Plant kingdom - · Plant...


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Plant kingdom

Index Exploration


Plant common characteristics

Plant cell

Plant organs

Plant autotrophic nutrition

Plant relation function

Reproduction and plant groups

Plant life cycles


Investigation 1: What’s in a seed?

Investigation 2: Do plants react to the environment?

Investigation 3: Watching an angiosperm flower

Investigation 4: Herbarium sheet

Exploration I think a plant is…………………………………….

Plant common characteristics Plant common characteristics are that:

They have ......................................................................................................... nutrition

They have............................................... ................................................... cells, with

................................................... well organized in organs

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Cell wall, many, autotrophic, eukaryotic

Benthos invertebrates like sponges, anemones and corals are ….. plants because …………………..

Phytoplankton organisms are ………….… plants………………………………………………………………………….

Red, brown and green algae are……… plants……………………………………………………………………………..

Plant cells

Plant cells have

A …………………………………..…….and a……………………… to protect the cell

……………………. that is the liquid inside the cell

……………..which is the organelle for cell respiration

……………………..which is the cell storage

………………which is the organelle responsible for the photosynthesis

…………….which contains the instructions to make new cells

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Vacuole, membrane, nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplast, cell wall

Plant organs Plant not reproductive organs are:


Are responsible for the ……………………………………………………


Transport …………………………………. between root and leaves


Absorbs water…………………………………………………………………

Fix plant to the…………………………………………………………………

Plant autotrophic nutrition

1…………………………………………………………….. 2…………………………………………………………….

Plant takes Plant makes Plant takes Plant makes

What do you give a plant to make sugar for your coffee?


What is needed in plant cell respiration to have the energy to grow?


Plant relation function Relation function consists in 3 steps:

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1. ……………………………………………………………………………………..

2. …………………………………………………………………………………….

3. ………………………………………………………………………………………

Stimulus Reaction with a movement




Reproduction and plants groups Plant reproductive organs and structures are:













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According to the reproductive structures and other characteristics we make the next groups in

the plant kingdom:




Pines are………………..……….because …............................................................................................

Ferns are…………….…………. because…………………………………………………………………………………….

Mosses are ………………………..

Peaches tree…………………………………………..

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Plant life cycles



Important concepts in bryophytes and pteridophytes life cycles:

…….……………………………….…………………………………………. is a group of cells that makes a new plant

….……………………………………………………………….is the growth of the seed or spore to become plant

………………………………………………………………………………….is the part of the plant that makes spores

………………………………………………………………….……………………………….is the female reproductive cell

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………………….………………………………………………….……………………………….is the male reproductive cell

……….……………………………………………………..……………………………….is the union of an egg and sperm

………………………………………………………………is the part of the plant that makes egg cells and sperm



Stamens, fruit, germination, pollen wit sperm, fertilization, seeds, flower, egg cells, plant

growth, pistil

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The flower of angiosperms


o Calyx: set of ………………………………….

o Corolla: set of…………………………………


o Androecium (………………………… part): set of stamens made by:


Anther with……………………………….

o Gynoecium (female part): set of pistils made by



Ovary with egg cells

Text of the walking dictation

Seeds are the product of angiosperm plants sexual reproduction.

Seeds contain a dried, folded new plant called seedling

Seedlings are protected by a cover.

Seeds are carried away by the wind or by animals.

If they find water the plants within unfold and start to grow.

The parts of the seedling are root, stem and one or two small leaves called cotyledons.

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Investigation 1: What’s in a seed?

1. Walking dictation

Make groups of 4

Within each group, each student chooses a number from 1 to 4, without repeating

Students with number 1 go to the teacher

The teacher dictates a sentence and the students try to memorize it

Students return to their group and dictate the phrase to their fellows

The rest of the group tries to write the sentence

Students with number 2 go to the teacher for the following sentence, and so on…

a. Write the text of the walking dictation

b. Write the text again from the corrected version in the blackboard

Seeds are the product of angiosperm plants sexual reproduction.

Seeds contain a dried, folded new plant called seedling protected by a cover.

Seeds are carried away by the wind or by a

Animals. If they find water the plants within unfold and

Start to grow.

The parts of the seedling are the root, the ne or two small leaves called cotyledons.

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2. Draw the inside of a seed as you imagine it in the square on your left

3. Now peel a seed and draw it again in the square in the middle. Ask for a binocular

magnifier if you need one. Try to put the next names in the correct place:

Seedling, Root, stem, cotyledons (leaves), tip, cover

4. Let the seed grow for some days and draw it again in the square on the right side

(writing the names again).

5. Think of a method to know the amount of water a seed takes in the germination and

write a list of at least 5 steps.

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

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Investigation 2: Do plants react to the environment?

Context If plants are living organisms they have………………………………..…. And they do 3 basic functions:

1. ………………………………………………

2. ………………………………………………

3. ………………………………………………

Question Can plants react to the environment?

Hypothesis (Complete the sentences with the words in the box to write 3 hypothesis)

Plants Can/can’t react to light direction/gravity/darkness moving/ growing/ doing …….…….

1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………….

2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...……..……………..

3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………

Experiment (Draw a picture for each material and step)


7 days seedlings boxes pencil, pots cotton or absorbing paper


1. Take 4 pots and put some cotton or absorbing paper in their bottom

2. Put ten seedlings in each pot

3. Put a pot with the seedlings in a closed box

4. Put a pot with the seedlings in a closed box with some holes in one side

5. Take a pot and put the seedlings upside down

6. Wait a week to see what happens to the seedlings

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Seedlings in the pot Seedlings in the closed box Seedlings in the closed box

with some holes Upside down plants

Conclusions: Plants react/don’t react to the environment because….

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Investigation 3: Watching an angiosperm flower

1. Complete a card with the information from your observations with the binocular

magnifier and use it to write a description of the flower of an angiosperm species.

Scientific and common name of the plant: ……………………………………...……………………………………

The sterile part of their flowers consists in:

number color equal/different name of the piece

Drawing/glued pieces

A calyx made of

A corolla made of

The fertile part that consists in:

number color equal/different name of the piece

Drawing/glued pieces

An androecium made of

A gynoecium made of

2. Use the information in the card to write a description of the flower you studied.

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Investigation 4: Herbarium sheet

Now we worked on differences among plant groups is time to find two plants near your

home and make an herbarium sheet with each one.

A herbarium sheet is a DIN-A4 with a plant:

o as complete as possible

o dried

o taped

o Labeled with the name of

parts observed: root, stem, leaves, spores, flowers, seeds,


We will use as title the scientific name of the plant and its

family. We can also write its common names in Catalan,

Spanish and English. Finally we are going to

You can identify the most common plants of Catalonia

using the web flors de catalunya

Give to a fellow your herbarium sheet for correction. Use the next rubric:

Perfect2 Almost1,5 Wrong1 Not done0


of the plant

(specie, family

and plant


Dried of the

plant and

ironed of the



of plant parts


Accuracy in

the writing