Plastic Garbage Project-5


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Plastic Garbage Project

What Happen to a plastic product

Today throughout the world 8000 kg of plastics are produced every second. But what happens to a plastic product at the end of its life cycle?

The sea has gradually begun to change into a gigantic soup of plastic – every year more than 6.4 metric tons of garbage reaches the oceans and 80 percent of this garbage comes from the land. The major part of the waste sinks to the floor of the sea, 15 percent moves around the surface, and a further 15 percent is stranded at some time or another on the coastline.

Plastic Garbage Gyre

Plastic is not degradable

Plastic pieces are broken up into constantly smaller pieces and enter the food chain.

Plastic Archaeological Objects

Even in hundreds of years from now it will still be possible to find plastic objects from our time on beaches or in the sea. As witnesses of our civilization they will, in the long term, become archaeological objects.

Plastic Objects from all over the World

The currents in the northern Pacific flow in such a way that sooner or later every floating object that enters the sea from the coasts of Japan, China, Russia, Korea, the USA and Canada could end up in one of the great pacific garbage patches or be washed ashore in Hawaii. Indeed, plastic objects from all over the world are travelling far distances and can also be found on our beaches.

Estimated Time for the Degradation of Floating Waste


The impact on the micro to wealth animal

Plastic Effects on the Animal World


The Chemical of Plastic

Although every plastic has specific qualities, these can be modified in the production process as required and adapted to suit different needs by blending with other polymers or by the use of additives. There are concerns about the impact on health and the environment of a number of the substances used.

Worldwide, about one million tons of phthalates are used every year, the five most common are DIDP, DINP, DEHP, DBP und BBP.

Today certain phthalates (plasticizers), Bisphenol A and various flame retardants are regarded as particularly problematic.




When they plan to go shopping many consumers take shopping bags or baskets with them. Spontaneous shopping is more problematic, here folding shopping bags or nets are useful.

Plastic in Everyday Life


Plastic Products Contain BPA

Environmental Awarness


