PolyWorksI Inspector Probing


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Bundled with plug-insfor all major probing brands

and technologiesAll plug-ins included at no additional cost

PolyWorks I Inspector Probing™ The rising star in the worldof portable probing metrologysoftware, from the market leaderin industrial point cloud metrology

Most powerful managementof multiple device positions• Automatic matching of probed targets to align a repositioned device (no need to follow a speci�c order during measurement)

• Complete target analysis toolbox, including target measurement statistics, measured target deletion, and target reprobing

• Temperature compensation by specifying material and temperature, or by best-�tting targets

• Best-in-class real-time bundle adjustment for large volume metrology

Most advanced toolset to de�nenominal geometry and controls• Support for all commonly used CAD formats

• Import of features, controls, tolerances, and GD&T for CATIA v5, UG, Pro/E, and JT

• De�nition of nominal features with one click on a CAD model

• Automatic matching of measured features to nominal features from a new CAD model revision

Total metrology solution forindustrial manufacturing• Self-learning, parametric, traceable, and updatable inspection projects

• Feature, surface point, boundary point, cross-section, pro�le, �ush & gap, and airfoil gauge probing

• Embedded SmartGD&T™ technology

• Build/Inspect mode for measurement-driven assembly

• Integrated statistical process control (SPC)

• Fully customizable reports

• Integrated DirectReplay™ re-measurement technology to automatically measure a new piece without teaching or scripting

PolyWorks IInspector Probing™

Key features • Self-learning, parametric, traceable, and updatable solution that automa- tically records the operator's intent and adapts to new measurement contexts

• Universal platform that supports arm-based and hand-held probing devices, photogrammetry-based devices, laser trackers, and manual CMMs

• Total compatibility with the PolyWorks/Inspector point cloud metrology platform

• Best-in-class management of multiple device positions with automatic probed target matching, target analysis toolbox, bundle adjustment, and temperature compensation

• Powerful set of data-to-CAD alignment techniques that include techniques based on probed features, probed reference points, probed surface points, surface and cross-sectional best-fit, and more

• Multiple coordinate systems and a complete alignment history

• Widest range of comparison and measurement tools on the market for a complete analysis of surface, boundary, and cross-sectional deviations, feature dimensions and GD&T controls, in addition to flush and gap, profile radius, airfoil dimensions, clearance, thickness, and more

• Build/Inspect mode for measurement-driven assembly that offers 3D or X, Y, Z tolerancing on individual objects, visual and audio guidance, auto-detect and specific object-building modes, and more

• Integrated Statistical Process Control (SPC) methodology

• Embedded SmartGD&T™ technology from Multi Metrics

• Extended report capabilities including customizable report layouts, automatic report generation, and export to Adobe PDF

• Integrated DirectReplay™ remeasurement technology to automatically measure a new piece without teaching or scripting

• User-friendly macro-programming language for advanced process customization

• Xtreme graphical user interface that offers fully customizable menus and toolbars, ideal for corporate-wide deployment

• Free PolyWorks/IMView™ viewer that maximizes corporate-wide information sharing among users, managers, and suppliers

Included with each license• One year of technical support from highly skilled Application Specialists with optional annual renewals

• Access to InnovMetric’s on-line technical support zone

• Access to a comprehensive network of partners that provide PolyWorks service work, like macro development and interface customization

CAD formatssupportedIGESSTEPCATIA V4 and V5UGPro/EJTParasolidSATInventorSolidWorksVDA-FS

SupportedlanguagesEnglishJapaneseGermanFrenchChinese(simplified & traditional)SpanishPortugueseItalianRussianCzech

System requirementsWindows 64-bit or 32-bit Edition (7/Vista/XP)Dual-core processor or two processors2 GB of RAM or more2 GB of free disk space and 2 GB of swap spaceOpenGL graphics board (NVIDIA is recommended)3-button mouse or 2-button with wheel

(1) 418-688-2061info@innovmetric.com www.innovmetric.com

© 2013 InnovMetric Software Inc. All rights reserved. PolyWorks® is a registered trademark of InnovMetric Software Inc. InnovMetric, PolyWorks|Modeler, PolyWorks|Inspector,PolyWorks|Inspector Probing, PolyWorks|Talisman, IMAlign, IMMerge, IMEdit, IMCompress, IMInspect, IMSurvey, IMTexture, IMView, and “The Universal 3D Metrology Software Platform” are trademarks of InnovMetric Software Inc. SmartGD&T is a trademark of Multi Metrics Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

PolyWorks I Inspector™

The standard 3D metrology toolbox for productengineering, assembly guidance, and �nal inspection

OverviewPolyWorks/Inspector is a powerful software solution that uses non-contact point clouddigitizers and contact-based probing devices to control tool and part dimensions, diagnose or prevent manufacturing or assembly issues, guide assembly buildingthrough real-time measurement, and control the quality of �nal assembledproducts. The world's major automotive, aeronautic, and consumer goodOEMs and tier-one suppliers have integrated PolyWorks/Inspectorin their standard toolset to accelerate new product development.

Key features• Self-learning, parametric, traceable, and updatable solution that auto- matically records the operator's intent and adapts to new measurement contexts

• Universal platform that supports high-density point cloud digitizers, arm-based and hand-held probing devices, photogrammetry-based devices, laser trackers, and manual CMMs for hybrid metrology applications

• Powerful set of data-to-CAD alignment techniques that include constrained surface and cross-sectional best-�t, best-�t within tolerance, as well as techniques based on features, reference points, �ush and gap gauges, and more

• Widest range of comparison and measurement tools on the market for a complete analysis of surface, boundary, and cross-sectional deviations, feature dimensions and GD&T controls, in addition to �ush and gap, pro�le radius, airfoil dimensions, clearance, thickness, and more

• Integrated Statistical Process Control (SPC) methodology

• Embedded SmartGD&T™ technology from Multi Metrics

• Extended report capabilities including customizable report layouts, automatic report generation, and export to Adobe PDF

• Integrated DirectReplay™ remeasurement technology to automatically measure a new piece without teaching or scripting

• User-friendly macro-programming language for advanced process customization

• Xtreme graphical user interface that o�ers fully customizable menus and toolbars, ideal for corporate-wide deployment

• Free PolyWorks/IMView™ viewer that maximizes corporate-wide information sharing among users, managers, and suppliers

Included with each license• Free PolyWorks training at InnovMetric’s headquarters

• One year of technical support from highly skilled Application Specialists with optional annual renewals

• Access to InnovMetric’s on-line technical support zone

• Access to a comprehensive network of partners that provide PolyWorks service work, like macro development and interface customization

SupportedlanguagesEnglishJapaneseGermanFrenchChinese (simpli�ed& traditional)SpanishPortugueseItalianRussianCzech

CAD formatssupportedIGESSTEPCATIA V4 and V5UGPro/EJTParasolidSATInventorSolidWorksVDA-FS


AutomotiveAeronauticConsumer goodsEnergyMetalworking


Assembled partinspection


Metal casting

Plastic moldinginspection

Prototype partinspection

Sheet metalinspection


System requirementsWindows 64-bit or 32-bit Edition (7/Vista/XP)Dual-core processor or two processors2 GB of RAM or more2 GB of free disk space and 2 GB of swap spaceOpenGL graphics board (NVIDIA is recommended)3-button mouse or 2-button with wheel

PolyWorks I Modeler™

Enabling true interoperability between digitizedpolygonal models and CAD/CAM applications

OverviewPolyWorks/Modeler is a comprehensive modeling solution that enables a total interoperability between point cloud digitizing equipment and polygonal modeling (STL), surface modeling (NURBS),and solid modeling work�ows. Whether models are made out of polygons orNURBS surfaces, or were created from point cloud data or your CAD/CAMapplication, PolyWorks/Modeler o�ers you the optimal process that ensuresthe fastest lead time.

Key features• Universal platform that supports all high-density point cloud digitizers by importing native and neutral �le formats and digitizing using plug-ins

• Complete alignment toolbox, including best-�t alignment of individual point clouds or multiple scanning sessions and statistical analysis

• World’s best adaptive-meshing technology with distributed processing capability over a computer network

• Total polygon-editing toolbox that enables correcting imperfectly digitized geometry using �at and curvature-based hole �lling, boundary reconstruction, sharp edge and corner reconstruction, and more

• Rapid NURBS surfacing capabilities including automatic and interactive curve network creation, support of N-sided patches and T-junctions, automatic NURBS surface �tting with G2/G1/G0 continuity, and more

• Parametric 2D sketching capabilities that support arc, line, circle, and spline entities, and relational constraints between entities

• Advanced interoperability with CAD/CAM applications including import of IGES/STEP �les, watertight tessellation of NURBS surfaces, morphing of tessellated CAD models toward measured models, volumetric or surface-based merging of digitized and tessellated CAD models, local reconstruction of CAD faces using �tted NURBS surfaces, and more

• Finite element meshing through the quadrangulation of triangulated models

• Xtreme graphical user interface that o�ers fully customizable menus and toolbars, ideal for corporate-wide deployment

• Free PolyWorks/IMView™ viewer that maximizes corporate-wide information sharing among users, managers, and suppliers

Included with each license• Free PolyWorks training at InnovMetric’s headquarters

• One year of technical support from highly skilled Application Specialists with optional annual renewals

• Access to InnovMetric’s on-line technical support zone

• Access to a comprehensive network of partners that provide PolyWorks service work, like macro development and interface customization

SupportedlanguagesEnglishJapaneseGermanFrenchChinese (simpli�ed& traditional)SpanishPortugueseItalianRussianCzech

Primary industriesservedAutomotiveAeronauticConsumer goodsEnergyMetalworking

Primary applicationsAdvanced visualization Copy millingDesign and reverseengineeringRapid prototypingSimulation Tooling manufacturing

System requirementsWindows 64-bit or 32-bit Edition (7/Vista/XP)Dual-core processor or two processors2 GB of RAM or more2 GB of free disk space and 2 GB of swap spaceOpenGL graphics board (NVIDIA is recommended)3-button mouse or 2-button with wheel

(1) 418-688-2061info@innovmetric.com www.innovmetric.com

© 2013 InnovMetric Software Inc. All rights reserved. PolyWorks® is a registered trademark of InnovMetric Software Inc. InnovMetric, PolyWorks|Modeler, PolyWorks|Inspector,PolyWorks|Inspector Probing, PolyWorks|Talisman, IMAlign, IMMerge, IMEdit, IMCompress, IMInspect, IMSurvey, IMTexture, IMView, and “The Universal 3D Metrology Software Platform” are trademarks of InnovMetric Software Inc. SmartGD&T is a trademark of Multi Metrics Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Self-learning, parametric, traceable, andupdatable inspection solution forall 3D metrology instruments with

PolyWorks IInspector™ V12The new project updatability dramaticallysimpli�es multi-piece inspection tasks.

Self-learning, parametric, traceable,and updatable inspection projects• Automatic recording of all measurement parameters, and geometrical and logical object relationships describing the operator's intent

• Possibility of modifying recorded parameters and object relationships

• Fully automatic update engine that updates alignments, measurements, and reports in line with the latest parameter values and object relationships

• Available for all point cloud digitizers and single-point probing devices

Integrated DirectReplay™

remeasurement technology• Remeasure a new piece directly, without any setup

• No operation history tree, nor any inspection program

• Inspection projects can be modi�ed, then directly remeasured

• Flexible remeasurement process, allowing the customization of a project for a speci�c piece

• Available for all point cloud digitizers and single-point probing devices

PolyWorks/Inspector V12 in a nutshell• More e�cient menu structure and �le browsing experience

• Enhanced management of CAD data, including the detection of sharp edge curves and �llet tangent curves, that facilitates the de�nition of nominal geometry

• New Hemmed Edge comparison points for sheet metal analysis

• New specialized part-to-CAD comparison algorithm for parts made of composite material (honeycomb)

• Major enhancements to automatic feature curve �tting on point cloud datasets

• New PolyWorks/Talisman™ intelligent remote control that brings PolyWorks/Inspector in the palm of your hand while measuring on the shop �oor


Enhanced featurecurve �tting

Honeycombdeviation to CAD

EnhancedCAD curve


Parametric 2D sketching• Three-step sketch creation workflow: Define a sketch plane, compute a sketch outline from a digitized model, create a sketch guided by a sketch outline

• Sketch outline creation by slicing with one cross-section or averaging multiple cross-sections

• Sketch outline creation by computing a silhouette edge

• Compensation for draft angle

• Standard CAD-like operations to anchor entities (such as lines, arcs, circles, rectangles, and splines), view and modify entity parameters, drag entities, create horizontal/vertical line constraints, create relational constraints, create construction entities, and more

• Specialized reverse-engineering techniques including interactive entity and constraint fitting, corner reconstruction, real-time visualization of entity-to-outline deviations, and more

Major enhancements to curves• Intelligent curve magnetization engine that allows editing a curve in a network of patches without losing patch topology information

• New curve mathematical engine that produces smoother curves

• Intuitive curve reshaping tool based on dragging and interactive fairing

• Enhanced usability through simplified dialog boxes, less user-defined parameters, and improved terminology and workflows

Primary sketch

Final model

Outline extraction Secondary sketch

Outline extraction

CAD model after Extrude

CAD model after Cut-Extrude

Holes, bores, and �llets Mirroring

Parametric 2D sketching in PolyWorks I Modeler™ V12PolyWorks/Modeler optimizes the extraction of geometric entities on digitized models, acceleratingthe development of parametric and associative CAD models in your professional CAD/CAM solution.

(1) 418-688-2061info@innovmetric.com www.innovmetric.com

© 2013 InnovMetric Software Inc. All rights reserved. PolyWorks® is a registered trademark of InnovMetric Software Inc. InnovMetric, PolyWorks|Modeler, PolyWorks|Inspector,PolyWorks|Inspector Probing, PolyWorks|Talisman, IMAlign, IMMerge, IMEdit, IMCompress, IMInspect, IMSurvey, IMTexture, IMView, and “The Universal 3D Metrology Software Platform” are trademarks of InnovMetric Software Inc. SmartGD&T is a trademark of Multi Metrics Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
