POLYCENTRIC Infras _ Landscape Approach to Infrastructure


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  • 8/9/2019 POLYCENTRIC Infras _ Landscape Approach to Infrastructure


    On a Landscape Approachto Infrastructure

    Wageningen School experience

    Foreword byJusuck Koh

    Ian L. Oficer

  • 8/9/2019 POLYCENTRIC Infras _ Landscape Approach to Infrastructure


  • 8/9/2019 POLYCENTRIC Infras _ Landscape Approach to Infrastructure


    On a Landscape Approach

    to InfrastructureWageningen School experience

    Ian L. OficerMay 2013

  • 8/9/2019 POLYCENTRIC Infras _ Landscape Approach to Infrastructure


    © Ian Officer, 2013

     All rights reserved. No part o this publication may be reproduced,

    stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any orm or any

    means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or other-

    wise, without the prior written permission o the author.

    Printed in the Netherlands by Drukkerij Modern, Bennekom

    Tis research was undertaken on a Start Stipend grant, received

    rom Te Mondriaan Fund and the Creative Industries Fund NL

    (ormerly known as the Netherlands Foundation or Visual Arts,

    Design and Architecture, BKVB).

    Publication o this research paper was made possible by the gene-

    rous unding o Oikos Design landscape + architecture.




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  • 8/9/2019 POLYCENTRIC Infras _ Landscape Approach to Infrastructure


  • 8/9/2019 POLYCENTRIC Infras _ Landscape Approach to Infrastructure


    ruly creative ideas have the ability to generate urther crea-tivity, and creative design also requires conceptual clarity.

    Landscape architecture as a discipline however neglectedits own theoretical and methodological articulation and de- velopment, and this has been a stumbling block in spite othe emergent importance o landscape as idea and practiceglobally. Architects and urbanists intuitively had sized uponthe potential o a landscape approach when they realizedthe dead end o the Modernist discourse and design and amechanistic approach to engineering. However, the contri-bution o landscape architecture to urban design and inra-structural design at regional scales has been limited. Tat isnow changing.

    As a chair proessor o landscape architecture at Wa-geningen, I have tried to strengthen the core o landscapearchitecture, that is design, and to clariy its theoreticalgrounding and methodological exploration. Given the lim-ited acceptance o an ecological approach to design in theNetherlands, and given the cultural turn o the 1980’s whichhas shifed landscape architecture rom scientific and ana-lytic approach toward a poetic and cultural practice, I havepromoted a landscape approach through my design theoryclasses, and ormulated a landscape approach as a designapproach appropriate to landscape. I see it as an approachin which landscape is used as core idea, ramework and ma-

    terial medium, enabling us to deal with contemporary en- vironmental and cultural issues o global and local signifi-cance. For this reason I propose landscape to be understoodnot just scientifically but also aesthetically, not just ecologi-cal but also as poetic agency. Landscape is neither space nororm, but space-time and orm-process. It requires differentrepresentation and a different design approach.

    Ian Officer chose to examine empirically how this ap-proach ound its application through various thesis designsand how it affords diverse application to landscape inra-


    Jusuck Koh Ph.D.

    structure designs. Tough I have elaborated through mother publications how landscape approach is—and ca

    be—applied in the fields o architecture, urban design anplanning, and even environmental- and land-art, Ian making his own important contribution in terms o showing actual design solutions and reflecting upon their characteristics. Te Master thesis works discussed here builupon past Wageningen University education and researcor strategic design and rural landscapes. As such, I have nintention to claim all the credit or a landscape approacconsidering many other’s teaching and research contribution. Yet it is a clear departure rom an ecological approacor a generic synthesis o biotic, abiotic and cultural actorIt is an approach in which the poetic, aesthetic and humaexperiential dimension have a strong presence. Tus desigis integrated with management concerns.

    Tis paper also complements my own parting discours“On landscape approach to design and an eco-poetic interpretation o landscape.” Furthermore it is also complemented by other Ph.D. research works I have promoted, namelLandscape Inrastructure by Pierre Bélanger, Designing Amosphere  by Sanda Lenzholzer and Designing SustainabEnergy Landscapes by Sven Stremke. It is heartening or mto see how our students have produced excellent designs othe basis o theoretical clarity and methodological sound

    ness, and how they get national and international recognition. Combined, they give distinction to Wageningeeducation and research. Combined, they demonstrate thaa landscape approach to design is possible, and simply iOnce it has a name a landscape approach does exist. It now to be challenged and examined urther or additionaimprovement and propagation. Te Wageningen School olandscape design is. In that regard, Mr. Officer has made aimportant contribution.

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    Foreword, Jusuck Koh


    1. I

    1.1 Te landscape approach as an approach to design 1

    Architectural approach and the origins o city over nature 1

    aking a landscape approach 1

    Landscape as a source o ‘how’ in design 1

    2. Description: six examples 1

    Example 1. Dredge Landscape Park (DLP) 1

    Example 2. Te Broad Coast (MBC) 2

    Example 3. Saline Polders (SLF) 2

    Example 4. An Adaptive Asluitdijk (FAA) 3

    Example 5. A Working Landscape or New Orleans (WLNO) 3

    Example 6. Vibrant Land (VLNC) 4

    3. R: C 5

    3.1 Nine common characteristics o the type o designs 5

    3.2 Paradigm or a landscape approach to inrastructure 5

    3.3 Common principles and methods in the problem analysis and site analysis 5

    3.4 Common design principles and methods or a landscape approach to inrastructure 5

    4. D 6

    4.1 Contemporary Dutch characteristics 6

    4.2 Methodological contribution 6

    5. C: L S ‘H’ I D 7

    New learnings 7

    Exportability 7

    Contribution to the field 7Suggestions or urther research 7

    B 7

    A 7

    C 7

    B 7

    L 7

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    Key words

    landscape architecture, landscape approach, inrastructure, Wage-

    ningen University, landscape inrastructure, perormance, methods,



    Tis paper is a report on a research project. Based on a study o

    several propositional student designs, it discusses common de-

    sign principles and methods used in six student projects that take

    a ‘landscape approach’ to design. It shows that all propositional

    designs have several similar characteristics: they are problem-

    driven designs or inrastructures, are related to delta engineering

    and water management issues, and work on a large scale. Com-

    mon design principles o the six works are: design o process and

    flow over a long time rame, use o culturally accepted minimal

    interventions, use o both space-requiring large-scale interven-

    tions as well as small incremental adaptations, a combination o

    an impelling ramework with emerging orm, design or engaged

    experience and an aesthetic quality derived rom the ‘beauty o


    All projects propose a ramework design or benefiting rom natu-

    ral system processes and flows; they present a ‘perorming’ land-

    scape inrastructure that brings these processes to the surace to be

    revealed and experienced. Several steps are taken by the six works

    to design or the implementation this landscape inrastructure:(1) Understanding natural system processes; (2) Providing space;

    (3) Preparing the initial conditions by taking minimal interven-

    tions; (4) Opening up the site and letting natural and cultural pro-

    cesses take over and do the work; (5) Monitoring; (6) Adapting

    and adjusting when necessary; And (7) involving community or

    human engagement, seeking understanding and stewardship.

    ogether, these steps ormulate an implementation proce-

    dure or perorming landscape inrastructures that can be used in

    both urban and rural coastal areas. Implementation o these per-

    orming landscape inrastructures can provide or (civil) servicessuch as flood control, water discharge, ood production, coastal

    deence and ecological habitat networks. Besides, they can pro-

     vide an essential spatial ramework where inhabitants can have

    access to their local landscape in unction and by understanding

    its unctioning can rightly judge its value or human and nature.

    Te common design principles that were ound in the research

    have the potential to be applicable in similar situations, in coastal

    or delta regions that deal with similar problems, such as diminish-

    ing ood production due to salinization and flooding risks result-

    ing rom to land subsidence.

    Te application o perorming landscape inrastructures can

    thereore be seen as a way o providing an essential and critical

    minimal ramework or both human and natural resource pro-

    duction and management, hereby ensuring a better ‘fit’ between

    and reciprocal benefit rom natural processes and human actions.

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    now explicit. It can help us to demonstrate and articulate methodand design principles or a landscape approach to design. Ques

    tions to ask are:

    What is common in the type o projects that were selected

    What, according to the designers, is the existing or past gener

    approach or these types o projects? In what way do the selecte

    six projects differ in their approach? Are (differences in) desig

    principles based only on individual creativity or can similaritie

    be ound between these six projects that we speciy as commo

    principles or applications or this emerging ‘landscape approach

    And i so, why do we find differences with the ormer approach

    Are these projects typically Dutch, and i so, why? What is ne

    learning? And what is its methodological value, how does th

    contribute to current methodology?

    Reflecting on the current Wageningen School can answ

    questions such as how similar or different the Wageningen Scho

    is rom other landscape design schools, and can show in what wa

    these projects differ rom the general way o acting. Tis pape

    is to be seen as a small contribution to the search or principle

    and methods called a landscape approach to design. Because onc

    there is a way o thinking (theory) and ways o implementatio

    (methods), there is a shared vocabulary or discussion, testin

    and improvement o both theory and practice.

    Tis paper now discusses how landscape can be a source o‘how’ in design by use o six student graduation works. First,

    gives a short introduction on a landscape approach to design

    Second, the six projects are briefly described. Te works are the

    elaborated on: common characteristics o the project types ar

    ormulated, ollowed by common characteristics o the desig

    approach used and common design principles, methods an

    procedures applied within these projects. Tese are connected t

    existing models and methods. Finally, conclusions are drawn an

    recommendations are made or urther research.

    1. I

    In this paper, a research project will be discussed that reflects onseveral thesis projects undertaken at the Landscape Architecture

    program o Wageningen University, the Netherlands. Wagenin-

    gen, known or its ocus on regional scale design, has since 2003—

    with the appointment o Dr. Jusuck Koh as the chair group’s pro-

    essor—developed theory on a ‘landscape approach’ as part o its

    curriculum. Koh called or a school that is more design-oriented

    with more attention on aesthetics, as to complement the strongly

    analytical Wageningen tradition in landscape architecture.

    According to Koh, a landscape approach, rooted in the na-

    ture and culture o landscape, can be summarized as ‘landscape

    is what , and landscape is how’ (Koh 2008a: 11). Landscape is what  

    since all is (holistic) landscape as place and domain, and land-

    scape is how  since it provides us with a means and language o

    how. He states that a landscape approach to design, and an eco-

     poetic approach  to landscape architecture, can provide a strong

    basis or integrative and sustainable design o landscape and city,

    by combining ecological reasoning with creative architectural im-

    agination (Koh 2005: 40). But how can landscape be seen as a source

    o how, as its means and language? I we are to see landscape as

    a medium and tool or design, then we need to supplement this

    theory with methods.

    Afer several years o lectures and education on a ‘landscape

    approach to design’, it is now meaningul to look back or a mo-dest reflection o this emerging school o thought. In order to

    do so, six student thesis projects were selected, as they seem to

    represent this new culture o the Wageningen School. Also, the

    selected works all deal with relevant and contemporary environ-

    mental problems. Tey come up with interesting design solutions,

    meanwhile individually evolving and concretising this landscape

    approach education into spatial design.

    Looking back in a descriptive way can provide clarity to what

    was done intuitively within these projects, making the implicit

    1. Introduction

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    1.1 The landscape approach as an approach to design

    Te destructive impact o humanity on its own natural environ-

    ment through unsustainable exploitation and vitiation o the

    planet’s resources has become visible in the energy-, environmen-

    tal- and ood crises. According to Motloch (2001:306), they indi-cate a deeper, more pervasive meta-crisis: human disconnection

    rom the most basic lie-sustaining relationships upon which the

    uture depends. Our most pressing concern o this day—the need

    or a more sustainable human existence to ensure the long-term

    survival o our planet—thereore includes both urbanization-, en-

    ergy- and ecological issues as well as human needs or experience,

    connection and meaning.

    Te field o landscape architecture should find solutions to these

    proound (global) problems and to the alienation between man

    and nature and among people themselves. Landscape is able to

    connect, city to landscape, district to district, since it is a place o

    meeting and interaction. Landscape, properly designed and man-aged, can unction as a healer and as a source o inspiration or

    a sustainable way o lie and a just and liveable city (Koh & Beck

    2006:19).  It can make cities healthier, cleaner and more socially

    secure. o do this we must take landscape as a basis or our ap-

    proach to such design issues. We must take a ‘landscape approach’

    to design.

    Architectural approach and the origins of city over nature

    Until now, landscape architecture—being a relatively young disci-

    pline—has ollowed art and architecture. Naturally, architecture—

    including the engineering tradition—has had a major impact on

    landscape architecture (Koh 2008a:10). Te architectural approach

    leans heavily on the Western view where landscape is long seen

    as a wilderness to exploit and colonize, and later as an extension

    o, or matrix or architecture. Or worse, due to a dominant mo-

    dernistic architecture, as a visual backdrop or ormal décor o the

    building: A vegetal ‘lettuce bed’ that makes the steak more ap-


    With the upcoming o natural sciences in the Western world,

    particularly in Renaissance, the existing idea o ‘one nature’ split

    into a directly sensible nature o eeling (perceived, beautiul/ sub-

    lime, spiritual/emotional) and a hidden nature o reason (physi-

    cal, natural scientific, rational) experienced by instruments andexperiments (Lemaire 2007:37-39). Art/aesthetics and science/logic

    have since become opposites, beauty and reason seem to exclude

    each other. Mind and heart have parted ways. Tey are now the

    two poles o what once was a unity, with a triumph o mind/ratio

    over heart/emotion (Koh 2005:4).

    But the polarity is not only between the perceived and physi-

    cal nature. With the awakening o the individual and the world

    broadening due to discoveries and journeys, it is also the era

    where landscape became modern man’s ‘background’. Te philo-

    sophical idea o nature descended rom a divine creative and gen-

    erative power into a lowly aggregate o rocks, twigs and clouds;

    rom an active creative agent to the inert product o creation (Gar-

     rard 2011). Te sel-confident modern man erased an holistic viewo a human-nature relation and replaced it with an opposition—

    even enmity—between the two. From now on, man was in com-

    petition with nature, challenging her, thinking his creative powers

    to be ar greater than ‘hers’. As Dutch philosopher Lemaire puts

    it, it is the time o ‘the sel-distinction: Te subject that separates

    himsel rom the world in order to oversee and dominate her’ (Le-

     maire 2007:30).

    In Western architecture, this Modern sel-confidence, expan-

    sionism and polarity remained dominant in such a way that in

    today’s architectural approach, man/architecture/city and nature/

    landscape/countryside are ofen still opposing each other. Te

    built supersedes the landscape. An architectural approach re-mains human-centred, geometric and superimposed, rather than

    holistic and open-ended. It privileges vision over experience, ap-

    pearance over system, product over process, unction and ‘pro-

    gram’ over ecological and cultural relevance (Koh 2005:6). It is city

    over land and architecture above landscape.

    Taking a landscape approach

    A landscape approach, on the other hand, opposes this dualism

    between man/culture/city on one side and nature/landscape/

    countryside on the other. It also opposes the division into a ‘ra-

    tional’ and a ‘perceived’ nature. Landscape is not mere system, it

    is also habitat, and home, cultural, artistic, practical, and produc-

    tive, etc. A landscape approach centres on the (holistic) landscape,

    where inside and outside, city and landscape, human and nature

    orm an inter-penetrating cooperation that is mutually beneficial.

    Here, landscape is the whole; the whole system o nature, culture,

    processes, time, space, experience and interaction. As Koh states:

    ‘When our ocus is on experience and system process, the separat-

    ing differentiation o inside and outside makes little sense’ (Koh &

    Beck-Koh 2007). Just as by then the separation o building/city ver-

    sus garden/landscape makes little sense.

    A landscape approach has its intellectual roots not in architec-

    ture but in the landscape. Landscape, as Corner notes, has come toassume deeper roles o contextualization, heightening experiences,

    and embedding time and nature in the built world. It is increas-

    ingly recognized that landscape harbours a proound environmental

    and existential promise or architecture and urbanism, provoking

    new orms o experience, meaning, and value, Te (...) conception

    o landscape, then, is less that o scenery, greenery, wilderness, and

    arcadia and more that o a pervasive milieu, a rich imbroglio o

    ecological, experiential, poetic, and expressively living dimension

    (Corner 1999:16).

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    A landscape approach, rooted in the nature and culture o

    landscape, can thus be summarized as ‘landscape is what, and

    landscape is how’ (Koh 2005:11). Landscape is what  since all is (ho-

    listic) landscape as place and domain, and landscape is how since

    it provides us with a means and language o how.

    Landscape as a source of ‘how’ in design

    aking a landscape approach to design means we recognize the

    landscape as a source o how, as operational method and prac-

    tice, and emancipate design rom the architectural approach (Koh

    2005:10). Since land is both land and people, landscape—the shap-

    ing o this land—is also both a natural and a cultural process. It

    is about the co-evolving processes o people’s adaption to and o

    the land through time. When landscape becomes our medium

    and tool, then design is not as much about space, orm and unc-

    tion, but more about place, process and meaning: about awareness

    (education, inormation), contemplation (rest, reflection, poetry,inspiration, spirituality) and connection (being part o, appropri-

    ation, love, care). When we see landscape as a source o how, then

    design is not about statics, demarcation and final image, but about

    movement, change, dynamics, growth and evolution. And about

    reedom, openness, community and interaction. Tis results not

    in end-result or blue-print design, but in transorming, creative

    and evolving open design.

    Tis ability to see into and understand the inner workings o a

    landscape is an absolutely essential ingredient to sustainability

    (Tayer 2002:189). Revealing essential landscape- and ecologic

    processes enables people to see and experience them in daily li

    and to take note what the processes do or the city and its inhabi

    ants. o see is to know and to know is to care. It orms the basis o

    acknowledging the irreplaceable value o our living environmen

    and educating inhabitants in a process towards common accep

    ance o a sustainable liestyle.

    Form, within the landscape approach, is subordinate to landscap

    processes. According to Koh (2005:8), a landscape approach t

    orm, in contrast to a ocus on composition and typology, ‘seeks

    morpho-genetic approach. It sees orm as result o an adaptatio

    process and lets orm emerge rather than imposing it’. Form

    open-ended and adaptable, and thereore more responsive to evo

    lutionary change, context and human culture, making it durab

    and resilient.

    With this landscape approach to design, the discipline o land

    scape architecture can not only strengthen its own identity, bualso contribute to related design disciplines by offering this ap

    proach to the related fields o architecture, urban planning an

    civil engineering. Landscape architects must and can, togethe

    with related design disciplines, develop the ability to design ‘cit

    and building as i landscape matters’, and design ‘space as i pro

    cess matters’, recognizing landscape’s sel-organizing and mo

    phogenic power (Koh 2005:11).




















    Perception overTIME through


    Perception at aTIME at a



    Aesthetics Design+

    Figure 116 Koh’s modelor eco-phenomenologicalaesthetics and design (Koh2008b: 5) shows how design o

    orm moves to design o en- vironment, when a landscapeapproach to design is taken.Environment includes systemprocess (and thereore time)and experience (and thereoreengagement).Te incorporation o ecologyand experience in the design oenvironment is typical to thelandscape approach.

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    2. Description: six examples

    I we are to take a landscape approach to design, then how do we

    do this? In what way can the landscape be a source o how? I try to

    answer these questions by reflecting on six propositional studentdesigns representing this new ‘landscape approach’ culture o the

    Wageningen School. Based on the study o these six propositional

    student designs, I extract common design principles used in tak-

    ing a ‘landscape approach’ to design.

    Te six selected works are all M.Sc. thesis projects in land-

    scape architecture that were undertaken at Wageningen Univer-

    sity’s Landscape Architecture chair group (LAR) between 2006

    and 2011. As Dr. Koh became the chair group’s proessor in 2003,

    their authors have been educated in his landscape approach. Also,

    as head o the chair group, proessor Koh was supervisor o all

    six works. Te projects all deal with relevant and contemporary

    environmental problems. Te selection was suggested by Koh,

    since these six works come up with (ofen prize-winning) in-

    teresting design solutions, meanwhile individually evolving and

    concretising this landscape approach education into spatial de-

    sign. Te projects not only are sympathetic to the main thoughts

    o the landscape approach, but also comply with Wageningen

    School’s typical educational ocus on a large regional scale and on

    research-by-design studies.

    Te selected projects are:

    1. Dredge Landscape Park: Te Story is in the Soil (Herrebout &

    de Vries 2007);2. Medicating the Broad Coast: From Single Coastline owards a

    Coastal Landscape Zone o Size (Groven & Officer 2008);

    3. Designing Saline Landscapes or the Future (Molpheta & van

    Wonderen 2009);

    4. Te Future o an Adaptive Asluitdijk (Sperling 2009);

    5. A Working Landscape or New Orleans (Hermens, van der Salm

    & van der Zwet 2010); and

    6. Vibrant Land: Responsive Engagement with the Fragmented

    Coastline o North Carolina (Kersten & Noordhuizen 2011).

    2. Description

    In the ollowing I shortly describe these six propositional designs

    one by one: What is done intuitively? How does the design work,

    what procedure was ollowed? In what way is the landscape usedas a source o how?

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    Figure 1-6 Te six selectedthesis projects are all studentworks in landscape architec-ture, undertaken as a final the-sis research study at Wagenin-gen University’s chairgroup olandscape architecture (LAR).

    Master Thesis Landscape Architecture

    Wageningen University

    P. Hermens

    J.N. van der Salm

    C. van der Zwet

    A Working Landscape

     for New Orleans

    Dredge Landscape park the story is in the soil 

    Wageningen University Alexander Herrebout, Gerwin de Vries september 2006 begeleiding Paul Roncken, Robbert de Koning 

     j rci ri ti l.i - - : :


    f̀rom single coastline towards a coastal landscape zone of sizé

    MasterThesis in


    November 2008

    JoH.J. Groven



    Prof.Dr.Jusuck Koh



       l   l r  h   t

      r  e  s

     r  v  e  d

    ©2009 Allrightsreserved.No partsof thisreport may be reproducedinany form without permissionofthe author.moniquesperling@gmail.com

    The future of an adapve

    ‘Afsluitdijk’A landscape architectonic design of a safe ‘Afsluitdijk’ that expresses the unique qualies of the site

    MasterThesis LandscapeArchitecture

    Wageningen University and Research Centre

    J.C.W.(Monique) SperlingBSc


    Master Thesis Landscape Architecture, Wageningen University

    I. C. Kersten & J. R. Noordhuizen

    Vibrant LandResponsive engagement with the fragmented coastline of North Carolina



    4 5 6

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    Example 1. Dredge Landscape Park (DLP)

    (Herrebout & de Vries 2007)

    Te inland water system o the urbanized Dutch delta is aced

    with an invisible problem: layers o polluted dredge deposited inthe ‘70 and ‘80 cause both drainage and environmental problems.

    Te need to remove this polluted dredge will increase due to cli-

    mate change and growing urbanization.

    Te solution proposed is the Dredge Landscape Park: 12 mil-

    lion m3 dredge is shipped to a 300 ha. site in the Haarlemmermeer

    polder, decomposed, and cleaned with ecological cleaning tech-

    niques over time. Within 20 years o cleaning time this dredge-

    cleaning ‘landscape machine’ will evolve into a dredge landscape

    park. Saline exfiltration water is used or the cleaning o certain

    dredge types and extracted sand—lef over afer the cleaning

    process—is proposed to be used or the expanding building sites

    nearby. Te variety o water-, soil- and pollution types in the

    dredge is used to grow a unique park. Different types o vegeta-tion fixating heavy metals orm a heavy metal garden, an artificial

    dune strip o dredge sand runs straight through the park, and di-

    erent water and soil types are combined in a mosaic o cleaning

    environments with variable groundlevel heights that change over

    time. Routes through the park connect bicyclists, car drivers and

    boat skippers to the dredge landscape park.

    How it works

    Te design proposes a robust ramework  as the basis o the park,

    Figure 7 A solution osize; all dredge is trans-ported to one location andtreated by use o a range olandscape processes.Figure 8 Dredge Land-scape Park, with the high-

    est types o pollution in themetal garden island withinthe core strip.

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    wherein natural and cultural orces and processes and time have

    a ree hand to clean the soils and evolve the site into a park. Te

    existing polder grid structure o fields surrounded by ditches is

    transormed into a new water system  composed o ditches andseparating dikes. Te dikes devide the site into different contami-

    nation regimes, hereby creating a hierarchy in pollution with

    slightly polluted soils at the site’s borders and the most highly

    contaminated soils in the core o the site. Existing transport in-

    rastructure is improved or importing dredge material by boat

    and truck.

    Within the outer ‘voids’ o the ramework, dredge polluted by

    organic material is injected by sand-spraying  the dredge onto the

    site. It separates heavy soils (sand) rom lighter (clay and finally

    peat) by a cleaning method called sand separation. A new an

     varied morphology automatically arises by differences in mate

    rial gravity, subsidence and soil types, resulting in height and so

    differences. Contamination is cleaned by oxygenation and landarming: the cleaning o dredge specimen by biological break

    down o organic pollution.

    Te core o the park is planned between the area where salin

    seepage exfiltrates and the supply channel. Tis second regime 

    separated rom the outer area by a ring dike and ditch that hydro

    logically separate the two regimes. Here the more contaminate

    soils are cleaned.

    A mosaic is created by fields o different soil types . Com

    bined with a variety o contamination, a multitude o milieus aris

    Figure 11 Deconstruction o the problem:Dredge can be separated into water and soil,wich is subsequently divided into sand, clayand peat. Different soil types contain differenorms o contamination and require differentcleaning processes, process times and processcale.

    Figure 10 Location selection is based onoverlay o soil types, pollution sources, salineseepage, transport inrastructure and spatialrestrictions. Te waste treatment site can beseen as part o large-scale landscape inra-structure providing green unctions in the in-creasingly urbanizing Dutch Delta metropolis.

    Figure 12 Torough and detailed investigation o dredge problem’s diversity and quantification into exact numbers.

    Figure 9 Te dredge problem is related toglobal and national challenges such as han-dling sea level rise and land subsidence (caus-ing saline seepage), increasing water dischargepeaks (due to a more extreme climate), andspreading urbanization.

    amounts o dredge per dredge type in the Rijnland area

    cleaning method per dredge type

    developments consequences

    sea level rise

    land subsidence

    increase water supply 

    urban developments

    risk o flooding, increaseddifference between land andsea level

    urban and agricultural areasprolapse and become saline

    waterlogged areas, risk oflooding

    limited water drainage andwater storage

    soil vs. dredge pollution type relation

    total amounts per dredge type

    pollution sources

    water & dredge

    dredge soil types

    dredge pollution types

  • 8/9/2019 POLYCENTRIC Infras _ Landscape Approach to Infrastructure


    Figure 13 Teoretically this scale o pollu-

    tion could be treated in 10-50 years; 10 yearswould require a double amount o land to si-multaneously treat all dredge within this timerame, and the high speed would only suit astgrowing vegetation species. 50 years requiresonly 200 ha., but is too long o a time scale orsuch a dynamic and rapidly urbanizing areaas it may cause problems with long-term im-plementation. Te designers have thereore setthe time/area coefficient to 20 years/350 ha.

    Figure 14 Dredge Landscape Park, acombination o an impelling inrastructuralramework, morphogenesis and naturallyemerging vegetation patterns.

    Surace area: growth o residue and shrinkage o machine

    Surace area & time Growth & Shrinkage

    50y 200 ha

    20yr350 ha

    10yr750 ha


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    5 landarming park 6 core, mosaic 7 sand lane 8 metal garden

    2 water system 3 routes

    11 milieus9 paths

    1 existing potential

    10 sight lines 12 dredge tube orests

    4 harbour

    Figure 15 Composition o a perorming landscape inrastructure.Minimal preliminary interventions are: 1 Use o existing landscapepotentials such as transport canal, road and saline exfiltration water;2 Implementing a new water system with contamination regimes; and3-4 Improving transport inrastructure, roads and a temporary harbor.Dredge is cleaned in different regimes: 5 Landarming in the outer

     voids; 6 A mosaic o cleaning processes or heavier contamination;7 Sand separation that eeds the sand lane dunescape; and 8 highestpollution in the metal garden. Visitors can experience the landscapeperorm by use o: 9 a new path system and 10 sight lines, that show11 the diversity in cleaning milieus and emerged biotopes. 12 Adredge tube orest provides an entrance to the area.

    Figure 16 View rom the N205 highway. A dunescape will naturallyemerge due to wind and dune succession, built up rom residue sands.

      Figure 17 Tis waste treatment landscape o size provides or newsublime experiences as well as new ecological habitat.     

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    expressing each dredge type. Tis variety is urther diversified by

    applying either resh, brackish and saline water to different fields,

    resulting in a broad palette o vegetation types and appearances.

    Te sand street is strung between the N205 highway and thesupply channel’s harbour. It consists o cleaned sand that has lim-

    ited economical value as construction sand due to its grain size

    and thereore will have to be stored on site. Te sand, due to exca-

     vation, wind and succession, orms its own dune landscape.

    Te most contaminated soils containing high levels o heavy

    metals are brought to the central part o the site, where the metals

    are washed out with saline water. Over time, the lef-over residue

    orms the basis o a metal garden where rare species such as the

    sink violin fixate the pollution.

    Te park is designed to be realised by phasing in order to

    evolve over time  and provides or the experience o each time

    period and dredge type:

    starting phase: import and separation o material, pioneerspecies, minimal access

    • machine phase: continuing import, first amount is cleaned

    and shifed or stored, more diversity, succession and experi-

    ence, improved site access

    • succession phase: major role or vegetation, climax species,

    majority o dredge is now within the site boundaries, transor-

    mation to a park, sandwin or commercial use

    • residue phase: dredge machine is finished, lef-over residue is

    experienced in dredge landscape park. Remnant dredge pipes


    dredge machine2010








    dredge is put in a flowing circulation system o quays saline exfiltration water and vegetation fixate metals like zinc&copper

    sandy dredge is brought in and spouted in the sand street

    different sorts o dredge are put within quays, start pioneer vegetation

    sand will sink down closest to the tubes, it is taken away to sand lane

    afer oxygenation, different water types are let in and dredge is put indifferent height levels

    metal vegetation starts growing, together orming the metal garden

    polluted organic dredge is stored under a buffer o brackish water

    environments start to flourish and contrast, accessibility by use o quays

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    landscape park 2030



    metal garden in ull growth, an astonishing relic o dredge cleaning

    lef-over sand and wind creates an artificial dune landscape

    a mosaic o diverse environments express the diversity in dredge types

    Figure 18 Since the design spans a longtime rame, and natural processes play a critical role in perorming the waste treatment,only basic underlying structures are designedwhile space is provided or change over time.In the initial phases, large-scale preliminaryinterventions are done, while in later phasessmall-scale incremental adaptations alter thesite.

    Figure 19-20 Dredge Landscape Park willchallenge users to experience and appreciatenew ‘raw’ landscape types and see beauty in‘landscape perormance’.

    are re-used as a ‘dredge tube orest’ to provide or an entrance

    experience or visitors and passing traffic. Maximum reedom

    or visitors and diverse natural processes (e.g. plant succession,

    dune succession)

    In all, the park combines ecology and design or the human experi-

    ence o this ecology in a minimal intervention design over time.

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    Example 2. The Broad Coast (MBC)

    (Groven & Officer 2008)

    Here, the design strategy is to simultaneously cure the ecologi-

    cal problems in the coast’s natural system and secure the coastalzone or the uture by eco-engineering the coastline into a ‘broad

    coast’: a coastal landscape zone o substantial size.

    Afer centuries o man-to-nature interventions, the Dutch

    coast has been turned into a single rigid deence line by use o

    dikes and dams. It is commonly considered to be ‘saer than ever’.

    But dikes and dams divide an aquarelle into a mosaic: the once

    rich coastal ecosystem has suffered intensely due to the loss o

    gradual transition areas that are under influence o both land

    and sea. As it turns out, this ecosystem degradation is a problem

    or coastal saety, since these transition areas provide a buffer or

    both ecological soundness and coastal saety, such as by counter-

    ing erosion and providing oreshore instability. Te act that large

    parts o the Dutch coastal deence need an update due to globalclimate changes provides the point o departure or a different

    strategy or handling coastal deence.

    Te solution is ound not in increasing dike height but in

    width: a broader resilient coast instead o a narrow, stiff coastline.

    Te proposed broad coast is designed by three minimal interven-

    tions, aferwards natural processes can take over its construction.

    Tey are: 1. Providing sand; 2. Allowing and guiding dynamics

    and change; and 3. Providing space between a dual deence sys-

    tem. Tis strategy is applied and tested with a design or a 860 ha.


    P  N


    1 Past: transition zone rom water to land 2 Present: a coastline, hereby ignoring this zone 3 Future: recognize that the coast is a zone!

    Figure 21 A solution o width: the Dutch coast used to be a transi-tion zone rom water to land, saline to resh and low to high (1). Landreclamation and diking converted the coast to a coastline, herebyignoring this zone. Useul unctions o the coastal zone were lost, whileunderneath its surace the coast still wants to acts as a zone (2). Byrecognizing that the coast is a zone, the transition area can be broughtback, including its useul unctions (3).

    Figure 22 Te Broad Coast pilot project near the city o erneuzenalong the Westerscheldt estuary. Te pilot project can be a first test caseor replicated application o the strategy along large stretches o theDutch coastline, and is potentially at the basis o a nation-wide coastaldeence landscape zone o size.

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    pilot project near the city o erneuzen. Due to the 2005 Schel-

    de Verdrag border treaty between Belgium and the Netherlands

    (Vlaams Gewest & Koninkrijk der Nederlanden 2005: 3), six hundred hec-

    tares o land have to be developed into intertidal nature in thisregion in order to compensate or the dredging o the shipping

    lane to the port o Antwerp. Afer the three minimal interventions

    have been set to a start, a situation is created in which the natu-

    ral processes can take over the ‘construction’ o the broad coast.

    ides and currents, sedimentation and ecological succession now

    become the generating motor o this living landscape machine.

    Over time it transorms into a living landscape that deends, regu-

    lates and provides diversity and multi-unctional use, and human

    experiences o recreational and educational nature.

    How it works

    Te ocus is on the workings o the pilot project. Te designer

    start by making clear that the current technical approach al

    short and an integrative and dynamic ‘landscape’ approach needed in order to shif rom single coastline deence towards

    broad coastal landscape zone o size. Te pilot project is not in

    tended to create a finalized, detailed design, but instead shows th

    site as part o a nationwide coastal deence landscape zone. T

    ocus or this site is mainly on inter-tidal ecology, since the area

    mandatory to compensate habitat loss caused by the dredging o

    the Antwerp shipping lane.

    Te concept is simple. It starts by  preparing the site. First, spac

    is provided  between a dual deence system. Te site’s existin

    providing sediment providing space between a dual deense systemallowing and guiding dynamics and exchange

    3 Minimal interventions:

    Figure 23 Te pilot can be designed by use o minimal interventions:1 Providing sediment by large scale sand nourishments; 2 Allowingand guiding dynamics and exchange by making the single deence linepermeable; and 3 Providing space between a dual deence system or byseaward broadening.Figure 24-25 Te strategy has potential to be replicated along largestretches o the Dutch coastline. I applied, a vast deence landscapezone will arise, to be experienced by thousands o residents.




    Figure 26 Over time, the landscape transorms to a perorminglandscape that provides or (ecosystem) unctions and services. Telandscape perorms as 1 A flexible deence system: muting and absorbing wave orce, strengthening the dike base and growing along with slevel rise; 2 A resilient & regulating living machine: a sel-cleaning machine with the ability to grow with sea level rise and able to withstandshort-term shocks, with tides as landscape motor; and 3 Alandscape o(bio)diversity: an ever-changing zone with increased productivity, species numbers and species richness due to new transition habitats andnew opportunities or multiunctional use.

    flexible deence system

    regulating lving machine

    landscape o biodiversityand flow 

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    200m   600m   1000m

    t=0 t=5 t=30

    Figure 27 A dual deence system is created, based on existingprimary and secondary dikes. Te system also counters saline seepage,hereby providing or a better uture or local reshwater based agricul-ture.

    Figure 28-29 Development o land over time: t=0 Development oagricultural land into the broad coast pilot; t=5 idal dynamics havechanged morphology, mud flats are growing; t=30 Salt marshlandswith creek systems have developed.

    0 t20 40 60  80 100   120

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    primary dikes are made overtopping proo. Secondary  dikes ar

    made ready or use and built-on plots are surrounded by sma

    ring dikes. Second, the right conditions are created. Freshwater discharge pumps  that are currently in the primary dike ar

    moved inland along the discharge creeks to be placed in the sec

    ondary dikes. Te locations along the primary dikes are replace

    with inlet-sluices. Te basic conditions or resh-saline trans

    tions now exist: Brackish nutrient-rich agricultural water can b

    discharged in the landscape zone and be automatically mixe

    with saline seawater arriving through the inlet-sluices due to tid

    turbulence and natural run-off. Te conditions are improved o

    a higher perormance by introducing dikes and dams. Dikes an


    1 dual deence system, consisting o primaryand secondary dikes

    3 shipping airway near the primary coast-line is not affected by the Broad Coast

    5 resh-saline transitions are created by dis-charging brackish creek water into the BroadCoastal zone, hereby allowing mixture andnatural run-off towards t he Westerscheldt

    4 pumps and inlet-sluices allow both brack-ish creek water and saline Westerscheldtwater to influence the zone

    6 use o dams or directing the water flow,hereby lengthening its course and increasingnutrient uptake and mixture

    7 over time, difference in water levels anddynamics create diverse habitats like tidalmarshland and saline meadowland

    2 built-on plots within the broad coast zoneare surrounded by small dikes, hereby secur-ing saety and allowing residential unctions

    8 initial program consists o nature and recrea-tional unctions. Extra unctions such as flood-proo housing or saline agriculture can be addedover time, depending on market demand

    9 the site will grow along with sea level rise, createstable oreshores, protect against storm surges,clean run-off agricultural waste water, growbiomass, create habitats, etc.

    setting the conditions

    preparing the site

    opening up to dynamics, process and time

    Figure 30 Composition o a broad coast or erneuzen by use ominimal interventions, natural processes and time.Figure 31 Functioning o the overtop-resistant dikes. In normalconditions, sea water can enter and exit the site due to tidal orce andinlet-sluices. In advance o expected extreme conditions, maximum

    buffer capacity is created by running the zone dry. During a stormsurge’s high tides, wave run-up will overtop the primary dike. Water iscaught between the primary and secondary dike and can be dischargeafer the storm during low tides.

    high tide storm surge low tide

    inward flowduring flood

    outward flowduring ebb

    high tide

    low tide

    low tide

    storm surge conditions

    normal conditions



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    brushwood dams  are strategically placed perpendicular to the

    run-off direction, between the outer ring and the built-on plots.

    Tese both secure access to buildings and direct the water flow,hereby lengthening its course and increasing water mixture and

    nutrient uptake by vegetation. Also, several dikes partition  the

    area into six different regimes by increasing or decreasing water

    intake, levels and dynamics. Differences in preliminary condi-

    tions (resh, brackish or saline water, high or low dynamics, re-

    quent or inrequent inundation, local saline seepage differences)

    will create possibilities or maximum habitat diversity   ranging

    rom tidal marshland and saline meadows to brackish orest.

    Tird, with the conditions set or maximum perormance, the

    landscape is now opened up or the water. Natural generative

    processes and time can rom now on do their creative task. Tidal

    exchange and dynamics are allowed on-site and—guided by theramework o dikes and dams—create a new morpholo-gy. Te

    daily import o sediment-rich sea water allows the site to grow

    along with sea level rise over time. Within the first year tidal dy-

    namics—together with erosion and accretion—change the mor-

    phology, and mud flats are growing that increase dike stability.

    Within 5 years several salt marshlands with creek systems develop

    and afer 30 years, parts o the drier regimes develop into brackish

    orest. Agricultural waste water’s nutrients are converted to bio-

    mass. Successive processes diversiy the site. During storm surges,







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    when inlets are closed and waves are pushed ar up the primary

    dike slopes causing overtopping, the site unctions as a inundated

    landscape that stores overwash water and creates back pressure onthe primary dike, hereby countering dike slides.

    Fourth, with the landscape machine initialized, several ‘light’

    unctions are added besides nature compensation or experienc-

    ing the site. Education and extensive recreation is made possible.

    Hiking trails and boardwalks, inormation panels and back-to-ba-

    sic camp locations are set up, as well as a visitor centre, bike routes

    and picknick spots. Seasonal colours range rom the purple o sea

    aster in summer to the bright red o salicorn in autumn.

    Fifh, over time unctions can be added or removed, de-

    pending on market demand. Possibilities or flood-proo housin

    (especially in the proximity o erneuzen) and (experiments with

    saline agriculture or aquaculture are all an option. When the piloproject’s strategy is ollowed by national application, this broa

    coastal zone grows into a nation-wide landscape inrastructur

    o size, a sae, resilient and diverse deence and natural zone, a

    lowing mulitple-day hikes, learning, recreation, housing, oo

    production and more.

    Figure 32 wice a day it is hightide along the pilot site: intertidalmudflats run dry. wice a day itis low tide along the pilot site:intertidal areas are inundated,only higher marshlands remainunflooded. About twice a yearthe broad coast pilot site is ullyflooded when storm surge pusheswaves up the primary dike’s slopes,causing overtopping and inunda-


    Figure 33 New unctions canbe added over t ime depending on(market) demands. 1 Intertidalareas compensate or loss in theWesterscheldt due to land reclama-tions and dredging o the airway.Tis valuable intertidal nature canattract endangered ‘red list’ speciessuch as the godwit (Limosa limosa)and avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta).Monitoring will help in optimizingnature unctions or the uture.2 Possibilities or (outdoor) recrea-tion and ‘into the wild’ experiencesarise that are unknown to the

    Netherlands: outdoor backpacking& camping, gathering own ood byfishing etc. When the pilot exampleis ollowed by national application,the broad coastal zone can growinto a landscape o size, makingmultiple-day hikes possible andproviding large areas o connectednature.3 Inormation and educationunctions, such as school trips, canincrease attachment to the site andincrease local stewardship.4 Te broad coast pilot areabecomes an interesting location or(experimenting with) flood-prooresidential unctions.5 Te pilot project perectly lendsitsel to (experimenting with) salineagriculture or aquaculture. Fish,mussels, salicorn (Salicornia euro-

     peae), sea kale (Crambe maritima)and rocket (Eruca sativa) are justa ew examples o edible productsthat have the potential o beingcommercially exploitable.

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    Example 3. Saline Polders (SLF)

    (Molpheta & van Wonderen 2009)

    Saline Polders  proposes a landscape-based inrastructure or

    the production o saline aquaculture crops that simultaneouslyincludes recreational, nature- and coastal deence purposes. Te

    design ocuses on the Zeeuwse ong pilot arm (Z..), an innova-

    tive arm or integrated multi-trophic aquaculture, based in the

    Dutch province o Zeeland. Tis state-o-the-art aquaculture arm

    is set up to produce fish, mussels and saline crops in a closed cycle

    o nutrients and waste, and—contrary to the present-day arms—

    does not demand resh water intake, but unctions best in a saline

    milieu. Te designers took up the challenge to convert the innova-

    tions o this individual 4 ha. bio-industrial scaled arm into a 600

    ha. multi-purpose aquaculture inrastructure that applies the Z..

    principle on a landscape scale.

    Te proposed site is situated on the island o Noord-Beveland

    in the province o Zeeland, a reclaimed area known or its longwater-related history and its productive agricultural grounds.

    Local economy depends on coastal recreation—concentrated in

    the western dune coastlines—and reshwater-dependent arming

    practices in the hinterlands. Te present crop-arming practices

    demand regularly flushing the water system with reshwater in

    order to artificially sustain a marginal reshwater lens; a prac-

    tice that will become untenable in the uture due to increasing

    saline ground water seepage and decreasing reshwater supplies.

    Because o this, a more sustainable approach is proposed: adapt-

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    ing to the given conditions by gradually converting to a salt-based

    agriculture and aquaculture while maintaining or even increasing

    productivity and profit, simultaneously with an expansion o hin-

    terland recreation and nature development by embracing histori-cal eatures and landscape scenery. Tis seems to comply with the

    demands or a better-spread recreational program and hinterland

    development or the purpose o nature and leisure.

    How it works

    At the start, a cooperation o multiple arms is proposed. Te

    collaboration o armers will results in lower costs due to a com-

    bined water system, nutrient system and filtration system, and

    thereore higher profits. In order to design this saline landscape

    inrastructure, the Z.T. unit was broken down  into individu

    components, which where upscaled, adapted and then reconst

    tuted, so as to allow or public interaction, nature developmen

    and contextual application. Ten, two design enlargements whermade.

    In the first enlargement, the aquaculture system adapts t

    local circumstances by introducing a new double row o ‘inla

    gen’. Inlagen, a type o double dike system where an inner dik

    was added as the outer one became weak, are part o the cultura

    heritage o Noord-Beveland and are used or coastal saety an

    buffering salt intrusion. Te same principle is adapted to a trip

    dike system, thus becoming the basis o compartmentalising  th

    water system as well as adding to coastal saety. Also, they orm

    Figure 34-36 Saline Polders pre-sents a perorming landscape solu-tion to the increasing salinization oagricultural land in the South-WestNetherlands. Te new productivelandscape can be just as profitableeconomically, ‘fits’ its context ohistory, geography and culture, can

    enhance coastal saety, and providesor raw and authentic landscapeexperiences.

    Figure 37 Saline land in 2050.As large parts o the Dutch delta’sagricultural land are becomingincreasingly saline, the changetowards saline-based agricultureand aqua-culture seems to be theonly uture possibility or landscapeproductivity. Te red dot representsthe location o Saline Landscapes.







    Figure 38-39 Decompositiono the Z-unit. Te elements o thbio-industrial Zeeuwse ong pilotarm are deconstructed, enlarged,adapted and recomposed. By doinso, a method was ound to applythe aquaculture unit on a landscapscale, while adding recreational annature unctions.

    Figure 40 A large-scale col-lective saline water system isintroduced, made up o smallermini systems, which can either beisolated, or combined as one largeentity. Te level o isolation will

     vary depending on water levels anwater quality, and will allow orflexibility in controlling the waterin each o the individual inlagen.Te water system covers the entire

    landscape and transports nutrientand waste through the system insuch a way that both are convertedto commercial ood product bio-mass.

    = [  [

    + ++x4   [  [

    x2 +

    4 teamsof 8 sealed ponds

    2 fieldsof saline crops

    compartmenting& infrastructure

    the salt waterring ditch

    brackish water ditc h,that surrounds the uni

      or the team of units

    the bio-industrialZ. T. unit

    nature filter

    retention pondsin productive inlagen

    retention pondin saline crop area


    nature filter 

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    DIKE 3,00m. high




    DIKE 1,50m. high




    Figure 41 Design or a land-scape inrastructure or salineagriculture. Essential elementsand basic structure or the unc-tioning o the site as productivesaline polders or a collective oarmers are laid out, while eacharmer can make their individualsystem adjustments.

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    the basis or an extended recreational network  with bicycle paths

    and viewpoints. Tese new inlagen are bordered by the new sa-

    line agricultural fields, which in turn are surrounded by a water

    buffering ring ditch that closes the saline regime.A large-scale, shared saline water system is introduced. Sea

    water is pumped into small retention lakes and rom here on

    flushes through the aquaculture fish ponds (inner set o inlagen),

    taking away nutrient-rich waste water that is then used in the sa-

    line productive lakes, where cockles, mussels, ragworms and algae

    clean the water beore it enters either the saline crop fields (adja-

    cent inlands) or the saline nature area (outer set o inlagen) and is

    at last returned back to the sea or recycled into the pond system.

    Existing arms are transormed and surrounded by small ring

    dikes, while a ood processing area is located near the local por

    hereby connecting to land- and water transport. Overall, the sit

    is now producing several ood products with a minimum inpu

    and maximum usage o nutrients, provides or increased coastsaety, adds recreational, educational and experiential values, in

    corporates new saline habitats that increase local biodiversity, an

    relates to historic landscape eatures and local context.

    Te second enlargement urther extends the idea o usin

    natural conditions or saline arming, while nature and coast

    deence unctions are more emphasized. Te site is located d

    rectly opposite to the mouth o the Scheldt river and takes th

    compulsory nature compensation (also reerred to by Te Broa

    2 connecting towns 3 borders & entrances 4 saline vs. brackish 5 centralized processing

    10 tourist routing7 land use regimes 9 (armer) transportnetwork 

    8 pond system &compartmentalising dikes

    1 landscape characters

    6 use o contextual land-orms

    Figure 42 Composition o a basic inra-structure or the unctioning o Saline PolderDifferent salination regimes will protect theinlands rom saline intrusion. Visitors canaccess the entire area.

    Figure 43 Emulating o inlagen: Te plan’sextended inlagen system, which are part o thcultural heritage o the island o North Beve-land, will be extended in order to provide orboth site-specific aquaculture and continuoucoastal protection.


    Existing inlagen, 2010


    Existing and new inlagen, 2020

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         L     A     N     D

         L     A     N     D


       ≈    2    k   m







         L     A     N     D

         L     A     N     D


       ≈    2    k   m


    incoming,towards high tide

    outgoing,towards low tide

    Figure 44 Second enlargement to a semi-natural productive landscape. Te site is onthe agenda to be ‘returned to nature’, since itis to compensate or loss o nature caused bythe dredging o the Scheldt shipping lane. Tecompulsory depoldering causes emotional up-roar; local social acceptance is very low since

    it is viewed as making profitable agriculturalland unproductive. Te issue resulted in 4years o ongoing political debate and nearlycaused a political coalition to collapse. Tedesigners believe that implementation willbe better accepted, when new nature is madeproductive or agricultural purposes.

    Figure 45-46 Te new natural andsustainable hydrological system with mini-mal control, based on tidal influxes in theWesterscheldt. Sea water enters the systemwith tidal influxes and flushes (rereshes) theponds which are situated in the double dikesystem in the ringes o the area. Tese ponds

    are integrated into the coastal deence system.During low tide the water draws back and car-ries waste nutrients rom the ponds into thenature area or filtering. Productive pocketsare similarly flushed. Te water then returnsto the estuary.

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    Coast) as a point o departure. A system is created that is more

    open to natural dynamics and tidal flux  and less regulated than

    the ormer. Te primary dike is backed up by a secondary and

    tertiary dike ring . Aquaculture ponds are placed between the

    secondary and tertiary dikes, the primary and secondary dikes are

    then perorated in order to install tidal flux and dynamics. Seawater can now flow into the system due to tidal influx. It will enter

    the primary dike and advance through the secondary dike where

    it will overtop into the aquaculture ponds which can be used as

    fish beds. With low tides, nutrient-rich water will be discharged

    rom these ponds and move through the productive pockets, here

    getting filtered by mussels, cockles, etc., beore running into the

    saline nature filters and flowing back into the sea. Different types

    o floating fishponds are placed in the fluctuating area between

    the primary and secondary dike, benefiting rom the tidal influ-

    ences. Te abundance o potentially harvestable saline vegetatio

    (nature filters) within this area contributes to the nutrient absorp

    tion, creating a system almost as efficient as the initial industri

    scale model, but now open to its environment.

    Due to the combination o saline nature and profitable aqua

    culture, it is believed that both the demands o the Scheldt bordetreaty and o the local armers society unwilling to give up profi

    able agricultural land or sole ‘unprofitable’ nature compensatio

    can be met, hereby presenting one o the first plausible solution

    afer years o debates and Parliamentary commissions ailing t

    address the problem. Besides this, a saline landscape will evolv

    with sublime delta experiences that will entice tourists, bir

    watchers and nature lovers, as well as improve coastal saety, wate

    quality and habitat diversity.

    criterion 4:



    safety(ooding /

    sea and rivers)








    viability( sustainable )

    +Genius Loci


    Soul of   Zeeland +


    resilience( sustainable /durable )

    criterion 1:


    criterion 2:



    criterion 3:





    the formula


    Figure 47 Four criteria are involvedin the ormula. Te first enlargementocused on the first three criteria. Inthe second enlargement, the coastaldeence criterion is also emphasizedas the existing landscape is opened upto the sea’s orces and saety becomesmore significant.

    Figure 48 Productive pond units

    (‘pockets’) are positioned in betweena smaller dike system, at the ringes othe area. Tis double dike system willalso add to the coastal deence o thehinterland. Harvesting activities are tohave minimum disturbance impact onthe natural system.

    resh water agricultural land ‘productive nature’

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    0 1 km

    ‘Afsluitdijk’ (A7)

    Water(‘IJsselmeer’, ‘Waddenzee’)

    Water planned(‘Wieringerrandmeer’)

    Salt marsh


    Wicker dams

    Brackish marsh

    Saline marsh


    Legend ‘De Afsluitdijk’

    Fresh marsh

    Forest (planned)

    Forest (proposed)


    Regional road

    Wind turbine

    Osmosis plant

    Tubes for osmosis



    Example 4. An Adaptive Afsluitdijk (FAA)

    (Sperling 2009)

    Te Future o an Adaptive Asluitdijk presents a 21st century design

    or a sae and ecologically improved barrier dam that expressesthe unique qualities o the site. Te design ocuses on a dam origi-

    nally built in 1932 to close off the Southern Sea, that allowed or

    better flood protection o the Dutch hinterland, cheaper mainte-

    nance and improved transportation routes, and created the pos-

    sibilities or several large-scale land reclamations. Its construction

    changed the sea south o the dam into a huge reshwater storage

    basin, the IJsselmeer [IJssel lake], as it is constantly being filled

    with by water rom the IJssel river. Fresh water is regularly dis-

    charged (spouted) at low tides by use o gravity rom the lake into

    the Wadden Sea in order to maintain sae water levels within the


    At present, the dam—an icon o Dutch technical water engineer-

    ing excellence—is outdated: it does not meet saety regulationsand needs to be redesigned in order to provide or the high saety

    standards set or the coming decades. But just as important, Dutch

    society has changed since 1932 and the dam is now seen as lacking

    perceptional experience and being mono-unctional and ecologi-

    cally ignorant; it causes a huge barrier in the natural river estuary

    system, separating saline rom resh water ecosystems, blocking

    migrating fish rom moving up the rivers, and obstructing species

    exchange. Te occasional spouting o large amounts o resh water

    rom the IJsselmeer into the brackish Wadden Sea causes abrupt

    Figure 49 Te design or anAdaptive Asluitdijk converts atechnically engineered bar-rier dam into a sae 21st centurydam engineered by technicalconstruction and ecologicalprocesses that is permeable orspecies exchange and provideshigh spatial quality.

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    l l




    environmental shock and results in illness and mortality o sea lie

    (Dijkema 2001; Rijkswaterstaat 2007a, 2007b, both cited in Sperling 2009: 20).

    Te thesis presents a landscape (space) solution or a deence

    (line) problem. By use o natural dynamics and artificial construc-tion, a deence landscape evolves that can incorporate ecological,

    experiential and renewable energy aspects next to the technical

    saety standards, while adding to the uniqueness o this iconic

    site. During the design process three models were developed: A)

    raising the dam; B) a natural barrier along the existing dam; and

    C) a second dam along the existing dam. Afer assessment o the

    spatial models, model B turned out to be the best model rom a

    landscape point o view.

    How it works

    Te design concept is based on the history and characteristic

    o the site. In order to increase the saety standard o the dam

    both artificial and natural-system methods are used. Te desigstarts by reconfiguring the profile o the dam. By moving th

    bicycle path to the other side (IJsselmeer side) o the dam, spac

    is provided to raise the dam by 2,35 meters while maintaining th

    highway and simultaneously improving the views rom the bik

    route. Between the bicycle path and the highway, a slope is con

    structed to separate ast rom slow traffic and counter noise po

    lution. Tis slope is optimized or placement o solar panels alon

    the ull length o the dam, providing up to 320 MW o harvestab

    renewable energy, clearly in sight o bicyclists. Te vast opennes

    Te ‘Asluitdijk’


    Stevin sluices Robbenplaat monument‘De Vlieter’


    KornwerderzandLorenz sluices


    Wadden Sea

    North Sea



    Te Netherlands

    Rhine-Meuseriver basin

    Figure 50 Te ‘Asluitdijk’barrier dam was constructedin 1932 to saeguard againstflooding by shortening thecoastline rom nearly 300to 30 kilometres, herebyconverting the SouthernSea to a reshwater basin(IJsselmeer). Higher riverdischarge and sea level risenow demand an update.

    Figure 51 Overview o the uture oppor-tunities and constraints. Since 1932, Dutchsociety and public opinion have changed,which now make ecology, leisure and renew-able energy important issues.

    Storm surges


    Abrupt resh water inlets

    Opportunity sustainable energy production




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       0   0


    Figure 52 While driving along the A7 highway, rom Amsterdam to the province o Friesland, the driver passes along the Asluitdijk. New or-est plantations mark the edge o the mainland, beore crossing the open water and arriving on the recovered isle o Wieringen. Passing along, thedike provides or vast new landscapes o openness and experienceable change, where natural processes saeguard the dam’s oreshore and renew-able energy is harvested. Arriving at the Friesland mainland is marked by yet another orest, planted out o wind turbines, creating a sensationalentry experience.

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    Dove Balg trench.

    7 contrast between dynamic and static

    4 sober design with exceptional places3 cultural historical value: icon unction2 ‘eternal’ thin line through the rough sea1 vastness o the water: an experience o reedomand openness








    Figure 53 Te designer madean in-depth study o the currentspatial quality o the dam. Tesequalities are to be maintained ina sustainable ramework, that caincorporate natural and culturaldynamics. Tis rame gives thepossibilities or change withoutharming the basic unctioningand quality o the design.

    Figure 54-56 At present,high resh water concentrationsnear discharge sluices (red) causmortality. In the new situation,the north-western stretch othe dam is protected by a newartificial ree that will also guidewater flows in order to provideor maximum mixing o resh ansaline water. Helped by brackishdischarge water rom an envi-sioned osmosis plant, a lengthyresh-saline transition arises thatallows or migrating fish to passup the river. Tis can double thechances o reintroducing the onc

    abundant salmon and sturgeon tonce again find their way into thRhine river basin.

    Figure 57 Newly constructedartificial rees, visible during lowtide and submerged during hightide, decrease the fierceness o(storm) waves.

    5 unity i n rhy thm, orm, mater ia l 6 i nteraction betwe en techni ca l an d natural ap-pearance

    8 sustainable energy potential

    Discharge mortality 

    Artificial oreshore rees

  • 8/9/2019 POLYCENTRIC Infras _ Landscape Approach to Infrastructure


    o the dam is urther emphasized by increasing the contrast with

    the headlands. Tis is done by enlarging the orests at the Noord-

    Holland abutment and adding a ‘orest’ o wind turbines at the

    Friesland abutment.

    On the northern side o the dam, light measures are taken to

    start and accelerate the accretion o silt and succession o salt

    marshes. Salt marshes have a huge natural potential o unction-

    ing as a natural barrier able to dim large waves and can grow along

    with the expected sea level rise (Dijkema et al. 2007 cited in Sperling

    2009: 100), hereby being intrinsically adaptive. In order to augment

    the processes o salt marsh genesis, wicker dams are placed instrategic locations and boulder clay is added as a basis. Water

    flows, depths, ecology and sandbanks are taken into account. In a

    later stage, and depending on natural development, marsh growth

    can be urther accelerated by seeding  or planting saline grasses

    and plants and by optional silt nourishments. Te change over

    time adds to the beauty o the site and appeals to visitors and tour-

    ists. Due to the vast scale and importance o the implementations,

    monitoring   growth and erosion o the salt marsh barrier is es-


    Because o the location o the ‘Doove Balg’ trench—touching

    the dam along the eastern side—and the act that this is the deep-

    est part, it is financially and technically not easible to protect the

    entire northern side o the dam with salt marshes, since they will

    be washed away by strong water currents. Tis area will be pro-

    tected by building artificial rees out o basalt blocks. Te height

    o these rees is adjusted to the tidal levels o the sea; at low tide the

    rees are visible, while during high tide they are invisible. By doing

    this, the tidal dynamics o the site can be well experienced and

     visitors are more aware o the natural orces present.

    Te salt marshes, being system-native and rare, have a highecological value and contribute also to the cleaning o the water.

    Tey filter the silt out o the water so that this water can be used

    in a newly proposed osmosis plant at Breezanddijk. Tis osmosis

    plant—open to the public or educational uses—makes use o the

    resh IJsselmeer water and saline Wadden Sea water to harvest

    sustainable energy and can produce about 500MW (REDstack 2008;

    IMSA 2008 both cited in Sperling 2009: 81). Te brackish ‘waste’ water o

    the osmosis plant is used in combination with the optimal posi-

    tioning o the rees to make a lengthy resh-saline water gradi-

    Figure 58 Reconfiguration o the dam. Bi-cycle paths are moved to present better viewsand reduce noise. Solar panels will harvestrenewable energy and inorm the public.

    Figure 59 Indication o the flora and aunao several salt marsh successional stages. Tesestages are not very predictable since adapta-tion to the existing conditions is needed.It requires monitoring. When seen the saltmarsh is not growing ast enough, sand canbe added. When seen the vegetation does notestablish ast enough seeds can be spread.

    Figure 60 Development o the marshlandoreshores over time. Basic conditions are set,while monitoring can bring to light the adjust-ments needed in order to improve conditions.

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    ent that is mixed by natural current and turbulence. By smart dis-

    charging  the osmosis residue water and leading it to the spoutingsluices, the spouted resh water will first get mixed with brackish

    water beore mixing with the saline Wadden Sea water. Migrat-

    ing fish find this brackish water flow and swim in the direction o

    Breezanddijk, because o the gradient in salinity. Near the osmo-

    sis plant at Breezanddijk, the same brackish residue water is now

    used or creating a resh-saline fish ladder, allowing diadromous

    fish species to pass the dam and migrate up the rivers. A strolling

    path passing the marshes connects the village o Den Oever to the

    Vlieter Monument and osmosis plant.

    As a whole, the design presents an integral landscape solutio

    or a sae Asluitdijk that is beautiul, contextual and adaptive tunpredictable climate change. Te design produces renewable so

    lar, osmosis, tidal and wind energy or up to 538.000 household

    Te spatial quality o the open horizon and the long, straight lin

    are strengthened, while better fitting the natural conditions an

    local context. Te design now shows a multiunctional  Aslui

    dijk in which the production o renewable energy , and the in

    crease o ecological values and visitor experience, are integrate

    with the main unctions o providing saety, spouting water, an

    being a passenger connection.

    Now - current situation 2025 - land accretion, mud flats

    2050 - pioneer vegetation, initial marsh growth 2100 - vegetation succession, development o a creek system

    2150 - urther vegetation succession, dry land due to upsilting 2200 - succession climax

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    Example 5. A Working Landscape for New Orleans (WLNO)

    (Hermens, van der Salm & van der Zwet 2010)

    It is now known history that hurricane Katrina struck the

    South Louisiana coastline near New Orleans, flooding 80% o the

    city up to 3 meters and orcing virtually all citizens to evacuate.

    Te historical parts o the city, located on higher grounds, do well

    and again have a population reaching close to pre-Katrina levels.However large parts o low-lying suburbs, such as the studied

    Gentilly and Lakeview neighbourhoods, are still severely dam-

    aged and vacant. Tis research ocuses not only on hurricane

    threats, but takes into account rain-flood events, subsidence, the

    permanent consequence o vegetation loss, vacancy, and the re-

    sulting changes in atmosphere o the neighbourhoods. ogether

    they determine the landscape quality. Tree main problems are

    identified: (1) Extreme rain events rustrate the broken storm wa-

    ter system causing interior flood problems up to 60 cm during a

    1/10 year storm event; (2) Katrina destroyed 70% o the urban

    canopy—an estimated total amount o 100.000 trees—resulting in

    a lack o shade during hot summers and a barren and deserted

    looking suburban landscape; and (3) Over 30% o the residential

    plots in Lakeview and Gentilly are currently unoccupied, causing

    a perorated urban tissue. Tis perorated tissue will not heal on

    its own accord and needs a structural rethinking, but it also o-ers opportunities or changes in water management. Te design-

    ers conclude that the current landscape quality is insufficient and

    will not recover on the basis o existing policies, and address these

    structural problems with an integrated, long-term strategy.

    Te project proposes a transormation process aimed at a

    working landscape. Tis working landscape perorms  or hu-

    mans and the city by ensuring a healthy and pleasant living en-

     vironment, through inclusion o ecological processes. Tis work-

    ing landscape also inorms  humans by inspiring, revealing and

    Proposal: Lowering the outall canals makes possible the introductiono an interconnected network o waterways, linking both parks...

    Water system transormation: Revealing the water

    Current situation: Raised outall canals. Water hidden behind flood-walls / in subsurace, discharge dependent drainage system.

    ... and utilizing vacant lots to urther develop the landscape rameworkand waterstorage capacity.

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    triggering the imagination. Part o this transormation is a new

    strategy regarding water management, advocating a connected

    water system based on store‐retain‐discharge principles. As such

    it mitigates rain flood events, offers conditions or native, sustain-

    able vegetation and provides attractive public space.

    How it worksTe designers start by quantiying the assignment o water stor-

    age, re-vegetation and healing o the urban abric into cubic me-

    ters, hectares, amounts o trees, number o empty plots, etc.

    Four landscape zones are revealed: Lakeshore, Whispering

    Winds, Mysterious Woods and Lush Ridge. Te original land-

    scapes, together with topography, rate o subsidence and prob-

    lems with rainwater flooding are used to define boundaries be-

    tween the different landscape zones o the project area. Within

    these zones, the original landscapes (e.g. salt marsh, orest swamp,

    levee orest) are used as inspiration to define vegetation and ac

    cent species, building/water ratio and the type o hydrology inter

     ventions and orms.

    Next, all open space—including the current drainage sy

    tem—is defined as design space, quantified and divided int

    anchorpoints (large park and landscape patches), voids (empt

    plots) and lines (water and road networks). Within this opespace, a new landscape ramework is to be implemented; th

    spatial basis or addressing the three problems stated earlier.

    Following, the ramework is mobilized by introducing exten

    sive surace water and green structures o native and storm-proo


    Te ramework is firstly used to create an interconnected an

    branched water system with a continuous flow: (1) Raised outa

    canals are lowered and floodwalls are removed, revealing th

    water and creating waterront opportunities; (2) Outall cana

    1 Subsidence: Up to -1,3m / 100yr due to deep drainage regime that damages property and inrastruc-ture.

    4 Vacancy: 30% o lots is vacant. Vacancy is strongly related to topography; low areas near thelake suffered most.

    2 Rain flooding: Up to 62cm during a 1/10yr storm event due to a non-perorming technocraticwater system aimed solely at an as-ast-as-possible discharge. Storage assignment = 1.200.000m3. Floodwalls render the water inexperienceable in this delta city!



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    High grounds: Natural levees

    Seafront: Brackish to saline marshes Live Oak natural levee forest

    Cypress-tupelo-blackgum swamp

    Brackish to saline marshland

    Lakefront man-made landfill

    Transition: Freshwater swamp


    Inspiration rom original landscapes 4 landscape zones define boundariesEmpty space = design space (770 hectares)





    +1’+1’ +1’

    step 1:lower outall canals and remove redundant floodwalls

    step 2:connecting the canals

    step 3:intensiy network 

    step 4:connections over empty lots

  • 8/9/2019 POLYCENTRIC Infras _ Landscape Approach to Infrastructure


    FJ M A M J J A S O N D


    | |

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    | | |

    | | |

    | | |

    Lagerstroemia indica

    (crape myrtle)


    | | | |


    | | | |


    | | | |

    | | | |



    FJ M A M J J A S O N D


    | |

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    | | |

    | | |

    | | |

    Quercus virginiana

    (live oak)

    FJ M A M J J A S O N D

     (bald cypress)

    FJ M A M J J A S O N D


    Taxodium ascendens

    (pond cypress)

    FJ M A M J J A S O N D


    | |

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    | |

    | | |

    | | |

    | | |

    Quercus virginiana

    (live oak)

    FJ M A M J J A S O N D


    | |

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    | | || | |

    | | |

    FJ M A M J J A S O N D


    Schoenoplectus robustus

    (salt marsh
