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^ Misti PiMcaUM




KuriiM A. Yoshinorl

tomif Thoush). on r\4 Topic

Aicmgo been *uecei*ful in fettin* Any^rne column will be a composite to accept the ctulrnAaship of the

tadom thouMhto «1iicb cdncera impeodinf naPonal drnt to fill Lhe snd 1 hope It does to you. ccffers of this Fund, However. ;t

„u>c together it will determine is encouraging to note Out volun. roie which the JAEJL is expcft- Ury eontribulxins have been re-

pUy in the tolkm-in* areas, ceived so far from tbe follow.ng: .. Sequoia. Puyallup Valley, and St.

Louis. I congratulate these chap- - pas! month nalioaal atten. their ionscienUoas' sup-iis been focuied on .Mabama Po'Tl Negro Amcaicaiu were re- *“ *•« some S30.000 in

5 ag their grievances to the escrow so that money atil Iw tor the bigoted treatmept of afailaWe to take specific aetiotis rights. The detaUs need do m the foliowmg areas;

Tiusls here at die newspaper Assist the Pacific Northwest ' .aes have accounted for what Council^ in successfully

oed there. passing the referendum to retwals probably nows to you to The Washington Stale Anti^Len that, at least six Japanese La.*'

rr.eans were reiptKted to have '** Participate in tbe elimtaa- xjpated in the various demon *he miscegenation laws;asa. Our congratulations are Through JvgislaUve repeals or judi- e-sed lu these marchers tm-alidations. 'r they not only dartxl to c-x- EuPUorl the full administm-. UK-ir courage and convic- TJ»i of the Federal Civil Righu but they also helped to x.-pre- en»pments.

, ihe moral concerns of the ««anburse individual part.ci-CLiTs who are in accord wi*h P*“T‘s expenses in approved civj Negro Aihericans and their eights proiects or deroonstrationf,

- - I invite anyone' who believes in :l!^tO


Chapter Petset 311 Mark to Keep Alive Pacesetting Record

Latest Membetship Graph As of Mar. 9 eo Page^

MONTTStSY - C mgralulations extended by the Monterey

Evacuation would be invalidAnti-Sias Bill Against State Licensees Also introduced This Week

-ANGELES — The US Su- confront -Jie adverfc ■.... RIGHTS MEASURESagents and audiiors of tbe In­ternal Revenue-Service.One item which har caught the

attention of the IRS have been deposits in bank and savings ar-

S.ACR.OIINTO — Governor Brown comment from Sabaro Kido. war- cap " SS .a»»n X.a»u: JACLpr,,,.,!. th.-, rrm.n0.5- «. . mWn-r-lrf .. »- 5'^;“ —....... .... - ----------- - - —

icgisTration and panibipki

u state trials.

r laans

penihip commlltes' for going the top again this past week. Tis latest figure

) be retsaid <

t that this CVS-Agents pail1 .om of Japa------ —— — —* „.l backed UP with receipts from the to ^Pf j ’-exs *'**•*• .______ . , _________ , ,___ _j.u until » davs before

guaranteeing the right of a - dc- Kxia commented. 'the g-J> Amesdment does noFappiyfendant to rrns.«-examme his acetk. t'afala Handkap to state crunnia! trials “cw aa

the Pointcr'casel drew the He regarded it an "unfair hand:- kioger be regarded as. (he law".ip " for it permitted a cloud la Black said..-mam on a persMi’s record, yeo- The onurt overturned ^ cpovic-

>n voter dte coe«li‘.uiiwUty of Evacuation psrdiz-mg hi.< future and then being tion in a Texas court of Bob ioA las’, cases Tie reversed by Qic uYiaUc to «ecurc witnesses to clear Granvdk* Pomter, covrvirted <d

present court. bi.s name when needed. hiMing up a food market and aeo>One would rnnhibit ebaUenges ,Wriung in his da.ly col&tnn ao- -We often, aondered why it hat fenced to life imprisonment,

at tbe palls without reaswable pearing in the Stun l^rhitei. Kido taken the Supreme Court to take Kido felt that "when it come* cause made solelv fur barassni>.nt Tuesday .said the present decisioo long to toucdi on these delicate to criminal cases, the possfbebty

up-holding the Evacuatiun "ls a qu>sti<m.<." Kido cantinued. of abuses which «iU infringe u—M.v- "It xTxs latest figure was not av;a:V before an dangerou.s precedent which "it seems that many eracial de-- the rights of individuaU should h

Ale but last year, the papier had ,t elation Instead of the preset SS lead to d.rtaiordup unless tbe cisions are being made tod.iv " of greawr importance tha^^Tcoi211 members—the 11th consecu- ^ provide that -Jie Ehigbsb mih-.ary powers are restricted un- The ruling In the Pointer ease venieoee of ife authorities >o wfive year it has su^ssed the pre- ^_________ language reading and writiag re- der wartime conditions". was a unanasums ojiinioo. deliverei; virt a suspect" V

Kido was referring' to the 1M4 by Justic</Hugo- --yesr’s high. Each year since IJSf, the final count represented tbe chapter's Bli-timc high, a per­formance unmatched by any other JACL rhapu-r in the nation.The chapter l1a^ Blue Cross cov­

erage for its mc.iib.Ts,T*. ____ _______Its record^jre;

Sinn- I9S3 reads t ias.1—ve: isM-iat.

liet~JDT U6S-2I:30 iwi -aw. ua4-3I1



language reading and writisg re- < qum-mV'nt for votmg woiddn't ap­ply to person:! over SO years

for ivoognitioo of first- ritizenship rights.th-tre be anyone who feels comributions

Alabama is far aw^v. or that JACL office..roiubl, • So«lhm> .'Jl, C««. waio Mn»rU H~l\

therefore we need not be d.- '•Jt involved, let me remind you A word ot gra-Jtude is expressed :l wasn't long ago when our to those wlij are ^vmg their time rights were suspended wo. and effort to solicit donatuns in

,i-r there u'tbe right time to memory of.the late Congressman xi up for moral principle and Fmeis Walter of PennsyK-anja roioted—it is now-! JACL is honored to have United

Martin Luther King. Jr. re- SUtes Senator Daniel K. Itutiye of ;::.i stated. "Oemons’jations will Hawaii and the very distinguished

io come to tbe. North on a Issei ptonoer. Vaemon Minami of -Jisi will grapple with ,thc Santa Maria. Calif., as honorsry

- rghts problems." This fore- co-chaiimen of this campaign.' may mean our home towns Ibe active committee is co­se the fuuire sltts of protesta- chaired by Takito Yamaguma at lalfss these dSies new- bur- Los Angeles—Issei Dltisjon. where-

tl? get their behavior in order as the Nisei section i* under Mike nkome the new day of Amcri-- MxkioJta. The PSW Begtoaal Of- i-npiality and justice for all of Gee is being used as ^ clearingalJicas regardless of creed, house. ---------

foo. or color. In this process, Congressman Walter is well re- -'.ICL must play a leading pari ipcmhered for his co-auihorship of er.li^encd eitaens to widen the ^ immisration and naturalization cciipasslng meaning of dcmoc- pUI known as tbe Waltor^JcCarran

lAct which enabled the Issei to be- ^ /conic naturalized citizens. Mr. Wal-

Ml Birti. nud ,.d.d Ua UCI. in mw o'Jiort\ K.i«.n.l Cornea oswo-ed eMobl,..hmcn.. ot th, X.tloo.l Vour doh.Ooo to hdp

ca Ova Rigtiin Ftiad at the De- ^ dTauhide to hmt lor befr.eadmg Coawntion. Tb date. I haven't fConiinued on Page Ji

, ojsinioo. deliv-ere^ vict a suspect'Hugo Black eAio said ThL- "doctrine of convenience'*, conuined in the b-th KMo added. ^alM applied in tbe

held by a C-3 vote that mas.s Arxiendmi-nt "is made obligatoii.- alien land law- eases' where ie~ ;a.<: 20 vear.-. wacuatiun was a cuiutiiuti->nal on thr"wta:es b>' the 14th .Amend- f.iodants bad the burden (d proving

He aU, favored the bill to c«- exernse of war- powers of the mi-r.iwhich rcquiio all citizens whether Uiey were elti^ns ot nottend Uic right to uoU- for President PV"‘-<*‘'»'' I’*® abo nted Ct rccs-ive day process under the law. But upen appeal-to the UB. 8tt- and V:.c President to new Califur- the same time in tb«-Mitsuyc Enito 'Tbe right of,the 6th Amendment pfeme Court in the TVed Oyaraa nia ri-Md<^nts wdxi been denied .Amtricen c".i7. n>'^liad al-ways bevn ailardi-d d.frnd- cai- ic ID4*. *at cojH io effectthi- rigPt'-n iht-ir li'irmcr state of could mn be detained m relora'.-ou an^ in fidcral toon.' but noi nuililnd the alien land laws '

„. ... ______ ...____ ____ ___ r«.-sideu<r bi-csuse of race, cotoi ' - .............................. ~.-S® t#e*-U0i LONG BE.ACH - At least ei^t creed VTJe^do cok; paved-Jk way for

iie U6S membership ‘ com: chapters in the Pard.c Southwest Artl-Ka. BOI ^Disini't Council will awa.-d the AnU-Was BOI push the rv^td-.-rticnl urogram and..o.„ n,.u, ,ir Mn T.kiuito- J-'CI- S,r,ll M JmmaUm to S-.,v b.-., Mi. W Hol.nd.U oto...s , n-ni,,, I™ , .MS.11, Toil. Haiac E.K Pickering. KJku vicncLs of Japanese Al^lCtins be- <D^.ikland> ha^ ir.lroditced an whil.- th.- war :a the Pacific wa;

v?manJ?725Jm“u»?dJ-cbu Of their outstanding assist- naii-dist-r.mination licensing meas- Aill raging, il:;- 1?^.*** <J«ficatcd effons on be- ure, prcv-wusly enounced by AV Individual Riabto W.XSHLN'GTON — S. cretary of La- «r.«.-rs f..r farm labor.

_ _ _ _S.Cthe San Diego J.ACL hit u new Convention being held at the Edge- races are treated U^ty equal- Am.nean crops end-..^ In tour IB-hour days; the Sacea-alirfme high this past month. Its water Inn here May 1-2, ^ Oy person ^ whom tbe s-.atv- ^ K.rtlow ing a four-day tour ot CsL- «»™d about IBOD mOe. oEprrVtoushighof348 wa»reg:s-4ired Chapters which are honoring &- has conferred the ij.vitoge of en- It mav inconven^ vegetable fields, fruit CaUfortifi farmland, ttbvebng «tn 1962. rinfictotot citizens within their re- gaging in speclaliisid and relative- n-Ycn mougn it may inronven,- ................ ___ __ ______ ^.......... ....... .imwnoh'W- airnia»» andKen Koba i.s membership chair- j:p«-tivc communities include ly exd'jsjve callings." It would a'na ihctoj^g^-ncics. it should tje

man Oange County. San Diego. Long provide suspen.-itm o. revocation• • • Beach^irbar District. Sahu Bar- of state buyioess and professional

3*7 la Partland \ bgra. ' Pa.sadana. Vcnice-CuU4r. licenses for willful and cooUnu'-lPORTL.kND^Thc ambitious gh*! Downtown. L. A. and Hollywood, acu of racial discrim*ation-of 300 members set by Mrs. eS» scarding to Dr. David Miura, ree- *nie Ucensees would have amrt-’


- «r.« r It for ihese roaadns that

: groves, and labor camps, Seerewiy loot, by autoqiebilt. airplane aad Wirtz dcclarec

1 have h*'' 'e*"- '1 Imperwl

workers 'oro^ti ■the do- citrus groves uutsKle of Lns Aik

geie,. date gioves around t(Mk> A score of sUles-mainly in tbe »«* “w lettuce fields i

West—have made extensive use of Valky.alien lab,ir, chiefly the Mexican Oagust «xi«ss«d by Wi.ti

___ imported annually by *ome coodiUoas be *bw on his tour,'l.V S'^dlTesficby the Council rf'SwoS

■me present civU rights code ■'■fYi^i>rthe“aw'f lermlndlion tWacAU far^

innocen'ts are going ' result of the denial confront an adverse '

/ed to comment on braccro,*,S^mcka-wa. Portland J.kCL mem- ognilkins committee chairman. opporuimty to-comply with exist- .bership chairman, last year has Honorees include the Rev. Hai- in8 law reUtive to raaal distn.Uk been m?: with »7 as of Imc ri» D.'Hummel iposthumousi of nation. Holmdahl slated, as -.i March, not counting toe 58 Jr. San Diego; P.rof, John E Pencry. having full prc.-edural pm-,JACL members. Jr., of Lrmon Grove. Calif.; the uons and righu of aypeal m i,. ___ _______ _Many said It couldnt be done. Rev. Cl.wle L. Bur^tt of Venice: event charges are -brought. P<rcd Ust Dec

T-je chapter had 20B la« year Jack Sergei of KoUywocxi: aad Wil- The present civU rights * ble se- ^which was its aU-ume high. liam C. Carr of Pasadeiia. bars racial discriminatian 1?-

. Saa EHegans CHed establistoent and ali-iw. " ib'em had'b^'fijcd””............ UB dtizens would notfor $250 pumUve damage* recmur- ^o the work which the "toracero'K.to„.u. .-to. „.jy StowSMi-iisrS'C to- to^M.rcsricv'rs;.™

! 'Ocean discipbnary action, H-'lmdahl a^vi-

. now- He engaged.ill to. C.lll.n.,. -I totoi, to. to. .ra.u«:, a«rt« to. d]„r»,totoito., ,.r r.„>totoito torState has accepted the ebapb^s war years and coirtmued to-assisi jf the licensee ignored the order j^ci and Jr JACL delecai uppiieaUon for iacocporaUojl, Japanese of San thego upon ,nd conUnued -to diseriminatr Ending the PSWDC Com

Th? chapter was originally ttetnrPOTT until his retiremenL thereafter, the license diitiplin - foundwd' in IBM. dormant during Prof. Penery, now president ot proceeding would be toiggerod.

their fields." the Council had done or that sutficiem number' **“ displeasure expressed by

vtoved h„ to,to. -to, ..MUM, to wto. to., .v,to-. ■ At the same dme. the American K«^F»ted."

Fee scbedlrie for PSWDC farm workers protested that thev '“o* growers." tbe Counefl • to e—•'••y II0«1 to see that

-------------------------- cease-and-dc-iist COBVeBtlOn CUntlM cxpUnalion e-hen they applied to «W*iaoBi are fnaintalnadinnunierable er- notice lo a liceisec charged w-ith .long BEACH — Pre-rezistration ------------------- ^------------------------------

icuefito durine the aT n-Utoi ai«torUv«iAto*i..A . .

San Diego JAXLgetsincorporalion paper toM...«Boto,«.h.',

helped the JapaneseiCongregational ui

- . .. lays ........................ ...........after^-Evaruation. moved into the measure, a-slate licensing jycuc;.


Boom & Bust of Berry Growers1 would be subject

JOSE—The green fobage of i.'i-berri- patchrt la the fertile i Clara valley speUs a stoty- ot sod downs for tbe Issei 'crs and their families. It bi.'- wid) the return of evacuees

Sjn Jose, where emergency ac-operated by tbe local J.ACL ir and tbe cburAes.

B'-rsre World War n Japanese >7* C.-5 predominated In the grow- t i<|k^a-berries in California, '■i; thi-i? removal and in the sib-

oj OP.A price controis. berry soared, vwien the exclusion

oi-ri were lifted on Jan. 2. IMS !ssei gro»-ers returned and the strawberry growers op-

^ Urge acreages. The I.ssci ^ aelcomed back by- the Ryder -••‘’es and the Driscoll ranches. *0 de famUtes became establish-

'1 these large scale grou-ing with -tenant housing made

-uble to the Issei returnees. It tiisd to many'to be a transplant • ipanese viUages adjacent to ferry fields. Because the price ■lad was high, the cAptUl in- requircd for strawberry eulti- O so sidwtantial as to be be-

■■he reach of most returnees OrtseoU entered


0«M<8ule Market*f’--'‘<ier and DriscoU markrtelf the

^**e<rown berri^. most of - Went to the'^&esb produce

‘txeis in ihe'Ficiflc Northwest -V Midwest aid Atlantic sea-

by fast expms train* loaded *^ers of ice. Tbe market

“Dd remained strong and ’ •^'»<^tive for aeveral years. ■** prewar years strawberriet

■ a spring scrap good for a *««ks until «fe summer heat « on. Upon fiwir return the *«und that the Univ. Cali-

•» nsd dev^aped a strain n the "University” which bemes tem-spring until

^ rtm* which rotted the ”-^£^rythiag was rosy for

wbkfcwgne reported " than • feouMnd crate*

in tbe best of fields before the war non.- showed producUon to be three and four fold where fields were well fertilized. Large families mean: many working bands and most Is.sei left to rent berry acre­age of their own. Families began to acquire two. three and four acres. Still prices remained good and berry growers bought piekups and cars.They' ploughed back their prrrfils

into bigger and bigger acreages. They bought on credit, they extend­ed dieir bonwing to the limit eon- fidenl lhat the big payoffs would eoKtmuc. Bui *ome of tbe more speculative against the advice of the conservative Issei «vcr<xtcnd- ed themselves.

Berry Babble BorA Then some five years ago the

berry- bubWe burst. When prices startod slipping, credit lighfened up and many Issei and Nisei witli substanual berry acreages <rf up to several hundred acre* / went broke. Tbe economic process of eliminaiiwi dropped msny and fields dice hish with groa-ing strswifen'ici went lo weeds. Only tbe strong remained a^ growers and those who weatherad the .soc- ceeding yfars of poor prices are now starting once again-lo see good prices for their fresh berries. It started las: year.These trials of .die Issei be.-ry

farmer* were related in eonversa- tton* to Joe Grant Masaoka. His­tory Project ad-Tiimsirator. who came here Mar. 16 jo give fresh impetus in the Issei inteiviewibg now going on. Eiichi Sakauve. Saa

(Continued oo Page 2>Support Congressmon Walter Memoriol FundOwtributiofts to the Fran;.*,s E.

Waher Memorial Fund may be- cent JO Mike Masaoka. 919-lBtn KW. Washington. D.C, 20W6; or to Takito Yamaguma. care d Bank <d Tokyo of CaUfornia. 120 San San Pedro 9t.. Lo* Angeles. Calif. I0B94.

Wcrld War II and reactivated on the Intfr-American EducaUon Nov . 1.1347 Its incorporated sUtus PoundaUon. assisted ei-acuecs

(toted (mm Mar. 8. 1965. while they were in Santa AniUAccording to the chapter nea-s- Center as a mei^ of

Icuer. Bordcrlme. the chaptor Is ^ American Fnend* "~- <>D the threshold of receiving a Owmitee. notable coatnhution from the Japa- "urw the waritert American Institute of Chula rek>c*U(in jrfficcr lur me j ocasc-anddcsl'tVista, which will further the aims onure AUanlic seaboa«l.^n« ‘and goals of the chapter. K* opiwrtumtJes throughout

Ikebanalntemat'l to mool race bias

chapter, the Chula VUta cont-ribu- _•l«n will make possible "much lhat ^ tonrcrly a profcssw of TOKYD-The rising populanU- of was .dreamed about by many old P*>'e^^ !««*»“« throughout the worM. astime^JACLers of this area". minifestdd by the growOi of Ike-Thc women s auxiliary also spon- Internaiional. an orgamzatioa

sors the Jr. J.ACL "Cub” pregtam. Soth Ae Rev. Rummel and Prof f^>jatled m 1958 to promote Japa- B separate unit from the,Jr. J.ACL.

•rtiminatr tending itiplinary jjay 1-2 w

fallow*.or re\-oca'

-TudiCia)*' Recinnuon (after A|^ JACtto-SlS^^^Jr JACTto-S

A*rU * after AprO H rAcito-stso .

UC suspends radal type scholarships

fields, but obviously roine don’t nnd it's up to us eoUectivgty aad icdivkhttUy to see that tbe type of things that do exist that an wToag are made right"Following discussKias with hua-l-ns.-ANGEItoES-Uoiv of CaUfir- .............._ _________ ________

.... V iBdineuai crniu. President Clark Kerr last week dreL « wockrr*. employer*, and™ sisecheck of legal obligstion*. ever.” Wirtz said, "th« we can<Xten^ these sctol^^ipk ^ ccme end the anomaly, the jtoradox of

Oiecks covering registratton sb(flild be made payable to Rich- ' ard Hanki. Convention TYeasurer . ..and sent to eMhert ^ Umversity through will t^c- there being 4B0M9 to SDOJOO un-JACiL-mivt«jmu can rmUb* st, ** ^f®_****.to'* tmployed in Calitorala aad there

^^Tlduickt'e!'dations may write or call; Hubert H. Humitorey aras the pbasizr that invrovement* in work-

princqml fpeatofr. and livmg cond.tioa. .for theW^« Conference. Trial opens for llC

TSJR'dononstrotoniContinijed on Page 4<

Dissenfing judge hits Nevada land ruling.. -to n»wer arrangement overseas, los A.VGELES - Alfrrf Tsuvukihas resulted in profalems never en- cianmont Men's College ws« ^ ^ a.ros.cd duringv.vBged by the creators of this.art, announced as keynote spcakjjr .Ikebana Iniernattonal. now com- die 1965 PSWDC Hi-Co Conference \

lO.OOO TTK-mbers being held this Weekend

farm laborer are urgently 'needed.*T observed that tbe most seri­

ous reports of labor tun-over from farm operations whe.T condi­tions were bad." the Secretary eommested. "and tbe 'frtrart com- pUiBU from places that obviouriy

well ot^ated "12-4iour !.it-down demonstraU(>n at^roul Hall on Uic UC campus PredkrinA that "even major in-

s weexeno at uk- ^ a^rmg la.'-tw^k b^Xto- creases in farm wages would bring CARSON Orry-TIto Nevada Su- Chief Justice Fr«ik McNamee. -hMf of them in the UB i. wiU Prv.-L.iftrian Conference C.miv ™Tpat Iiv'^fn'L _to (-.to...; nn Mir 30 «—ule .1 Ktiftcns dissontins otimion ^rir»: wmrld c\»nvcnii<>n here grounds in Pacific Palisides, ' w «. j,i mod pnees. Secretary Wirtz

vmc t^ ap^aroi a to 4^h ‘ -'Uj W3 at Hutel Okuro V. di.rus.( Ron Hirusawa. cinlf^rencd chair- •'> that he ww. perwmall,Ui fJc famSv oJ- Itoriaian" various probivmi-among thefp tbe man. said Uto Xto-gUtratiunr of high thrinigh the sunon.r stilly inclmri to pres, far .Jai^iwsc ^*ncau lai^y o«. 'SboeUng d.serimuiation against Ne- sc^.J students pfanaing to enter *" *••>«* *“ oatianil mmifnuif. wage and on-

^ conscience ^ this write.- from membership to chai> «f£-ge.Cn- stiU Lmg accejrtid. insurance for tarale>iin - mira ” Jt* i« the ...uth.-ro Unj.d SUtel.. -nw p^ara wUl/eotur' semi- Mac My. Thka- arorkers./tt rjr^^to "co Korntne. prcsldont on^us as.-wets of college **^ve Rukard and Audre.v GoWee Uated ifth sSh lnju«U« and Internatkiasl who, was hfo. and a full schedule'of. ^lal

Oistrito-l Judge John E, Gabnelli ^ sig.fBS' ^ Harmony through Ike- P m. r r tof Washo.' Ciunty. replacing ailmg .^d Ju-Oce '-----------------------------;--------------- Gordon Thompson said the record Other problnns ini->1-. e teacher x.p__4to.to.1 !..Ailir4i(vit 'aUcd to vbow vany evid.rnce of certification, demonstratxm fees. JOpooese goniefl 10 DBMenu lureaicneo coospifaey neasisarr »o organization <d rtiapters and dura- dedicated Ot NUcke GrOvesought for rights murder over^. a sum.mary judemeni by '-^oo erf Ikebana courses.

w.'smaTov _ s™; isototo.nally set aside by the aart Court: court, but the decision was over

appeals court.

au vv-i'O dunce u( beciwing toe fiirt N;.'.-i to be eic-t'.-d to Uw fop student oody- otticv on toe TroMn

STOCKTON — Tbe San Joaquin campu.s.Coun'.y Japaneve Carden Vu be The son of Mr. and Mrs. Vo Ta- dedi.-ated tots Satorday. A^. 10. kagakt: 3919 Setherset Dr,, suir‘.ed 2 p.m.. at Mu-fce Grove aoowgica] a bard-htXing campaign fv tte gardens, dukninating li^ yvars erf eleccion scheduled Aprd 2B29. fo

7^ ;•«« ™-. V_r.,W. i^ KiCELES- S,.'’" «. i.

which migram fann-wotlwr tami- « (xilkiwtng toe -CTOj' cycle could q

live deceoUy.

Renew Your JACL Meoibenliip Today

-Nisei elected Junior cUm

Kurhcl -R-Cali.) has become a principal co-*ix«isor .of a bill pro- todmg several criminal pehaltte* for persons who interfere with theexercise of ngbLsassured .clUzens , ^

sup^ted by 5“*^* accordmg to weU esUb- ;uted'to Siitoay^ Aug. . ,crc piot »w..r>..i -wSu^pavetothe' way im T<*» if comm unity indiv-idual* aad conlributod bv toe Stockton___deito sentences to Imposed by c^«t* with toe plans of rteocb C«np JACL chapters. Lodi 'prfhFltes' off the DnSS-federal courts upon persons giulty .'toe parade comimtlee. KUei Civic Society. San Joaquin ^ _

.Ancient costumes of Japan have Gardeners QA and toe Stocktan -ANGELES — "Pro-File* already betm solicited Iro.m the Issei Kai. ne*-_montoij magazine pubUtoid

Nisei Week porode calls for glomoreos costumes

; Week undo parade has bra -Hk. ganfon is situated 09 a 3- presnleot.c plot..with work and material

To Our Sobscribm

led by giulty .. San Joaquin

lers. such as have occurred e>__^ nrJww Inr «lnll -Anewt costumes of Japan have Gartieners Clirf) and toe Stocktan ’in toe South during civil righU . wrona pnZe 0011 already betm solicited fro.-ii the Issei Kai. ‘ ...demonstrations and related activi- MILWl^UJCEE — Marty Suyama Mayor of Nagoya Kiyoshi Sugita Project ehairreao George Baba Fiiipino American*, atwared ^ tie. to end discrimina’jon against won the grand prize anc^ nationality through Jr. Otomber president w-tU make toe formal preaentaUon “ M*rch. Its editor Inns E. mi- Negroes. divi^ prize of the SOvef Spring Goto Klnuya, Tbe coraaiittoe hope* of the dedicatton platjue Jo Frank “ • Downtown L.A. JACLer.Uwter exifdng law, there is no Baw doB cemtest recently. There that, for exanqrfe,' keadoists would Hoyt (toairman of tbe county board Frank Qmmaa. among toe con­

federal Jarisdieboo over murrlrrs 9^ ICB dcBs entered, later all enter a brakkotai march, tbe ko- of superviaor. Cherry blossoms are trttwting writers, tell* of the im-in such insuoees and pnweculiaiL^jfra to local charities. Ibe 5oea! mu^-^. shakuhachi group and expected to be in full Uoom for plieaticn «rf the Aaia4’aciBc Trian- ‘must take place in stale courts^ JAdcr’s prize* amoonteri to $15. Ochim> parade-by Buddhist group*.. the occasion, ide. ,

■ -c • ■ V, - ___ _____________________ _____ '

OUNCE OF ADOKSSss 154: £srtij“i,:"s‘Sr2pMra be lew _______

- PACme OTlgn Cimilsra Osps.



US 1C«1W •«, tun- JK. L®» Anww C«W. »»*1V M* »-4«1 JACL Hr»rtqu«rt»T^ 14'4 '*^! St , rr=n.-.'^. IS, CjIU.VkAlnrtin omrt. SI» . ISth S!. K»'. 6.-U C.

•ul»rnr (BJi tri iAO. i

AlrauU. no &-< Mmd fr.d Cli

•vnurlijr rrllrrt JlltifnAl pr- r M.ltrf «

a IBkKTlplAlB 1F.imrr *.p*t ixml rxrtn-. Ixu AacMn. C

Kumn A. Yoahlnart. Kation.il JACL Pp^.fSnot ‘Df. Davi4 Miun. cnalni<an PMific Ciiim Hoard,

HARRY K KONPA ................................................................. BJl'rOR<nt»nt< kamay atsc.........................................AD'.nrasiHO

CBf ik ^OddBj Jprrj jjoojnsto. National I*l Vlfr rrrrMrnl

WHAT IS OUR RESPONSIBIltiTY?■j ti’.f. lhe‘5tat.d of rr.^ !Tracy. C-::'.

T»cy ,l«n rte that it-- ■■ able*' soaradaya ior Atticti.-ar., ; be Ibr ell'll rl^ts. and u itil* raeiru erf tot S^uto ^T. t: ' caHy hear sisU-mer.ls I'k-, ‘•Vi,, arc »f tufldinit vai?-- to Vietraro vhm Amcrtcans arc being assault-

ip Setm'’

.T •.■laao^c'airf a?;jro;/riate: F--■i t itiJrT-'

.-.e 8rt,;r;..a ■!aty ( a;in.:ni--toBl'..r.

■d ijrditi!. drie‘

swept by the neWf of‘"Jab Corpf” nllut vb ij! center*, and the-whaJe prtmfae of tiu-* i-7 »» tbc "B'ar Against Poi'cr.y" whith. ib*™ the <fti if won. would Insure the "Great of the ai-coU-r Satiety" our President enrvi.*ja3*. .the coBr.pt lA

, , , . if ov. IS. Ate lot i.>-.re fj.'i:!:.ft-p. I.. •«.» .p. rt " trinetFic- of our Aintrear.5? i 'T^js.rr-r'srr^s?-r.£srss:»-^»^.... ‘


»> WiihingtOB Newsletter: by Mike Meeeoki

Big Week in Congresssrheduk- seem* too optinusUe. ^«age <a wi* lei

1 But the-itrtes tor eMctmaHt of end toe long- righ-* bJl are a«‘dab»e bate oitr *o-caUcd Fader

senriUed prtna;.

Passage of this Ifg.sUtkin ma> ral'a

•*--ea thus far :r toe Admlnistra'- in bath the House

t..m s l*ii*iaiive prograin. Every so toe only niajar Question* relate «•>«« ■--- . „™ppu-ui

•r'BSrss- ...• ♦ prov-.de severe eri-minal pcna]"<s to parodtiTbi is toe wttk that the House joy persons who interfere with toe students in tfa toftn a.

JudiciatyCammittte hope# ta com* **eKife of the righu assured all materials, teatooh*. andjdete ectioo and to report out its .eiliaai by toe CottstituUon. cUl sendees- «s shared-tl^voUiS: Ti^ts bill. JNCL a^l auspnd such Jegisia- tinases. •House Bepublicans. led by GOP ^ v Tbe bUJ would focu< Urgely

Leader Gerald Fort of Michigan * . impoverished oeighbarhsals.^toand bv ranking minoritv member » funds authonad lor ths eatabLai-WrUiatn McCulloch of Otio of tot Although the emergency situs-'ment of sup»dcinentar> edurtt, -' Judiciaiy Committee, are trying to ticn in' toe Nation and the Coo- centers for both adul , write a "niore • coefiprebjasive" gross that forced voting )egl«l3tian u-faere needrt measure than that drafted I7 the to toe forefront has delayed con- As Cangressinan Spark M » Adminiatration in an effort to /five sidcration of the Aiminjitratiot’s tjunaga pointed oot U*t Fr:_i. that legialaiian a Republican im- biU to liberahM immigration «p- ca-ening at the instalUto® d;Boer print. porainities, JACL ts hopeful that <rf toe New Vock JACL CiaoterMcABwhik. liberal Democrats toe House and' Senate Jud.ciary the lack of proper education' ciuse?

are also attempting to add provi-'Subaompu«e« <» Immigratiaa most of the proWemr =f fav.-rt- sioas to the b;ll to extend it.; c;v- and Naturalisation wDl be able to and unwnployment toa: ate rsrti erage bey'ood tor si* S.ju'hcra resume toclr public, hearings on - contributory factors in civil rgbb Stotes that have Lleracy tests sod to:* vital measure soon. violatioDe-and ua.'est•whefe less loan half of toe vsjting- Nation deny CQUsU / *age pt^wtotion was ragisi-.-ed-or j-v <rf consideration on ap tndividuar“''-a''

Und^r tor tiestoimrni-


, asd you h

viud last, November. I-•slmlalslra'aon biU. in these areas seeking entry into o-

ed Uteraey tests would be t,y ,t a lime when we are striving «d to be approved by ta;i

Ashizawa's Photographic Plates

Fannedcould be appointed to prevent crimlnaliaD in rogistering and Mg of Negroes.

mage.American to Jbllrov. but also

v’foriunately open to qu..*k. yn tro- • lure and shaBins' interpretation by ' those ecnotowaJly cegi-r to solve

otod lecturer and audnr h.‘ ^ her alleged -puhUral belivfr.

1: seeins to luv tout ccr r.-*|4H R. MhOlty. w Ameriesns and JAC: •,.e;s. in tot* crasy tn:*pd-u-i - century, i; at onw >i!npl. iCnmplcx. -For A.-ncricaiu. to

In toe House, to; ex'ianded medi- dimfiorial Secari-y bill i* cxocct d to be approved by ta;i weokesd

opposed by Chiirman Wil internal laws towarts our »«r MilU of Arkansas of the

own citiaens' Comm.ttoe. itJACL considers immigration to principal adv-OMtf hat b^ Cm • major civil rights issue too. fwssman Cecil Kmg ^ -~«»f

Beach, California, toe ranking ma­in toe Senate, its Judiciary CbtfT' ♦ member 0.1 tha: iani*t®*-il

S-kN J-'TLOfasCO-Ceorgp Hiir^i. A-h;o.ywa, Joiian.M- ar.ist. c*tn.c- rnittce is under instructions from Thp Senate Labor and Public Committee. This year. C3«;ro-.ar. It U dirturttng to ref ro man.' A.-hiiawi. r^-tired art repo r ex- dmary. d=l cxcepu'jnsl »ork a;i.t Senate itsrif to nepor out a Welfare Committee is expected to Mills favors legislaUan that r»>

Americans with a nert to be .1- pen.-has donated a valuable caller- made good living. His investmdnt «ghts bill wn later toan approve toe bill recommended by bej-ond that which was proposed}ir pateiPl:." on miHSionr ip ".-av'" tion of interesting photegrapb* ind of gfSOO in the Jalest 1916 modtl f““y- Apr.l 9. t Eduiatioo Subrommirie early by toe Admin:r:rni:T-n and incl-Hl. *uf from one to--eat «JT another. In [Lptographic glass platos -V> toe S udebuker. was one of forethought In the Senate Judiciary Commit- this wetft. thereby enabltog tor t^sUonal coverage it malar mf.t- so doint. «uch jH-nple o^.rp woul-J .1 Af»i-ttfp.a Japaceie American- and ach;evenv;-n'.. t was a lot tec.^as in its House xuitot.-ri-sr:. donate to consider Fede.-wl aid to eal and doctor bill- ard iiwresseddrny ns toe right to bea? at'o-ji }te*carch Projert. ‘morxiy to those di.vj but it w.i there ij maneuvering betw-e.-n Li>- edueattoB. cost-of-livjng bcacf.ts for some X

lies weiv made by A*b;- needed badly and See what hr gj; eral Demoents and Bcpuhi.rau* The leadership b^«* toal ih? million Aidericsn.s no» und.-r £0 hi,' teaa.v trips-to lead toe parade In d.'iuie eQU';> for a broader and ttroogcr bill, fhe Senate w-ill pass the «.3 bUlion clal Security.

tor.-Jug!iotH CalHornla K>?ie » ment-^wJiing like It in existence parliamentary infighting In Cbm- aid-to-edurabon measure in the Some IS million Americans over exlretne rigM la order i > quash years Ago. •'He got the rtoassis from Weav-.- mince, however. U camnUcated by same form as that approved b> toe age of *5, toetoding many I-se:toon who disagit-ei. - Dr. Cliffurd I. Uyeda. .ped-atri- Co.. S*l corner Van N.-ss and B-i h the eSon of the Southern Canser- tor House, in order to avoid time- and some Nisei, at-.- expected ta

• • • \ cian with toe Kaisrr F.uadaton St*., for SU«, Th.i real rdd 1 if vaUve*. led by Chairman Jam,;* caasuming and poasft^ eoatro- benefi; .iron thir eo^n?rehen^:vcTo further eompheat- iivr lot. hospital here and lorul JACL chap- d-nud-body co:t $S95.^N:orty $1.- Ers'.tond of Kissssrippi. to ‘watar- versy in a Gmference to reronctic health insurance program toa; p; •-

we (.ad.iib.*i8l causri ji.-jpirtb*a?d ter chainivan for the Jsnanese His- OOO he spent on d=rk''room. *• to down" toe legislatioei »'ith *.-nead- diffiMSV in the verstoo; passed vide* for borpital ‘, ny to.-ex-Jvmists of the*l.-f:, who tory Project, st-at toe materia!. French wood carvings and bay meats, and by the "moderitx-g" bv^fhefW cl

—- -.nnin^y bent cm e-ioatiag j»Un«: dows. cto. It wa* an handsor.-.f. irAimceof Republican Leader and ’

?: '• vart. I find the administrator l»fjei.-^ indeed. The plabI • ".rSte brsi!at-«i»«-ai.pl: >g aawa dun

f chambers. bcalto expenses dunng retir^pent.. . ____ _ _ in liBie* i.kc toe.e,

frvAdam with licouie. nod xlcmoc-. "Mr. Ashutewn has v - attractwhatever

as vgravi-ous’r coa.Maiti-d to donate somy 0: bi.-

fegro shniU-Tt .................... •“ " • " ^ “Id phBtogrxphtc gla*s plaK t^k- n graj** anj-wbrre. dove^ them H i* n, be recalled at th:* iotoovve Quit- «. fast A ntUe bit at waat -iir du.-tog his mSn.v dteerBr.'L-s -toere. making 11 x 14 edargementi that Congressman MeCWlBci,a tone to«-sav "rou v-.n-i chaav ■ '^-•A»ua»ll*iy i-*. -As American, oi toroughout Califcirnla. *<mie fif.y m the auto, which rouM be con- ,he H<w.*c and Senator Di.'k-va tS-o^roieh'r- -fapabe.*e enee*t.y. fra- -of u* w.i, year ! Tbe« 1 b.-Lcve wUl be of yerted Into a dark r»m atudio. ,he Senate were rorotme^ to te-iW a ••L't™^b‘* pregnAl" I’™'--**'*! "r-lv.-r i^wriiil interval to.u- store they At IflC Stale Fair main for paruadi^^st erf ihJ behwes the JJaiiiaal to have IhrWg a ntJ- D.. pregnzw . in our iitouthy Slan.v -J -were taken bv on lasri. and to .-,t. .s rt Remibli-anTto vy/ter ts» ^ “ »hit»o fcr ft* riaiatian.

US have k-ti/an the eQVteor.m. j.t ol ma.Tj inriar--*.-* about folJir- U... /i.-d ''. u.->-ftock'in Conlra Co'ta H lOhs Act of 1964 lari year hall in his name at the Tb- NatSanal Baa.-d is thr cxec-jWir'. aetm',u'to..v-f^ ncigbUar- in tor L.R. r-^,-v / Moravian Seminary- for Girls at Uve body of our organiaUan. >t;,h ..l WV hi..'e 1. i-n tiw;.i.bj.-r. • Enri..-vd U i: h.r:--drown Vi- takir fi'ler.'to the Si^amcol'o - * Green Pond. Pa. ns membership is cimpostd of Is;of uariB».:omg lai-ial h.iire.i. uwtr. Li-usJr> w..: an at IIJ CFaden gjite FSir m 1OT6 to nho--*knh ^ACL is'Joined with the National Srm Membenhtn BM members who at ben i•Wefcn« full*eUtoedvs-n.v.iiv Gate Arc.. San Franci*ro. tolt.r. .n iSnn" •* G^ Leaderahip C^erw* on »«• give of their spire timeirrfl-a- nc.-of thatVJkiiodof ".V<. r.. 1594. The Tsnuto Luijndr.v c3 b autaul jrrii-' medal *x>H» I>emscrau «>-• «*d of March, it was ful2ib»ait of *£.r obligatia:

dift-r- j-tejed aba-J; 40. Am^r L thM j^j.^ ^hiiveU to toe Lmnerial fam- .Ri-publicans in to* House and exhllaraUng to .note toal our Na- organteatkm. Under this R.'.../?rinto to.-S:>«u ....

liedkwted elcrgymni leavo riifety of their pulpM* lor ateeets of Scltoa a.id n.- mj-..-. .worse ycl. uni' i< killed .A w ,

~tei»ewife devoted to the sagl>V*’i ^ . Keiro American.* L< choi down r the sigh;, m an imaient that v wotdd like l i di.-uniii 9* a ii- dream, but whteli ;> unl-ift.jr;-

Pre^dent's Corner: Yoshipari -Page)limed w

1 heip't”□ his na

— BMtintssanli Frafessionit

Vaar Buslrcn Ciirv

Cacti a«r.«niLa»ji-^-.

Flower View Garicai1801 N Wenerr. A., n 4^^ AriJW wrtesnet ^'wira

CawM SeuJBti Mcr345 £ ;»a St. (12,^r,

r«. kiifeir.Da. ROT M

_ _ «-v021 ’


WakhDo-Un mjT. lots St — a *Jr^Awntirw**?’

Impoha] Lanes

JODomoto Tfavel Snfttek y. km

52i MM. St. SM 2-laWMbington, ac


al.m"! iii lilomklug. t-rtl.tr ■>: aucc/'.i

fSU7.'r,-! th.t th.- •*''’ T

anotorr ugly Kew* of thij

that su?;e,-! t ''IroubUrniaker*'

Iwe where theythey don't deserve

rympntby bi-raa*e toev «.tog tar Uooblc". el- I me trf the loud cT..^ fellow- Califantum.- heated baftli-the church sho-ald liave ir. to morality Th.-7» are . -ranienli.' from the mouth/- of g.iud CSiriit

ii-bA.-jisawa u-eJ to trnve! up*

te:- d.Twn California during toe year but L^6 and 1917.

•WeU-Preaer»tid' Manhr*i;a'.c in tnil.;*:; it ____ loZtacUy clear.that wr

tiand sitarvly bihind toe rl<b.- gj. ,tjii ^rsve* into and dig:^..v of all Anicncan.'. and fr.-Queiitivei; J>.0.!IL-*. _ ■ ■-Itei -Us i-aomtoe taante rmd makeciTtoa'. beiq[ e^ul ml to be *y.„jy a retrtarkal.ly

-■P,-4hc a turn

■* To Ptil! drive.* into San Fikacisoo w.-yrt ifiiitiy to a»»T.-l *-->elal rchoci)3j -in tV ci:y fj.m Bte.h3me JU-ri- infira. Ja*t foulifoa lac rtaft, Ij.ii

n onsj-to th;

I* tobiautiful jrrii- medal Hight.* ............................................. ............ -. - -- ------------- - --- ^eU to toe LTiperial fam- .Ri-Publicans to th* House and extolaraUng to .note toal our Na- organtoation. Lrter

Ja;-an ^ Sraate to adopt fewr ba».,Fr'xn this ’Ijisd of the Riv'ns teTKOdment* to strengthen and ®,n percent of lari j-ear’s total. * S^eat deal of haai.ean, If coi.

in Februjry MS. at snails mon Tnea.ntogful iht .Ad- <3n -to.- basis of this projerixm, *v inefficitney.age of seveau-en. to make W"’*"'V**'°"'* ngh-s fci.l «a“d an excellent chance to ^in Today, we are »o---hist;ra;.-d to

su.-rc.-q> to a land <j! oppt^nUy. "nic fvjr amendments being pusht-d » “ow' all-time high ft*r the post- know ta« we can t' pragm* tef-U.vida sad A-butnwa. txr* To PalMdetjAia's Xrwac School he *>•' war period, E\v.-y chapter 1* fectively- under toil son of marac--....................................... " w.-nt for 3 years. Only one other eUmmate the poU ux a; «r«rt te pursue toeir membersihip ment, We need to emptoy. expi-.s

school U like it—at Low-eH. Mass. * restnciion on voting in Mate and <*n'es relenUessly! •' - ,n parUeulag field, of pursu;;. Onrfuncti.Bj -to tv ci:y ff >m Btejiome !U-ri- he irarntd chemi.riry. and the rieriioiif, as weD as to Fea- Tbe NC-WN -eontmues to amar- concerns nw- i,i the aoed f;r

iulitog clays; bL-o repair- ‘ • togly reach a new huto Tear afvr « profe*skmai in the realm of pro-china, and vare* f».> allw prospertfve re%i*- year. San Francisco leads the w-av €*■»» and activities. We *o-'cl.v

. . -rferi Engfirh Fcaruary -”*”*-* t^ apoly direcUy to Fesferal with as unbelievable hKal of IRli ■ person who can struen;-.-.A di-.rr!;«ton .of AshiuwVs ac- 17. tsifi. he married the- b«-a-jtifa! • - -

I Vieuiani .d-v.- g •; : ««*oi»sb!j equati-d with the toc.-it - of Uring Xi^etal trno-to jn Alabama.

instead of^r.rrt t.-ymg falkpwcd by San Jsse with I.IM. i *"®5 of membsrship tot.-re-tstite officiaL': txmgfatulate toe officers, and the ta get their partidpalioo to.-rco' deearom .perhaps stunts da tr.-Mes a haL’ ri-ntorj- ago- wvi* lad.v m^i-d frran Madama Butter- “> ♦«:*ter with strte rtnirisLn

_ ______________ drm.,m:r9lrf^rtto«|W^^^^^^^ in toe DecemVr. fly. Sj.to Silx-jk:. To them were , coverage ^ the tea^ip rt these two'wUteodtos «> can „ ,■JTuddlf c!«.s CaUirriian toward authority, or vx-X.-ff «if P.iny Expres*. a bidoricui tx>rii a p«ir of dm.- clrjdten wb-a tegtriuUan to authorite any persan chapt-ns * categnrics‘-too— Lt then- r-xjud thu>J.jiK b.hmd (•chliratian. which wa* 'abo for- were later educated. Bov * te vi>e 1 ,.iu--,v„ ,« v i. ' ' All-ii. , . wthe to: alMif: -Whv V..-lm ^ «- Um. and Simiito.. Mar MJ^-b-rc to the country to receive f’t:'.iml Selma— I tliink not Ewe a. ‘ It 1. JAX • th.' V;itfi‘o. of this li-gi,U-iw-and ^ u ^ “te a^e func.jn- w}-,

a relriively untofi-med sxersir ^ S^'T •” ^an h>an- ;Thc'Jhpanese born g.-r, a- ha.*' PWide maximum P-teU?.. bT ?to"™!**"."’j^Jnericoa. wVre toU-roati-«l di- tu V gnroi on ^lou io regirirasns and voter* from «u,r tori^^cy aBd*teU-Ki.an*hipi- i-tfi; •*«» nee* wr.i----------------------------------------------------------------------the w-oll toward 1.V prturc of what *“ «r.nomic and ph.vsicial intlmi- »^ 'if 2 'cerned toe iMis'-.-* R.f >n • .-rr -m:-h-cr-.e.->f hrhp m ac«om;-l; li- - . • • was one- h:s aride and ia- dattoh..BO(i roervajn »•«« mark *n;;-h should be easily a?P«»pmU9ns Tii; ij‘t-- ■ Historv Pro ect— ■ • .srssii^i^sy'.'r

1 ;..«d E.1V. t-.l- . Cj,..ma,.lTOTl P.CT1 “f™ “i l>- -««n..to.I l.Ktel

^ ^ ; ,• ; . . li?-- SS/5S t ^ ^ r SSTA’ISi iSSTSSSiSL%<^£?3Si^^.S

, gEi..i5—sfar -meat Id tak,' ever-local TT.T--1- o, ,,s. 9., - • - —^lives. People who b«\c never re.'.i -prs-h,.,


TRADIN6 (0.• AP^ilAMtS . TV . FJH

3» L FIRST ST -LIUMAt/ion 4-6&21 12 3


-4.85%-Rrtani pMJgr 6>«aMd

• CufTvnt Rata Paid Quartarijr

• Intuiwd Savifigi IMCommoniPultarfon. CalK. TRejan t-4244

c:-hi.o,i'jr., l-.(t te; n:*!-b

1-.1t Ir; t;.v h\v tost j. . .............................. .»'.XT:;5*;,r;!rtj;« -.viiia'i '.ef tS.-v

.on the cynfci bsndw-agan w.Th -r--g-« • wa t-f-r -arc-•ter'-r’-

. atomU of iymo.jaite M .•-* «-l.k.. tV IL-i , RcH. anj at^. Lto-ro.. • 1 like thnt -rr ifld.vid-aa). How many of our solM. m*Jd)f cC-.;'te rc'^i.r.-h'IH.r. in • ^ks eitamiT know poverty **■--,., u.-u.I-d ti.-ar-.' •: -|a k:h^

«'i-1’.mmnJ.thtok-*i-Atoo‘.m:ad. .backjvd. . and cuj^j.ri-uur miad-'un.l h/'rts

I thM I ddnl wall>- .th»t bund of jratotic -.iirvr-, k^ f.rel. hand what jt .was o3 rtsrol.nc to ,-ur commor , about,yint.l 1 gw d:r,-rtly involved. *{»,. real-rf-atierha.rt.osamembertoioreoonDrrtim-n Prihs; < to that way JACL can

ran rmufe H, litOe to: b> • th.- What ^ «m» of u* CMtowniati* ..-.,„*-.oev to th.- -G.-eat Sa.-ietV

know about tec to cMied Fr.v ^i- 1 meSpeech Movrm.-nf aT-wy- aim* • . | ......'rhater. tee limverMti- of Catitor.ia.asitk- Irom tee p.v'.ure of iit il:.- .RSQV'.CO.lteSt Winner mate and imfcrtatiu!.- nnibol. M:. I'A-i.^II^A -aaton Motnuntoo's Savjo? Wa.Y bi.t-k when, rf^n't c**.y on "Pusadau; .A Cok|ue bavi-auxnethmg 10 d.i wite alUdus'.* City" w.m f.r>t pr-o.- afWariiing- having the sam.- t^Rdv0c..;i icn Jr IV^h SaSsM! U,.>t wreV in cause* on tee BbikL-ky campa . The annual H.-torica! So-'tewtlhey hajt-Xi: c.bz.;i* aa;.- cte;v‘, ' r.i,-...-. r »,:nlor highwhere? la-tlLs whoV- b::*e one to scbvrf .tud-tr >. Sh.-i* tec daaglrt.-r "commies tefcieg oier'UC?" Can- trf Mr. and Mr--. J.-hr. Ms-nm.v-> wider alto the w-e-i-acc of eev.n.J -W -r than lJf» fto-f-T, s portli-I Ranart among ih.- d.-monriraV.-r- tiatii. T: ro w-.-r,« ;»*Bt teat iwrs.malj.iej. the ta-uv va.h i-. :n.r jn-ar-i wlrnier*.

a ,-j i.r.d I riri:.!l;;>

JACt MAJOR MEDICAL HtMIHPUWllsiBtui jAci Ci. i- r-T. .- -s. te./* c» ..a,-, .* r , j;,.... p^j

— t30PV£D BY — •Cenlrat Celiromia Ditlrfci Council

HIrt ki/aiJ. «75 h AoVi itt 233,bl71Pacific Southwest District Covncil j

JkCt 125 H'ellfr *1 l-.. A-..-;..,, u* 6.«7" — UHOriWFlTTUI AT —THE CAPITOt LIFE INSURANCE CO

ATO S MR VICCRTE B1.V0. LOS ARCEltS. CAUFPM CNM U:--y H.* ,l . .rn L-IN fa5J-it«3

IjY do so many JACL members

prefer BLUE CROSS?Blue CiiisNlias lui-u lliriliotiv ol JapanfM*-.AmiTi>--aii , (laitjUM- diajiti-ri in S'orflHTu Califoniia for IT r

■ year- Hin- un suiiic ordlii- n-asoii.s viliv;. • .Bliii' Almss «Tvii-i- is tmiMiiitial. You ituTt^y pn - MTrt swir Rlu<> Crorii cird at iIh* h<wi>ilaI-th(Tc is 110 « rrd tape.

11 trai d .mtsitJ.- of Galifonjia. benefits a !.‘w4«it' hi tin- vv-urld.

• Biuv ClruM |jai> for most hospita^-rvices in full. /iliHv not limil you toa‘'L-ashalloMaiKT-*' . '

• Blue Oosi:iiSvrsboth-iur-pita]aiKl.doctWL-arebftt<-- -hU pn a KTOup or individual tNLvis.

• It is the oiily^-aith jOan offit-UHv endorsed l>v tbr tailifomiii Hospiul Association and tbe .American Hos- pital^AL-ajriathm.

_ proposal for yiiur own J.ACl,write your iHtuwt Biw Cross o&x- —For a Blue Crow

I lurtiT.NpWsi-wri . ____________

• ill OaLlaml. Sun Fram-isco. Shcniimiitu. San Jose ... Fnvnn - or pH in tomb' ivilh tin* Inxnranct- l>ircc(orv«>l lIu-J.ACI.-BhH

^rBLUE I CROSS fIWi/Vk u I,i n yuu nrtd it moaf


-- order■we, our jnvmbsrship daei

d™. Si. r-' " «»= -irciaic teat *> many chapter serviee* ' }

iMakes one ^ to know one



...And men who reall.v know perfoVmte-riiE Los An,ol». 'ance know Yiunaha. That's becau.so all and destination h

Champiun. There s ii bit of checkered *iniaha.flag in ever\- Yamaha built.

The Cobra pictured above, and the Yamaha Rotarj* Jet 80 are both J>orn of competition and built for safety. Couple this performance with Yama- -ha^if new oil injection system, biy dust aiuJlwaterprovf brakes, bij bike styl­ing. and you've got a real champion.__ ia a winner, tpo4>n]y


_PACIFJC CITIZB ffidty. April 9. \96S

i By Bill Hoiolmwii

From tlio Frying Bcm

^_»MAI,WPUU» UAUa HAPPENEB -anTK^°iu, ercisc in conjecture, serving no useful or conclusive pur- ^ whatever, let us project, whal is happening today in pees like Selma. Ala., backward almost a quarter ptotun' t us suppose that in 1942 the more mihUnt Nisei, led by a irisiian minisler, staged demonstrations protesting that eir civil rights had been abridged by the evacuaUon order.Ul us suppose that these Nisei, affinning their complete

pity to the United SUlcs and all its. insUtuUons. pledging defend the cation against all enemies foreign and domes- , demanded as American citizens that they be permitted live in their homes in the three Western sUles without

irrassment. Ut us suppose thal'they marched on Gen. John ^DeWilfs miJilarj’ headquarters demanding that thev be ■operly charged individually as required by la«, or be ^ven eir freedom.

Would thm-e have been Caucasian Americans, moved by iegal justice of the Nisei cause, joining them in their pr<A

ft marcli’ Would there have becttprayers in the streeU d men on horseback clubbing tljr marchers and exprei'- ns of horror from the tt’hite House? Or would there have en a nationwide wage of anger and hysteria, fanned by »r fever, djrccted against the Nisei?

As it was, the Nisei demonstrated their loyalty by cooper- ng in their own incarceration. And partly as a consequence this cooperation they won acceptance m their o«ti counlrj' rhaps a generation earlier than if hislon- had nin its course accfully. The difference « that the Negroes have been uling a hundred years for their deliverance, aud measured the lifespan of men. that is a long, long time in wdiich to patient.

SJvc Documents for .Japanese ilistory Project


SriO Cr»t*w BhC. Ui Aiigtla W


iiiiliiJSiian-nHHi su frucisco kfig us mseies

SATURMrUID SUNOW SAT. 7:30 S:00 PUza-7J0M ajKuur m

TIb Bantot Tolgm takcf^at pleasure in brln^ nntie from-botfa the East and West-fdr >-our Ifatcning enjoyment. Ibe half hour pregnuns will feature Japanese orehestras a^ musical groups performing a wide range of musical compositions, from ancient to modem. In addition to authentic traditional and contemporary music Of the Far East, the prqgwas win also.ipdude the woda

Western con^HJsers <rf iheharoque, romantic, dassieal and modA periods. Mimh of timjnusic robe broadcast hat aeve^rifate bren baud in this

MAlMWinp 0«6E ^ F. JWN COOBl anitCH ABE ftam m a.si|nuM


Wd-caanWi ■ t'VerUtnds . P-inlua VUM7

S«(Ult E'SpoklW

littr vmtm

►'M. OL..*. n.

/V6^ cMprea AeAse/ssu/fy PEgfasMAK'cs-:;<e tc to TO fo « 100 no

Metric san-NwesT j


MoBtEfljr Ptnhwli

Stiinii VaitnaV Sm aeniloa v'Sii FnviKta

St” Jou Sts waue StenitSensat Ctutira

VSucUaa WtlKCHlm

V camut eauF.V atktrjfItM v-CiBEisa ✓Dtltst

FcitltrV Fttwo

Pflltr att^r Sjujw SttatTrin Cogin*

FACWC SWIHWEST An»oiCttcWt Villff 0e<nutn LX.

I less ItirrS. oxr ■ tx:rrt-. 1«6« .Tout

Wtarjwronfwlan^-p?VBt^|(^|iW , -House isk isfre is seek 3,ist|ii^ ^■i So.-nc fOurc«i betwve

•lao’-aJ ebaatet wtB «e snide Id

Mrs Mink is caie o! thr.-e :i:i-trw ortiidi 'em caatider .

e «r hs

Lend-lease deal for Murakami ared

J Ran Oaiori t tomerS«tUe L'aneniy baKtali sUr •ad Bs- Japinr**, »rt» pJb.vk sec­ond ud third baie tpr ttc Hoo- fhima Carp-. »auU Ufer ts varic «4t » lead-tea^ asreemst with ta« Naakai UaaAs whp are *in- faruJei with the S.R. Oanh over ptirher Masapor Murakami Spa^t wrdcr Harr? MissUdne

ot th? Spukesman-aevww bare was tntd bv Omar, he erould 8ke to r)«r is the' U£.. but the Chips vaat him baek. Oman ia waitias <o-' a trvaui arith the Hawaii 4a- taBde.-s. He lives ia Lake.Wash., durins the on-«ehsaa' had

Murakami kas wld he waats to ~ staT m J&fWD bechuar plairiac beseoeU id the SUtet laade tSm hemasiek.

|l-Tctn( Hi;h ir. 1H5 te NllWitt Ku”4b|rtcr( ti d MM.» SS

TELEVISION — IjBt Monday night, all 90 stations of National Educational Television network broadcast the

ltd program of the ncUvork's six-program examination'of c world population problem. This chapter was titled “Ja- ut Answer in the Orient" and it told wit^^considcrable ill how educated Japanese couples dedM to keep their Billies small—in their own interest and that of their chil- an It also told bow. the Japanese people, uninhibited by ifious restrictions, brought about the fastest decline in rth rate ever recorded.

.M the same hour in the Rocky Mountain time zone telc- non stations carried Hollywood’s annual orgy of sclf-adula- m. the'Academy Awards presentations. _

Which program did you watch?Maybe that’s what’s wrong with the world.

The ET\’ fUip. ipcidcntally. was beautifully put together, odlcd the problem sympathetically, .^ot^ other things, taought out that the average age at marriahe for Japanese en is 27. almost 25 for women—nearly years higher lan in India. j\nd the average Japanese family has only tVo lildren. r

BIG BUSINESS — I’m indebted to Joe Oyama of Neu' irk. the Japane^ pickles and canned goods tycoon of Ams- rdam .\venue, for a copy of the financial statement of the fak of Tokyo Urust Co. which has two offices in Manhattan. K report lists Georgo Yamaoka. Nisei attorney and foraer attleltc, as secretary and director of the firm. Thp company so lists total assets in excess of 89 million dollars, which a iol of yen even in this .age of the inflated buck. AH of tiich may give you an idea of how big business is these days, d the role some Nisei have in It.

15 Mter Sm Frandtc* popular SMg coolest

SAN FR.lNCiSCC>-Fxftee.-5 ectrivf have signei in the Rad-a Lil To- Iq-o Japohc.'e popular K>na eoQK^^*. la be held .Ap.-U 11 at th.- Scor.ah Rile Temple here as the forma; a.td )udc^ a«re anaMace^ toda.v.CoBtest^u wkU si^ rare ve.-i-'-

of Ibeir favarHc sotta in tha p.*e- limioaries startinf at 6 p.m. Tae Shi&sci Band «-ill entertain be­tween 7 and 8 pjn. while ‘he judges 5el^ ti^ hnaKsU. who will lx- reraTled from 8 p.m. While Lhi- fmal judging takes j4aor. a guest ar.iAt wdl pertonn. Jcdgk.-s are:

~ lr»Der of Shin-

Dr. Togasoki honpredTOKYO-p.-. G«sr^ K. To-.arsi:. RaUr?- JaumatianaJ official aad former JiTan Dmes publisher, was iu-.-itxled the har.jrarj- degree of Oactur of Humane i«ttirs at 'tlv: aiiBh commencctncBt exercises of International CbrtSian U.".ivcrsit7 Mar. »\

HirobunJ ttuiifuc-hi. IrsOc •ri Bond; MichiVuso Ilnira, Sen V*!»ikw«-.i offirr or . l^io' Jock Kusobo

i*» «inira, iTianoerr. rfirr or Joiwn Air .o or JACL lujd trust Eank” Kaiuma Ikc- or. KWhi Bd TtmeL

(Otof. HokubHand lu-aeUsmichi.Flvf cash prises, from SIS tn 830.

'ranciaco JACL. co-sponanrs, oouaced giStt havw also been catwed fram YoiMha IWBSruuU.

ivw also______ _______ U, ________

V5M9 -Snfcirak! and Cho^Oia -prnl-are available from Kap­

ler members at S1.2S per perron..

Monument dedicated in memory of Denver ksei

DENVER—.A paia-t.taking effort to leant of two early day Denver IssJl whose remains are buried at River, side Cemetery began this week foUowUig a dedication of a monu- mest to thc:r me.-npr;- here.Cunlchi, Shimoda of the Tribute

BuddhiA Oairch. in dtarge of the pt^ert. said'Kiku Oyama was 25 years bid when ^ died in 1894. Six years Uler in I«b. Daniel Ha- giri. «. died and wa^ Iwried tbe.-c. Ris initial search of cemetery rec­ords indicates that these two were

_Jhe first Issei to be buried ;Ury.

FmW Kgh Souoi stor io Tei^st’ proBucMop

rOWLii-Fowlcr Hi^'s pridur- tiaa of-rTeahouse «f tiic -August 113^-, ■ ihi. Moei 1,A-

Kikuta. former Fcwler PaU Festi­val queen, as Lotus Blassam.Tne combined junior-sentor da.^s



Western PioneerOAKLAND-The d.ri-str'rs uf the Westcr.i Raneer Insurance Co. aad the Western Pionerr F.nance Co.. eleeU-d at their restjee: slockhoiikrs'87. have declared a d;-. d.SD ceols ncr --hire oc th.-J-I stock t-> be oaid o £6 to stockhHders ol

2. IMS. it was < id V. Kitake. prw5idea-.^bt

; eempanies.

News Deadline Tuesday

It Pays lo Advertise


Tae KEMOTO. G8L UOL»5 t IK Sl, Ub ABgdft

HA 4-S77STW 3-4040



probably 4he fir in thalAjiwU-

Support Our Advertisers

<>^>REFitl0aATiON<&A» HEIBOW Ce.

Ctnifletf Service 'or Orw 25 Vtan Sam Umemdto.

Ueeased Contractor 1506 W. VEmor Ar.. L.A. AX 5-5204

Nisei secretary leeded for 'card”index' memory

W-ASHLNCTON - A unique honor bestowsd upan petite Ehko Ns-

^ at•ling of the NVjnnal I

-Assn, of Alcoholic Beverage Im-



upun peti rita. fvrmerty of Los Angeles, at

the Nationsthe annual mbelii Clo>rt mry Wo”Say DrcorEied Cakes for Estry Ouasisa

'‘assisumt: eot W b.v.haj two ,

porters in New York recently.' She ; wa.k fonaall.v designated •'ass secrc'Ary" after ameadtaest b laws.The f'Mut noeguitfi

decades of diatinguiM men: with the association. -•'H.-r card-index, encyclopedie memory con'jibuics grta'-b' to the orderly operation of the office.” associati'-vn secretary Maurice W. FuUius do- dared.Miss Nariia. evacuated to Heart

Mountain WR.A Center, came here to work in the liquor divistao of the Office of Price Ad.’ninislro'Joo in Dct'/ber. 1M3. She left the OPA ;n D>>cembor. IMfi. to take the job she has hdd ever since M;h the !in|»r.er;i._


TOSH YUJIRt TEL. 724-0488

Toyo PrintingOfFwt • Letterpress - LMiplm

309 S. SU.KmO ST.L« Aaseks 12 — MAdu« 6-U59

Aloha Plumbing Shop PARTS A SUPPLIES

—RepsifS Our Spetillt/— 1948 S OnM. Las Atgeles

n 9.4371


315 E 1st St.. Los Angela 12 UAdisM 5-8S95


Tt« roest H Haw FareMHp 3420 W. jmarsoe BM.

tM A^a 18 — K 1-nu


EngLbh toC Jaganne114 W«]l«r St., L04 Angela* 12 MA 8-7060


Tlie SumitQrao BankOF C.ALl|=ORNlA

Head Office—a^i~franeisca-3f^CaEl^Bl»S’.* YU 1 S25S , ■ -lOTc. ih Snrq • lOS.’il

t surd • TrecUi Sbert • ltt4<SlI

I .Zt li'U-


Oii.f • 9a-Lc - Cixkulh SUeirAXI • JAPANESE MOHS

31C t rint Sl Icn A-grIii • VA 9-M29


Li'l ff*a 1 fir.r^t Cliop Sofj HouwSAN KWO LOW

Furmr. C^ione Food2j« Ea,l Fir.1 SI. Lo. Aogolot MA *.1075


SaUjmi — Tcoew*

204K E. tm St,I LA. MA BoBOM '

AuiNeoiic Canw.< - Lrncr.rs-s Oi-vierj Oailj - Cocktal Lm^ SmtiyLzis 4

Cool Place to Eat • Noon to HMsiiih fCkws;^ Tueutan)


320 E. let S., tm'Awta Phene Orders Teken

MA 4-2953


the new moona -btoiiurb eauundla rousrMt Wfrr,,, aair-.-Btaa d Caataww tMa

j i>bcato4a9l2San»Saa .PMrT »t,wt. L« AoMi Pww lumw I-MU

mMan Fook UwZ- Cr-dw CRiww Feed fS 91.2 So Sas PeOrr Sl .... L« ArsfiM 15. CilH.



»75 Mi IWG WAT — BA 4-mi|


fOtoe « Soathtn Caltfania'i Mas EambKa Sha«h.La


PrMto Panjer. Cadtaii. Baaouet FacOWa — KX} Vetlunoto Aemru* N«l>tlr —

3888 Crenshaw. Les Angeles, AX 34243

When in EI^ . . . Stop at the FriendlySteckmefi*$

CAFE —CASINO • .Elko, \

IMPERIAL. Buffot from $3.00

litkati irnmta Uti Plnneh fr^ 1




:»->Ac.r.cF.T.zEK —7- Fr-Ky: April >, .wi pjviiDC Clwpler of Ycar AwBfds slalcdBy Elnwr Offnra


. Op*n Heuiiing BinTinlM

UOS ANCfiLES—'ACL ehapr.crs la Tiif chapfrf-fluciL^oruiaire* are Uie PaiXc Sou-iw«st Distncl due Apr;! 20 and lupplA^mentary Council »ri- oat quertior- iu.-r-\ may be submiJled bcifm thenaire. this »eri lur the 1904 Chap- May Ilef of the Year Award JO be pic Prev«oV{ PSiWlX.' Chapter of s-.nt«l May 1 at the forthcoiirfhs- Year .1. L'lrt CooIu.il Cooveiitiof. a: lasi.K

Chapter Call BoardDfATHS

nE^on Ma rvAt^V

c a.1. li^rM il/i I.>_.an4 1.A la-------- -ail lau Aiuteln (VMh. Ouma)>Utai Loai CuK-e. rDr Das-ld Mhini; 1M« Lonr beach <Or. John KadUwatu-

Ht-acb.The award iocludes a gavel to

the presMeot of the honored chap-«r anil inacTiplion of the chapter's ihn.«DarA,. ta» #unname on the Dr. Roy NUhikawa '«A”."4SfilwSfpenx-lual plaque. The prcSci^tatioD AneeJe* c«ii Tvy Kane*ali

/" Seattle and cur-ailmtot of aervice with will be made at the convention * ■cK-il rigbte leg. every raae in lares, benqucl at Bdgewaier Inn by Mas a aaA TI L U i

•nte bUl would .uc«r ^ jOQQ Qu[j

* -------The progress of

"lalaoba suffered a eetbaefc in Olym wif lut week when House Bill not more than n a znondigoo died in conmittc!. It la the each household to. subsidize the mltiee chairman. bOl which would projjbit real ef- Seattle transit syrtan and could re- award i* made in rorognitioa gj Report: JACL Head-tate agents from <h»crimiaatio.-i ,n suit in a kA'«j«4 of fares. Other ^ otitstanding program and activi- quarters ackhcmledged 78 new and the sale oe renting of housing thinkers on the subject allow that during the year under a point ,^enpa-ai jooo Qub memberships It was first brought' out of thr a tax of ensideraWy less than a jyajcni devised to cover member- <«urmx the last half Martii for

House rules committee by the tin- dollar will be suffident to cover ^lip.. public relations, community . montt^ total of J.6C-tiring MTorts (f Sam Smith, mil- the deCcR. service. Pacific Citizen, quota per-.r ma rfkr- snake River—George £u-t«T Negro represemative <S7ih AnoAer facet to transit suhridy formance. youth, etc. «aa w-ttftriet) « CM.rmpia. 1116 Bouse.pUnning would build a monoraU —a_...a-------- H*?mOMwer. passed the bill by a 72-south to Tacoma, and north to C vote, but once in the Senate Everett. With freeways and super- flules Conanittee. it languished, hi^rways

The Qtapter of Year Awardmittee will r

overcrowded the P5W

before the deadiine. e^s a "hrUa to the, commuter s „ , Hiror.aka.- - ■■■ - scrat. is no*’ problem, and {danners aee ’Ae _________ 1________________________________ jam«* K ^kuhAfs;_i>etroM—Goorge

the Wi

Ud> Vnt: S»n ____ _______I4ca Year: Berkeley—UasuJI Fulu:

Ehetnoiot system ma Seen r>im »i

I ties for the rapidly g.-owiag eastatnney Chiles Stokes, only other side when the third Lake Washing- Negro to have served in the sUU .un bridge 6 to be buUt.

lie. Teg.


pastor of nera; it Church. . «

. iCBfitinued from Front Page)logtsUhae. Although HB 200 tailed.Jt nevertheless attracted much ai- tentinn. and most cf the credit for artist progseis ha* tpo- made goes S'**" **", to Sam Smith for his doqttcnee behaN of. the measure on the fin- . ^gjgj on TV. or- Sealtb. as• tbe rih is <me of the sUto's record It. _ ..tafnvity disTicts. Slightly more Seattle. TMcas. got duringtiton baV cf its populatton 1, Ne- *** “«*'• period,gn. and there are substantial Ori- Never Ihg enough to have itt Se^el. *tio was a servant with

Just about everyone ^ws that San Diego JACL.V. iU name sodn after the . The Rev. Bume ... .. ,

founding of the setUetnent k I8S1. the Venice FTOe Methodist Church.a fri - - ■ - ■ -

L fur his efforts and assistance ]

__________ Conlra CoeU-JIre rujtliSwrammlo—Edward HayaihL Maiao Ntaluml. Charley Vamanxrto; San Die-


Harry KaOoya:Cnicagp—George htatsu-

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ „ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with ur». Tularr Counly-^oe ShUnaji.ental and Jewish tegmeoU also, own poet rMfice. Seattle, in Cbryell the Los Angeles PoLcv IV-pt b:>- *‘Tr°T?t-“T rtijiu:'-.Tir’ ;:.r' r rs 'c'S-.s irr:The Governor's stgoature went Now a part of Fbrt Hoad. Seattle among the few -citizens wlm pr>>- Hiaa. auim^:—Ichiro laokawa ~ '*'*****'*'' .... - ^anolber bill that affects us all. is little more man

JK Is the one that allowi !0 of the country-style gci l^er munlcipabties of the slate does have a teli to levy a Uz to siibaidire transit long distance operator got Seattle. H.- also protected and

Japanc.se_ ...................... . .’artelephone. Because a*^ffi-pite of attacks from the prc:~ “■ - nr.->« ■ ihihara;. SacramcBle—George OUni:

San Pernando VaOry—Dr. Ssabo S -.............................la—Johnioo SakaU:.

patofOi. For years now. Seattle’s Texas, eoeduaed with ScaOle, Wash- the property of evacuated Oiktfwise excellem system has ington. and that’., how the story ne>e stored in thebta suffering patronage losses came to light. ^uaa a^. _______

CaiT was a mentoef of the Pasa- Jitra* irerveShank. Delano—Jeff Pukawa: San


as pjsffsis-.Ifl-OB Confe- SarranwDlr ----------MettrorUl

- Oenwal Her— ----------------------- --


■nlo—Au»eur» Memorial Hall t pm

SealUe-^I^Dc” me«

d2‘ ■

aaa a oiciiwa.*! ua mk r^aaa- aara. irmc AKCoa. aams oewConmitfcc l„ .F.1T PUj ‘aSySSTrl

Which acted in the firm eonvietton. MairywiUe-Takeo Nakano (i

Ssn Oiego JACLLau* The Siu Diego J.iCL l.iuu

pj'...ue.‘iaii *ad Japalicaea::l»er Wiil be ht-hl -Ji haturiJa.y.Ma.v tS, 7 3U pil, . Uir FiliuUij American Veterans Hall. a«U Mar- fcrt Si. Admissioo will be SS ocr jgrsoa. True to the luau iradilian. bSStotgr. dress Hawaiisnshirts kSI muumuus. .Mas AsakawB. assisted by Mrs.

Umeko Katt-anwto and Mrs. Graew T'Uida. is in ^large.

Downtown LlA. JACL Somner School: Tbe'Monterey

Peninsula JACL Japanese Lan­guage School announced its sum­mer schedule, stressing enversa- tonal Japanese, will s'.art July' 10 and end Aug. 28. New students s-hould register with Rev, K. Ueno •phone 375-47771.

Milwaukos JACL Dance Oiaai Under Connie John-

un's instnicUoD. the first Milwau­kee JACL dance class proved to be better attended than expected and sitooequnt classes »tU be held at the Intornatiooal Institute on Saturdays. Apr. 17-. May 29, June 36. Sept. 25 and Oct. 30.Tbe Jr. JACLers were disappoint­

ed with the "old-fashioocd" music and have bew allowvd'.to bring tbeir own music at future class

Monferoy PoninsuU JACL FIR laUnds: Fr. John Yamasaki

of St, Mary'* Episcopal Ctiurcb will speak on his recent visit of the Fiji Islands at the Downtown L.A. JACL luncheon meeting on Thursday. Apr. 24. noan at tbe EigAu Cafe.

PlocM- Ceufffy JACL CoDDBiHr PtoaiTi Ttie ITtii an­

nual PJaetT County JACL commu- DRy. picnic this Sunday at the JACL Recreation Park ladjacen: to tbe Penryn turnoff on Interstate SO) is expected to draw S.OOO per- sm. according to FVank Kageta. picnic chairman, who promises an aftenoon of fun and frolic for all

lor all wbo participate, according to prize ebairman Geurge Hiraka- wai. cnu-ctoinment anJ Japanesr movirf a: the PUtei Buddhist HaH frwn 7 90 pm.

Ssn Jose JACLWekMne PWlsetii Ttie San Jose

JACL welcome member ix>tluck dinner on Aiw. 24, 7 p.m., at the Buddhist Church Annex will fea . Hire the dtowmg' of tbe CBS-TV film: "\isei-^e Pride and -the Shame Prospective Jr. J.AfXeri are specially invited, aewrding to Grace Bane.- wbo is in charge of arrangements.Helen Minela. chapter seboUr-

sbip chairman, revealed candi­dates selected by local high gpbooU for J.ACL sebedarships. will be in­troduced.

, Ragtime DotfOea: Five squads are scheduled for tiM 4tii annual San Jose JACL ragame doubles, being beRJ on Saluiday. May 1. at the 4tb St. Bowl, storting fram 7:» p.m.Competition. wiU be divided into

too divisioos with condiined aver­ages totaling 320 or more in the upper half and those totaling 319 and under in the lower half. Ibose without book averages will be en­tered at 150 fer men and 110 fur women.James Taketo. chairman, is be­

ing assisted by':Si

Agnes Okemoto. 'Ragtime records are:StoBta: 300 Mas. Shine (tSto). Bt

Lucy Mlniiflwm i

-“Ha-riLirs;____ __ «_h'


BACRAMEXTOAokl. Katsu. » Stockton. Apr 1-brSuUl.^ M Glen. 0 Csrol >»Etjb“SK«'t,rr

ntasi. Mn. Juichiro HwU iJsptoi).Inito'^Halime. 70: Mar to—« Biseko. d Mr* Robert MurakamL br- Ham Yamasaki, su Mr* Tom Notusda.


kalani iJapan’. br MaiairtiL 4 ge. CBICACO'

Aya Mar IS (formerly o. CaW I^^pr--S»>D. De'-e,

uMuma.’b^AkM. itoni. Makou. Yo-

lii’Aa^^Dd James Vagi

CR 2-1015 ^ JAMES S. 06ATA

triangle/ CIMERI. INC.

Shimatw, Ogatj and Kubota Mortuary

911 Venice Bltd.. Lot Ai*ete

n 9-1449

--sail ’Ourr osata-^—ft. Y07AKA KUMTA—

poUuck. Niert despite peraemal pressures and is4sy) economic rids, to assist evacuees, So.~Ji.,.i<—T.w«-eii'-ivye.- *«rTitnTn'«tng. oiyntfde Nisei scivicemen and resetUers. Be VaOey

10 ajt will si

Angeks-PS'.v NtokI Relays

»srW£. K„was also a staunch suppoRer of J~ACL's program to remove the dis- *■:


ilf SSiSi' 'hS""Si.‘.S.S, E'SS.""' I™lieotLi.l’tlc.-nnx; &<Kut-n B—I.* s

___ _Sl- ■

Nomurs: Chkwe^FSnake Ri*-cr—TWdto S —Joe A. Wood

fC.taatnrdayy 'Cbcsfer Gannon) legislz-

Board* San rtiuwis(-b--jr JACL muatcat: *N-e interim committee hearing

fast Ssroetwaler ftoU^^Ul. a-U _____________ titot the EvtoCUktlOB was Sh OD- roa T«n Soake RJver-Ham »u-lary injustice. ktoj»:also promoted early resettle- Puk, Odanaka: Delrrlh-Ceoree Oka- of evacuees, urging miUlsiy^moio: sacrameato—Ed m. T^unaga:

commander* to remove tbe-told ui ®*f?T2»rftosi ^^XSetaSisam SJ.'hrS



ncMMaryJr. JAQ qMCR endidat* — «picked by San FrancbcooRn’tourstau H«^'' pidted by San FrOncHce commander* to remove tbe-Sidui ®*ftt‘?2»r^

... .............. ********1 ■ S\N m.^NClSO>-M:>o Ota was *>on against persons ot Japanese runita, Kia**10** m. si lecte^ Mis.< Sun Francisco Jr. aacestrj-. Itie Carrs had a number

Apr. U tTwesday) as;;>&osrd meelifiB.'•Ysrs...AprU 1« tWedatsday)

Veslee-GilTCr-Jr JACL

. * srlecte^ Mis.i Sun■ . ^ J.\a. iind will irprc**'” •* tor alUbe NC-DYC r) b?in/held April 24

with Hollywo^ J Jr. Hl*K m ^

------------- o«


WashingRto High

Bass. Yosh Sttinyams; Berkeley—HWo- shi Kaoda: Orange Countv-i-Dr. Staa- lej- T. Uarubanshl: Boise VsUcy—

------------------ --------- - l*hl Miyake. Jotoi Takacugl. Ma* tTa-V senior at pailPis to Nisei servicemen. maliJTys*?yw*\Mcm^fBrt-j. tb. u,.... uu-m too. to totr5S;:?'ss''SU5;,';i.^S"'?..SS

1 will irpre.sem the chap- of returnees stay at their boroe.-------------1 queen <»otesf ThesFair Hay committee alsoApril 24 - conducted lette

Miss Ota. 16.etter-writing

John friendless back homn.

Menlriry PeninmiU—r---' JACL Hall, a pm

t. U (Ft)

tt:e diaptor. Hex speech was pub- PSVIrt)C COnfob bowlftfStbe PC Hobday Issue Urt LCWG BEACH-The third PSWDC

convention bowling tournament will ^oda.v morning. Mav

- — --------------- ----------------------- ~v a. SanU Fe BowL 2190 Santoegg hunt. Motonwe i*"' » Cabby Iwasaki.egg nun*. Moismia Restaurant. Other contestants were tournament

Janis IkezM and Sharon Kimoto. Competition is pertrlcted to threeGeorgette Omi

{. slated by: 0^<


chairman, as- teams per chapter with one ' designated for troytiy fdav.

.. '2£u"'Kll sa. S EM.-,. I„ 1. CS po. -Urn. E..Ui^ tries should be sent to Jim Okura.

Itic Judges were: 2J75 Fashian Ave.. Long Beach.Gddte Moriguciu. s.F.

— Special Attraction — Friday, April 9lb ealy IPersonal Attocarance of Sbochlku's Stor Acves*

-Haruko Wanibuchi■ tnctttding twi fcalutr rUm*

■hewing her grr.i Ulent.


Tit 794-0562 — Frw PaitMl

Calif, sono. h>’ . should be made [


lAL deslgnei

• Misness opwimiRiTm

New Ploying till April 13'MtiSeve B Celer - Eiftftto SWttfe


- Xhra TWkaU. Harumi KiritaetiL EUI Funakoahl. Yoauka KawHS

Kuroi Sondogoso

r SM, LA., >£ 4-1148

Ua.HRB4fDrflmbaingrJBi hMMffNsle-alitMitittol MMfebWwtntlmttDiy^Ndi


TOHO LA BREAls8r*aA9th ¥ft4 2342

EXCLUSIV’E FRANCHISEAmaisng new UqUU plaMc ceatlM* u*cd on alt m>e* ol *urlae«a latertar or rktrrtor. Blmlnatei waztng when

____a by”aS'ta homes Ne tn investmrat-aw 1

S’csunenl-STito. to' and *’^toS3SSI^' raetory trakMd


AS *naepencmnal

cmplMe details and daserUjUse


n 202, a-2820wmtpurrmn ra aara» - m ruRK. i br apt.

Mdchi fewbrtMINNEAPQLIS-Tbe Twin Cities

J.5CL employed meatanicsl po*-cr to produce flOO pounds of

‘Gaaing al Lave ft D«atli>IDS ANGELES—A strue story that was a best seller in Japan las: y^ear, 'Gazing ht Lose and Death" now playing at the Toho LsBrea toll, irf a young girl wbo knew days were numbered and yet lived to Itoighien tbe lives of those around her. supported by the love of a coUege student.

Ninomiya Studio953 Cart IR Stratt

Let Ai>9e«K, CaMumia 90012 HA 8-27U

Nisei UpholsteringJtssirnne • ftebuitfet - ftcsaMoi ,



3763 S. Varment Av«. Let Angeles • RE 4-3975

Stew KMU - Troy Kohni

114AtoPaft,n. MIZJMI


ASSOCIATIONCciitpteta lesirance Pmaeilea—


Three Cenemisas sf EsperieiKe . . .




Cfi'clie tSeniiy 5a/en

Chkttr ana Ma*



114 S. Sjb Pedre. MA 8-9M1 MSai T. FUJIMCA. Room 206 312 L IsL. MA 6-4399. AN 9-1109

FUNAKOSNt BIS. ACT. FawloW, Uanato-Uasi/iiakA. 218 S Saa Pedra HA 6-5275, HO 2-7406

HIROKATA MS. ACT.. 354 L lit MA 6-1215. AT 7-8605

■OUYE MS. ACT. Norwalk—15029 Sylnmnef An.. UN 4-5774




Compleir Selrtlkjr- rt Narnr Brand Lirpeti • Cmicffl 6Udr Carprtj Qualnr InuIUtkm . Will-t»-WaJI Carpet (leaning - Repairing

ftiig A UphainerT Cleaning________________ nk* A ChMe Prspi.

—Only Nissi-Owned Carpet SpecUlty Steiw—

Wright Carpet ^Sales anij Installation of Quality Carpetiag

5657 Stnta Monica Blvd.. Lot Angelee ARTNOUVAMA HO'^138 HtCH nUMUlU



Ask for a . a 'Cherry Brand'MUTUAL SUPPLY CO.



FUJIMOTO ft CO.302-306 S. 4Ui Wed Salt Lake ClD 4, Utah Pkoaf EUpIre 4-8279

Ctete U BaMwh Hn»-CnBt&a> Aim

Air CvdKkiMd - 24 Hr.

Gardena — An E------------ Japanesa CommunityPoinseftia Gardens Motel Apts.

13921 So. Nermendie Ave.fCtne It the Harbor Free.., — Tw Block* el Reweranl

Phone: 324-5883 ^Dill, 6 W«*l, Rjim SB UnrlJ

Heaiffl Pool - «>r CaMitxiring . &E Knchem - Trieehiea OWNED AMD OPEJUTEP BY K08ATA BROS.

yLo Los Angeles

Penthouse Clothes3860 CRENSHAW BLVD.. SUITE 230

LoiAngfln-AX 2-2511 Ear imitork. Hank Ithiliar*. ikw hbitora. Rckard Ttulimou

'Cap' AeU


Steve NakajiCojnplrt* IfiwiraiKt Smic*

4566 Cmtinrla An. L.A 66 EX 1-5931. Im) VE 7-9150

Shwrtito - HMbwwd .Nisei American

Realty202i SUNSET iLVO i

Ml 8-0694 WaftK* H Bmi .VMi RMotoe 9u 0 sJ

E«.tkCrorg* Cbrr


• 1 ^ Onr ef the La-gnt Sehtw

2421 W.-Jfflmen, LA ȣ John' ty saitq a



Ea* LA • Uonutehe -

Nakamm ReaU,

2SM Crew Sl. Barkte, < B “ •: 848-2724


K«k HtysAhl, RariMAuaclaln — Harr,Dennis Oihitj. Jm T

2133 S. Harter BM . Aa C714) JE 7-4911 LA. TtL K9

CMctSe Can Pim

2900 W. Jeflerm. LA.. RE M NaftKA ReaR, 4 b-noM^ 2122 StmiA LA, 0(1 91Inc-omr FToperty • F

SAMIWAIU— Raal Zrtatt -

Rampart RIvd M Lc Ar*g«l*»

Iwae Tanaka ■ kamiyamamiyaKaALTYCO.

- - m 207, 1 >. Sen Ptorg Sl. Lte Angela. HA 6-8135CAL-VITA PRODUCE CO., INC.

Bonded Commission Merchants—Fruits & Vegelkl. 774 S. C.ntr>l A». L. |A._Whol.MU Tonoirui .Ul.

MA M595, Aa 7-tom, MA M504

Eagle Produce929-943 S. San Pedro St. MA 5-2101

Bonded Commission Merchants ~ Wholesale FruiU and VegeUUes —

Loa Anpetea ISBrakes - Angiunm - Enginr m TrintmUiloB Exchange

marina TIRE COMPANYLooper - Goodyear - Blue Streak Racing Tire*

12970 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City — Tel. 391-S:

944 Georgia St., PheiM MA 7-20ea_^Tee Nro 111 Be Liiird ,r Vour Traw sLt

Tbe Sands Motelana own s oraATn

5330 W. Imperial Hwy.. LJl. TeL 674-7990 (Bet-oe Ste Dege F.T ate Satefete 8MJ

ifeiM IM« • F>w TmoertMlee To ate Frew tie Afem • a

your credit union*ka tatemt place li harrmm


can on Htu»

7^F*YN°EXTRACHAR6B JIttw.iw$..e, aurtUtetty. Ute aaiet »fAa«a
