Physical Dangers of Mobile Technology



Physical Dangers of Mobile Technology. By Gillian and Tyler. Why mobile usage in the car and while walking is dangerous. Using technology while driving Distracting N ot aware of what speed limit H ow close you are to other cars and people. Walking while using technology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Physical Dangers of Mobile Technology

Physical Dangers of Mobile TechnologyBy Gillian and TylerUsing technology while driving Distracting Not aware of what speed limit How close you are to other cars and people.

Walking while using technologyWalk through a red light Walk across a roadWhy mobile usage in the car and while walking is dangerous.

To protect yourself to overcome this danger you could: Not use any technology while in the car Not use technology while walking in the street Tell parents and friends not to use technology while driving

To Prevent this happening to other people. go up to them and make them aware of the dangers of using technology.This could affect us by causing us to be injured in accidents if we:

Were walking to the tram stop and we were texting someone Driving with your parents who are using technology How could it affect you ?You should report this to:

The policeMake the person aware of the dangers of what their doing Who would you report it to?A experiment was undertaken with a car and driver.Texting while driving is worse than driving drunk. Experiment



VideosTAC Distractions TV Ad,26/2/13,youtube,access 13/3/13,

TAC Safety TV Ad - Don't Drive While Distracted #2,15/5/07,youtube,access 13/3/13, Road Safety,TAC, access 6/3/13,

DWI: Driving while intexticated Infographic,22/6/12,onlineschools,access 6/3/13,

Texting And Driving Worse Than Drinking and Driving,25/6/09,cnbc,access 6/3/13,


Distractions,TAC saftey,access 8/4/13,

Texting while Driving Still common in America,2012,gadgetadda,access 8/4/13,

