P.O. BOX 3571 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92103 (714) 232-1997 ... · JULY 21 SOHO Mm -StlMMER C...


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P.O. BOX 3571 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92103 (714) 232-1997

GENERAL ·~~if: . ~,~< JMEETING

·.. ;~ SOHO will hold its summertime General Meeting at the SOHO office, c orner of Sixth and ' · · Market on Sunday, July 15, 1979. The meeting will begin at 1: 00 and last 'til 3: 00 .

. ~ .. ~ There will be a short business meeting, refreshments, and an interesting Sunday after--~ noon tour of the Gaslamp Quarter. If you've been meaning to get down and investigate /~t s just what the Gas lamp Quarter is all about- -now Is your chance!

All SOHO members are invited to attend, and don 1 t fo r get--SOHO loves cookie ba kers! (I think we have the best in town.)

news BRIEFS ....

NEW MEMBERS .... >8 < Mrs. Harhnn, ll. lly:ilt Mr. ~ MrH .. lnlin 1,:~fw;1nls


Mr. 1"" Mrs. C h:1rl•• s l'r-n11i11gt 11n SOIIO will hav e a few ope nings on il.s J1r,ard for I.he Hl7!J - t!J80 l<·rm. If _you are interested in serv ing o n this Hoard, please send a r e sume to lh e Nominating Committee care uf the SOHO box, giving _your d<-ta ils. P l e ase also write a brief stal.e­rnent in regard to what _you think th e goals of SOHO should be for th e next _y<'ar, what you f·hink o ur successes and l'aih,rcs have h<-cn and what you think w P shoulcl do ;,hon! it. ' .'.'e n<-ecl 1wople who arf' willing lo spend many hours working for uur goa ls . Thi s will he a working bo.irfl - we need your help. P le a sP s ubmit _your app li cat.ion h_y i\11gusl 1st.

I leborah fl;, h P IJicrne B. s .. 1iadP ll. & I .. l ,Pve nsl.Pi11 Miss Can•v c:ail \,\i:,II Hober! & .Taruet Mi11r-pr· Tht' Kohmr•sehPr Famil y

SOHO Newsletter


Editor Carole Collier Frick


Photographer Med Beauregard


Pat Schaelchlin, President

Harry Evans, Executive Vice-President

Donna Regan, Vice-President for Education

Nick Fintzelberg, Vice-Pre ■ ident for

Governmental Affairs

Ted Foley, Secretary

Cia Barron, Treasurer


Rae Berry Joan Easly

Cathy Grigsby Gordon Johnson Claire Kaplan

Matt Potter Dick Reid

Marc Tara■uck Mary Ward

Joe Jones Julie John■on Hardie

Carole Collier Frick

OFFICE 546 Market Street

(corner 6th and Market) P .O. Box 3571

San Diego, CA 92103 (714)232-1997

The SOHO Newsletter is published monthly. Letters to the Editor are welcomed. Articles and/or photographs of interest to SOHO aembers and friends are most enthuaiastically encouraged!


' "G ILi. 1111 . 1." W/\1.1,ING '1'01111 Pf . /\N N l-:ll

/\11 archilec:lural a 11d hi s torical wa lking lour of honw s ne,s igrJPrl hy Irving (:ill and hi s nsso ­ciales will bt, f<'alurerl !3a lu nl ay , .lul,v 211, lfl'l!l . The rtuirlrd w;i lk will llf'gin al 2:011 I"" al Sixlh /\venu e and 4uin r:,• S lr r"'-, ne,l lo Ralbo a Park, an d will la st ;ihnul lwo ( 2) hnurs. 11(:ill Hill". son1rli11H•~ known ~s II Pill - Bill". is IIH • ~,r e:1 t,ptwr P.n Jlill <:rPsf and l ) nwntown San f>if'g-n. It inclmi es lhP. gr, -•:.tPsl cn nr. r ntr-alion ::1nrl thr rnoRt divt •r·sifi••d srl ~c tinn of (;ill's Work . SiJ;!nifi e c1ntly, it wa s in thi s :n· r-;1 wht•rf' Gi ll hin H-H·lr li vP d and d r-vP.lnp P-11 ,n:,n y of his ir111ovalivP !Pch11iqu -:-~. (:ill i s eons id ("rf>d hy 111a n,v to lw ;1rn onf:! th e lop an ; hite• · ls i11 lh,• world who s d th" trend Iowa r d Mrnlcrn /\ rd 1ile c l11n• i11 !h e 201h 1·p 11tur_y. '--'

(;jll'R nrchitec tur a J offi cP hP r::1,ne 1hr training ground for 111a 11y oll1r1 · giflcd archit.ecls, in c ludin g ll aze l W:itrr·,u:rn :inn Richard He, p,a. whoSP work will al s ., lu • dPw <'d o n this outing:, a lon g with the works nf othrr · noh1hl f' Sa n Diego Arr.hilPcts. lnl rre~t,• d pP.rsnn8 n1;1_y rnak P r e8!' rvalio,,,s hy (':1llinl( 2J!) - 2 64~. /\dulls ar f' $J. 00 a p e,rsn11 , :111d l'h ildrPn hdw eP 11 the a g t·s Df f>- 12 :irf' $ 1. 50 Pach. C hildr e n under!""> a r e frP P . /\II clonalion R an· trix rl.-dur -tibl r . Tour is pnrt of the Arnrrican Youth llost e l 1 s /\nnual Fund Haising f'rog-r a rn ; as wf'II as part nf an 0 11- gn i11g co mn,unily r ffnrt to h, : lp r f'Ridc-nls a nd v isitor ~ h ,•ll t"r und(•r s l.n ntl a nd appr e ciat e !hrir lo cal hrrit age.



July 28




SOHO is spL,nsoring a uniqu e rummag e sa le of donatPrl a ntiques and offering mrmbers an oppo r tunity to srll their nwn wa r e s . The s a lP i s schNh1lccl for Saturday, .Tuly 21 , from 10:00 a. m. until 4:00 p. rn. :it th e SOHO nffic e , c orn e r nf Mark e t and Sixth Avenue .

If you wish to clonate m c rch a ndisr· lo SOHO you should de liver it to th e office 011 Fr-irlay. July 20 , bet.ween 6:00 p. ir1.

and 8:00 p. m.

If you pref e r to sell m e rd1andisc of your own, you may do so and ke ep the procP e ds. You should ha ve your priced items a t the offic e by 9:00 a . m. on Saturday. You will be ask e d lo ha ndl e your own sa lN; a nd take any unsold itPrns with you at the e nd of th e sale.

Volunt e ers are n e eded on Friday Pvening to appraise and price the sal e itPms. Volunteers are also need e d for th e sal e s staff on Saturday. lf you wish to participate pleas e contact Cia Rarron at 2!!1-9079 evenings, or Hae Berry at 222 - 3S 12 ev e nings.

PRESIDENT'S PARLAY by Pat Schaelchlin

Though it may seem bleak a t times, historical preser vation is moving forward in San Diego. Rather than emphasize the negative aspects, I wo uld like to comment on the positive ac­complishments that we have seen.

More and more oft e n, owners are realizing that their vintage ' · ·Udings can be rec yc led and provide office space in a man -

· that cannot be found in today's new buildings. The spacious .,,,,_,,oms, the beautiful w oodwork, the large trees and excep­

tional locations are all attrac t ive alternatives to 15th st o ry 8x 10 office rooms. Recently completed in its restoration , and one of o ur 1978 Home Tour features, the Havwood-Patters on House on Broadw a y is now e njoying and being enjoyed by its a ttorney tenants. Down the street, the Quartermas -Wilde House has for several y ears been the office of other attorneys. :\lot to be outdone, the Ry ne ar s on Ho use on E Street also pro­vides a n a ttractiv e s e tting for its tenants. The Faulk-Klauber House, also o n E Street, has offices for multi-pur­po sed social agenci e s . The Long-Waterman Hous e west of Balboa P a rk, on First .-\ venue, is a c orporate headquarters for Parker Industri e s a nd the Britt-Scripps T ownh ouse ') n :\la p l e a nd Four th w ill s oon be innovatively open e d a s a "Bed a nd Boa rd Hot e l" copy ing the highly successful ide a begun in _ Sa n Fr a ncisco.

Not all o f the houses are used for offices - some are homes as are the thre e Fulford Bungalows on San Marcos Street and the Charles Ma rtin House on Front . Buildings are reaching for historic designati o n to assist in restorati o n c osts . The San Di e go Ho tel and the Spreckels Building have be en br o ught back to l if e . The Gas Lamp Quar•er co ntinues to at tr a ct in vestor s an d s o on the s treet wi i l res e mble the o ld turn of ;he ce ntur y loo k .

Tr .e d ec is i on ma '<er s o i th e c ity ar e beg innin g :o a s k o ur op inion s a bo ut th e a uth e nticit y of ea rl y buildings a nd a re co n ­s id e rin g a lt e rnati ve s to demolition . Th e Horton Ho tel. a nd Ly c e um The a tre may be saved , pe rhaps incorp o r a t e d in to a Th eat r e B lock distri c t a nd us e d to e nhanc e th e revi ta li za ci on o f down town.

We ha· 1e wo rk e d lo n g a nd hard and som et im e s our lo ss e s ' rshadow a nd m a ke us think that preserva t ion in Sa n Die go

,mot work. On the contrar y , it is working on the side streets c1nd in the priv a te sector and on our downtown streets . We can count among our wins the Santa Fe Deoot, the Villa Monte z uma, Heritage Park, Leng-Wat e rman Ho us e , Ho rton Plaza , the Knigh ts of Pythias Building, th e Sherman- Doig


House, the San Diego Rowing C l ub, the Red Rest and the Red Ro0 s t (~ep tun e ) to name jus t a few . That's not bad for a ten ye a r in volve ment :

Ye s, p r e s e r va ti o n is wo r kin g in San Diego but we can't relax a r.d a ss um e th a t it .viii co ntinue . We must work toge ther to r e c o 1;,,i z e the danger s a:i d to es tab lish guide lines and : egis -lat io n ,hat will h e lp us SAV E Ot:R HERIT.-\GE: '.

R 11!TIIDA V C l\ LEND/\ R C J·!/\ NG ES

Ju ly 4, 197H Horton Plaza !awning pl a nting k,s be en deleted frnrn th e hirthda_y y e ar. Th ·e Pl az a has hce n planted with funds provided lo I.he City frorn a mnt.io11 pictur e c ompany filming in Sa11 Diego. SOHO say s thank you ve ry much.

.July I :i, I 97H The C roquet To11rr1arnrnl h:ts hePn 111PvPd from ,July I !'i and Ba lb oa Park to Ocf.ober 20, I !l7H al Hcrita g<' P:1rk.

Thr llnrlon Hot e l wil l s oon hf' n ,c e iving a nr w priint. _j1>h as part: of I.he Rirlhd:iy CPl e bnllion. SOllO and tlw lfot r l's nw 1H' r have sign e d a contra c t lo impl<'nH•nt th,• pa inting.

Thanks I" lhnsf' .,f you who hav P p;11· ti c ipnt. c d in flu -• Bir thday a c ti v il.ie s -·· lhen· ar e mnr e t.o come'.

M;1r c Tarasu c k and T l' d l•nlf' _y. ('n Ch1·11111


JJu n' I fn rg Pt lo look for yo11t · dllf' S rp ·· ne w:1 I dal e 011 lh P rrnnl. of y o ur 11<·ws -le tl f' r. Ri ght :1bo vP your narn c ,r111'll SPf' 1hr month your · du e ~ arP d11P. l'lt--!aSf' be pro111pt'.

meER/HIP f ORm ·1

. • ·~ ;,, ' :;,. : ':; _; .... ,~~ SOHO depends upon membership dues. ""' contributions, and fund raisin g activities to support our re s tora­tion/pre se rvation expenses. Mem­bers receive the monthl y SOHO Newsletter and invit a tions to special events . Gift membersh ips are available and we will send t he recipient a card in your name announcing the gift. Membership s and donations are tax deductible. Please join us l


Benefactor. Patron .. . Corpor ate . . Professional. Family . . Single .. Donation . ..


;;. ~ tJW

0 ~ -~ ~ ~ v~ -~ (i)

..f .:l'H s .A. 't '-P.O. Box 3571 San Di _ego, CA 92103

(714) 232-1997

.$1 ,000 . .$1 00 .

$50. . $25. . $15.

.. $10 .

. $

address correction requested return postage guaranteed

Please com plcte and return this membcrshi p . ti.irm to:

Save Ou r Heritage O rgani ~ation Post Otlice Box 35 7 I San U icgo. Ca liforni a 92 !03

~ :tnll. -------------------------------

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/1p ( · ,1,\l ------ Phn11t· ---------------------

D I :1111 1mcrcstcd 111 .101n1:1!! an action gr"u 1i. Plca~c c11ntal..'.t nH.:~

TAX EXEMPT STATUS SOHO is exe mpt from Federal Income Tax under Section 50l(c)(3) of the Inte rnal Revenue Code and has been classified by the I.R.S. as a ch ar it able, educ ati onal organization .

4/75 Phillip & Al~ce c?!.ttenden 1890 Sheridan Ave. san Diego, CA 92103




PERM IT N0.984
