Philadelphia Recorder Society - Home - PRS Fall Workshop ......Renaissance - Malle Symen Jacob van...


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Daphna Mor led the October 6, 2012, Fall

Workshop of the Philadelphia Recorder

Society in a program built upon an historical

survey through recorder history. The day

progressed with music from Medieval,

Renaissance, Baroque, and Contemporary

periods. Several weeks ahead, Daphna had

sent the par*cipants the music electronically

with the sugges*on to choose parts

comfortable for their own playing levels.

Therefore, the large group of players of

different abili*es could enjoy making music

together. In her gree*ng, she assured

everyone, "There are many ways to approach

the pieces, and I will make sure you will be

assigned a part that you can benefit from and


Examples of the music include the following:

Medieval - Questa Legiadra Luce, Andreas de

Floren*a 14th c; Salterello 14th c., Italian; O

Rosa Bella (Ciconia), Johannes Ciconia c.1410.

Renaissance - Malle Symen Jacob van Eyck;

Trentedeuxiesme Fantasie. Baroque - Sonata

IV, Joh. Ma>heson (1681-1764);

Contemporary - Indian Summer (2002),

Ma>hias Maute 1963- .

Daphna received an enthusias*c recep*on: "I

liked the music--a good variety, and Daphna is

precise in sta*ng what she wants and gets us

to perform as she envisions." "Daphna

organized this well to really teach us many

things - technique, historical context - she

touched many aspects. ... she chose music

that was good for various levels. That meant

we were all happy." "...tell her this ageing

intermediate recorder player is grateful for

her pa*ence and her inspira*on."

PRS Fall Workshop 2012 with Daphna Mor


Recorder Society

Photo credits:

Miriam Arbelo (candid)

Daphna Mor (portrait)


Mor October 6, 2012
