6e traitors and tliitves. 'Be it fartliu known that a rewarrl has bun offue.ti for tfie wmina­tion of tfitse outlaws. Jl commission to rUf tlie city of tliis fiielit may & ohtaine.tf from tfie council ckrf:.,

Proclamation al'll '.Be it k_nown that tfie council fias

prcxlaimea a generous bounty for eacli unWuf k_ifld. 'Be it also KJiown that in a4dition to saUf bounty, tlie council is willing to provitf.t a spe.cial enclian.td i ttm, useful in tfie tkstruction of wuUatl, to any group of aaventutus wliicli accepts tfie commission to ckanse 'Valhitfen (jraveyarrl. Jtpp{y to tfie city ckrfJor saUf commission.

Proclamation a'Vi '.Be it k_nown that tfie council is

suX;jng a liL.arty band to wufertakJ a mis­sion to rescue tfie 'Ducliess of '.Mdvaunt. 'I1ie aucliess is suppose.tff,y being fie(.{ 6y a band of ogres in a camp to tfie nortfr.ta.st of Phian. Jlgenerous rewartf is offerul for tfie sefe return of tfie lfucliess. Jtpp(y to tfie council ckrkjor commission and adai· tionai information wncerning tfie abauction..

Proclamation CLXX '.Be it known that tlie council is

intorst.ei in obtaining information con· ctrning bands of insect men KJiown to plafiue tfie grassy planes to tfie west of ~w Phian. SaUi insect men are a liazarrl to transportation to anti from Zlientil 'l(µp. Jl rewarrl is offerul to any person or persons WM return witli compfett infor·


mation on the Wc:ation, aispo.sition, and inttntion.s of tfte in.sect men. Ji'.pply to the councJ cf.erkjor a commission.

Proclamation CXC 'lk it (.nown tfuit the council i.s

int=.stuf in o6taining information about the ai.sposition of various Fw6go6lin.s 6elieved to 6e gathering in support of f orus 6mt upon the tfutruction of our fair city. fi'.genuou.s rrnxmf i.s ofjtruf to any wfw sfui[[ scout out the tfcings of tli.est f Oul cT'Ultures and report sucli to the council. Ji'. furger rewanf is offeruf if the mars/ia[fjng of saUf fto6go6[in.s can 6e pre· ventuf. Ji'. commission may 6e o6tainuf from the council clerk

Proclamation CCI 'lk it (.nown tfuit the council is

int=.stuf in ckaring o6stacfu to t.sta6· fishing a trade routt to the east. Sa.Uf o6stacfu currently incfutk an infestation of {i.zanf men in the .swamps to the ta.st. Ji'. rewanf i.s offeruf to any wfw can Wc:att the .source of the infestation and remollt the Gza.rrf men a.s an o6stacfe to trade. Ji'. curnmission may 6e o6tainuf from the council cferk

Proclamation CCl'll '13t it (.nown tfuit the council i.s

interestuf in o6taining information a6out the dl.spasition of various k,p6oU!s current· [y 6elievuf to 6t gathering in .support of f uru.s aimed on the tfutruction of our fair city. .!'l generous rtwanf i.s off ud to any wfw .sfui[[ scout out the t!Dine.s of tkst foul creatures and report .sucft to the coun· cil. Ji'. Carger rewanf is ofjuuf if the mar· s/ia[[ing of saUf k,p6o&f.s can 6t prevtn.tuf. .!'l comm.i.ssion may 6e o6tainuf from the council clerk

Proclamation CCXI'll '13e it (.nown tfuit the council is

in.ttrestuf in o6taining information a6out the dl.spasition. of a Cargt rwrruuf 6and cur· rently 6efitvuf scouting the approacli.es to our fair city. Ji'. genuou.s rewanf i.s offeru! to any wfw can prevent saUf nomatf.s from joining witli the f orct now gathering to a.tta.ck,'}/jw Plilan . .!'l comm.i.ssion may 6e o6tainuf from the council clerk

Journa[ 'Entries 'IT'ust tntrits indwft items wfiic6 tfU adventurers migfit copy or fill in. tfitir joumal as tfUy travd. 'During tfU game tfitst tntms art rtftma to oy nwnEtr. 'Wfi.tn tfU game refers to a journaf entry ruu! tfit specific. entry anti pfact a ditd::rnarf:__ in. tfit TT11U9in. to kµp track_ of wfiicfi entrits Ii.ave comt up in. tfit game. 'Do not natf aft.tat! to otfitr journaf tntrits; sorru tntrits an fafst anti may fuuf your atf vtnturw astray.

Jou.ma£ 'Entry .1: Ji'. fautf voice coming from a magic

mouth cast on a stunt. ta6fet. ·1 am Yarasli. tli.tSorcuu! ''lk K._11QU/n tli.at fur tVtry Gving giant

in.sect you re.turn to Sorcerer's /s{anrf I will pal) a. gt11UOUS 6ou.nty1 incfuding a weapon empor.vem{ 6y miJ9ic. I will pay for giant in.sects .sucli. a.s tli.ri-k,run, giant mantis, and a.nAf...Mfi. 'ITU in.sects may 6t 6ou.nrf 6y miJ9ic fut rfbU! in.sects a.re of no u.st to me.

''13ring any 6otf'JL.S to the nortftern river moutli. on Laf;J 1(.uto. Cali tli.e name of 'Yara.sli. • fmufly tli.m times and I sfui[[ curne. 'Do not calf unless you Fuive some· tli.ing fur me. I sfui[[ 6e very 0.11f!1Y if I am rfi.stur6d UJitfi.out CQ.ll.ftf

'I am Ya.ra.sli. the Sorcuu(

Jou.ma£ 'Entry 2: 'ToU in a painju{ wli.isper. '[never a~ pain. Let me go a.n ' ['[[

teff ya of the k,p6oU tT'Ulsure li.orrft.. m a.tta.c~ a goU shipment once ·· toof._it 6y .surprise. %irty times my wtitJftt in gofa pi.tees Wtrt tak;µi. '!1k K._new if Wt wtrt raU!d Wt 'rf fast the stuff in tli.e trta · sure. roum. So Wt li.Uf it 6efiind a secret tfoor in the warrens ·· tli.at 's wftere Wt K;µp tli.e women/~ '11Uy tossuf me in litre ta tfit, so it rfDn 't rfD no Ii.arm ta teff ye. Tind it and goat! rU!rfance. ·

Journaf 'Lntry 3: Ji'.n oU featlier-6ound 6oof:, written

witli. a small, firm Fuind. ''ITU li.ortfu came again fast nitf li.t.

'Ilieir coordination was Jrioli.ttning. 'Under the cover of rfarku.ss, go6Cin.s and k,p6o&f.s pu.sliul 6uruffu of sticK; to witli.­in 6ow range.. 'ITie.se 6uruffu formuf a wall tli.a.t prottctuf the smaff ones from our ardiu.s. Ona the wall was erutuf ore arcfitrs took, up safe pasition.s tli.en and 6tfiin pdting the castfe wafl.s witli. arrows. "~ triuf .sfwoting /famine a.rrow.s a.t

the wall of sticK; to set it afire. Afonsttrs are normally afraU! of fire. '13ut tli.est monsters sfwwuf no fear. %ey simply scoopuf airt on the /fa= to put them out. 'Before af1 the fires were out they li.atf resumed firing a.t u.s. Surtfy, some unnatu· raI force must Fuive 6em at war( to wtfa tli.ese quarfsome 6ea.st.s into an organiull f lfJhting force.

·I rfD not (.now if we ca.n. comhat the monsters on.sfaUfJli.t rrwcli. [qnger. m Cost 12 mare mm fast nitfli.t. 'ITU monsters sum to fuiVt an unlimituf number of rein· forcements. 'ITU Last Priest of 'Tyr, Terrann Afartina, .says fie li.a.s a way to protect the K;µp, hut lie .says tfuit it '.s .so te.rri6fe tli.at it may only 6t u.suf a.s a. Cost resort. 'llnfe.s.s wt receive rtinforuments sfwrtly, T trran Afa.rtinez is our only fwpt. •


Jourrwi'Entry 4: !'!roughly rfrawn ciotFi map.

Jourrwi 'Entry 5: .Ji1 smafl /Ma of pardunent foftfd into

tfie spine of a f amih/s fw{y 6oof;, "Ifie f ami!J_j treasures art hurid in. tfie

nmnds hcu.atfi '.Kutos 'WdL CfimD tfown tfie wtli an<f stilltfi for a surr.t passage. In tfie passage tfierr. is a tfangerous trap. Starr.fi tfie walls un.tif ycru fin<l tfie fever to disarm tfie trap. 'dun proud tfirougfi tfie passage into an at#aant eh.amber. 'du trr.a.surr.s an Pu.rid in Ifie scrutfiwest corner.•

Jourrwi 'Entry 6: .Ji1 quic({y scratcf,.uf note. '.Sfww Ifie 'Boss's Seal to tfie tfiri·f\run

guarrfs. '&careful, tftey are wary of out·

siders. 'l(fep your fiaruf.s away from your weapqns no matter wfiat tftey tfo.

''Witfi tfie seal ycru sfi.oufL 9ain sa:fe passage in to su tfie Qiuen. Sfie will !Jive ycru tfie artifacts in oe;.fiange for tfie seal an<f Ifie trr.aty. 'lJo not tfo anytfiino to 9et fiu matf, Ifie °"!JS woufa just as soon K._i[[ ycru as fuoK._at you. Once ycru fiave Ifie artif acts, 9et out of tfie stinK._intJ burrow an<f9et fxu.K._to Ifie castk. ·

Jourrwi'Entry 7: ~ tifint{y hcrun<f scro([, suming{y

imrrwn.e to Ifie ravaoes of time. ''fcruntains an<f poofs fw{J{ 91T.Ot power

tfiat can only & reacf,.uf 6y performing proper cmmonits. !Most sun of these is immersion, for in tfiis way tfie hatfiu sur· mufus Fiimself to tfie spirit of Ifie water .

'That spirit, or some portion of it, enters into Ifie futkr, wfierr.6y fie 9ains BJT.al powers. 'W~ to Ifie weak wiffd wfwse spirits arr. sun to he consumd 6y spirits tfiat put even Ifie strong at BTeat risf;, 'Yurll:{fwUfs tfiat tfie 'faffs of l~u arr. 91T.Otest of all tfiese. !Morrkn writes tfiat Ifie Pool of 1l.._a.tfunu is BJT.Oler sti!L ·

Laur in tfie hoof;, ''Pfuu.s of magical power arr. rwt neus·

sari(y tid to one physical f.ocation. Power of ten TTWVt.S from plant to plant along tfie patfi of fuist resistance. 'du termination of tfie patfi tfeterrnines tfie plaa s fucation on this plant. 'Vofatift upfieavafs &twun tfie pfanes may fuuf to a cfiange in Ifie patft of fuist resistance. %is can diange

Mventurer s note: Legeruf for a[[ maps ...

rll - !>fills

~~~r ··~. 1 - <jnw lmil £1

-- - '™"""""' D'Watcr

wfiere tfie path terminates on this pfant, tfius moving tfie pface of power.

'Some wfw wiW£ strong supernatural forces cllll hen<f Ifie patfi (i~ an engineer tiamming a river. 'Wfien Ifie patfi is hent, it can terminate in a new Ux.ation, 1TW!l­

ing tfie pfau of power on this plant. If tfie supernatural forr.e tfiat hent tfie patft is rr.ITIO'Vtd, tfie pat ft will snap fxu.K._ to its !Jriuinaf form an<f Ifie pface of power will rr.turn to its orieinal fucation. Sucfi rlisruption can fiave vioknt an<f unprufic tah{e results.

'%us, inter·pfanar upfieavafs an<f rfirtcterl supernatural forces may fw{J{ tfie answer to tfie surning{y eve.r-cflllnging {oca tion of pfaces of power, sue ft as tfie Pool of qqu{iance.'

Journal'Entry 8: .Ji1 TUfJ!Jerf pupufar account of tfie

nortfiern lands. "Ten rfays ritfe nortft of tfie 'J/arrn is a

harrr.n an<f rfuuf ccruntry calfu{ Ifie Lu· wai, fan<f-in·pain or fan<l·ofcauserf.pain . 'f urtfier to tfie soutft tfiis pface is K._nown as Ifie 'Iorturd Lani. It is saitf to he an evil pface, shunned 6y Ifie 1l.._uurs. 'They spea(Gttk of tlii.s fanrf. 'But, year(y, rf.ur· ing Cfies, tftey ~a trip inw its fieart. 7"Mrr. tftey go to praise tfie spirit of a gfuwing spring. %i.s tftey fiave Mnt for ages an<f so sfta[[ tftey rUi for year.< to come.'

Journal'Entry 9: Several pieas of paper witft fugfJ.y

01[Jlllli.wf writintf. 'fact: Jorllll .!'1lheracft is a speci.al

envoy, from Zfientil ?(up, to tfie City CoWJCil of 'Pf!w Phian.

Strong 1l.._umor: Jferr. to rueotiate a rnif. itary assistance agrum.e.nt hetwecn Ziu:rt tif 'X.eep an<l 'Pf!w PFrfan.

~: Zfientil 'l(up Wllllts ll1l

ancient powrrjuf artifact in rt.turn for their military cooperation. ~: 'du 'J{pJ Pftfan City Ccruncil

has sucft an artifact tfiat was fcrun<f in tfie ruins of a rr.cent(y rr.clairnerl hu.iftfing.

'Vagiu ~: Joran .Afheracfi wants tfie artifact for Fiirnself, not for Ifie rukrs of Zftmtil 'l(fep.

Journal'Entry 10: ~ cnufe map scratched onto an oUf

pitce of parr.ftment. ·

)<= e,AD 11+1NG.5

Jourrwi'Entry 11:

.Ji1 mangferf page of fine paper witft entries written in a very fine ftanrf.

'Jfe is Gvitf ahcrut tfie untfearf corning out of 'J/alftingen (jraveya.rrf. %rr.e times Jfe has sent assault B'crups, tfiru times none Fiave returned. Jfe <fares not sen<f any of tfie priests of 'Bane to cfuu tfie grave.ya.rrf. JU assumes tfiat if a priest couUf wrest controf of tfte unduuf from tfteir current master, tfia t tfie priest wouUf tften huorne a tfirr.at to Jfis power.

'J SUIJ!Jtsted tfiat if we couia neutral· iu tfie power tfiat f.e.tuf.s tfie urufuuf, tfiat we couUf tfien use tfie untfearf as a tool


:He tfUJueftt on th.is anti tfien orrkruf me to find out wfto or wftat is in wntro{ in 'J/alh,infim (jraveyarrf. Prd.irrUnary inVtS· tifiation sftows tftot tfie graveyarrf is wn· tro{fu{ hy a 6ti"IJ of pt powu, ptrftaps a vampin or a tfemon. I sfto!I oqxnti a f tW scouts anti UnJI fevd prU.sts to finti out rrum information.'

Jouma! 'Entry 12: 'Mwage scratdwi into tfie waff ova

tfie poof. 'lltWare tfie power of tfie poof. '!Jtatft to tftose unwortfty of tfte

gifts of tfte poof. Power to tftose wfto wifl use tfte

gifts of tfie poo{ wisely. 'llatfie in tfte poo{ if you dare.

Jouma!'Entry 13:

.!'! fUnJ/enj note written on stationary emfiazunu! witft tfte symho{ of tfte City Council of 'J./J.w Phlan..

'<J1-'itft tfie artifact and ~nt in tftis poucft we ftave made ourfin.aC conus· sUms to your tfematufs. m ftave give.n you evuytfti"IJ you ftave askp{ for. 'I1iis sftoufa settle our aiff mn.ces and umen.t oura$ance..

''J{pw tftat we ftave tfdive.ruf our part of tfte 6a'llain we wifl vqxct you to upftoUf your aul '1.lst tftis protectetf pour.ft anti our rep;esentatives to tfdive.r your part of tfie 6a1lJain to tfie city council. 'R$wmfxr to inclu&. aff of tfie T1ll1ffe-a{ items we aorw£ upon.

''Jl/itft tfie 6urid ricftes in tfie rulaimetf 'PftUm, anti tfie migftt of Zkn til ?(up we wifl 6e a6k to controC aff of tfte nortfiern sftores of tfie 'Moonsta.'


Sigrid Porpftyrys Cadama City Council 'J&w '1!ftUm

Joumal'Entry 14: Seve.raC pieces of paper witft ft¥Jftfy

organizd writi"IJ-J" act: Porpftyrys Cadorna is tfie Cast

k_nown suroivinfi merrWer of tfie Catforna Cfan.

Stro"IJ 1Utmor: risi"IJ star in city poG­tics anti on tfie City Council

1Utmor: my cftanni"IJ, ftas maTIJj adwrers, fut no f:Jiown mate.

1Utmor: vindictive, G£:.r,s to get ftis own way and remembers wfien fie is (in ftis

wntf) dau6k crossetf. f J" act: ftas wntactetf tftitVtS to ftave.

tfiemgain ftim information on tfie Pao{ of 1{pdianu.

J"act: ftas ftiruf a nurrWu of merc:DUlr· its tftrOUtJft tfte tftitVtS {we receive.if our n.orma{ cut}.

'llaoue 1Utmor: is usi"IJ maunarits to finti Pao{ of 1{.adianu.

Journal 'Entry 15: .!'! cfain map rfrawn witft ~t fines .

Joumal'Entry 16: 'ToUf in a prmul, ftaUfjftty voice. ,. '/ am a princess of a tribe of nonuufs to

tfie nortftwest. 'Myfatfier is an oU foof. :He wan.tetf me to marry Xi"IJ % 1(.asid, to cement an a$ance.. I fuuf more impor·

tant tftinos to do, tftan Ex tid dawn to an aoi"IJ monarr.ft. ~ I marry, it sftaff 6e to someone wfto ftas tfie same taste of adventure anti tfie same skill witft a sworrl

''J1.-WJ; J"atfter was insistent and ftis subjects supportetf ftim, so I feft to suk_ my f ortum. 'l(p6oUfs ftad 6un raUfi"IJ our tents upon occasion, so 1 fu.add tftis way. If 1 wuU tntf tfte tftreat, tften I 'c{ ftave rrum kve.rage witft my tri6e.. Jfowever, two n.¥Jftts ago, I was amJ,usftetf hy tftese worms ·· f:!uxkp{ out anti 6ounti up. I finafly got nrysdf untid a Gttk wftik ago anti was worK:i"IJ my way out of tftese caves, wfien yousftowd up.'

Journal 'Entry 17:

.!'! quick_ note on an often usd piut of paper.

'/ must finti some fuurfy affits in case tftis monster from 'Phian strttfs ftis troops to attack.my isfantf. 1 ntd a smafl, inul­fieent party wfto can move tftrOUtJft tfie civiliud areas witftout notice, fut wfto ftave tfte sk_ifl to traverse tfie unciviliud areas anti tfie wiltfuness. I must watcft tfie ~groups to come to tfie ~ and su if any wouU ma~ proper affits.'

Journal'Entry 18: .!'! ratty piece of parr:ftmcnt witft fal!Je

wri ti"IJ on one si&.. 'J{o(i{ tfie Sok.al X.up on 'T1iorn lsfanti

at aff costs. if attac~µ{, sacrifice your troops as necessary to ftoUf out until refitvd.

'Jn your tkp{oyment set two squads of fto6go6Gns to patro( 'T1iorn fs{anti at aU times. Jilt kast 2 squads of arr.fters are to 6e tf.r.pf.mpf on tfie walls at all times. Let tfte pac(of wardags foose to ccrver tfte

isfantf severaf times a tfay at random intervals. Set pairs of f:g6dds as o6servus

in fridilen focations arounti tfie asfantf. If 'Iftorn Isfanti is invadd immeiiatt·

{y aispatdi a message 6ack_to tfte castk.. We wifl sentf over ftowever many nin-f orr.ements an necessary to fto(i{ tfte isfantf..

Journal'Entry 19: J'l 6fack_6ountf tome written in a

stra"lfe ftafti"IJ ftaruf. · ... and smld foremost in tfie ftaff of

'Minor Courtiers wm tfie kssu powers: 'Maram of tfie (jreat Spear; :HaasK, 'J/oice of JfallJUI; 'Tyrantft~ tfte J(amd One; 'llorem of tfie LaXJ of 'lloiG"IJ 'M utf; and Camnoa tfte 'Un.sun. 'IM.se too fell rfuwn anti 6ecame servants of tfie great {orrf


Journal 'Entry 20: 'fo(i{ in a paind voice.. ·m just got tfte cut tftrougft to tfie

6taStit 's fair wfien I injurd my kg. 'XJ"IJ tfuidd tftm wasn't mudi use fri me any­more. 'Ma& me a proposition tlwuiJft. SaUf if I went into tfie fair anti 6r0UtJftt out tfte masure, fie 'a fua me tifl I stoppd 6reatftin '. 'llest tfuJf I fr.atf, so tftey tossd me rfuwn fiere. 'J{pt lxin ' a Joo[, 1 {it out for tfie tfupest ftU!nj-ftok. 'Tftanij ufly tfie 6eastit was asf.up. I can stifl move real quiet wften I nw.H.

'.!'111J)Way, if tftere ftasn 't 6un =ft of an alarm, tften aru~n 'Jerri mu.<t 6e on uiatcft at tfie rock., :He's tfte king's son, so fie ain't ften witft me ·· wortftkss sot. If fie s tfiere, fie s got kss brains tftan a fer­mentd rat, just act offaious anti fie '[[ ta~ ya ta tfie fd"IJ-'Wouidii 't minti ftearin ·of tftat tyrants tl.r.mise. '.}'a sum just tfie types ta do it toa. •

Joumaf 'Entry 21:

JI crumhfing old 6ook; one of a massi11t series.

Ytt tftis time there rufil1!J tfte 'Twisted Ones was a powe:rfuigeneraI nametf 'Iyrantfrra~JlS. Jfe strode 6eforr. ftis armi.es cfoa{\p{ in flame aruf (u{ tfte 1(.irfers out of tfte 'Waste. Jlt fu.s ftaruf tfte f;jngiom of 13aru was coTU{uued. 'Turning soutft fte (u{ fiis army to COTU{rur tfte Jforrr.6 aruf tfte Vane. 'Iyrantfrr~ was a crud man aruf feve(u{ aU tfiat fte ftaa taf;fn, murrfer· il1!J tfte princes of these fands . 13ut tfte ffame tfiat ·surrourufui fiim consumed ftim, iestroying fiis 6oiy. '.fre.d of its sfui[, it ffew among tfte mm of fiis army, [igliting on eadt aruf claiming it. It was then wften 13aron Scfioat imprisoned 'Iyrantfrr~ in a vial of water wfiicfi sfione GK;J tfte {igfit of iay. 'IFiis fte san.(_in tfte watery ieptfu of LakJ Longreacfi, ief eating tfte armi.es 'Iyrantfrra{]lS fiai raised.'

Joumaf'Entry 22:

JI new fofdd cfotfi map arawn in waterproof ink.,

Joumaf 'Entry 23:

Several pieces of paper witli fiig/i[y organi:d writing.

']'cut: V[rieli 'Efxrfiara is old, Fiora lieaie.f in evel1{ sense ef t/ic word, (eaJa of tlie irritia[ e{pllfition to retai;g, '/'ftfan.

2 1

Strong 'R,ymor: unfaitlifuf to liis wife, 6ut sfte f:_nows, tfwugfi fte ior.sn't (now sfte f:..nows.

1?.Junor: fiates monsters, witli a pas· sion; would f:_i{[ every fast one 6efore sur· reruleri.ng.

'J/agiu 'R,ymor: angry attitwfe is a cO!ltr; fte is actually paid fry 'lFie '13ass.

'R,ymor: uppases rise of Porpliyry.s Caiorna as a, '.roWltJ upstart wfio ioesn't respect liis elders!'

Journal'Entry 24:

JI piece of old, orpen.sive paper written in a irid Grown ffuUf.

'Cursd is the cfufaPorpliyry.s. Jfe wfio was vi.sitd fry tfte spirit of firr. i11 liis era· rife. Jfe wfio 6urned Fiis nursemaid, aruf fte wlio calfu[ the armies of tfte nifilit iown from the mountains.

'Possessed is tfte one calfu[ Porpliyry.s. 'Wften tfte spirit of evil is in liim you can see tfte fire in liis eyes. 'l0ien fte is pos· sessul, tfte grouruf trr.mlifes witli fu.s power aruf tfte nearfry pfants witfter as if cx;posd to a grwt lieat.

''J{pne of tfte servants wi{[ 90 near the cftiltf any more. I tliin.(_fte slioufd liave 6een arownetf at hirtli. '13ut liis motfter is 6[iruf to liis possession. Sfte guarrfs liim [i~ a tigress protecting a f;itten. I tftin.(_ ~.e fttis ensorc.ered Fi.er.

''.for now we liave no cfioice. 'We wi{[ e:•acuate the city fry sftip on tfte morrow. .!iruf tfte accursd cliild sfiaU cume along. I s-..iwr tliat fte smifes eVel1{ time tftere is an e{pfosion, or any time yo~ liear a man scream. Saints preserve us aU from tftis tlemon cliifd.'

Journal'Entry 25:

~n officiaI-fookjng'notice. ''IM numfier of urufeaJ creeping out of

tfie %lftingen (jraveyarJ is increasing. 'These un.Jr.aJ ft.ave aisrupted training,

iestroyuf property, aruf f:_i{[d many of our troops. Patrols liave 6un sent into tfte grav~arrf to recmuwiter aruf tktermine tfie source of the wufuuf. 'J{pne liave returned. 'llrufer yuur respqnsi6ilitU.s as. a priest of '13ane in tfte city, you mwt fte[p c.omfut tfte menace.

'Luu{ a group of aco{ytes into tfie grav~arrf witft tfte purpose of aiswvuing tfie SQWU aruf feado- of tfie wuUatf. If your group can t:nf!Dfie aruf ief eat tfte f.eadtr, or iestroy tfte source, tfa so. If your group is outmatc.ftuf, rt.turn witli your information so tliat we can form an assault group witft clerics aruf troups. 'llpon compfetion of tfu.s mission yuu wi{[ 6e in fine for promotion to the ~ hifiher ran.(_ in tfte hierarcfty of tfte tempfe of '13ane in PrUan.. •

Signed 'lFit '13oss

Journal 'Entry 26: JI smafl 6ouruf 6oof:., 'J liave cfuuua this maze as cfosdy as

I can. :My way is 6foc{\p{ 6y 6otli stone aruf mystic tfeatft traps. ']'arasft rrwst ft.ave used liis 1t111fJic to escape tftis p{ace. I can firuf no otfter way out.•

-5- 5''5~.f'f OOOR

'')'arasft ft.as fxen 6rw:fing creaturr.s for increo.sttf ferocity. :Most of fu.s ~n« ments fail. :Jew five fong enouoli to mature. 'J{pne tliat ma turr. ft.ave yet bred

true. 'lFit 6otfit.s of fu.s f aifures arr. of ten usd as footf for liis newer creations.

·I tfa net kJwru wliat ']'ara.sli interufs to io wfien fie completes ft.is liitkuus ~· mmts. '13ut I must assume tfiat fie wi{[ tum fu.s a6ominations loose on tfie worUf. 'To tftese creatures ')'ara.sft wi[[ 6t tfteir ere· a tor, perftaps even their goal %e i&a of ']'arasft as a gotf to anyqne sickJns me. I must firul a way to stqp li.i.m.

Journal 'Entry 27:

JI n impressive a111U1Uncement. '130W{I'y of 10,000 (jOL'D! 'J wi{[ pay 10,000 gold piu.es for a five

safmagin! I wi[[ pay 1,000 gold pir.u.s for a rr.un.tfy tkatf safw.agin in gooa coruE­tion. I nettf a spuimen of tfu.s man-fikl salt water aquatic crr.aturt for my stutfits.

'13ring your spuimm to the sliorr. of Lok. '.J(uto aruf 6uifa a fire as a silJnaL 'Your specimen wi{[ be or_aminetf. If it is truly a safmagin you could eruf up witft 10,000 gold pieces. '13ut 6eware, I wi[[ f:..now any f orgerits, aruf I wi[[ punish any attempt at ieception.

'So, capture a Gve safmagin, Pring liim to La~ '.Kµto, aruf waff:_away a rieft man!'

Sifined ']'arasft tfte Sorcerer

Journal'Entry 28: JI crutk map 6umd into an anima[


Joumal'Entry 29: .!'I ckatt map tfrown witfi e;cact finu.

Joumaf 'Entry 30: Carefully preparu{ nous. 'J{pu 1: ''Tyron~ is iefinitely a

protfuct of immersion in tfu Pool of 'l{.atfiana. :Jfrs ~uuuy frriffiana, vitfor; diarisma, and power of command mwt 6e a tfirut rr.suft of ezyasun: to tfu. effects of tfu. Pool'

'J{pu 2: ''Ifu. Pool of 'l{.atfiance may grtJ11 t special map.al abifitie.s. 'Tyrantfirlll()lS ~fiibit.s a fiery aW11, obvi· ousfy magical. Jfe also swns to nave t{.tr1umfinary means of o6taining infor· matwn. Special map.al poivers granutf 5y the poo{ woula ~in 6otfi tfu. aura and tfie ~a informatiangatfu.rina capa· 6ifity.' ·v

'J{pu 3: ''Tyrantfirlll()lS tdfs stories a6out moving tlown from. tfu north.. 'lfwuefi Fu. never mentions tfu Poof, J gatfier tfiat it is rwrtfiwt.st of tfu 'Drag~nspine MoUrttains. Strangely, fie ouasianalfy kt.s sup tnat fie is never Jar from tfie Poo{, 6ut tnat must 6e a pan:n· tfietir.a! reference.·


JouT7UJl'Entry 31:

'[oUf in quiet, fr.is.ring spudr.. 'dian.X:_you for savintJ my cfiilan:n

from. tfu Mutilator 'Yarosfi. In n:turn J will aUi you in wfiat way I can, tfiauen tnat may not 6egn:at.

'J nave {ost mucli of my f ofkrwing to young 'Drytfifi wfio fisuns to tfu false promises of'Tyran~ ... tfiat if Fu. 6rings troups to invade 'Pfilatt, fie will ruk tfu riverfunkJ.

'So, 'Drytlifi and fiis foffowers nave 6un proving tfiemsdves in roiJfs upon tfu. k;p6oU caves to tfu. soutfiwest and tfu fio6go6fin caves to tfu sowli.

'J"or some time myfoffowers nave 6un tfisappearing. 'lJut, wfu.n you frw£ my cfiilann from tfu. cfutcfies of tfu evil 'Yarosfi my status WtU increast.tf. 'Drytfifi Wt quiet for a time, 6ut ona again tfu. young warriors fisun to fiim and not to me.'

JouT7UJl 'Entry 32: .!'In a11J10Uncement on 11Jf1Betf paper

written in f.a'lle dear sipnbo&. ''lJe it announce/ that Mace, tfie for·

ma &ric of our (o,tf 'lJaru., is fu.n:by r:ject· etf from tfie dwrdi. :Jfrs crimes incfuk

refusal to foffow umpk tfictates, unau­tfiorizetf perf onnance of major miracks, and tfu. great fu.re.sy of pf.acing otfu.r gotfs a61nJe our almigfity {ortf'lJane.

'Af[ (Qyal fof1owers of (orrf '.Bane must report M act's pn:sence on sigfit. :He is to 6e capturol, 6rouefit 6efon: a {qyaf tri· 6unal for fair andjust jiufommt, and tfu.n 6urnd at tfu. sta~. •

JouT7UJl'Entry 33:

.!'In offa.ial Cooking notice 'Yarasfi, ''Ifu. time fias come for you to arM your

power to the growing kgions of my fol-


Cowers. Come and suppficant yoursdf to me and I will n:warrl you as an important officer in my mDIJical forus . 'You will serve as tfu. atfvisor to tfu. cofiort of so{· aiers to 6e 6asetf at Sorcerer's Js{and. 'l{µist and you slialf 6e c:rusfu.tf 6ef on: my afmitJfity power. I ~t your positive n:pfy witfun tfu. week.,'

Sig:netf, 'Ifu. '.Bass

Joumal'Entry 34: 'Toed in a triumpnant tone. '?'ou nave no und.erstanding of tfu.

su6tkty of 'Tyrantfi.=ui.s and fiis alliLs. :Hen: you nave trustd me tlWUfJfi to kt your guarrf tfown. 'J{pw you an: my pris· onus.

'My k;p6oW jrU.ntfs rU.serve some n:warrf for tfuir fidp. 'Ilu.ref on:, you an: to 6e ~n to tfieir pit. 'Ifu.n:, unannd, you slialf f lfJfit 'lJersfu.era, my pet serpent. :He sfioula 6e f11u19ry now, mor.fiant.s tfon 't satisfy fiim for {ong. •

Joumal'Entry 35: 'ToGf in fiafting speecfi. "I/tank.you for /ruing us. 'Yarasfi fias

6un ~oimenting on our peopk, cfiang· ing tfu.m in lwrri6k ways. 'Every nitJfit we carry off anotfu.r fizarri man witfi fiis cfiest 6urst open or fiis fu.atf mangfuf. '.)'orasfi say Fu. ma~ us {j~ Sa-:Hag-Jfo . :He always say tnat Fu. ~ us stronger, 6etter fr.unters . 'lJut all Fu. ~ us is rfuuf.

·m were not af1owetf to speak:.. wfien '.)'orasfi was a7TJ1Ulli. 'IM.se marf;J wen: passetf tlown to us and n:mind us of fiome. 7ftey repn:sent tfu. frU.nd wortf usetf 6etwun (izartf men of riiff en:nt tri6es. If you meet fiz.arrf men on tfu out.silk, tfiis worrf may fidp you.'

'Ifu. fizarrf man carefully scratches markJ into tfu rfirt . You n:cognize tfu. ~ as two runu and a patfi sym.6ol

('-? ~ ----

Juumal 'Entry 36: Carefully pn:paretf notes. 9'/pu 4: ':He fias fooktf me . .Af{ tfiis

time Fu. fias caUd fiimsdf 'T yrantfu-IVGJ.S tfu. ']f.ametf Dru. :Jfe ~fii6iutf fiis /fame, and spo~ of tfa4s attri6uutf to 'Tyrantfirlll()lS. 'lJut totfay, wfiik fie tfUf

not ~ I was around, fie rweaktf fiis tnu. itkntity. :Jfe spo~ into tfu. gn:at poo[ in fiis fair. I tfiinf:._fu. spo~ to Lmrf 'lJane fiimsdf .!'Ind Fu. refun:i to fiimsdf as Maram. Marom, Fu. of tfu. gn:at spear, is also a servant of ']Jane.

''My woula my katfer use a false name? :He fiirfu fiis itkntity from tfie worU{, so tfiat tfu.y tfo not researr.fi fiis past and tfiscover fiis weak:..nesses. 'Wfiat if Fu. also fiirfu fiis UU.ntity from fiis c{osest atfvisors, so tnat tfiey a&o cannot £:..now fiis trm abifities and weaf:..nuses . .!'lnyone wfio attac~ fiim, tfiinf\ing to uti1ize tfu. weak:..nesses of 'TyrantftrlJJ()lS, wou.Gf 6e rkstroyuf 5y tfu. arff ennt powers of Maram of tfie (jrr.at Spear.

'My researcfi into 'Tyrantfirlll()lS is now usekss. I must scour my n:cortfs for at.tails conqrning Maram of tfu. (jrr.at Spear I nave mucft worf;__to tfo .•


Journal'Entry 37: f'I massive atlas arawn 6y tfu!J1UU matkmatician 'Tomarus.



_STORMF _ _, - BAX::,. -= MOONsEA _,__


_...._ -- -




Joumal'Lntry 38:

Semo! p1ea.s of paper with fiitJhfy O'lf<llllUJ :.nting.

'!IJ(.t: 'Werner von 'Urs[i"ilen is a rttim[ merunary captain turned 6u.riruss man

Strong '!(Junor: mostly interestuf in the military aspects of the reccnqULSt of 'PfiJan .

'JU<mor: fought in a merunary unit niruf 6y 'Ifie '13oss ear(y in his cartU.

~mor: hates Zhentarim 6ecause fie fought in a unit against them several times.

'JU<mor: has StrO"iJ contacts with other mercenaries anil some ruffians in town; none of our informants confirm sucft con· t(J(.t.

'Vljgut '.JUunor: Von 'Urs(i"iJtnS unit was wipul out 6y enemy magic users; fie was the on(y survivor, fie rttiruf anil now sr.cret{y hates magic users.

Joumal'Entry 39: fa! pruervuf parchment coveruf with

giant script. 'Jam writi"iJ to you to ie.scri6e my

Jurtfiu inquiries into the kgenil of the Poof of 'l(aaiana. It sums the pool has movuf severaf times. Lo"iJ 11f!O, at Ua.rt one wise wi.zarrf actuaffy movuf the poof into his a6orfr. for a perioa of time to stwf_11 it. Jfowever, the pool sums to return to its original location af tu every

TO CL-"'\S£ ""' V€°


move. I am now watching the ary fwU that is the poofs natural location. When it returns I wi[[ 6e ready. I truly 6t.&vt. that the Pool of 'l?Ju{iana is the ~ to the secret wistfom that I su~'

'.)'Ours in wistfom Sorrassar

Journal'Entry 40: fa! quid:.rwu on an of ten u.suf pita of

paper. · ''13oth f:p6ofds ancf ho6go6fut.s ~t in

large numbers to the east. 'Dr:puiments show neither maf.:.es gooa hrwfi"il materi· al.'

Journal'Entry 41:

.J."t ckan map tfrawn. with qact Gnes.

Journal'Entry 42: fa! s~tch arawing.

"---.. 8EA.S"r'5 'TREA""lE


Joumaf 'Entry 43:

J.l loosely wrappuf scro{[ ~ramafg-tfie-(jootf, pafadin ana

6rotfier of 'Taimafg· the- I nvinci6ft, ana · Sara.sim of 'Tesfiwavt., the nigh priestess of Sune, attacKd the rfr.niuns of the 'VaOii"iJen (jraveyarrf with a ho{y venoeance. 'ITtey came in search of 'Taimafg anil his merttnary 6aruf, wfio assauftuf the graveyarrf anil tfuf not n:turn.

:Sara.sim u.sd her fw{y power to aissi­patt ana turn the untfuuf that confruntul them. J.lramafg widtfd his vorpal swurrf ana slew the few that f ougfit her power.

''Together, J.lramafg ancf Sara.sim pau· tratuf the graveyarrf to an evil mar6U. crypt. 'Ifieyfounil ana sp{interuf an empty coffin, 6ftssi"iJ the remains anil sprinf:fi"tl it with ho{y water. '1kn they confrontd the owna of the coffin, a crea­turt of great evil anil the ft.tufer of the unrfr.atf in o/aOii"iJen, an ancient vampire. '1k three 6tfjan a furious mefu.

''lk vampire was swayuf 6y J.lramafg ana Sara.sim's power, 6ut would not 6e turnuf. '1k vampire sfioutuf, '/have cfejeatuf'Taimafg a.nil his warriors, I wi[[ cfejeat the 6rotfier of 'Taimafg as wefi!'

''lk vampire swrunonul an army of rats ancf triuf to charm Sarasim to his side, 6ut to no avail. Sarasim resistuf his charm ana Jll.ramafg charguf through the massuf vermin. '1k vampire fdl fxf ore the mighty 6fows of JI.ramafg 's fw{y sworrf ana Sarasim's encfiantuf mace.

''Def eatul, the anc~nt vampire ais· sofvuf into gas ancf ffta to his coffin. 'firuE"tl the coffin ie.stroyuf fie returnecf to sofitf form ancf scrcamuf Seizi'lfJ the moment Jll.ramafe gra66uf the vampire ana fteU him with a[[ of his stre'lfitfi. Sara.sim ran up ancf tfrove an oa~ st~ through the vampires heart.

';:tramafg ancf Sarasim perf ormul the proper n'tuaf.s to 6anisfi the vampire for­ever. '1kn, wounrfuf. J.lramafg ana Sarasim kjt %£hi"ilen. (jraveyarrf. It was 6eyoruf their power to compftte(y cftanse the evil pfuu, 6ut they fiatf t{jr(J(.tuf proper Vt"iJta11Ce for the rfr.ath of Tiamafg anil his troops.'

Journal'Entry 44: J.l ckanf.y written note on sta.ntforrf

paper f ouna on the 6oay of a rfr.atf trarfr.r. J.lftrarn, 'J{efU, my gooa Jrieruf. I fwpe you ana

your 6rooa an: we{[ I am tired; tiruf of trek_f;j "il tfirougfi unspea.Kfi6U. swamps anil over uncfi.m6a6ft mountains to t~ my TnelifJtr wares to uwatejuf customers.

'Only one event has savuf this year's safts. I founil a cast&. fuff of happyfofk... who were very goo<i customers. '!Ney were starvuf for goods anil news from the out· side worU. J.lna wdl tky should rx, their cast&. was in the milfdU. of a smafl forest, ana the f ore.st was in the milfdU. of a swamp!

''lkse peopU. seemuf to f.:.now notfii"il of recent events. '1ky stilJ spo~ of PUan as if it were in its fuff flower. J.lna they paUf in oUf Pfilanian (joUf Sovereigns, tfou.EU. the weiiJfi t of the newer goUf coins!

''lfwugfi they Wert out of tfJJte . they were very Jrieruffy anil prosperous. I saw more than one gem glitter in tFic sun, anil severaf swords showuf a flash that ma& me tninf.:.tfiey wert magic. If you are wi[[. i"iJ to tfotfge the vt.rmin of the suiamp I wouM adif this cast.k to your tradi"tl route. Speea to your horse, stre'lfitft to your arm, anil sf;j{[ to your traaing. ·

'.)'Our 'f ritru£, '13uracfi


Joumal'Entry 45: 'ToUf in. perfect, styfiwf, common.

' riuation.s ago, fosh. tfunes wm. j t .;,, . uru{ we fian{. sfidfuf fxintJs rufd th.e slums of La.umJ, wliat fosh. tfunes calf th.e Moonsea. 'WtgatFiernf nwcfigoU aruf p{atinum, plus many gems fur rfuora· tion aruf to appease our own goas. 'We a~ quite adept at findi.nB sudi trinf:Jts as Wt ~ our fwme fry furrowing with. our own marufifits. 'We kTW'UI th.t eartfi fif:.r. none othu can. . ·~ fosh. tfunes 6eean to muftip(y,

wt tM n.ot fuokon. tfwn as inttfliotn.t. 'IfiDJ couUf n.ot aaiph.tr our gfmious ~­guagt of sounlis aruf movonmt aruf wt c.oufd not fatfwm inttfliomt communica· tion. fimitd to th.tir f uhU sqUlilKJ aruf fP1UUS·

'.J.ls wt assumd th.t fosh. cnaturu wm IUli.n.ttfEeem we &Jokp[ on. tfwn as sfaw, soft, weak, but tasty, prey. 'lJut th.t prey soon came rUfing swift beasts, aruf so wm no {qnger sfaw. 'Th.en they came in. metal sfulfs, aruf so were no {qnger soft. ~ th.m they came h.urfing 6affs of fire aruf douas of stink, aruf so wm no fungtr ~ Our goas toUf us th.at th.e fosh. creaturu wouUf mufti p(y aruf th.at our on.(y fwpt was to ~mat.

''We ~mawf urufcarourul, into cav· erns carvd fry our own marufi6ks. 'Wt on.(y vrn~ to th.t surf ace to guard our lan!s aruf to foul f ooa Ctis powerful th.an yourselves. 'We Fi.ave f;.r.pt th.e fucation. of our nest sec~t for many gtntratU!ns.

''lJut 1W'UI !JOU Fi.ave come. You Fi.ave ieftatd our 'UJIUTiars, tvatfd UIU traps. 'We atftnit your power. 'We Fi.ave noth.ing furth.u to gain fry combat. If you will kave us in. peace you may ~ th.e goUf aruf gems th.at wm. sac~ to our po!s, Wt Fi.ave fxtn a6arufonea hy th.em. If you will not kave us in. peace th.tn we must fioh.t to th.t fast. ~ is your aaision?'


Joumal'Entry 46:

'foUf as jaimty, after dku:r con.versa· tion.

''I1iis is llll of4 story tliat I first h.tarrf wfufe smting at th.e Cittukl of 'Ih.t 1?Jiven. 'Di'lJ was th.t usual 6ar6ariall h.ero .. th.e type a6k to snap five men. 's 6ack§ with. Fi.is 6~ h.an!s, wrestle aruf tame th.t cfcutf h.urses, pitrct a man with. a javefin from many miks away, aruf oth.er tquaffy ~posterous tfungs.

''Ifu story goes tliat 'DirlJ aruf Fi.is 6aruf of men fowuf a poo{ of urifroun water wfiife wrwleri1lff in tfi.t snOUJy Ulastts.

'Di'!J's fittle pet fi.zan{ Jama got too cfuse to th.t poo{ aruf ffis<.overu{ th.at n.ot on(y was th.e waur not froun, it was 6oiling h.ot; so h.ot th.at it cookp{ th.t skin righ.t off of Jama.

"Di'!J was so ang~ h.t th.rust Fi.is spear in.to th.t pool aruf roild th.e waters. 'Ifu tfunon of fire tliat inh.a6itd th.t poo{ was tfistur(xc{ aruf roa~ out of th.t pool to tfo 6attle. 'Ifu tfetnon kapt from man to man, consuming th.tm in a singk touch..

''lJut th.t tkmon. of fi~ couUf not ief tat 'lJi'lf. ?{pth.er couUf 'Di'!J Jina a weapon strong DWUfih. to with.starul th.e crtaturt's foe. ~f ter 6attfing fur llll mti~ iay, 'Di19 finally caf1d upon Fi.is totcn goa for aid. 'With. tfiis mlJfiical aU[, 'Di'lJ was a6k to trap th.e flaming tkmon in a triangk of power w~ suppostcffy h.t is tven to th.is iay.'

Joumal'Entry 47: ~small wrinkka pa.rch.mtnt with.

rouoh.(y scratchd notes. 'Jfo6go6Gns tran.sf ema out of 'llagevo

Castle. 'J{snu ~p(awf fry giants aruf tro«s. Sounlis very tough..

'SwjaTW'UI <jatt guarrfuf hy 6UfJ6tars aruf tttin.s. Jfeanf tttins au!Jl't fif:.r. fieh.t. Must fx cfw.nnd or wntro{fu{ Sounas tough.!

:Some S1TWfJBUrS ~supp{ks th.rouoh.SwjaTW'UI <jate to 'Ih.t 'lJcss. Must ch.tckit out.

'Ovtrh.eartf h.o6go6{ins say a iragon s~ th.em in.to kavintJ a niu fair in th.e mountains out east. CouUfn't h.appen to a niur 6urich. of crups. ·

Joumal'Entry 48: Several pi«Ls of paper with. h.igh.(y

0191l11iua writintJ. Strong 1Qunor: 'Ih.t 'lJcss is a iragon or

is a Fi.um@ wh.o clltl ~ th.t form of a tfragon.

'llaeue 1Uunor: 'Ifu 'lJcss is a mtta[{jc iragon. 'J{SJt. con.ritUmf fif:.r.(y as metaffic iragons art 'goo<f.

'fact: 'Ifu '1Jcss h.oUfs aiu&nces in 'llagevo Castle. Castle is guarrfuf hy groups of 6itJ stupitf monsters, with. oua· sionaf smart h.umlltl katkrs.

1Qunor: 'Ifu 'lJcss rfoesn't spena full time at 'llagevo Castle.

'fact: mau in.sUU castle walf; pass· wonfs art netiUa to get past castk gates.

1Qunor: 'Ih.t 'lJoss Fi.as fxtn serufing out messengers to th.t trifxs of monsters in th.t a~ to ~ruit new units.

'I/ague ~mor: 'Ih.t 'lJcss is ~ruiting new units in preparation for an assault to ~taf:.r. th.t civilizd sections of Phlan.

Joumal'Entry 49:

~ utter on ckan wh.ite paper in. a strong h.ani


'Ifu 'lJoss 'llagevo Castk, Plilan Sir; 'f cattfioricalfy reject your tUmlltl4 th.at

l su6mit my isfana ana my powers to

your control I am a fru man aruf l will ~n fru. 'J{p petty tyrant can onfu a6out a true mage.

·If you or your troops maf:.r. IUIY move towarrf Sorreru's Isfaruf I sh.alf sma llll army of my unstoppa6k aquatic creations tfowri th.e 'lJarnn 1(jf/Q' aruf sinl\.your ~­cious castle. 'llntif now you Fi.ave 6WI 6eneath. my notice. If you voila your empi~, kt us f;µp it th.at way.'

Sitfnttl Yarash., th.t Scnurer

Joumal'Entry 50: ~n oJfidaf fuokjng notice ·~wk a group of at kast 30 of

yourfoffuwus. Mut up with. a h.o6go6Gn assault f oru at th.t small tftxk; to th.t west of town. You aruf your group will 6e untkr th.t wmmaruf of th.t h.o6go6fin fuuf. er. 'foffuw Fi.is orrfus. 'Upon compkticn of th.t mission you will fx rt'U)(UT{d with. foot£, ~, aruf many slaves.·

SitJnttf, 'Ih.t 'lJoss Scri66ka on. th.t 6acK...of th.est ortfos is

'1{prris th.t <jray's unsent rqi(y to 'Ih.t 'lJoss

·I will nevu foffuw th.e ortkrs of a h.o6go6fin. I ion't go on missions uritif I know qactly wfr.at we·~ supposd to tfo. ~ru{ I ion't go on missions for an unknown amount off ootl, treasure, ani slaves ·. l io go on missions wfiere l am in commarul; wh.m l kn.ow t{flet{y wh.at th.e ta19et is; aruf wfiere l fJiow e:t_acdy Fi.ow much. /'ff get poitf. 'Don't sena me anoth.tr onfer uritil you can mat my terms.·

SitJnetl, 'J{prris th.t (jray


Joumal'Entry 51:

Several piuLs of paper witli liiglify Ul]Jal!izd writing.

Tact: '13isfwp '13racc:W is tfu liigfust ranfj ng relitJious reaau in Plifan. 'l(jin.s smafI tempfe in civiliwi section of city.

'ilague 'l(umur: '13raccio is actually a fr(!l!t·man for a powerful liigli prilst wlio never feavr.s tfu small urnpk.

Strll"fi 'l(umor: '13raccio is wufer fire to 'rfo sometliing' a6aut tfu wufuuf pro6fem. So fong as tfu wuUai were causing tlie mcnsters ~ trau6fe tfun tlie settfers, lie fwd otlier, more pressing, pro6fcms.

'.JWmur: '13raccio is opposed to tlir. ttm· pfe ttrukncy to sdl &rical 'miracfes'; fut lie understands tliat tfu tempfe nwfs Jwuis. '13raccio wouM ratlier perform sucli 'miracfes' in o:Jfianee for gootf worf:J tfone in tlie name of tlie cf1.urcf1, not just for money or items of power.

Joumal 'Entry 52: 'Deiivmtf in. cfii{[ing[y cfear torU.s.

Wear us in. aur fwur of n.eetf( tfte n.omatf witclirfoctor crils, "This night we fight a great 6attk. '13y tfte 6reak.ing of tfawn. eitfur our en.emit.S wif£ 6e tfauf or uie will liave 6un tfestrayetf.

';Juept tlie sacrifice of tfuse outsitfers anti give us tfie strength to tfef eat tfie fiortfu of our enemies. Tiff our [im6s with your fire, anti jiff our mi.ruf.s witli your fury. Let us vanquish aur en.emit.S just as we vanquish tfuse invaders wlio liave come among us.·


Joumal'Entry 53: 51 crurnpktf tfiscanfuf piece of paper;

fuff of ru6 outs anti scratdi overs. Priests: 1 Jko[yt.es: 4 Ogres: 1 :Jfo6go6Gns: 40 Ores: 90 (jo6Gn staves: 20

Joumal'Entry 54: 51 patJt from an unknown. tfiary. ''Ifiei; sto{e my map to tlie Pool

Someliow tfiey kJuw wfien I was comi.ng anti t:\flC~ wliat to fooKjor. 7fiei; tfilfu. 't even 6otlier to K.if£ me; tliey saitf I wasn't worth ki[[ing. 7fiei; just crippfetf my &fis, took tfie map, anti roie away faugfring.

'51f ter tlie attack anti tlic rigors of my trek all I remember is tliat tfie Poo[ is in tfie 'Dragunspin.e, nortli anti west of Sorcerer's I sfantf. It shin.t.S just Cif:J tliey saitf it wouM. You can fed tlir. power ffowing aut of it. Xjngs anti generals liave searcfietf for tfte Pool anti 1 liatf a map tliat fetf right to it.

'If I ever get 6ack tfie use of my &fi.< I '{f go afu.r tliem. I '{f get 6ackmy map. J'{f gc.t to tfte Pool 51nti tfiis time J'{f

6atfu in its power. %m J'{f tt.ach tftem. J'{f tt.ach tfiem a[[ '

Joumal'Entry 55: 'lJeiiveretf as you sit arowuf tlie camp·

fire. 'Yau must be.ware of tfu tnil1Uj tfa111Jr:rS

in this Tl£fion. Se:veraf rfays walk_ to tlir. west tliere is tfu pyromitf of wiL ft lias 6un fong avoided 6y all sensi6k men. 'To tfie sautfi.east is a fair of tnil1Uj ferocious ft..o6go6Gn.s . 'The areas to tfu sautliwest, are in.liafritd by evil men · · fuccan.eers, marauiers, anti soGfiers of an evil empire far to tfie west. 51nti all gootf fofk.J avoitf tfie swamps to tfie east. 'J{ptfring 6ut tfan · ger grows in tfu swamps.·

Journal 'Entry 56: 51n unsent not.e written on sturrfy

parcliment. ~n. active aragon lias made its fiorn.e

in tfte 'Dragonspin.e 'ftfoun.tain.s to tfu nortfiwest. 'l(up search parties away from tfie area so as not to catcli tfu clragon 's att.en.tion.'

Journal 'Entry 57: 51 ratty pW:e of parchment with farge

writing on one si&. 'Our spies in. tfu city inform us tliat a

party of in.vacfers wif£ travel to Sokal X.up to fiu it. 'To combat tfuse invacfers,

· a.ssem6k a f orr.e of no fess tlian. three squatfs. 'Iravd by 6oat from tfre small tfocf:J at tlie west of town to 'l1iorn I sfarui. 'Move wufetectd to S okgl 'X..eep. Tinti tfie atfventurers in. or aroun.tf SokaC X.up. Xj{f tfiem 6efure tfiey can return to tfie city council with in.formation about

tfie true situation at tfu f;Jep. ~tum witli tfie invacfer'.s lieaJs as proof of corn· pfetion. of your mission. 'LJp(!I! compktion you wif£ 6e rewanfuf witli foot£, treasure, anti many sfaves. •

Signd, 'The '13oss

Joumal'Entry 58: 51 tatteretf piece of pardimen.t

'Tavern 'Tales

'ITU. taverns ef 9\f.?w PFilan. are fiUd witli. scoundrels, con-mtn, aruf aaven­turtrs - every ont a fiar aruf a gossip. 'ITU. fo«owing tavern tafu represent sucfi rumors aru{ fus.

~you are in a tavun, you may 6e refern.4 w a particular tale by nu.ml!u. J""mi ani ruuf tfi.at tale. If you really tFWik_of yuur advur.turr:rs as rumor rrumeers, ruu{ a[[ tfte tafu.

Som.t of tftese tales are tnu, Som.t are 6asuf on trutfi, ani som.t fiave never 6un curruptuf by a liint of trutfi. 'Even wlim a tavern tale is ref t.T'T"ul to by nu.mkr, it mitf lit 6e false .

'Tak 1: 'far w tfu nortfuast, in tfie mUfst of a vast swamp, Ge tfie uninfiahituf ruins of a powerful wizanfs castle.

'Tak 2: jl anur.l.:._6anf sits in a wrner of tfie tavun spinnill!J a sumill!J{y endfus tale, hut no one is [istenill!J.

'Tak 3: 'Wells tfirouefiout tfte city often provide acu.ss to liitfam tfens ani under· growuf passaoes.

'Tak 4: ;;In ~G.sfi Um! commarufurs one corner of tfie 6ar to future on tfte ufri · mate r~e of liis adventures. '1k crowrf ignores liim..

'Tak 5: 'To tfte east of Pfifan fu a gkam· ill!J castle of goU that sliifts its fucation from tim.t to time.


'Tak 6: ;;t weinf fuol.:._ill!J wizanf, rfrwu{

a[[ in 6facf;, sits alone ani mwnhks into liis 6ur, • J'([ return neJ(J tim.t ani sfiow tliem al£(

'Tak 7: (jrr.at treasurts are to 6e f uuni on tfie 6ani;J of tfie 'Barren 1{ivu as one ven­tures nortfiwarrf.

'Tak 8: 'lkgraveyarr{ is cmm-o{fd by a very powufal ani dever urufuuf crtaturt.

'Tak 9: ;;t puufuf patron witli. a Gmituf voca6ulary questions everyone lie wmes across abOUl Ii.ow w wmpkte a manuscript iatuf 19 77 (j'll'E. 'llnfm-tunatefy, no one can lidp liim..

'Tak 10: 'To tfie west fives a tri6e of insect-men wfio worsliip rwnnaf men ani give vafuaflt. gifts to af£ wfio visit tliem.

'Tak 11: '1k 'Draoonspine Mountains are inha6ituf by a race of evil aragons wfio fore travdm to tlieir fairs ani sfay tliem.

'[ak 12: ;;t 6ufraggfuf advuiturer tfecriL.s, "There was a man caffd turtl.t., walls that aren't tfiert, fivill!J tfaggers; I never c{U{ figure uut wliat was goill!J on!'

'Tak 13: ~ master thief Ii.as set up a Iii£. tfen trainill!J grouni deep in tfie oUl city, rifilit under tfte noses of mtmStt.:rs.

'Tak 14: Ogres wfio five to tfie east of Pfifan are fio&fill!J captive a princw for wliom a fiuee rewanf Ii.as 6un off erul.

'Tak 15: 'l1it. mercfiants of Zlientil 'l(up are stttill!J up a tradlll!J 6ase far to tfte west of Pfifan. 'I1iey 're liirill!J caravan guarrfs for gooi waoes.

'Tak 16: 'Buccaneers operate a slave auc­tion out of a liUUUn camp near Stormy 'Bay.

'Tak J 7: ;;In oU saoe sits in a wrner witfi. a iarl.:.. wizarrf. ''.You 're rifilit, • fauefis tfte saoe, 'tfr.t.y'([ rfo anytfiill!J I u([ tliem to, no matter Ii.ow sif1y or pliantastic.'

'Tak 18: Off to tfte east of pfi{an roams a tri6e of maraudJll!J nomai.s. 'I1iey fiave 6un pilfagine vilflJfies in tfu plains witli tfie fidp of a powerful artif act tfit.y fiave iiscovuuf.

'Tak 19: Migfity tri6es of wiM iwarves, tfiou.sa.rufs of tliem, roam tfie 'Dragonspine '.Muuntains, ie.stroyill!J vil­{agus ani f\j[[i'1fi travekrs.

'Tak 20: '/was totaffy confusei; it was fif;f. heill!J fust in tfte iar~, 'sigfiuf tfie overwrouefit adventurer. ''l(g.66its, fiats, 6owfill!J 6aff.s? 'l117iue in tfie re.alms was!?'

'Tak 21: '1k monsters in Pfifan are fufby one of tfie genuals wfio sacf;f.i tfie city a generation aoo. '1k genera[ Ii.as usuf grrat magic to maq fiimsdf immortal

'Tak 22: ;;t vast fortress of K:96oUs cfomi. natt.s tfie western tip of tfie great swamp. 'lkse nonnaffy weal.:._creaturr.s grow to grtat siu ani fiavt ~nary powers liert.

'Tak 23: ;;In ancient S ifver 'Drafion stiff fives up in tfie 'Drafionspine '.Mountains. '1k iraoon is not evil ani 'UJi{[ lidp travekrs wfio 6attk evil



Coln Type Copper Sliver f.lectrum Gold Plilllnum


Oold Equlvalc:nt 200cp-lgp 20 sp - I gp 2ep-lgp lgp-lgp 1/ 5 pp - I gp

This Is a llstlng of spells available to player character clerics and magic.users as they gain In level .

l'UlST Lf:Vl!L CLf:RICAL Sl'r:LLS Bless/ Curse Cure Ught Wounds/ cause Light Wounds Detect Magic Ptotectlon from tvll/f'totectlon from


Sf:CO!'ID Lf:VU CURICAL Sl'r:LLS Mnd Traps Hold Person Resist Mre Silence I 5 " Radius Slow Polson Snake Charm Spiritual Hammer

1l1lJlD Lf:Vl!L CLf:RICAL Sl'r:LLS Animate Dc:ad Cure Blindness/cause: Blindness Cure Disease/ cause Disease Dispel Magic Prayer Remove Curse/8estow Curse.

l'IRST Lf:Vl!L l'tAGIC.USf:R Sl'r:LLS Burning Hands Charm Person Detect Magic !'.nlarge{Reduce rriends :1"!1lc Mlssile l'tvtection from !'.Vi l/f'rolectlon from

Oood Read Magic Shield Shock.mg Or"ic;p !> leep

sr:corm 1.ZVU l'tAGIC.USr:R Sl'r:LLS Detect Invisibility lnvblblllty Knock Mirror Image Rayo( enfeeblement Stloklng Cloud Strength

1HIRD Lf: Vl!L l'tA GIC. U.Sl!Jl Sl'r:l.LS Blink Dispel Magic Mreball Haste Hold Person Invisibility, I o· Radius Lightning Bolt Protection l'rom !'.vii , I 0 Radlus/f'rolectlon l'rom Good, 10' Radius Protection from Normal Missiles Slow

ARMOR UST Weight l"lilxlmum

Armor Type: In gp. AC l'lovc:mc:nt•

None: 0 10 Shield, Small# 50 9 Leather 150 8 12 squares Padded 100 8 9 squares Studded 200 7 9 squares Ring 250 7 9 squares Scale 4-00 6 6 squares Chain JOO 5 9 squares Splint 4-00 4 6 squares Banded 350 4 9 squares Plate 450 J 6 squares

• A character carrying many objects, lndudlng lots of coins, can be: further llm· ited In movement to a m inimum of J squares per turn . 1 A Shield subtracts I AC from any armor it's used with .

TABLE or EXPERIENCE P'ER LEVEL The following shows the amount of e.xperi· ence a character must earn to gain a level ;., his character class: All experience earned by multlple< lass characters Is dividt>d 'ly the number o r clas~ ,. v, "'l.('n a c !i,1r Jete r has earned .:: gain in level for on e <Jass but not ar:o1her. th e c;:h ow corn· mand s hows h is h ight .~ .. eve! ·n u~ . ; 1

character who l5 a fighter-thief and ha.5 earned 1,800 experience points In each cla5S (a total ol J ,600 XP), wlll be shown to be: 2nd level because he ha.5 earned that level as a thief. though not a5 a fight­er. ttl5 fighting ab!Utles are still based on his being a lst level fighter.

CLVUC. Lc:vd I 2

1!.xpc:rlc:ncc: ().l,500 l,!)()l-J,000

Spc:Us• 1 l 3 I 2

J J ,00 I.e.ooo 2 I 4 5 6

6 ,001-lJ.OOO J 2 lJ,001-27 ,500 J J I 27,501-55.000 J J 2

• CJeric.s get additional Spc:Jt. by Level If they have a Wisdom of lJ or greater.

flOHTr:ll.1 Lc:vd f:xpc:rlc:ncc: I 0.2,000 2 2 ,001-4,000 J 4,001-8,000 4 8,001-18,000 5 18,00l-J5.000 6 J5,001-70,000 7 70,001-125,000 8 125,001 -2!)(),000

l'tAGIC.USf:R1 Lc:vd 1 2 ;, 4 ~ ·


nnr;"' Lc:vd I 2 J 4 5 6 7 6

r:xpertc:ncc: ().2,!)00 2.501 -5,000 5 ,001-10.000 10,001-22.500 22.501-40,000 4-0.001.eo.ooo

Experience: ().1,250 1,251-2,500 2 ,501 -5 ,000 5 .001 - 10.000 10,001-20.000 20,001-42,500 42,501-70.000 70,001-110,000

Spells I l 3 I 2 2 J 2 4 2 I 4 2 2

9 I 10.001 -160,000

CLERICS vs. Ul'IDEAD A good or evil cleric (not a neutral one) has a certain lnnue.nce on undead. He extends this Influence by using the Turn command In the Combat Me.nu. His level determines how many undead and what kind he can Influence. !Ml deric.s can make undead e ither neutral o r friendly to the party. Good cleric.s can drive the

undead away and may be: able to destroy them If the deric Is of a high enough level and the undead are o( a low-enough level.

The following l5 a list of undead In Increas­ing order ol power and what minimum level of deric a character ha.5 to be: to have any Influence over them. Low level deric.s generally have a chance, not a cer­tainty, ol affectlng undead.

l'tlnimum Undc:ad Type Lc:vd of aerie

Skeleton I st Zombie lst Ghoul lst Wight lst Wraith Jrd Mummy 4th Spectre 5th Vampire 6th


Ability Scores. These are numbers that describe: the attributes ol the characters. There are six ablllty scores: Strength. Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma. ror the most part, the range or numbers runs from J to 18. the higher the better.

AdvenlW"c:r. This Is a term for one or the characters you play In this game.

Allgnmc:nL This Is the basic philosophy ol a character. See Alignment In the What are Characters? sc:ctlon of the rule book.

Olaractc:r. This Is another name for one or the persons you play in the game. A party consists or several characters .

Command. A one or two word option in a menu. Actlvilllng that command allows you either to view another menu or have your characters perform an action.

f:ncountc:r. This Is what happens when a party meets a monster. You are given a menu of choices or how you want to han­dle the sltuilllon .

f:ntc:r. The act o( giving a command lo the computer. How this is done varies depend­ing on the computer.

r.xpaience Polnl-' (XP). r.very encounter enced maglc-usel"3 and clerk.o can learn the characle1"3 have yield• e><j>er1ence high level spells. points for every character depending on

ARMOR Al'CD WMPOl"'IS PERMllTED BY CHARACTER CLASS how successful the encounter was for the Magic. This term covers spellcasUng. party. A character who gains enough XP enchanted Items, and any other appllca-

Class Armor Shield Weapons can advance a level If he has enough gold Uon of the supernatural . for tralnlng.

Cleric any any club, nail. hammer. mace. staff

l'telee Combat. This Is hand-to-hand corn· righter any any any

l'adng. In combat, a character faces a bat with weapons such as swords, spean. Maglc·User none none dagger, dart. staff

certain direction. An attack from the dlrec- and nsts. Thief leather none club, dagger, dart. sling. one handed swords

Uon he Is not facing has a greater chance of doing damage. A character will always Mlsslle Combat. This Is ranged combat WEAPON LIST face an opponent If he has only one opp<>- with weapons such as bows and arrows. nent. cros5bows and quarrels, and slings and "•me Damageva Damage vs Larger "umber

sllngstone.s. l'lan Sized Than l'lan Sized of Hands Class tUt Polnl-' (HP) . This is a measure of how Nt.e. Hand 1-6 1-4 1 (

healthy a character Is . Damage from Mon.sta. This term actually Includes Bardlche+ 2-6 3-12 2 (

weapons subtracts hit points from the human and other player races as well as Bastard Sword 2-6 2·16 2 (

character's total . When he has lost all of such creatures as ogres and dragon•. In BatUeaxe 1-6 1-6 1 (

his hit points, he Is unconscious and general, If It Isn't part of your party, It's a Bee de Corbin+ 1-6 1-6 2 (

dying. If his wound> are bound by another monster. Monsters are not necessarily hos- 6111-0ulsarme+ 2-6 1·10 2 (

party member, he Is simply unconscious. tile . Some may be helpful . That's what the Bo SUck 1-6 1-:5 2 (

Parlay command In the r.ncounter Menu Is Broad Sword 2-6 2·7 I f.lh Icon. Thi• I• the small picture of a mon· for. Club 1-6 1·3 1 r.cl,lh ster or a character seen In the Initial Dagger 1-4 1·3 1 r.mu.lh stages of an encounter and during corn· l'lon·Player Character (l'IJ'C). This Is a Dart 1·3 1·2 1 f.mu,th bat. Character Icons can be altered using member of a player character race who Is rauchard+ Hl 1·8 2 (

the Alter command In the Camp Menu. not controlled by the player. Some NPC.5 Fauchard·Fork+ l ·U 1·10 2 (

can be brought Into a party. Flail 2·7 2-6 1 r.cl Initiative. This Is a semi-random determl· fork. Military+ 1-6 2-6 2 (

nation of which character In a combat acts Party. The group of adventurel"3 you form Olalve+ 1-6 1·10 2 f nm. The charactel"3 with higher dexterities to perform the missions you are given. A Olalve, Oulsarme+ 2-6 2·12 2 f have a better chance for a higher lnllJatlve. party can be reformed for each adventure, Oulsarme+ 2-6 1-6 2 f

and even altered during the course of an Oulsarme-Voulge+ 2-6 2-8 2 f Levd. This de.scribes the power of a num- adventure. Halberd+ 1-10 2·12 2 f ber of different items. The power of char· Lucern·Hammer+ 2-6 1·6 2 f acters. dungeons. monsters, and spells Player Character (PC) . This Is a member Hammer 2·5 1·4 (,cl

are all de.scribed with levels. of a player character race who is con- Javelin 1-6 1-6 f trolled by the player. The characters In Jo SUck 1-6 1-4 f

Characta Levd. Thi• Is a determination your adventuring party are PC.5. Long Sword 1-6 1·12 1 f,th of how much e><j>erlence a character has. Mace 2·7 1-6 1 f,cl The higher the level, the more expert- Spell. This Is a magic Incantation that can Morning Star 2-6 2·7 1 f enced and Important the character Is. alter the nature of reality. Both magic- Partisan+ 1-6 2-7 2 f High-level spellcasters can cast high level users and clerics can cast spell• after Pick. Military 2·5 1·4 I f

spells . memorizing them. If the spell Is cast. it ls Pick. Awl+ 1-6 2·12 I f gone from the user's mind and must be re- Quarterstaff Hl 1-6 2 f,cl,mu

Dungeon Levd. This Is a measure of how memorized. Kanseur+ 2-6 2·8 2 f

far down In the earth a dungeon Is. ror Scimitar 1-a 1·8 1 f.lh

the most part, the further down one Is, the Spell Book. The book a magic-user car- Short Sword 1-6 1-6 1 f,th

more ferodou• the monslel"3. Thu•. a rte. his spells In. If he doesn't have a Spear 1-6 1·8 1 f

high-level dungeon refers either to how magic book. he has no spells to memo- Spetum+ 2·7 2·12 2 f

deep It goes or the relative toughness of rlu. Trident 2·7 3-12 1 f

the monsters. lWo Handed Sword 1·10 3·18 2 f Voulge+ 2-a 2·8 2 f

l'ton.sta Level. Tiiis Is a measure of how Composite Long BoW" 1-6 1-6 2 f

powerful monstel"3 are. The higher the Composite Short lloW" 1-6 1·6 2 f

level, the more powerful the monster. Long BoW" 1-6 1-6 2 f Heavy Crossbow-" 2-5 2·7 2 f

Spell Levd. Spells come In degrees of Ught Crossbow-" 1-4 1-4 2 f

difficulty. The higher the level of the spell. Short B<>W" 1-6 1·6 2 f

the higher the difficulty. Only very expert· Sling 1-4 1·4 I f.lh

37 • Polearm • Must have ready arrows to nre " Must have ready quarrels to Hre l'=flghter. cl=clerlc. lh=thlef, mu=maglc·user

RLJINS OF ADVENTURE This new role-playing game module from TSR is based on SSI's first official AD&D4t oomputer software release, Pool of Radianoe.

Once c:gain. the FORGO'ITEN REALMS'" Campaign Setting provides the backdrop for the thrilling adventure in the city of Phlan. Fifty years ago, the people of Phlan were driven out by evil hordes. A txmd of heroes (or are they ?!?) has arrived to help restore order.

Pool of Radiance oomputer role-playing game players will find additional clues and back­groond inform::rtlon in TSR's Ruins of Adventure module. to enhance their adventures in the OOr.1puter version of this module.

Ruins of Adventure is now available at your local toy. book or hobby store.

~N TSR,lnc.

ADWJ«::ED DUNGEONS & DRAOONS, AOlD, FORGOTTEN REALMS, Ind lhl TSA ~.,. lfld9mlilkl owned by TSR. Inc .,. TSR, Inc All Rlgra ,_.,_

ADVA'.'>CED DL' '.'>GEO'.'>S & DRAGQ;-;S. AD&D and FORGOTIE'.'> REAL~1S are trademarks O\\ned b' TSR. Inc .. Lake Gene\'a. \\I . uSA a nd used under liccn>e from Strategic Simulations: Inc .. Mountain Vie". CA. CSA Cop~ right 1988 TSR . Inc. Copyright 1988 Strategic Simulauons. Inc. All rights reser\'ed .

These rules. an> accompanying printed material. and the computer programs. on Ooppydisks or casselles. described herein, are copyrighted and include proprietary information belonging 10 Strategic Simulations. Inc. and TSR. Inc . No one is permiued 10 give or sell copies of this handbook. any accompanying printed material. and the computer programs. on Ooppydisk> or casset1es, or listings of the programs on Ooppy disks orcasse11es 10 any person or instil ution except as provided for by writ1en agreement with Strategic S1mula1ions, Inc. and TSR. lnc. '.'>o one may copy . phoiocop~ . reproduce. translate. or reduce to machine readable form this handbook or any other accompanying printed material. in whole or in part . without the prior writ1en consent of Strategic Simulations. Inc. and TSR. Inc.

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