Phone: (08) 9276 5891 Email: Date… · 2016-06-09 · Children...


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Phone: (08) 9276 5891 Email: Date: 9 June 2016 Newsletter: 9/2016

Dear Parents

Assembly Highlights

Principal’s Address: I spoke about two things; history and doing different things. If those different things are also healthy, great achievements can be achieved.

History: Monday was WA Day. This commemorates WA’s old history and modern history. On 2 May 1829, (187 years ago) Captain Fremantle sailed to Fremantle and anchored off Garden Island. He was a Captain in the English navy who sailed to Australia in a 26 gun frigate called Challenger.

On 31 May Captain Stirling, also from England, arrived on the Parmelia sailing ship. On 1 June Captain Stirling thought he would sail down the Swan River and make camp. Captain Fremantle could see bad weather and danger ahead and sent a messenger to Captain Stirling, advising him not to go. Captain Stirling ignored Captain Fremantle’s advice and sailed off anyway. Within 5 minutes the Parmelia was stuck on a sandbar in the Swan River. It took over 18 hours for Captain Fremantle to save all the passengers and take them to safety onto Carnac Island, where they were marooned for 5 days.

Another 18 ships arrived during 1829 where the early settlers eventually established houses and shops along St Georges Terrace. Some historians believe that had Captain Stirling followed Captain Fremantle’s advice, Fremantle may have become our capital city.

It is important in any retelling of periods of Western Australian history to acknowledge the original owners of this land, the Aboriginal people, and also to recognise that modern Western Australia is made up of people from many different backgrounds. Most members of our community have journeyed here from elsewhere in the world and together have created a peaceful and prosperous community.

In recognition of our complex history and the diverse nature of our community, Foundation Day was renamed WA Day in 2012 with the bipartisan support of the Western Australian Parliament. WA Day is our special day to recognise and celebrate the best our great State has to offer. From our diverse communities to our vibrant culture, our amazing natural environments and our achievements in all fields of endeavour, we are proud to be Western Australians!

Importantly, WA Day acknowledges Aboriginal people as the traditional owners of this land, early European settlers, and the many people from all over the world who call Western Australia home. This special day unites all Western Australians and brings our communities closer together in celebration.


MISSION STATEMENT: To develop, within a caring environment, the cognitive, social, physical and creative abilities of all children to enable them to realise their

full potential and to maximise future opportunities as members of the community.

Different Achievements: I would like to introduce you to two new Australian Gold Medallion winners. Last weekend at the Willetton Sports Stadium the Australian National All Styles Championships were held. Congratulations to Ciara for winning gold in the 44 Kg division for Tai Chi Push Hands and gold in the 11 and 12 years Free Form Fighting. Congratulations also to Jade for winning gold in the 40 kg Tai Chi Push Hands and also Gold in the Southern Style Bare Hand form. It should also be noted that during a sparring session, Jade had accidently dislocated her thumb. However, demonstrating lots of courage and determination she instinctively pushed it back and went on to take the gold medallion for Push Hands.

Outside of school, Miss Rajasingham pursues her passion for music by singing with the Perth Harmony Chorus (PHC). They sing in the art form called Barbershop where there are four voice parts: Tenor, Lead, Baritone and Bass. They sing in a cappella. Miss Rajasingham sings the Lead section which is usually the melody of the song. Region 34 consists of choruses in Australia of which PHC is a part. On the 21st of May 2016, PHC competed in the Sweet Adelines International Region 34 Competition and won Gold! This now qualifies them to sing in the International Competition in Las Vegas, USA in 2017.

Honour Certificate Winners Congratulations to the following students:

LA1 K/PP: Paulina LA2 K/PP: Mila LA3 Year 1: Corey and Seth LA5 Year 2: Soourav LA8 Year 3: Isha and Amali LA10 Year 5/6: Annie, Neel, Rishi and Syakirah LOTE: Joshua and Reia

Being a good father starts with a good mother

My father was a bit of a role model, but he was more distant than my mother was. She was very insightful and had a much greater effect on me than my father. - John Inverarity

Take time to connect with your children. Stop what you are doing, look them in the eye, and actively listen to them.

Reflect on the parenting style of your mother and father. Incorporate the good qualities from either into your own parenting.

Watch your wife as she parents. Acknowledge what she does well and find ways to make those techniques your own.

Virtue of the Week Awards 30 May

Glen Cookson


Keep calm and recycle batteries is the name of Weld Square Primary School’s latest student project. It is led by the ‘awesome trio’ – Annie, Syakirah and Emma, with the help and teamwork of the LA10 students. We are also going to enlist the help of Bronwyn Lee (Waste Education Officer, Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council) to make this project a huge success.

Thanks to the help of Mrs.Manikam we feel proud to report that we have secured the Waste Wise Student Leadership Grant worth $500.

Our project duration is from the 1st of June to the 1st of December 2016. We have lined up a few activities and we hope to get support from the entire Weld Square community.

The reason that we have started this project is because a visit to Redhill Waste Management facility last year proved to be an eye opener for us. One of the many things that we learnt is that our landfills are mostly contaminated with chemicals such as lead, cadmium, zinc and mercury. These chemicals come from batteries and that is why it is damaging to the environment to simply bury them.

Also, we want to encourage as many people as possible to recycle batteries. After all it’s our Earth that we are caring for. The Awesome Trio

Voluntary Contributions Thank you to the families that have already paid their 2016 Voluntary Contributions. Voluntary Contributions are $60.00 per child from K to 6 and can be paid by either cash or cheque to the school office or by direct debit to the account below:

Account Name: Weld Square Primary School BSB No.: 016 363 Account No.: 3409 59672 Reference: Child’s name and what the funds are for: (eg: Lindsay/Vol Contributions)


Friday 10 June - Interschool Football and Netball at WSPS Thursday 16 June - Assembly - Hampton SHS Bush Rangers visit 3.00—5.00pm Friday 17 June - Interschool Football and Netball at Morley PS Monday 20 June - RRC/Leadership Program A/S 3.15pm >

Hello Everyone Your P&C team enjoyed a lovely silver service 3 course lunch at Parliament House on Tuesday 24 May. We were graciously hosted by our Labour member, Jade Sanderson. The conversation was stimulating with many issues raised by our team’s personal experiences in a busy era,

compounded by many issues including …., Metronet and Tonkin Highway/Morley Drive upgrade. It was great to treat our hard working team to such an event. A chance to relax and take time for themselves. The ‘Chocolate Nemesis’ was to die for. Flowers were presented to Helen Bolin in thanks for her long term efforts on our P&C, despite her unfortunate absence at lunch. She will now focus her time on John Forrest Secondary College.

Raffle tickets and registration for our Family Night on Friday 24 June are still available before school.

Uniforms: The uniform shop is open every Thursday morning at 9.00am.

Coming up:

Family Night - Friday 24 June 6.00—8.00pm. Book your spot now and grab some raffle tickets. Leave your ticket money at the office in a clearly marked envelope. Raffle prize: Escape Hunt double pass.

Lapathon - Friday 22 July 10.00am. Busy Bee - Sunday 24 July 9.00am. Come down and help keep our school tidy and safe. Lollipops - Friday 12 August 6.00—8.00pm. Bunnings Sausage Sizzle - Sunday 18 September. If you can help, contact us at 2 hour block is all we need. EduDance Open Night - Monday 19 September.

Any support is greatly appreciated.

“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.” J M Barrie, Peter Pan Michelle Hughes P&C President 0402 779 118


Applications for enrolment of students entering Kindergarten and Pre Primary in 2017 are now being taken. Children entering Kindergarten must have a date of birth between 1 July 2012 and 30 June 2013. Children entering Pre Primary must have a date of birth between 1 July 2011 and 30 June 2012. The school Education Act of 1999 requires parents/guardians to provide their child’s immunisation records when the child is enrolled in school. The Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR) Immunisation History Statement is also a requirement of the Department of Education Student Health Care Policy. Parents are therefore asked to obtain a current copy of the immunisation details from: Medicare Online Services. By requesting a statement to be sent in the mail. By calling the Immunisation Register on 1800 653 809 register.
