Photos. group integration activity




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CENTRES (Creative Entrepreneurship in Schools) project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

“Photos. Group integration”

Scenario Suggested time: 1.5 hour (you can adjust the number of rounds to the time available) Objective: familiarize with the group, getting to know each other’s interests, shaping the attitude of tolerance for diverse attitudes and interests Participants: any age (if necessary, one can adjust the material to younger age groups) Materials: a wide selection of photos developed by the tutor or cut out from newspapers (you should have at least twice as many photos as the group’s participants) Optimum group size: 15-20 participants Remarks regarding class tutoring: one should pay particular attention to the group’s dynamics, relationships within the group, vocabulary/ language used by participants; one should react to comments causing, for example, discomfort of any of the participants. You should always work on positive sides/ strengths. The tutor is required to be very attentive and watchful towards the group. Description of the activity Course of the activity: consecutive rounds can follow in a random/ arbitrary configuration. One should ensure every participant has space for providing his/ her comment, but also that persons with a problem to speak out are not forced to do so. Every round should be commenced by the tutor. Participants sit in a circle. Photos are either arranged on the floor, in the middle, or on the table(s) - provided these are inside the room. Sample instructions for the activity’s participants: 1/ Select one photo per each The tutor does not precise what kind of photo this should be. When participants sit in a circle with an already selected photo, the tutor asks everyone to say in what way (why) the selected image is associated with him/ her, his/ her interests and/ or dreams.

CENTRES (Creative Entrepreneurship in Schools) project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

2/ Select one photo per each The tutor does not precise what kind of photo this should be. When participants sit in a circle with an already selected photo, the tutor asks everyone to say what he/ she doesn’t like about this photo, what could be improved or developed. 3/ Please choose a photo you like the most When participants sit in a circle with an already selected photo, the tutor asks everyone to hand over the selected photo to the person sitting next to the right with a positive wish: I give you this photo because... Remark for the tutor: it is of key importance to see to the positive comments; to try to make sure that the sentences are uttered while taking into consideration the person sitting next to the speaker, his/ her possible interests which the participants have heard earlier on. 4/ Please choose a photo you like When participants sit in a circle with an already selected photo, the tutor asks everyone to say how the selected image is associated with his/ her favourite school subject or hobby (for pupils), subject being taught (for teachers), work or hobby (for others). Remark for the tutor: it is important to make sure that the answers are not perfunctory, to take care of how the statements develop, seek associations, to suggest mainly positive associations. 4/ Please choose a photo you like When participants sit in a circle with an already selected photo, the tutor asks everyone to think how this picture can be included in the process of building up associations and metaphors with the concept suggested by the tutor, for example: I have chosen the photo of a seaside because school is like sea, you can see the horizon, but it is far away, can be calm but also stormy, etc. ... Remark for the tutor: it is important to make sure that the answers are not perfunctory, to take care of how the statements develop, suggest some associations; this activity is not simple for anyone who is beginner with seeking metaphors and analogies.

Polskie Stowarzyszenie Kreatywności (Polish Association of Creativity)
