Political Science Preliminary Examination 2003


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  • 8/10/2019 Political Science Preliminary Examination 2003


    Political Science Preliminary Examination 2003 - Solved (Series D)

    Political Science Preliminary Examination 2003 - Solved (Series D)


    Correct Option

    1. Non-security issues have taken priority over force, violence, and military might because of (a) Modernization of the world political and

    communication systems (b) Modernization of the world political and economic systems (c) Trans nationalization of the world economic and

    political systems (d) Decentralization of the world economic and political systems


    2. According to political scientist Almost all systems of governments perform two basic functions, namely (a) Import and export functions (b)

    Input and output functions (c) Active and proactive functions (d) Information and logistic functions


    3. Jhum cultivation by cutting and burning trees is in practice by indigenous tribes in (a) Karnataka (b) North-Eastern States (c) Orissa (d)

    Jammu and Kashmir


    4. Which one of the following is NOT the characteristic of a six point syndrome of totalitarianism propounded by Friedrichand Brzezinski?

    (a) An official ideology (b) A system of terroristic policy (c) A monopoly of means of communication (d) A divine right to rule


    5. Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of Liberal Democracy? (a) Guarantees of civil liberties and rights (b) Government is

    vested with unfettered powers (c) The independence of organised groups and interests from government (d) Regular elections that respect

    the principle of one personone vote; one vote one value


    6. Alternative vote of confidence is in vogue in one of the democratic political systems. Identify the country (a) Switzerland (b) Austria (c)

    Germany (d) France


    7. China has moved away from the policy of statism to market economy, which was propounded by one of the communist leaders of

    revolution who said Market in China is like a bird in cage. Identify the person (a) Chou En Lai (b) Lio Shao Chi (c) Deng Tsiao Ping (d)

    Chiang Kai Shek


    8. Human consciousness postulates liberty, liberty involves right, rights demand of State. Who has made this statement? (a)Laski (b)

    Barker (c) Green (d) Hegel


    9. Government of National Unity is a concept developed by which one of the following third world countries? (a) Nigeria (b) Tanzania (c)

    Argentina (d) South Africa

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  • 8/10/2019 Political Science Preliminary Examination 2003


    Environment and Development in (a) 1991 (b) 1992 (c) 1993 (d) 1995


    19. Which one of the following is not the feature of French Constitution of 1958 ? (a) Adoption of Declaration of Rights of 1789 (b) Favouring

    strong Presidency (c) Limited powers of Parliament (d) Unicameral legislature


    20. Match List I (Development Approach) with List II (Features) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List I

    List II (Development Approach) (Features) A. Blue print approach 1. Utilisation of capital resources over human resources B. Learning

    process 2. Cybernetic process approach with latitude for change according to needs C. Production centred 3. Planning in approach advance

    for development D. People centred 4. Individual as an approach actor who defines the goal Codes: A B C D (a) 3 4 1 2 (b) 1 2 3 4 (c) 3 2 1 4 (d)

    1 4 3 2


    21. Crisis of distribution referred to in the context of poverty alleviation indicates (a) Problem of distribution of fruits of development (b)

    Improper distribution of spoils of power (c) Inadequate resources to meet the needs of the country (d) Injudicious distribution of financial

    aid to the poor


    22. Which one of the following is NOT suggested by the Sarkaria Commission on the selection of Governor? (a) That a politician from the

    ruling party at the Centre is not appointed (b) That a detached figure not too intimately connected with the local politics of the state is not

    appointed (c) That consultation with the Chief Minister regarding appointment of a Governor be mandatory (d) That Governor remains a

    mere figure head and should not function as an agent or representative of the centre


    23. Article 30 of the Indian Constitution deals with the (a) Freedom of conscience (b) Right to propagate religion (c) Right of minorities to

    establish and manage educational institutions (d) Cultural and educational rights of the majority community


    24. In Indian Constitution, the power to issue a writ of Habeas Corpus is vested only in (a) The Supreme Court (b) The High Courts (c) The

    Subordinate Courts (d) The Supreme Court and the High Courts


    25. Which one of the following is NOT an input function of political system? (a) Political communication (b) Political recruitment (c) Interest

    articulation (d) Rule adjudication


    26. Which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched? (a) Aristotle : State is a magnified individual (b) Hegel : State is a march of

    God on earth (c) Marx : Modern state is an instrument of class exploitation (d) Gandhi : State represents violence in concentrated form


    27. Under which Article of the Indian Constitution has the state been empowered to protect and improve the environment, forests and

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    wildlife? (a) Article 43A (b) Article 48A (c) Article 44 (d) Article 46


    28. Identify the two among these who sought to define underdevelopment in terms of neocolonial dependency mode : 1. A.G. Frank 2. Celso

    Furtado 3. E.W. Weidner 4. Gunnar Myrdal Select the correct answer using the codes given below : (a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and



    29. With the causes of exploitation of class by class removed, with the abolition of classes, the State will, therefore, inevitably wither away To

    which theory of the origin of State is the above statement applicable? (a) Divine right theory (b) Social contract theory (c) Evolutionary theory

    (d) Marxist theory


    30. Pluralists believe that (a) State is morally superior to all associations (b) Power of the State is absolute, internally and externally (c) State

    is also one of the associations of society (d) Society and State are coeval and co-extensive


    31. Which one of the following statements can be associated with the concept of rights? (a) Ones realization of his bestself must involve as its

    logical result the realization by others of their best selves (b) Adequate opportunities must be laid open to all (c) One is entitled to all those

    conditions of social life without which no man can seek in general to be himself at his best (d) The very difference in the nature of men

    require mechanisms for the expression of their wills that give to each its due hearing


    32. Match List I (Theorists) with List II (Statements) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List I List II

    (Theorists) (Statements) A. Duguit 1. Where there is no law, there is no freedom B. Locke 2. Law is the command of the Sovereign C.

    MacIver 3. It is not the State which creates law but it is the law which creates the State.Laws are merely the expressions of social reality D.

    Austin 4. The State is both the child and the parent of law Codes: A B C D (a) 4 1 3 2 (b) 3 2 4 1 (c) 4 2 3 1 (d) 3 1 4 2


    33. In 1989, the 64th and 65th Amendment Bills (Nagarpalikas and Panchayats) were not passed and the Amendment Act could not come in

    force at that time because (a) Lok Sabha was dissolved in November, 1989 (b) Lok Sabha could not pass the Bill for lack of required majority

    (c) Rajya Sabha could not pass the Bill due to lack of the required majority (d) The President sent the Bill for reconsideration


    34. Who believed that Irrespective of the forms of government, authority tends to be oligarchic? (a) Aristotle (b) Robert Mitchels (c) Harold

    Laski (d) Max Weber


    35. Which one of the following statement is NOT true with regard to Non-Government Organizations? (a) They have come to play

    increasingly constructive role in the developmental process (b) They have to redefine their role in accordance with the changing times (c) The

    government has to change the bureaucratic attitude towards the Non-Government Organisations (d) The government should affiliate Non-

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    Government Organisations to its respective departments in order to have better control over their functioning


    36. According to Antonio Gramsci, civil society is primarily geared to the generation of (a) coercion (b) exploitation (c) consent (d) dissent


    37. Which concept of democratic participation has a coalitional thrust? (a) Liberal (b) Populist (c) Consociational (d) Totalitarian


    38. Democracy is an institutional arrangement for arriving at political decisions and not an end in itself. This argument is put forth by

    (Scholar) (Book) (a) Joseph Schumpeter : Capitalism Socialism and Democracy (b) Carole Pateman : Participation and Demo- cratic (c)

    Milton Friedman : Capitalism and Freedom (d) Robert Nozick : Anarchy, State and Utopia


    39. Which of the following procedures is/are used in the implementation of Minority Representation under the scheme of Proportional

    Representation? 1. Hare scheme of single transferable vote 2. List system 3. Limited vote plan 4. commutative vote system Select the correct

    answer using the codes given below : (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 3 and 4


    40. Match List I (Statements) with List II (Thinkers) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List I List II

    (Statements) (Thinkers) A. The highest moral law 1. J.S. Mill is that we should unremittingly work for the good of mankind.B. It is

    important to give 2. Mahatma Gandhi the freest scope possible to uncustomary things in order that it may in time appear which of these are

    fit to be converted into custom. C. Where the need for 3. Sir Aurobindo immediate liberty is urgent and it is a presentquestion of national

    life or death on the instant, revolt is the only course. Codes: A B C (a) 3 2 1 (b) 2 1 3 (c) 3 1 2 (d) 2 3 1


    41. Match List I (Characteristic Features) with List II (Political Ideology) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists:

    List I List II (Characteristic Features) (Political Ideology) A. Formation of the natural, 1. Guild socialism harmonious, organic communities

    for the free development of the individual and the abolition of the main source of coercion,State. B. Formation of self- 2. Democratic

    governing autonomous socialism associations of people that will work on cooperative basis to establish partnership between group and State.

    C. Combination of human 3. Syndicalism fellowship, just social system, common ownership and mutual service. D. A system of 4. Anarchism

    revolutionary tactics using non-political methods to create an economic federation. Codes: A B C D (a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 2 1 4 3 (c) 4 3 2 1 (d) 2 3 4 1


    42. The scientific method does NOT emphasise on (a) empiricism (b) values (c) facts (d) objectivity


    43. A socialist theory does NOT stand for (a) State control on the means of production (b) Production to be based on social necessity (c)

    Social service motive (d) Free and open competition


    44. Everything for the State; noting against the State, nothing outside the State sums up the philosophy of (a) Marxism (b)Fascism (c)

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    Fabian Socialism (d) Guild Socialism


    45. The chief modus operandi of cultural imperialism is (a) Annexation (b) Plunder (c) Trade (d) Hegemony


    46. Match List I (Authors) with List II (Books) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List I List II (Authors)

    (Books) A. Simone de Beauvoir 1. The Second Sex B. Betty Friedan 2. Sexual Politics C. Kate Millet 3. Feminine Mystique D. Sheila

    Rowbothom 4. Womans Consciousness, Mans World Codes: A B C D (a) 2 3 4 1 (b) 1 4 3 2 (c) 2 4 3 1 (d) 1 3 4 2 (* : Option isdoubtful)


    47. A party-less regime is a conservative regime, an anti-party regime is a reactionary regime. Who made this statement? (a) K.C. Wheare

    (b) Carl J. Friedrich (c) Sartori (d) Samuel Huntington


    48. The theory of sovereignty is historically associated with the rise of (a) Feudalism (b) Absolute monarchy (c) Democracy (d)



    49. Which of the following characteristics correctly explain the Marxist perspective of the nature of State? The State 1. arose out of class

    contradictions. 2. is the most powerful instrument of exploitation. 3. represents organised violence by the proletariat. 4. Symbolises

    transformation of intra-state efficacy. 5. expresses social divisiveness as a persistent reality. Select the correct answer using the codes given

    below: (a) 3, 5 and 6 (b) 1, 4 and 5 (c) 1, 2 and 6 (d) 2, 3 and 4


    50. The thinker who based politics on Psychology, and Psychology on Physics and Geometry was (a) Montesquieu (b) Rousseau (c) Thomas

    Hobbes (d) Bentham


    51. Match List I (Prime Ministers) with List II (Their Concept of Bureaucracy) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the

    Lists: List I List II (Prime Ministers) (Their Concept of Bureaucracy) A. Jawaharlal Nehru 1. Neutral bureaucracy B. Indira Gandhi 2.

    Committed bureaucracy C. Morarji Desai 3. Social justice based bureaucracy D. V.P. Singh 4. Development-oriented bureaucracy 5.

    Representative bureaucracy Codes: A B C D (a) 1 2 5 3 (b) 4 3 1 2 (c) 1 3 5 2 (d) 4 2 1 3


    52. The advocates of deliberative democracy emphasise (a) Parliamentary sovereignty (b) Judicial autonomy (c) Executive supremacy (d)

    Popular participation


    53. Which one of the following statements is true? (a) Local government derives its authority from, and is subordinate to, State government

    (b) Local government is independent of State government (c) Local government derives its authority from the Constitution (d) Local

    government performs functions of national interest

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    54. Which one of the following countries has a disciplined multi-party systems? (a) France during V Republic (b) India (c) Sri Lanka (d)



    55. National League for Democracy is (a) A ruling party of Indonesia (b) An opposition party of Myanmar (c) A ruling party of Bhutan (d)

    An opposition party of Indonesia


    56. Which constitution is called a tailor-made Constitution? (a) Constitution of Fourth Republic of France (b) Constitution of Fifth Republic

    of France (c) Constitution of United Germany (d) Constitution of U.S.A.


    57. The policy of protective discrimination seeks to promote (a) Formal equality (b) Substantive equality (c) Inequality (d) Meritocracy


    58. Which one of the following statements in regard to Presidential form of Government is NOT correct? (a) Member of the Cabinet are not

    representatives of the people since they do not have definite programme of their own to implement (b) The Members of the Cabinet are

    responsible to the President for all their actions (c) Real Executive is the legislature (d) There is no gap between theory and practice


    59. The Unitary State is stronger than a Federal one because all powers of government are concentrated in the hands of one single set of

    authorities. Hence there is (a) Absence of conflict of authority and responsibility (b) Absence of simplification of governmental organisation

    (c) Overlapping of jurisdiction (d) Duplication of functions


    60. Match List I (Political Thinkers) with List II (Ideas) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List I List II

    (Political Thinkers) (Ideas) A. Machiavelli 1. Wanted a stable mercantile bourgeois State in England B. Hobbes 2. Wanted the creation and

    consolidation of a national Monarchy in Italy C. Locke 3. Wanted a socialist revolution and overthrow of capitalism D. Marx 4. Wanted to

    rationalise the Glorious Revolution Codes: A B C D (a) 2 1 4 3 (b) 3 4 1 2 (c) 2 4 1 3 (d) 3 1 4 2


    61. In which of the following federal systems decentralisation is implemented under the grass roots doctrine? (a) Canada (b) Australia (c)

    India (d) U.S.A


    62. Match List I (Thinkers) with List II (Statements) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List I List II

    (Thinkers) (Statements) A. Edmund Burke 1. It is not the nation which generates the State. Rather it is the State which creates the nation. B.

    Mussolini 2. State is a partnership in all science; a partnership in all art; a partnership in every virtue and in all perfection. C. Hegel 3. The

    State is a divine will, in the sense that it is mind present on earth, unfolding itself to be the actual shape and organisation of a world. D. Locke

    4. The State acts as a nightwatchman whose services are only called upon when orderly existence is threatened. Codes: A B CD (a) 2 1 3 4 (b)

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    70. In which case did the Supreme Court pronounce the judgement for the first t ime that the basic structure of the Constitution cannot be

    amended by Parliament? (a) Shankari Prasad vs. Union of India 1952 (b) Golaknath vs. State of Punjab, 1967 (c) Keshvananda vs. State of

    Kerala, 1973 (d) Minerva Mills vs. Union of India, 1980


    71. Consider the following statements on Zonal Councils in India 1. Zonal Councils were set up under the provisions of the States

    Reorganization Act. 2. Zonal Councils discuss various issues of common interest in the field of planning, river waters, inter-state transport. 3.

    They enable the centre and states to co-operate in evolving uniform policies in social and economic matters. 4. Their decisions are binding on

    Centre as well as on State governments. Which of these statements are correct? Codes : (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 3 and 4 (c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2, and



    72. Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of a Theocratic State? (a) The religious authority should prevail over political

    authority (b) Government posts are filled up on the basis of ones position in the religious hierarchy (c) Religious rules and precepts take

    precedence over political rules and regulations (d) Its authority is based on popular consent


    73. Who among the following championed the cause of socialist ideas in the Indian National Congress before independence? (a) Dr. Pattabhi

    Sitaramayya (b) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru (c) Sardar Vallabhai Patel (d) Jamnalal Bajaj


    74. Match List I (Authors) with List II (Books) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List I List II (Authors)

    (Books) A. F.A. Hayek 1. Political Liberalisation B. John Rawls 2. The Constitution of Liberty C. C.B. Macpherson 3. The Real World of

    Democracy D. Milton Friedman 4. Capitalism and Freedom D. Milton Friedman 4. Capitalism and Freedom Codes: A B C D (a) 2 1 3 4 (b) 4 3

    1 2 (c) 2 3 1 4 (d) 4 1 3 2


    75. Among the following, identify the most powerful and largest number of pressure groups in India (a) Institutional groups (b) Public

    interest groups (c) Non-associational groups (d) Associational groups


    76. The organizational approach to the Elite Theory is represented by (a) Vilfred Pareto (b) Gaetano Mosca (c) Robert Michaels (d) C. Wright



    77. Role of the pressure group is confined to the welfare of (a) All sections of society within a state (b) Its members only (c) Mankind (d)

    Weaker sections of society


    78. Who among the following is an acclaimed analyst on political parties? (a) Walter Lippman (b) Maurice Duverger (c) H.J. Laski (d) James


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    79. Consider the following statements A municipal corporations income (revenue) is derived from 1. local taxes. 2. grants from state and

    central governments. 3. contributions and donations of local people. 4. devolution of fiscal powers by a federal constitution. 5. tax sharing

    between state government and the municipal corporation concerned. Which of these statements are correct? Codes : (a) 1, 2 and 5 (b) 1, 2 and

    3 (c) 3, 4 and 5 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 5


    80. 73rd Amendment to the Constitution of India provides for (a) Two tiers of Panchayati Raj institutions at the village and district levels (b)

    Two tiers of Panchayati Raj institutions at the village and block levels (c) Two tiers of Panchayati Raj institutions at the block and district

    levels (d) Three tiers of Panchayati Raj institutions at village, block and district levels


    81. Communalism in Indian context means (a) Serving the community in a befitting manner (b) Using communal identity for political gains

    (c) A group of people bound by ethnic feelings (d) Creating friendly relations with the other communities


    82. The best form of federalism suited for countries like India is (a) Centralised federalism (b) Bargaining federalism (c) Cooperative

    federalism (d) Conflicting federalism


    83. In which year did India become a party to the International convention on Biological Diversity? (a) 1992 (b) 1993 (c) 1994 (d) 1995


    84. As per the 2001 Census, the minimum standards of literacy are (a) a person aged 12 years and above who can read and understand any

    language (b) a person aged 18 years and above, who can read, speak and write in any language (c) a person aged 7 years and above who can

    both read and write with understanding in any language (d) a person aged 21 years and above, who can read, speak and write any language


    85. Who among the following was considered to be a forerunner of backward class movement? (a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (b) Jotirao Phule (c)

    E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker (d) Ram Manohar Lohia Directions : The following 15 (fifteen) items consist of two statements, on labelled as the

    Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R). You are to examine these two statements carefully and select the answers to these items using

    the codes given below : Codes : (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually

    true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true


    86. Assertion (A) : Systems theory is criticized for its alleged ideological basis in favour of Status quo. Reason (R) : Systems theory is

    criticized for its alleged ideological basis in favour of Status quo.


    87. Assertion (A) : There has been a growing demand from review of centre-state relationships. Reason (R) : The states have no adequate

    resources to take up developmental projects.

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    88. Assertion (A) : Bureaucracy as an instrument of exploitation in the state, exploits the affairs of the community in such a manner as to

    promote and sustain its private ends. Reason (R) : It is the bureaucracy which determines the fate of a political system of a given society.


    89. Assertion (A) : Article 14 of the Indian Constitution does not lay down that all laws must be of universal application. Reason (R) : State

    has power to classify persons for legitimate purpose and on reasonable grounds.


    90. Assertion (A) : Indian socialists emphasized on labour intensive cottage industry, decentralization and eradication of the caste system.

    Reason (R) : Indian socialists were deeply influenced by Mahatma Gandhi.


    91. Assertion (A) : Collective responsibility of the Cabinet signifies unity and coordination among members of the Council of Ministers.

    Reason (R) : It is the prerogative of the Prime Minister to select or drop a member of the Cabinet.


    92. Assertion (A) : Judicial Review is a process to restrain the executive or the legislature from exercising power which may not be sanctioned

    by the Constitution. Reason (R) : The source of the power of judicial review in India is Article 13(2) of the Constitution.


    93. Assertion (A) : Judicial activism emerged in India as an extra constitutional development through judicial pronouncements and

    judgements. Reason (R) : Judicial activism fills the gap, since the existing law is not clear or pronounced.


    94. Assertion (A) : Reservation of a State Bill for the assent of the President is a discretionary power of the Governor. Reason (R) : The

    President of India can disallow or return a Bill passed by a State legislature for reconsideration.


    95. Assertion (A) : Sarkaria Commission recommended that consultation between the Centre and Chief Ministers on important appointments

    be certainly made. Reason (R) : This could be achieved through amending Article 165 of the Indian Constitution.


    96. Assertion (A) : Pressure Groups involve in politics and policy making process in India through direct and indirect means. Reason (R) :

    They aspire to come to power to achieve their goals.


    97. Assertion (A) : Development administration signifies action-oriented and target-oriented programmes suitable for developing countries.

    Reason (R) : The success of rural development plans acts as a strong impetus for initiating other developmental plans.


    98. Assertion (A) : A social movement is a particular form of collective behaviour in which the motive to act springs from the attitude of

    members and the challenges of the society. Reason (R) : Social Groups and movements embrace interest groups and political parties to

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    achieve their goals.


    99. Assertion (A) : Decision-making theory-directs attention not to states as metaphysical abstractions, but instead seeks to highlight the

    behaviour of decision-makers. Reason (R) : Decision-making theory identifies a large number of relevant variables and suggests possible

    inter-relationships among them.


    100. Assertion (A) : In assessing power today, technology, education and economic growth and becoming more important than military

    might. Reason (R) : Sources of power are never static and are always in a state of flux. (a)


    101. The most outstanding contemporary advocate of libertarianism is (a) Rawls (b) Habermas (c) Dworkin (d) Nozick


    102. All-India Kisan Congress, later on known as All-India Kisan Sabha, was formed in (a) Lucknow Session of Indian National Congress in

    1936 (b) Surat Session of Indian National Congress in 1906 (c) Lahore Session of Indian National Congress in 1929 (d) None of the above


    103. Generally Non-governmental Organisations in India are registered under (a) Registration Act, 1860 (b) Registration Act, 1871 (c)

    Registration Act, 1960 (d) Registration Act, 1948


    104. In which year was the Human Rights Protection Law passed in India? (a) 1986 (b) 1987 (c) 1993 (d) 1995


    105. The ideal of internationalism involves (a) Total abandonment of nationalism (b) Partial abandonment of nationalism (c) Adequate

    recognition of cultural distinctiveness of nations (d) Derecognition of cultural distinctiveness


    106. Match List I (Author) with List II (Phrase) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List I List II (Authors)

    (Phrase) A. Hayes 1. Of all the evils I hate, I think I hate nationalism most B. Organsko 2. An organised self interest ofthe whole people C.

    Rabindranath 3. As a belief Tagore nationalism has been a curse and nothing but a curse D. Victor Golancz 4. To believe that nationalism

    will vanish because it is dangerous or the nations will wither away because there are other waysof organising mankind is false Codes: A B C

    D (a) 1 2 4 3 (b) 3 4 2 1 (c) 1 4 2 3 (d) 3 2 4 1


    107. Match List I (Authors) with List II (Books) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List I List II (Authors)

    (Books) A. John Rawls 1. Spheres of Justice B. Morten Kaplan 2. The Mirage of Social Justice C. Federick Hayek 3. System and Process in

    International Politics D. Michael Walzer 4. A Theory of Justice Codes: A B C D (a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 2 1 4 3 (c) 4 1 2 3 (d) 2 3 4 1


    108. Marxian view treats international politics as an extension of class war in (a) global perspective (b) national perspective (c) societal

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    perspective (d) None of the above


    109. Consider the following statements : 1. System theory is the result of the behavioural revolution in Social Science. 2. There is a universally

    acceptable definition of a system. 3. System theory aims at the unification of Science and Scientific analysis. Which of these statements is/are

    correct? Codes : (a) 1 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 3 only


    110. Who among the following justified the absolute power of sovereign on the basis of an original and irrevocable agreement of the people to

    surrender their natural rights to its authority? (a) Hobbes (b) Rousseau (c) Austin (d) Laski


    111. The correct sequence in Game theory is (a) Gamechoiceplayerequilibrium (b) payoffsstrategiessystemsgame (c) payoffschoice

    playergame (d) systemsequilibriumgameplayer


    112. Which one of the following statements is NOT correct? (a) Diplomacy is an instrument of foreign policy (b) Major international

    agreements are usually negotiated by foreign ministers (c) Diplomats do not play now as great a role in international negotiations as they

    once did (d) Diplomats now get greater latitude than they enjoyed in 19th Century


    113. The idea of World Systems Theory signifying the arrival of international capitalist order was predicted in the 1970s. Identify the scholar

    who advanced this idea (a) Samuel P. Huntington (b) Andre Gunder Frank (c) George Wallerstein (d) Cardoso


    114. Neo-Marxists view the economic globalisation as (a) Equalitarian process (b) Development process (c) Hierarchical process (d) Uneven

    Hierarchical process


    115. Which aspect of imperialism does the dependency theory emphasize? (a) Economic (b) Political (c) Cultural (d) Strategic


    116. Which one does NOT contribute to the formation of International Government? (a) Expansion of international trade (b) Establishment

    of international organisation (c) Inter-state rivalry (d) Means of communication


    117. S. Finer has designated the interest groups as (a) Invisible governments (b) Unofficial government (c) Government within the

    government (d) Anonymous empire


    118. Marxism believes that (a) the real is the rational and the rational is the real (b) social relations are rooted in the material conditions (c)

    economic relations can be understood in the light of the progress of human mind (d) it is human consciousness that determines the social life

    of man

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    119. According to Keohane and Nye, the internationalisation of the world economy had led the major industrialised nations to a pattern of (a)

    complex interdependence (b) complex dependence (c) dependence (d) interdependence


    120. Consider the following statements : The major functions of political parties are 1. Rule 2. Interest aggregation 3. Political socialization 4.

    Regulation of the behaviour of the people Which of these statements are correct? Codes : (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 4


    Acknowledgement: Chanakya IAS Academy. Online source: http://www.kadiravan.com/

