Plant · together to produce a diploid...


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Plant Overview

Chapters 22-25

I. Plant Diversity

A. What is plant?

1. Eukaryotic, multicellular, photosynthetic

autotroph with cell walls of cellulose

2. Carry out photosynthesis using chlorophyll a and b

3. Trees, shrubs, grasses

B. Life Cycle

1. Alternation of Generation

a. Haploid (n) gametophyte, gamete producing


1) gametes, egg and sperm, haploid that fuse

together to produce a diploid individual

b. Diploid (2N) sporophyte, spore producing


1) Spores are reproductive cells that produce

a new individual by mitosis

c. All plants have a gametophyte and a

sporophyte stage

Evolutionary Relationships Among Plants

Flowering plants

Cone-bearing plants

Ferns and

their relativesMosses and

their relatives

Flowers; Seeds

enclosed in fruit

Water-conducting (vascular)





ancestorPage 554

C. Early Plants

1. 1st plant evolved from an organism like

multicellular green algae

D. Major Groups

1. Mosses (bryophyta)-Seedless-nonvascular

2. Ferns (pterophyta)-seedless vascular

3. Cone-bearing (gymnosperms)-seed, vascular,


4. Flowering (angiosperms)-seeds, vascular,

flowers/ fruit

II. Plant Adaptations

A. Nonvascular plants

1. Use osmosis/diffusion for water and

nutrient transport

B. Vascular Plants-named after vascular tissue

1. Formed from tubes that conduct

materials through plants

a. Xylem = transports water and minerals

upward from roots to rest of plant

b. Phloem = transports sugar from leaves to

rest of plant

2. Capillary Action

tendency for

water to rise in a thin

tube due to cohesion

(water to water)and

adhesion (water to

attracted to another

compound/ surface)

in tubes like xylem

Page 599

Vascular Tissue

Xylem Phloem


Vessel element

Companion cell

Sieve tube element

Page 581

C. Cuticle

1. Waxy, waterproof coating – prevents water loss


D. Leaf

1. Trap light energy – primary site of photosynthesis

2. Upper/lower side of leaf = epidermis

3. Stomata = opening on underside of leaf that

allows CO2 in and O2 out and transpiration

4. Guard Cells = open and close the stomata

5. Vein = bundles of vascular tissue

6. Deciduous trees- drop leaves

Evergreens – long needles to reduce surface area for

transpiration/branches flexible to bend instead of break

under weight of ice and snow

Leaf Structure






Guard cells



Page 596 and 597

1. Stomata- pores in cuticle that allow for oxygen out / CO2 in; also

transpiration (evaporation of water through stomata); surrounded by

2. guard cells-open and close stoma

3. Layers of leaves: upper/ lower epidermis, then

mesophyll- (“middle filling”)- photosynthetic tissue in center of leaf;

2 types of mesophyll:

a. Palisade mesophyll-long, columnar cells w/ many

chloroplasts, top side of leaf

b. Spongy mesophyll- loosely packed cells w/ air holes for gas

exchange w/ through stomata, lower side of leaf

4. Vascular bundles (make up veins in leaf)- contain xylem and phloem

in a protective sheath

Leaf Structure:







Vascular cylinder



Apical meristem

Root cap

E. Roots

1. Obtain nutrients/water

from soil, anchor plant

to ground, storage (some

store extra starch – ex.


2. Root Cap – tough,

protective, and waxy

roots push through soil

without being damaged

3. Root Hairs – extensions that increase the

surface area of roots to increase the absorption

of water

Page 585

4. Two types

a. Taproot – primary root, long and thick,

stores sugars and starches (carrot)

b. Fibrous Root – no single root grows larger

than the rest, branches out (grasses)

Page 584

Bud Node



F. Stem

1. Support

leaves/transport water

and food/storage to

survive long winters

and drought

2. Herbaceous (green) vs.

Woody (brown)

3. Cork Cambium – forms

outer covering of bark

4. Annual growth rings – xylem

cellsPage 589

G. Reproduction and Growth Patterns

1. Alternation of Generation

a. Plants will alternate between the two forms

or structures: haploid and diploid structures

2. Primary Growth

a. All plants at apical meristems - lengthens

plant at tips of stems and roots

3. Secondary Growth

a. Widens plant (girth) occurs in many

plants – occurs at vascular cambium

Vascular cambiumSecondary xylem

Secondary phloem

Page 591








Wood Formation

Wood is actually

layers of xylem.

These cells build

up year after year

Page 593

4. Internal Structure

of Seeds

a. Seeds may go

dormant in



Ex. drought –

when rains



Page 565

A. Nonvascular Plants (Bryophta)

1. Mosses and relatives

a. Depend on osmosis to take in water

because no vascular tissue

b. Depend on water for reproduction;

sperm have to swim to the egg

c. No roots, have rhizoids = long thin cells

that anchor them to the ground

III. Types of Plants

Groups of Bryophytes

The Structure

of a Moss










Page 557

B. Seedless Vascular Plants

(Pterophyta - Ferns)

1. Frond – leaf with pinnae


2. Sori – produce spores on

underside of frond

3. Rhizome – underground

stems – gives rise to frondsPage 562

C. Seed Plants (Two Groups)

1. Gymnosperms

(Cone-bearing Plants)

a. Seeds on cone surface

b. Groups – conifers, gnetophytes, cycads, and


c. Seeds dispersed by wind – germinate to

form seedling

Page 567

2. Angiosperms (Flowering Plants)

a. Youngest, most diverse phlyum

b. Unique reproductive structure = FLOWER

1) Sepal – outermost leaves

2) Petals – brightly colored to attract insects

3) Stamen – male part filament and anther

– pollen grain

4) Carpel (pistil) – female part stigma, style,




Carpel Style





Complete Flower- 4 whorls present



Basic Structure of Flower

Page 612



Carpel Style





Complete Flower- 4 whorls present



Basic Structure of Flower

Page 612









2) Seeds within a layer of tissue that protects the

seed fruit ripened ovary

c. Reproduction

1) Pollen grain lands on stigma, pollen tube

grows into style, reaches ovary and fertilizes


i. Fruit used for attraction to be eaten/dispersal

d. Split into 2 groups

1) Monocots (monocotyledon – 1 seed leaf) and

Dicots (dicotyledon – 2 seed leaves)

Page 570

2) Monocots- leaves w/ parallel veins, fibrous roots,

stems have vascular bundles spread evenly

throughout (“chocolate chip cookie”); flower parts-

multiples of 3; grasses, orchids, palms, corn

3) Dicots-leaves w/ branching “net-like” veins,

taproot system; stems have vascular bundles

arranged as an outer ring (“pizza slices”); flower

parts-multiples of 4 or 5; shrubs, fruit trees,

flowers, herbs

Dicot stem Monocot Stem

e. Flower Cycles

1) Annuals - Grow, flower and die in one year

(pansies, zinnas)

2) Biennials -Live for two years, flower during

the second year (primrose,

carrots, beets, radishes)

3) Perennials -Live for several years; produce

flowers/seeds periodically (fruit

trees, grasses, oak, maple)

IV. Plant Responses

A. Tropisms – growth towards a stimulus (+ tropism)

or away from a stimulus (- tropism)

1. Geotropism – (aka gravitropism) – growth

towards the pull of gravity

2. Hydrotropism – growth towards water

3. Phototropism – growth towards light

4. Thigmotropism – growth due to touch (vines

growing on a wall)

B. Nastic Response aka: Rapid Response

1. Immediate response to a stimulus

Ex. Venus Flytrap closing; Mimosa leaves

folding up when disturbed

Thigmotropism Nastic response

C. Photoperiodism-response of flowering plants to length of

night; caused by phytochromes

D. Circadian rhythms-behavior cycles that are on a 24-hr.

cycle; leaves/ flowers folding at night and opening during


1. short day (pansies, poinsettias, mums)

3. day-neutral-many species flower over range of

photoperiods (roses, tomatoes, beans)

2. long day plants (potato, petunia, carnation, pea,

spinach, clover, iris)

E. Chemical Defenses-Secondary compounds

1. compounds are lethal when eaten by the predator or

may cause irritation (poison ivy)

2. compounds similar to insect hormones so that predator

cannot reproduce

3. compounds released in soil so that other plants cannot

grow in the same area

4. compounds affect nervous system of insect acting as

pesticide ex: nicotine- tobacco plants

Plant Tissue SystemsLeaf



F. Specialized Plants

1. Aquatic plants-structures w/ air spaces to get oxygen

(Mangroves, water lilies, “knees” of Cypress trees)

2. Salt-tolerant plants (Mangroves)- cells pump salt to leaf

surface, washed away by rain

3. xerophytes- desert plants- roots = deep or shallow for

long distances, reduced leaves, stems store water; ex: cacti

4. Carnivorous plants- supplement diet and inc. nitrogen


5. Parasitic- extract water/ nutrients from host; ex: dodder;


6. Epiphytes- grow on other plants, but do not harm; ex:

Spanish moss; orchids



Mangroves are aquatic

and salt-tolerant

Mangrove roots

Water lilies

Cypress trees and knees

Zebra plant Cactus


Carnivorous Plants




of a


in a plant

G. Hormone: chemical messenger that is produced in one

part of an organism and effects change in another


1. Auxin – responsible for phototropism by stimulating

cell elongation

a. Cells on dark side

will elongate allowing

the stem to bend

towards the light

b. Promotes growth of

fruit and minimizes the

falling off of fruit

Auxin levels drops; ethylene

increases, ripened fruit and leaves


2. Gibberellins- grow taller, increase rate of seed germination

and bud development

3. Abscisic Acid – inhibit plant growth and cell division

during times of stress/cold/drought

Pitcher plant- carnivorous plant;

can grow in low nitrogen soil b/c

Supplements diet with ants!


Most plants alive today are

A. cone-bearing.

B. flowering.

C. ferns.

D. mosses.


The two phases of a plant's life cycle

are referred to as

A. alternation of generations.

B. spontaneous generation.

C. biogenesis.

D. sexual and asexual.


Which statement accurately describes a way that plants meet their basic needs?

A. Plants take in carbon dioxide from soil through their roots.

B. Plants obtain the energy for photosynthesis from sunlight.

C. Plants obtain minerals by exchanging gases with the atmosphere.

D. Plants absorb water through their broad, flat leaves.


The first group of plants to evolve

from green algae were the

A. cone-bearing plants.

B. ferns.

C. mosses.

D. flowering plants.


The diploid phase of the plant life

cycle is known as the

A. sporophyte.

B. gametophyte.

C. egg.

D. spore.


Unlike all other plants, bryophytes do

NOT have

A. vascular tissue.

B. chlorophyll.

C. gemmae.

D. cell walls.


Water moves from the soil into the stemlike and leaflike structures of bryophytes by

A. osmosis.

B. active transport.

C. specialized conducting structures.

D. vascular tissue.


The most abundant bryophytes are the

A. liverworts.

B. mosses.

C. hornworts.

D. ferns.


Fertilization in bryophytes is

dependent upon the presence of

A. water.

B. sunlight.

C. nutrients.

D. wind.


The stage of a moss plant that carries

out most photosynthesis is the green

A. gametophyte.

B. sporophyte.

C. protonema.

D. zygote.


Plant cells specialized to conduct

water are called

A. tracheids.

B. veins.

C. sori.

D. phloem.


The presence of vascular tissue

enables a plant to

A. carry on photosynthesis.

B. carry on lactic acid fermentation.

C. conduct water and nutrients.

D. make chlorophyll.


Ferns are different from mosses because they

A. carry out photosynthesis using chlorophyll.

B. have vascular tissue to conduct water and nutrients.

C. help expose more of the plant’s surface area to sunlight.

D. exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen with the atmosphere.


Club mosses and horsetails are similar

to ferns because they have

A. vascular tissue.

B. seeds.

C. sori.

D. fronds.


When fern spores germinate, they

develop into

A. diploid gametophytes.

B. haploid gametophytes.

C. haploid sporophytes.

D. diploid sporophytes.


All of the following are adaptations that allow seed plants to reproduce without water EXCEPT

A. transfer of sperm by pollination.

B. production of spores.

C. protection of embryos in seeds.

D. supplying embryos with food.


The early developmental stage of the sporophyte in seed plants is known as the

A. seed coat.

B. seed.

C. embryo.

D. endosperm.


Which of the following is a water-

conserving adaptation in conifers?

A. presence of cones

B. long, thin needles

C. no vascular tissue in the leaves

D. seed coats


Each species of seed plant reproduces

by means of

A. cones only.

B. flowers only.

C. both cones and flowers.

D. either cones or flowers.


The group of gymnosperms having the

greatest number of species are the

A. gnetophytes.

B. conifers.

C. cycads.

D. ginkgoes.


One function of angiosperm fruit is to

A. distract animals from eating the rest

of the plant.

B. provide extra food for the seeds.

C. attract animals to eat the fruit and

spread seeds.

D. store food for use by the plant.


Flowers are specialized structures in angiosperms that

A. have ovaries that surround and protect the seeds.

B. attract animals to eat the flowers instead of the plant.

C. are the site of asexual reproduction for the plant.

D. make toxins to protect seeds developing inside the flower.


Angiosperms that have one seed leaf are classified as

A. biennials.

B. monocots.

C. dicots.

D. annuals.


Which of the following is a

characteristic of monocots?

A. branched veins

B. parallel veins

C. taproots

D. seed with two cotyledons


Flowering plants that live for more

than two years are called

A. biennials.

B. annuals.

C. perennials.

D. shrubs.


The principle organs of seed plants are

A. reproductive organs and photosynthetic organs.

B. stems, leaves, and flowers.

C. roots, vessels, and cones.

D. leaves, stems, and roots.


Phloem cells that surround sieve tube

elements are called

A. epidermal cells.

B. cuticle cells.

C. companion cells.

D. vessel elements.


Which type of ground tissue has thin cell walls and large central vacuoles?

A. parenchyma

B. collenchyma

C. sclerenchyma

D. tracheids


Cells that can differentiate into many

plant tissues are found in

A. the vascular cylinder.

B. dermal tissue.

C. meristematic tissue.

D. ground tissue.


When cells in the apical meristem first develop, they are

A. highly specialized and divide often.

B. unspecialized and divide rarely.

C. highly specialized and divide rarely.

D. unspecialized and divide often.


Taproots are more common than

fibrous roots in

A. monocots.

B. dicots.

C. neither monocots or dicots.

D. both dicots and monocots.


The cells in a root that divide are

found in the

A. apical meristem.

B. epidermis.

C. endodermis.

D. vascular cylinder.


The tough layer of cells that covers the

root tip is called the

A. vascular cylinder.

B. root cap.

C. ground tissue.

D. apical meristem.


Xylem and phloem are found in the

A. epidermis.

B. endodermis.

C. apical meristem.

D. vascular cylinder.


Roots absorb minerals from the

surrounding soil by

A. diffusion.

B. active transport.

C. passive transport.

D. root pressure.


Structures on a stem that can produce

new stems and leaves are called

A. nodes.

B. internodes.

C. buds.

D. branches.


The vascular bundles in a monocot stem

A. form a cylinder, or ring.

B. are scattered throughout the stem.

C. form concentric rings.

D. separate into xylem bundles and phloem bundles.


The outermost layer of a tree that contains old, nonfunctioning phloem is

A. bark.

B. cork.

C. pith.

D. apical meristem.


Xylem and phloem are contained in

A. the epidermis.

B. vascular bundles.

C. the pith.

D. cork cambium.


In stems, secondary growth results in

A. growth at the tips of roots.

B. growth at the tips of shoots.

C. an increase in the width of stems.

D. an increase in the length of



A compound leaf is one that has

A. a blade attached by several petioles.

B. two or more blades.

C. a blade that is divided into many leaflets.

D. many blades, each with its own petiole.


The layer of cells in a leaf that absorb

light is the

A. phloem.

B. vein.

C. palisade mesophyll.

D. epidermis.


The structure of a leaf allows it to

A. maximize sun exposure and maximize water loss.

B. maximize sun exposure and minimize water loss.

C. minimize sun exposure and maximize water loss.

D. minimize sun exposure and minimize water loss.


A process in which water is lost through the leaves of a plant is called

A. transpiration.

B. photosynthesis.

C. glycolysis.

D. cellular respiration.


Gas exchange in a leaf occurs through


A. cuticle.

B. epidermis.

C. mesophyll.

D. stomata.


In a plant stem, water moves from

A. leaves to roots through xylem.

B. roots to leaves through xylem.

C. leaves to roots through phloem.

D. roots to leaves through phloem.


Which of the following is NOT involved in the movement of water in xylem tissue?

A. cohesion

B. osmosis

C. capillary action

D. adhesion

23–5When nutrients are pumped into the

phloem system of a plant, the increased concentration

A. causes fluid to move into the system.

B. causes fluid to move out of the system.

C. has no effect on the movement of fluid.

D. causes fluid to move into the xylem vessels.


In a plant, sugar is moved from source

cells to sink cells by a process of

A. phloem transport.

B. xylem transport.

C. osmosis.

D. diffusion.


In very tall trees, which of the

following is primarily involved in

moving water to the top of the tree?

A. transpirational pull

B. capillary action

C. root pressure

D. osmosis


In a gymnosperm, fertilization occurs

inside the

A. ovule.

B. pollen tube.

C. seed cone.

D. pollen cone.


The pollen-producing structure of

angiosperms is the

A. stigma.

B. carpel.

C. anther.

D. sepal.


In an angiosperm, a structure that

results from fertilization is the

A. female gametophyte.

B. pollen grain.

C. zygote.

D. ovary.


Which term applies to the chromosome number of a seed plant embryo?

A. haploid

B. diploid

C. triploid

D. polyploid


Pollination in most gymnosperms and

some angiosperms is carried out by

A. water transport.

B. insects.

C. wind.

D. birds and bats.


A germinating corn seedling has

A. a single cotyledon, which remains below ground.

B. two cotyledons, which push above ground.

C. a single cotyledon, which pushes above ground.

D. two cotyledons, which remain below ground.


Angiosperm fruits develop from

A. the ovary wall of the flower.

B. seed endosperm.

C. swollen sepals of the flower.

D. flower stamens.


An example of a seed that is

transported by water is a

A. coconut.

B. tumbleweed.

C. blackberry.

D. maple seed.


The seeds of many plants that form

fruits are dispersed mainly by

A. animals.

B. water.

C. wind.

D. the plant itself.


An environmental condition that can cause the activation of a dormant seed is

A. a sharp drop in temperature.

B. the heat from a forest fire.

C. an extended drought.

D. falling from a great height.


Which of the following is a method of

vegetative reproduction?

A. pollination

B. seed dispersal

C. plantlet production

D. fertilization


Long, trailing stems that can produce

roots are called

A. scions.

B. stolons.

C. cuttings.

D. buds.


In order to propagate a plant by

cuttings, the cuttings must include

A. roots, stems, and leaves.

B. xylem and phloem.

C. meristematic tissue.

D. ground tissue.


The process in which a stem is used as

a scion is called

A. grafting.

B. budding.

C. stock.

D. stolon.


Crops used as food by the bulk of the world include all of the following EXCEPT

A. corn.

B. wheat.

C. rice.

D. potatoes.


The tendency of a plant to grow

toward a source of light is

A. gravitropism.

B. phototropism.

C. meristematic growth.

D. apical dominance.


A plant part in which hormones are

produced is

A. the apical meristem.

B. a target cell.

C. a hormone receptor.

D. xylem.


If you snip off the tip of a stem, the

A. plant grows tall and narrow.

B. plant dies.

C. side branches begin to grow

more quickly.

D. stem stops growing.


Ethylene is a plant hormone that


A. plant cells to grow longer.

B. flowers to develop.

C. fruit to ripen.

D. roots to grow downward.


The herbicides produced by chemists

have a structure that is similar to

A. auxins.

B. gibberellins.

C. cytokinins.

D. ethylene.


The rapid (nastic) responses of plants such as the Venus flytrap are caused by changes in

A. light levels.

B. osmotic pressure.

C. temperature.

D. moisture.


The timing of seasonal activities in plants, such as flowering and growth, depends on

A. gravitropism.

B. thigmotropism.

C. photoperiodism.

D. phototropism.


The hormone primarily responsible for causing plants to flower depending on the length of the day is

A. auxin.

B. phytochrome.

C. cytokinin.

D. ethylene.


In most flowering plants, the coming of autumn is marked by

A. a decrease in ethylene production.

B. an increase in auxin production.

C. the production of new plant pigments.

D. a rapid growth spurt.


In deciduous plants, the process of dormancy involves

A. maintaining photosynthesis and storing material in the roots.

B. turning photosynthesis off and storing material in the roots.

C. maintaining photosynthesis and bringing material up from the roots.

D. turning photosynthesis off and bringing material up from the roots.


Carnivorous plants trap animals and

digest them, releasing needed

A. water.

B. sugars.

C. nitrogen.

D. oxygen.


An example of a plant that is a

xerophyte is a

A. cactus.

B. water lily.

C. pitcher plant.

D. mistletoe.


Salt-tolerant plants remove excess salt absorbed through their roots by the process of

A. diffusion.

B. osmosis.

C. active transport.

D. dilution.


An example of a carnivorous plant is a

A. mistletoe.

B. Venus' flytrap.

C. Spanish moss.

D. foxglove.


An example of a plant’s chemical defense is a substance that

A. disrupts insect reproduction.

B. removes excess salt.

C. enables plants to digest insects.

D. absorbs water without using root hairs.


Most plants alive today are

A. cone-bearing.

B. flowering.

C. ferns.

D. mosses.


The two phases of a plant's life cycle

are referred to as

A. alternation of generations.

B. spontaneous generation.

C. biogenesis.

D. sexual and asexual.


Which statement accurately describes a way that plants meet their basic needs?

A. Plants take in carbon dioxide from soil through their roots.

B. Plants obtain the energy for photosynthesis from sunlight.

C. Plants obtain minerals by exchanging gases with the atmosphere.

D. Plants absorb water through their broad, flat leaves.


The first group of plants to evolve

from green algae were the

A. cone-bearing plants.

B. ferns.

C. mosses.

D. flowering plants.


The diploid phase of the plant life

cycle is known as the

A. sporophyte.

B. gametophyte.

C. egg.

D. spore.


Unlike all other plants, bryophytes do

NOT have

A. vascular tissue.

B. chlorophyll.

C. gemmae.

D. cell walls.


Water moves from the soil into the stem like and leaf like structures of bryophytes by

A. osmosis.

B. active transport.

C. specialized conducting structures.

D. vascular tissue.


The most abundant bryophytes are the

A. liverworts.

B. mosses.

C. hornworts.

D. ferns.


Fertilization in bryophytes is

dependent upon the presence of

A. water.

B. sunlight.

C. nutrients.

D. wind.


The stage of a moss plant that carries

out most photosynthesis is the green

A. gametophyte.

B. sporophyte.

C. peritonea.

D. zygote.


The presence of vascular tissue

enables a plant to

A. carry on photosynthesis.

B. carry on lactic acid fermentation.

C. conduct water and nutrients.

D. make chlorophyll.


Ferns are different from mosses because they

A. carry out photosynthesis using chlorophyll.

B. have vascular tissue to conduct water and nutrients.

C. help expose more of the plant’s surface area to sunlight.

D. exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen with the atmosphere.


Club mosses and horsetails are similar

to ferns because they have

A. vascular tissue.

B. seeds.

C. sore.

D. fronds.


When fern spores germinate, they

develop into

A. diploid gametophytes.

B. haploid gametophytes.

C. haploid sporophytes.

D. diploid sporophytes.


The early developmental stage of the sporophyte in seed plants is known as the

A. seed coat.

B. seed.

C. embryo.

D. endosperm.


Which of the following is a water-

conserving adaptation in conifers?

A. presence of cones

B. long, thin needles

C. no vascular tissue in the leaves

D. seed coats


Each species of seed plant reproduces

by means of

A. cones only.

B. flowers only.

C. both cones and flowers.

D. either cones or flowers.


The group of gymnosperms having the

greatest number of species are the

A. geophytes.

B. conifers.

C. cycads.

D. ginkgoes.


One function of angiosperm fruit is to

A. distract animals from eating the rest

of the plant.

B. provide extra food for the seeds.

C. attract animals to eat the fruit and

spread seeds.

D. store food for use by the plant.


Flowers are specialized structures in angiosperms that

A. have ovaries that surround and protect the seeds.

B. attract animals to eat the flowers instead of the plant.

C. are the site of asexual reproduction for the plant.

D. make toxins to protect seeds developing inside the flower.


Angiosperms that have one seed leaf are classified as

A. biennials.

B. monocots.

C. dicots.

D. annuals.


Which of the following is a

characteristic of monocots?

A. branched veins

B. parallel veins

C. taproots

D. seed with two cotyledons


Flowering plants that live for more

than two years are called

A. biennials.

B. annuals.

C. perennials.

D. shrubs.


The principle organs of seed plants are

A. reproductive organs and photosynthetic organs.

B. stems, leaves, and flowers.

C. roots, vessels, and cones.

D. leaves, stems, and roots.


Taproots are more common than

fibrous roots in

A. monocots.

B. dicots.

C. neither monocots or dicots.

D. both dicots and monocots.


The cells in a root that divide are

found in the

A. apical meristem.

B. epidermis.

C. endodermis.

D. vascular cylinder.


The tough layer of cells that covers the

root tip is called the

A. vascular cylinder.

B. root cap.

C. ground tissue.

D. apical meristem.


Xylem and phloem are found in the

A. epidermis.

B. endodermis.

C. apical meristem.

D. vascular cylinder.


Roots absorb minerals from the

surrounding soil by

A. diffusion.

B. active transport.

C. passive transport.

D. root pressure.


Structures on a stem that can produce

new stems and leaves are called

A. nodes.

B. internodes.

C. buds.

D. branches.


The vascular bundles in a monocot stem

A. form a cylinder, or ring.

B. are scattered throughout the stem.

C. form concentric rings.

D. separate into xylem bundles and phloem bundles.


The outermost layer of a tree that contains old, nonfunctioning phloem is

A. bark.

B. cork.

C. pith.

D. apical meristem.


Xylem and phloem are contained in

A. the epidermis.

B. vascular bundles.

C. the pith.

D. cork cambium.


In stems, secondary growth results in

A. growth at the tips of roots.

B. growth at the tips of shoots.

C. an increase in the width of stems.

D. an increase in the length of



A compound leaf is one that has

A. a blade attached by several petioles.

B. two or more blades.

C. a blade that is divided into many leaflets.

D. many blades, each with its own petiole.


The structure of a leaf allows it to

A. maximize sun exposure and maximize water loss.

B. maximize sun exposure and minimize water loss.

C. minimize sun exposure and maximize water loss.

D. minimize sun exposure and minimize water loss.


A process in which water is lost through the leaves of a plant is called

A. transpiration.

B. photosynthesis.

C. glycolysis.

D. cellular respiration.


Gas exchange in a leaf occurs through


A. cuticle.

B. epidermis.

C. mesophyll.

D. stomata.


In a plant stem, water moves from

A. leaves to roots through xylem.

B. roots to leaves through xylem.

C. leaves to roots through phloem.

D. roots to leaves through phloem.


Which of the following is NOT involved in the movement of water in xylem tissue?

A. cohesion

B. osmosis

C. capillary action

D. adhesion


In a plant, sugar is moved from source

cells to sink cells by a process of

A. phloem transport.

B. xylem transport.

C. osmosis.

D. diffusion.


In a gymnosperm, fertilization occurs

inside the

A. ovule.

B. pollen tube.

C. seed cone.

D. pollen cone.


The pollen-producing structure of

angiosperms is the

A. stigma.

B. carpel.

C. anther.

D. sepal.


In an angiosperm, a structure that

results from fertilization is the

A. female gametophyte.

B. pollen grain.

C. zygote.

D. ovary.


Which term applies to the chromosome number of a seed plant embryo?

A. haploid

B. diploid

C. triploid

D. polyploid


Pollination in most gymnosperms and

some angiosperms is carried out by

A. water transport.

B. insects.

C. wind.

D. birds and bats.


A germinating corn seedling has

A. a single cotyledon, which remains below ground.

B. two cotyledons, which push above ground.

C. a single cotyledon, which pushes above ground.

D. two cotyledons, which remain below ground.


Angiosperm fruits develop from

A. the ovary wall of the flower.

B. seed endosperm.

C. swollen sepals of the flower.

D. flower stamens.


The seeds of many plants that form

fruits are dispersed mainly by

A. animals.

B. water.

C. wind.

D. the plant itself.


An environmental condition that can cause the activation of a dormant seed is

A. a sharp drop in temperature.

B. the heat from a forest fire.

C. an extended drought.

D. falling from a great height.


Which of the following is a method of

vegetative reproduction?

A. pollination

B. seed dispersal

C. plantlet production

D. fertilization


Long, trailing stems that can produce

roots are called

A. scions.

B. stolons.

C. cuttings.

D. buds.


In order to propagate a plant by

cuttings, the cuttings must include

A. roots, stems, and leaves.

B. xylem and phloem.

C. meristematic tissue.

D. ground tissue.


The process in which a stem is used as

a scion is called

A. grafting.

B. budding.

C. stock.

D. stolon.


The tendency of a plant to grow

toward a source of light is

A. gravitropism.

B. phototropism.

C. meristematic growth.

D. apical dominance.


A plant part in which hormones are

produced is

A. the apical meristem.

B. a target cell.

C. a hormone receptor.

D. xylem.


If you snip off the tip of a stem, the

A. plant grows tall and narrow.

B. plant dies.

C. side branches begin to grow

more quickly.

D. stem stops growing.


The rapid (nastic) responses of plants such as the Venus flytrap are caused by changes in

A. light levels.

B. osmotic pressure.

C. temperature.

D. moisture.


The timing of seasonal activities in plants, such as flowering and growth, depends on

A. gravitropism.

B. thigmotropism.

C. photoperiodism.

D. phototropism.


The hormone primarily responsible for causing plants to flower depending on the length of the day is

A. auxin.

B. phytochrome.

C. cytokinin.

D. ethylene.


In most flowering plants, the coming of autumn is marked by

A. a decrease in ethylene production.

B. an increase in auxin production.

C. the production of new plant pigments.

D. a rapid growth spurt.


In deciduous plants, the process of dormancy involves

A. maintaining photosynthesis and storing material in the roots.

B. turning photosynthesis off and storing material in the roots.

C. maintaining photosynthesis and bringing material up from the roots.

D. turning photosynthesis off and bringing material up from the roots.


Carnivorous plants trap animals and

digest them, releasing needed

A. water.

B. sugars.

C. nitrogen.

D. oxygen.


An example of a plant that is a

xerophyte is a

A. cactus.

B. water lily.

C. pitcher plant.

D. mistletoe.


Salt-tolerant plants remove excess salt absorbed through their roots by the process of

A. diffusion.

B. osmosis.

C. active transport.

D. dilution.


An example of a carnivorous plant is a

A. mistletoe.

B. Venus' flytrap.

C. Spanish moss.

D. foxglove.


An example of a plant’s chemical defense is a substance that

A. disrupts insect reproduction.

B. removes excess salt.

C. enables plants to digest insects.

D. absorbs water without using root hairs.
