Pilot The Cameron Parish 35 Fur · 8/1/2019  · Dr. Cecil W. Clark, Alex Bishop, Larry January,...


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Christian Women ofCameron are sponsoring theannual “Dr. M. L. King Dqy”poster and essay contest to beheld Monday, Jan. 19. Allposters and essays must beturned into school offices byFriday, Jan. 16. The first andsecond place winners in eachcategory will receive a $50Savings Bond.

The poster contect is forgrades K-7th with two cate-gories, K-3rd grades and 4th-7th grades. It must have a titleand be on poster board. The stu-dent’s name, grade, school andname of teacher must be on theback of the poster.

The essay contest is forgrades 8th-12th. The essaymust have a title/theme. It maybe typed of written, 150 - 250words, student’s name, gradeand school should be on theback.

These items will be pickedup at each school.

Other events planned are:Sunday, Jan. 18th -

Memorial Services, 3:30 p.m.Ebenezer Baptist Church.Guest speaker: Rev. Thomas C.Beeler, Pastor of WakefieldMethodist Church.

Monday, Jan. 19th - PrayerBreakfast, 8 a.m. Speaker:Sandra DeShields-Ford,Ebenezer Baptist Church..

Peace March to CameronRec. #6, 10 a.m. Fun day activi-ties, Cameron Rec. #6 Complex.

Saturday, Jan. 24th - Dr. M.L. King Basketball Tournament,South Cameron High School.

In addition, the AnnualBasketball Tournament will benew for middle school students.Contact Ryan Nash at 542-4628of 542-3317 for more informa-tion.

Johnson tospeak here at

King event

Jr. LivestockShow schedule

H’berry meet

Ferry repairs

Annual Kingobservanceto be held


The Cameron Parish PoliceJury will make history nextMonday when it goes from asix- to a seven-member bodyas the results of reapportion-ment.

Darryl Farque of GrandLake and six other policejurors will be sworn in forfour-year terms at a specialmeeting at 3 p.m. at the PoliceJury Annex. Farque won overtwo other candidates to repre-sent the new Police JuryDistrict 7.

Another new juror takingthe oath will be Magnus“Sonny” Magee, who defeatedincumbent Dusty Sandifer toclaim the District 1 seat.

Douaine Conner also beatan incumbent, Norma JoPinch, to win the District 4

seat. Conner had previouslybeen a juror in the past.

Jurors who were re-electedand who will be beginningnew four year terms are SteveTrahan, District 2; CharlesPrecht III, District 3; ScottTrahan, District 5; JamesDoxey, District 6.

At the monthly meetingwhich will start at 5 p.m., thejurors will elect new officersand appoint the parishadministrator, treasurer andsecretary.

Appointments will also bemade to the boards of theparish library, Fire Districts9, 14 and 15, Recreation Dist.9 and Waterworks Dist. 2.

Bids are scheduled to beaccepted on a storage tankand water well at Creole, saleof a Hackberry fire depart-ment utility truck and on theChristmas Tree project.

Jurors to beseated Mon.

Hoffpauir, La. wildlifepioneer, dies Sunday

Clark M. Hoffpauer, 73,former director of the La.Dept. Wildlife & Fisheries,died Sunday, Jan. 4 inCrowley. The early part of hiscareer was as a biologist sta-tioned at the RockefellerRefuge at Grand Chenierwhere he and his family liveda number of years.

He went to work for thewildlife department inFebruary, 1957 as a biologist.He transferred to the refugedivision stationed atRockefeller in September thatyear and transferred to thefish and game division in1963.

He did pioneering studiesin marsh management whileat Rockefeller and wasinvolved in the waterfowlbanding program. He wasappointed as the stateWildlife & Fisheries directorin Jan. 1969.

He was responsible for theprocurement of five gamemanagement areas andreceived the LouisianaConservation of the YearAward in 1972. He served asthe president of theSoutheastern Game and FishCommissioners Association.

He was instrumental inreturn of the endangeredbrown pelican, and changinglegislation for alligator man-agement and many otherinnovative studies and prac-tices that are in place today.

The environmental impactstudy business that he found-ed conducted spill emergencyplans for Louisiana refiner-ies, which authored environ-ment impact statements forstate, municipal and private

interests.His appreciation for

gourmet excellence led to hisopening of the popularCrawfish House Restaurantat the 1984 World’s Fair inNew Orleans, relocating toBourbon Street at the close ofthe fair.

A lifelong pilot, adventurerand avid sportsman, he laterretired seasonally to Alaska,where he worked as a bushpilot throughout the state atnumerous lodges. His lastproject, building his dreamhome in Homer, Alaska, wascompleted this past summer.

His military serviceincluded stints in both theNavy and Air Force.

He was a graduate ofCrowley High School andobtained his masters of sci-ence in wildlife managementfrom Louisiana StateUniversity in 1960.

He is survived by one son,Clark M. Hoffpauer Jr.; andfour daughters, Pamela S.Hoffpauer, Marla G.Hoffpauer, Greta Hoffpauer-Akrass and Faye Hoffpauer;five grandchildren and formerwife, Betty Spell Hoffpauer.

His funeral was heldWednesday, Jan. 7, in FirstUnited Methodist Church,Crowley.

In lieu of flowers, a schol-arship endowment fund hasbeen established in is namefor the benefit of wildlife andnatural resource studies atLSU. Donations are beingaccepted c/o LSU Foundation,Clark Milliken HoffpauerFund, 3838 West LakeshoreDr., Baton Rouge, LA 70808.

The annual CameronParish Junior Livestock Showwill be held Sunday, Jan. 11;Thursday, Jan. 13 andSaturday, Jan. 16. The live-stock sale will be held onSaturday beginning at 12:30with the sale of champions.The show schedule is as fol-lows:

SSUUNNDDAAYY,, JJAANN.. 11117 am Deadline for Beef

Cattle to Arrive 7-7:30 am All Beef and

Dairy Cattle Entries must bechecked with show manage-ment.

9 am Tag, Weigh andMouth MarketSteers/Commercial Heifers

9 am Dairy Show followedby Showmanship

9:30 am Market SteerShow followed by BeefBreeding Show followed byCommercial Heifer Show andBeef Showmanship

Show Order Beef BreedingClasses (Bulls, Heifers) Beefmaster, Braford,Brahman, Brangus, RedBrangus, F-1 PercentageBrafords, Santa Gertrudis,Hereford, Angus, Simbrah,Simmental, Limousin,Charolais, AOB NonBrahman Influence

TTHHUURRSSDDAAYY,, JJAANN 11558 am-12 noon Sheep and

Goats may enter the ShowBarn

7am-8 am Weigh all breed-ing and meat pen rabbits andweigh all broilers and breed-ing chickens

8 am-9 am RabbitShowmanship Test

9 am Poultry Show fol-lowed by Rabbit Show byBreeds - New Zealand,Californian, AOB, Buck andDoes (In the AOB Class - Anybreed with 5 or more rabbitswill have a division.) All rab-

The Cameron ParishChapter of the NAACP willcelebrate its Silver Anniver-sary and Martin Luther KingJr.’s birthday with its annualhonor service program onSaturday, Jan. 17.

Events will begin at 1 p.m.with a parade from CameronSeafood to the CameronParish Multipurpose Build-ing. The service program willfollow the parade.

Guest speaker for theprogam is Ernest Johnson,president of the LouisianaState Conference of theNAACP. Johnson is also aminister, practicing attorneyand adjunct professor of Lawat Southern University LawCenter.

Johnson was appointed apublic delegate to the UnitedNations General Assembly byGeorge W. Bush in 2001.

New inductees into theMemorial Honor Roll will beDr. Cecil W. Clark, AlexBishop, Larry January, JamesMcMillan, Warren Combre,Henry “Huck” Thomas andthe Rev. Ranson Howard.

All past and present kingsand queens will be honored atthe program.

For more information, call775-5240.

Cameron Parish’s schoolsuperintendent, Dr. DougChance, will discussHackberry High School’sReport Card for the 2003-04school year at a public meet-ing to be held in the schoolauditorium at 7 p.m.,Thursday, Jan. 15.

The public is invited toattend the presentation.

bits and poultry must beremoved from show barn fol-lowing show.

12 noon All sheep must bein Show Barn

12 noon No Market Hogsto arrive before this timeunless brought in with mar-ket lambs.

12 pm-6 pm Market Hogsto be unloaded, penned andhealth papers checked

No hogs unloaded untilpapers checked! Pens areassigned for 3 pigs per peneach community will beassigned a certain number ofpens.

12 pm-1 pm Weigh, Mouthand Hair Check MarketLambs and Goats

2 pm Immediately follow-ing the Rabbit and PoultryShow - Breeding Sheep andMarket Lamb Show followedby Showmanship

4 pm Goat Show followedby Showmanship

6 pm Weigh Hogs in penorder immediately after GoatShow

FFRRIIDDAAYY,, JJAANN.. 1166 8 am Light Weight Hog

Show 8:30 am Start Swine Show

beginning with BreedingSwine followed by Markethow - Swine Showmanshipwill follow after Swine Show

SSAATTUURRDDAAYY,, JJAANN 1177 10:30 am Steers must be

tied up in sale order 11 am-12 noon Buyers

Luncheon 12:30 pm Sale starts with

Sale of Champions22000044 SSAALLEE OORRDDEERR 1st - Lambs 2nd - Broilers

3rd - Hogs 4th - Steers 5th -Rabbits 6th- Goats

The Cameron Parish

Pilot 35¢

January 8, 2004 Vol. 48--No. 2 Cameron, La. 70631

MILLER LIVESTOCK will be back in full operation with its weekly cattle sale thisSaturday. Last Saturday’s sale was cancelled due to the uncertainty caused by a caseof “mad cow” disease in the state of Washington. However, all should be back to nor-mal this Saturday. The barn has been in operation since 1962 and is owned by JimMiller.

cern about the disease beingfound in Louisiana andCommissioner of AgricultureBob Odom assured the public:

“To as near a certainty ashumanly possible, we knowthe disease is not present inLouisiana livestock or in themeat being sold Louisianaconsumers.”

Some 1200 head of cattleare sold every week at thelocal livestock barn, whichalong with the Coushattabarn are either number one ortwo in the state in sales.

The barn was built in 1962and has been a mainstay inthe local economy. Cattle fromthroughout Southwest Loui-

siana and parts of Texas aresold here each week.

Although the cattle salewas cancelled last Saturday, afew sellers failed to get themessage and brought theiranimals here. Miller said thebarn would take care of theseanimals until this Saturday’ssale.

Although there were nocattle sold, there was still asizable turnout of sellers andbuyers for the farmers mar-ket held in conjunction withthe cattle sale. These itemsinclude farm and home equip-ment, and flea market items.

Miller’s semi-monthlyhorse sale also went off onschedule Monday evening.

Everything should be backto normal at Miller LivestockBarn in DeQuincy thisSaturday following the can-cellation of last Saturday’scattle sale.

Owner Jim Miller said thecancellation last week wasdue to the uncertainty causedby a case of mad cow diseasebeing found in WashingtonState.

Miller said that the oneafflicted cow had been tracedto a herd of 80 cattle thatcame out of Canada fouryears ago. These cattle havebeen located and will bedestroyed.

There was never any con-

DeQuincy livestock barn toresume cattle sales Sat.

Cain to introduce bill on‘hold and test’ policy

Senator James David Cain(R- Dry Dreek), who is him-self a cattleman, announcedthat he will file legislation inthe upcoming legislative ses-sion to require cattle barnsand processors in the state toadopt a “hold and test” policyany time a cow is suspect ofhaving mad cow disease. Arecent case of mad cox diseasein Washington State whichoriginated from an infectedcow imported from Canadahas created concern over thesafety of beef sold in the coun-try.

“I believe that Louisiana’scattle producers are doing agood job of insuring the safetyof beef raised and sold inLouisiana, but anything wecan do to reassure consumersthat we are taking every rea-sonable precaution neces-sary.” said Senator Cain.

The “hold and test” policy

would require cattle auctionbarns and processors to hold acow that is believed to be sickbecause it is non-ambulatoryfor some reason other thaninjury. If the animal is foundto be diseased, infectious dis-ease experts would be calledin to properly dispose of thecarcass.

PICTURED AT last year’s Outdoors Festival inCambridge, Maryland, was Trista Semien of Creole, MissCameron Parish, and Kaelyn Glessner, Miss Outdoors.Miss Glessner will be a guest of the Louisiana Fur andWildlife Festival in Cameron this weekend.

Ernest Johnson

Clark Hoffpauir

The Cameron Ferry will beclosed for underwater repairsfrom 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. Mondayand Tuesday, Jan. 12 and 13,according to Port CaptainJerry Racca. The ferry con-nects east and west CameronParish across Calcasieu River.

January is National Volunteer Blood Donor Month


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Page 2, The Cameron Parish Pilot, Cameron, La., January 8, 2004



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Funeral services for EarlieJames Beard, 81, ofHackberry were held Monday,Jan. 5 at the HackberryCommunity Center. The Rev.Roland Vaughn officiated.Burial was in the NewHackberry Cemetery.

Mr. Beard died sunday,Jan. 4, 2003 at his residence.

Mr. Beard had lived inVinton prior to moving toHackberry 18 years ago. hewas a Marine Corps veteran,serving during World War II,and was a retired oilfieldworker.

Survivors include twosons, Freddie Beard ofHackberry and Glenn Beardof Vinton; one daughter,Susan Delome of Hackberry;two brothers, Arlen Beardand Leroy Beard, both ofVinton; one sister, WalterineMorvan of DeRidder; eightgrandchildren; two step-grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; and five step-great-grandchildren.


Funeral services for InezTheriot Bonsall, 98, ofHackberry, were heldSaturday, Jan. 3 at St. PeterCatholic Church ofHackberry. The Rev. RolandVaughn officiated. Burial wasin St. Peter CatholicCemetery under the directionof Robison Funeral home ofSulphur.

Mrs. Bonsall diedWednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 inCameron.

Mrs. Bonsall was a nativeof Creole and a longtime resi-dent of Hackberry. She was amember of St. Peter CatholicChurch, where she was a for-mer CCD teacher, pie baker,and Catholic Daughters

member.Survivors include one son,

Alvin Bonsall, Jr., ofHackberry; one daughter,Mrs. Patricia Little ofHackberry; one grandson;and two great-grandchildren.

Ona Conner


Ona “Tateen” Connor, 85,died on Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2004in a Lake Charles hospital.

She was a lifelong residentof Creole, and a member ofSacred Heart CatholicChurch. She was a member ofthe alter Society, the Legionof Mary, and the CatholicDaughters. She was also amember of the St. JudeAssociation and a promoterfor the Miraculous MedalFoundation.

Survivors include her twosons, Eddie J. Conner of LakeCharles and Charles LarryConnor of Creole; and twograndchildren.

Her funeral will be held at10 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 8 atSacred Heart CatholicChurch in Creole. The Revs.

Joe McGrath and VincentVadakkedath will officiate. Acommittal service will followin Sacred Heart Cemetaryunder the direction of HixsonFuneral Home of Creole.

In lieu of flowers, the fam-ily requests that donations bemade to the St. JudeAssociation, St. LouisCatholic High School, or acharity of choice.

Louie Otha Stoute


Funeral services for LouieOtha Stoute, 32, of Creole,were held Friday, Jan. 2 inHixson Funeral Home ofCreole. Rev. Marse Pruittofficiated. Burial was in OurLady Star of the SeaCemetery.

Mr. Stoute died Monday,Dec. 29, 2003 in his residence.

He was a lifelong residentof Creole. He was a memberof Our Lady Star of the SeaCatholic Church, and in hisyouth, an altar boy for manyyears.

Survivors include his par-ents, Louie Stoute Jr andKathy Stoute of Cameron;four sisters, Rachel Stoute ofLake Charles, Helen Arrantof Cameron, Mary O’Blanc,and Renee’ Rogers of Mineola,Tex; six brothers, JamesRimmer Sr. of Panama City,Fla., Val Mouton of Cameron,Jerry Thompson of Cameron,Matthew McClelland ofCameron, Donny Simmon ofHouma, and Anthony Benoitof Memphis, Tenn.


Funeral services for GlynAllen Taylor, 43, ofWoodlawn, were held Friday,Jan. 2, in Hixson FuneralHome of Welsh. The Rev.Wayne Dartez officiated.Burial was in LacassineCemetery.

Mr. Taylor died Monday,Dec. 29, 2003 in a traffic acci-dent.

He was born in Creole andlived in Cameron most of hislife prior to moving to LakeCharles and later Woodlawn.He was a member of VictoryBaptist Church, serving astrustee and was active innumerous ministries. He hadworked as a truck driver forTranswood, Inc. and workedfor Bubba Oustalet as a carsalesman. He was a memberof the Woodlawn VolunteerFire Department. He was agraduate of South CameronHigh School.

Survivors include his wife,Tammy Taylor of Woodlawn;parents, Larry and VernaTaylor of Lacassine; onebrother, Bradley Taylor; onesister, Debra Dupuy, all ofWoodlawn.


A memorial Mass for LenaTheresa Cormier, 71, of LakeCharles, was heldWednesday, Dec. 31, in St.

Martin de Porres CatholicChurch. The Rev. KeithPellerin officiated. The bodywas cremated.

Lena Cormier diedWednesday, Dec. 24, 2003 in aLake Charles care center.

She was born in 1932 inBig Lake and lived most ofher life in Lake Charles.Before retiring, she hadworked at the restaurant inthe Downtowner Motor Inn.

Survivors include onedaughter, Darlene Monceauxof Houston; one sister, LedieRichard of Lake Charles; twobrothers, Carlton R. Cormierof Lake Charles and L. J.Cormier of Houston; and onegranddaughter.

Lagniappe TwoRetirement Home

Living NotesBy Geneva Griffith

You remember the old say-ing “She has bats in her bel-fry”, when describing some-one a little “touched in herhead.”

Well I don’t have bats inmy belfry but I did have birdsin my ceiling this week, andBeau and I had quite anadventure, and hope it is over.

It all started when a bird,who had been nesting in oneof my Christmas bells in myfront doorpiece flew into myhouse when I opened thefront door, and flew up on myDellarobia wreath near mycathedral ceiling.

I immediately went after itwith my broom when mycoaxing failed in trying to gethim down. He flew across theliving room and landed in adried arrangement of green-ery.

This went on for two hourswith me trying everything Icould think of, short of shoot-ing it. In the meantime Beau,my little dog, was about tohave a heart attack, especial-ly when the bird flew downand preceeded across thefloor.

Finally I opened the backdoor and closed the door tomy bedroom and Beau and Iwent to sleep.

The next morning I lookedfor the bird, but finally gaveup. I guess he flew out theback door into the woods.

Things have begun to set-tle down a bit here in “VillageWoods” as residents arereturning from theirChristmas visits with theirfamilies.

The weather has been sounseasonably warm thesedays, I have been able to sitout there and drink my twocups of coffee in the morning.

I guess the folks backhome in Cameron are deep inthe planning for the upcom-ing La. Fur and WildlifeFestival.

I imagine the occupants ofthe village will be watchingthe big game tomorrow on thegiant screen at the clubhouse,so we can either cry or cel-brate together if L.S.U. winsor loses the national champi-onship. “Go Tigers!”

11995588 CCOOLLUUMMNNHere is a “Lagniappe col-

umn from the August 8, 1958Cameron Pilot that the old-sters might rememberalthough many of those men-tioned are now gone.

******Around the Court house--

The court house staff enjoyinga beach party at Holly Beachlast week. Swimming, fishingand a weiner roast gavediversion for the evening.

Mrs. Lola Jones has joinedthe court house staff as a sec-retary in Jennings Jones’office.

Gerald Guidry says thathis office, Mayo Title comp-nay is very lonesome sinceDoloras Young is on vacation.

Iris Pichnic’s jet black hairin a new hairdo created by“Tee” Savoy.

Berton Daigle and HadleyFontenot planning a fishingtrip to their “Haven on theBayou” North Prong.

Crates of air conditioningunits lining the basementwall waiting to be installed inthe court house.

Wyonna Welch, registrarof voters, getting her votinglists ready for the schoolboard election.

Safe driverclasses set

AARP Driver SafetyClasses will be held in twolocations in Cameron parishsoon co-sponsored by theCameron Council on Aging.

One class will be heldTuesday, Jan. 13 at FirstBaptist Church in Cameron.The other will be held at theGrand Lake Senior Center onWednesday, Jan. 14.

Both classes will be from 8a.m. to 4 p.m. Cost is $10 perperson. Bring a lunch.

To pre-register call 775-5668 or 478-4354 for theCameron class and 598-5158or 478-4354 for the GrandLake class.

You do not have to belongto AARP to attend a class.

S. CameronHigh News


uled for Tuesday, Jan. 13. Allseniors will take the pictureson that day. These pictureswill not cost the student any-thing, but, you may orderfrom the proofs that you willreceive.

Senior parents who areinterested in putting a memo-ry ad in the yearbook shouldrequest their ad space by Jan.15.


Merryville, home, girls beginat 5 p.m.

Jan. 9 - Fur FestivalHoliday.

Jan. 11 - Parish beef live-stock show.

Jan. 13 - Senior portraits.Basketball game, Elton,home.

Jan. 15 - 17 - Parish mar-ket show and sale.

Jan. 16 - Basketball game,East Beauregard, away.

Participants will receive cer-tificates which could entitlethem to a discount on theirauto insurance.

Lunch menusLunch menus for Cameron

Parish Schools are as follows:Thursday, Jan. 8 - chicken

fajitas, fixings cup, bakedpotato, banana split dessert,flour tortillas.

Monday, Jan. 12 -Cheeseburger, oven fries, let-tuce cup, lemon cookie, ham-burger bun, catsup.

Tuesday, Jan. 13 - Tacosalad, fixings cup, ranchbeans, baked potato, yellowcake, chocolate cream frost-ing, tortilla chips.

Wednesday, Jan. 14 -Spaghetti and meat sauce,tossed salad, peach cobbler,buttered corn, garlic toast.

Fur Festval Dances


Sportsman LoungeThursday Night -- 9 p.m. - 1 a.m.

&Saturday Night -- 11 p.m. - 3 a.m.

~ Music By ~

Guy Theriot And TheHonky Tonk Band

With Guy Theriot, Abe Manuel, John Leger, Pat Smith, Robert Vincent,

Frank Pickett & Bass Man, T-Breaux Fruge

Featuring The Best inSwamp Pop, Cajun & Rock

— OPEN 24 HOURS —Marshall Street • Cameron

Page 3, The Cameron Parish Pilot, Cameron, La., January 8, 2004

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((LLaakkee CChhaarrlleess AAmmeerriiccaannPPrreessss,, JJaann.. 77,, 11994411))


Broussard, Donna Rae Savoie.Second Grade-Joe Gayle

Boudoin, Robert CarlDomingue, Robert Theriot.

Third Grade-RobinettaBertrand, J. B. Broussard,Wilfred Miller, Margie LouNunez, Leola Quinn, LorraineStagg.

Fourth Grade-DorothyBourraigue, RowenaBroussard, Joan Carter,Bennie Garber, BertieLaBove, Celesteen LaBove,Gilbert Landry, H. P. LeBlanc,Jr., Lindy LeBoeuf, P. D.Richard.

Fifth Grade-LurlineBroussard.

Sixth Grade-Ray Conner,Dorothy Mae Nunez.

Seventh Grade-BerniceVenable.

Eighth Grade- ArthurAubey, Earline Eagleson,Aldridge Faulk, LaurenceGrunik, Loramie Pesheff,Armogene Vincent.

Ninth Grade-JamesSavoie.

Tenth Grade-LouisGrunik, C. G. Jessen, NewMelancon, Shirley Stine.

Eleventh Grade-FloydBaccigalopie, LoydBourriague, Cecil Clark, InezLeBoeuf, Rufus Marshall,Edna Richard.

((DDeeQQuuiinnccyy NNeewwss,,JJaann.. 77,, 11995555))


The-Coast Highway inCameron Parish went underconstruction Dec. 15,Highway Board memberGrant Hayes revealed.

Hayes said the Dept. ofHighways awarded a $54,250contract to PiersonConstruction Co. of BatonRouge for placing a clam shellsurface course on the TigerIsland-Pecan Island Highway(State Highway 292).

The project begins at theend of the existing surfacetreatment near the intersec-tion of Highway 292 and theTiger Island Road andextends east on 292 to thewest end of the Superior OilCo., Bridge, a distance of fourmiles.

((CCaammeerroonn PPiilloott,,JJaann.. 88,, 11997711))


$45,249.35 were presented tothe Cameorn Police JuryTuesday, representing theparish’s share of revenuesfrom the two national wildliferefuges in the parish.

Jim Roberts, manager ofthe Lacassine refuge nearLake Arthur, presented PoliceJury President FrankieHenry with a check for$39,223.32 for his refuge andwith a $6,026.03 check for theSabine refuge nearHackberry.

He explained that since

the refuges do not pay taxesto the parish, they do makean annual payment of 3/4 ofone percent of the assessedvaluation or 25 percent of netreceipts, whichever is greater.


The Louisiana Wildlifeand Fisheries Commissionwill have an interesting dis-play at the Cameron Libraryduring the upcomingLouisiana Fur and WildlifeFestival, according to Mrs.Coral Lee Perry.

The display will featurefurs from Louisiana fur-bear-ing animals, traps andstretching boards used in theindustry, and a representa-tive of the Commission, PaulJackson, will be on hand toanswer any questions anyonewill have concerning the dis-play. Mr. Jackson, of LakeCharles, is with theEducation Dept. of theLouisiana Wildlife andFisheries Commission.Another part of the displaywill be the beautiful perma-nent exhibit that was estab-lished in the library this year.It is a real life marsh scenethat depicts marsh animalsand birds found in theCameron marshes.


Miss Cameron for 1971will be selected from four con-testants at the Fridayevening program, accordingto Mrs. Norma Blake, chair-man.

Reigning parish royaltyare Alvin Dyson, King Fur II,and Cherie Kay Griffith, MissCameron Parish of 1970 whowill compete in this year’sFur Queen contest.

The parish queen receivesa trip to the NationalOutdoors Show in Cambridge,Md., and represents theparish in the 1972 FurFestival Queen’s Contest.

Contestants are Rose LeeLaBove, daughter of Mr. andMrs. Charles S. LaBove ofCreole; Kathy Richard,daughter of Mr. and Mrs.John M. Richard of Creole;Janet Gail Riggs, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. C. A. Riggs ofHackberry; and MargaretAnn Savoie, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Harold Savoie ofCreole.


The A. J. Howard hometook first place in theCameron holiday outdoorlighting contest in the overallcategory. The Jerry Joneshome took second place andthe Claude Eagleson homewas third.

The most original layoutwent to the LaddWainwrights, the RobertDoxeys capturing secondplace and the Charles F.Heberts got third place.

The decorated door catego-


Photo andArt-work. Bring

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MARRIAGE TOLD--Susan Abshire and Thomas Mitterwere married on Dec. 20, 2003 in Albuquerque, NewMexico. She is the daughter of Larry and Orelia Abshireof Grand Chenier. He is the son of Larry Mitter of Louisa,Virg., and Marsha Hamilton of Albuquerque. The bride isa graduate of South Cameron High School and is cur-rently attending a police academy. The groom is a grad-uate of Louisa County High School and is a sheriff’sdeputy in Albuquerque. Both are National Guard mem-bers and are making their home in Albuquerque.

It Seems JustLike Yesterday

By Keith Hambrick

ry was won by the HubertSmiths with the Gary Kellyscoming in second and LarryDysons for third place.

Honorable mention went

to the Earl Moutons, WilbertMillers, George LeBoeufs,Norman McCalls, CarlosRatcliffs, Sing Faulks, andAnnie Swindell.


7744TTHH BBIIRRTTHHDDAAYY Cecil Welch, wife of Ernest

Welch, of Hackberry celebrat-ed her 74th birthday on Jan.2. Family members gathered

at the home of her daughter,Glenda Stelly, in Sulphur.

CCCCDD CCLLAASSSSEESSCCD classes will start Jan.

11 in the new CatholicChurch hall.

Cameron LibraryNews


recently received by theCameron Parish Libraryinclude the following, withthe title, honoree and donorlisted in that order:

How to Make Your Dolls’House Special, Betty LavernGriffith by Gregory andPenny Trahan;

National Geographic Atlasof the Ocean, Durphy Vincentby R. C. and Sue Domingue;

Decoys and ProvenMethods For Using Them,Roy Bailey by Ken andTheresa Townsend;

Rondale’s Chemical FreeYard & Garden, Roy Fontenotby Gracie Sonnier, LarryArdoin, Tye and BrendaHamolka;

Carpentry & Construct-ion, Roy Bailey by HiberniaNational Bank, CameronBranch Employees;

Antique American Clocks,Roy Bailey by John andCarolyn Brown;

Basic Country Skills, DanDupont by John and Carolyn

Brown;Alligator Book, Mike

McCall by Penelope Richard,LLC;

American Farm Tractor,Larry Roach, Sr. by Eugeneand Cindy Jones;

Treasury of CountryCrafts, Mary Mangano byEugene and Cindy Jones;

Handmade Crafts,Theresa Myers by J. B. andAnn Meaux.


Sunny Chandler’s Return,Sandra Brown; The GoodWife Strikes Back, ElizabethBuchan;

Washington and Caesar,Christian Cameron; The Ladyand the Unicorn, TracyChevalier; Truth or Dare,Jayne Ann Krentz;

The Frumious Bander-snatch, Ed McBain; CrownJewel, Fern Michaels; TheSight of the Stars, BelvaPlain; Zero Hour, JeromePreisler; Key of Knowledge,Nora Roberts.

Hackberry News

CAMERON FOOD MARTCommunity Coffee.................Lb.$3.59Foremost Milk.....................Gal. $2.59Grade A Large Eggs...........Doz. $1.19Coke, Dr. Pepper, or Sprite Reg. or Diet............................12/12 oz. $3.45

.....................3 Liter Bottle $1.69Budweiser or Bud Light...12/10 oz. Cans $7.19Coors Light.................................12/10 oz. $7.19Hot, Lean or Croissant Pockets.................$1.99Minute Maid Orange Juice................64 oz. $1.99Bordens Shredded Cheeses(All Flavors)....................................... 8 oz. $1.79Blue Plate Mayonnaise................... 32 oz. $2.69Parade Catsup.................................... 24 oz. 69¢Parade Tomato Sauce......................... 8 oz. 5/$1.00Parade Corn, Green Beans, Sweet Peas,Mixed Veg, Carrots, Beetsor Potatoes...........................................15 oz. 3/$1.00Rice A Roni (All Flavors) ................................. 99¢Parade Vegetable Oil......................... Gal. $3.99Gold Medal A/P or S/R Flour................ 5 lb. 99¢Nestle Hot Cocoa Mix(Regular or Marshmallow).............. 10 ct. $1.29Parade Sugar........................... 4 lb. bag 2/$3.00Tide Liquid Detergent................... 100 oz. $6.59So Dry Paper Towels................3 roll pkg. $1.19Lean Ground Meat.................................... Lb. $1.89Fryer Leg Quarters.................................. Lb. 49¢Ball Park Franks (Regular or Bun Size)...........................1 # 2/$3.00Sliced Turkey Breast............................Lb. $2.19



Specials Good Jan. 8- Jan. 14, 2004Open: Mon. - Sat. -- 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.

We Accept Food Stamps & WIC476 Marshall St., Cameron


Page 4, The Cameron Parish Pilot, Cameron, La., January 8, 2004the date and hour specified. Theright is reserved to reject any andall bids and to waive any informal-ities. Additional information canbe seen on the internet atwww.ldaf.state.la.us or specifica-tions can be obtained from HilaryStephenson, 5825 Florida Blvd,Baton Rouge, Louisiana betweenthe hours of 7:30 am and 3:00 pm.BIDS OPEN: Tuesday, JANUARY26, 2004 @ 9:00 a.m.








Environmental Services, is accept-ing written comments on a draftLouisiana Pollutant DischargeElimination System (LPDES) per-mit prepared for Cameron ParishWater and Wastewater DistrictNo. 1, 126 Ann Street, Post OfficeBox 960, Cameron, Louisiana70631-0960. TThhee ffaacciilliittyy iissllooccaatteedd aatt 33114433 PPaarriisshh RRooaadd iinnCCaammeerroonn,, CCaammeerroonn PPaarriisshh..Upon the effective date of the finalpermit, the LPDES permit shallreplace the previously issuedLPDES permit.

The principal discharge fromthis existing source is made into aditch; thence into Barrow Canal;thence into the Calcasieu River;thence into the Calcasieu ShipChannel, waters of the state clas-sified for primary contact recre-ation, secondary contact recre-ation, propagation of fish andwildlife, and shell fish propaga-tion. Under the SIC 4952, theapplicant proposes to dischargetreated sanitary wastewater froma publicly owned treatment plantserving the Town of Cameron.

During the preparation of thispermit, it has been determinedthat the discharge will have noadverse impact on the existinguses of the receiving waterbody. Aswith any discharge, however, somechange in existing water qualitymay occur.

Written comments, writtenrequests for a public hearing, orwritten requests for notification ofthe final decision regarding thispermit action may be submitted toMs. Soumaya Ghosn at LDEQ,Public Participation Group, P.O.Box 4313, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4313. WWrriitttteenn ccoommmmeennttss aanndd//oorrwwrriitttteenn rreeqquueessttss mmuusstt bbeerreecceeiivveedd bbyy 1122::3300 pp..mm..,,TThhuurrssddaayy,, FFeebbrruuaarryy 1122,, 22000044..Written comments will be consid-ered prior to a final permit deci-sion.

If LDEQ finds a significantdegree of public interest, a publichearing will be held. LDEQ willsend notification of the final per-mit decision to the applicant andto each person who has submittedwritten comments or a writtenrequest for notification of the finaldecision.

The application, draft permit,and statement of basis are avail-able for review at the LDEQ,Public Records Center, Room 127,602 North 5th Street, BatonRouge, LA. Viewing hours arefrom 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,Monday through Friday (exceptholidays).

Inquiries or requests for addi-tional information regarding thispermit action should be directed toMs. Gwendolyn Berthelot,Environmental Scientist 3, LDEQ,Permits Division, P.O. Box 4313,Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4313,phone (225) 219-3057.

Persons wishing to be includedon the mailing list for permitactions involving this facilityshould contact Ms. SoumayaGhosn in writing at LDEQ, P.O.Box 4313, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4313, phone (225) 219-3276, or byemail at maillistrequest@ldeq.org.

AAllll ccoorrrreessppoonnddeennccee sshhoouullddssppeecciiffyy AAII1199889922,, LLAA00003399113366,,aanndd AAccttiivviittyy TTrraacckkiinngg NNuummbbeerrPPEERR2200003300000011..RUN: Jan. 8 (J 12)



5:00 p.m.1. Call to Order2. Pledge of Allegiance3. Reading of Minutes4. Election of Officers5. Appointment of Adminis tra-

tor 6. Appointment of Treasurer7. Appointment of Secretary8. Drilling and Pipeline

Permits:a. Petroleum Capital, L. C. -

Johnson Bayou, Section 22, T14S,R13W, (after the fact installation& maintenance of (2) 2” pipelines),Cameron Parish, LA. (040101)

b. Chevron USA, Inc. -Offshore - Johnson Bayou, WestCameron Blocks 17 & 48, StateLease 3839 Well #4, (to install,operate & maintain (1) 3’’ OD bulkgas & condensate lease termpipeline), Cameron Parish, LA.(040103)

c. Sam Gary, Jr. & Associates -Johnson Bayou, Section 35 & 36,T13S, R14W, Miami Fee No. 5Well, (proposed installation of (2)6’’ pipelines), Cameron Parish, LA.(040109)

d. Sam Gary, Jr. & Associates -Johnson Bayou, Section 34 &35,T13S, R14W, Miami Fee No. 4Well, (proposed installation of (2)6’’ pipelines), Cameron Parish, LA(040110)

e. Sam Gary, Jr. & Associates -Johnson Bayou, Section 34, T13S,R14W and Sections 2 & 3, T14S,R14W, Miami Fee No. 3 Well, (pro-posed installation of (2) 6’’pipelines), Cameron Parish, LA.(040111)

f. ExxonMobil Production -Grand Chenier, Section 3, 8 & 9,T16S, R3W, Deep Lake Field,State Lease 2038, Well No. 10,(proposed cleanout and structureremoval), Cameron Parish, LA.(040113)

g. ExxonMobil Production -Grand Chenier, Sections 3, 8 & 9,T12S, R3W, Deep Lake Field,


GRAND LAKE, 7 year oldBrick Home, 1700 sq. ft., 3/2.5on 1.5 acres custom/oak cabi-nets; F/P; 2 car garage; largeback yard. Must See!$115,000. 526-7904, 598-4011evening. 1/8-29p.

HOUSE FOR Sale: 1 1/2year old, 3 bedroom, 1 bath on3.14 acres on dead end streetoff Cal Cam Line Rd. Openfloor plan. 1500 sq. ft. living.$95,000. Call 598-4995 or 515-7162. 12/25-1/16p.

2.42 ACRES (176’ X 600’)on dead end street off Cal CamLine Rd. $24,000. Call 598-4995 or 515-7162. 12/25-1/16p.

ARE YOU ready to “Buy”or “Sell” homes, camps or landin Hackberry, Holly Beach,Florida Beach, ConstanceBeach, Johnson Bayou,Carlyss or Sulphur. CallKathy w/ Properties by Townand Country at 884-1588.12/4-11,12/18-1/9p.

112 MARGARET Lane.Darling starter 3/1 cottage on1.12 acres in Grand Lake.Roof, central a/c, and mechan-ical system approx. 5 yrs. old.Additional access possiblefrom rear of property.$69,900.00.

GRAND Lake - Restrictedsubdivision, 2000 sq. ft. mini-mum $17,500.

Call ERA Moffett Realty,Inc. 436-6639 ext. 261 and askfor Grace - 598-2573 home or490-5140 pager. 5/15tfc


Largest selection ever ofTravel Trailers and 5th Wheelson sale. Also check out ourmotor homes and mini homes.Kite Bros. RV, Hwy 171 N,DeRidder, La. 1-800-456-2724.www.kitebros.com 8/7tfc.


iron baby bed. 3’15” long, 2feet 6 inches wide. $50.Mattress, $10 still in plasticcovering. Needs square headscrews. Call 775-5479 day ornight. 1/8p.

1994 18’ X 80’ SchultMobile Home for sale,$25,000. Three bedrooms, twobaths, all appliances, sectionalsofa, wood skirting, and backporch. Call 569-2494. 1/1-22p.

FOR SALE: 2 Crypts in theOur Lady’s Star of the SeaMausoleum in Cameron.$3999. 337-855-6719. 12/18-1/9

METAL OUTLET MetalRoofing ~ Carports ~ MetalBuildings ~ Patio Cover Kits ~C’s & Z’s ~ Custom Trim ~ RV& Equipment Covers ~ MetalDoors ~ Windows. 337-625-2778. 2241 E. Napoleon,Sulphur. Open Mon.-Fri. 7 am-5 pm, Sat. 7 am-12 noon. tfc.


qualified direct care personnelto care for our consumers inthe Grand Lake area. Shiftsare: Weekdays, 2 p.m. - 10p.m. and Weekends, 6 a.m. - 6p.m. and 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Mustmeet LCC, Inc. minimumstandards for employment.)Call 598-4124. 1/8p.

RESOURCE TRANS-PORTATION is seeking anowner operator with a One TonFlatbed and gooseneck.Individual must be at least 23with a clean driving record anda Class A-CDL with X endorse-ment. Individual must be ableto pass a DOT physical, pre-employment and random drugtests and background checks.Apply in person at 110 AlvinSt. in Cameron. 337-775-8200.1/8-15p.

NEED A Babysitter tocome to my home 7 & 7. Ifinterested please call 775-5336. 1/1-1/8p.


Starters - Repairs andRebuilt. Foreign, domestic,boats, auto, truck, industrial,tractors, lawn mowers andoutboard motors. 1723 N.Hwy. 171, Lake Charles, La.433-2813. 3/27-12/25p.


ABLE, country living nearGrand Lake school, only min-utes from Lake Charles.Convenient, all-electric 2 bed-room apartments. For infor-mation or appointment, call598-2171. 11/5tfc.

FOR RENT: 3 bedroom, 1bath home with central airand heat on Edna St. in GrandLake. $500 month, $250deposit. Call 474-7311 or 598-3386. 1/8-22


everyone for the prayers, vis-its and the special care givento me, and please continue topray for the Mudd family.

Mildred Mudd

PRAYER TO St. Claire.Pray nine Hail Mary’s once aday for nine days. On theninth day publish this prayer.Pray for three things. Yourprayer will be answered.


PRAYER TO St. Claire.Pray nine Hail Mary’s once aday for nine days. On theninth day publish this prayer.Pray for three things. Eventhough you don’t have faith,your prayer will be answered.


Oh, most beautiful flowerof Mount Carmel, fruitful vinesplendor of Heaven BlessedMother of the Son of GodImmaculate Virgin, assist mein my necessity, oh Star of theSea, help me and show meherein you are my Mother, ohHoly Mary, Mother of God,Queen of Heaven and Earth, Ihumbly beseech you from thebottom of my heart to succorme in this necessity. There arenone that can withstand yourpowers, oh, show me hereinyou are my Mother, oh, Maryconceived without sin, pray forus who have recourse to thee(three times). Holy Mother, Iplace this cause in your hands(three times). Holy Spirit youwho solve all problems, lightall roads so that I can attainmy goal, you who give me thedivine gift to forgive and for-get all evil against me andthat all instances in my lifeyou are with me. I want in thisshort prayer to thank you forall things as you confirm onceagain that I never want to beseparated from you in eternalglory. Thank you for yourmercy toward me and mine.(The person says this prayer 3consecutive days. After 3 days,the request will be granted!This prayer must be publishedafter the favor is granted.)


State Lease 2038 Well Nos. 37 &47, (proposed cleanout and struc-ture removal), Cameron Parish,LA. (040114)

h. ExxonMobil Production -Grand Chenier, Sections 3, 8 &9,T16S, R3W, Deep Lake Field,State Lease 2038 Well Nos. 2 & 23,Cameron Parish, LA. (040115)

i. Clayton Williams Energy,Inc. - Cameron Offshore, WestCameron Area Block 3, StateLease 17639 Well No. 1, (proposedcleanout and structure removal),Cameron Parish, LA. (040117)

j. James A. Whitson, Jr. -Grand Chenier, Sections 15, 22, 27& 46, T15S, R5W, Enos J. Sturleseet al no. 1 Well, (proposed installa-tion of 4’’ flowline), CameronParish, LA. (040118)

9. Other Permits:a. Apache Louisiana Minerals,

Inc. - Hwy 27, Section 21, T14S,R10W, (East Mud Lake MarshManagement Project), CameronParish, LA. (040104)

b. Clem Myers - Sweet Lake,Section 17, T12S, R7W, (proposedto dredge 28 acres to construct alevee, homesite & driveway),Cameron Parish, LA. (040105)

c. Environmental TreatmentTeam, LLC. - Cameron, Section 24,T14S, R10W, (proposed E & PTransfer Facility), CameronParish, LA. (040106)

d. James A. Whitson, Jr. -Grand Chenier, Sections 7 & 18,T15S, R5W, (proposed mitigationfor impacts associated withP20031304), Cameorn Parish, LA.(040107)

e. Nicholas T. & MyrtisConsole - Big Lake, Section 30,T12S, R8W, (proposed excavation& fill), Cameron Parish, LA.(040108)

f. Duncan Oil, Inc. - Hackberry,Sections 9 & 10, T12S, R12W,Domatti, et al No. 1 (proposed mit-igation), Cameron Parish, LA.(040112)

g. Goodrich PetroleumCompany, LLC - Grand Chenier,Section 29, T14S, R3W, (proposedcleanout of existing canal foraccess), Cameron Parish, LA.(040116)

h. Hilcorp Energy Company -Offshore Grand Chenier, EastCameron Area Block 1, StateLease 1170 Well No. 6, 7 and A-12,(proposed installation of (1) 8’’ and(2) 6’’ pipelines, Cameron Parish,LA. (040119).

i. El Paso Production Company- North Creole, Sections 14 & 23,T13S, R6W, Miami Corp 26 No. 1Well, (proposed pipeline and struc-tures), Cameron Parish, LA.(040120)

10. Appointments:a. Library Ex Officio - Norma

Pinch - resignedb. Library Boardc. Fire Dist. #9 - Michael

Baccigalopi, Charles Theriot -term expired

d. Fire Dist. #14 - ClementGranger, C. S. Darbonne - termexpired

e. Fire Dist. #15 - ElsworthBrousard - term expired

f. Recreation Dist. #9 - YolandaClark - term expired

g. Waterworks #2 - AnthonyHicks - term expired

11. Acceptance of Bids:a. Storage Tank & Water Well -

Creole Waterworksb. Sale of Utility Truck -

Hackberry Firec. Christmas Tree Project -

2003-0412. Advertise for Bids:a. Stationary Compactorsb. Sale of Surplus Equipment12. President Authority to

Sign:a. Lease - Dixie Rice

Agricultural Corporation -Klondike Barn

13. Appointment of RecordsManagement Officer Liaison

14. Set 2004 Meeting Schedule15. Pay Police Jury Association

Dues15. Pay December, 2003 Bills16. Staff Reports:

RUN: Jan. 8 (J-13)

PROCEEDINGSThe Cameron Parish

Waterworks District No. 10 met inspecial session on Tuesday -December 16, 2003 at 6:00 p.m. atthe Johnson Bayou WaterworksOffice in the village of JohnsonBayou, Louisiana. Members pre-sent were: Mr. J. P. Constance,Mr. Nathan Griffith, Mrs. ConnieTrahan, Mr. Jesse Simon, Jr. andMr. Lloyd Badon. Members absentwere none.

It was moved by Mr. Griffith tocall the meeting to order.

It was moved by Mr.Constance, seconded by Mr. Badonand carried that the minutes beread and accepted.

It was moved by Mr. Simon,seconded by Mr. Constance andcarried to name O/A RhondaMorrison as the records officed toact as liaison between the Divisionof Archives, Records Managementand Secretary of State.

It was moved by Mr. Trahan,seconded by Mr. Simon and car-ried to have Terminix spray forspiders.

It was moved by Mr. Badon,seconded and carried to approvethe bills as paid.

Mr. Nathan Griffith called themeeting into executive session tointerview applicants for the posi-tion of Part-Time/Relief OfficeAdministrator-Billing Clerk.

The meeting was called backinto regular session by PresidentNathan Griffit. After a lengthydiscussion Richelle Temple waschosen as the Part-Time/ReliefOffice Administrator-BillingClerk.

There being no further busi-ness to discuss, on a motion by Mr.Griffith, seconded by Mr.Constance, and carried the meet-ing adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

The next waterworks meetingwill be held on January 13, 2004at 6:15 p.m. at the Waterworksoffice.

Approved:/s/ Nathan Griffith


Attest:/s/J. P. ConstanceJ. P. CONSTANCESECRETARYRUNS: Jan 8 - J14




ROUGE, LOUISIANA.In accordance with the laws of

the State of Louisiana, and withparticular reference to the provi-sions of Title 30 of LouisianaRevised Statutes of 1950, a publichearing will be held in theHearing Room, 1st Floor, LaSalleBuilding, 617 North 3rd Street,Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at 9:00a.m., on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY10, 2004, upon the application ofTRANSWORLD EXPLORATION& PRODUCTION, INC.

At such hearing theCommissioner of Conservationwill consider evidence relative tothe issuance of an Order pertain-ing to the following matters per-taining to the Plan I Zone,Reservoir B, in the Kings BayouField, Cameron Parish, Louisiana.

1. To establish rules and regu-lations and to create a singledrilling and production unit forthe exploration for and productionof gas and condensate from thePlan I Zone, Reservoir B, suchunit to be designated PLAN I RBSUA.

2. To force pool and integrateall separately owned tracts, min-eral leases and other propertyinterests within the proposed unit,with each tract sharing in unitproduction on a surface acreagebasis of participation.

3. To designate TransworldExploration & Production, Inc., asoperator of the proposed unit.

4. To designate the TransworldExploration & Production Inc. -Theriot No. 1 Well as unit well forthe proposed unit.

5. To provide that any futurewells drilled to the Plan I Zone,Reservoir B, be located in accor-dance with the spacing provisionsof Statewide Order No. 29-E.

6. To provide that theCommissioner of Conservationshould be authorized to reclassifythe sand and reservoir createdherein by supplemental orderwithout the necessity of a publichearing if the producing charac-teristics of the reservoir changeand evidence to justify such reclas-

LEGAL NOTICESplus a fractional part of not lessthan one-sixth (1/6) of any and allcrops produced and saved duringthe year. The value of the one-sixth (1/6) share shall not be con-sidered in the awarding of thelease unless the bidder guaranteesa specific amount which shall beadded to and accompany the bid.

Should the one-sixth (1/6)value of crops be less than thecash guarantee paid at the time ofthe lease, the Cameron ParishSchool Board shall demand suchadditional payment as necessaryto bring the value adjustment to afull one-sixth (1/6) of crops pro-duced and harvested on any andall listed sections, and thirty-fivepercent (35%) of cash marketvalue of all alligators harvested bylessee. Lessor reserves the rightto gather and dispose of alligatoreggs from the lease premises,without any compensation tolessee.

The surface rights and privi-leges granted in the lease arerestricted to range, trapping,hunting, farming, and fishing andthese rights shall in no way, man-ner, or form interfere with thegranting of a mineral lease or thefull utilization of all rights andprivileges granted in any minerallease.

It is further agreed and under-stood between the contracting par-ties hereto that this lease shall beheritable, but shall not be subjectto mortgage, pledge, hypotheca-tion or seizure and sale, nor shallthe said lease be assigned, sub-leased, or otherwise transferred bythe said lessee unless authorizedby prior written approval of thelessor. Such assignment, subleaseor transfer of said lease shall besubject to terms and conditions asmay be deemed proper by thelessor. Terms and conditions forsubleasing may be obtained bycontacting the Cameron ParishSchool Board land manager.

The Cameron Parish SchoolBoard does not warrant or provideingress or egress to the leasedpremises. Ingress and egress isthe sole responsibility of lessee.

Bids will be received until thehour of 4:00 p.m., Monday,January 12, 2004, at which timeall bids received will be openedand considered in public session ofthe Cameron Parish School Boardin Cameron, Louisiana.

The Board reserves the rightto reject any and all bids received.BY: Douglas L. Chance,Superintendent, CAMERONPARISH SCHOOL BOARDRUN: Dec. 25, Jan. 1 and 8 (D-77)

NOTICE TO BIDDERSSealed bids will be opened and

publically read by the PurchasingSection of the LouisianaAgricultural Finance Authority(LAFA), 5825 Florida Blvd, Suite1221, Baton Rouge, LA, Tuesday,January 20, 2004 at 11:00 a.m. forthe following:


The Louisiana AgricultureFinance Authority (LAFA) is issu-ing a Request for Proposal (RFP)to all qualified companies for aproposal for CENTRIFUGALPUMPS FOR THE LACASSINESYRUP PLANT. Location will beLacassine, Louisiana, JeffersonDavis Parish.

The Request for Proposal pro-vides a general description of theProject was well as instructionsfor submitting proposal.

This announcement does notcommit the Louisiana AgricultureFinance Authority (LAFA) toaward a contract or to pay anycosts incurred in the preparationof proposals. LAFA reserves theright to accept or reject, in wholeor in part, all proposals submittedand/or to cancel this announce-ment. Any contract awarded shallbe based upon the proposal mostadvantageous to the state, costand other factors considered. Allcontracts are subject to the avail-ability of funds.

No bids will be received afterthe date and hour specified. Theright is reserved to reject any andall bids and to waive any informal-ities. Additional information canbe seen on the internet atwww.ldaf.state.la.us or specifica-tions can be obtained from HilaryStephenson, 5825 Florida Blvd,Baton Rouge, Louisiana betweenthe hours of 7:30 am and 3:00 pm.BIDS OPEN: Tuesday, JANUARY20, 2004 @ 11:00 a.m.



NOTICE TO BIDDERSSealed bids will be opened and

publically read by the PurchasingSection of the LouisianaAgricultural Finance Authority(LAFA), 5825 Florida Blvd, Suite1221, Baton Rouge, LA, Tuesday,January 26, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. forthe following:

LAFA1165/SHOP FABRICAT-ED TANKS-0902A, 0902B, 0911,0908, 0905, 0906, & 0404

The Louisiana AgricultureFinance Authority (LAFA) is issu-ing a Request for Proposal (RFP)to all qualified companies for aproposal for SHOP FABRICATEDTANKS FOR THE LACASSINESYRUP PLANT. Location will beLacassine, Louisiana, JeffersonDavis Parish.

The Request for Proposal pro-vides a general description of theProject was well as instructionsfor submitting proposal.

This announcement does notcommit the Louisiana AgricultureFinance Authority (LAFA) toaward a contract or to pay anycosts incurred in the preparationof proposals. LAFA reserves theright to accept or reject, in wholeor in part, all proposals submittedand/or to cancel this announce-ment. Any contract awarded shallbe based upon the proposal mostadvantageous to the state, costand other factors considered. Allcontracts are subject to the avail-ability of funds.

No bids will be received after

PUBLIC NOTICESealed bids will be received by

the Cameron Parish RecreationDistrict #7 until 1:30 p.m.,Thursday, January 8, 2004 in theoffice of the Cameron ParishPolice Jury, 110 Smith Circle,Cameron, Louisiana, for the reno-vation of the Creole Pools

Bid forms and specificationsmay be acquired by contacting theCameron Parish RecreationDistrict #7 at (337)542-4459. Theyare also available at the CameronParish Police Jury Building inCameron.

By: Angelia Conner, PresidentRUN: Dec. 18, 25, Jan. 1, 8 (D-62)

WATERWORKS DISTRICT #10Sealed bids will be received by

the Board of Directors of CameronParish Waterworks District #10 atits meeting in Johnson Bayouuntil 6:00 p.m. on January 13,2004 for official journal.

Submit bids to 159 BerwickRoad, Cameron, Louisiana 70631.

The Board reserves the right toreject any/or all bids and to waiveformalitiesRUN: Dec. 25, Jan. 1 and 8. (D-73)

NOTICE FOR BIDSActing under the authority of

the Legislature of the State ofLouisiana, the Cameron ParishSchool Board will receive sealedbids for the leasing of all surfacerights including the rights ofrange, trapping, hunting, fishing,and farming, on the followingdescribed lands for the unexpiredterm as indicated in the descrip-tion below:


16-14-12, 2 years, 6 months,Seven (7) miles West of theSouthwest Corner of Sabine Lakewithin boundaries of SabineRefuge; adjacent to Starks Canal.

(A description map may beseen in the School Board Officeduring normal working hours.)

All bids must be sealed; theenvelope marked "Bid - Section 16,Township, Range" and may be for-warded through the U.S. Mail tothe Cameron Parish School Board,P. O. Box 1548, Cameron, LA70631. Bidder must offer an annu-al rental of not less than $2.00 peracre for a lease with a primaryterm of 2 years, 6 months to endJuly 31st, 2006. Annual renewalrentals will be due each year byJuly 31st, in order to continue thelease in effect. Cash payment or acertified or cashier'scheck, or teller's check, or an offi-cial check issued by a bank infavor of the Cameron ParishSchool Board for the amount of therental for the first 6 months (one-half the annual bid amount) shallaccompany and be depositedwith the bid (no checks other thantypes noted above are acceptable)and the rental thus depositedshall be forfeited to the Board asliquidated damages if the success-ful bidder fails to enter into writ-ten contract in accordance with hisbid within ten (10) days afteracceptance by the Board. The bidsubmitted must include the follow-ing information: Name of Bidder,Address of Bidder, Phone Numberof Bidder.

Bidders are reminded that thelease is for the unexpired term.

If farming rights are utilized,bidder may offer annual rental

Cont. on Page 5.

• JOB OPENINGS •Cameron Parish Head Start is accepting applica-

tions for driver/driver aid positions in Cameronarea and the Hackberry area. Applicant must havea high school diploma or GED and must be willingto acquire a Commercial Drivers License Class Cwithin 30 days of hire. Mail resume to P. O. Box610, Cameron, La. 70631, by January 21.

The Cameron Parish Head Start Program doesnot discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed,sex, national origin, religious belief, disabling con-ditions, or ancestry.

Equal Opportunity EmployerRUN; Jan. 8 & 15 (J-18)

sification is submitted to andaccepted by the Commissioner ofConservation.

7. To consider such other mat-ters as may be pertinent.

The Plan I Zone, Reservoir B,in the Kings Bayou Field,Cameron Parish, Louisiana, ishereby defined as being that gasand condensate bearing zoneencountered between the depths of11,245’ and 11,366’ (ELM)(subseadepths of - 10,942’ and -11,062’) inthe Transworld Exploration &Production, Inc. - Theriot No. 1Well, located in Section 27,Township 14 South, Range 7 West.

A plat is available for inspec-tion in the Office of Conservationin Baton Rouge and Lafayette,Louisiana.www.dnr.state.la.us/CONS/CON-SEREN/hearings/pubhearings.htm.

All parties having interesttherein shall take notice thereof.



Baton Rouge, LaIf accommodations are

required under Americans WithDisabilities Act, please advise theOffice of Conservation-Engineering Division at P. O. Box94275, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9275 in writing within ten (10)working days of the hearing date.RUNS: Jan. 8 - J 15

AUTO BIDBids will be accepted by

Cameron Parish Sheriff for thepurchase of five (5) 2004 FordCrown Victoria police interceptors.Specifications can be obtained atCameron Parish Sheriff Office, P.O. Box 1250 Civil Dept., Cameron,La. 70631 and bids must be deliv-ered to the above address on orbefore 9:00 a.m. Monday January26, 2004. The right is reserved bythe Sheriff to reject any and all orto accept any bids which in theopinion of the Sheriff will be of thebest interest of the Parish ofCameron and the Cameron ParishSheriff Department.

/s/James R. SavoieJAMES R. SAVOIE, Sheriff

RUNS: Jan. 8, 15, 22 - J 16

Page 5, The Cameron Parish Pilot, Cameron, La., January 8, 2004

LEGAL NOTICESCont. from Page 4

CCrriimmee LLooggDomestic Violence was up

and drug arrests down inDecember in CameronParish. Advocates for abusevictims say the holidays showincreased incidences ofdomestic violence, and someCameron Parish residentsmight agree.

On Dec. 23, five CameronParish Sheriff deputiesresponded to a domestic vio-lence incident in Sweetlake inwhich shotguns wereinvolved, tires slashed and atleast one window smashed.Chuck F. Smith, 29, of 1005Shellie, Ln., Lake Charles,arrived at the residence of hisformer girlfriend, accompa-nied by Cade C. Brown, 27, of2134 Walker Dr., Westlake, toretrieve some of Smith’sbelongings. When admissionwas denied, the incident esca-lated with persons inside andoutside the residence alleged-ly brandishing shotguns.

On-duty deputies as wellas off-duty officers livingnearby responded, quellingthe incident before anyonewas injured. Smith wascharged with domestic vio-lence, simple assault, tres-passing, and two counts ofproperty damage. Brown wascharged with property dam-age, trespassing, and aggra-vated assault with a firearm.Both were released the nextday on bond.

On Christmas eve,Kenneth Snider, 41, of 111CTwin Oaks Dr., Grand Lakewas arrested for domestic vio-lence and simple assault.

On Dec. 20, Mickey J.Swire, 51, of Adam Roux St.,Cameron, was arrested fordomestic violence, trespass-ing and simple assault andEric James Melton, 28, of150B Main St., Hackberrywas also charged with domes-tic violence and battery in aseparate incident.

Earlier in the month, onDec. 12, Jamie Andrews, 20,of 1593 marshall St. #38,Cameron, was arrested fordomestic violence, simple bat-tery with visible injuries,

false imprisonment, batteryof a police officer, and resist-ing arrest. He was releasedon $2500 recognizance bondon Dec. 23.

Eric L. Linden, 23, of 126Debra Ln., Cameron, wasarrested Dec. 3 for domesticviolence and battery, andCraig X. Green, 23, of 1593Marshall St. #22, Cameronwas arrested Dec. 2 fordomestic violence, simple bat-tery, simple assault and pos-session of marijuana andparaphernalia.

In non-domestic incidents,Terril A. Normandy, Jr., 48, of138 Ellen St. #6, Cameron,was charged Dec. 7 withaggravated assault, unautho-rized entry of an inhibiteddwelling and simple criminaldamage to property; James B.Salomon, 41, of Crowley, wascharged Dec. 30 with aggra-vated battery; and James W.Lewis, Jr., 45, of Crowley, wasarrested Dec. 21 for simplebattery with visible injuries.

DDeecceemmbbeerr DDWWII’’ss12-1: Ricky L. Beard, 46,

1504 Parish Line Rd., GrandLake

12-10: Victor L. Cryer, 45,130D Hayes Picou Rd.,Cameron

12-13: Darrell J. Woods,39, Lake Charles

12-15: Alexander F.Boudin, Jr., 61, New Orleans

12-18: Ronnie D. Stanley,46, Vidor, Tx.

12-17: James R. Moody, 25,150A Main St., Hackberry

12-30: Blake AnthonyMurphy, 20, 239 JohnnyBenoit Rd., Hackberry

OOtthheerr AArrrreessttss12-6: Tracy J. Fodrie, 31,

149 Main St., Hackberry -Felony theft, 2 counts resist-ing arrest, bench warrant -Sulphur.

12-11: Charles C. Touchet,33, Abbeville - Theft. LucasEdward Damon, 29, Sulphur -Possession of marijuana.

12-14: Kenneth R. Smith,64, 172 Main St., Hackberry -Telephone harassment.

12-20: Andrea N. Green,19, 130A Hayes Picou Rd.,Cameron - Possession of mar-ijuana and paraphernalia.

Former Louisiana Con-gressman Henson Moore, whospent his boyhood inHackberry, was featuredrecently in an article in theBaton Rouge Advocate whichstated it “would be hard-pressed to come up withsomeone who has climbed theWashington ladder as HensonMoore III.”

The Advocate article, writ-ten by Gerald Shields, read inpart:

Moore served for 12 yearsas a Republican in Congress.He worked as deputy EnergySecretary and then deputychief of staff under PresidentGeorge H. Bush. Today, he ispresident and chief executiveofficer of the American Forestand Paper Association.

Moore was born in LakeCharles, though his familylived a ferry ride away inHackberry in CameronParish. He was one of threechildren and his father,Henson Jr., was a laborer inthe oil fields.

Moore, whose parents aredeceased, moved to BatonRouge as a youth when hisfather became a manager tothe first offshore oil drillingcompany.

Moore attended BatonRouge’s public schools andgained his first taste of poli-tics when he became studentbody president at BatonRouge High School. Heattended LSU and earnedthree degrees: a bachelor’s inpolitical science, a juris doc-torate and a master’s in gov-ernment.

He spent 1965 to 1967 inthe U.S. Army in Germany,where he was captain of amilitary police unit. Upon his

return home, friends weretalking about a radical ideafor Louisiana at the time,joining the Republican Party.

“We thought Louisiananeeded a two-party system toclean up government,” Moorerecalls. “We joined theRepublican Party when it wasin its infancy.”

After working severalyears with the party, Mooredecided to run for Congressand intended to challengefour-term Democrat incum-bent John Rarick in 1974. Buta funny thing happened onthe way to the election:Rarick was defeated in theprimary.

Moore faced former sports-caster Jeff Lacaze and defeat-ed him by 44 votes, theslimmest margin in federalelection history. Lacazeprotested and a judge orderedthe race to be rerun, anotherfederal first.

Moore won the second racehandily and took his seat inCongress, only the secondRepublican Louisiana con-gressman of the century.(Congressman and futureLouisiana governor DaveTreen became the first in1972.)

Moore served on the HouseAgriculture Committee andthe Energy and CommerceCommittee for four years.

He eventually wasappointed to the powerfulHouse Ways and MeansCommittee, where he servedeight years.

There, Moore sponsoredwhat he considered his mostimportant legislation, lifeinsurance taxes.

Moore was an unsuccess-ful candidate for the U.S.Senate in 1986, losing to Sen.John Breaux, a Democrat.Moore returned to practicinglaw when he received a callasking him to consider joiningthe Energy Departmentunder Bush. At first, Mooredemurred. Then RepublicanNational CommitteeChairman Lee Atwater con-vinced him to take the job andMoore has no regrets.

After Bush lost in 1992,Moore went back to practicinglaw until a headhunter con-tacted him in 1995 about thetop spot at the AmericanForest and Paper Association.Moore now oversees 120employees and an industrywith $203 billion in sales and1.5 million workers nation-wide. It is the second largestindustry in Louisiana, whichhelped lure Moore to the job.


said, “to fish, to drive, tomarry, you gotta have alicense.” Well, don’t laugh.There are some new laws thattook effect New Year’s Day.

This law says thatLouisianians who don’t paytheir state income tax couldlose their drivers license, aswell as their fishing andhunting licenses.

A person who’s delinquenton individual state incometaxes owing over $1000, if notpaid can have his or her dri-vers’ license revoked or sus-pended. If a person is delin-quent of owing more than$500 in state income taxes,then your hunting or fishinglicenses can be revoked orsuspended. After your taxesare paid in full, plus interestand penalties, you can get thelicenses back.

HHUUNNTTIINNGG NNEEWWSSDuck hunting reports were

better this past week, withlots of hunters bagging theirlimits, even with two or threehunters per blind. Most sayMallards and Green-wingedteals are their limits. I had agood week with five or sixducks limits, mostly green-winged teals, but did have abad day last Sunday, withonly two green-wings and agreen-head, like or spoonbill.

The logged mornings wererough, but staying in theblind until 9 a.m., made goodhunting, even though ourtemperatures were in theupper 60s and 70s.

Our duck-coot season iscoming close to an end, as weonly have ten days to huntthose species. (January 18-Last Day.)

Domestic violence wasup in parish in December


with this warm weather,speckle trout and redfishhave picked up. The windsfrom the south are kind ofstrong, water a little choppy,but good fishing.

Lots of saltwater anglersare using artificial shrimpand some cockahoes, and alsoslap-sticks working themslowly.

Bass fishing has pickedup, fishing the points alongthe Intracoastal Canal fromSweetlake, west to the inter-section of the MermentauRiver, Intracoastal and GrandLake. Worms work well, butspinner baits with double sil-ver or chrome color Coloradoblades, number 4’s andcrankbaits are best.

NNEEWWSS BBRRIIEEFFSSThe big thing today among

fishermen, is “Catch andRelease,” a common beliefthat the fish you release will“live to fight another day.”Tournament anglers say“bass are too valuable tokeep.” All these fish, especial-ly bass, don’t survive. Thereare high death rates on large-mouth bass that are released.

A survey done by the TexasParks and Wildlife biologistswhere two trips were made byfour two-man teams that eachkept thirty bass over fourteeninches long, and put in oneaerated live well, notingwhere the bass were hookedor if the bass were bleeding.At the end of 72 hours, 22 per-cent of the bass had died.There was no differencewhether bass were caught onlive baits or artificial baits.The second trips the deathrate was 28 percent.

Bass hooked in the throathad a death rate of 48 per-cent; hooked in the gills, 17percent; and hooked in themouth, 20 percent. Plasticworms were the worst forthroat hooked bass.

There were 19 out of 240bass caught, that were bleed-ing, and nine died, or 47 per-cent. So as we see this, livebait doesn’t kill any morebass than artificial bait does.


and 5:29 p.m.Saturday: 7:10 a.m. and

5:30 p.m.Sunday: 7:10 a.m. and

5:31 p.m.Monday: 7:10 a.m. and

5:31 p.m.Tuesday: 7:10 a.m. and

5:32 p.m.Wednesday: 7:10 a.m. and

5:34 p.m.Thursday: 7:10 a.m. and

5:34 p.m.


((LLaakkee CChhaarrlleess AAmmeerriiccaannPPrreessss))

Hogs, Hondas and allother kinds of motorcycles,possibly by the thousand, willthunder through the streetsof Lake Charles and along theCreole Nature Trail All-American Road to help cele-brate Mardi Gras inSouthwest Louisiana. Thefirst Blazin’ Bikes Rally willbe held Friday throughSaturday, Feb. 20-22, as partof Mardi Gras.

“We thought that was thebest thing to showcase,” saidPatricia Philmon, rally chair-man and a member of theSouthwest LouisianaConvention and VisitorsBureau board.

They will arrive back inLake Charles to participate inother Mardi Gras events.

Tickets are on sale for achance to win a Harley-Davidson 100th anniversaryedition Fat Boy motorcycle.The raffle is sponsored byHarley Davidson of LakeCharles, and part of the pro-ceeds will go to SouthwestLouisiana Chapter, AutismSociety of America.

Riders and their bikes areexpected from Louisiana,Texas, Alabama, Mississippi,and Florida, but Philmon saidthe rally is being publicizednationally. Entry forms havebeen sent to 250 motorcycledealers. The rally is listed onthe calendars of three majormotorcycle event Web sites:motorcycleevents.com, let-sride.com, and motorcy-clerides.org.

Former H’berry residentfeatured in BR Advocate

CameronOutdoorsBy LOSTON MCEVERS

BBOOYYSS BBAASSKKEETTBBAALLLLSSoouutthh CCaammeerroonn 6666;; SStt..

EEddmmuunndd 4444 -- The Tarponsknocked off the Eagles Tuesdaynight to even their district slateat 1-1. John Lute led theTarpons with 8 three pointers.He ended the night with 28points. Gerry Lane Thomasadded 9 points and OliverPrimeaux chipped in 7 points.Nick Boudreaux and NamonLute added 6 points each.Boudreaux also had 10rebounds. South Cameronimproves to 2-7 on the year.

JJoohhnnssoonn BBaayyoouu 6699;;SSaabbiinnee PPaassss 6611 -- DJ Connerand Wesley Roberts led tehRebels with 15 points each.Jared Trahan scored 14 andBlaine Trahan added 12 points.

HHaacckkbbeerrrryy 5511;; RReeeevveess 3355 --Jay Sanner was the leadingscorer for the Mustangs with 13points. Brett Stansel and ChaseHicks added 10 points each.Hackberry improves to 15-7 onthe year.

MMiiddllaanndd 5544;; GGrraanndd LLaakkee3388 -- Brett Crochet scored 14points for teh 11-14 Hornets.


CCaammeerroonn 3300 -- Rachel Fountainled the Lady Tarpons with 10points. D'Nae Desonnier andKayla Rutherford added 9points each. The Lady Tarponsfall to 3-7 on the year and 0-2 indistrict.

HHaacckkbbeerrrryy 5544;; RReeeevveess 1199 --Edie Leonards scored 14 pointsfor the Lady Mustangs and DesiPicou added 12. Hackberryimproves to 54-19 on the year.

MMiiddllaanndd 3333;; GGrraanndd LLaakkee2288 -- Brandi Carrol scored 15poitns for the 8-13 LadyHornets.

Motorcycliststo make run

through parish


PUBLIC HEARINGDepartment of Natural Resources, Office of

Conservation will hold a public hearing at theCameron Parish Police Jury Meeting Room, 110Smith Circle, Cameron, LA at 6:00 PM, Wednesday,January 14, 2004. The hearing is concerning the per-mit application by ENVIRONMENTAL PARTNERS, LLC,for a low temperature thermal desorption separationfor oil and/or solids recovery, reclamation, and reuse.The public is encouraged to attend.

RUNS: Jan. 8 (J-20)

The La. Fur and WildlifeFestival 2004 Cookbooks areon sale at the following loca-tions through Sat., Jan. 31 inCameron Parish for $10 perbook at: Hackberry, Brown’sGrocery; Johnson Bayou,Young’s Grocery; Cameron,Hibernia National Bank,Clipper Office Supply; GrandLake/Sweet Lake, Chesson’sGrocery; Creole, Canik’s TrueValue and Grand Chenier,Kelley’s Mart.

Cookbooks are also avail-able by mail. Send a moneyorder for $12 (includes ship-ping and handling) to: La.Fur & Wildlife Festival, P. O.Box 19, Cameron, La. 70631.Cookbooks are sent daily.

This years festival will beheld Thurs., Fri., and Sat.,Jan. 8, 9, and 10 honoring theoyster industry.


Energy aidoffered

Applications are beingtaken by the Cameron Community Action Agency for theLow-Income Home EnergyAssistance Program to assistwith home cooling and heatingexpenses by making paymentto energy companies on behalfof eligible households. Eligiblehouseholds with children agefive years and younger, theelderly and handicapped per-sons will be given priority. Tobe eligible, the total incomefor all persons in the house-hold cannot exceed 60 percentmedian income.

Applicants must bringproof of income and/or receiptof AFDC, Food Stamps, SSI,Veteran’s VA Survivors’ Pension, Social Security, Retirement, Pensions, and Annuities. Applicants must bringthe energy bill they needassistance in paying as well asSocial Security cards for allmembers of the household.

Applications are byappointment only, Mondaythrough Friday from 8 a.m. to3 p.m. Please call theCameron office at 775-5145 orthe Grand Lake office at 598-5158 for an appointment.

Jan. 16 is the spring appli-cation deadline for the TeachSouthwest Louisiana (SWLA)and the alternative certifica-tion teacher programs avail-able in the Burton College ofEducation at McNeese StateUniversity Teach SWLA isMcNeese’s initiative to identi-fy exceptional communitymembers with diverse educa-tional backgrounds who rec-ognize the challenges andrewards of teaching and wantto commit to making a differ-ence in Southwest Louisiana.

For more information, con-tact Candice Corman, enroll-ment coordinator for TeachSWLA, at ccorman@mail.mcneese.edu or 475-5414 or visitthe Teach SWLA Web site atwww.teachswla.org.

Deadline toldChildren from kinder-

garten to third grade areinvited to take part in thetenth annual ReadingRainbow Young Writers &Illustrators Contest. To enter,a child must write and illus-trate his own short story.

Every child who enters thecontest receives a Certificateof Achievement from ReadingRainbow host Levar Burton.

Entry forms are availablefrom public libraries, on theLPB website: www.lpb.organd PBS Kids website:www.pbskids.org or by calling1-800-272-8161, ext. 4206.

Louisiana teachers areurged to use the contest as aclass project.

The deadline for receivingentries is March 15.

Young Writersand Illustratorscontest is told

The 48th annualLousiana Fur and Wildlife

Festival honors theOyster Industry

Page 6,The Cameron Parish Pilot, Cameron, La., January 8, 2004

It’s getting cold outside…time to warm up with a cup of hot chocolate. But do you know where that cocoa came from?

Hot chocolate has been around since 600 A.D. when the ancient Mayan and Aztec civilizations began using cocoa beans to make a drinkcalled “xocala.” In 1528, a Spaniard named Hernando Cortez discovered the drink while fighting the Aztecs and brought the cocoa beanback with him. Spaniards everywhere started growing cocoa beans and turning them into their own delicious drinks.

Before long, cocoa beans began sprouting up all over Europe and hot chocolate became the drink of choice. The English added milk to itand began serving it in clubs. Hot chocolate became so popular in England that the government started taxing it.

Eventually people became so busy that they no longer had the time to stand over a hot stove stirring a pot of hot chocolate. The CarnationCompany realized this and created instant cocoa in 1935. Today you can find all types and flavors of instant cocoa mix, including milkchocolate, mint, banana cream and raspberry. There is even gingerbread hot chocolate! With each passing year, the selection gets evenbetter.


Fresh Louisiana oysters are also a valuable anddelectable way to offset the increasingly highamounts of not-so-healthy elements found in mostprocessed and fast foods.

Because oysters are so high in organic sulfurcompounds, they can be a useful, natural tool incombating pathogenic micro-organisms and instrengthening the immune system.

Raw oysters are rich in: - insulin (which regu-lates carbohydrate metabolism). - keratin (the pri-mary protein component of skin, hair and nails).- collagen the protein that forms tendons and con-nective tissues). - glucosamine (the building blockfor tendons, heart valves, and membranes). -gluethione (one of the primary antioxidants cred-ited with the prevention of cataracts).

Oysters are also a source of Omega 3 fattyacids, which have a positive impact on hearthealth.(* Excerpted from “Vitamin Bible”, by Earl Minden, published byWarner Books, New York, NY, 1991, page 94.)


Fiction: Don’t eat raw oysters during monthswhose names don’t contain the letter “R”.

Fact: That old myth dates to the early days ofAmerica’s oyster industry when immediate refrig-eration was either not required or was not imme-diately available. Modern oyster harvesting tech-niques insure that oysters are promptly refriger-ated to safeguard taste, texture and health. Someharvesters have even equipped their boats withon-board refrigeration devices.

Fiction: Raw oysters are just plain unsafe!Fact: Wrong! The fact is that like any food prod-

uct, safe handling makes for safe eating. That’swhy the oyster industry---from boat to dock to pro-cessing, makes product safety its highest priority.However, as with many other high protein foodssuch as eggs and rare meat, people with immunedeficiencies or liver problems should consult theirphysicians before indulging.

Cocoa Magic
