Police UFO Reports-2006


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  • 8/2/2019 Police UFO Reports-2006




    2 0 0 6

    b y

    Detec t iv e Const ab le 18 77 HESELTI NE

    Br i t i sh Tran spor t Po l i ce

    Th is repo r t does no t re f l ec t t he v i ew s o f my fo r ce , t he B r i t i sh T ranspor t

    Pol ice.

    This report is now the fifth one I have completed since I launched the PRUFOSPolice Database in January 2002.

    T h e cu r r e n t t o t a l i s 2 1 3 c as es d a t i n g b e t w e en 1 9 0 1 a n d 2 0 0 5 i n v o l v i n g

    5 0 0 B r it i s h p o l ic e o f f ic er s .

    What follows is the most comprehensive police archive of UFO sightings everpublished anywhere in Britain.




    1 9 0 1

    1 . 2 1 / 1 2 / 1 9 0 1 . 0 0 4 5 h o u r s . L oc at i o n : H aw o r t h , W e st Y o r k sh i r e . As two

    uniformed police officers, PS JOHN JOHNSON and PC CLARK were walkingalong a snow covered beat in Haworth when suddenly a green light illuminatedthe surrounding area. The officers looked up to the sky to see a luminous UFOshaped like a cigar pointed at both ends. The object emitted occasional flashes

    and sparks. They watched the object for 15 minutes as it slowly and silentlymoved across the night sky before disappearing into the distance. PS JOHNSONstated that the object was seen at an altitude of 100-150 feet before gradually

    gaining height. Two members of the public reported seeing similar objects inKeighley and Shipley respectively.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON CE1 ( CLOSE ENCOUNTER 1 ST KI N D) . On d u t y

    s ig h t i n g . 2 Of f i c er s . So u r c e Mr M i d g l ey v i a Ke i g h le y N ew s 0 2 / 1 2 / 9 4 .

    1 9 5 0

    2 . Mo n d a y . 0 2 / 1 1 / 5 0 . Lo ca t i o n Go w e r t o n , W a l es . Following a report bya member of the public of two lights traveling across the sky, DETECTI VESERGEANT AMBROSE DAVI ES, of Gowerton Police station observed a singlewhite ball of flame. It was much brighter than any star and after a few seconds

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    was seen to break into two pieces. A shower of reddish sparks were seen to therear of the objects. The officer ruled out planets and meteors stating that there

    were definitely two objects in the sky and that they were joined by some kind oftether. UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 1 O f f i ce r . Sour ce UFO Magazine P ress Arch i ve .

    1 9 5 2

    3 . 2115 Hours . Loca t i on - Leek , Sta f fo r dsh i re .

    A police officer on plain clothes observations and two passing civilians saw aUFO literally above their heads at the recreation ground, Burton Street, Leek,Staffordshire. The object was seen for approx 2-3 minutes at an alt of 500 feet.They described it as orange in colour prior to the object changing shape fromsphere to cigar by which time it was blue. Eventually the object accelerated awayat a fantastic speed in a northerly direction. Throughout duration of the sighting

    the UFO made no noise whatsoever. It was a clear cold night, no wind and thestars were visible. The sighting was reported by the officer but he was told by his

    Superintendent to keep his mouth shut. The sighting was released to the press.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON CE1 ( CLOSE ENCOUNTER 1 ST K I N D ) .On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 1 O f f i cer . Sour ce: I rene Bo t t a rch i ve .

    1 9 5 4

    4. Febru ary . 06 00 hou rs . Locat ion Bogn or Reg is , Sussex .

    PC WI LLI AM KEATS was cycling to work for the 6am shift when he saw theroad ahead suddenly illuminated from behind him. He stopped and turned to seean intense white light travelling from west to east. Upon reaching the policestation two other officers from Chichester, PC HOWARD NORTH and PC TONYCOX confirmed they too had seen what they described as a tadpole shaped UFO.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    O n D u t y s ig h t i n g . 3 O f f i ce r s. So u r c e : Da i ly M a i l 1 1 / 0 2 / 5 4 .

    1 9 5 5

    5. Even in g. Sum m er. Locat ion - Sussex coas t . An on duty uniformed policeofficer PC JOHN L CLARKE observed a bright light flying at high altitude alongthe Sussex coast on a late evening summers sky. He estimated the size of theUFO as size of the moon. It was first seen low from the east taking ten minutesto arrive overhead and then a further ten minutes to disappear from view. No

    sound present at any time. He described the UFO as a distinct circular shapeat the front with a broken and distorted rear.

    UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)On Duty s ig h t ing . 1 Of f i cer . Sour ce - John L Clark e.

    1 9 5 7

    6 . Sep tem ber 1 957 . 2 345 hour s . Sunday . Locat i on . B r i s to l Channe l . Threeuniformed officers observed a red disc shaped UFO rise from the Bristol Channel.One half of the disc was like a large harvest moon and moved out of sight

    towards the west. The officers reported the sighting to Glamorgan Police HQ.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL/ USO ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT/ UNDERWATER


    O n Du t y s i g h t i n g . 3 O f f ic er s . So u r c e : D ai l y Te l eg r a p h 0 4 / 0 9 / 5 7 .

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    7 . November 19 57 . 0235 hour s . Loca t i on Cow br i dge , Glam organ . Twouniformed officers observed a green blue UFO as it passed over South Wales. Five

    minutes later two other uniformed officers saw the same object as it passed overthe Rhonnda Valley. The object was described as being delta shaped andtravelling at high speed. Several civilian witnesses also observed the UFO.UFO CLASSI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Duty s ig h t ing . 4 Of f i cers . Sour ce Press Arch ive .

    1 9 6 2

    Loca t i on Dar tm oor , Devon .

    8 . A senior police officer in a newspaper article confirmed that two officers onmobile patrol had had a UFO encounter over Dartmoor. He said that the officershad chased the object along country roads where it was seen to stop and hoverbefore disappearing. The officers submitted a long report about the incident.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    O n Du t y s i g h t i n g . 2 O f f ic er s . So u r c e : Su n d a y M i r r o r 1 9 / 0 8 / 1 9 7 9 .

    1 9 6 3

    9 . Ju l y . Loca t i on - Char l t on n ea r Sha f t esbury , W i l t sh i re . An on dutyuniformed police officer, PC ANTH ONY PENNY reported seeing an orangecoloured UFO flash across the sky in the above location and disappear over apotato field where days later a large spherical crater measuring eight feet was

    found. The crater appeared from nowhere in the field and within its centre wasa hole three feet deep, 5-12 inches in diameter. Radiating from the centre of thehole were four slot marks, four feet long and one foot wide. No cause could befound for the appearance of the crater or the marks found within it. The crater

    was investigated by a Bomb Disposal Unit but no satisfactory explanation was

    ever found for it. The mystery was even mentioned in parliament on 29th Julyby Major Patrick Wall, Conservative MP for Haltemprice.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 1 O f f i cer . Source - UFO Fl y i ng Saucers ove r B r i t a i n

    by Rober t Chapm an. May f l ower Books . Pages 104-10 7 .

    1 9 6 4

    10 . 20 / 02 / 64 . 0955 h ours . Loca t i on : Shoebur yness, Sou th end , Essex .

    PC 3 92 CROOK was on patrol when he observed three fast moving objectsin the southern sky. They were spaced in a line. The colour of the objects wasoff-white and their shape appeared to be oval. They were seen above cloud

    height and travelling at great speed with no discernable sound. The officerforwarded a report to the Air Ministry who stated he may have witnessedthree Lightning fighter aircraft flying in formation.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON DD ( DAYLI GHT DI SC)

    On du ty s i gh t i ng . 1 O f f i ce r . Sour ce I rene Bo t t a r ch i ve .

    1 9 6 5

    1 1 . 1 5 0 0 h o u r s . 3 0 / 1 1 / 6 5 . Lo ca t i o n W a r m i n st e r , W il t sh i r e. An on dutyuniformed police officer, PC ERI C PI NNOCK was on foot patrol of theBishopstrow area of the town when he observed a large bright silver ball shapedUFO hurtle through the sky before it disappeared over Sutton Common. He said,

    It was a giant plate of light. It lit up the whole horizon with a glare. It was flyinglow over the landscape and appeared to be spinning. During the mid sixties

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    Warminster was a haven for UFO spotters and there were literally hundreds ofsightings made in that area.


    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 1 O f f i ce r . Sour ce - The Warm ins te r Mys te ry b y A r th u rShu t t l ew ood . Tandem Pub l i sh ing 197 6 . Page 139 .

    1 2 . 1 9 5 4 h o u r s . Th u r s d a y 1 6 / 1 2 / 6 5 . L o ca t i o n - Ch i n e h am , B as in g s t o k e ,Hampsh i re . An on duty uniformed police officer, PC J HARW OOD was speakingwith a member of the public outside the mans home when they both observed atadpole shaped UFO with a large green dome on top and a flaming red tail thatwas two or three times the length of the dome pass by overhead. It was seen

    only briefly as it sped across the sky from south to north at an incredible speed.The object was estimated to have been four to six feet in length. PC HARWOODsaid, The colour attracted me - green. This may have been caused by low clouds.I have never seen anything like it before. The member of the public, Basil

    Gibbons (aged 67), likened the object to a Gemini space capsule.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT) O n D u t y s ig h t i n g . 1 O f f i ce r . So u r c e - T h e W a r m i n s t e r M y s t e r y b y A r t h u r

    Shu t t l ew ood . Tandem Pub l i sh ing 1976 . Pages 141- 14 2 .

    1 9 6 6

    13 . 041 0 ho urs . March . Loca t i on - W i lm s low , Chesh i re . An on dutyuniformed officer, PC COLI N PERKS was on foot patrol on Alderley Road in theabove town when he saw a UFO moving across the sky at an altitude of only 30feet and that it was only 100 yards from him. He described it as being 30 feet indiameter and as bulky as a double decker bus. He said, There was an eerie,greenish-grey glow in the sky. Then I picked out an object about thirty feet long

    and built up in three sections with the top looking like a dustbin lid. It gave offa high pitched whine. I was paralysed. I just couldnt believe it. The duration

    of the sighting was five minutes before it disappeared. His police report wasforwarded to the MOD who did visit him to investigate his story. When officersvisited the scene a short time after the incident the area where was seen wascovered in a fine glass like substance that disippated after a short period.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON CE2 ( CLOSE ENCOUNTER 2 ND K I N D )

    On Duty s ig h t ing . 1 Of f i cer . Sour ce - UFO Fly ing Saucers over Br i ta in

    by Rober t Chapm an. Mayf low er Books 19 99. Page 43 and PRUFOS.

    14 . Sep tem ber . Loca t i on Sou th am pton , Hamp sh i re . Following a reportfrom a member of the public that a UFO was hovering motionless over the city a

    marked police vehicle was sent to investigate the claim. When they arrived at themans address on Coxford Road they were amazed to see the object where hehad claimed it would be. They contacted Police HQ by radio and said, Hes right.There is an object in the sky to the west and remaining still. It keeps flashing

    red, white and blue lights and dropping flares. Theres no sound of an engineand it does not appear to be an aircraft. Enquiries with Eastleigh Airport provednegative as did those with Southampton University Air Squadron. Calls to theSouthern Meteorological Centre also proved fruitless. Eventually the UFO

    disappeared at high speed in the direction of Eastleigh.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)On Duty s ig h t ing . 2 Of f i cers . Sour ce - UFO Fly ing Saucers over Br i ta in

    by Rober t Chapm an. May f l ower Books 196 9 . Page 43 .

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    1 9 6 7

    1 5 . A u g u st 1 9 6 7 . Lo c at i o n W o r t h i n g , Su s se x .

    Four campers reported seeing two UFOs over Rye Bay near Worthing that were

    later confirmed by two uniformed police officers. The objects moved quicklyacross the sky heading in a north easterly direction.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    O n D u t y s ig h t i n g . 2 O f f i ce r s. So u r c e : Ev e n i n g N e w s 2 1 / 0 8 / 6 7 .

    16 . Ju l y 1967 . 2110 hou rs . Sa tu r day . Loca t i on No t t i ngh am,

    N o t t i n g h a m s h i r e .

    A member of the public, teacher Mr Doy, reported seeing a UFO over a localschool and a PC HOLMES attended the school and confirmed the object in the

    sky. He then reported the sighting to his duty officer, Inspector R Street. PCHOLMES stated that the object was a bright light spinning on its own axis in astationary position above the school. The police could not offer any explanationfor the UFO.UFO CLASSI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    O n Du t y s i g h t i n g . 1 O f f ic er . So u r c e : No t t i n g h a m Ev e n i n g Po st 1 0 / 0 7 / 6 7 .

    17 . October 1967 . Loca t i on - Sussex an d Ox fo rdsh i r e .

    Following reports by several members of the public (including an RAF WingCommander) police officers across the counties of Sussex and Oxfordshire

    observed a fiery cross UFO. One of them, a motor cycle officer, PC BRYANCAWTHORNE, observed the UFO between Ringmer and Halland having initiallythought the object to be a star. He pulled over to the side of the road to getter

    a better look at it and described its motion as slowly moving forward and

    backwards. He definitely confirmed that the object was actually moving by liningit up with a telegraph pole. He reported the incident to his control and wasinformed that other officers had also reported seeing the object.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    O n D u t y s ig h t i n g . 3 O f f i ce r s. So u r c e : Ev e n i n g N e w s 2 5 / 1 0 / 6 7 .

    1 8 . The following two sightings took place within two days of each other acrossthe counties of Devon and Sussex at a time when sightings of fiery cross shaped

    UFOs were being widely reported in the media. Oc t o b er 1 9 6 7 0 4 4 5 h o u r s .Wedn esday. Locat ion Sussex . A uniformed police officer observed a fierycross shaped UFO. Octob er 196 7 16 00 hour s . Tuesday . Loca t i on Devon .A uniformed police officer, PC KEI TH DROUDGE observed a UFO and said of his

    sighting, There is no doubt in my mind. It was a UFO. It wasnt a plane. Weveseen enough planes not to be fooled like that.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 2 Of f i ce rs. Sour ce: Sund ay Expr ess 29 / 10 / 67 .

    1 9 . 0 1 3 0 h o u r s . 0 5 / 0 7 / 6 7 . Lo ca t i o n S t o n e y Cr o s s, N ew Fo r e st ,W i l t sh i re . Following a report by a member of the public of an orange ball

    shaped UFO above Stoney Cross, New Forest a uniformed officer, PC DAVI DHOLLOWAY, was dispatched to the scene. He corroborated the sighting of theorange UFO that he said did a loop the loop before heading away in the directionof Southampton.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Duty s igh t ing . 1 Of f i cer . Sour ce FSR Vol 13 No 5 .

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    2 0 . 2 7 / 0 8 / 6 7 . L oc at i o n - Be t w e e n Sp e ls b u r y a n d Ch i p p i n g N o r t o n ,Oxfo rdsh i re . Two on duty uniformed officers observed two dark oval shaped

    UFOs on the road between the above locations. They estimated the size of theobjects as fifty feet in diameter each. The craft disappeared in a northerlydirection at a height of 600 feet.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 2 O f f i ce rs . Sour ce - A Cover t Agenda by N i ck Red fe rn .Pocke t Books 1998 . Page 97 .

    2 1 . 2 7 / 0 8 / 6 7 . L o ca t i o n - Gl o ss op , D er b y s h i r e . Six on duty uniformed police

    officers observed a UFO over the town from a number of different locations. Theydescribed the objects movements as swinging from side to side.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL (NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    O n Du t y s i g h t i n g . 6 O f f i ce r s. So u r c e - A Co v e r t A g e n d a b y N i ck R ed f e r n .Pocke t Books 1998 . Page 97 .

    2 2 . 1 0 / 0 8 / 6 7 . 0 0 4 3 h o u r s . Lo ca t i o n : H i n d le y , W i g a n , L a n ca sh i r e . During

    the early hours two uniformed police officers, PC LI ONEL HAW and PC STEVE

    PARSONAGE, observed a round shaped object in the sky that appeared to betravelling too fast to be either a comet or plane. PC HAW made a pocket notebook

    entry regarding the sighting. The officers observed the object for two minutes anddismissed any notion that they had seen a trick of the light. Chief SuperintendentTom Andrews of Wigan police confirmed the officers report of the sighting.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    O n Du t y s i g h t i n g . 2 O f f ic er s . So u r c e D ai l y M i r r o r 1 6 / 0 8 / 6 7 .

    23 . October . Loca t i on Gospor t , Hampsh i r e . Two uniformed officers PCEDNA WI ELK and PC TONY CONNELL observed a red and white coloured UFO

    whilst on mobile patrol in the Little Anglesey area of Gosport. The UFO was seenabove the HMS DOLPHIN submarine base. They got out of their vehicle to watch

    the object which they observed for five minutes before it moved out of sight.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 2 O f f i ce rs. Sour ce Steve Ger ra rd , Sou th am pt on

    UFO Gro up ( SUFOG) .

    24 . Even ing . 21 / 10 / 67 . Loca t i on Sou th Sh ie l ds, Sou th Tyneside .

    Following a report by a member of the public, a uniformed police officer visitedthe family and witnessed with them the sighting of three triangular shaped UFOs

    in the sky above Tyne Dock, South Shields. The objects appeared to fly information before and stopping and coming to a brief hover. They departedheading off in the direction of Newcastle. The objects were extremely brightto look at and were seen for a duration of 30 minutes.

    UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)On Duty s igh t ing . 1 Of f i cer . Sour ce FSR Vol 14 No 2 .

    2 5 . 0 4 0 0 h o u r s . 2 4 / 1 0 / 6 7 . L oc at i o n - A3 0 7 2 b e t w e en O k eh a m p t o n a n d

    Ho lswor thy , Devon . Two on duty uniformed police officers, PC CLI FFORDWAYCOTT and PC ROGER W I LLEY had spotted a pulsating flying cross whilstdriving between the above locations. It was seen at low altitude moving above

    the treetops of the surrounding countryside. Intrigued they began to chase theUFO, however they were never able to significantly gain on it. At times the objectslowed to 50 mph and at one point came to a stop in mid air. The pursuitinvolved speeds of up to 90 mph and covered a distance of 14 miles. Whenever

    they did gain a little ground on the object it would simply accelerate away fromthem. Eventually they reduced their speed fearing an accident themselves. The

    closest distance they reached to the UFO was 400 yards. At one point theystopped at a farm to wake up the owner so they could gain some corroboration

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    3 0 . 0 4 4 5 h o u r s . 2 5 / 1 0 / 6 7 . Lo ca t i o n - L ew e s, Su s se x . Following reports byat least five police officers the senior officer for Lewes, G .W. R. Terry called a

    press conference at the Lewes Police HQ to discuss their sightings. All the officers,each from different vantage points described the same object - a bright lighttravelling in a northerly direction in total silence. These sightings along with manyothers made by the public were part of a high number of similar reports in the

    Sussex area over a number of days.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 5 O f f i ce rs . Sour ce - A Cover t Agenda by N i ck Red fe rn .Pocke t Books 1998 . Page 97 .

    31 . Be fo re M idn igh t . Oc tober / Novemb er 1967 . Loca t i on Sharney fo r d

    near Todmor den , West Yo rksh i re . Two uniformed officers were parked up in a

    marked police vehicle when they observed a bright light between their locationand Stoodly Pike (local landmark). The light was well below cloud level. Then theobject rose vertically into the sky before moving horizontally across the landscapein a side to side motion. The object itself was described as cone shaped, similar to

    a Gemini space capsule. Later the officers reported the sighting to the duty night

    shift Inspector. The reporting officer eventually spoke with an official from theWar Office who asked him to submit an official report. This was duly completed

    and submitted. The officer never received any further communication about theincident.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 2 O f f i ce rs . Source PRUFOS/ CONFI DENTI AL.

    1 9 6 8

    3 2 . Th u r s d a y 3 8 / 0 3 / 6 8 . Ev e n i n g . L oc at i o n T or q u a y , De v o n .

    Two uniformed police officers saw a UFO over Torquay. Both officers reported

    the sighting to senior officers. A police spokesman said, There appears to besomething in the story.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    O n D u t y s ig h t i n g . 2 O f f i ce r s. So u r c e : Th e Su n 2 9 / 0 3 / 6 8 .

    1 9 6 9

    33 . Augu s t 1969 04 30 hour s . Loca t i on - Mans f i el d , No t t i ngh amsh i re .

    Three uniformed police officers, two with binoculars, observed a triangular shapedUFO with concave sides over Mansfield General Hospital for one and half hours. Itwas first seen by PC PAGE at around 0430 hours. At 0606 hours the object was

    seen to change colour and disappear. A police report was sent to RAF Finningley.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 3 O f f i ce rs. Sour ce: New spaper a rch i ve .

    3 4 . D ag e n h a m , Su r r e y . 0 6 3 0 h o u r s 1 9 6 9 .

    Two uniformed police officers observed a UFO above the Surrey Downs minutesafter it had been seen over Dagenham.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 2 O f f i ce rs. Source : Researche r Roy Lake .

    35 . Augus t 5 t h 196 9 . Loca t i on Cam ar th en , Wa les. Two uniformed police

    officers were among several civilian witnesses to a UFO seen hovering overCamarthen. Initially spotted by several members of the public a motor cycle

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    officer turned up at the home of a farmer and confirmed the UFO throughbinoculars. It was described as being spherical in shape and silvery in colour.

    Later a second officer observed the object. Checks with the RAF proved negative.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)O n Du t y s i g h t i n g . 2 O f f ic er s . So u r c e . N e w s p a p e r r e p o r t p o s t e d 0 6 / 0 8 / 6 9 .

    3 6 . L at e e v e n i n g . 1 0 / 1 1 / 6 9 . Lo c at i o n W i t h e r n s e a , N o r t h L i n c ol n sh i r e .A couple observed a triangular shaped UFO as it flew low over the sky near theabove named location. The object moved closer to the vehicle they were in.Frightened they contacted the local police and were informed that a police officer

    had also witnessed the same thing. This information was confirmed by CHIEFINSPECTOR W BARROWCLOUGH of Withernsea police who also went on to saythat checks had been made and that no aircraft had been in the area at the time

    of the reported sightings.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Duty s igh t ing . 1 Of f i cer . Sour ce FSR Vol 16 No 1 .

    37 . La te Even ing . Novem ber 196 9 . Loca t i onWer r i ng ton , Stok e on T ren t ,

    Chesh i re . A uniformed officer, PC TREVOR BLOW ER was driving a markedpolice vehicle when he was advised by radio to look for an unusual object heading

    in his direction. Moments later he observed a V formation of nine UFOs. Therewas no sound at all and they moved at an exceptionally high speed. The officerstated the object had mother of pearl effect with colours swirling all around eachother. It was a clear night with little cloud cover. He reported his sighting over

    the radio and heard another officer saying he too had witnessed the lights. Thenext day he attended Leek police station with another five officers who hadwitnessed the formation. Each independently gave their descriptions to a civilianmale. Senior police officers later advised all the men to keep quiet about the


    On Dut y s igh t in g . 6 Of f i cers . Sour cePRUFOS Pol ice Datab ase.

    1 9 7 0

    3 8 . 0 4 0 0 h o u r s . Tu e s d ay 1 6 / 0 6 / 7 0 . Lo c at i o n H a m p s t e a d , L on d o n .

    Two Metropolitan uniformed police officers, one of whom was PC H M BI SHOP,observed a bright light whilst driving on Lyndhurst Road, Hampstead. The objectwas seen only briefly before disappearing from view. They continued to drive inthe area until they saw three separate lights low in the sky having turned ontoNetherhall Gardens, Hampstead. Two of the lights were ahead of a third one thatseemed to be lagging behind the others. The officers stopped their vehicle to geta better look at the objects. After about 30 seconds and against a clear sky, each

    of the lights in turn disappeared from view as if they had gone behind an invisiblescreen. The objects were traveling at an altitude of 100-500 feet when first seenand then at 2500 feet by the time they vanished. The duration of the sighting wasone to two minutes. It was a warm night with little cloud giving excellent


    On Duty s igh t ing . 2 Of f i cers . Sour ce FSR Case H is tor ies Supp lem ent ,

    O ct o b e r 1 9 7 0 .

    1 9 7 1

    39 . Loca t i on Tynem ou th , Nor th Tynes ide . A uniformed police constable

    based at Tynemouth Police station was driving a marked panda car alongTynemouth Road when he noticed a bright circular disc hovering in the sky above

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    Knots Flats. The officer pulled over the vehicle into Oxford Street car park to getout and take a better look at the object. He observed it for about five minutes as

    it hovered over the flats before suddenly rising into the air vertically in atremendous burst of acceleration and out of sight.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    O n D u t y s i g h t i n g . 1 O f f i ce r . So u r c e : w w w . w e a r s i d eo n l i n e. co m

    4 0 . 2 1 4 0 H o u r s . 2 7 / 1 0 / 7 1 . Lo c at i o n B a n b u r y , Ox f o r d s h i r e . An on dutyuniformed police officer, PC PERRY JACKSON , accompanied by a Cadet,WILLIAM BRYON spotted an orange coloured UFO moving across a moonlit star

    filled sky near to Bratch Hill, Banbury. It was the size of a golf ball to us. It wasseen for three seconds before it moved downwards to the ground at a 45 degreeangle. Numerous members of the public also reported sightings of the object. All

    the reports were collected by Banbury police and submitted to the Ministry ofDefence.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL (NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Dut y s igh t in g . 1 Of f i cer . Source: FSR.

    41 . 0615 ho urs . La te Februa ry , 1971 . Loca t i on Nunea ton , M id lands .Four uniformed officers observed a UFO over the Nuneaton area during the early

    hours of the day. PC B RI A N H EW I TT of Foleshill Police station said, We wereattending a job in Lythalls Lane when we saw a strange thing in the sky. It wasnot a meteorite or anything like that. He described seeing three white lights inthe sky over Nuneaton which were moving at great speed heading in a westerly

    direction towards Birmingham. The lights were independent of each other andappeared to be traveling in formation. He checked with Air Traffic at BirminghamAirport and drew a blank.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 4 O f f i cers . Sour ce FSR Vo l 17 No 2 March / Apr i l 197 1 .

    42 . Even ing . Augu s t . Locat i on A ld r i dge , Sta f fo r dsh i re . Four uniformedStaffordshire police officers which included PC LESLI E LEEK observed a discshaped UFO above the night sky over Aldridge. PC LEEK photographed the object.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 4 O f f i ce rs . Sour ce - UFO Fl y i ng Saucers ove r B r i t a i n by

    Rober t Chapm an. May f l ower Books 1969 . Page 45 .

    1 9 7 2

    43 . Augus t . Ea r l y hou rs . Wed . Loca t i on - Acton , Houn s low , London .

    Following a report by a member of the public to Hounslow Police station twoofficers inside the building viewed the UFO with binoculars. They saw a circular

    UFO with black spots and its brightness increasing. It was described as beingfour times brighter than Venus. A spokesman for Scotland Yard confirmed thesightings.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL (NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    O n D u t y s i g h t i n g . 3 O f f i ce r s. So u r c e : Ac t o n Ga ze t t e 1 7 / 0 8 / 7 2 .

    44 . Decem ber . Locat ion : Beo ley , near Redd i t ch , Lond on. A young coupleobserved three lights hovering 600 feet above the ground for four hours. They

    contacted the police and two police officers attended the scene. A spokesman forHenley in Arden police confirmed that two officers had seen the lights.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 2 O f f i cers . Sour ce I rene Bo t t a rch i ve .

    45 . Loca t i on : Banbur y , Ox fo r dsh i re . Two on duty uniformed police officers,PC PERRY JACKSON and PC WI LLI AM BRYNE saw a cigar shaped UFO that

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    was yellow in colour. BRYNE said, It travelled along slowly for a few seconds,then shot off into the night at a fantastic speed. We didnt know what it was, nor

    had we ever seen anything like it but many reports have been made at the policestation of strange lights and objects. The MoD confirmed that numerous reportshad been made to them over several weeks but no conclusions had been reachedas to their origin.

    UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 2 O f f i cers . Sour ce I rene Bo t t a rch i ve .

    4 6 . La t e e v en i n g . Th u r s d a y 1 4 / 0 9 / 7 2 . Lo c at i o n Cr u m l i n ,Monmouthsh i re , Wa les . Following reports by several members of the publicof a UFO above the village of Crumlin, several uniformed officers were sent tothe scene. There they observed the object which was described by PS CLI VEW I L L I A M S as an orange circle in the sky that changed its shape to becomea cone shaped UFO. The duration of the sighting was 60 minutes.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL (NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Duty s igh t ing . 3 Of f i cers . Sour ce FSR Vol 18 No 6 .

    47 . March 19 72. Late Even in g. Locat ion L iver poo l , Merseys ide. Threeon duty uniformed officers (one sergeant and two constables) were on patrol, ina van in Liverpool city centre late one evening, when they observed a brightly litUFO over the Pier Head that is alongside of the River Mersey.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Dut y s ig h t ing . 3 Of f i cers . Sour ce: The PRUFOS Pol i ce Dat abase.

    1 9 7 3

    48 . Ea r l y hou rs . 1973 . Loca t i on Tynemou th , Nor t h Tynes ide . The sameofficer was driving his marked police vehicle along Tyne Tunnel Road when he

    noticed a bright light travelling parallel with their car. The UFO appeared to keep

    pace with his vehicle and when he stopped the car so did the object, hoveringapproximately 150 yards away from his location. There was no noise emittedwhatsoever. When he got back into the car he drove on with the object keepingpace just ahead of his position. He followed the light northwards in the directionof Seaton Burn. When he reached the Seaton Burn flyover he stopped the vehicleagain and observed it moving back and forth over the A1 for several minutes

    before it turned north and disappeared from view. The officer reported thesighting to his colleagues who were dismissive of his claims, however a short timelater a second uniformed officer from Morpeth confirmed the sighting of the UFO.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON CE1 ( CLOSE ENCOUNTER 1 ST K I N D)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 2 O f f i ce rs. Sour ce: w w w .w ears ideon l i ne .com

    1 9 7 4

    4 9 . D ec em b e r . Lo ca t i o n M o r p e t h , N or t h u m b e r l a n d .

    An on duty uniformed police officer observed a white light UFO that appeared todisappear or drop behind nearby housing. The officer did not think the object wasan aircraft. At the same time a member of the public viewed the object throughbinoculars and described it as being round and bigger than a plane. He saw theobject disappear into cloud after viewing it for some ten minutes.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Duty s igh t ing . 1 Of f i cer . Sour ce: New cast le Even in g Chr on ic le

    1 1/ 1 2/ 1 97 4.

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    1 9 7 5

    50 . 001 0 hour s . Locat ion . Cleve H i l l near Evesham , Glouces ter sh i re .

    An on duty uniformed police officer was sent to investigate reports of a stationarylight above the police radio masts on the top of Cleve Hill. As he made his way up

    a narrow road toward the mast he saw a large bright UFO hanging in a stationaryposition to the right and above the radio masts. His police radio went dead as didhis personal radio. He watched the light for a few seconds before it silently movedaway from him following the line of a nearby ridge. Getting back into his police

    vehicle he attempted to pursue the light. At one point the UFO crossed the roadon which he was travelling. For reasons he still cant explain he flashed at theobject with his car headlights and immediately the object disappeared out of viewat a tremendous speed. Moments later he saw another marked police vehicle andspoke with the officer who corroborated that he had witnessed the UFO shootingacross the sky at great speed. On duty sighting. This forms the first in a series offour sightings by the principal officer.UFO CLASSI F I CATI ON NL / EM/ I NT (NOCTURNAL


    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 2 O f f i ce rs . Sour ce - Con f i den t i a l (PRUFOS) Da tabase .

    51 . Augus t 1975 . Be tw een M idd lesb rou gh and Har t l epoo l , Cleve land .

    Following a report by a member of the public a Middlesbrough uniformed police

    officer saw a bright white UFO in the Acklam area. Later a Hartlepool officer sawwhat is believed to have been the same object at broadly the same period. Policechecks with the RAF, Teesside Airport and the Coastguard all proved negative toaccount for the object.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Duty s igh t in g . 2 Of f i cers . Sour ce: Nor t h Eas t Even in g Gazet te

    1 1/ 0 8 / 7 5.

    52 . 0400 ho urs . W in te r 197 5 . Loca t i onNorm an ton , Wes t Yo rksh i re . A

    uniformed officer, PC ROBERT TOMLI NSON, was on mobile patrol driving amarked police vehicle on Wakefield Road near Normanton during the early hourswhen he saw a huge UFO hovering low on his left. He estimated the objects

    altitude as being in the region of 200-300 feet. It was shaped like a kids spinningtop. There were lights all around the lower rim where there were a number ofrectangular windows. He stopped the vehicle in the middle of the road. Hewatched it for several minutes before the object streaked off in the direction ofWakefield and out of view. Estimated size of the UFO100 feet in diameter.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON CE1 ( CLOSE ENCOUNTER 1 ST K I N D)

    On Duty s igh t in g . 1 o f f i cer . Sou rcePRUFOS Database.

    5 3 . 0 3 2 5 h o u r s . 1 5 / 0 8 / 7 5 . Lo ca t i o n B u r y , Gr e a t e r M a n ch e st e r .

    Two uniformed police officers in different police vehicles observed a bright lightedUFO heading in the direction of Heywood. One vehicle was north of Bury whilst

    the other was in the town itself. The object was also seen by a member of thepublic.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Duty s igh t ing . 2 Of f i cers . Sour ce FSR Vol 23 No 2 .

    54 . 01 50 hour s . Augu s t . Loca t i on Sa lfo rd Docks , Lancash i re .

    PC FRED PULLAN was on foot walking his beat on part of the docks when he

    became aware of a large oval shaped UFO approaching his location. The objectcame to within 30 metres of his position, hovering in total silence above a nearbyamenity block. After a short period the object moved horizontally over towardsanother building where again it stopped and hovered for several minutes before

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    departing at speed, at an angle, with a tremendous burst of acceleration. Theofficer did not report the incident fearing ridicule from his colleagues, however he

    did get some corroboration as he was nearing the end of his night shift when acolleague who had been walking a different beat on the dock asked him if hedseen a strange light over the docks. When they compared notes they realized thatthey had both seen the same UFO but from different geographical positions on

    the dock. The UFO was described as being in the region of 30 feet in diameter.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON CE1 ( CLOSE ENCOUNTER 1 ST K I N D)

    On Dut y s ig ht ing . 2 Off icer s. Sou rce PC PULLAN and PRUFOS.

    55 . 061 5 ho urs . Oc tober . Loca t i on Sa l i sbu ry , W i l t sh i re .

    Two uniformed officers, one of whom was PC VI V I ENNE WHI TE, observed asaucer shaped UFO whilst on mobile patrol in the area of Churchfield Road,

    Salisbury. They stopped the police vehicle and got out to observe the object. Theofficers described the UFO as yellow and orange in colour moving slowly at analtitude of approximately 500-700 feet. The object came to a hover for about 45seconds before accelerating away at a tremendous speed out of view. The object

    left a 15 second vapour trail as it departed. The officers submitted an official

    report about the incident.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 2 O f f i ce rs . Source Steve Ger ra rd , Sou th amp ton

    UFO Gro up ( SUFOG) .

    5 6 . 1 1 / 0 9 / 7 5 . M i d dl e sb r o u g h . Cl ev e l an d .

    Following numerous reports of a UFO in the Redcar and Middlesbrough areathe police confirmed that an officer had also seen the object at the same time.UFO CLASSIFICATION NL (NOCTURNAL LIGHT)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 1 O f f i cer . Sour ce: Nor th Eas t Even ing Gaze t te1 2/ 0 9 / 7 5.

    1 9 7 6

    57 . 03 / 07 / 76 . Loca t i on : A62 Mancheste r Road , Mancheste r , Grea te r

    Manches te r . Two on duty uniformed police officers, including a ChiefSuper i n t enden t Hobson , were on routine patrol driving along the A62 inManchester when they observed a UFO. He said, We watched the light forabout two minutes. I then followed in a police vehicle along the A62.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On du ty s i gh t i n g . 2 Of f i ce rs. Sour ce Freedom o f I n fo r m a t i on Ac t .

    5 8 . Ea r l y h o u r s . Su n d a y 0 1 / 0 8 / 7 6 . L oc at i o n H em e l He m p s t e a d ,

    Bed fo rdsh i re . The crews of two police uniformed police officers observed a UFOhovering over the Buncefield Oil Terminal. The vehicles were parked up on the M1motorway at the time of the sighting. They observed two lights above the

    terminal for several minutes before the object departed the scene. Checks weremade with Luton Airport which proved negative for air traffic.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL (NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Duty s igh t ing . 3 Of f i cers . Sour ce FSR Vol 22 No 4 .

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    1 9 7 7

    59 . Ju l y 197 7 04 33 ho urs . Loca t i on - B rad ley nea r Sk ip t on , Nor th

    Yorksh i re .

    Two uniformed police officers, PC KI RKBRI GHT and PC TRUEMAN reportedseeing a UFO over Bradley, Skipton that they couldnt identify. They submittedan official report about the incident.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 2 O f f i cers . Source : Nor th Eas t Even ing Gaze t te

    0 6/ 0 7 / 7 7.

    6 0 . 0 4 1 2 h o u r s . 0 3 / 0 5 / 7 7 . L oc at i o n : H a in a u l t Fo r e st , Lo n d o n .

    Following a report of an unusual object in the vicinity of a lake in the above area

    by a member of the public, two uniformed officers attended the scene. On arrivalthey used a key to access the forest park area. Once inside they immediatelynoticed a large red light on the east side of the lake. They stopped their vehicle

    and got out to observe the object. The UFO was approximately 300 yards awayfrom them and low to the ground. It was bell shaped and its size was a thumbnail held at arms length from their position. They watched the object for two orthree minutes before it was seen to pulse dull to bright red whilst hovering in

    total silence. Without warning the object disappeared from view. The officers splitup to approach the spot where it had been. Suddenly one of the officers saw anobject that he described as a white inverted UFO, low in the sky above hisposition before the craft disappeared from view. There was a slight smell of

    burning in the air. The incident was officially reported via the police vehicle radio.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON CE1 ( CLOSE ENCOUNTER 1 ST K I N D)On Duty s ig h t ing . 2 Of f i cers . Sour ce FSR Vol 23 No 2 Aug 77 .

    6 1 . Be t w e e n 0 0 1 0 - 0 0 3 0 h o u r s . Su n d a y 2 8 / 0 8 / 7 7 . L oc at i o n

    W i n d e r m e r e , Cu m b r i a . At 0010 hours an on duty police officer PC I ANMACKENZI E observed two very bright horizontal lights in the vicinity of Langdale

    Pike that moved towards him and grew brighter. He ruled out any type of aircraft.At the same time PS JOHN McMULL EN also spotted the UFO from his locationwhilst walking through Keswick with three other officers. He described the objectas being hang glider or diamond shaped. At 0020 hours PS JAMES TROHEAR

    and PC JOHN FI SWI CK also reported seeing the object from their position at theFallbarrow Park Caravan Site on the shores of Lake Windermere. Other unnamedofficers were also present at that location and saw the object. PS TROHEAR

    described the object as triangular or diamond shaped. At 0022 hours PCALEXANDER I NGLI S was driving home with three colleagues along the A591Keswick to Bothel road when they too caught sight of the lights. As the object

    approached them he pulled the car over to have a better look. Despite theirefforts they could not make out a distinct shape of the object. All they could makeout was two extremely bright lights attached to it and there was a faint purringnoise associated with it. At 0025 hours PC JOSEPH MAW and a colleague

    spotted the object heading in the direction of Buttermere. It was travelling at alow altitude over the surrounding fells. At around the same time PC DAVI DW I L D spotted the UFO whilst out on foot patrol on the A592 Rayrigg Road toBowness. He described it as kite shaped and that it was a very large structured

    craft. At 0030 hours a number of civilian witnesses also spotted the object. At thesame time following a police radio request for officer sightings, two furtherofficers, PS GEOFFREY MERCKEL and PC RONALD JONES observed the sameUFO from their position at Skelwith Bridge on the A593 road. They described the

    object as being kite shaped as they watched it go out to sea over Morcambe

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    Bay. Multiple police witness corroboration reported from several geographicallocations.


    On and O f f Du ty s i gh t i n g . 17 Of f i ce rs (n i ne nam ed p lus a num ber o fun spec i f ied o f f i cers ) . Sour ce - A Cover t Agen da by N ick Redfern . Pocket

    Books 1998 . Pages 131-13 2 .

    62 . La te October 1977 . Loca t i on Sa l i sbu ry P la i n , W i l t sh i re .

    A uniformed officer observed a UFO at an altitude of only 500-700 feet aboveSalisbury Plain. He described it as being oblong with a rounded top and a flat

    bottom. The object was seen to travel at a very slow speed across the landscape.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 1 O f f i ce r . Sour ce BUFORA Vo l 6 No 6 March / Apr i l

    1 9 7 8 .

    6 3 . 1 7 / 0 7 / 7 7 . L o ca t i o n - A r k e sd e n , Sa f f r o n W a l d en , Es se x .

    A police dog handler, PC PETER FROST, reported seeing a white cigar shaped

    UFO in the sky above the village of Arkesden near Saffron Walden. It stayed forabout 25 minutes in all, it must have been about 13000 feet high and was very

    big. Im pretty sure it was a UFO. A women also reported seeing the object ataround the same time from a village 20 miles away from Arkesden. PC FROSTsubmitted a report to the MOD via police channels.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    O n D u t y s ig h t i n g . 1 O f f i ce r . So u r c e : Da i ly M a i l 1 8 / 0 7 / 7 7 .

    1 9 7 8

    6 4 . 2 4 / 1 0 / 1 9 7 8 . A d d l es t o n e , Ch e r t s e y a n d W o k i n g , Su r r e y .

    Four uniformed police officers based at Addlestone, Chertsey and Wokingpolice stations reported seeing a red and green coloured UFO in the sky in

    their respective areas.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    So u r c e: D a il y Ex p r e s s 2 5 / 1 0 / 7 8 . O n d u t y s i g h t i n g . 4 o f f i c er s .

    6 5 . 3 1 / 1 2 / 7 8 . 1 9 0 0 h o u r s . L oc at i o n - Su n d e r l a n d , Ty n e a n d W e a r .

    Several reports by members of the public were made in an area between Berwickand Sunderland. In Sunderland two uniformed police officers described seeing acylindrical UFO with a blue and white vapour trail. The coastguard suggested thatthe object was nothing more than a meteor however several of the witnesses had

    described how the object had changed direction i.e. north then south then east, ifthis information is accurate it would rule out the latter explanation.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    O n D u t y s ig h t i n g . 2 O f f i ce r s. So u r c e : Ne w c a s t l e Jo u r n a l 0 2 / 0 1 / 7 9 .

    6 6 . 3 1 / 1 2 / 7 8 . L oca t i on - D ar w i n , Bu r n l ey , La n ca sh i r e .

    Following reports by several members of the public of an aircraft about to crashtwo uniformed police officers observed a UFO the size of a double decker bus asit slowly made its way across the sky. The object had a tail three times the lengthof its head.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Duty s ig h t ing . 2 Of f i cers . Sour ce: PRUFOS Pol i ce Database.

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    6 7 . 1 6 4 5 h o u r s . 1 1 / 0 1 / 7 8 . Lo ca t i o n Ra i n h i ll n e ar St H e l en s ,

    Lancash i re . Following a number of reports by members of the public in the

    January period, two uniformed officers, PC L OW E and PC ROBERTS of thePrescott Division, observed a brilliant white light hovering over the Bold PowerStation. After approximately 10 seconds the UFO zoomed at speed toward theFiddlers Ferry Power Station where it stopped and hovered once more. The object

    then began to pulsate and after a few seconds the object appeared in the form ofan inverted T that glowed brightly. After a further 20 seconds the UFO streakedout of view travelling vertically into the sky. From being low in the sky tobecoming a pinpoint of light high in the sky took literally a second.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Duty s igh t ing . 2 Of f i cers . Sour ce FSR Vol 23 No 6 .

    68 . 023 0 ho urs . January . Locat i on - Conon ley , Sk ip ton i n Nor t h Yorksh i re .

    Uniformed officers PS TONY DODD and PC ALAN DALE were travelling in amarked police vehicle when they observed a dome shaped circular UFO in thevicinity of Cononley near Skipton, North Yorkshire. They saw it at close proximity

    at an altitude of 100 feet moving silently over fields. The object passed directly

    over the police car. Portholes could be seen on the upper dome part of the craftand there were three spheres protruding from its underside. As they continued to

    watch the object was seen to go over a hill as if to land. They did investigate butfound no sign of the object. Soon they were joined by another officer in a markedvehicle who confirmed he too had witnessed the UFO from a differentgeographical position. Checks were made with Manchester Airport radar but


    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 3 O f f i ce rs . Sour ce - A l ien I nves t i ga to r b y Tony Dodd ,

    Head l ine Pub l i sh ing Books 19 99 . Pages 7 -10 .

    69 . La te even ing . M id May . Loca t i on Lew isham, London .

    Two uniformed Metropolitan Police officers watched a yellow coloured UFO for 20minutes over Coldbath Street, Lewisham. The officers stated that the object wassix times brighter than any star as they observed the UFO through cloud. Severalreports were made the same evening by members of the public. Checks weremade with Heathrow Airport and nothing was on their radar to account for theobject.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 2 O f f i ce rs . Sour ce BUFORA Vo l 6 No6 . Ju l y / Augus t

    1 9 7 8 .

    70 . Ap r i l 1978 . Locat i on : Fa rnboroug h , Ken t .

    Initially reported by a member of the public a uniformed police officer, PC ALANCRAGGS attended his home and was amazed to see the UFO for himself. Hedescribed it as being 20-30 feet above him with wings like fins on a dolphin. Hecould not identify the object. The object had been seen in the sky for over fortyminutes prior to the officers arrival at the scene. It is interesting to note that theoriginal civilian witness had served with the Royal Observer Corp and that PC

    CRAGGS himself had served in the RAF Police and was fully aware of aircraftcharacteristics. He said, Ive been in the Air Force, I know what an aircraft lookslike at night.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON CE1 ( CLOSE ENCOUNTER 1 ST K I N D)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 1 O f f i ce r . Sour ce I rene Bo t t a r ch i ve .

    71 . 030 0 ho urs . 1978 . Loca t i on Ch i l t e rn , nea r Long Crendon ,

    Buck inghamsh i re . Two uniformed officers, PC ERI C RAYMENT and a Special

    Constable were parked up talking to another uniformed officer when theyobserved a brilliant light going Northwest. After a few seconds it disappeared

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    from view only to reappear a short time later a half mile from their location. Theobject was travelling at a slow speed at an altitude of 500 feet. No noise was

    heard. The light was described as the size of a football field. As the UFO slowlypassed over the landscape the officers observed several smaller lights flyingaround the main object. They watched the UFO for approximately five minutesbefore they literally disappeared before their eyes. During the sighting the officers

    used their police radio (VHF) to contact Kiddlington Police Headquarters. Theywere asked to give a description of the object over the air knowing that thedetails would automatically be recorded in the Control Room. PC Rayment madea full pocket book entry and completed a sketch of the UFO.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Duty s igh t in g . 3 Of f i cers . Sour ce Er ic Raym ent / PRUFOS.

    7 2 . 2 1 3 5 h o u r s . 0 6 / 0 8 / 7 8 . Lo ca t i o n B il l i n g sh u r s t , Lo n d o n .

    Following a number of reports from members of the public, Horsham Policedispatched a marked police vehicle to the Billingshurst area. On arrival PC PAGEobserved a triangular shaped UFO hovering motionless in the sky as clouds

    passed by it. After a short period the object departed in a Westerly direction.

    UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)On Duty s igh t ing . 1 Of f i cer . Sour ce FSR Vol 24 No 6 .

    73 . 030 0 ho urs . Locat i on Ha l i f ax , Wes t Yo rksh i re .

    Two uniformed police officers in a marked vehicle observed a bright light passover their location at Southowram, high above Halifax. The UFO came to a silent

    hover above the Savile Park area of the town. They observed other officerswatching the same object from the latter location. They watched the object forbetween 20-30 minutes until it suddenly increased its size many times overbefore moving away at speed. The sighting was officially reported to Divisional

    Police Headquarters in Halifax and a number of the officers involved receivedvisits from members of the MOD.

    UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)On Dut y s igh t in g . 4 Of f i cers . Sour ce PRUFOS/ CONFI DENTI AL.

    74 . October 1978 . Loca t i on Denb igh , Nor th W a les.

    PC NEVI LLE HUGHES and two uniformed colleagues (one of who was asergeant) observed a UFO whilst in the grounds of North Wales Hospital in


    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 3 O f f i cers . Source FSR Vo l 25 No 2 Mar / Apr 79 .

    75 . 153 0 ho urs . Sund ay . La te Octob er 197 8 . Loca t i on B4011 Oak ley to

    L on g Cr e n d o n r o a d , B u ck i n g h a m s h ir e . As PC ERI C RAYMENT was driving amarked police vehicle between Oakley to Long Crendon he observed a series oflights, equally spaced in a horizontal row above the village of Long Crendon. Hedescribed seeing six to eight lights, 100 yards apart at an altitude of 1000 feet.He initially thought it was the Red Arrows Air display team and stopped to lookat them. However he soon realized that it was not them and watched the lights

    for several minutes. The lights remained fixed in the sky and did not appear to begetting closer to his position. The lights seemed to tilt from side to side in the skywhilst hanging motionless. He then drove in the direction of the objects but bythe time he got to their location they were gone. By chance the next day he was

    in the village when he saw a shop owner and mentioned the lights. Theshopkeeper stated she had seen a long cylindrical UFO over the village at thesame time as his sighting. She described the object as having a series of equallyspaced lights on its length. She said that the object literally disappeared before

    her eyes after viewing it for approximately one minute. The officer did not reportthe sighting for fear of ridicule.

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    On Duty s igh t in g . 1 Of f i cer . Sour ce Er ic Raymen t / PRUFOS.

    1 9 7 9

    76 . 0230 hour s . January . Locat i on - A65 Sk ip ton to Garg rave road , Nor th

    Yorksh i re . Two on duty uniformed officers, PS TONY D ODD and an unnamedofficer were travelling in a marked vehicle on their way to meet another policevehicle to exchange internal mail. There was a heavy coating of snow on the

    ground and the driving conditions were dangerous. They drove over the brow of ahill to see below and to their left a bright light in the distance. Initially thinking itwas a house they soon realised the light was in an empty field that theyd passedby many times in the course of their duties. The object was stationary for amoment before slowly moving across the wintry landscape. The object was domeshaped with a white light that appeared to be coming from some kind of windowstructure. Forms part of a series of sightings by the principal named officer.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 2 Of f i ce rs . Source - A l i en I nves t i ga to r by Tony Dodd .

    Head l ine Pub l i sh ing Books 19 99 . Pages 20 -21 .

    7 7 . La t e e v en i n g . 2 5 / 0 1 / 7 9 . Lo c at i o n D e n b i g h , N o r t h W a l es .

    PC NEVI LLE HUGHES observed a UFO after responding to a call from a Denbighfamily.


    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 1 O f f i cer . Sour ce FSR V25 No 2 Mar / Apr 79 .

    7 8 . 2 0 4 5 h o u r s . 2 6 / 0 1 / 7 9 . L oc at i o n De n b i g h , N o r t h W a l e s.

    A member of the public, Keith Jones was about to go into the restaurant where heworked near Denbigh when he observed a UFO at an altitude of 100-150 feet. Hewent inside and asked his employer to go outside and look at the object. They

    watched a stunning aerial display by the UFO for several minutes before callingthe police. A short time later two uniformed police officers, PC BERWYN JONESand PC NEVI LLE HUGHES arrived at the scene where they too witnessed theUFO. The object was disc shaped with a dome underneath. There was no noise

    and it was described at being too low and too bright to be an aircraft. The objectwas last seen heading in the direction of Ruthin.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON CE1 ( CLOSE ENCOUNTER 1 ST K I N D)

    O n D u t y s ig h t i n g . 2 O ff i ce r s . So u r c e FSR Vo l u m e 2 5 N o 2 M a r / A p r 7 9 .

    79 . Loca t i on - Lu ton , Bed fo rdsh i re .

    Two on duty uniformed police officers observed a UFO at close proximity wherebyone of the officers clothing was scorched/burned. The reporting officer is still too

    reluctant to release any other details at present but has retained the relevantclothing.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON CE2 ( CLOSE ENCOUNTER 2 ND K I N D )

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 2 O f f i ce rs . Sour ce - Con f i den t i a l (PRUFOS) Da tabase .

    80 . 0300 h our s . Loca t i on Todm orden , Wes t Yo rksh i re .

    A uniformed police officer was parked up in a layby when he observed a brightlight that suddenly began to perform a series of spectacular angular manoeuvres

    for approximately 5-10 seconds before disappearing at speed from view. No noisewas heard during the observation period.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Duty s igh t ing . 1 Of f i cer . Sour ce PRUFOS/ CONFI DENTI AL.

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    81 . La te 197 9 . Loca t i on Dum f r i es , Sco t l and .

    Five uniformed officers were involved in a sighting of multi coloured UFO that was

    seen to hover over the town of Dumfries, Scotland. Later at a press conferencetwo of the officers involved, Se r g e an t B I L L M cD A VI D and PC JAMES SMI THspoke about their experiences. PS McDAVID said that he drove to within a mile ofthe object. He described it as being longer than an aircraft and hovering at an

    altitude of only 500 feet. He described the shape of the UFO as being similar tothat of an airship with five or six white lights shining from six different areas ofthe craft. PC SMITH said, I never believed in UFOs up to now. It was raining atthe time and the cloud base was very low. The UFO remained in a stationery

    position for around 20 minutes until it vanished over the hill to the west of thetown. Several members of the public also reported seeing the UFO. Checks withthe Glasgow Weather Centre proved negative as they could not explain the

    configuration of the lights as described by the witnesses.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL (NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Duty s ig h t ing . 5 Of f i cers . Sour ceThe Wor ld s Great es t UFO Myster ies

    Page 122 . Hamlyn .

    8 2 . 0 3 2 5 h o u r s . Fr i d a y 3 0 / 1 1 / 7 9 . Lo ca t i o n Ri ck m a n s w o r t h ,

    Her t fo rdsh i re . Two uniformed officers, PC PHI LI P MOORCROFT and PCANNE-LOUI SE BROW NE observed a brightly lit UFO whilst on mobile patrol inthe area of Long Lane, Rickmansworth. A mile away in another marked policevehicle PC GARY MAHONEY and PC MA RK CHAPM AN also observed the sameobject whilst in the area of Commongate Road, Chorleywood Bottom. At 0530hours two more uniformed officers, one of whom was PC DAVI D SHEPHERD, inanother vehicle, observed a cigar shaped UFO from Berry Lane, Mill End. Checks

    were made with RAF West Drayton but nothing was shown on radar. Later all sixofficers gave a press conference about their observations. A newspaper putforward the theory that the object was nothing but a weather balloon. However a

    local journalist, Florence Scott went back to see the officers for their views on this

    idea and found that all of them were highly indignant at such a suggestion!UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Duty s igh t ing . 6 Of f i cers . Sour ce FSR Vol 30 No 3 .

    83 . Ea r l y hou rs . La te 70 s o r ea r l y 80 s . Loca t i on Todmor den , Wes t

    Yorksh i re . Five on duty uniformed officers, which included a police sergeantand two police vehicles, attended an alarm activation at a warehouse outsidethe above town. As they awaited a keyholder to arrive, several of the officers

    observed a bright light hovering stationary above a nearby railway line. Initiallythe officers thought the light was from railway workers doing maintenance.However they soon realized that they could not hear any sound coming from it.The object was no more than 200 yards from their location at the time of the

    incident. Curious several of the officers begin to approach its location only for theUFO to rise into the sky and move away. On police vehicle set off in pursuit of theobject but in vain. The incident lasted 30 minutes in duration.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON CE1 ( CLOSE ENCOUNTER 1 ST K I N D)

    On Dut y s igh t in g . 5 Of f i cers . Sour ce PRUFOS/ CONFI DENTI AL.

    84 . La te Seven t i es . Locat i on : La i s te rdyke , B rad fo rd , Wes t Yo rksh i re .

    An on duty senior police officer, CHI EF SUPERI NDENDENT COOPER of theWest Yorkshire Police was on mobile when he observed a bright silver light thathe initially thought was a star. It was low in the sky visible above the rooftops onFerrand Avenue at the junction with Hambleton Avenue. As he continued to watch

    the object over the rooftops it suddenly disappeared. He contacted police

    operations to see if there had been any other sightings but there had been none.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On du ty s i gh t i n g . 1 Of f i ce r . Sour ce Freedom o f I n fo rm a t i on Ac t .

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    1 9 8 0

    8 5 . D ec em b e r . 1 6 4 5 h o u r s . Lo ca t i o n H e x h a m , N o r t h u m b e r l a n d .

    Following several reports by members of the public who described as many as

    12-13 lights in the sky above Hexham, PC KEI TH BOTTOMLEY also observedthe UFOs. He witnessed approximately 8-10 lights moving high across the sky.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Duty s igh t ing . 1 Of f i cer . Sour ce: New cast le Even in g Chr on ic le

    3 1/ 1 2 / 8 0.

    86 . November . 0245 hour s . Loca t i on Taun t on , Som erse t .

    A police inspector observed a strange light in the sky over the Henlade area ofTaunton. He described the object as a series of blue and white lights. Later

    Bridgewater police observed an object moving south to north in the direction ofthe Bristol Channel. Checks with the coastguard were negative. Later ATC WestDrayton confirmed that an object had been detected briefly on radar at theapproximate time of the sightings.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL/ RC ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT/ RADAR

    CONFI RMATI ON)O n Du t y s i g h t i n g . 3 Of f i ce r s. So u r c e : Su n d a y I n d e p e n d en t 2 5 / 1 1 / 8 0 .

    8 7 . D ec em b e r . 0 2 0 0 h o u r s . M o n d a y . L oc at i o n I l k e st o n , D er b y s h i r e .

    Two on duty uniformed officers, a male and female, observed a strange light

    travelling east to west above Boyah Farm, Dale Abbey, Ilkeston. The light wasat a low altitude against a clear sky. They described it as a bright green ovalshaped object with a white tail. The officers saw it for about five seconds before

    the UFO disappeared from view. The officers reported the sighting to Ilkeston

    police station who informed Derbyshire police HQ at Ripley. Enquiries withManchester Airport proved negative.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 2 Of f i ce rs. Sour ce: Derby Even ing Te leg raph 02 / 01 / 80 .

    8 8 . Ch r i s t m a s 1 9 8 0 . L o c at i o n - Sk i r l a u g h , H u l l, Li n co l n s h ir e .

    Following reports by several CB radio enthusiasts two police officers, one male,one female, attended a local quarry where they observed a UFO descend into it.The female officer was very traumatised by the incident. Interestingly it is

    believed that a senior Humberside Police officer had meetings with his Suffolkcounterparts within days of the Rendlesham Forest sightings over the same

    period of Christmas 1980.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Duty s igh t in g . 2 Of f i cers . Sour ce: PRUFOS Database/ Conf ident ia l .

    8 9 . 3 0 / 0 8 / 8 0 . 0 1 3 5 h o u r s . Lo ca t i on - D u m f r i es , Sc ot l a n d.

    A PC SMI TH and five other uniformed officers plus several members of the publicobserved a cigar shaped UFO with a series of lights over Dumfries, Scotland. Thecase was reported to the MOD.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Duty s ig h t ing . 6 Of f i cers . Sour ce: PRUFOS Database/ MoD.

    9 0 . 0 4 0 0 H o u r s . 1 3 / 0 9 / 8 0 . Lo c at i o n M a n ch e st e r A r e a , Gr e a t e rManches te r . Two uniformed officers in a marked vehicle followed a UFO as itflew over the Manchester area. Manchester Airport confirmed to the RAF that they

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    had a track of the object that mirrored the estimations of direction of travel andheight made by the police officers.


    CONFI RMED)On Dut y s igh t in g . 2 Of f i cers . Sour ce: Declass i f ied RAF f i l e .

    91 . M id Decem ber 198 0 . Loca t i on . Nor th Yorksh i re .A total of five uniformed on duty police officers observed a UFO over Yorkshirethat was recorded on three separate radar stations. Four of the officers followedthe object in two marked police vehicles for several miles as it flew over the

    landscape before disappearing from view.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL/ RC ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT/ RADAR


    O n D u t y s ig h t i n g . 5 O f f i ce r s. So u r c e : Yo r k s h i r e Po s t 1 9 / 1 2 / 8 0 .

    9 2 . La t e e v en i n g . 1 5 / 0 9 / 8 0 . Lo c at i o n W e t h e r b y t o Y o r k , Yo r k s h i r e .

    Two uniformed officers first observed the object in the vicinity of Wetherby

    traveling at an altitude of 2000 feet. No noise was heard. The officers followed

    the object in their police vehicle. Over Wetherby the UFO was seen to changedirection heading towards York. Alerted by the West Yorkshire Police two officers

    of the North Yorkshire Police, PC ROY ALLEN and PC RI CHARD GORDON ,waited to pick up the UFO. PC Allen later said, We were waiting on the Yorkbypass when suddenly we saw it. The light stopped moving and hovered in thesky for some time. Eventually it moved off in the direction of Hull. Police made

    checks at a number of RAF bases but could not find a satisfactory answer.A senior officer at York said, There is nothing more we can do. It has beenlogged as a UFO.On du t y s i gh t i ng . 5 O f f i ce rs . Sour ce FSR Vo l 26 No 4 . Nov 1 980 .

    Poss ib le exp lanat ion The above case is one of the first investigations carried

    by Graham Birdsall and Mark Birdsall. They interviewed many of the peopleinvolved. A scientist later stated that the object seen was the planet Venus. Inaddition a number of photographs were taken by a Scene of Crime Officer thatappeared to support the Venus theory. However I have examined the statementsof several of the officers concerned and they are very specific about there being

    a definite change of direction over Wetherby. In addition the altitude quoted bysome of the officers is only 2000 feet and the object was followed in a policevehicle for several miles. Given these specific descriptions I believe this one is

    still up for debate.

    9 3 . 0 4 0 0 h o u r s . 2 9 / 1 1 / 8 0 . L oc at i o n M o o r s n e a r T od m o r d e n , W e s t

    Yorksh i re . Three West Yorkshire uniformed police officers, PC JOHN PORTER,

    PC HOW ARD TURNPENNY, PC JULI E BAXTER and a fourth officer were highon the moors looking for stolen motor cycles when they observed a blue colouredUFO making a series of angular turns low across the valley. The object jerkedfrom one side of the valley to the other and was last seen heading in the directionof Todmorden. This was officially reported by telex to West Yorkshire HQ inWakefield. This sighting links to the Alan Godfrey case.On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 3 O f f i ce rs . Source PRUFOS Po li ce Da tabase .

    94 . Ju l y 198 0 . Loca t i on : L i t t l ebo rough , Wes t Yo rksh i re .

    Two uniformed police officers, PC STEPHEN HOWARTH and PC CHRI SFERNHEAD had left Littleborough police station in a vehicle bound for

    Todmorden four miles away. Prior to leaving the police station the building hadbeen experiencing a series of fluctuations in the electrical power supply. Enquiries

    with the Electricity Board had revealed no known faults to the power supply. Lateras they drove along Nayland Moor between Littleborough and Todmorden the

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    officers saw a hat shaped UFO beside two electricity pylons. The object appearedto be rotating and changing colour from yellow to bluish white and then back

    again to yellow. The object slowly began to rise into the sky. At the same timethe officers began to hear radio transmissions from the South Wales policeapproximately 200 miles away when normally the radio would only be 20-30miles! The officers then observed a second object to the North that was identical

    to the first. Both objects began to rise into the sky and at 0430 hours they wereout of sight as they moved off at speed to Denshaw.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL/ EM ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT/ ELECTRO MAGNETI CEFFECTS)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 2 Of f i ce rs. Sour ce York sh i re Even ing Post 11 / 07 / 80 .

    95 . June 1980 . 22 45 hours . Loca t i on : Pon te f r ac t , West Yo rksh i re .

    Following a report by a member of the public a uniform police officer attended aPontefract home where he viewed a UFO through the witnesses binoculars.Eventually up to eight police officers (including some in plain clothes) arrived atthe home to see the object that was described as a spherical bright light

    surrounded by a red glow with blue and green lights. Checks with radar proved


    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 8 O f f i ce rs. Sour ce Da il y M i r r o r .

    9 6 . 0 5 0 0 - 0 5 5 0 h o u r s . 2 9 / 1 1 / 8 0 . Lo c at i o n - To d m o r d e n , W e st Y o r k s h ir e .

    An on duty uniformed police officer, PC ALAN GODFREY was making one last

    sweep of an housing estate looking for a number of cows that had been seenroaming loose in the area before going off his night shift. As he was about to turnright off Burnley Road, Todmorden he looked up the road to see what he initiallythought was a bus slew across the road. However almost immediately he realised

    it wasnt a bus and decided to investigate what it was. Instead of turning right hewent straight on toward the object. When he approached he saw that it was a

    diamond shaped UFO hovering in a stationary position five feet above the road.He was within 20-50 feet of the craft. He described the object as being 20 feetwide and 14 feet high with windows on the top part whilst the bottom partrotated anticlockwise. Shocked and frightened he attempted to contact his localpolice control via the vehicles radio set but it would not function nor would his

    personal radio. Whilst sat in the car he decided to sketch the object in front ofhim. Moments later a bizarre thing happened and he suddenly found himselfdriving down the same road approximately 50-100 yards further on with the

    object having disappeared. Puzzled and shaken by the experience he drove backtowards Todmorden Police station where he saw a colleague on foot patrol. Hepicked him up and drove him back to the scene of his encounter. There theyfound a circular patch in the road where the road was drier (there had been some

    overnight rain) than the surrounding area. PC GODFREY stated that the rotationof the craft had caused nearby trees and bushes to shake. Leaves and brancheshad formed a circular pattern where PC GODFREY claimed the UFO had been.Only hours later did it emerge that he had suffered a period of missing time ofapproximately 15-20 minutes which he couldnt account for at the end of his shift.Interestingly one of his boots had sustained a split under his foot that hadntbeen there earlier in the shift. Where it had been he found a red mark on his foot

    that developed into an irritating rash. This later required minor medical treatmentand persisted for several days after the incident. Unable to satisfactorily accountfor the period of missing time he was eventually persuaded to undergo hypnoticregression in an effort to solve the mystery. What emerged over a series of four

    such sessions was that of an alien abduction scenario which is widely regardedas one of Britains finest cases. Under hypnosis he recalled that he had got out of

    the police vehicle to get a better look at the object, however an intense whitelight had enveloped him which frightened him he sought the sanctuary of the

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    police car. He then found in a room lying on a table with a number of small bulbhead figures holding him down. A taller humanoid figure came and telepathically

    communicated with him. Moments later he found himself back in the policevehicle driving along the road, which is where his conscious memories begin. Tothis day he does not have any conscious memories of the abduction scenario andfinds it difficult to comprehend himself. Although the story sounds bizarre, part

    corroboration for the sighting came in the guise of three other Halifax basedofficers who were out on the moors only an hour or so prior to PC GODFREYsencounter. This case links to the above named case. In addition a member of thepublic saw a similar coloured object in the town itself minutes prior to the


    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 1 O f f i cer . Sour ce - A lan God f rey , du r i ng a nu m ber o f

    p e r so n a l i n t e r v i e w s w i t h h i m d u r i n g 2 0 0 2 .

    9 7 . 0 5 1 0 - 0 5 5 0 h o u r s . 2 9 / 1 1 / 8 0 . Lo c at i o n Li t t l e b o r o u g h , n e a r

    Todmor den , West Yo rksh i re . Two on duty uniformed traffic officers were

    parked up in a pub car park when they observed a very bright UFO low on the

    horizon. The object was last seen heading in the direction of Todmorden. Thiscase links to the Alan Godfrey case. The officers contacted Alan Godfrey

    approximately one year after his sighting. They would not come forward publiclyfearing ridicule.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Duty s igh t in g . 2 Of f i cers . Sour ce A lan Godf r ey / PRUFOS.

    98 . La te even ing . Loca t i on Sower by B r i dge , Wes t Yo rksh i re .

    Whilst on night duty two uniformed officers observed a UFO. The officers gavechase in their police vehicle. The chase took place between the villages ofLuddenden and Sowerby Bridge.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Dut y s igh t in g . 2 Of f i cers . Sour ce PRUFOS/ CONFI DENTI AL.

    1 9 8 1

    99 . Sep tem ber . Loca t i on - Todm orden , Wes t Yo rksh i re .

    Over several nights over 20 members of the public saw a cigar shaped UFOover the town of Todmorden in West Yorkshire. On one of those nights to

    uniformed police officers also saw the object.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    O n D u t y s ig h t i n g . 2 O f f i ce r s. So u r c e : Da i ly S t a r 3 0 / 0 3 / 8 2 .

    1 0 0 . 3 0 / 1 1 / 8 1 . Lo c at i o n P on t e f r a c t , W e s t Yo r k s h i r e .

    Five on duty uniformed officers observed a spherical multicoloured UFO with asilvery crescent. Several officers observed the object through binoculars as itmoved initially west to east before changing to a south to east direction.The object was also seen by several members of the public. The police officersmade enquiries with Bawtry Meteorological Office and drew a blank as did their

    enquiries with Manchester ATC. One officer still had the UFO in view at 0500hours before it faded from view.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Duty s igh t in g . 5 Of f i cers . Sour ce: PRUFOS Database/ Conf ident ia l .

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    1 9 8 2

    101 . March 198 2 . 2330 hour s . Loca t i on Newcas t l e , Tynes ide .

    Following several reports by members of the public two uniformed officers,

    PC DAVE PARKI NG an d PC BOB TAYLOR observed a UFO hovering westof Newcastle. In total the object was seen for an hour. Checks were made withNewcastle Airport revealed no reports of unknown traffic.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Duty s igh t ing . 2 Of f i cers . Sour ce: New cast le Even in g Chr on ic le

    0 9/ 0 3 / 8 2.

    102 . Ea r l y hou rs March 198 2 . Loca t i on M i l t on Keynes ,

    Buck inghamsh i re . An on duty uniformed police officer observed a silvercoloured UFO with flashing lights during the early hours of a late March morning.

    The officer reported the sighting to the Ministry of Defence.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 1 Of f i ce r . Sour ce: Yo rksh i re Even ing Pos t 25 / 03 / 82

    and Da i ly M i r ro r on t he sam e da te .

    1 0 3 . Su n d a y 2 5 / 0 9 / 8 2 . 0 4 0 0 h o u r s . L oc at i o n M o n m o u t h , Gw e n t i nWales . Two on duty uniformed officers, PC TI M BANKS and PC SI MON

    HOLDER, observed a UFO over Monmouth in Wales during the early hours of alate September morning. At one point the officers witness two red lights appearto emerge from the main object.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 2 Of f i ce rs. Sour ce: Dai l y Exp r ess 25 / 09 / 82 .

    1 0 4 . 0 4 3 5 h o u r s . 2 5 / 0 3 / 8 2 . Lo ca t i o n - Sa x o n St r e e t , M i l t o n Ke y n e s,

    Buck inghamsh i re . Two uniformed officers, PS I AN VI CTORY and PC

    ANTHONY UNDERWOOD were driving a marked police vehicle when theyobserved a yellow lozenge shaped UFO in the sky. Stopping the vehicle they satand watched it pass overhead. They saw red and blue flashing lights on the craft.The incident was believed to be subject of an investigation by the Ministry ofDefence who admitted they had received a report about the officers sighting. TheSuperintendent for Milton Keynes police, JOHN BURTON, said of the officers,

    These are two experienced officers and I have no reason to doubt theirintegrity.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Du ty s i gh t i ng . 2 O f f i ce rs . Sour ce - A Cover t Agenda by N i ck Red fe rn .

    Pocke t Books 19 98 . Pages 159-1 60 .

    105 . 0130 hour s . Locat i on Todm orden , Wes t Yo rksh i re .Three on duty uniformed officers, that included a police sergeant and involved

    two marked vehicles observed a bright light moving high above Todmorden for 30minutes before it disappeared at speed from view. There was no noise associatedwith the object. None of the officers reported the sighting fearing ridicule.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Dut y s igh t in g . 3 Of f i cers . Sour ce PRUFOS/ CONFI DENTI AL.

    106 . March 1982 . Loca t i on : New cast l e , Nor t hum ber l and .

    Two on duty Northumbria uniform police officers observed a UFO as it passedover the Tyne Valley, West of Newcastle. It was last seen losing altitude in thedirection of the Roman Wall.

    UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)On Duty s igh t in gs . 2 Of f i cers . Sour ce New cast le Even in g Chr on ic le3 0/ 0 6 / 9 4.

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    107 . 24 / 10 / 82 . Loca t i on : El sack and Car l e ton Moors , Nor th Yorksh i re .

    During the early hours of the morning three uniformed police officers observed a

    small UFO zig-zagging just several feet above the ground as it passed overCarleton Moor. At 0515 hours a further series of lights were seen to pass directlyover their police car.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On Duty s igh t in gs . 3 Of f i cers . Sour ce York sh i re Pos t .

    108 . Ear l y 1980 s . Br i gh ouse , West Yo rksh i re .

    Whilst driving his police marked vehicle PC GARY MI LBURN saw to his leftwhat he initially thought was an aircraft about to crash into the ground. He didan emergency stop and the police vehicle made a slight skid to a halt. He wound

    down his window and saw the fuselage of an object with no wings moving at analtitude of approximately 500 feet. At that point he was struck by the fact thatthe object made no noise whatsoever and that it did not crash. He observed it forabout 8 seconds. On the side of the object was a series of coloured lights. It was

    last seen disappearing over buildings in Brighouse. He tried to follow but never

    saw it again. He did not believe it was an aircraft. He reported the sighting to hisHQ and was largely ridiculed by his colleagues for doing so. However he made

    exhaustive checks with civilian and military sources and was told no aircraft werein the vicinity as the time of his sightings. A few weeks later he received a letterfrom the CAA saying hed seen an inbound DC10. He rejected that out of handbecause the aircraft has three engines and would have made a lot noise as it

    pulled out of what he thought was a dive but there had been no noise or airdisplacement whatsoever.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON CE1 ( CLOSE ENCOUNTER 1 ST K I N D)

    On Dut y s igh t ing . 1 Of f i cer . Sour ce: PRUFOS Pol i ce Dat abase.

    1 9 8 3

    109 . Ea r l y 1 980 s . London .

    This case involved the METPOL helicopter that was based at that time at theLondon heliport in Battersea. The crew comprised of a civilian pilot and auniformed police officer acting as a spotter. On this day the helicopter took off

    and was flying along an air corridor known as H2 and 10. When it was north ofKew Bridge the pilot suddenly reported an airmiss with what he initially thoughthad been a model aircraft. The on board radar detected that the object was infact circling the helicopter at close proximity to it! The pilot came back on the air

    and said that it was not a model aircraft but a UFO. Everyone in the ATCbegan to listen intently to what the pilot was describing. He went onto to describe

    the object as a grey metallic disc approximately 3-4 feet in diameter. He thenasked could he follow the object which as began to descend toward the ground

    over a railway goods yard. He was given permission to do so. He then reportedthat the object was performed incredible feats of manoeuvrability as it dartedaround the goods yard. It was able to hover, rise vertically and make right angledturns! At one point the object hovered above a man walking his dog who wasoblivious to the fact that it was over him inferring that the object was silent aswell. Eventually the object suddenly rose vertically into the air at a very fast rateto an altitude of 3500 feet where it disappeared into cloud.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON CE1 ( CLOSE ENCOUNTER 1 ST K I N D)

    On Dut y s ig h t ing . 1 Of f i cer . Source: PRUFOS Pol i ce Database.

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    1 1 0 . 1 9 / 0 2 / 8 3 . Da y t i m e . Lo c at i o n Sw a n se a , Gl a m o r g a n , So u t h W a l e s.

    Up to 200 people observed a huge triangular shaped UFO pass overhead invarious places along the South Wales coast. They included a class ofschoolchildren and a football team. In Swansea two detectives, DS MI KETROAKE and DC GETHI N HUM PHREYS saw the object glide overhead in total

    silence. DS TROAKE said, Im used to seeing aircraft in the sky but this wasmassive-much bigger than a plane. There was a large main cluster of lights at thefront shaped a bit like a Zeppelin followed by a triangular group of lights. Theymoved gracefully across the sky about 1000 feet up. Fearful of ridicule neither

    officer reported the incident to their colleagues.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    O n Du t y s i g h t i n g . 2 O f f ic er s . So u r c e : Su n d a y M i r r o r 2 0 / 0 2 / 8 3 .

    111 . Ju l y 19 83 . Locat i on - To f t , Camb r idgesh i re .

    An on duty uniformed police sergeant observed a huge 50p shaped UFO above

    the village of Toft.

    UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)O n d u t y s i g h t i n g . 1 o f f ic er . So u r c e: Ca m b r i d g e Ev e n i n g N e w s 1 7 / 0 7 / 9 3 .

    1 1 2 . L o ca t i o n - Fe r r y b r i d g e P ow e r s t a t i o n , W e st Yo r k s h i r e .

    Two traffic officers observed a UFO for several minutes hovering over Ferrybridge

    power station. The case was reported to the MOD.UFO CLASSI FI CATI ON NL ( NOCTURNAL LI GHT)

    On du ty s i gh t i ng . 2 o f f i ce rs . Source : New spaper A rch i ve .

    113 . May 198 3 Locat i on Har t c l i f f e a rea o f B r i s to l , Avon and Som erse t .

    Two female police officers observed a strange light hovering above a hill top in

    the Hartcliffe area of Bristol. They followed the UFO in their marked police vehiclefor a distance of two miles before the object stopped and hovered again. At thispoint a second UFO approached the first one from a different direction. Momentslater both objects rose vertically into the night sky at a very high speed and outof sight. One of the officers said, It was very creepy. At the same time anotherofficer, SERGEANT I AN LOCK saw a flashing UFO above the Bedminst
