Polymer Optical Fiber Modification by Etching using Hansen ... · the form of trichloroethylene and...


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Polymer Optical Fiber Modification by Etching using Hansen Solubility Parameters - ACase Study of TOPAS, Zeonex and PMMA

Inglev, Rune; Bang, Ole; Woyessa, Getinet; Janting, Jakob

Published in:Journal of Lightwave Technology

Link to article, DOI:10.1109/JLT.2019.2919798

Publication date:2019

Document VersionPeer reviewed version

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Citation (APA):Inglev, R., Bang, O., Woyessa, G., & Janting, J. (2019). Polymer Optical Fiber Modification by Etching usingHansen Solubility Parameters - A Case Study of TOPAS, Zeonex and PMMA. Journal of Lightwave Technology,37(18), 4776 - 4783. https://doi.org/10.1109/JLT.2019.2919798

0733-8724 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JLT.2019.2919798, Journal ofLightwave Technology


Polymer Optical Fiber Modification by Etchingusing Hansen Solubility Parameters - A Case Study

of TOPAS, Zeonex and PMMARune Inglev, Getinet Woyessa, Ole Bang and Jakob Janting

Abstract—Solvents can be used in the fabrication process ofPolymer Optical Fiber (POF) sensors, as tapering or etchingagents. We present a general approach - the use of HansenSolubility Parameters (HSPs) - for identifying usable solventsfor etching and present the first results on etching of TOPASand Zeonex POFs. We also present alternatives to acetone inthe form of trichloroethylene and THF, as etching solvents forPMMA, as well as results on the etching rate dependence onfiber orientation and annealing.

Index Terms—Polymer Optical Fibers, POF, Etching, TOPAS,Zeonex, PMMA, Hansen Solubility Parameters, HSP


POLYMER Optical Fibers (POFs) are alternatives to silica-fibers within the realm of fiber optical sensors. They

are interesting because they are amenable to modification bysimple solvents or chemicals at different stages. They can,for example, be doped with fluorescent molecules at the fiberpost-processing stage [1]–[3], or be surface-functionalized bysimple chemistry [4]. POFs can also be etched or taperedlocally in order to increase the performance of Fiber BraggGrating (FBG) sensors [5]–[9], or solvents can be used as analternative to annealing for stress relaxation of the polymer[10] – a crucial step in fabrication of stable sensors. Thisis contrary to silica-fibers, where etching is done using HF(Hydrofluoric Acid), a dangerous acid requiring cumbersomeprotective wear, and doping must be performed at the preformfabrication stage. There is also no good alternative to HFfor silica-etching, but for thermoplastic polymers, due to thenature of the etching, there can be many possible solvents, ormixtures of solvents, which will do the job.

When speaking about polymers, “etching” really meanscontrolled dissolution of the material, rather than the chemicalreactions of the silica-HF system [11]. The process shouldpreferably leave the etched region of the fiber with a smoothsurface similar to the unetched region. Thus, when workingwith POFs, the need to understand which solvents are able todissolve a given polymer is important, as not all solvents ofa polymer will behave as “good” etchants. Hansen SolubilityParameters can help in this regard, as will be shown in thispaper.

R. Inglev, O. Bang, G. Woyessa and J. Janting are with the Tech-nical University of Denmark, Department of Photonics, 2800 KongensLyngby, Denmark (emails: ruing@fotonik.dtu.dk, oban@fotonik.dtu.dk, ja-jant@fotonik.dtu.dk, gewoy@fotonik.dtu.dk)

O. Bang is also with SHUTE Sensing Solutions A/S, Oldenvej 1A, 3490Kvistgaard, Denmark

Solvent etching is also different from another technique,thermomechanical tapering, in several aspects. One obviousfact is that, for microstructured fibers, thermomechanical taper-ing will reduce the core-size, and thereby change the guidingproperties of the fiber, whereas etching will merely remove thebulk material outside the rings, leaving the core untouched.Thermomechanical tapering will also change the properties ofan FBG in the tapered region. Furthermore, it has been shownthat solvent etching is superior in the fabrication of CompoundParabolic Concentrators (CPCs) [11]. However, etching thefiber is dependent on the history of the polymer material, andso, even though two fibers are of the same material, internalstresses and thermal history can account for differences inhow they respond to etching, even with the same solvent.In contrast, thermomechanical tapering is more likely to bedependent on equipment setup and control, rather than internalfiber properties [12].

Currently, PMMA (poly(methyl methacrylate)) is a com-monly used polymer for POFs, both as cladding and corematerial, and for both step-index and microstructured fibers.Acetone, either as a pure solvent or in a mixture, is a well-known solvent for PMMA and can be used to remove thecladding of a PMMA-clad silica-fiber, or reduce the diameterlocally of a POF [5], [7]–[9], [13]. As interest in otherpolymers gain traction, knowledge of similar solvents for thesewill be needed.

TOPAS and Zeonex are two such polymers, which areinteresting for several reasons. Both Polymers have a slightlyhigher index of refraction than PMMA (TOPAS 5013S-04:1.53, Zeonex 480R: 1.525, PMMA: 1.49 – all depending ongrade), with optical losses comparable to PMMA. However,both Zeonex and TOPAS have a lower transmission edgein the UV part of the spectrum than PMMA, and couldtherefore be useful in cases requiring transmission of blueor violet light [14], [15]. Both the mentioned TOPAS andZeonex grades can also withstand higher temperatures thantypical commercial PMMA, due to higher glass transitiontemperatures [16] (TOPAS: 134 ◦C, Zeonex: 139 ◦C, PMMA:typically 105 ◦C, but unknown exactly for the type used in thispaper) and FBG sensors made in TOPAS and Zeonex fibersare less sensitive to the humidity of the air [17]–[19].

What we want, is to be able to “etch” the polymer fiberusing a given solvent, and as explained before, by “etching”we really mean “controlled dissolution”, where the polymeris stripped away layer-by-layer. This could be as a first stepin modification of the fiber, after which a layer of sensing

0733-8724 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JLT.2019.2919798, Journal ofLightwave Technology


material is applied to the etched fiber, or in order to increasethe sensitivity of an FBG. See for example Janting et al. [9],in which a pH sensitive gel is applied to an etched sectionof the fiber, where an FBG has been inscribed, in order toincrease the sensitivity of the sensor. Similarly, it is possibleto fabricate Compound Parabolic Concentrators (CPCs) at theend of the fiber, to increase the collection of light. This hasfor example been done by Hassan et al. [11], [20], in whichthe CPCs are used to increase the collection of fluorescencefrom a biochemical sensing assay at the distal end of the fiber.Such a process requires that the solvent used produces an evenand uniform material surface. Another common reason couldbe that one wishes to connect a POF with for example an FCor APC connector [21]. The drawn fiber may have a diametersomewhat larger than the connector hole, and using a suitablesolvent, the diameter can be reduced until the fiber can beinserted.

Not all solvents for a given polymer will be able to create aneven surface on the etched fiber, and what is of interest then,is to find “good” etching solvents. In this paper, we presentsolvents suitable for etching of TOPAS and Zeonex POFs,as well as revisit the etching of PMMA, by using HansenSolubility Theory as a framework. Preliminaries of this workwas first presented at the OFS-26 conference [22].


A. Hansen Solubility Theory

The Hansen Solubility theory was developed by CharlesHansen in his Doctoral thesis from 1967 [23], [24]. In thisframework, polymers and solvents are represented in a 3D-space by three coordinates called the Hansen Solubility Pa-rameters (HSPs). Each of the parameters are related to thestrength of one of the long-distance cohesive forces - polarbonding energy density represented by δP , dispersive bondingenergy density represented by δD and hydrogen bondingenergy density represented by δH . Distances in HSP spaceare calculated using the formula

Ra =√

4∆D2 + ∆P 2 + ∆H2 (1)

Where ∆D, ∆P and ∆H are the differences in the δD, δPand δH parameters of the polymer and solvent.

For polymers (and pigments) an additional parametertermed the interaction/solubility distance, Ro, is also defined.Solvents within this distance are able to dissolve the poly-mer. Thus, for solvents with a distance Ra < R0 to thepolymer, dissolution of the polymer will occur. This meansthat polymers can be represented by ellipsoids in HSP Space,while solvents are represented by points. From a practicalperspective, the interaction distance of a polymer, is a measureof how difficult it is to dissolve the polymer. A small distance,means that to dissolve the polymer the solvents used musthave a very similar distribution of cohesive forces. Anotherway to term this is to say that “like dissolves like” – a wellknown aphorism. Another concept to mention is the REDvalue (Relative Energy Difference) given by RED = Ra/Ro.For RED < 1 the solvent is within the ellipsoid, while anRED > 1 means the solvent is outside.

Over the years, the community using HSPs has compiled alarge database for various solvents making Hansen Solubilitytheory an easy-to-use method in determining thermoplasticpolymer solubility. It is also possible to mix the individualsolvents HSPs - the mixture HSPs will then be an average ofthe solvents (by volume). The mixing of two or more non-toxic solvents is often used in finding alternatives to a toxicone.

The theory is mainly aimed at thermoplastic polymers, sincethermosets will not dissolve in a solution, due to cross-linksbetween the polymer chains.

B. Determination of HSPs and Ro for Polymers

Determining the solubility parameters for a given polymeris done via a series of simple experiments. A piece of thepolymer is dropped into a given solvent, and time is allowed todo its work. Solvents which dissolve the polymer are markedas “good” and solvents which did not work are marked as“bad”. The time it takes for dissolution to occur, depends ona number of factors, such as stirring, size of the sample, thediffusivity of the solvents and RED. Increasing the temperaturecan also decrease the time it takes for full dissolution, but thesolvent HSPs are dependent on temperature, and so must beadjusted. [24].

After collecting the test results, a fitting algorithm is usedto determine a set of HSPs and R0 for the polymer. This canthen be used when looking for alternatives to a solvent in theform of another compatible solvent or even blends of solvents– simply look up the HSPs of the solvent, or calculate it forthe solvent mixture, and check if it is inside or outside theellipsoid of interaction.


A. Canes and Fibers

Canes and fibers have been manufactured from raw materi-als at our department. The fibers are microstructured polymeroptical fibers (POFs) made by the two-step drawing process –first drawing the preform to canes, and then drawing the canesto fibers.

The TOPAS canes and fibers used in this paper have beenmanufactured locally at our department. The raw TOPASpellets were acquired from the company TOPAS - AdvancedPolymers [14], and the grade is 5013S-04 with a glass-transition temperature of 134 ◦C.

Zeonex canes and POFs were also manufactured at ourdepartment. Pellets were acquired from ZEON Corporation[15], and the grade is 480R with a Tg of 139 ◦C.

PMMA was purchased as cylinders, in which the mi-crostructure of the POFs was drilled at our department. Thecylinders were then drawn to canes. The polymer is GEHRPMMAr.

Before use in this study the Zeonex and PMMA fibers wereannealed for at least 6 hours at 75 ◦C. Annealing has beenfound in some cases to alleviate problems with crazing andcracking. The TOPAS fibers were etched both annealed andun-annealed. The annealing of TOPAS fibers were done byplacing them in 110 ◦C for 3 days.

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JLT.2019.2919798, Journal ofLightwave Technology


For each of the polymers, the canes were used in thedetermination of solubility parameters, and the fibers for theetching experiments.

B. Chemicals

Chemicals were of standard laboratory grade (95 %) orbetter and acquired through Sigma-Aldrich. The solubilityparameters for the chemicals are from the software HSPiPversion 5.0.09 [25]. Some of the chemicals used are toxic,and therefore caution should be used in evaluation of solubilityparameters. As mentioned earlier, the theory allows one to findmixtures of solvents having the same HSP as another solvent.In this way, it would be possible to swap a toxic chemicalfor a mixture of two or more non-toxic chemicals. However,in our experiments, only single solvents are used, since theetching properties may be different for a mixture than for asingle solvent, even if the mixture is designed to have the samesolubility parameters as the single solvent. This will be furtherdiscussed in section VII.

When selecting chemicals for “etching”, it is not enough tosimply look for solvents with an RED < 1. We will look forsolvents somewhat close to the edge of the ellipsoid, but stillinside, while keeping an eye on the molar volume (MVol) ofthe solvent. The MVol of the solvent will have some impact,especially in the kinetics of the process. We discuss this morein section VII.

It is worth noting something in regards to the purity of thesolvents used. As mentioned, mixtures of solvents will produceHSPs for the mixture, which are an average (by volume) ofthe HSPs for the individual solvents. In a 95 % pure solvent,the HSPs will be different than for a pure solvent. The actualHSPs will depend on what the remaining 5 % consists of.

If we assume the 5 % is water, the parameters for somesolvents will be almost 1 unit different from the original value.The different HSPs of the impure solvent, will subsequentlyhave an impact on the RED. A Monte-Carlo analysis has beenperformed, allowing the mixture to vary between 0 and 5 %water content, and then calculating the corresponding REDvalues for the solvents. The analysis showed that some ofthe solvents, could have a difference in RED of about 0.15units. This can obviously have an impact on the solubility ifthe solvent is close to the boundary. Thus, for the etchingexperiments, solvents of higher purity (99 %) or better wereused, keeping the difference in RED to less than 0.04 for theworst cases. This still may have an impact in the cases wherewe are very close to the sphere, and must be kept in mind.

C. Procedure for Determining HSP

Annealed canes (ca. 5 mm diameter), were cut in piecesof approximately 0.2 g. Each of the pieces are then droppedinto an Erlenmeyer flask filled with one of the solvents to betested. A magnet for continuous stirring throughout the testis also added and the flask sealed. The tests are performedat standard laboratory conditions, with ambient temperaturesranging from 20 to 25 ◦C. Each of the tests are then observedfor up to 1 week, after which it will be known which solventsdissolve the polymer and which do not. This time is based

upon experience. However, one could imagine some specialsolvents taking up to 2 weeks for dissolution.

Evaluation of the solvent is done on the basis of whetherthe final product is a homogeneous solution, as determinedby visual inspection. The time it takes for the dissolution isnot a parameter used in evaluation, since the kinetics of thedissolution process are governed by other factors, not relatedto the HSPs. See Hansen for a more in-depth discussion ofthis [24].

The results from the tests are then used together with theHSPiP software. The program will determine the best fit forthe ellipsoid. There is some uncertainty associated with thefit – running the program again will tend to produce slightlydifferent HSP and R0 values. Adding more experimental datawill likely also shift the HSP values slightly and changethe interaction radius. The uncertainty is greatest near theboundary of the interaction ellipsoid – some solvents maybe inside the ellipsoid, even though they do not dissolve thepolymer, and vice versa. Having more tests will give betterresults in terms of fixing the ellipsoid to a center, but thebehavior near the boundary, will still be uncertain, as othereffects that start to have an impact (e.g. entropy and enthalpy[24]–[26]).

The fitting algorithm was run 20 times, an average was thencalculated, as well as the standard deviation.

D. Procedure for Etching Rate Determination

The etchings are performed by filling beakers with theetching solvent and 5 fiber pieces are then immersed into thesolvent, being kept in a vertical orientation, and fixed on alaboratory stand. No stirring of the solvent is used duringthe etching and no sealing used. At particular times a fiberpiece is removed. A suitable solvent is used to rinse and cleanthe fiber (which must be miscible with the etching solvent),typically water or 2-propanol. The diameter is measured usinga micrometer (Mitutoyo IP-65) with a resolution of 1 µm. Foreach of the five fibers, the etching rate (in terms of radiusreduction) is calculated, and an average is taken. The tests areperformed at standard laboratory conditions, with temperaturesranging from 20 to 25 ◦C.


A. Solubility Parameters for Polymers

For each of the polymers studied, solubility experimentswere performed. The HSPiP software was then used for fittingthe data to an ellipsoid (fig. 1) and calculate the HSP and R0

values. The results can be seen in Figs. 1a, 1b and 1c.Fig. 1d shows all three polymers together. The sizes and

positions in the HSP space is then easy to compare. Fromthe figures and HSPs in table I, it is easy to see that TOPASand Zeonex have their centers in the less polar volume of thespace, and will thus tend to be more readily dissolved by non-polar compounds. Their ellipsoids obviously extend up intothe more polar part of the space, but their radii are small,and thus solvents with “polarities” of δP > 5.8 (Zeonex) andδP > 3.97 (TOPAS) will not be able to dissolve them.

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JLT.2019.2919798, Journal ofLightwave Technology


(a) Solubility ellipsoid of TOPAS. (b) Solubility ellipsoid of Zeonex.

(c) Solubility ellipsoid of PMMA. (d) Comparison figure.

Fig. 1: The sphere represents the interaction distance of the polymer, with the center of the sphere being the HSPs of the polymer. Each of the red andgreen points in figs. (a), (b) and (c) represents a solvent which has been tested – with red representing solvents that do not dissolve the polymer, while greenrepresent ones that do. Negative values of the Hansen parameters are not physical, and that part of the space can be regarded as virtual. In the figs. (a), (b), (c)and (d), the axis for the dispersive bonding has been compressed, to provide a spherical view of the ellipsoid (a convention for HSP plots). Fig. (d) providesa comparison between the three polymers. Overlaps in the ellipsoids, will be regions where it is possible to find solvents (or mixtures) that dissolve all threepolymers. The center position of the PMMA (red) compared to Zeonex (blue) and TOPAS (green) makes it clear that the two latter polymers are less polar,and will be dissolved by non-polar solvents more readily than PMMA.

0733-8724 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JLT.2019.2919798, Journal ofLightwave Technology


TABLE I: HSP Values for Polymers

Polymer δD(σ) δP (σ) δH(σ) Ra(σ)TOPAS 17.23 (0.09) 0.02 (0.01) 3.37 (0.21) 3.95 (0.05)Zeonex 18.23 (0.19) 2.76 (0.12) 2.09 (0.07) 3.66 (0.14)PMMA 18.36 (0.08) 8.89 (0.10) 8.61 (0.90) 6.7 (0.09)

Note 1: The units of the HSPs are [MP1/2]Note 2: The standard deviation, σ, is in parentheses.

TABLE II: A list of selected solvents and corresponding RED

REDChemical TOPAS Zeonex PMMA MVolAcetone 2.92 (0.04) 2.9 (0.12) 0.92 (0.05) 73.81-Bromonaphthalene 1.89 (0.05) 1.41 (0.11) 1.29 (0.07) 140.1n-Butyl Acetate 1.4 (0.04) 1.78 (0.1) 1.15 (0.05) 132.6Chloroform 1.02 (0.04) 1.03 (0.05) 0.99 (0.06) 80.5Cyclohexane 0.83 (0.05) 1.21 (0.08) 1.89 (0.09) 108.9Di-Isobutyl Ketone 1.14 (0.03) 1.36 (0.1) 1.25 (0.08) 177.4Dibromomethane 2.06 (0.04) 1.73 (0.07) 0.5 (0.07) 69.8Dimethyl Formamide 4.01 (0.06) 3.94 (0.15) 0.88 (0.06) 77.4Ethanol 4.68 (0.07) 5.19 (0.19) 1.78 (0.12) 58.6Hexane 1.46 (0.05) 2.05 (0.12) 2.12 (0.09) 131.4Tetrahydrofuran 1.87 (0.04) 1.97 (0.08) 0.69 (0.03) 81.9Toluene 0.63 (0.04) 0.41 (0.05) 1.5 (0.09) 106.6Trichloroethylene 1.0 (0.03) 0.9 (0.04) 1.01 (0.07) 90.1p-Xylene 0.39 (0.04) 0.61 (0.05) 1.45 (0.08) 121.1

Note 1: The units of MVol are [cm3/mewl]Note 2: Several of the solvents are toxic, and caution shouldbe exercised.Note 3: The numbers in parentheses are the standard deviations.

Table I lists the polymer HSP results from the fitting, andshows an increasing distance of solubility, R0, going fromTOPAS to PMMA. The smaller solubility volume of Zeonexand TOPAS compared to PMMA will result in fewer solventswithin the ellipsoid, and thus fewer candidates for etching.

B. RED Values for Solvents

From the spheroid it is then possible to calculate RED valuesfor various solvents, also ones not used in the actual solubilitytesting of the polymer. In table II, a limited list of solvents andtheir corresponding RED values are presented, as well as theirmolar volumes. Using the means and standard deviations fromTable I, the means and standard deviations for the solventshave also been calculated.


A. Etching Solvent Candidates

The relationship between the solvent parameters (RED,MVol and possibly others) and well controlled etching is atthe moment unknown. But as explained earlier, we believethat choosing a solvent close to the ellipsoid surface (butinside) and not a too small or too large molecular size arethe important parameters in a first-order approximative sense.So we are limited to a trial-and-error approach.

For PMMA, the predicted solvents were acetone, chloro-form, dibromomethane (DBM), dimethyl formamide (DMF),tetrahydrofuran (THF) and trichloroethylene. Trichloroethy-lene, even though shown to have an RED of 1.01, we know tobe a solvent for PMMA, and it also is within the uncertaintyof 0.07.

Fig. 2: Acetone etching of PMMA POF (annealed). The fiber was immersedin acetone for 6 minutes and the initial diameter was 132 µm while the etchedfiber was 79 µm. Cracks are visible in the part which were just above thesolvent.

Fig. 3: Etching of PMMA POF (annealed) using trichloroethylene. The fiberwas immersed for 2.5 minutes. The initial diameter was 118 µm and the finaldiameter is 93 µm.

Likewise for TOPAS, cyclohexane, chloroform, toluene,trichloroethylene and p-xylene were tested. Chloroform andtrichloroethylene are taken as candidates, with the same argu-ment as for PMMA, that the uncertainty brings them withinthe ellipsoid.

Similarly, candidates for Zeonex were chloroform (again theuncertainty brings it inside), toluene, trichloroethylene and p-xylene.

B. Etching of PMMA POFs

From our experiments it was found that acetone,trichloroethylene and THF are possible etchants for PMMA.We mentioned in the introduction that acetone has been usedbefore to taper POFs locally, either in mixtures or as a puresolvent. Some researchers find pure acetone to induce crazing,see e.g. Merchant et al. [13], but at our department, this hasnot always been a problem. Possible reasons for this will bediscussed in section VII. Acetone showed an etching rate of4.3µm/min and an example can be seen in Fig. 2. However,we did see some cracking at the portion of the fiber that hadbeen just above the solvent surface. The acetone vapors seemto induce this cracking. We believe the explanation is a coolingof the part of the fiber just above the solvent, due to the coolingeffect of evaporation (more details are given in section VII).

With trichloroethylene the annealed PMMA fibers wereetched with a rate of 5.4µm/min. An example is shown inFig. 3.

THF etched with a rate of 0.4µm/min and was thus theslowest. This may be useful for situation in which precisecontrol of the etching is required.

From the experiments it was found that chloroform isaggressive to PMMA and causes crazing, resulting in a milky-white surface. DMF also induced crazing, and DBM acted veryquickly, etching approximately 25µm/min (calculated from asingle fiber immersed for 1 minute). A more precise etchingrate was not determined for DBM.

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Fig. 4: A TOPAS POF (un-annealed) has here been immersed in cyclohexanefor 5 minutes. The fiber diameter is reduced from 172 µm to 55 µm.

Fig. 5: Etched Zeonex POF (annealed). The fiber has been immersed intrichloroethylene for 6 minutes. The fiber diameter was etched from 181 µmto 142 µm.

C. Etching of TOPAS POFs

For TOPAS, cyclohexane was the obvious candidate with anRED of 0.83, and we found that it is indeed a good etchant.It etched the unannealed fibers with a rate of 8.9µm/min, andan example from that experiment is shown in Fig. 4. Earlierstudies, with annealed fibers, also in a vertical orientation, gavean etching rate of 6.8µm/min.

Toluene, p-xylene, chloroform and trichloroethylene werealso tested, however, they were very aggressive to the TOPASpolymer, and made it very rubbery. This can possibly beexplained by a large uptake of the solvent, with a subsequentplasticizing effect [8].

D. Etching of Zeonex POF

There were several solvents tested with Zeonex. Toluene andp-xylene made the polymer very rubbery, and were thereforenot good etchants. Chloroform dissolved the polymer tooquickly, and was disregarded for further study.

However trichloroethylene showed good promise, and test-ing it revealed an etching rate for the annealed fibers of3.3µm/min. In Fig. 5, one of the fibers from that experimentis shown.


A small investigation on the etching rate dependence onvarious parameters has also been performed. 0.5 mm solid-coreTOPAS fibers without cladding were etched in one of threedifferent configurations, 1) Vertical orientation (in a beakercontaining the solvent), 2) Horizontal orientation (in a petri-dish with local part of fiber isolated by UV-cured adhesive(DY MAX 9-318-F)), and 3) Horizontal orientation (withannealing). These were all performed with cyclohexane.

From the data also depicted in fig. 6, it is clear that thereare significant differences in the etching rate, depending onorientation and annealing. Vertical orientation with an un-annealed fiber results in the largest etching rate. Having the

Fig. 6: Etching depth vs. time on a TOPAS fiber. The etching is performedin cyclohexane. Measurement was performed with a micrometer (MitutoyoIP-65), with a resolution of 1 µm. For the green curve, the rate is approx.10µm/min, which is comparable to the rate we found for TOPAS in sectionV-C.

fiber in a horizontal orientation reduces the rate significantly.The reason for this may be due to a convective effect, wherethe solvent-polymer liquid just at the interface has a higherdensity than the surrounding solvent, and gravity acts to pullit down along the fiber. This has also been investigated byUnger et al. [27]. Cyclohexane has a density of 0.78 g/ml,while TOPAS 5013 has a density of 1.02 g/ml, and so thisconvective effect could take place in this case.

If we also anneal the fibers (for this experiment it wasperformed for 66 hours at 110 ◦C) the rate is also reduced. Thisis likely to do with the stress in the fiber. Since the solubilityis a function of the relative energy difference between thesolvent and the polymer cohesive forces, stress will be anadded energy available to the process of dissolution. This extraenergy then takes its form as a quickening of the processkinetics. Annealing is an important process to be mindful ofwhen working with polymer optical fibers, as it can causedrift in FBG resonances, but also improve the performance[8], [17], [28].


The dissolution process is a complex phenomena involvingtwo transport processes – solvent diffusion into the polymer,and polymer chain disentanglement [29]. The general pictureof dissolution is that the polymer, during the process, can beroughly described by six layers as depicted in fig. 7. Theliquid layer contains a high concentration of free polymerchains, that are in the process of diffusing into the solventenvironment, while the gel-layer is a rubbery and swollenlayer, still containing entangled chains. The solid swollen layeris a part of the polymer which has had solvent moleculesdiffuse into the matrix, and thereby inducing swelling, but thepolymer is still in a solid state. The infiltration layer is the partof the polymer, in which the solvent molecules have movedinto the free volume, consisting of molecular size holes and

0733-8724 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JLT.2019.2919798, Journal ofLightwave Technology


Fig. 7: The six layers defined during dissolution (reworked from Miller-Chouand Koenig [29]).

pores. The size of the different layers depend upon both thepolymer, the solvent and temperature [29].

One of the primary aims of this study was to find solventsproducing a homogeneous etch, where the etched part of thepolymer, retains a smooth surface. If too large a gel-layer isformed, and the fiber is removed from the solvent, this rubberypart may then dry and form an uneven surface of the fiber. Itis therefore of interest to find solvents that do not induce athick gel-layer. The gel-layer can to some extent be removedby stirring [13], [29], however the etching setup may not allowfor this in some cases, and so, finding solvents with minimalgel-layer formation is of interest.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, it has been foundthat if no gel-layer is formed, cracks may appear in thepolymer, leading to dissolution by “eruption” of small piecesof polymer. [29]. In such cases, when removing the fiber fromthe solvent, the fiber surface would be cracked and crazed,leading to significant transmission losses, or the fiber maysimply break apart due to the damage. We believe this mayexplain the cracking we saw for the PMMA fiber (see Fig. 2).So it is clear, that some intermediate region should be found,where a small or insignificant gel-layer is formed.

The diffusivity of the etching molecules into the polymeralso has an impact on the etching. If the molecules are smalland good solvents, they may tend to cause crack initiation, asinvestigated by Ouano and Carothers (referenced in Miller-Chou and Koenig [29]). However, the size of the solventmolecule will also impact the kinetics of the process, withincreasing dissolution rate for smaller molecules. This hasbeen the reason that we have initially been keeping an eyeon the MVol of the solvent. Diffusion of the solvent into thepolymer could also have an effect on the transmission throughthe fibers. Absorbed solvent can stay in the polymer for a longtime, as was shown by Janting et al. [8].

Another contributor to the dissolution dynamics is themolecular weight and its distribution. It has been shownthat the dissolution rate of a polymer decreases with highermolecular weights of the polymer. Additionally, the dispersityof the polymer will also have an impact, with some resultsshowing that polydisperse polymers dissolved twice as fastas the monodisperse (referenced in Miller-Chou and Koenig[29]).

We also mentioned that acetone is often found by othersto induce crazing of the surface, while we at our departmenthave not encountered this problem. The problem we saw withthe cracking we believe is caused by the acetone vapors.The etched portion of the fiber showed no damage. Possibleexplanations for this could be in terms of the molecular weightor the temperature of the polymer. As described in Miller-

Chou and Koenig [29], the thickness of the gel-layer was foundto decrease, as the temperature was lowered from the glass-transition temperature to some critical temperature (termed thegel-temperature). Below this temperature, polymers start toexhibit dissolution by cracking and “eruption”. It is possible,that the gel-temperature will be different, if the Tg of thepolymer is changed. Thus, for two samples of PMMA, onehaving a Tg lower than the other, their gel-temperatures mayalso be different. Since Tg of a polymer is related to themolecular weight, through the Flory-Fox Equation [30], alower molecular weight would result in a lower Tg and apossibly lower gel-temperature. The gel-temperature may thenbe below the processing temperature, in which case crackingwould cease.

Another explanation may be related to the stresses in thepolymer. If the polymer is not stress-relaxed, residual surfacestresses from the fiber-drawing could be a player in inducingcrazing and cracking of the surface. This was also mentionedin section III-A.

A last thing to mention is about the use of mixtures. Insection III-B, we mentioned that we would not be usingmixtures of solvents. The overall behavior of the dissolutionusing a mixture, is governed by the mixture HSPs, and as withsingle solvents, if the RED < 1, the mixture will be able todissolve the polymer. However, the dynamics of the dissolutionprocess with a mixture is different than for individual solvents.Each of the components in the mixture, will have a specificdiffusivity in the polymer, and so, one of the components maydiffuse into the polymer more readily than the other. This maylead to effects not seen with an individual solvent with thesame HSPs as the mixture. For example, it was shown byCooper et al. (referenced in Miller-Chou and Koenig [29])that the addition of small non-solvent molecules to a goodsolvent, could increase the dissolution rate. The reason wasthought to be because of plasticization of the polymer by thesmall molecules. What this means for our study is that theremay be effects from the interplay between the two solvents,that affect the etching, which cannot be seen as a result ofeither the RED of the mixture or its HSPs. Further studies arerequired to determine how mixtures behave as etching solventsfor polymers.


We presented, in this paper, Hansen Solubility theory as atool to help in the selection of etching solvents for POFs.Cyclohexane was found to be a good solvent for etchingof TOPAS POFs, while trichloroethylene was found to be apossible agent for Zeonex. Acetone (pure and in mixtures)has long been used in etching of PMMA, and we showedthat trichloroethylene and THF were likewise good etchingsolvents.

The exact selection criteria, when looking at solvent param-eters such as MVol and HSPs, for when a solvent will behave asa “good” etchant, is still unknown, and many questions remain.However we found that an RED within the range of 0.7−1 isa good guideline. We also discussed how “good” etching canbe seen in terms of general dissolution behavior, such as the

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JLT.2019.2919798, Journal ofLightwave Technology


gel-layer formation. We also showed how the orientation andannealing of a fiber during etching has significant impact onthe etching rate.

The approach using HSP can be used for any polymer ofinterest to the POF researcher, and is a valuable tool when onewishes to find alternatives to specific chemicals for polymersolubility.


This work has been funded by The European Maritime andFisheries Fund and The Danish Fisheries Agency.


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