Pontyberem News (April 2009)



The april edition of the Labour Party news for Pontyberem.

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Nia Griffith MP Freepost RSAK AXYC KLRB 6, Queen Victoria Road, Llanelli, SA15 2TL

PONTYBEREM NEWS www.llanellilabour.org.uk www.niagriffith.org.uk

Working together we will create a better community. Fill in slip

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to have your views heard.

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Nia is always pleased to hear from you and can be contacted on 01554 756374 or griffithn@parliament.uk or you can write using the Freepost address.

Message from Nia Griffith MP Pontyberem Paddling Pool Special Edition

Paddling Pool Victory

The good news is that as a result of our campaigning, the county council will fund the paddling pool this year. The not-so-good news is that after that, they want us to find the funds from elsewhere. I described how upset and angry local people were at the news of the paddling pool closing. The council’s deputy leader, Labour’s Kevin Madge told the council’s executive board of my concerns and they agreed to fund the paddling pool for this

year. But after that, they want local communities to look at other ways of funding them. There are other sources of funding out there and I am determined to see that we secure funding for our paddling pool. It is a well-used pool and local children really enjoy playing there. We must make sure that the children of the future can carry on playing there too.

There will be a public meeting at

6pm on Fri 15th May in Pontyberem Memorial Hall to set up a pool committee and

discuss the future funding of the pool.

All Welcome

Printed and promoted by John Burston, 24 Maesyfelin, Pontyberem, SA15 5ER

NEWYDDION PONTYBEREM www.llanellilabour.org.uk www.niagriffith.org.uk

Mae Nia bob amser yn falch i glywed oddi wrthych a gallwch gysy l l tu â h i ar 01554 756374 neu ar griffithn@parliament.uk neu gallwch ysgrifennu g a n d d e f n y d d i o ' r cyfeiriad Rhadbost.

Wrth weithio gyda'n gilydd medrwn greu cymuned well. Llenwch y ffurflen a'i dychwelyd i Nia Griffith AS er mwyn lleisio eich barn - does dim rhaid i chi roi stamp ar yr amlen. Enw: ................................................ Cyfeiriad:.......................................... Ffôn: ................................................ E-bost: ............................................................................................... Sylwadau .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................

Nia Griffith MP Freepost RSAK AXYC KLRB 6, Queen Victoria Road, Llanelli, SA15 2TL

Neges oddi wrth Nia Griffith AS Pwll Padlo Pontyberem - y Diweddaraf

Buddugoliaeth y Pwll Padlo

Y newyddion da yw bod y Cyngor Sir, o ganlyniad i’n hymgyrch, yn ariannu’r pwll eleni. Y newyddion llai da yw bod y Cyngor Sir yn gofyn i ni ddod o hyd i arian o ffynonellau gwahanol o’r flwyddyn nesaf. Dywedais pa mor ofidus a chrac ’roedd pobl lleol pan glywsant fod y pwll yn mynd i gau. Dywe-

dodd dirprwy arweinydd y Cyngor, Kevin Madge, Llafur wrth fwrdd gweithredol y sir am fy mhryderon, ac y maent wedi cytuno i ariannu’r pwll am eleni. Ond ar ôl y flwyddyn bresennol maent yn gofyn i gymunedau lleol ddod o hyd i ffyrdd eraill o’u cyllido. Mae ffynonellau gwahanol ar gael ac ’rwy’n benderfynol o sicrhau arian i’n pwll padlo ni. Mae’r plant lleol yn gwneud defnydd da o’r pwll ac yn mwynhau chwarae yno. Mae’n rhaid i ni sicrhau bod plant y dyfodol, hefyd, yn dal i chwarae yno.

Cynhelir cyfarfod cyhoeddus am

6 o'r gloch, Dydd Gwener, 15fed Mai yn Neuadd

Goffa Pontyberem i sefydlu pwyllgor pwll ac i drafod talu am y pwll yn y


Printed and promoted by John Burston, 24 Maesyfelin, Pontyberem, SA15 5ER
