POEM, Flight of a Bird



It is a poem about a young child and his dream. About his first step in reaching the dream

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Rise more high, O My dear sky!

If you wanna witness the flight of this guy.

O Beloved hills, please raise up your eye.

Aren’t you gonna look how I fly.

Oh! they say, but No! I don’t.

I just don’t dream to reach fancy stars high.

My dream is to raise the myths curtain by

The curtain that stil hides mysteries of life.

A whole vast universe of knowledge behind it all lie.

Myopic people question the weight

Of astronomy for nation.

For them, I have short,

rather kind information.

Interest, aventure and all fascination

Isn’t only what included in their profession

Furute’s knowledge it gives, or say future’s possession.

People mock at me, and say..

To reach stars? Oh! what a silly aspiration!

My friends, to measure fanthom

Of universe is my final ambition…

And to reach the limit beyond which no paths diverge

Is all what I call my final destination.

And so am I, flying in the sky..

Other side’s space is also visible to my eye.

The distant horizon and nothingness in between ,

I thought of getting there with ease…

So flying confidently to reach the vista

‘was alone and no one around to tease!

But alas! Whats that coming in my way

Rocks of clouds besiezing path lay..

Up there in nowhere, I stood

Hopeless, and in dismay..

Back from that blue world,

To this green lay..

Was only what could save me,

Oh yea! For sure, it may!

But na! I want no life’s like that

Rather than living a life of a rat

I wanna go and have a combat..

I’m gonna fight against that bloody cloud’s brat!!!

With the name of God, I entered into that..

No doubt was lost in that very dark..

Mustering the courage, and firm belief in God!

I flapped my wings as swift as a lark..

I flapped and flapped and flapped my wings!

Only to get off that cloud!

But no! it seemed to have no end!

My despair’s roar was getting aloud!

I was too lethargic

To struggle or endure

No other way was there,

to fall and die was sure

Till the last drop of te blood

Of my body’s gut had end.

I fought with the trouble,

But could not withstand

Then there or say everywhere

Was seen a hand that always fed me

Yea O God! My God is here,

now here in nowhere was seen a footprint

that always led me.

in his kind lap, feeling safe was I

of happiness and joy, I had a loud cry.

Preventing from falling, He gave me a push

Allowed me to travel, through all stars high.

I then realized, where I was wrong…

Who was I to decide,what do I

It is God who sets who’ll fly n who’ll lie.

Another mistake I did……

Flying was I with the wings of dream n desire.

Enough which is to cause water into fire.

But all know we, for wings to flap

Need hard labor in all and every lap

And working am I to fulfill my aim

That’s to open space for all common name.
