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June 2014 Drifter’s Newsletter

P . O . B O X 1 9 7

P O M O N A , C A 9 1 7 6 9


Mark Bargman

Vice President

Shawn Gilpin


Jo Bricker

Treasurer Sandi Rydell

State Delegate

Joey Morrison

Editor &


David Meyer

Minutes 1-2

Presidents Corner 3

Treasurers Report 4

Trip Report(s) 5-7

Trail Bosses 8

Calendar(s) of Events 9-15

4 Sale 16

Business Listings 17

Inside this issue:

Meeting Minutes The 628th meeting of the Drifters Jeep Club was called to order at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 5, 2014 by Club President- Mark Barge-man. The meeting was held at Michael Angelo’s Pizzeria.

The flag salute was by Mike Elliott

Roll call was taken by Shawn Gilpin. There were 22 members, 1qualifying member, and 1 guest present.

The minutes from the May meeting were read by Jocelyne Bricker, and approved.

Treasurer’s report was read by Treasurer, Sandy Rydell.

See Treasurer’s report for details.

New bills presented.

$216.00 for club plaques Jimmy Morrison

Greg C. motioned to approve. Approved

Conservation report was given Don Rybarczyk (absent). No report

Cleghorn July 12th, 9 a.m. Dave Peifer said we need a better turnout. It is a club function.

Delegates report was given by Joey Morri-son.(absent). No report

Trail Boss Rule #8 If trail bosses wish the “Drifters Jeep Club”

banner, it can be put up. Picture without a Story

Extra...Extra… Dave and Carol Peifer now have a great grandson.

Cash Reijerses (Born to Ryan and Natalie (granddaughter) Reijerses)

Born, 6/10/2014, 7lbs. 1oz., 19 inches long

Everyone is doing fine. During the delivery, since the Doctors and Nurses knew the babies name, they referred to Natalie as the A.T.M. and she pushes out…CASH !!

Page 1

June 2014 Page 2

Minutes Continued Old Business: May Run: Danny Calva, Devin Gothard, Steve Sturdevant and Dave Peifer

May 23-26 we had a great turnout, brought in a lot of $$ for the association. 23 members and families, 1 qualifying mem-ber and a lot of guests attended. Got to the race at 7 am. At 9 am we were ready to go. We ran 9 – 2 pm. Dan and Kathleen Calva did the entire BBQ with help of Daryl Romano. They did a super job. We only had minimal food and drinks left. The club donated all the money to the association. Dan and Kath-leen donated what they spent for the food to the club $128.00.

$101.00 donated to the association for the potato race. $147.00 to Cal 4 wheel. Dan also paid for the stakes we used to mark out the course and took them to use later. Registration volunteers were awesome, and Frank Wagner brought shade for the event. It was great to have all the help from everyone. Around 145 registrants this year. Should be better next year. Steve Sturdevant will have run information in the newsletter.

New Business: June Run: Danny Hankla, Fred Valdepena, Ricky Buckley, Huntley Graham, Denise Weddell June 20-22, Saline Valley, Cross country run. Will begin by Bishop and end up near Panamint.

Warm Springs first night camping in Saline Valley. Leaving Friday morning from Rick Buckley’s house, it will take about 5 hours to get there. Bring a warm sleeping bag.

Danny will be emailing everyone with the information.

July Run: Norm Gerwien , Jimmy Morrison, Shelby Craighead, Anthony Loera

July 19th- One day run in Big Bear, Heartbreak ridge. Prerun will be June 28th.

September Trail Bosses: Tommy Vaughan, Doug Mar-shall, Mark Phelps, Norm Miller

No information yet

Ongoing Business: Christmas Party

The Xmas party will be on December 6th in San Diego at the Admiral Kidd Catering and conference center.

Looks like we have almost 50 for dinner already through a show of hands at the meeting.

Lodging for Xmas party:

Rooms are about $125.00 for Marriott Courtyard Liberty Sta-tion right across the street about ¼ mile. Block of 10 rooms have been reserved, they will hold them for us, just tell them you are with the Drifters, they are holding 5 rooms for Friday night as well. Reservations must be made within 2 weeks of the event otherwise rooms will be released. Holiday Inn $99/night standard room, bay view room $129.00/night. $10.00/parking, they have a bigger bar. We have a block of 5 rooms for Friday and a block of 10 for Saturday. Reservations are also under the Drifters. Kids are welcomed to attend.

Holiday Inn, 4875 N Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92106

800-662-8899, 619-224-3621

Courtyard Marriott Liberty Station, 2592 Laning Rd.

San Diego, CA 92106, 888-236-2427

Past Presidents Picnic

August 15-17 Glen Oaks. 25 spots reserved. Mark will have more information at a later date.

July meeting

Will be July 10th at San Dimas Canyon Park. Will start earlier around 6 p.m. Will be a potluck.

The 50/50 was won by Frank Cattern for $ 60.00. Congrats!

$20.00 was donated to the Club by Frank.

The next club meeting will be on Thursday, July 10th at San Dimas Canyon Park. Potluck @ 6:00pm

The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 p.m.


Click here In Gear

June 2014 Page 3

Cool Drifter Gear

Contact Frank Cattern


Page 4

Treasurer’s Report June 2014


Page 5 June 2014 May Trip

CA4WDC High Desert

The road into camp took between 45 min and an 1 hr and was definitely better than coming in off

of 247. Trevor and I pulled into camp Friday morning about 11:30 am to find Daryl Romano, Joey

and Jimmy Morrison already in camp. Weather was awesome, bright sunshine and no wind yet.

We began to set up camp and a stream of Drifters and friends pulled in all day. Friday

turned into a setup and relaxing day. The weather turned windy and we ended up having a

karaoke party in my box trailer that lasted till 1 am.

Moving slow on Saturday morning with more Drifters pulling in, we made a community breakfast,

as people were going down to Registration to pick up packets. The kids found a gopher snake.

We did manage to go on a small run on Saturday over to a spring in the desert and then over to

the Slash X for a late lunch and live music. The weather was great, sunny day with a nice

breeze to cool the motorhome down nicely at night.

Sunday was all about the Potato Race, which turned out awesome. There was a lot of help from

Drifters and guests. The course turned out to be better than I expected and I should no as I ran

the race at least 20 times. There was a steady line of racers all day, and Drifter Dog and Soda

sales were brisk. All in all, I think the HDR was a success, considering that they have moved it

around so much. We definitely have something to build on.

If I missed anyone that came to the Race please let the VP know, it was a busy day and not

everyone signed the list.

Look forward to next year Steve Sturdevant

Members in attendance: Sturdevant, Romano, Buckley Sr, Buckley Jr, Wagner, Williams, Calva, Rose, Smith, Rydell, Gilpin, Rybarczyk, Peifer, Hankla, Bur, Morrison, Morrison, Patton, Taffoya, Bargman, Bissel, Gerwien, Ruesch, Freeman

Guest: Eric Bale, Bill Bartillion, James Billiups, Jerry & Linda Torrey Qualifying

Page 6 June 2014 CA4WDC High Desert

Potato Race Report

I arrived at the race site around 7:00am with Tom Freeman, (Tom? Tom??) Jerry and Linda Torrey, Frank Wagner and Bob Bissell in tow. Shortly after, a huge group of Drifters and friends arrived. This was a good sign, as running this event takes plenty of help! It was a good thing, because when Johnny got to the race site, he had a flat tire? A group of high energy technicians went to help and oversee the tire changing process.

We started setting up the race course and placing the tires, etc. Dan Calva rolled in with a truck full, including the B.B.Q. and all the food and drinks. We set up the registration area under the Wagner Steel dou-ble wide EZ-Up canopy which also provided shade for the B.B.Q. We had a quick meeting to discuss any questions, etc. We were ready to start the event at 9:00am.

The day went very smooth, and we had a pretty good line waiting to try their skills and vehicles most of the day. We also had a few Drifters who made several attempts at setting the best time. I remember seeing Ste-ve and Ricky with various family members making a lot of dust? I believe some of the wives gave it a try or two also. The Drifter Dogs were excellent, and I noticed a line waiting to place their orders which kept Dan and Daryl and there helpers busy all day! I also want to mention the ladies and the kids that kept the registra-tion area running smoothly. This was Jerry and Linda Torreys (now qualifying] first time at the Potato Race, and both of them helped out and said they had a great time!

Here are the numbers from the day’s race proceeds. We donated $101 to Cal 4-wheel from the race registration. I’m sure this was the most donated from any of the events. We later found out that many of the events were charging $2.00? We were never made aware of this change? We also donated $147 from the pro-ceeds on selling the Drifter Dogs and cold drinks!

Here’s where it really gets good, Dan and Kathleen had spent $128 on the hot dogs and drinks. After the race, when I tried to pay them, they donated the entire amount back to the club! Also, Dan purchased all the stakes for the race, which usually get burned after the race, but Dan asked that we give the stakes back to him (he can use them in his business) then he would not charge them to the club. Wow, talk about a win, win! A big Drifter’s Thank You to Dan and Kathleen! We also had a bill for the race forms for $32.70 that I will take care of. So to sum up, the club had no real expense in hosting the Potato Race, and Thanks to the dona-tions, we had a $0 cost and had a net gain of $128!

The trail bosses would like to Thank everyone for coming out and supporting this event! As in all the previous years, the Drifters Jeep Club shinned and went way beyond what was required… WAY TO GO DRIFTER’S!

Thanks again,


Page 7 June 2014 May Trip

CA4WDC High Desert

Click Here for Cool Videos

Page 8 June 2014

2014-2015 Trail Bosses

Page 9 June 2014

Meeting Location - Michael Angelo’s Pizza, 2467 S. Euclid Ave, Ontario 909-984-5161

Club Run Location - Saline Valley Cross Country

Trail Bosses - Dan Hankla, Fred Valdepena, Rick Buckley, Jr, Huntley Graham, Denise Weddell

Board Meeting Location - Contact Mark Bargman (562)321-0597

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

Larry Patton


Mindy Williams

4 5

Meeting 7:30pm


Leslie Cattern


8 9 10 11 12

Newsletter Stuff to Editor

13 14

John Bur

Joey Morrison

16 17 18 19 20


Huntley Graham





23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30

June 2014

Page 10 June 2014 June Run

Saline Valley

OK. First, call me if you have questions about where to meet up or how to get there after reading this. A map is attached but not the best so read on below and check your maps ahead of time. Some of us are going out on Thursday morning 6/19. We will leave by 8:00 A.M. from my dad's house at 9171 Lebec Rd. Phelan, CA 92372. We plan to do a pre-run of sorts to determine if another trail we wanted to run is open. For those coming up on Friday, there are two routes that can be used depending on when you leave and how much time you have. Easier route with limited time - About 4-5 hours from the Pilot Center off of 395 and the 15. Search on google how to get from your address to Saline Valley Middle Hot Springs. Clubs Route - If you leave the Pilot Travel Center by 8:00 AM. You should be able to make it to Big Pine by around noon. From Pilot Center at 395 and 15 Fwy - Head North on Hwy 395 towards Big Pine for 207 Miles We will meet up at the Chevron in Big Pine at High Noon. GET LAST GAS PLUS 5 Gallons at least and then we start the run from there. Here's the address: Chevron Big Pine 356 N Main St Big Pine, CA 93513 Friday afternoon run will be a more scenic route with more to see like Eureka Sand Dunes, Dedeckera Canyon, and Steel Pass.(may be hot so bring plenty of water) Saturday run will be from Saline Valley Hot Springs to the Hunter Mountain Range (high elevation so bring a warm bag) Sunday will be an easy day where we are much closer to the highway and much father south - we should be coming out somewhere east of Owens Dry Lake. It would be great if you could drop me a quick email so I know who to expect and can ensure everyone has been briefed. teamsilverrock@gmail.com or just call me. Ricky Buckley 760-490-4849 Dan Hankla cell 909-815-3934

Page 11 June 2014 June Run

Saline Valley

Page 12 June 2014

Meeting Location - San Dimas Canyon Park, 1628 N. Sycamore Cyn Rd, San Dimas

Club Run Location - Heartbreak Ridge

Trail Bosses - Shelby Craighead, Jim Morrison, Norm Gerwien, Tony Loera

Board Meeting Location - Contact Mark Bargman (562)321-0597

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5

Jim Morrison

6 7 8 9 10

San Dimas Cyn Park 6:00pm

11 12

13 14 15

Karlan Bennett

16 17 Newsletter Stuff to Editor

Denise Williams

18 19 DDD Run

CA4WDC South

District Meeting

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28

Rick Buckley, Sr

29 30

Karyn Gerwien


Fred Valdepena

July 2014

Page 13 June 2014 July Run

Heartbreak Ridge

July 19th Discovery Center at 9am

40971 N Shore Dr, Fawnskin, CA 92333

Heartbreak Ridge is a moderately tough trail in the Big Bear area. This trail is sometimes known as Pontiac Sluice. This trail consists of a spur with a loop, off of forest road 2N61Y. The old Pontiac rusting away near the beginning gives the trail its alternate name.

The "Sluice" portion is actually a short distance up the trail, not really near the Pontiac. The Sluice is an optional route through the rocky bottom of the canyon, while an easier bypass runs parallel (this part is only a few hun-dred feet long). The trail is rocky in places but can be traversed by stock 4X4s with open differentials and a skilled driver. The highlight of this trail is the monument at the top of the ridge to commemorate a fellow 4X4 enthusiast who lost his life in Iraq.



Page 14 June 2014

Meeting Location - Michael Angelo’s Pizza, 2467 S. Euclid Ave, Ontario 909-984-5161

Club Run Location - Oak Glen RV Park

Trail Bosses - Mark Bargman and all Past Presidents

Board Meeting Location - Contact Mark Bargman (562)321-0597

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

3 4

Gaither Vaughn


Norm Gerwien

6 7

DDD Meeting

8 9

10 11 12

Eileen Cunningham

13 Rick Bucley, Jr

Dennice Weddell


Patrick Fay

15 Past President


16 Past President


17 Past President


18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25

Robert Smith

26 27 28 29 30


Norm Miller

August 2014

Page 15 June 2014 August Trip

Past President Picnic

Location — Oak Glen Retreat and RV Park

When — August 15, 16, 17, 2014

Who — All Drifter’s and Guests Families

Contact Info — Mark Bargman 562-321-0597 cell

Hookups are mostly 30 amp. $32.00 a night. Make checks out to the club.

Easiest for all if you pay both nights up front. Make a deposit as you sign up.

Resort has a Basketball court, Miniature Golf, a trout pond and a restaurant.

38955 Glen Road, Yucaipa

Past President Picnic

August 15,16,17

Make your Reservations Early

$32.00 per night

Contact Mark Bargman


Page 16 June 2014 $$ For Sale $$ 3 Months Max



Rick Buckley

(760) 868-3133


Nikki Romano

(714) 497-5912 (www.mysensaria.com/nikkir)


Jack’s Glass

11617 Cedar Ave

Bloomington, CA 92316

Ray Kimpton

(909) 877-5860


Home Security

Performance Alarm

John & Denise Williams (909) 599-6083


Insurance Services

Auto, Home, Life,


430 E Foothill Blvd

San Dimas CA 91773

Karyn Gerwien

(909) 599-5131 kgerwien@farmersagent.com


2019 S. Benson Ave Ontario, CA 91762

Davin Gothard (714) 745-5900



Specializing in Trucks & UTV’s

Custom Lifts & Accessories, Custom Fab, Roll Cages,

976 Hollister

Pinon Hills, CA 92372

Andy Minnala


Victoria Landscape

Frank Cattern

(951) 218-3540


625 Fair Oaks Avenue

Suite 158

S. Pasadena, CA 91030

Mike Anderson


626-945-4819 cell



Page 17

Business Listings Members only

June 2014

Personal/Commercial/Life/Health Insurance
