Photo Story by Matt W. Through hard work and dedication Greg Harris (Slam) overcomes the hope of him...


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Photo Story by Matt W

Through hard work and dedication Greg Harris (Slam)

overcomes the hope of him failing on the court and in the


• “I’m six foot four, one hundred and sixty two pounds and I can definitely rise. I go up and slap his mess away. Just the way I wanted to start the season” (13).

• “For once I’m Glad I studied for hours with Mitisha. A “B-” on the test brings my grade to a “C”. Hopefully coach will finally let me play a full game” (101).

• “I hollered goodbye to moms, then grabbed my shoes and headed out to the gym. If you want to be a star you gotta put in the work” (142).

• “I dribble the ball on top of the key watching the clock run down. I think to myself, I’ve worked too hard to not make this happen. The clock hits nine seconds and I make a fake and dribble to the left. I get in front of my defender then step back and shoot. Swoosh. Game over” (208).