Physic Form 4 : Pressure



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Chapter 3 Force And PressureChapter 3 Force And PressureChapter 3 Force And PressureChapter 3 Force And Pressure

2.1 Arah Mata Angin

ITeach – Physics Form 4

3.1 Understanding Pressure

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Pressure

Pressure Pressure

Pressure is defined as the force acting per unit area.

Pressure, p = --------------

Force, F

Area, A

p = F/A

The unit for pressure is Newton metre square (Nm-2) or Pascal (Pa).

An elephant weighing 40,000 N stand on area of 0.1 m2 exert 40,000 / 0.1 = 400 kPa pressure on the ground.


ITeach – Physic Form 4

Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Tekanan

Tekanan Tekanan

Tekanan ditakrifkan sebagai daya yang bertindak seunit luas.

Tekanan, p = --------------

Daya, F

Luas, A

p = F/A

Unit bagi tekanan ialah Newton per meter kuasa dua (Nm-2) atau Pascal (Pa).

Seekor gajah dengan berat 40,000 N berdiri pada suatu tempat seluas 0.1 m2 memberikan tekanan 40,000 / 0.1 = 400 kPa pada tanah.


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Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Pressure

Applications Of High Pressure Applications Of High Pressure

Scissors high pressure enables a

scissors to cut easily

Running shoes spikes on base of shoe exerts high pressure to

increase grip on the ground.

Ice skates high pressure melts ice enabling skater to move


ITeach – Physics From 4

Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Tekanan

Aplikasi Tekanan Tinggi Aplikasi Tekanan Tinggi

GuntingTekanan tinggi

membolehkan gunting memotong dengan


Kasut lariTumit kasut memberikan

tekanan tinggi untuk menambah genggaman

pada permukaan

Kasut luncurTekanan tinggi

mencairkan ais, ais yang cair memudahkan peluncur bergerak

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Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Pressure

Applications Of Low Pressure Applications Of Low Pressure

Large wheels of tank low pressure on ground so that tank will not sink.

Large feet of camel exerts low pressure on sand so that camel will not sink into the sand.

Snow shoeprevents Eskimo from sinking into the show

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Bab 3 Daya dan Gerakan

Memahami Tekanan

Aplikasi Tekanan Rendah Aplikasi Tekanan Rendah

Roda tangki yang besar

Tekanan rendah menghalang tangki daripada terbenam

Kaki unta yang besarMemberikan tekanan

rendah pada pasir supaya unta tidak

terbenam ke dalam pasir

Kasut saljiMenghalang Eskimo

daripada tenggelam ke dalam salji

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Chapter 3 Force And PressureChapter 3 Force And PressureChapter 3 Force And PressureChapter 3 Force And Pressure

2.1 Arah Mata Angin

ITeach – Physics Form 4

3.2 Understanding Pressure In Liquid

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Pressure In Liquid

Pressure In Liquid Pressure In Liquid

An object immersed in a liquid experienced pressure due to the weight of the liquid acting on it.

Pressure in a liquid acts equally in all directions.




Water jet

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Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Tekanan Dalam Cecair

Tekanan Dalam CecairTekanan Dalam Cecair

Suatu objek yang direndam ke dalam cecair akan mengalami tekanan disebabkan oleh berat cecair yang bertindak ke atas objek.

Tekanan dalam cecair bertindak sama rata dalam semua arah.




Air terpancut keluar

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Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Pressure In Liquid And DepthPressure In Liquid And Depth

Understanding Pressure In Liquid

Pressure in liquid increases with depth.

Strongest jet of water comes out of the lowest hole.

Bubbles in carbonated increases in volume as it rises to the top as pressure increases with depth.

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The deeper the hole, pressure

Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Tekanan Dalam Cecair dan Kedalaman CecairTekanan Dalam Cecair dan Kedalaman Cecair

Memahami Tekanan Dalam Cecair

Tekanan dalam cecair bertambah dengan kedalaman cecair.

Air terpancut keluar paling kuat pada lubang yang paling rendah.

Semakin tinggi isipadu gelembung udara dalam minuman berkarbonat, semakin banyak gelembung udara naik ke atas permukaan minuman kerana tekanan bertambah dengan kedalaman cecair.

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Semakin dalam lubang, tekanan

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Pressure In Liquid


Water : density = 1000 kg m-3

Distance of water jet from can - far

Cooking oil

Cooking oil : density = 800 kg m-3

Distance of oil jet from can - near

Pressure In Liquid And Density Pressure In Liquid And Density

At the same depth, pressure exerted by a denser liquid is greater than pressure exerted by a less dense liquid.

ITeach – Physics From 4

Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Tekanan Dalam Cecair


Air : Ketumpatan = 1000 kg m-3

Jarak pancutan air daripada bekas - jauh

Minyak masak

Minyak masak : Ketumpatan = 800 kg m-3

Jarak pancutan air daripada bekas - dekat

Tekanan dalam Cecair dan KetumpatanTekanan dalam Cecair dan Ketumpatan

Pada kedalaman yang sama, tekanan yang dihasilkan oleh cecair yang lebih tumpat adalah lebih tinggi berbanding tekanan yang dihasilkan oleh cecair yang berketumpatan rendah.

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Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Pressure In Liquid

Pressure In Liquid, p = hg

Liquid density =

• x

Area = A


weight of liquidPressure = -------------------- area

mg = ----- A

(V)g = -------- A

(Ah)g = ---------- A

= hg

ITeach – Physics From 4

Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Tekanan Dalam Cecair

Tekanan dalam Cecair, p = hg

Ketumpatan cecair =

• x

Luas = A


Berat cecairTekanan = -------------------- Luas

mg = ----- A

(V)g = -------- A

(Ah)g = ---------- A

= hg

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Applications Of Pressure In Liquids

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Pressure In Liquid

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• Dams hold water to store or generate electricity.

• The base of a dam is thicker than the upper part to withstand the higher water pressure at the base of the dam as pressure in water increases with depth.

Aplikasi Tekanan dalam Cecair

Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Tekanan dalam Cecair

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• Empangan menyimpan air untuk menjana tenaga elektrik

• Bahagian bawah empangan mestilah lebih tebal daripada bahagian atas untuk menahan tekanan air yang tinggi pada bahagian bawah empangan kerana tekanan bertambah dengan kedalaman.

Empangan hidroelektrik

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Pressure In Liquid

Application Of Pressure In Liquids – Water Tank

Water tank in a house is placed below the roof.

Water flowing out from tap Q on the first floor is stronger than water flowing out from tap P on the third floor.



ITeach – Physics From 4

Water pressure forces water to flow out from the taps.

Explanation The distance of tap Q on the first floor from the surface of the water in the tank is bigger.

Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Tekanan dalam Cecair

Aplikasi Tekanan dalam Cecair – Tangki Air

Tangki air dalam rumah diletakkan dibawah bumbung.

Air yang mengalir keluar daripada paip Q di tingkat satu adalah lebih kuat daripada air yang mengalir keluar daripda paip P di tingkat tiga.



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Tekanan air memaksa air keluar daripada paip.

Penerangan Jarak antara paip Q dengan permukaan air di dalam tangki adalah lebih tinggi.

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Pressure In Liquid

Applications Of Pressure In Liquids


Infusion – the transfer of saline solution to a patient.

The saline solution is hung at an elevated position so that the pressure of the saline solution can flow into the veins of the patient, overcoming the blood pressure of the patient.

ITeach – Physics From 4

Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Tekanan dalam Cecair

Aplikasi Tekanan

dalam Cecair


Infusi – Pemindahan larutan bergaram kepada pesakit.

Larutan bergaram digantung pada kedudukan menegak supaya tekanan daripada larutan bergaram dapat mengalir ke dalam pesakit, mengatasi tekanan darah pesakit.

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Chapter 3 Force And PressureChapter 3 Force And PressureChapter 3 Force And PressureChapter 3 Force And Pressure

2.1 Arah Mata Angin

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3.3 Understanding Gas Pressure And Atmospheric Pressure

Gas Pressure

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Gas Pressure And Atmospheric Pressure

Gas molecules are constantly in motion. Gas molecules are constantly in motion.

A pressure (gas pressure) is exerted by the molecules of the gas colliding with the sides of the container.

A pressure (gas pressure) is exerted by the molecules of the gas colliding with the sides of the container.

The more energy a gas has, the more energy its molecules will have, and the more pressure will therefore be exerted.

The more energy a gas has, the more energy its molecules will have, and the more pressure will therefore be exerted.

If there is more gas inside a given container, there will be a higher number of average collisions with the sides of the container, and more pressure will therefore be exerted.

If there is more gas inside a given container, there will be a higher number of average collisions with the sides of the container, and more pressure will therefore be exerted.

ITeach – Physics From 4

These molecules collide with each other and with the walls of the container containing the gas.

These molecules collide with each other and with the walls of the container containing the gas.

Tekanan Gas

Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Tekanan Gas dan Tekanan Atmosfera

Molekul-molekul gas sentiasa bergerak dengan rawak. Molekul-molekul gas sentiasa bergerak dengan rawak.

Tekanan (tekanan gas) yang dihasilkan oleh molekul gas adalah disebabkan pelanggaran molekul-molekul gas dengan dinding bekas.

Tekanan (tekanan gas) yang dihasilkan oleh molekul gas adalah disebabkan pelanggaran molekul-molekul gas dengan dinding bekas.

Semakin banyak tenaga yang diperolehi molekul gas, semakin banyak pelanggaran molekul gas dengan dinding bekas, maka semakin tinggi tekanan yang dikenakan.

Semakin banyak tenaga yang diperolehi molekul gas, semakin banyak pelanggaran molekul gas dengan dinding bekas, maka semakin tinggi tekanan yang dikenakan.

Jika terdapat lebih banyak gas didalam suatu bekas, semakin tinggi purata pelanggaran antara molekul dengan dinding bekas, maka semakin tinggi tekanan dikenakan.

Jika terdapat lebih banyak gas didalam suatu bekas, semakin tinggi purata pelanggaran antara molekul dengan dinding bekas, maka semakin tinggi tekanan dikenakan.

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Molekul-molekul gas berlanggar antara satu sama lain dan juga dengan dinding bekas.

Molekul-molekul gas berlanggar antara satu sama lain dan juga dengan dinding bekas.

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Gas Pressure And Atmospheric Pressure

Atmospheric Pressure

Our Earth is surrounded by a thick layer of air.

The air molecules are constantly on the move.

The magnitude of the Earth’s atmospheric pressure is 1.01 x 105 Nm-2 at sea level.

Atmospheric pressure decreases with height above sea level as the density of air decreases.

Air pressure is all around us

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This causes air molecules colliding with the object.

All objects will experience a pressure (called atmospheric pressure) due to these air molecules colliding with them.

Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Tekanan Gas dan Tekanan Atmosfera

Tekanan Atmosfera

Permukaan Bumi diselaputi selapis tebal udara.

Molekuk-molekul udara sentiasa bergerak dengan rawak.

Magnitud tekanan atmosfera Bumi ialah 1.01 x 105 Nm-2 pada paras laut.

Tekanan atmosfera berkurang dengan ketinggian pada paras laut. Ini kerana ketumpatan udara berkurang pada ketinggian yang tinggi.

Tekanan udara di sekeliling kita

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Ini menyebabkan molekul udara berlanggar dengan objek.

Semua objek akan mengalami tekanan (tekanan atmosfera) disebabkan oleh molekul-molekul udara sentiasa berlanggar dengan objek.

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Gas Pressure And Atmospheric Pressure

The Magdeburg Sphere

18 horses were required to pull apart the sphere.


Amospheric pressure


Metal can


Water vapour

Metal can is cooled by pouring cold water

Atmospheric pressure

Low pressure

Can is sealed

The metal is crushed because of the atmospheric pressure is greater than the air pressure inside the metal can.

Existence Of Atmospheric Pressure

ITeach – Physics From 4

Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Tekanan Gas dan Tekanan Atmosfera

Hemisfera Magdeburg

18 ekor kuda digunakan untuk menarik kembali sfera itu


Tekanan atmosfera


Tin besi


Wap air

Tin besi disejukkan dengan menuang airsejuk ke atas tin

Tekanan atmosfera

Tekanan rendah

Tin dibungkus

Tin itu remuk kerana tekanan atmosfera lebih tinggi daripada tekanan udara di dalam tin.

Kewujudan Tekanan Atmosfera

ITeach – Fizik Tingkatan 4

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Gas Pressure And Atmospheric Pressure

Applications Of Atmospheric Pressure

Drinking Straw


Rubber Sucker For Hanging Objects

ITeach – Physics From 4

Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Tekanan Gas dan Tekanan Atmosfera

Aplikasi Tekanan Atmosfera

Straw minuman


Penyedut plastik digunakan sebagai pemegang untuk

menggantung objek

ITeach – Fizik Tingkatan 4

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Gas Pressure And Atmospheric Pressure

The atmospheric pressure outside which is higher than the air pressure inside causes a force to press the rubber sucker securely against the wall.

Applications Of Atmospheric Pressure

Rubber Sucker For Hanging Objects

Partially vacuumed

(low pressure)hook

Atmospheric pressure

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Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Tekanan Gas dan Tekanan Atmosfera

Tekanan atmosfera di luar penyedut plastik adalah lebih tinggi daripada tekanan udara di dalam penyedut plastik. Tekanan atmosfera yang bertindak di luar penyedut menekan penyedut plastik dengan ketat pada dinding.

Aplikasi Tekanan Atmosfera

Penyedut Plastik Sebagai Pemegang untum Menggantung Objek Ringan

Separa vakum (tekanan rendah) Cangkuk

Tekanan atmosfera

ITeach – Fizik Tingkatn 4

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Gas Pressure And Atmospheric Pressure

The higher atmospheric pressure forces the liquid to flow up the straw into the mouth (region of low pressure).

Applications Of Atmospheric Pressure

Drinking Straw

ITeach – Physics From 4

Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Tekanan Gas dan Tekanan Atmosfera

Tekanan atmosfera yang bertindak ke atas permukaan cecair menjadi lebih tinggi daripada tekanan udara di dalam penyedut apabila udara disedut keluar daripada penyedut minuman. Tekanan atmosfera pada cecair yang tinggi mombolehkan cecair dipaksa naik ke dalam penyedut dan memasuku mulut.

Aplikasi Tekanan Atmosfera

Penyedut Minuman

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Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Gas Pressure And Atmospheric Pressure

Applications Of Atmospheric Pressure


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Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Tekanan Gas dan Tekanan Atmosfera

Aplikasi Tekanan Atmosfera


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Tiub getah

Tekanan atmosfera

Instruments Used To Measure Gas Pressure And Atmospheric Pressure

Instruments used to measure atmospheric pressure

Instrument used to measure gas pressure

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Gas Pressure And Atmospheric Pressure

Bourdon gauge

mercury barometer Aneroid barometer Fortin barometer

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Alatan untuk Menyukat Tekanan Gas dan Tekanan Atmosfera

Alatan untuk menyukat tekanan atmosfera

Alatan untuk menyukat tekanan gas

Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Tekanan Gas dan Tekanan Atmosfera

Tolok Bourdon

Barometer Merkuri Barometer Aneroid Barometer Fortin

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Chapter 3 Force And PressureChapter 3 Force And PressureChapter 3 Force And PressureChapter 3 Force And Pressure

2.1 Arah Mata Angin

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3.4 Applying Pascal’s Principle

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Applying Pascal’s Principle

Transfer Of Pressure In Water, Pascal’s PrincipleTransfer Of Pressure In Water, Pascal’s Principle

When the piston is pushed in, water will shoot out of the holes in the flask in all directions and with equal speeds.

This shows that pressure in water is transferred uniformly throughout the water.

Pascal's principle states that pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted equally to every part of the fluid, as well as to the walls of the container.


Push in Glass flask


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Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Aplikasi Prinsip Pascal

Pemindahan Tekanan dalam Air, Prinsip PascalPemindahan Tekanan dalam Air, Prinsip Pascal

Apabila omboh ditolak ke dalam, air akan keluar daripada lubang-lubang yang terdapat pada kelalang dalam semua arah dengan laju yang sama.

Ini menunjukkan tekanan dalam air dipindahkan secara seragam ke setiap bahagian cecair.

Prinsip Pascal menyatakan bahawa tekanan yang dikenakan ke atas suatu cecair yang tertutup akan dipindahkan secara seragam ke setiap bahagian cecair.


Ditolak ke dalam Kelalang kaca


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Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Applying Pascal’s Principle

Applications of Pascal’s Principle – Hydraulic JackApplications of Pascal’s Principle – Hydraulic Jack

A hydraulic system can produce a large force by using a small force.


Area = A2Area = A1


According to Pascal’s Principle

That is That is

ITeach – Physics Form 4

the pressure acting on the small piston is the same as the pressure acting on the big piston.







Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Aplikasi Prinsip Pascal

Aplikasi Prinsip Pascal – Sistem Hidraulik RingkasAplikasi Prinsip Pascal – Sistem Hidraulik Ringkas

Sistem hidraulik boleh menghasilkan daya yang besar dengan menggunakan daya yang kecil.


Luas = A2Luas= A1


Mengikut Prinsip Pascal


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Tekanan yang bertindak pada omboh kecil adalah sama dengan tekanan yang bertindak pada omboh besar.







Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Example of the use of hydraulic system in a mechanic’s workshop

Air compressor


F1 F2

Small cylinder Large cylinder


Applications of Pascal’s Principle – Hydraulic JackApplications of Pascal’s Principle – Hydraulic Jack

Applying Pascal’s Principle

ITeach – Physics From 4

Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Contoh penggunaan sistem hidraulik di dalam bengkel kereta.

Pemampat udara


F1 F2

Silinder kecil Silinder besar


Aplikasi Prinsip Pascal – Jek HidraulikAplikasi Prinsip Pascal – Jek Hidraulik

Aplikasi Prinsip Pascal

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ITeach – Physics Form 5

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Applying Pascal’s Principle

Applications of Pascal’s Principle – Hydraulic system in car brakeApplications of Pascal’s Principle – Hydraulic system in car brake

When a small force is directed onto the brake pedal, the pressure produced will be transmitted via the brake fluid to the car’s tyres.When a small force is directed onto the brake pedal, the pressure produced will be transmitted via the brake fluid to the car’s tyres.

This produces a large force on the brake pedals which slows down the rotation of the wheels.This produces a large force on the brake pedals which slows down the rotation of the wheels.

Small cylinder

Break pedals


Break pedals

Break drumBreak pedals

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Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Aplikasi Prinsip Pascal

Aplikasi Prinsip Pascal – Sistem Hidraulik dalam Brek KeretaAplikasi Prinsip Pascal – Sistem Hidraulik dalam Brek Kereta

Apabila daya yang kecil dikenakan kepada pedal brek, tekanan yang dihasilkan akan dipindahkan melalui cecair brek kepada tayar kereta.Apabila daya yang kecil dikenakan kepada pedal brek, tekanan yang dihasilkan akan dipindahkan melalui cecair brek kepada tayar kereta.

Ini menghasilkan daya yang lebih besar pada pedal brek dan menyebabkan putaran roda kereta menjadi semakin perlahan.Ini menghasilkan daya yang lebih besar pada pedal brek dan menyebabkan putaran roda kereta menjadi semakin perlahan.

Silinder kecil

Pedal brek


Pedal brek

Gelendung brekPedal brek

Chapter 3 Force And PressureChapter 3 Force And PressureChapter 3 Force And PressureChapter 3 Force And Pressure

2.1 Arah Mata Angin

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3.5 Applying Archimedes’ Principle

ITeach – Physics Form 4

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Applying Pascal’s Principle

Archimedes discovered that an object that is partially or fully immersed in a fluid experiences an upwards force on it. This force is known as buoyant force.Archimedes discovered that an object that is partially or fully immersed in a fluid experiences an upwards force on it. This force is known as buoyant force.

This buoyant force is caused by the higher fluid pressure acting on the base of an object compared to the fluid pressure acting on the top surface.This buoyant force is caused by the higher fluid pressure acting on the base of an object compared to the fluid pressure acting on the top surface.

Buoyant ForceBuoyant Force

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Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Aplikasi Prinsip Archimedes

Archimedes mendapati objek yang tenggelam penuh atau tenggelam separuh penuh di dalam cecair akan mengalami daya ke atas. Daya ini dipanggil daya keapungan.

Archimedes mendapati objek yang tenggelam penuh atau tenggelam separuh penuh di dalam cecair akan mengalami daya ke atas. Daya ini dipanggil daya keapungan.

Daya keapungan disebabkan oleh tekanan cecair yang tinggi bertindak pada bahagian bawah objek berbanding tekanan cecair yang bertindak pada bahagian atas objek.

Daya keapungan disebabkan oleh tekanan cecair yang tinggi bertindak pada bahagian bawah objek berbanding tekanan cecair yang bertindak pada bahagian atas objek.

Daya KeapunganDaya Keapungan

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Applying Archimedes’ Principle

Buoyant force – Example Of Buoyant Force Acting On Objects.Buoyant force – Example Of Buoyant Force Acting On Objects.

A piece of cork, pushed below the surface of the water and released, will immediately rise to the surface. A piece of cork, pushed below the surface of the water and released, will immediately rise to the surface.

The cork is buoyant because the cork is acted on by buoyant force.The cork is buoyant because the cork is acted on by buoyant force.weight


A ship made of iron can float on the surface of the sea due to the buoyant force F which is balanced by its weight mg.A ship made of iron can float on the surface of the sea due to the buoyant force F which is balanced by its weight mg.

Air bubbles released rise to the sea surface due to the buoyant force acting on them.Air bubbles released rise to the sea surface due to the buoyant force acting on them.

A hot-air balloon rises from the surface of the Earth due to buoyant force acting on it.A hot-air balloon rises from the surface of the Earth due to buoyant force acting on it.

Buoyant force

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Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Aplikasi Prinsip Archimedes

Daya Keapungan – Contoh Daya Keapungan Bertindak Pada ObjekDaya Keapungan – Contoh Daya Keapungan Bertindak Pada Objek

Sebiji gabus ditolak ke bawah permukaan air dan segera dilepaskan, gabus itu segera naik ke permukaan air selepas dilepaskan.

Sebiji gabus ditolak ke bawah permukaan air dan segera dilepaskan, gabus itu segera naik ke permukaan air selepas dilepaskan.

Gabus itu terapung kerana daya keapungan bertindak pada gabus itu.Gabus itu terapung kerana daya keapungan bertindak pada gabus itu.Berat


Kapal yang diperbuat daripada besi boleh terapung dipermukaan laut kerana daya keapungan F yang bertindak pada kapal adalah sama dengan berat kapal mg.

Kapal yang diperbuat daripada besi boleh terapung dipermukaan laut kerana daya keapungan F yang bertindak pada kapal adalah sama dengan berat kapal mg.

Gelembung udara yang dibebaskan di dalam laut naik ke permukaan laut disebabkan oleh daya keapungan bertindak pada gelembung udara itu.

Gelembung udara yang dibebaskan di dalam laut naik ke permukaan laut disebabkan oleh daya keapungan bertindak pada gelembung udara itu.

Belon udara panas naik ke atas udara disebabkan daya keapungan bertindak pada belon itu.Belon udara panas naik ke atas udara disebabkan daya keapungan bertindak pada belon itu.

Daya keapungan

ITeach – Fizik Tingkatan 4

Prinsip Archimedes menyatakan bahawa daya keapungan yang bertindak pada objek yang tenggelam adalah sama dengan berat cecair yang disesarkan oleh objek.

Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Aplikasi Prinsip Archimedes

ITeach – Fizik Tingkatan 4

Daya Keapungan dan Berat Cecair Tersesar, Prinsip Archimedes

Kehilangan berat batu = Daya keapungan = Berat air tersesar

(W1 – W2) = (W4 – W3)

Penimbang spring

Bikar Eureka



Air keluar


Air tersesar

Berat batu di udara = W1N

Berat batu dalam air = W2N

Berat bikar kosong = W3N

Berat bikar dan air = W4N

Kehilangan berat batu = (W1 – W2)N

Berat air yang tersesar = W4– W3)NTali

Archimedes’ Principle states that the buoyant force on a submerged object is equal to the weight of the fluid that is displaced by the object.

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Applying Archimedes’ Principle

ITeach – Physics Form 4

Buoyant Force And Weight Of Liquid Displaced, Archimedes’ Principle

Loss in weight of the stone = buoyant force = weight of water displaced

(W1 – W2) = (W4 – W3)

Spring balance




Side mouth


Water displaced

Weight of the stone in air = W1N

Weight of the stone in water = W2N

Weight of the empty beaker = W3N

Weight of beaker and water = W4N

Loss in weight of the stone = (W1 – W2)N

Weight of water displaced = W4– W3)NThread

To prevent ships from sinking, a plimsoll line is marked on the hull of all ships to show the limit which are safe for the ship.To prevent ships from sinking, a plimsoll line is marked on the hull of all ships to show the limit which are safe for the ship.

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Applying Archimedes’ Principle

ITeach – Physics From 4

Applications of Archimedes’ Principle – The shipApplications of Archimedes’ Principle – The ship

A ship floats because it displaces sea water with a weight equals to its own weight.A ship floats because it displaces sea water with a weight equals to its own weight.


Sea water

Plimsoll line



When more loads are put into the ship, the ship will sink further. When more loads are put into the ship, the ship will sink further.

The ship will sink when the ship is overloaded.The ship will sink when the ship is overloaded.

Garis plimsoll ditanda pada sisi kapal untuk menunjukkan aras di mana ia boleh dibebankan.Garis plimsoll ditanda pada sisi kapal untuk menunjukkan aras di mana ia boleh dibebankan.

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Aplikasi Prinsip Archimedes – KapalAplikasi Prinsip Archimedes – Kapal

Sebuah kapal terapung kerana berat kapal adalah sama dengan berat air yang tersesar.Sebuah kapal terapung kerana berat kapal adalah sama dengan berat air yang tersesar.


Air laut

Garis Plimsoll


Daya keapungan

Apabila lebih banyak beban dimasukkan ke dalam kapal, kapal itu akan tenggelam dengan lebih dalam.Apabila lebih banyak beban dimasukkan ke dalam kapal, kapal itu akan tenggelam dengan lebih dalam.

Kapal akan tenggelam apabila kapal itu terlebih muatan.Kapal akan tenggelam apabila kapal itu terlebih muatan.

To stay afloat on sea surface, the ballast tank is emptied of water.

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Applying Archimedes’ Principle

ITeach – Physics From 4

Applications of Archimedes’ Principle – The Submarine

Empty tank

Tank fully-filled with water

Sea surface

Tank partially filled with waterBuoyant force= weight of submarine

Buoyant force< weight of submarine

Buoyant force= weight of submarine

Buoyant force = Weight of the submarine

To stay stationary below the surface of the sea, the ballast tank is partially filled

with water.Buoyant force = Weight of the submarine

To sink into the sea, more water is pumped into the ballast tank.

Buoyant force < Weight of the submarine

Untuk terapung di permukaan laut, tangki-tangki ballast mestilah kosong.

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Aplikasi Prinsip Archimedes – Kapal Selam

Tangki kosong

Tangki dipenuhi air

Permukaan laut

Separuh daripada tangki dipenuhi air

Daya keapungan= Berat kapal selam

Daya keapungan< Berat kapal selam

Daya keapungan= Berat kapal selam

Daya keapungan = Berat kapal selam

Untuk berada dibawah permukaan laut, separuh daripada tangki ballast dipenuhi

air.Daya keapungan = Berat kapal selam

Untuk tanggelam ke dalam laut, lebih banyak air dipam ke dalam tangki ballast.

Daya keapungan < Berat kapal selam

The hydrometer is used to measure the relative density of a liquid.The hydrometer is used to measure the relative density of a liquid.

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Applying Archimedes’ Principle

ITeach – Physics From 4

Application of Archimedes’ Principle – The hydrometer

Lead shots




Lead shots

It is used to check the condition of a car battery by determining the relative density of the acid in the battery which is not supposed to fall below 1.20

It is used to check the condition of a car battery by determining the relative density of the acid in the battery which is not supposed to fall below 1.20

Hidrometer digunakan untuk mengukur ketumpatan cecair.Hidrometer digunakan untuk mengukur ketumpatan cecair.

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Aplikasi Prinsip Archimedes – Hidrometer






Ia digunakan untuk memeriksa keadaan bateri kereta dengan menghitung ketumpatan asid di dalam bateri di mana nilainya tidak boleh kurang daripada1.20

Ia digunakan untuk memeriksa keadaan bateri kereta dengan menghitung ketumpatan asid di dalam bateri di mana nilainya tidak boleh kurang daripada1.20

Chapter 3 Force And PressureChapter 3 Force And PressureChapter 3 Force And PressureChapter 3 Force And Pressure

2.1 Arah Mata Angin

ITeach – Physics From 4

3.6 Understanding Bernoulli’s Principle

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Bernoulli’s Principle

ITeach – Physics From 4

Bernoulli’s Principle

Bernoulli’s Principle states that the pressure of a fluid decreases as the velocity of the flow of the fluid

increases and vice versa.

pressure of a fluid

velocity of the flow of the fluid

pressure of a fluid

velocity of the flow of the fluid

Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Prinsip Bernoulli

ITeach – Fizik Tingkatan 4

Prinsip Bernoulli

Prinsip Bernoulli menyatakan bahawa tekanan bendalir berkurang apabila halaju bendalir bertambah.

Tekanan bendalir Halaju bendalir

Tekanan bendalir Halaju bendalir

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Bernoulli’s Principle

ITeach – Physics From 4

A sheet of paper is held in a horizontal plane in front of the lips.

Air is blown across the top of the paper.

The free end of the paper is seen to rise.

The flow of air at high speed creates a region of low pressure across the top of the paper.

The still air beneath the paper is at a higher pressure and a net upward force lifts up the paper

Bernoulli’s Principle - Example

Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Prinsip Bernoulli

ITeach – Fizik Tingkatan 4

Sehelai kertas diletakkan pada satah mengufuk dihadapan mulut.

Udara ditiup merentasi bahagian atas kertas itu.

Bahagian kertas yang dihujung kelihatan terjongket ke atas.

Apabila udara bergerak melalui bahagian atas kertas, tekanan di atasnya menjadi lebih rendah daripada tekanan atmsofera di bahagian bawah kertas

Tekanan atmosfera di bahagian bawah kertas menolak kertas ke atas.

Prinsip Bernoulli - Contoh

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Bernoulli’s Principle

ITeach – Physics From 4

A filter funnel is inverted and ping-pong ball is held under it.

When air is blown through the funnel, the ping-pong ball does not drop when released, but is held up beneath the funnel.

The air flows around the ping-pong ball at high speed and creates a region of low pressure.

The air beneath the ball is at atmospheric and a net upward force holds up the ping-pong ball.


Filter funnel

Ping-pong ball

Atmospheric pressure

Bernoulli’s Principle

Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Prinsip Bernoulli

ITeach – Fizik Tingkatan 4

Corong turas diterbalikkan dan bola ping-pong diletakkan di bawahnya.

Bola ping-pong tidak jatuh ke bawah semasa dilepaskan apabila udara ditiup melalui corong turas.

Udara yang ditiup melalui corong turas menyebabkan tekanan udara di atas bola ping-pong menjadi lebih rendah daripada tekanan atmosfera normal.

Ini membolehkan tekanan atmosfera di bahagian bawah bola ping-pong menolaknya ke atas.

Udara ditiup

Corong turas

Bola ping-pong

Takanan atmosfera

Prinsip Bernoulli


Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Bernoulli’s Principle

ITeach – Physics From 4

The diagram shows the cross section of the wing of an aeroplane.

Lift Due To The Difference In Pressure

This shape is called an aerofoil. The shape of the wing causes air to flow faster over the top of the wing

compared to the lower part of the wing. Hence a region of high pressure exist below the wing and a region of low

pressure exist above the wing.

This difference in pressure causes a resultant force to act on the wing in an upward direction.

This force is called “lift” . This lift enables an aeroplane to ascend.


Air flows faster causes low pressure on top of the wing


Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Prinsip Bernoulli

ITeach – Fizik Tingkatan 4

Rajah menunjukkan keratan rentas sayap kapal terbang.

Daya Angkat Disebabkan Perbezaan Tekanan

Bentuk ini dipanggil aerofoil. Sayap kapal terbang yang berbentuk aerofoil menyebabkan udara mengalir

lebih laju pada bahagian atas sayap berbanding bahagian bawah sayap. Maka, kawasan yang mempunyai tekanan tinggi terhasil di bahagian bawah

sayap manakala kawasan yang bertekanan rendah terhasil di bahagian atas sayap.

Perbezaan tekanan menyebakan satu daya ke atas atau daya angkat ke atas sayap-sayap.

Daya yang terhasil dipanggil daya angkat. Daya angkat membolehkan kapal terbang bergerak di udara.


Aliran udara yang lebih laju di atas sayap menyebabkan tekanan udara di atas sayap menjadi lebih rendah

daripada tekanan di bawahnya.

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Bernoulli’s Principle

ITeach – Physics From 4

When the piston is pushed, air flows out from the nozzle at very high speed.

According to Bernoulli’s Principle, a region of low pressure is created at the nozzle.

The higher atmospheric pressure then pushes the insect poison liquid up through the narrow tube towards the nozzle.

Applications Of Bernoulli’s Principle – Insecticide SprayApplications Of Bernoulli’s Principle – Insecticide Spray

The liquid insecticide mixes with the air is then ejected as a spray of fine droplets of insecticide.

Atmospheric pressure

Insect poison liquid Narrow metallic tube

Fine nozzle

Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Prinsip Bernoulli

ITeach – Fizik Tingkatan 4

Apabila omboh ditolak, udara keluar daripada jet pada kelajuan yang tinggi.

Mengikut prinsip Bernoulli, kawasan yang mempunyai tekanan rendah terhasil di jet.

Tekanan atmosfera yang tinggi menolak cecair racun serangga melalui tiub logam ke jet.

Aplikasi Prinsip Bernoulli – Penyembur Racun SeranggaAplikasi Prinsip Bernoulli – Penyembur Racun Serangga

Campuran racun serangga dan udara di keluarkan dalam bentuk titisan-titisan halus cecair.

Tekanan atmosfera

Racun serangga Tiub logam


Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Bernoulli’s Principle

ITeach – Physics From 4

When the gas supply is turned on, the gas rushes out of the jet at high speed.

This creates a region of low pressure in the Bunsen burner.

The higher atmospheric pressure outside pushes air into the Bunsen burner through the air hole.

Applications Of Bernoulli’s Principle – Bunsen Burner Applications Of Bernoulli’s Principle – Bunsen Burner

The mixture of air which contains oxygen and the gas is then burnt to produce flame.

To the gas supply


Mixture of gas and air

Air is sucked in

Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Prinsip Bernoulli

ITeach – Fizik Tingkatan 4

Apabila bekalan gas dihidupkan, gas bergerak melaui jet pada halaju yang tinggi.

Ini menghasilkan kawasan bertekanan rendah di sekitar jet.

Tekanan atmosfera yang tinggi di luar penunu memaksa udara masuk ke dalam penunu melalui lubang udara.

Aplikasi Prinsip Bernoulli – Penunu BunsenAplikasi Prinsip Bernoulli – Penunu Bunsen

Campuran udara yang mengandungi oksigen dan gas akan terbakar dan menghasilkan asap.

Ke bekalan gas


Campuran udara dan gas

Udara dipaksa masuk

Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure

Understanding Bernoulli’s Principle

ITeach – Physics From 4

Applications Of Bernoulli’s Principle - Carburettor Applications Of Bernoulli’s Principle - Carburettor

The carburettor produces a mixture of air and petrol which then flows into the engine cylinder of a car for combustion.

Air flows fast through the narrow section X producing a region of low pressure.

The higher atmospheric pressure in the petrol tank pushes the petrol through the jet into region X where the petrol is mixed with air.

x Throttle

Mixture of petrol and air

JetFrom the petrol tank

Valve needle


Air in

Bab 3 Daya dan Tekanan

Memahami Prinsip Bernoulli

ITeach – Fizik Tingkatan 4

Aplikasi Prinsip Bernoulli - KarburetorAplikasi Prinsip Bernoulli - Karburetor

Karburetor menghasilkan campuran udara dan petrol yang akan mengalir ke dalam silinder enjin kereta untuk pembakaran.

Udara mengalir dengan laju malalui bahagian sempit x. Aliran udara yang laju menghasilkan kawasan yang mempunyai tekanan rendah..

Tekanan atmosfera yang tinggi di dalam tangki petrol menolak petrol melalui jet masuk ke dalam kawasan X di mana petrol bercampur dengan udara.

x Pendikit

Campuran petrol dan udara

JetDaripada tangki petrol

Injap jarum


Udara masuk

The End

i - Teach