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CAPSULE 3 - DON'T WAIT FOR THE STARS TO ALIGN Before we begin, I'd like for you to think of a friend that you might have. You know the type. The kind who can't ever just take a picture with a camera. Everything has to be right. Everyone must be positioned in the correct place and have the correct expression to satisfy the amateur photographer in the group. Until finally, someone just yells out, "Oh just take the picture already!" Such individuals cannot tolerate the thought of an outcome that is unsatisfactory. But, then, when we think about it, many in life are the same way. A recent comedy movie, “Failure to Launch” epitomized our inner fear to desire comfortable perfection in all outcomes of life. So, we wait for the “stars to align.” Applying this protective practice prevents taking the necessary action to pursue needed goals. Clearly, when the “stars” ever do align, which they never do, the opportunity is long since passed. The joys of success, in whatever form they were to be revealed were lost. Worse, they were passed on to someone else. The purification of Neteru involved assessing your ariu or “nature” from the many feelings, thoughts, and experiences from your past. It included committing to positive ariu, which was to reflect gold wealth onto the silver of your life events. The blending of gold and silver or electrum resonated with Neteru or the universe. When Neteru was in synchrony with your subconscious mind, nature responded to supply the positive outcomes you needed but did not desire. What may have been falsely interpreted is that this meant waiting around for nature to reply. In Pillar Two you have discovered that knowledge comes from the universe. Recall from Pillar One that knowledge or talent is less important when originating from the individual. It was because timeless knowledge originated from Neteru or the universe made it unimportant as an individual accomplishment. Instead, what was important originating from the individual was the persistent, underlying grit. Grit, as you recall, is the total of passion plus perseverance for long-term goals. Grit is the expectation of the individual as the prodding force to forge ahead without waiting. A person pushes through obstacles but gains experience from momentary setbacks and intervals of success. The Kemetic philosophies of Ma’at teach that desire feeds fear and dedication to purpose resonates with Neteru or the universe. Dedication to purpose, not cravings and desire, is the focused effort that has resonance with Neteru. Dedication and effort take risk and that attracts the needed response from nature. Grit requires one to take the risk. Risk is avoided by the fearful, those who practice the emotions of desire. Risk is a calculation that the odds are low when applying statistics for random numbers that you will have a bad outcome. Reality is 1-5% at worst by statistics, not 10-15% as anxiety would have you feel. Look at the numbers for any negative statistic, and you will find this to be true. Try many cancers (without multiplying risk factors such as smoking), having an airplane accident, getting hit while crossing the street as a pedestrian, or having a shark bite. The statistical percentages are much less than 1%, actually. Individuals remain in a protected area when they refuse to accept risk and step out to practice grit. Protected areas are not productive, do not attract resonance support from nature, and do not do


anything to get the individual ahead of where they were the day before. An element of risk is required to step outside the front door, have the first encounter, and begin the process of realizing success. Risk is an essential element in every great leader or person who completed a great goal, since unimaginable obstacles were overcome to realize success. Men did not always lead the almost 10,000-year quest to create and sustain abundance in Ancient Egypt under the pharaohs. The most famous and successful pharaoh, Hatshepsut, was, in fact, a woman. This turn of events involved risk. Pharaoh Thutmose II had just died. Hatshepsut was both queen and regent to her nephew, Thutmose III the intended pharaoh. Thutmose III was still a very small child, and his rule would be damaging to the corporate good of all Egyptians. So, Hatshepsut assumed the risk at the age of 29. She served as Ancient Egypt’s pharaoh for 20 years before handing it over to Thutmose III. Under Hatshepsut’s rule, she mentored Thutmose III and asked him to process many of her decisions with her as he prepared to assume the throne. Hatshepsut discarded her queen's clothing and role-modeled leadership donning the attire of a pharaoh. These included the traditional kilt and crown of the pharaoh, together with a fake beard. She pointed out to Thutmose III this was not to abandon her identity as a woman but to ensure Ancient Egypt retained respect among its neighbors. As a result of her risks, she left Ancient Egypt a much more prosperous empire than when she started her reign. Hatshepsut’s policies were to redirect energy away from conquering new lands. Instead, she placed it on building infrastructure, improving economic prosperity, and restoring the monuments over the lands of Egypt and Nubia or north Sudan. Great risks for success are not only the empire of politicians, but also commoners. Attempting to complete ambulance driver school, but not finding success, Ray Kroc moved to piano playing and then to paper cup and mixer sales. When he landed a large sale for mixers with a successful restaurant operated by the McDonald brothers, Ray Kroc took the risk. Ray bought the exclusive rights to the McDonald name and their focused menu of burgers and fries that made them a local favorite. Soon Ray Kroc duplicated the concept into a network into what has become the McDonalds Empire of success. Most individuals know the “you’re fired” billionaire mogul Donald Trump is the least fearful person of risk in current history. His economic successes have revealed what challenging risk can yield. To remain with a defeatist attitude or rest on prior successes is not acceptable to Donald Trump. He has been bankrupt not twice but three times, most recently in 2009. Still, in 2010, Donald Trump entertained a run for the United States Presidency. In 2013, he invested $1 million researching for the 2016 Presidency. Most of Donald Trump’s success stems from continual risks for his dogged passion and persistence to reach his long-term goals to be a billionaire, not a millionaire. He accepts many of the setbacks knowing that some will be significant successes. Considering the path of Donald Trump, the risk is worth it. Potato sack dresses were the only wardrobe Oprah Winfrey knew for her first six years. She was beaten with a stick for not doing her chores in the house of her grandmother while her mother worked as a maid. Her father had left immediately after conception. Still, her grandmother insisted on regularly


taking her to church and taught to read before the age of three. From the age of nine she attracted sexual advances of her uncle, cousin, and family friend and by 13 years-of-age Oprah Winfrey ran away from home. At 17 years-of-age, Oprah won the Miss Black Tennessee beauty pageant. She parlayed this into a media career when the local black radio station hired her for part-time news work during her senior year of high school and then during college. Winfrey continued to accept risks using media as her tool for success. Oprah became known for her interviewing prowess and was soon interviewing people in Baltimore on People are Talking, and then Dialing for Dollars. She accepted the risk of moving into television and relocated to Chicago. While interviewing people on AM Chicago, then at the bottom of the rating’s list, Oprah Winfrey quickly overtook the ratings king, Donahue. Roger Ebert suggested Oprah Winfrey take the risk of leaving to assume his At the Movies show and renamed it The Oprah Winfrey Show. Soon, Oprah Winfrey had doubled the market share of Donahue and Donahue left the market. Risk was central to Oprah Winfrey’s success. Thoughts can be helpful. Thoughts can be deadly. They, similar to Oprah’s experience, originate from early conditioning. Yes, Oprah heard and experienced many negative things as a child. But, she had a strong role model in her grandmother who gave her an element of strength and stamina. Thoughts create your feelings. Your subconscious mind drives your feelings. All feeling memory is stored there. Direct your thoughts and you control your feelings, which is your drive or motivation. Your feelings lead to an action of some kind. No feeling lies dormant. You respond with some activity whether productive or not. If your activities are productive, you will create abundance. Clearly, abundance is the result or outcome you are seeking to achieve. Whatever you have decided to apply your thought to achieve, that becomes your outcome. Reaching that result involves risk or stepping away from your protected place where nothing happens. A boat does not get to its destination until it launches. An airplane does not land at its final runway until it first takes off. An arrow does not reach its mark until it is first unfurled. Exercise To exercise your risk-taking efforts take your small, wire-bound notebook and write on the top of a new page “Abundance requires launching.” List the risks that have prevented you from feeling aligned with the stars. Mark your thoughts about each risk and note what conditioned you to have that thought. Where there is a negative perception, write a positive statement that will drive what you decide to do. Review your updated, positive thoughts, daily, since that will reinforce what you decide to do and from that the activities that result.