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CAPSULE 2 – SELF DISCIPLINE Setting boundaries to begin a project or task is just the beginning of the process of success. Self-discipline is mandatory to get the task completed to the finish line. Without self-discipline, many distractions come from inside to prevent an acceptable conclusion and are often seen as procrastination. These are unlike the external distractions as described in capsule one that required boundaries. Have you experienced these problems with self-discipline? Consider pushing the snooze alarm on the alarm clock several times in the morning when there is work that needs to be done. Consider watching television for two hours or more every day when much of the time could be used studying to improve personal skill sets. Consider arriving for work a few minutes late every day simply because it is acceptable. Consider performing work that is less than your very best effort for the client. Emperor Qin Shihuang united six states under the command of General Meng Tian and created the Great Wall of China. He banded together soldiers, commoners, and criminals with one cause to protect against the constant distractions of nomadic tribes from the north. This effort took years to complete, which required individual and corporate self-discipline. He did not believe in Confucianism, but the principles suited Qin’s political agenda. So, he promoted Confucian teachings to gain popularity and allegiance of the people. Confucian teachings were treated as a religion, but it was really a series of ethical standards based on knowledge Confucius learned from tapping the universe through his subconscious mind. Confucius stated that what he learned from the cosmos was nothing but symbols that wise men could use appropriately. So, wisdom was considered more self-interpreted rather than following the rules of the government. Clearly, this made him a constant enemy of Emperor Qin, who held that the head of state has absolute power according to the universal blessing of shi. Still, the people were well-organized by Confucian teachings of doing no harm to a neighbor, respecting elders, and maintaining the family unit. Qin liked this. The Chinese people now had a purpose, and they were prospering under the combination of his harsh rule and Confucius’ humanistic religion. Self-discipline was a core ethic of Confucianism. One was supposed to practice selflessness, empathy, generosity, sincerity, seriousness, kindness, and diligence. These were all values that made the whole of self-discipline. Applying the principle of Confucianism, everything must be done at the proper time. This is the lesson Emperor Qin brings forward to you. Mahatma Gandhi, the respected spiritual and political leader from India during the first half of the twentieth century is quoted to have said, "Not to have control over the senses is like sailing in a rudderless ship, bound to break to pieces on coming in contact with the very first rock." This is a common theme in many religions that support the control of speech as most important to display wisdom and self-discipline. Your senses are controlled, mostly, by subconscious processes influenced by the fight-or-flight system. To demonstrate control over your senses is to demonstrate command over your subconscious mind. In most success literature, controlling one’s subconscious mind for personal use is the goal of mind power.

PILLAR 1- CREATING BOUNDARIES, MODULE 2 – SELF DISCIPLINE Attaining a goal, creating a plan, and forging a direction require control of self-discipline. Self-discipline through the “eyes” of one’s senses commands the rudder to your ship, the steering wheel to your vehicle and the yoke to your airplane. It gets you pointed where you need to be so you can reach your destination. With boundaries, you declare you have value or a measure of self-worth. With self-discipline, you emphasize your drive in one direction. You have decided on a goal and plan. Now, you forge ahead with purpose. Your intension is to succeed. Self-discipline means that you accept and endure the obstructions, agony, and periodic discouragement all in the effort of attaining the end-point. It also means you have a willingness to overcome boundaries and obstacles that appear along your path. These may result from external sources, but often they are internal fears that erode away at courage. You may not want to perform your tasks, but still you do them. With courage, you do them without giving it another thought. To exercise self-discipline, you don’t need clumsy tactics. Rather, steady routines often win the race. You are not looking for any short-term gratification, but instead long-term benefits. Rituals from disciplined practice bring about pride and self-worth. After all, self-discipline is an art form of choice that you have full control. And, when you have full control, you are always happiest. Some tasks are easier when using self-discipline including completing distasteful tasks such as the mundane daily chores. Why? You are already in the mindset of daily ritual. You are also able to complete more difficult tasks since they usually result in long-term processes that must be broken down into smaller tasks. Similarly, problem-solving becomes easier because you can see outcomes as part of a process rather than view events at face value. The most important factor of self-discipline is that you practice time and personal management skills with greater precision. High-value tasks become central to your everyday activities. The practice soaks into your every waking moment of focusing on only those things of high value. You begin to emphasize these tasks first in the priority of your day. You use every second wisely. You become more productive. Self-discipline is your tool for freedom. Many people find the stories of the Bible are most beneficial for their examples in self-discipline. These serve as guidelines demonstrating the importance of holding one’s course straight in life to see a successful outcome. One pointed example is Noah and his building of a large ark in the days when there had never been rain. He was mocked. And, still he exercised self-discipline and prepared. In the end, he had a successful outcome. Another example is Daniel, the boy who suffered in Babylon, King of Nebuchadnezzar’s lion’s den and whose fellow boys endured a fire pit. He remained firm in his commitment of self-discipline, which resulted in a prosperous, successful outcome, by order of the King. Joseph is yet another popular example of a man who exercised self-discipline. The abandoned eleventh son of Isaac, who was sold into slavery, was faithful to his self-disciplined upbringing. This practice eventually caught the attention of the King of Egypt who placed him second-in-command of his kingdom.

PILLAR 1- CREATING BOUNDARIES, MODULE 2 – SELF DISCIPLINE This pattern of establishing a goal, developing a plan and forging ahead with directed self-discipline is not lost on ancient samples from which to example. A more recent illustration includes Steve Jobs, who, along with Steve Wozniak, cofounded Apple from a garage in California in the early 1970’s. Using bootstrap financing from selling an old vehicle and self-discipline, Steve Jobs realized a successful outcome. Abraham Lincoln started from a log cabin in Illinois, USA. He became a lawyer and learned his lesson about having a sharp tongue (ala the Gandi quote) after the 1858 Illinois U.S. senatorial debate against the incumbent, Stephen A. Douglas. Lincoln lost. But self-discipline was the rudder in Abraham Lincoln’s life. With lessons learned to keep a soft tongue after that (especially with each of his commanding Union generals), he became a successful arbiter of peace during the Civil War. You, too, can develop self-discipline. Following basic principles you can gain command of your personal rudder and position your life towards your goals and plan. First, you must prioritize your life. Taking time to plan and order your life is well worth the effort. To launch a boat without a course or a map is madness. To launch your life without a direction with planned checkpoints is similarly unwise. Second, adopt a self-disciplined lifestyle. This gives you freedom and happiness. It does not place chains of limitation upon you. Rituals, routines, and regimes are the lifestyle of self-discipline. Create what is comfortable for you, but stick to whatever you create each day. Every person of success has reached their end-point by using the lifestyle of the steady tortoise, not the playful rabbit. Third, review all your defenses and remove them from your life. Every person has a set of conditional excuses built for an artificial world. If you have beliefs that you are too old or too young, these must be challenged. If you are defending a belief that you have too little money, this must be challenged for other options. Explore all your defenses that inhibit a life of self-discipline. Fourth, practice delayed gratification. Extend the concept of what you learned in the first capsule with the “pomodoro timer” and rewards of short breaks during tasks. When you are working, then work. Then, reward yourself with time to relax. This includes vacations. You can have a clear conscience to relax because you were faithful to your self-discipline. Fifth, remain results-oriented rather than task-oriented. This is tantamount to avoiding seeing the forest for the trees. Keep your eye on the prize. Use a visualization reminder so you can see your end-point, fresh each day. Exercise Take a few moments, now, and craft your self-discipline theme. You already have your goals and plan, so for your first step, craft measureable checkpoints to ensure you are moving in the correct direction and at a sufficient pace. Allow for feedback, both negative and positive. You don’t care as long as it helps you get where you want to go. Commit here and now to what will be the rituals, routines, and regimes you need for self-discipline. Write them down in a small, wire-bound notebook. These belong to you.

PILLAR 1- CREATING BOUNDARIES, MODULE 2 – SELF DISCIPLINE Only you know what defenses keep you from a clear conscience of self-discipline. Assess them and write them down in your notebook. You will no longer accept them as excuses. Commit to delayed gratification in all things. Write this in your small, wire-bound notebook. It is the secret to self-discipline. Finally, write in your notebook your end-point goal. Daily review this to visualize it. [End of video lesson transcript]
