pointe! magazine - NorthStar, Winter 2011



Bringing together the best of what women want and need - body, soul and spirit. Presenting new, fun and insightful ways to do daily life, connect with other women, and serve the community.

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ER 2

011pointe! in time

Women in History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Strong Lady, Tough Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

pointe!ing the wayTh e Power of Unexpected Love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

Th ank You Teachers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Adventurous Fashion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

high pointe!sCollege Adventures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Faith in a Bass Boat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

5 Th ings Men Find Exciting About Women . . . . . .21

creative pointe!sIrresistible Smoothies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Sand Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

Oh, the Places We'll Go . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

Adventures in the Neighborhood . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

Homemade Ice Cream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37

gripping pointe!sSprinkler Serenade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22

Th e Great Bee Adventure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30

Pike's Peak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

Reunion Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

EDITORS LAYOUT & DESIGNLori Stephanoff Sherie LaPradeWanda Litchenberg Cindy Van Horn ADVERTISINGSusan Th omas

To advertise, go to pointemag.org orcontact pointe@northstarcolumbia.org

pointe! magazine | northstar christian center | 711 longtown roadcolumbia, south carolina | 803.736.9250 | www.pointemag.org

welcome to pointe!Welcome to the fi rst Columbia issue of pointe! magazine. Th e vitality and energy you see on these pages refl ects the way the women of NorthStar Christian Center approach life as homemakers, wives, mothers and women in the workplace. Our hope is that your life is enhanced in great measure by reading this magazine.

Th is month our issue is centered all around the theme of ADVENTURE and what a perfect time of the year to talk about it! Th e summer is when all of us are plan diff erent adventures for our families to enjoy and participate in.

History is a fascinating subject. What seems like an endless list of facts to some inspires so many of us. We especially love stories of adventurers who dared to turn failed experiments into new discoveries, challenge the beliefs of the day, explore uncharted lands, and follow their hearts.

William Clark (of the Lewis and Clark expedition) wrote in his journal on July 19, 1804: “Came suddenly into an open and boundless Prairie, I say boundless because I could not see the extent of the plain in any direction…Th is prospect was so sudden & entertaining that I forgot the object of my pursuit…”

What captivating vistas lie ahead of us? Perhaps a better question is: will we have eyes to see the possibilities for adventure in everyday life? You’ve heard the phrase, “Seeing is believing.”

But we're convinced that believing is seeing — what we believe determines what we see. Our paradigms — our beliefs, assumptions, perceptions and values — determine how we see the world. In order to unleash the adventurer in you, you may need a paradigm shift.

Th ink a 26-mile marathon sounds daunting? How about a 100-mile run? Th e Tarahumara Indians of northwest Mexico run everywhere; it’s their only mode of transportation. Th eir paradigm: 100 miles — no problem, 26 miles — child’s play. What is impossible to do in one paradigm is entirely possible with another.

Don’t be surprised if you encounter some resistance when you challenge a deeply rooted paradigm. Just ask Galileo, the Wright brothers, Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, Th omas Edison, and countless other innovators.

Each time we run into something beyond the boundaries of our current paradigm, we have the opportunity to see diff erently, to fi nd a creative solution, to dream a new dream, to have faith for the impossible.

You’ll need confi dence to embrace this great adventure of life. Confi dence isn’t arrogance; it is true humility. It comes from two words meaning “with faith.” Do not, therefore, abandon that confi dence of yours; it brings a great reward…Faith is the confi dence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. (Hebrews 10:35 & 11:1)

It is the optimist, the believer, the adventurer — the one who sees what doesn’t exist but refuses to believe that it cannot exist — that is the person who changes the world. We challenge and bless you to go and be an adventurous world changer.

So sit back, get yourself a cup of coff ee (or tea if you prefer) and enjoy a few moments just for you. We are confi dent that you will fi nd something in this issue that is useful and meaningful.

Because you matter,

Brian & Susan ThomasNorthStar Christian Center




Poin t ing The Way To JesusCHRISTIAN CENTER

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6 } pointe! summer 2011

Sometimes an adventure is simply a generation away. Most likely a search into your family history will fi nd stories that will inspire and amaze you. And it may be that the search turns in to an adventure all its own.

My grandmother, Emma Rodgers, was an exceptional and

remarkably talented woman. Th e stories that my mother, Juanita

Ware, shared with me reveal a life full of strength, faith, moral

values and creativity. She overcame signifi cant physical limitations

and led a life fi lled with caring for her family and others.

Born in 1898, Grandma Emma was ten years old when her left

hand was accidentally crushed in a sugar cane grinder. After the

accident, her left arm was amputated below the elbow in surgery

that was done on a kitchen table. Later, after gangrene set in,

another amputation was done just below her shoulder. She was left

with a handicap that she would overcome with a tough spirit and

strong love for the family she would one day have.

After her accident, Emma went about her normal chores as did

her nine siblings. She made good grades in school and eventually

became a school teacher and taught in one-room schoolhouses in

Missouri and Arkansas. After she was married, she rode her horse

to teach school with her fi rst child, Juanita, my mother, in the

saddle, too.

Grandma Emma’s creative streak was not dampened because of

her handicap. She hand-painted tablecloths, stitched hems, made

lace by tatting with a shuttle in her mouth and embroidered many

things. She cooked delicious meals, prepared lunches for everyone

to take to school or work, cleaned house, washed clothes, ironed,

canned fruits and vegetables, tended to fl ower gardens and made

all the clothes for her three children. She even found time to teach

her own children to read and write before they started school.

Grandma Emma was a very strict disciplinarian. She would place

her children between her legs – that one arm could really paddle!

She raised chickens and sold eggs. She milked their cow and sold

milk and butter during the Depression. She helped care for people

in need and welcomed many to stay with them. Somewhere around

thirty people lived in my grandparents’ home at various times. After

teaching Sunday School, it wasn’t unusual for my grandmother to

bring home less privileged children to clothe them and wash their

Str ong Lady, TOUGH TIMES

— Emily Ware Martin

History is full of women pioneers and adventurers! Ones who have fought for their rights, worked hard to be treated equally and made great strides in fi elds like science, politics, sports, literature and art. Let’s celebrate just a few remarkable women in history.

SACAGAWEA (1788-1812) played an important part in the

Lewis and Clark epic expedition to the Pacifi c Northwest.

Sacagawea gave birth to her son, Jean Baptiste, only two

months before the start of the expedition. She carried him

with her for the duration of the journey (52 months). Not only

was her guiding and interpreting helpful, her presence in the

journey indicated to others the peaceful intent of the trip.

HARRIET TUBMAN (1822-1913) was an African-

American abolitionist and humanitarian during the Civil War.

She was born into slavery but escaped. After her escape, she

made thirteen missions to rescue more than 70 slaves using

safe houses known as the Underground Railroad.

A pioneering aviator and inspirational fi gure, AMELIA EARHART (1897-1937) became the fi rst woman to fl y solo

across the Atlantic Ocean.

MOTHER TERESA (1910-1997), born Agnes Gonxha

Bojaxhiu, devoted her life to working with the poor in the

slums of Calcutta, India. At the age of twelve, she felt the call

of God and knew she wanted to be a missionary to spread the

love of Christ. At age 20, she took her vows as a nun and for

17 years taught in a convent school. Moved by the suff ering

and poverty outside the convent walls, she started an open-air

school for slum children even though she had no money.

In time, her eff orts drew international support and distinction.

She received numerous awards, including the Nobel Peace

Prize in 1979. By the year she died, the Missionaries of Charity

order she established in 1950 was 4,000-strong and established

in 130 countries. It cared for 7,000 children and treated about

four million sick people each year. Mother Teresa defi nitely left

her mark on history through her selfl ess service.

But it’s not just women in the headlines or history books that

make a diff erence in this world. We fi nd the same tenacity and

passion in TODAY’s woman! Pushing past barriers, exploring

new territory, endlessly giving, and serving others!

Do you know one? Th ank her! Recognize her, even if she

doesn’t like being in the spotlight. Find a way to let her know

how special she is to you and others.

Want to be one? Make the decision to pursue your passion, dream, or desire – whether it’s fi nding a cure for cancer or taking care of others, do it with zeal!

Women in History

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is capable of doing.” In fact, there were only four things she could

not do: tie her shoes, fi le her nails, crochet and cut up a chicken.

Her story is remarkable. So remarkable, and thanks to mother, it’s

been published in a book entitled, “Tough Times, Strong Women.”

Th is book is a compilation of stories about women who met

adverse times with strength and courage. “Tough Times, Strong

Women” was written by Mike Beno, Clancy Strock and Deb

Mulvey and published by Reiman Publications and is still in book

stores today.

My grandmother guided her family through a World War and

a Depression while overcoming a series of devastating illnesses.

She had a stroke at age 31 and was paralyzed on her left side for

several months. She recovered from this but eventually died at age

39 from a cerebral hemorrhage. My mother was only 17 at the

time. Unfortunately, I never knew my grandmother.

A few people still tell me stories about my grandmother’s awesome

strength and courage. She is a wonderful role model. I wonder if

she had lived a longer life, what more this wonderful grandmother

of mine would have contributed to society?

hair. When it came to helping someone in need, she would do

anything. She was once asked to provide breast milk for a dying

baby and nursed him back to health.

Th e family never thought of Grandma Emma as being handicapped.

Her one arm was strong, with double strength in it. She was able to

tie bows on her daughters’ sleeves and braided her own hair before

bedtime. My mother, Juanita, remembers seeing her baby brother

placed on the nub of my grandmother’s left shoulder while doing

household chores. And he never fell off . Her doctor was amazed at

how she pinned a diaper on her baby using one arm!

Dinner guests often asked if they could arrive early just to watch

her prepare the meal. She would wrap cabbages and potatoes

in a cloth and hold them between her knees as she peeled and

shredded them. Her creativity and tenacity were incredible!

Way back when my grandfather began courting my grandmother,

his family was concerned that she couldn’t perform the duties of

wife or mother with only one arm. He quickly replied, “I go to her

house every Sunday after church, and I know for myself what she

8 } pointe! summer 2011

History holds accounts of instances of major change and transformation after a time period of 40. There was rain for 40 days and 40 nights. A population of people wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. In fact, I threw myself one of the best birthday parties ever when I turned 40 years old. However, I recently experienced a providential moment in my life’s history that had been 40 years in the making.

I pulled into the parking space in front of the restaurant where our

meeting was to take place. Oddly enough, I felt those same jitters

in my stomach that I had felt as I stepped off the school bus on

the fi rst day of school to begin my third grade year in 1971. Not

knowing what to expect and not knowing what I would say, I took a

deep breath and stepped through the double doors of the restaurant.

Much to my delight, I was greeted with that same warm smile and

gentle hug that had been my refuge so many years ago.


LOVE— Katrina Spigner

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In 1971, Miss Trudi Taylor had just graduated from college and was a brand new elementary school

teacher. Shaking in her boots, she was stepping into the unknown and beginning her career in

teaching in an elementary school in rural South Carolina. Shaking in my boots, I was entering the

third grade still reeling from the trauma of an incident of racial injustice which had occurred in this same

school the year before. Here we both were – my new teacher with her set of fears and me with my own.

However, little did we know how our lives had been orchestrated in such a way that our paths would

cross and that we would meet a specifi c need in each other’s lives.

“Th at was my fi rst year teaching, and in many ways I was clueless. I

am not even sure how much I taught them, but I do know that I was

in love with my students. For reasons unknown to me at the time,

Katrina was one student that captured my heart. In fact, if her parents

would have let me, I would have taken her home with me.”

And love, she did. Without knowing the depth of my scars and the

insecurities I harbored stemming from my second grade experience,

through her acts of love, Miss Taylor innately created a safe haven in

an environment that had not always felt safe. Going beyond the status

quo of the times and responding to a higher call of duty, she did the unexpected and loved. She not only

loved in spite of, she loved because of…

After that third grade year, Miss Taylor and I did not see each other again. In many conversations over

the years, I would mention the impact my third grade teacher had in my life. Unknowingly, Miss Taylor

had been having the same types of conversations regarding me.

In a powerful unexpected turn of events several weeks prior, my teacher, now Mrs. Trudi Taylor Greene,

was talking to yet another person about a third grade student in her fi rst year of teaching. She stated

she had looked for this student over the years, but had not been able to locate her. In the conversation,

she mentioned the student’s name, Katrina Eichelberger (now Spigner). Immediately, the person she

was talking to stopped her in the middle of conversation and told her she knew me and how to fi nd me.

From there, connections were made, emails were exchanged, a date was set, and here we were, my third

grade teacher and me, meeting for coff ee after 40 years.

We spent our time together reminiscing, laughing, crying, and sharing an array of other emotions in

between. But what was most amazing is that this was the fi rst time we had the opportunity to share our

personal stories from those days in 1971. Th ose moments of refl ecting and listening were tender and

poignant. I heard her fears and she heard mine. And as real as the multitudes of our fears were, there was

one truth that rang out loud and clear and resonated in both of our hearts…LOVE covered them all.

Each day, we are presented with opportunities to show love in unexpected ways – a loving response to

someone who is hurting, a loving response to someone who has hurt you, or a

loving response to those whom others have considered unlovable.

No matter the situation or the circumstances, we are

always presented with the option to choose love.

You may never know the impact of your love.

But then again you may, even if it takes 40 years.

Th at’s the power of the unexpected.


EaEachch d dayay, , wewe a aarerer prr


In many conversations over th e years, I would mention th e impact

my th ird grade teacher hadin my life.

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QUESTION:How many pointe!readers remembera favorite teacher?



10 } pointe! summer 2011er 22001111

thank you teachers


MAKINGlearning FUN{ {

making it

COOLto be smart


DIFFERENCEin my life.





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taking the time torememberhow a child THINKSas you eased my fears, pushed me to


&encouraged MY BEST

YOUare an example offearlessnessand strength,humility & kindness

You mademe feelcared for






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CATHERINE (th e Daughter)August got here so fast. I couldn’t believe I’d be living on my own. Not really on my own, since I would be living with two roommates in a tiny dorm room. And only fi fteen minutes from home.

I was excited and a little anxious; I’m the girl who didn’t like

to spend the night away from home. I LOVED my parents

and my life. So why were they making me live on campus?

It was the day of freshman move-in; Mom and I had

everything packed and organized. (We have quite a few

things in common, most prominently our organizational

skills and being able to fi nd a good deal.) We started

unloading the car, making our trips up and down three

fl ights of stairs. At some point the football players showed

up to help unload boxes, but that didn’t concern me at all.

My mind was totally on my roommates. I hadn’t met them

yet and the idea of sharing a room with two strangers was

nerve-wracking. Okay, I’ll admit it… somewhat scary.

We moved everything in, got settled and organized; then

realized we’d forgotten a lamp. But no worries, Mom and

Dad could drop it off in the morning. Th ey just lived fi fteen

minutes away.

Finally, after meetings, lunch and other duties, it was time

to say goodbye. I wasn’t prepared at all for this part. I was

so sure it would be an easy transition. But now, I was on my

own and reality started to sink in. I was becoming an adult

and about to start my own new adventure. An adventure

where I was the one in the driver’s seat making all the

decisions, and that scared me. But I knew I had to trust

God, my parents and myself in this journey.

So after a tearful goodbye, I headed back up those three

fl ights of stairs with adventure and excitement in my heart.

Besides I knew I would see Mom and Dad the next day.

Fifteen minutes away really isn’t that far away, is it?

(continued on the next page...)

COLLEGE ADVENTURES A Mother andDaughter Perspective

„ the idea of sharing a room with two strangers was nerve-wracking

— Cindy Van Horn & Catherine Th omas

12 } pointe! summer 2011

CINDY (th e Mom) “Remind me again why we’re doing this?” I soberly asked my husband. After all, it was for her benefi t.

Right? Living in the college dorm was our idea. She was only

fi fteen minutes from home. We’d prepared for this. It’s time

for her to gain some independence and progress towards real

adulthood. Who were we kidding?

We arrived at freshman move-in day with a truck full of stuff . Th ings

we had picked out together to make dorm life comfy and convenient.

We carried load after load up three fl ights of stairs to a room she

would share with two other girls, strangers, at least for now.

After the second trip, a group of young men arrived to help. Big

guys wearing football jerseys. Yep, the football team. Nice to have

the help, but then reality set in. Th ere are boys here. Oh, I knew it

before now, but I had been living in denial.

Quicker than expected, all her things were moved in and set up.

Even with all our careful preparations, we realized we forgot

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The word ADVENTURE stirs up diff erent emotions in each of us. For some, it is defi ned by jumping out of planes, rappelling off cliff s or paddling down white water rapids.

With others, jumping in the car or boarding a plane and traveling to a new,

undiscovered place stirs up our sense of adventure. For many of us, however,

adventure is as simple as getting up in the morning.

Most of us view the everyday tasks of living as mundane, trivial, even boring

— nothing that makes our heart pound or our palms sweat. Adventure doesn’t

even come close to describing the pursuits of a routine day of to-do lists fi lled

with grocery shopping, lawn mowing, bill paying, etc. We naively believe that

once these things are accomplished, then the real adventures can begin. We run

ourselves in circles with no real end in sight. Th e lists only get longer, leaving our

spirits disillusioned and unfulfi lled.

Th e old adage, “perspective changes everything,” sounds trite; but if you really stop to think about it, it’s true. If we wake up in the morning,

dreading the tasks of today, we will want to pull the covers up over our head and stay there. But if we continually choose every morning to

open ourselves up to the adventures of the day, we will see life as God intended: a journey fi lled with adventure.

Perhaps today’s adventure could be teaching our son or daughter how to ride a bike, developing a relationship

with a diffi cult person, beginning to write a book, or even just changing our perspective on situations

we encounter. Songwriter Steven Curtis Chapman captures this spirit well in his song

Th e Great Adventure: “Saddle up…we’ve got a trail to blaze…

get ready for the ride of your life.” Here’s your invitation.

Take one step today into the exciting horizon ahead.

“Remind me again why we’re doing this?” I soberly asked my husband. After all, it was for her benefi t.

Right? Living in the college dorm was our idea. She was only

fi fteen minutes from home. We’d prepared for this. It’s time

for her to gain some independence and progress towards real

something, a lamp. Of course there was one in her room at home,

which we would gladly bring back in the morning.

After parent orientation, a great lunch, tour of the campus and

delaying as long as we could, it was fi nally time to say goodbye. No

big deal, right? She’s just down the road…wrong. In one morning,

everything in our world changed forever. Now that we were

pulling out of the parking lot, leaving our only daughter behind to

start her own life and adventure, all I wanted to do was cry.

It was a quiet, long night. We got up early to deliver the lamp

before her fi rst orientation meeting. With great anticipation, we

climbed the three fl ights of stairs and knocked on the door. She

took the lamp, dropped it on the bed, walked us out and back

down the stairs. “Th anks! Call you later!” she said and ran off with

a big smile, full of life, excitement and joy. With that, we knew

she was going to be okay. It would take us a bit longer to adjust.

We did adapt to our “new normal” and soon discovered that adult

children are a blessing, too!

The Adventures of the EVERYDAY— Juliann Terrell







us p


if you really s p

er our head and stay there. But i

s God intended: a journey fi lled with adventure.

er how to ride a bike, developing a relationship

changing our perspective on situations

his spirit well in his song

There are 86,400 seconds in day.

ENJOYthe momentyou are in.

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Blueberr y, Banana & Peanut Butter1 tablespoon fl ax seed meal or wheat germ

1 banana

½ cup frozen blueberries

1 tablespoon peanut butter

1 teaspoon honey

½ cup plain yogurt

1 cup milk

Berr y-Oatmeal 6 ounces vanilla low-fat yogurt

16 ounces frozen blueberries

1 cup water

1 cup old-fashioned or quick-cooking oats

⅓ cup KOOL-AID strawberry sugar-sweetened soft drink mix

Basic Fruit 2 cups vanilla low-fat yogurt

10 ounces frozen strawberries in lite syrup, thawed

5 cups cold water, divided

1 packet CRYSTAL LIGHT lemonade drink mix

Low-Fat Str awberr y-Banana Yogurt 1 cup COOL WHIP FREE whipped topping, thawed 

6 ounces strawberry nonfat yogurt

1 cup sliced strawberries

1 medium banana, sliced

1 cup crushed ice

Mango-Peach1 peach, sliced

1 mango, peeled and diced

½ cup vanilla soy milk

½ cup orange juice, or as needed

Peachy Str awberr y 1½ cups fat-free milk

6 ounces vanilla low-fat yogurt

1½ teaspoons CRYSTAL LIGHT raspberry ice drink mix

1 cup frozen sliced peaches

1 cup frozen strawberries

½ cup honey-fl avored multi-grain cereal fl akes with oat clusters

Cool ‘n Creamy Coff ee 1 cup fat-free milk

ice cubes

1 cup COOL WHIP LITE whipped topping, frozen 

1 package (4-servings) vanilla sugar-free instant pudding

1 tablespoon instant coff ee

Pour milk into large glass measuring cup. Add enough ice to

measure 3 cups. Pour into blender. Th en add frozen whipped

topping, dry pudding mix and coff ee; blend until smooth.

Sources: Kraftrecipes.com, Allrecipes.com

Irr esistible Smooth iesS I M P L E I N S T R U C T I O N S F O R E A C H R E C I P E

Blend ingredients in blender until smooth and serve immediately!

14 } pointe! summer 2011

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16 } pointe! summer 201116 } pointe! summer 2011

About once a year, I accompany my husband on a fi shing excursion in his bass boat. Notice that I refer to it as his bass boat, since I seldom have anything to do with it.

M ost of his trips to fi sh for fl ounder, trout,

and of course the highly desired “spot tail”

bass occur with his dad, brother, or like-

minded male friends who actually like the bass boat, know

how to fi sh, and can bait their own hooks. I am the default

fi shing partner, the one who goes along when nobody else is


Once a year, I volunteer for our annual “let’s try it again”

fi shing trip. It takes me about a year to recover from the

last attempt, during which I got wet, cold, and smelly from

helping to wash out the boat. On most trips, I whine about

the lack of accommodations, the excess of wind and wet, and

the fact that I never catch anything. My long-suff ering spouse

responds in his usual male way and the day ends badly. But

on this unusually warm and lovely October morning, when

his buddy chose a deer stand over the bass boat and both

daughters were out and about, I decided to go for it.

“Take me!” I suggested.

Th is was met with a look of fear and trepidation.

“Come on,” I wheedled. “I’m better than nothing.”

“Doubtful,” he replied. “Th e fi sh don’t talk back.”

Th is comment only cemented my will, and I quickly packed

my provisions of carrot sticks, diet cola, and the latest

“springtastic” version of a women’s magazine to browse if

things got really slow.

I never got to open the magazine. After thirty years of fi shing

famine, the spell was broken. It was amazing.

Th e wind wasn’t too cold. Th e spray wasn’t too drenching. And

best of all, I caught fi sh every time my husband put the bait

on the hook, cast out the line and handed me the rod to hold.

Yep. I caught fi sh, and I liked it.

I liked the little tug on the line and then the big pull and then

I start screaming, “I got something! I think it’s a fi sh!”

Th is entertains my husband immensely and even more so

when his 120-pound bride attempts to reel in a feisty 27-inch

spot tail. It was a fi ght alright and I won.

Actually, the fi sh didn’t suff er too much. As a vegetarian, I

insisted that my catch be released to swim another day.

I Found My Fait hWhile Driving a Bass Boat

*This is NOT a Country Songand I am NOT a Country Singer

— Dr. Linda Karges-Bone

Charleston Southern University

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It was much better when I actually caught a fi sh.

I didn’t mind the wet, the wind, the smell, the

mess. It was all so… invigorating… when I was

part of the action. I suppose that was when I

started thinking about the comparison between

bass fi shing and faith.

As dusk came on, we left the productive fi shing hole,

which shall remain unnamed since it is top-secret bass

fi shing information. I will tell you that it is on a river

and the river is in South Carolina. My husband, in what

must have been a temporary lapse of sanity caused by this

unprecedented catch of fi sh, announced that he wanted me to

drive the bass boat back to the landing.

“Oh no,” I said vehemently.

“You need to learn how,” he nodded. “Now that you can actually

fi sh, well, sort of. You need to know how to drive the boat.”

“Only you drive the boat, “ I pleaded. “You have the hat.”

I was referring to the navy blue “Bass Anglers of the Universe”

cap with a fancy gold bass pinned on the front. It looked

offi cial to me.

“You want to wear the hat?” he queried.

“No, I want you to drive the boat, “ I responded.

“I know you’re not scared to drive the boat.” Th at did it.

I took the wheel and that’s where the faith lesson began:

I really was afraid to drive the boat. I’m not good with

mechanical things. Give me words, ideas, people… my

forte. But cars, tools, most appliances, and certainly big

bass boats with loud motors…forget it. I can’t control

things and I don’t like it.

Th en the epiphany: “Th is is like faith. Th is is like me and

God.” Going through life in neutral, no waves, just fl oating

something happens. A decision. A circumstance. A situation.

I need to act on faith but I’m paralyzed. I have to push

forward, trusting God to get me up on the plane and moving

fast; but I’m scared to go too fast, or to hit the bank, or to steer

between the piers of the bridge that is looming ahead in the

dusk. God doesn’t work in neutral. He waits to see if I trust

Him enough to get up on the plane of water, give it the juice

and step out in faith trusting Him to provide the indwelling

of the Holy Spirit to steer, the protection of the Holy Father

to keep us safe, and the clear mind of a Holy Christ to make

decisions and give discernment.

Th e Trinity in a bass boat... Cool.


shing hole,

secret bass


QUESTION:Would you

participate in any of the following Xtreme Sports?

Parasailing 52% Scuba diving 48% Sky diving 39% Rock climbing 38% Surfi ng 31% Bungee jumping 19% Spelunking 10%

18 } pointe! summer 2011

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20 } pointe! summer 201122222222222220000000000000000000000000 }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} pppppppppppppppoooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnttttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ssssssssssssssssssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222220000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Ocean breeze blowing, feet kick and splash, Ocean waves breaking, on rocks with a crash.

Boys f inding seashells, girls sifting sand, Friends building castles, as high as they can.

I stretch my arms out, far as they’ll reach Oh, my what fun, on this day at the beach.

— Author Unknown

Ah, the joys of summer! Vacationing waterside this year? Time to indulge your artistic side and build your very own sandcastle! Come on, you know you want to and your kids defi nitely do!

What to bring:• Shovels

• Various-size Buckets

• Carving Tools (putty knife, plastic utensils)

• Sunscreen

1. Draw or fi nd a picture online of a castle you’d like to build.

Don’t worry; no one will know if the fi nished product

doesn’t match or even come close.

2. Choose a site near the water, but far enough away to avoid the

incoming tide. Make sure the area will fi t your castle design.

3. Dig a hole down to where the sand is dark and moist, or

bring up large buckets of water from the ocean or lake.

4. Build the foundation by dumping pails full of wet sand into

a square or circular shape; then level.

5. Dump more wet sand and mold it into a wall.

6. Build towers by forming and stacking sand patties (shaped

like thick pancakes). Place larger patties on the bottom,

and gently shake the patties from side to side as you pile

them so that the sand settles. Seal towers by gently pouring

water over them. For easier tower-making, you can purchase

inexpensive plastic castle-shaped buckets.

7. Build walls to connect the towers of your castle.

8. Carve the tower details, windows, and walls into shapes

using tools such as a small trowel, a putty knife or plastic


9. Add seashells, seaweed or other treasures you fi nd lying

around on the beach.

10. Dig a moat around the castle to protect it from breaking

waves, small feet, and dogs.

It’s easy and loads of fun for all ages! PLUS, it gives you a chance

to dream about your knight in shining armor. If you happen to be

sitting next to him, lean over and tell how much you appreciate

him treating you like a princess! It’s a perfect time to tell your

children how your love story began.

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What is it that men fi nd so exciting in women? What are they attracted to? After 15 years of working with couples in premarital classes, marriage enrichment groups, and counseling, I’m convinced that men love women. Men fi nd women fascinating, mystifying, confusing, beautiful, and exciting!

Both Percy Sledge and Michael Bolton sang about it in “When a

Man Loves a Woman.” Using other great love songs, here are fi ve

things men fi nd exciting about women:

1. “You Are So Beautiful to Me” ~ by Joe CockerNumber one is the obvious one, our sexuality, of course! It’s the

shape of a woman’s body, the fl ow of our hair, our smile, the way

we walk and move our hips. Some women believe men think we

should look like skinny super models, but most men say they like

some curves and average-sized breasts. Whether you like it or

not, your looks do matter to your man, so do the best with what

you’ve got. If you need help, grab a friend who’s good with hair,

make-up, clothes, or exercising and look good for your man.

Your smile always makes you look more beautiful to him.

2. “Only Wanna Be With You” ~ by Hootie & the Blowfi sh Your enthusiasm for his sport or activity makes life more fun for

him. He can play with the guys, but spending time with his lady,

doing something he’s interested in is exciting. You can participate

with him in his sport but don’t put him down and destroy his ego.

Or you can observe him in his activity and cheer him on as your

hero. It would be very exciting for him if you would step out of

your comfort zone and try something adventurous with him, even

if you have to take lessons.

3. “Baby, I Love Your Way” ~ by Peter FramptonMost men like a feminine woman. Femininity is all about being

soft and kind-hearted, understanding, and caring. It’s part of

your beauty. He falls in love with you because he feels good about

himself when he’s with you. He feels more like a man when your

response is more feminine and less aggressive and in-charge.

When you’re sensitive to him, he longs for your company, your

touch, and your aff ection.

4. “Sometimes When We Touch” ~ by Dan HillWhether you’re playing footsie under the table or placing a hand

on his shoulder when passing by, men fi nd the touch of the woman

they love unbelievably exciting. It doesn’t have to lead to anything,

but if it does, that’s even better to him. Choose to make love to

him often in the good times and the not-so-good times. Th is says

to your husband, “I accept and love you. I value you.”

5. “I Just Called to Say I Love You” ~ by Stevie WonderYour words give him life and motivation. All men want to be

heroes. Remembering to compliment your spouse on being a great

husband and father isn’t always easy in the middle of a busy day, but

it really draws him closer to you and makes him feel wanted and

loved. It’s more than just compliments. It’s believing in him and

expressing your confi dence and trust in his abilities and character. A

man is attracted to a woman who communicates her commitment

and respect for him, as well as her grace for him when he’s made a

mistake. He’s listening, so be careful what you’re saying.

— Alyce Reeves

5 ThingsMen Find

About WomenExciting

5 ThingsMen Find

About WomenExciting

22 } pointe! summer 201122 } pointe! summer 2011


She hates it, hates it so much that sometimes that, when she

runs out of creative ways to wake me up, she'll just kick me.

(Fortunately, I don't really require a whole lot of sleep.) Bedtime

usually goes something like this:

10:15 pm — Fall asleep.

10:16 pm — After just coming out of the bathroom, Rach says,

"Hey, babe, can you turn off the bathroom light?"

10:17 pm — Return from the bathroom. Get back into bed.

10:18 pm — Fall asleep again.

10:19 pm — Rach says, "Hey, babe, have you seen the cat? I think

she's outside. Can you go let her in?"

10:24 pm — Find the cat. Return to bed.

10:25 pm — Fall asleep.

10:26 pm — Rach says, "Hey babe, can you put Jaxon (our three

year old) back in his bed?"

10:28 pm — Carry Jax to his room and return to bed.

10:30 pm — Fall asleep.

10:37 pm — Rach says, "Hey, babe, would you rather have another

baby? Or a new house?"

10:57 pm — Wrap up that gem of a conversation. Fall asleep.

10:58 pm — Rach says, "Hey, babe, can you rub my back until I

fall asleep?"

11:14 pm — Fingers cramped, Rach falls asleep.

11:15 pm — Fall asleep, fi nally.

Last night, I got to sleep about 11:45 pm. It actually took me

2 minutes to fall asleep, though, because the house was so hot.

Outside, a balmy 75 degrees; inside, sweltering at 80-plus degrees.

I'll explain.

Back in November, we had a $400+ electric bill, so we cut off the

circuit breaker to the unit. When it's cold, get a blanket. When

it's hot, turn on the fan. We decided that we're not fl ipping the

breaker back on until we all look like the cast from A Time To Kill.

Remember how sweaty everybody was in that movie?

I wake up every day at 4:40 am, so I try to go to bed between 10:00 and 10:30 pm. But I don’t usually get to sleep until 11:30 pm. If there's one thing my wife, Rach, hates about me, it's my uncanny ability to fall asleep at a moment’s notice.

— Jeff King

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In the middle of the night, I wake up, lying in a puddle

of my own sweat to a phone ringing downstairs. But

it doesn't sound like a cell phone; it sounds like an

old rotary phone, like the ones from the '60s. Th en I

remember that Scarlett (our eight year old) told me

she was setting her alarm to wake up early. I roll over...

the clock says 4:00 am...4:00 am? Really? I go to her

room, "Scarlett...Scarlett…wake up, baby." She slowly,

confusedly opens her eyes, "What, Daddy?" I said,

"Scarlett, your alarm is going off downstairs. I wasn't sure

if you had an important appointment at 4 in the morning

that I didn't know about. Maybe you should get up and

go turn your alarm off ."

4:15 am — Back in bed. Twenty-fi ve minutes of sleep

is better than nothing. It’s also better than 14

minutes of sleep…

4:29 am — Abruptly awakened by the extreme loudness of




What inconsiderate schmuck turned on sprinklers at

4:30 in the morning?!? Who on earth is that crazy? Th en

I realize the sprinklers are hitting OUR windows. Oh,

yeah, Rach was working out in the yard yesterday. We’re

the inconsiderate schmucks.

I get up and run downstairs, because between the

CHITs and the CHICKAs, I can hear water hitting the

neighbors' car. It’s still pitch black outside. Even though

I barely see, I’m sure I can make out the trajectory of the

sprinkler. Keep in mind, it's 4:30 in the morning, and I

don't have all of my wits about me. I make it to the side

of the house without getting wet. Th en, just as I get to

the spigot, “CHIT! CHIT! CHIT! CHIT!" and I'm

soaked. From head to toe.

Wet and defl ated, I go back inside, ready to start my day.

I head back upstairs fi rst, so I can get dressed like a ninja

in the dark. You know, because I wouldn't want to wake

up my sweet Rach. As I'm walking up the stairs, I hear a

bell tower clanging in my room. Bell tower? What the...

why? Apparently, Rach set her alarm for 4:45 am for some

reason. I don't think she had any intentions of getting up

because she was still sound asleep. See, I told you the love

of my life was creative.

— Deanna Leitzke

Adventurous (adj.) — Being bold, taking unusual risk

Being bold… okay, yea — that’s me!

…taking unusual risks… well, let’s see.

I have always lived around water — lakes, rivers, oceans and pools

at my back door. I don’t remember learning to swim (considering

my stroke method, I probably was never taught); I just did!

It wasn’t until I was land-locked in Kansas City, Missouri, that I

realized how much I missed the water. Which is probably why I

agreed when my husband asked me to get certifi ed to scuba dive

(continued on the next page...)

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I would have never thought of myself as adventurous, avoiding

routine or boredom maybe, but not an adventurer. So how did I

become a scuba-diving, adventure-loving risk-taker?

STEP ONE: The Formalities“Where is the pool? And when do we leave for the Caribbean?”

Classroom lessons completed. Just a few release forms to fi nish.

Oh wait...one more paper to sign. What?!? I didn’t pass my

buoyancy practical...my doctor didn’t sign the second page of

my physical exam…and because I’m 45 and slightly over the

weight limit, can you sign this paper as well? Leave it up to

paperwork, to bring reality, and a bit of healthy fear right into your

bold little adventurous heart.

STEP TWO: Yes, I can!You’ll need an extra can of “push through” to be

on the “bold and unusually risky” team.

Finally… off to Jamaica with a song in my heart! Unusually

bold people have a song to sing on their adventure. We can

call singing loud STEP THREE!

STEP FOUR: Dive Day!Mask defogged... Fins on.

Under the sea, under the sea,come with me

under thesea…


Fish with plumes that look like ladies going to afternoon tea.

Schools of fi sh in perfect order like soldiers heading into battle.

Starfi sh as big as a dinner plate. Hidden treasures of beauty...

Simply Breathtaking

Th en my husband slips his hand into mine, turns his head to meet

me fogged mask-to-fogged mask, and winks at my heart. He

knows I’m in love with the world under the sea and I’m in love

with him for inviting me to the adventure. Loving boldly, risking

your heart to being loved back, and having the push through to

stay on the team!

This is... Real Adventure!

wow... Wow... WOW!wow... Wow... WOW!1



Day!Regulatorin mouth...(can’t talk!)

Wait...I’m not sureI’m ready!



Sapphire blues...

Emerald greens...

Regal purples...

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Adventurous— Brooks Hearn

Have you ever seen someone who defi es what the “experts” are saying, yet still looks fashionable? I’ve

seen ladies who break trends and those who wear classic, timeless pieces and considered them both

extremely stylish. To me, the most stylish people are the ones who wear their look confi dently.

Maintaining a classy appearance, dressing for your body type, and looking appropriate for

the situation are just as important, if not more, than having the most current clothes and

accessories. In today’s economy, it seems impossible or at least impractical to buy every item

that comes into fashion. So, what do you do? One solution is to keep perennial wardrobe

staples in your closet while working in trendy pieces. Complementing your usual wardrobe

with trendy items is a simple way to modernize your look.

Stretch the boundaries of your usual personal style by wearing these summer trends:

BRIGHTLY COLORED PRINTS are appearing on all items, from accessories such as

lightweight scarves and handbags to various clothing items.

WHITE JEANS are available in numerous cuts, from cropped to wide-leg. Th ose who

dare to wear them should remember to look before sitting down and also make sure

your undergarments don't show through!

MAXIDRESSES can fl atter many diff erent body types and work especially well

with funky, tribal-inspired sandals.

WIDELEG PANTS are suitable for dressing up or down. Taller girls can wear

fl ats with wide-leg pants, while more petite girls can wear wedges.

CLUTCHES range from low-end to high-end. Search

vintage stores, discount retailers, or accessory shops for

clutches in fun colors with beading and other details.

STRIPES are everywhere at the moment. Although

stripes, particularly horizontal ones, are rumored

to be unfl attering, designers are challenging

that notion.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with a new,

bold print or throw on a pair of sandals with

a little more embellishment than usual. Or

keep wearing that blazer that still looks

great on you 10 years later; just pair it with

a classic or up-to-date look.

Regardless of what you wear, smile, hold

your head high, and look confi dent.

What defi nes

personal style? Is it

wearing the latest

fashions, as dictated

by clothing stores,

journalists, and

fashion designers?

Or, is there more to

style than that?


26 } pointe! summer 2011

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28 } pointe! summer 2011

W here would you travel and what would you want to see? Th e Grand Canyon or a cruise to

Alaska? Are there countries or cities that draw your heart? Honolulu or Hong Kong? Is there

a long-lost friend or relative that craves to be found? Do you want to camp across America

and just enjoy all of our Great Land? Are there wonderful foods in special restaurants that deserve to be


Just dream for a while about what you would do if you were actually a millionaire. How would your life

be diff erent? When you think about what is truly important in this life, it usually boils down to a few

things: serving and loving God, having signifi cance, loving and being

loved by others, adequate food and shelter. Have you considered making

your own “bucket list” of what is truly important to you?

Bill and I planned to retire to Florida about 20 years ago. Our children

were in college, and we were free to make that choice. I looked up the

writers group in our soon-to-be new city. We also searched out several

churches that seemed okay. I planned on having barbecues and gatherings

at our new home to get to know our new neighbors. I had family nearby

so that was a draw. We found the half-acre lot on the water and looked for

a fl oor plan. My cousin would help with construction and landscaping. All

was coming together.

About that time things started to change, slowly, for the better. We

were asked to lead a small group. (Wow, that’s the gathering of friends I

had wanted!) We fi xed up the house for the upcoming wedding of son number two which was even better

than building a new home and not half as much work. I helped start a Writers’ Network within my church.

With God’s direction, that has morphed into several publications with more to come. Bill and I prayed and

decided to stay where we are and serve here.

Our bucket list has been rocking ever since as we search for new ways to fulfi ll retirement. I fi lled out my

fi rst “goal sheet” in 1972. When we were fi rst married, my bridegroom wanted two cars, a house with air

conditioning and a pool in the yard. We were in our 20’s at the time. Please remember, it is never too early

or too late for you to write your bucket list. Statistics show that men and women who write down their

goals will attain most of those goals.

What do you desire? Allow yourself fi fteen minutes or so to list anything and everything you want to own,

do, see, have, or be. While the initial list may be general, later you may want to defi ne or be specifi c about

things like your spiritual relationship, marital partner, goals for your work, and school for your children or

yourself. Write or type until you can’t think of another possible thing.

I’ve added to my list over the years. I’ve also deleted a few items that really were not as important at age 40

as they had been at 20 something. God has blessed us richly and yes, we do have two cars and our home

has air conditioning. Bill was never specifi c about the size of the pool, so a kiddy pool sounds absolutely

perfect for the grandchildren. What do you want?

Ready? Get set! Writ e your list!

Getting Th ere FunIS HALF THEIf you had all the money in the world that you could spend, what would you do with it? What would you buy for yourself or for others? A new home or car?

Remember, it is never too early or toolate for you

to write your bucket list.

— Letty Parrish

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QUESTION:If you plug your nose, can you

still hum?

ANSWER:You'll have to try

it to fi nd out!

30 } pointe! summer 201130 } pointe! summer 2011

Ahhh…fl owers blooming, fragrance fi lling the air and new life is evident in everything that surrounds us.

What a wonderful time of year to be outside…with one exception, bees!

Dana had no idea what was going on. I could tell she was starting to worry about me overheating. She passed her paper fan and water bottle to me. When she did, she realized that overheating was the least of our worries. Th e bee was now fl ying around my head! I wanted to scream and fl ail my arms and run away like I usually did. Dana and I caught each other’s glance, “Oh no. If the kids see this they are going to start laughing out loud, at this family funeral.”

In spite of my eff orts to become invisible, the bee landed right on my sunglasses. I actually started whispering to the bee, “Go away, go away!” He didn’t listen. He circled around my head and landed back on my glasses. Meanwhile Dana was trying hard not to laugh or let the kids see the bee fl ying around my head even though they had been waiting to see me react to a bee for the longest time.

Th ere was no other choice…I would just have to let the bee sting me rather than create such a scene at this dear lady’s funeral. Th ank goodness, it didn’t. Dana’s kids were very disappointed when they discovered they had missed the whole thing.

Afterward, I told Dana’s dad that I was going to let it sting me rather than causing a scene. He said, “Angie, sometimes you just gotta take one for the team.”

Sometimes, adventure takes you by surprise, in the least likely places!


My fi rst encounter with a bee happened when I was four during a family picnic. Barefoot, I stepped into a beautiful patch of clover and then it happened – a bee stung me! I was traumatized!

I thought bees liked me. I used to catch them and put them in jars to study. I even poked holes in the tops so they could breathe. I dramatically told everyone at the picnic grounds that a bee had stung me.

Needless to say, since that fi rst sting, I run around like a crazy person any time a bee even comes near me. My family thinks it’s hilarious and actually looks forward to the possibility of being around when a bee does come my way.

My friend Dana’s three children had not yet witnessed a bee encounter with me and were highly anticipating the event. Th ey would tease me, “Look, Aunt Angie, there’s a bee!” even when there was no bee in sight. We had no idea THE EVENT would come at such an unforeseen occasion.

It was a pleasant 105 degrees in Lake City, SC at the kids’ great-grandmother’s funeral. Th e pastor conducting the graveside service kept motioning us to move closer under the tent for a little relief from the extreme heat. I preferred to let the family have the shade. And then it happened. I saw the bee! Th e pastor kept motioning me in, closer to the tent, closer to the family, closer to the casket and yes, closer to the BEE!!!

— Angie Brown & Dana Stokes

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As a boy, I loved to travel deep into the woods around my home in search of areas I had never seen. When I happened upon a new place, I would pause and make that all-important decision; how deep do I go?

Th e lure of exploration begged me to come deeper. It whispered my name like a lover,

tickling my ears, and pulling me closer. Th en I would go as deep as I could while still

being able to see the path that led me to this new place.

Eventually, you reach the point where you can no longer see the path that led you to this

new adventure. Now your heart begins to beat harder and your eyes become wild with fear

and anticipation. Will you get lost? Will you stumble upon some terrible thing that means

you harm? What if you don’t make it out before it gets dark?


Th e thoughts and emotions create an adrenaline-fi lled cocktail that pushes you forward

with unfamiliar courage. Every sense is heightened as you push deeper and deeper into the

unknown. You know that there is a level of danger here, but you can’t turn away from the

temptation to lose yourself in this great adventure.

Why? Because we were made to explore, to face danger, to be threatened, to be challenged.

Because we were made to overcome. It’s in our DNA; it’s how God made us. We were

made to go forth and subdue all the creatures of the earth and rule over the land

(Genesis 1). Th at is our original design; even in our fallen nature, the original DNA begs to

be heard. Come deeper, push into the unknown — let go of what’s safe. 


Safe is our enemy. When we are “safe,” the deepest part of our DNA, who we really are,

slowly becomes lethargic and begins to die. It may feel like the life we want, but there is

no life in it. A “safe” life is a subtle fragrance that lures us into a deep sleep from which we

may never awaken.

How safe is your life? What areas are you pushing into that are unfamiliar and dangerous?

Have you stopped exploring? Maybe you came to a new place and experienced the thrill of

the exploration and then “settled in,” mistaking this place for a new home. In this life, there

is no home. We are meant to be ever exploring, ever pushing into our own unknown area

of adventure because that is what makes us stronger and wiser and more alive!

Wake up! It’s time to break camp and begin to once again explore the unknown!


How deep will you go?

Into the UnknownInto the Unknown


re bbbbb becececece aua see th

p!p!p! I I IIIt’t’t’t sssss tititititimemmm to brbrbrrbbreaeaeae k kk campmpp a a aaaandnndnnddndnd b

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QUESTION:Would you participate

in the reality show, Amazing Race?

YES 41% NO 59%

— E. Otto Tilley

32 } pointe! summer 201132 } pointe! summer 2011

I t was close to my heart and far from my belief to be able to venture out of my home town. I believed that the only two options I had were

school or the military. At the time, neither of these interested me, so I played it safe and got a local job.

Every day I still wondered if I would ever get to see the world or

even the rest of the United States. Th e western part of the U.S.

was so foreign to me that I could only think of it as if I were a

pioneer back in the days of Lewis and Clark. I wanted to prove

to myself what kind of “warrior” I could be on my own, but I

also believed the only way to fi nd this was to leave

everything behind.

I had just fi nished high school and was going

nowhere at a temporary job. Th e day I fi nally got

tired of being hopeless was almost like a bucket of

cold water poured over me that woke me up from

a deep sleep. Instead of beating myself up with

dull thoughts and beliefs, I accepted a new frame

of mind. It was the “I can” concept of life. Once

I made that decision, more opportunities than I

ever imagined came my way.

Th e most exciting opportunity came when I was

able to take a trip out to Colorado. My pastor

invited me to a week-long conference in Colorado Springs that

would give me a chance to look at a leadership program that

interested me. After meeting people at the program, I knew the

direction I needed to go in my life. I went through the admission

process then headed home to prepare for the year to come. Th is

was my year to get away from everything and to fi nally fi nd my


Once I made it back to Colorado, the leadership school started

right away. Th e program was diff erent and much harder than I

expected, but I stayed with it. Each day began at six o’clock in the

morning with a hard run and a circuit workout. After our workout,

we would get ready for classes that would last the remainder of the

day. Following our evening meal, we would meet at an indoor pool

for an hour-long swimming workout.

We continued this routine for a month, but the

day came when they planned a diff erent workout

for us to conquer. We left campus and headed

to a steep hill where our workout was running

suicides up the hill. Sometime in the middle of

our workout, our leader shouted, “Today it’s this

hill! Tomorrow it’s that one!” and pointed to

the monstrous mountain, Pike’s Peak. Our only

instructions were to meet at six o’clock in the

morning and bring a power snack for our long

hike. It was that next day when I found

my strength.

In the morning, everyone arrived to our normal workout spot and

loaded up in the vans to head up to the Peak. Everyone except me!

I had overslept and was 30 minutes late! Not a good start to my

I started to think I was going to be stranded in

the middle of the mountain. Th at moment was the

most alone I have ever felt

in my life.

QUESTION:What is your biggest fear?

Snakes 28% Sickness 18% Small Spaces 12%

— Philip Weathers

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day. When I arrived at our meeting spot, I had to fi nd someone

to tell me where to go. Once I had the directions, it still took me

an hour to get the starting point of the trails. I took a big gulp of

water and started my climb.

Th e foothills were the most confusing part of the climb because I

couldn’t see where I was going. When I refl ect back on that fi rst

part of the climb, I think how symbolic it was of my life. I couldn’t

see where I was heading in life, but knew I had to stay on the path.

So, I kept on hiking past trees and rocks, looking for someone who

knew the way to the top of the mountain.

Th ere were many trails intersecting with the main path and I was

worried I would go the wrong direction. But I had to continue, so

I chose a path and kept hiking as hard as I could. Not only was

I tired and my legs getting weak, I had been on the trail for two

hours and not seen a single soul! I started to panic and thought

I was going to be stranded on the middle of the mountain. Th at

moment was the most alone I have ever felt in my life. But it was a

turning point for me because I made up my mind to stop worrying

and go for the peak. I had to convince myself not to stop and turn

around, but to push all the way through.

With a tired body and an exhausted mind, I started to pick up my

pace from a hike to a run. Once I began to run, I passed a whole

team of people without realizing it until they started calling my

name. I was very excited to see people but couldn’t stop running.

My mind was made up to reach the top of the mountain. Th e last

stretch of the mountain was steeper than the rest; still I dug in my

fi ngertips and toes to fi nish with all that I had left. After fi nishing

my 13-mile hike to the top, I laughed at myself as I remembered

how lost and worried I had felt. As I stood on the top of that

mountain, I was a stronger young man knowing I could overcome

any challenge that may come my way.

34 } pointe! summer 201134 } pointe! summer 2011

Oh, the PlacesOh, the PlacesWe'll Go!We'll Go!

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Ever planned a summer packed with adventure? Just a little time and creativity will make memories that will last a lifetime — regardless of your budget, family size or days off .

Full-time jobs, family demands and commitments play a huge

part in your plans; be intentional to get some time away from your

regular life. Here are a few ideas to jumpstart yoru creativity:

Nearby PlacesPlay tourist in a nearby town. Check out the Visitor’s Center for

information about events, sightseeing, even lodging for a true

getaway. Make a decision to go outside your norm – eat, visit or stay

only at places you’ve never been. To stretch adventure throughout

the year, plan one day each month to visit a new place and eat at a

new restaurant. Act outside the box — try something new!

Chances are you live close to a beach, the mountains, a lake, park

or landmark. Be adventurous — bike through the park, rent a jet

ski or hike the mountain.

Far-off PlacesIf money and time are no concern, WOO HOO! You’re on the

way to your dream vacation! For the money-conscious, however,

the internet is your friend. Spending a little time online can

result in discounts on all kinds of travel from cruises, lodging,

even restaurants. Travel websites are plentiful, as well as websites

providing tips on getting the most for your time and money.

Save money by renting a vacation home and sharing expenses with

others. Depending on the location, this can add up to huge savings

both in the cost of lodging and food. Share the responsibilities of

planning, cooking, cleaning and buying food. Group discounts are

off ered by theme parks and attractions; just plan ahead to make

sure your group qualifi es.

If your vacation is to a familiar place, your adventure may be

transportation. Th is may be the perfect time to check out traveling

by train! Maybe you just want to take your chances — get a rail

pass that’s good for a certain length of time.

If you have a long weekend and a sense of adventure, simply look

at travel websites for last minute deals. Many options are available

including airfare, lodging, and car rental.

Oth er WorldsMaybe you prefer a vacation that’s truly an escape where your

biggest decision is picking from the menu, a list of planned

activities or just simply relaxing? Try an all-inclusive vacation

package. Th e planning (and paying) is done before your vacation

begins. Your choices range from a resort in your favorite

surroundings, a cruise (limitless possibilities based on what you

want), or maybe a family spot. A personal favorite – Walt Disney

World! Th eir packages include lodging, tickets and dining plans,

plus transportation throughout the “World.”

The Great OutdoorsTh ere’s no better way to enjoy nature than camping. Of course,

match which type of camping to your personality, desires and

abilities. Whether it’s camping with boots and backpack, in a tent

or in the comfort of an RV, getting back to nature is refreshing.

Many state and local parks off er campgrounds with excellent

facilities. If you’re a fi rst-timer, consider a trip with friends familiar

to camping. And be sure to practice setting up your tent before

you leave for the campground. Unforeseen circumstances may

necessitate pitching the tent after dark or in the rain. Go prepared.

Other great ways to experience the outdoors include spending

time on a dude ranch in the Old West, renting a houseboat, going

whitewater rafting or simply going fi shing. For short excursions,

check out nearby national, state and local parks. Attend a special

event or simply enjoy a picnic in the park. Ask about any discounts

for local residents.

EducationSchool’s out, but don’t let the kids lose brain power over the

summer. Search for camps or classes in areas they’re interested

in, visit museums, historical sites or tours. To make the trip more

meaningful, have them read up on the subject or site before going.

If you’re a sports fan, learn the strategy of the game or how to keep

score and statistics. When’s the last time you kept score by hand

for bowling or baseball?

WorkTh at’s right — work; but not in your normal place or job.

Volunteer for a local charity or organization. Go on a mission

trip. When you give your time and energy to help others, you reap

huge benefi ts. Many families are now choosing to spend a week

volunteering rather than vacationing.

Even the unexpected can make for great vacation memories.

36 } pointe! summer 2011

Whether you’re a new resident or have lived in the same place for years, your neighborhood provides a great place for summer adventure.

Th ere’s nothing more adventurous than getting to know people

on a deeper level. You may know some of your neighbors by name,

some by face, but others by nothing more than the house they live

in. For each one of us, there is someone that lives close by that we

could get to know better.

Th e Fourth of July and summertime provide a perfect setting for

neighborhood activities. As we celebrate the birth of our nation,

what a great time to spend time with your neighbors. Celebrate

the way of life our founders had – one of community, sharing and

depending on each other for everyday life. Here are some ideas to

get your creative, adventurous side motivated!

• BLOCK PARTY — Invite several neighbors to come

together in one place for celebration. Whether it’s a formal

gathering or simply a last-minute throw-everything-together

event, the goal is fun!

• COOKOUT — Consider inviting a few neighbors with

whom you are a little more familiar. (You at least know their

faces!) If you don’t know their names, simply knock on their

door and hand deliver or verbally off er an invitation.

• FIREWORKS AND FUN — For a shorter gathering,

fi reworks are a great attraction. Ask a few neighbors to sit

outside together and enjoy the show. Provide glow sticks,

bracelets or necklaces and don’t forget the sparklers!

• DROP-IN BREAKFAST — Lots of people make plans

during the day, so invite them to start their day off with a

neighborly breakfast. Or deliver homemade cinnamon bread

or muffi ns the night before so they can start the day off at

their leisure.

• OTHER IDEAS — If you’re not a crowd person or won’t be

home on July 4th, you can still use this celebration as a means

of starting a relationship with your neighbors. Hand-deliver

a gift or cards to your neighbors the week before. Anything

from homemade goodies, greeting cards or even small fl ags

would be a great icebreaker.

No matter where you live, you’ll fi nd people in a variety of

situations. Th ere is no greater gift you can give someone than to

help them feel loved and valued.

• ELDERLY RESIDENTS — Some may enjoy an occasional

visit by you and even your children. More than likely, the gift of

your time will mean the most. If their family doesn’t live nearby,

consider involving them in your family activities, celebrations or

children’s performances. Th ere is so much the older generation

can teach us through their experiences and life lessons.

• NEW RESIDENTS — Notice a moving truck? Introduce

yourself and off er them a cold drink, snack or even just a place

to sit down and get out of the sun. A week or so later, you can

re-introduce yourself with a gift basket or plate of cookies.

• YOUNG RESIDENTS — Most young people are working

long hours, trying to make ends meet. Invite them over for a

home-cooked dinner or brunch, sitting around the table, talking

and enjoying each other. If their schedule is totally diff erent

from yours, deliver a homemade meal for them to enjoy!

No matter whom your neighbors are or how you meet them, be

intentional and follow up on your initial attempts to get to know

them. With the busyness of everyone’s lives, it may take several

attempts to connect. Spend a little time each week being creative

in how you reach out to your neighbors.

Let this summer be an adventure in neighboring!

adventure in the





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1 ½ cups sugar

1 pint whipping cream

1 can Eagle Brand condensed milk

2 tablespoons vanilla fl avoring

Mix well; pour into churn and fi nish fi lling

with milk of choice (2%, whole, etc).

Freeze according to maker instructions!

(you will need ice and rock salt)






— Debra Malone

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If your passion is fun, travel and being with those you love, why not combine them in one event?



1 of out 5 gals will travel over

1000 miles

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Here are few ideas on what to do once you’ve all arrived.

GROUP ACTIVITIES Games, such as Charades, Spoons or Crazy Eights.

Eating Contests – “Favorite Cereal” or “Marshmallow” where

everyone brings their preferred brand, the entire group tastes to

choose the favorite.

A “Tacky Walk” – everyone dresses in their tackiest outfi t and parades

through the group. Th e winner gets a prize…a tacky one, of course.

Auction – Raise money for charity or pay for food at the next event

with a family auction. Have everyone bring an item to sell such as

something you no longer use or cherished items such as a family

photo, Granddaddy’s stool, Nana’s pot or a favorite homemade cake.

Outside Activities – Plan based on your location. Don’t forget to

check for local events!

Rainy-day Ideas – Museums or an aquarium are popular choices.

Ask about group discounts.

Meals – Plan in advance to share the responsibility for food and

drinks. For one-day events, ask for everyone to bring food or donate

money towards purchasing or catering the food. For multi-day

events, evenly divide the meals between family units. Each would

then decide on what they want to serve. One important thing to

consider is for the “host” family to plan the fi rst meal since others

may be arriving at various times.

Take LOTS of photos to share!

P lan your unforgettable reunion – starting today!

www.pointemag.org { 39

sssttttttaaarrrrttttttiiiinnnnnggggg ttttttoooodddddaaayyyyy!!!!! yy ff gg

Imagine being with your extended family around

a campfi re, roasting hot dogs and making

s’mores! Or maybe you prefer dinner on a cruise

with your best friends? If these sound fun to you,

then it’s time to start planning your own reunion!


Who? Immediate family or any group you’d love to be around.

Whether college roommates or small group friends, a reunion may

be the perfect event!

When? Any time of year that works for your group. Consider

holidays when school is out or maybe around another event, like a

wedding, birthday or simply when a distant relative will be in town.

Where? If this is a new event for your group, start in familiar

territory close to home. Every group is unique, so plan what best fi ts

their likes.

• Relative’s house

• Picnic at a local park

• Day at the beach

• Campsite

• Cruise

Why? Your love of family, fun and travel!

How? Several months in advance, scope out a location and make

reservations. Spread the word by e-mail or phone. Make sure you

provide all the pertinent information, such as dates, websites for

the area around the location, contact information and deadline for

lodging reservations. Ask for RSVP by phone or email then be sure

to follow up with everyone.

40 } pointe! summer 2011

Adventure is worthwhile in

itself...The more one does and sees

and feels, the more one is able to do,

and the more genuine may be one's

appreciation of fundamental things like

home, and love, and understanding


— Amelia Earhart
