Plexus 2 Documentation


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  • Plexus2DocumentationIntroduction:Plexus is an awesome 3D plugin for Adobe After Effects that creates interesting structures and visualizations. It helps visualize particles & geometry by creating various types of interactions between them. You can create geometry using Paths and Layers within After Effects or import geometry into Plexus using 3D OBJ Files. You can then modify & animate various properties like positions, color, fields etc and visualize them using points, lines, beams, splines, facets and triangles. Moreover, the modular workflow of Plexus is extremely robust and gives you enormous flexibility to create different kinds of motion graphics. How to Register Plexus?

    If Plexus isnt registered youll see a watermark rendered by the plugin. To remove the watermark, you have to register the plugin with the serial you have purchased. To register, click on the Register button in the effect controls of Plexus.

    Whats new in v2.0?A lot! Here are a few things:1. Layers Object:Get Point Data from not just Point Lights, but also 3D Null Layers, Spot Lights and all 3D Layers in the composition. You can use 3D Tracking data directly without any expressions.

  • 2. Facets & Facet Effectors:Generate Facets between points and control its properties based on the distance between its vertices. You can use any lights in the composition to shade the Facets. Modify Position, Color and Rotation properties of Facets using Noise Effector, Spherical Effector and Layer Map Effectors.3. Triangulation:Triangulate point clouds and reconstruct geometry from points automatically. Control the properties of triangles based on the distance between vertices. Choose between Nearest Triangles, Outer Hull and Mesh Triangulation modes to achieve different types of Triangulation. 4. Render Objects:Create multiple Render Objects to render multiple points/sprites/lines/facets using the same vertex data and control them using groups. 5. Random Sprite Sampling:You can create sprites with random time sampling per vertex to create unique sprites. You can now also use non-square aspect ratio compositions as sprites. Also, you can choose between multiple looping modes. 6. Improved OBJ Support:OBJ File Sequences are automatically detected and relative paths are used for better project management. OBJ Facets are automatically imported and can be used to create Facets. 7. 3D Beams:Create Beams in between objects/ in between groups. Control the time of the beams and the range using Range Selector Animators. You can also create Bezier Beams, which are very helpful to create Infographics and other visualizations. 8. 3D Splines:Use Spotlights to create 3D Splines and control them in 3D space. You can also control the time and range of those splines using the Range Selector Animators. 9. Instances w/Echo:Create multiple instances of existing Plexus objects and replicate them in 3D Space with Echo delay. You can also create nested instances (like nested comps) and have numerous instances. 10. Instance Containers:You can create containers out of any shape using the new instance containers, even OBJs. You can contain all the vertices of a group/all groups in an arbitrary 3D shape. 11. Time-Distance Smoothing:

  • Time-Distance smoothing helps you to smooth distance calculations over a period of time and avoid jitter or any sudden movements in the Plexus. 12. Intuitive Graph based Controls:New Graph based UI helps you control various properties over distance/time with much more precision. 13. Adobe Illustrator Export:Export SVG Files directly from Plexus, which can be opened by Illustrator or any other vector application. It helps users scale their designs to any print size resolutions. 14. Experimental OpenGL Based Rendering:On Supported cards, OpenGL Rendering can be used to speed up the renders and also to produce High Quality Depth of Field.

    Modular Workflow:Plexus has a very similar workflow to that of After Effects itself. Unlike other plugins, Plexus uses more than one Effect to give you more control and have as many parameters as you want. You can add various types of Objects to the layer and they all work together to create the final result. When you apply Plexus, youll see three effects being added to the Effects Control Window.

  • The first effect called Plexus Toolkit is just a utility effect that helps you add more objects to the effect stack. The second effect called Plexus Points Renderer is added automatically for your convenience. This object is needed to see any vertices you add later on. Lastly, Plexus is the main renderer that renders everything. IMPORTANT:Always make sure to keep the effect Plexus at the bottom of the effect stack. Otherwise, you dont see anything being rendered in the composition window. Plexus Toolkit:Plexus toolkit is a utility (like a toolbar), which helps you add more objects to the layer. You can add three kinds of objects to the layer. They are: 1. Geometry Objects:These objects help you create or import geometry into Plexus. They add new vertices and/or facets, which cannot be seen until you add a Renderer Object. 2. Effector Objects:

  • These objects help you modify various properties of the vertices & faces like color, position, scale etc., Order of these objects in the effect stack is important because, they are applied in that order. 3. Renderer Objects:These objects are needed to render the vertices or faces or any types of interactions between them. You can have multiple render objects and like effectors, order of these objects in the effect stack is also important, since they are rendered in that order. Geometry Objects:There are 5 kinds of Geometry Objects available. They are:

    1. Layers Object:Creates Vertices & Facets from Spot Lights, Point Lights, 3D Nulls and 3D Layers in the composition. You can selectively control which layers are to be used based on their names. 2. Paths Object:Creates Vertices and Faces from the Masks applied to the current layer. If its a text layer it creates vertices based on the text outlines. 3. OBJ Object:Imports vertices and faces from OBJ files or OBJ file sequences exported from various 3D applications. 4. Primitives Object:Creates primitive shapes like a Cube and a Sphere. Helpful, if you need some basic shape to start with. 5. Instances Object:Creates instances of another Plexus layer. Very useful to replicate objects and to create an echo between those instances. Effector Objects:

  • NOTE: All Effector Objects can be selectively applied based on Groups. 1. Noise Effector:Applies Noise to various properties of the vertices like Position, Color and Scale. It can also be applied not just to vertices, but to facets too. You can also use lights to control the noise. 2. Spherical Field:Applies a Spherical Field around a point. That Field can be applied to the Position, Color and Scale. It works with Facets too. You can use lights to control the field. 3. Container Effector:Contains all the vertices in Cube or a Sphere or new in v2, another Plexus Instance. 4. Transform Effector:Transforms the entire Plexus, or just specific groups. You can translate, rotate and scale the entire Plexus/group. 5. Color Map Effector:Changes the Position/Color/Scale of vertices or facets based on a Layer Map in the current composition. 6. Shade Effector:Use Lights in the composition to shade vertices (not Facets/Triangles) in the Plexus. Render Objects:

  • There in 5 types of Render Objects in Plexus. 1. Points Render Object:Renders Points and Sprites from the Vertices. You can choose between different Sprite Sampling modes. 2. Lines Render Object:Renders Lines between the nearest points. 3. Facets Render Object:Renders the Facets created by Geometry Objects. You can control the Opacity over Distance between the vertices. 4. Triangulation Render Object:Triangulates points using different modes to create triangles between points. Unlike the Facets, effectors cant effect the triangles created by the triangulation object. 5. Beams Render Object:Creates Beams between vertices in an object or between vertices of different groups. The Beams work just like the Beam Effect in After Effects, but everything happens in 3D Space. IMPORTANT:Effectors can only modify the facets created by the Geometry Objects, but not the triangles created by the Triangulation Render Object. Here are the detailed description of every parameter in Plexus. 1. Plexus (Main Renderer):

  • Use Lights for Shading: If you check this parameter, Plexus lets you use the point lights in the composition to shade the Facets and Triangles in the Plexus. Light(s) Name Begins With: The default is all lights, but if you set a name here, only lights that begin with this name are used to shade the Facets and Triangles in Plexus. Shading Mode: You can choose between One Side and Both Sides. One Side mode only shades the polygons that are faced towards the camera. Both Sides mode will shade polygons on both sides irrespective of them facing the camera. Shading Radius: Sets the shading radius for the lights used to calculate the shading. Shading Falloff: Sets the light falloff for the lights used to calculate the shading. OpenGL Rendering: Uses the GPU for rendering. It can be very fast depending on your graphics card. Requires an OpenGL 2.0 capable graphics card. Depth of Field: You can either turn off the Depth of Field or set it to Camera Settings. If set to Camera settings, Depth of Field is turned on in Plexus, if the Depth of Field is turned on in the After Effects Composition camera. DoF Blur Type: You can choose between Adaptive and High Quality Sampling mode. Polygons (Facets, Triangles) arent supported in the Adaptive mode, and High Quality mode requires a compatible Graphics card. Blur Factor: You can increase the blur by this factor irrespective of the Camera Settings in the After Effects Composition camera. DoF Blur Quality: Sets the quality mode for High Quality Sampling mode. Export SVG: Exports an .SVG vector file which can be opened in Adobe Illustrator.

  • Plexus Points Render Object:

    Points Size: Sets the size of the points being rendered. Get Scale From Vertices: Scales the sizes of the points by the amount of scale of each vertex. X Offset: Offsets each point by this distance in the X direction. Y Offset: Offsets each point by this distance in the Y direction. Z Offset: Offsets each point by this distance in the Z direction.Get Color From Vertices: Gets the color from the vertices. If unchecked, you can set the color of the points. Get Opacity From Vertices: Gets the opacity from the vertices. If unchecked, you can set the opacity of the points. Textured Sprite: A Custom Sprite is rendered instead of a circular point in the plexus. If no layer is selected, the default particle is drawn. Points Perspective Aware: Makes the points perspective aware. If selected, the size of the points vary depending on the perspective of the camera, i.e. near points appear bigger and farther points appear smaller. Draw Only Connected Points: Only Points that are connected to alteast one other differentpoint are rendered. If they are not connected to any other point, they are not rendered.

  • Effect Only Group: Only vertices that belong to this Group will be rendered. If All Groups is selected all vertices in the Plexus are rendered. Plexus Lines Render Object:

    Maximum Distance: The Maximum Distance between two vertices until which the lines are connected. Max No.of Points to Search: The number of Points to search for possible connections per each point. For example if this value is 10, each point in the plexus searches for the 10 nearest points for possible connections. Lines Color: The color of the lines to be rendered. Get Colors From Vertices: If selected, the Lines Color parameter is overridden and the color is obtained from the points. If the two points have different colors, the color is linearly interpolated between them. Get Opacity From Vertices: If selected the Lines Opacity parameter is overridden and the opacity is obtained from the points. If the two points have different opacities, the opacity is linearly interpolated between them.

  • Opacity over Distance: Lets you specify how the Opacity changes over distance. Get Scale From Vertices: If selected the lines are scaled by the scale factor of each vertex. Lines Opacity: The Opacity of the lines to be rendered. Line Thickness: The thickness of each line in the Plexus. Thickness over Distance: Lets you specify how the Thickness changes over distance. Lines Perspective Aware: Makes the lines perspective Aware. If selected, the thickness of each line varies according to the perspective i.e. A line is thicker when closer to the camera and the line is thinner when far away from the camera. Calc Lines Distance: You can choose between three modes.

    Every Frame: This option calculates the distance between the points every frame. It can be jittery sometimes. Only One Frame: Calculate the distance between the points only one frame and use that distance for all the frames. Over Time Interval: Calculate the distance between the points over a time interval and smoothly interpolates them.

    Draw Lines Between: Popup to Draw lines in between the same group, or in between different groups or in between all the groups, or just two groups. Plexus Facets Render Object:

    Maximum Distance: The Maximum Distance between three vertices until which the facets are rendered.

  • Get Colors From Vertices: If selected, the Facets Color parameter is overridden and the color is obtained from the vertices. Color Mode: Sets the Color Interpolation mode between the vertices. Get Opacity From Vertices: If selected the Facets Opacity parameter is overridden and the opacity is obtained from the vertices. Opacity over Distance: Lets you specify how the Opacity changes over distance. Effect Only Group: Only vertices that belong to this Group will be rendered. If All Groups is selected all vertices in the Plexus are rendered. Plexus Triangulation Render Object:

    Render Mode: Set the current render mode:

    Nearest Triangles: Just like Nearest Lines, Nearest Triangles connects closest points. Outer Surface: It triangulates the Imaginary outer surface of a group of vertices.

    Mesh Triangulation: It triangulates the given vertices, as if it were a part of the mesh.

    Maximum Distance: The Maximum Distance between three vertices until which the triangles are rendered. Max No.of Triangles: The maximum number of triangles each vertex is connected to. Active only during the Nearest Triangles Render mode.

  • Get Colors From Vertices: If selected, the Color parameter is overridden and the color is obtained from the vertices. Color Mode: Sets the Color Interpolation mode between the vertices. Get Opacity From Vertices: If selected the Opacity parameter is overridden and the opacity is obtained from the vertices. Opacity over Distance: Lets you specify how the Opacity changes over distance. Calc Lines Distance: You can choose between three modes.

    Every Frame: This option calculates the distance between the points every frame. It can be jittery sometimes. Only One Frame: Calculate the distance between the points only one frame and use that distance for all the frames. Over Time Interval: Calculate the distance between the points over a time interval and smoothly interpolates them.

    Draw Triangles Between: Popup to Draw triangles from vertices in between the same group, or in between different groups or in between all the groups, or just two groups. Plexus Beams Render Object:

  • Beams Type: You can choose between Objects and Groups. If Objects is selected, beams are only created between vertices of the same object. If Groups is selected, beams are created between vertices of two different groups. Lines Type: You can choose either Straight Lines or Bezier Lines. Active only in Groups Beams Type mode. Only On Axis: Set the Axis, in which beams are created. Only active in Objects Beams Type. Time: Set the time of the Beams. Flip Direction: Flips the direction of the Beam. Range Start: Animates the starting range of the Beams, more like the Text Animators in After Effects. Range End: Animates the end range of the Beams, just like the Text Animators in After Effects. Range Offset: You can offset the range by animating this parameter. You can go all the way from -100% to +100%. Randomize: You can randomize the order of the beams. If unselected, theyre produced in a sequential order. Bezier Points: Sets the number of points on each Bezier Curve. Active only during Bezier Beams.

  • Start Curve: Sets the curving factor for the start of the Bezier Beams. End Curve: Sets the curving factor for the end of the Bezier Beams. Bezier Axis: Sets the axis by which Bezier lines are actually created. Start Thickness: Sets the starting thickness of the beam. End Thickness: Sets the ending thickness of the beam. Get Colors From Vertices: If selected, the Color parameter is overridden and the color is obtained from the vertices. If the two vertices have different colors, the color is linearly interpolated between them. Get Opacity From Vertices: If selected the Opacity parameter is overridden and the opacity is obtained from the vertices. If the two vertices have different opacities, the opacity is linearly interpolated between them. Get Scale From Vertices: If selected the beams are scaled by the scale factor of each vertex. Perspective Aware: Makes the beams perspective Aware. If selected, the thickness of each line varies according to the perspective i.e. A line is thicker when closer to the camera and the line is thinner when far away from the camera. Plexus Layers Object:

    This used to be the Plexus Lights Object in v1. Now since it handles not just point lights, but also Spot Lights, Null Layers and any 3D Layer in the composition, it has been renamed to Plexus Layers Object. Object Type: Choose Between Lights or 3D Layers.

  • Light Type: If Object Type is Lights then you can choose between Point Lights or Spot Lights. Layer Type: If Object Type is set to Layers then you can choose between Nulls , AV Layers and All 3D Layers in the composition. Light/Layer Name begins with: Only Lights/Layers that begin with this name are considered. By default all lights/layers are considered. Get Color From Lights/Layers : If selected, the vertex color is set from the color of the light/layer in the composition. This overrides the default color of the point. Get Opacity From Lights/Layers : If selected the point opacity is set from the Intensity of the point light in the composition. This overrides the default opacity of the point. If the object is in Layer mode, then it gets the opacity from the opacity of the layer. Color: The default color of the points. Opacity: The default opacity of the points. Vertices Between Lights: When the light type is set to Spot Lights you can create additional vertices between the Spot Lights, so that you can create 3D Splines if needed. Num of Vertices: If vertices between lights is selected, then set the number of vertices that are to be generated between the spot lights. Replication: The points created by this object can replicated in 3D space. Total No. Copies: The number of Objects to be created. By default only one instance is created. Extrude Depth: If multiple copies are created, they are extruded to a certain depth. Replicate Direction: The direction of the extrusion. Can be Positive Z axis/Negative Z Axis/ Both. Rotation Center XY: The XY co-ordinates of the Rotation center, by which all the copies arereplicated. Rotation Center Z: The Z co-ordinate of the Rotation Center, by which all the copies are replicated. X Start Angle: The X Rotation Angle of the first instance. X End Angle: The X Rotation Angle of the Last instance. All the X Rotation angles of the instances in between are calculated based on the X Start Angle and the X End Angle. Y Start Angle: The Y Rotation Angle of the first instance.

  • Y End Angle: The Y Rotation Angle of the Last instance. All the Y Rotation angles of the instances in between are calculated based on the Y Start Angle and the Y End Angle. Z Start Angle: The Z Rotation Angle of the first instance. Z End Angle: The Z Rotation Angle of the Last instance. All the Z Rotation angles of the instances in between are calculated based on the Z Start Angle and the Z End Angle. Generate Faces: Generate Faces between the vertices, which can be rendered using the Facets Render Object. Group: The Group which the Object belongs to in the Plexus. Plexus Paths Object:

    Mask Name Begins With: Only Masks that begin with this name will considered by the effect. All the other masks in the applied to the layer are ignored. Subdivide Masks: Subdivides the Masks into additional number of points. If unselected, only the original vertices are considered. Points on Each Mask: Number of Additional Points on Each Mask, if Subdivide masks is selected. Get Paths From Text: If Selected, the Path outlines from text layers are considered. Get Color from Masks: Get the Color from the Mask Color. To see changes, make sure to purge since AE doesnt report changes to the color of the Mask actively to the effect. This overrides the default color of the points. Get Opacity From Masks: Get the Opacity from Mask Opacity. This overrides the default opacity of the points.

  • Color: The default color of the points. Opacity: The default opacity of the points. Replication: The points created by this object can replicated in 3D space. Total No. Copies: The number of Objects to be created. By default only one instance is created. Extrude Depth: If multiple copies are created, they are extruded to a certain depth. Replicate Direction: The direction of the extrusion. Can be Positive Z axis/Negative Z Axis/ Both. Rotation Center XY: The XY coordinates of the Rotation center, by which all the copies are replicated. Rotation Center Z: The Z coordinate of the Rotation Center, by which all the copies are replicated. X Start Angle: The X Rotation Angle of the first instance. X End Angle: The X Rotation Angle of the Last instance. All the X Rotation angles of the instances in between are calculated based on the X Start Angle and the X End Angle. Y Start Angle: The Y Rotation Angle of the first instance. Y End Angle: The Y Rotation Angle of the Last instance. All the Y Rotation angles of the instances in between are calculated based on the Y Start Angle and the Y End Angle. Z Start Angle: The Z Rotation Angle of the first instance. Z End Angle: The Z Rotation Angle of the Last instance. All the Z Rotation angles of the instances in between are calculated based on the Z Start Angle and the Z End Angle. Generate Faces: Generate Faces between the vertices, which can be rendered using the Facets Render Object. Group: The Group which the Object belongs to in the Plexus. Plexus OBJ Object:

  • OBJ Sequence Loop: Popup to choose between the type of loop, to loop the OBJ Sequences. OBJ Resolution: Controls the resolution/No. of Vertices of the OBJ File. Transform OBJ: Controls the position , rotation and scale of the OBJ. Color: The default color of the points. Opacity: The default opacity of the points. Import Facets: Imports the Faces from the OBJ File, which can be rendered using the Plexus Facets Render Object. Group: The Group which the Object belongs to in the Plexus. Primitives Object:

    Primitive Type: Sets the primitive type to Cube or Sphere.

  • Cube: Sets the X,Y,Z num of points for each cube and also the dimensions of the cube. Sphere: Sets the radius of the sphere and also set the number of slices, stacks and layers in the sphere. Generate Faces: Generate Faces in the XY or XZ or YZ plane. You can render the faces using the Plexus Facet Render Object. Transform: You can Rotate and change the center of the primitive. Color: Set the color of the vertices. Opacity: Set the opacity of the vertices. Group: The Group which the Object belongs to in the Plexus. Plexus Instance Object:

    Instance Layer: The Plexus Layer which is to be instanced. Refresh Instance: Refresh the instance to see any changes youve made to the layer. Get Color From Vertices: Gets the color from the vertices of the instanced layer. If unchecked you can set the color of the vertices. Get Opacity From Vertices: Gets the opacity from the vertices of the instanced layer. If unchecked you can set the opacity of the vertices. Get Scale From Vertices: Gets the scale from the vertices of the instanced layer.

  • Replication: You can replicate the instance and create multiple copies. Num of Instances: No of Instance that are to be created (No. of Copies). Replication Depth: The depth in which the instances are distributed. Replicate Axis: The axis in which the replicated instances are distributed. Replication Direction: If Positive they are distributed on the positive axis and if Negative they are distributed on the negative axis. Default is Both which means they are distributed on both positive and negative axis. Replication Center: The center of the object by which all the transformations are calculated. Auto-Align Center: Auto-Align the instance to the current center. All the vertices will be re-positioned with respect to the current center. XYZ Rotation: Set the start and end rotations in X,Y,Z axes. Echo: Turn on Echo mode which delays the time between instances. Echo Delay: Sets the time delay between instances. Only active when Echo is turned on. Facet Mode: You can either Import Facets from the instance or Regenerate them in the current object. Group: The Group which the Object belongs to in the Plexus.

  • Plexus Noise Effector:

    Effector effects: Effector can effect either the vertices or the Facets in the Plexus. Apply Noise to (Vertices): Apply Noise to Position or Color or Scale of the vertices.

  • Apply Noise to (Facets): Apply Noise to Position or Color or Rotation of the facets. Noise Amplitude: The amount of Noise to be applied to the points in the Plexus. Noise X Scale: The scale value of the noise values in the first dimension. Noise Y Scale: The scale value of the noise values in the second dimension. Noise X Offset: The offset of the noise values in the first dimension. Noise Y Offset: The offset of the noise values in the second dimension. Noise Evolution: The evolution of the noise values in all the dimensions. Evolution Rate: The rate at which noise values are evolved. Apply Noise to: Applies Noise to either X dimension, Y Dimension, Z Dimension, XY Dimension, YZ Dimension, XZ Dimension, XYZ Dimension. Noise Values: Choose to generate either Positive/Negative/Both values. Use Lights for Noise: Use Point Lights in the Comp, to control the noise effector. If using lights,only points that come in the radius of the light (Intensity) are affected by the noise.Noise Effector Name Begins: Only Lights that begin with this name will considered by the effect. All the other lights in the composition are ignored. Noise Octaves: The number of octaves used to generate the noise values. Noise Seed: The Random seed used to generate the noise values. Effect Only Group: Only Points generated from this Group will be affected by this effector. If All Groups is selected all points in the Plexus are affected.

  • 2. Spherical Field Effector:

    Effector effects: Effector can effect either the vertices or the Facets in the Plexus. Apply Field to (Vertices): Apply Field to Position or Color or Scale of the vertices. Apply Field to (Facets): Apply Field to Position or Color or Rotation of the facets. Field XY Location: The XY Location of the center of the field. Field Z Location: The Z Location of the center of the field. Use Lights: Use Point Lights in the Comp, to control the noise effector. If using lights, multiple fields can be created with the Position of the light being the center of the field and the Intensity of the light being the radius of the field. Light Name Begins: Only Lights that begin with this name will considered by the effect. All the other lights in the composition are ignored. Apply Field to: Applies Spherical Field to either X dimension, Y Dimension, Z Dimension, XY Dimension, YZ Dimension, XZ Dimension, XYZ Dimension. Effect Only Group: Only Points generated from this Group will be affected by this effector. If All Groups is selected all points in the Plexus are affected. 3. Container Effector

  • Container Type: Type of Container, can be Cube or Sphere or Instance. Container XY Location: XY Location of the center of the container. Container Z Location: Z Location of the center of the container. Cube Width: Width of the Cubical Container. Cube Height: Height of the Cubical Container. Cube Depth: Depth of the Cubical Container. Sphere Radius: Radius of the Spherical Container. Transform Container: Scale and Rotate the Container. Instance Layer: Select a Plexus Layer in the composition to be the container. Refresh Instance: Refresh the instance to see any changes youve made to the Plexus Layer. Effect Only Group: Only Points generated from this Group will be affected by this effector. If All Groups is selected all points in the Plexus are affected. Transform Effector:

  • X Rotate: Rotates the Plexus along the X axis. Y Rotate: Rotates the Plexus along Y axis. Z Rotate: Rotates the Plexus along Z axis. X Translate: Offsets the Plexus along X axis. Y Translate: Offsets the Plexus along Y axis. Z Translate: Offsets the Plexus along Z axis. Uniform Scale: Scales the Plexus uniformly in all axes. X Scale: Scales the Plexus in the X-axis. Y Scale: Scales the Plexus in the Y-axis. Z Scale: Scales the Plexus in the Z-axis. Effect Only Group: Only Points generated from this Group will be affected by this effector. If All Groups is selected all points in the Plexus are affected. ColorMap Effector:

  • Effector effects: Effector can effect either the vertices or the Facets in the Plexus. Apply Map to (Vertices): Apply Layer Map to Position or Color or Scale of the vertices. Apply Map to (Facets): Apply Layer Map to Position or Color or Rotation of the facets. Color Map: Layer from which colors are to be applied to the Plexus. Flip X: Flip the Color Map Horizontally. (Internally, doesnt really flip the layer in the composition). Flip Y: Flip the Color Map Vertically. (Internally, doesnt really flip the layer in the composition). Effect Only Group: Only Points generated from this Group will be affected by this effector. If All Groups is selected all points in the Plexus are affected. Shade Effector:

    Shading Lights name starts with: Only Lights that begin with this name will considered by the effect. All the other lights in the composition are ignored.

  • Ambience: The amount of color to be inherited by all the points, irrespective of their location and proximity from a point light. For example if the value is 10%, all the points receive 10% of the color from every shading light in the composition irrespective of their distance from the light. Effect Only Group: Only Points generated from this Group will be affected by this effector. If All Groups is selected all points in the Plexus are affected. Hope you enjoy Plexus!
