Philadelphia Public Record



Philadelphia Public Record

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ONCE-BEDRAGGLED Mantua neighborhood is taking on a new lease on life,

fueled in part by Mt. Vernon Manor affordable apartment complex. Article by

State Sen. Vincent Hughes page 3.

PhiladelphiaDaily Record

Vol. II No. 124 (284) Keeping You Posted With The Politics Of Philadelphia August 18, 2011



T h e P h i l a d e l p h i a P u b l i c R e c o r d C a l e n d a rAug. 18-

State Rep. Vanessa LoweryBrown holds Job Fair at HS forthe Future, 4021 Parkside Ave., 10a.m.-2 p.m. Job-seekers comewith resume in appropriate busi-ness attire. For info Josh Parsons(717) 772-9946.Aug. 18-

Congressman Bob Brady andWard Leader John Dougherty hostfundraiser for Democrat 1st Dist.Council candidate Mark Squilla atLa Veranda, 31 N. ColumbusBlvd., 5:30-7:30 p.m. For 18- Stu Bykofsky’s 21st CandidatesComedy Night at Finnigan’sWake, 3rd & Spring Garden Sts.,7:30 p.m. Tickets $75. Order bycalling Variety (215) 735-0803.

Aug. 20-

State Rep. Rosita Youngbloodhosts 2011 Back to School Com-munity Resource Fair at BurgessCtr. (rear parking lot) at 200-220W. Chelten Ave. (cor. of Wayne),11 a.m.-4 p.m. Register K through8th-graders for free school suppliesby calling her office (215) 849-6426 before Aug. 12 while sup-plies last.Aug. 20- State Sen. Shirley M. Kitchenhosts Community Health Fair onMaster St. from 15th to 17th Sts.,1-5 p.m., in partnership withShiloh Apostolic Temple, NationalTemple Baptist Ch., AME UnionCh., Bible Fellowship Ch. of God,Holy Trinity Deliverance Ch.,Hope Matters, 10th Memorial Bap-tist Ch. and Juanita Rowe Founda-tion. All invited free.






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by Mayor Michael Nutter

The safety of all Philadelphians is

my number one responsibility and

my highest priority. We’ve focused

heavily on improving public safety

since I took office in January

2008. As a result, homicides are

down 22% and we have reduced

violent crime by 16%

Recently, our city has seen an out-

break of random attacks by groups

of misguided, violent youths on in-

nocent people. This mayhem re-

quires a swift, specific, targeted


As part of that response, we have

imposed an earlier, 9 p.m., week-

end curfew in the parts of the city

where we’ve seen these incidents

take place, in neighborhoods

throughout Center City and in Uni-

versity City. And we extended the

hours of 20 recreation centers

across the city to 10 p.m. in order

to provide more positive opportu-

nities for teens.

Youth violence is not just a matter

for the Philadelphia Police Depart-

ment. The entire community has a

role to play. That’s why iPledge

and Town Watch volunteers have

been patrolling areas of Center

City providing extra eyes and ears

to keep our streets safe and to keep

kids out of trouble.

Most importantly, as I said in my

speech to the congregation at

Mount Carmel Baptist Church,

parents must step up and take re-

sponsibility for their children.

Which is why we will impose fines

on parents whose children repeat-

edly break curfew.

Looking back to my childhood I

know that things are vastly differ-

ent today. But some things should

never change – respect for others,

minding your manners, obeying

your parents.

Every day I talk to young people

from our communities who are fol-

lowing those rules and are making

a success of themselves. I refuse to

let their stories be overshadowed

by this nonsense, and I refuse to let

the actions of a few endanger the

safety of all of us.

That’s why I will continue to work

every day to reduce crime and

make Philadelphia the safest city it

can be. I hope you’ll join me be

signing up as an iPledge volunteer

today. Call (215) 686-2181.

Thank you for your generous sup-

port and for everything you do for


All To Help In Community

Programming Mayor Nutter Invites

Sen. Hughes Pushes Mantua

Developmentby State Sen. Vincent Hughes

I was pleased to announce this

week generous awards totaling al-

most $16 million for the Mt. Ver-

non Manor apartments as part of

the reinvestment program in the

Mantua section of Philadelphia.

The revitalization of Mantua is im-

portant – it is a distressed commu-

nity in need of assistance. If you

look around, it is not unlike a lot

of other distressed communities in

the city. So, yes, the revitalization

is important for this neighborhood,

but its importance is much greater

than its neighborhood boundaries.

Doing projects like renovating Mt.

Vernon Manor is solid evidence of

success – success showing govern-

ment, local businesses, stakehold-

ers and communities working

collaboratively together, success

showing people investing in an

area instead of ignoring it and suc-

cess showing that even in chal-

lenging environments, it can be


US Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) has

announced four Pennsylvania com-

munity banks received $43 million

through the US Treasury Dept.’s

Small Business Lending Fund to

help small businesses access capi-

tal and create jobs.

“Small businesses are the back-

bone of our economy,” said the

Senator. “I urged Treasury to expe-

dite this funding because it is es-

sential to helping Pennsylvania

businesses grow and create jobs.”

The Pennsylvania banks receiving

funding as part of today’s an-

nouncement include: AmeriServ

Financial, Inc. (Johnstown) –

$21.0 million; DNB Financial

Corp. (Downingtown) – $13.0 mil-

lion; Jonestown Bank & Trust Co.

(Jonestown) – $4.0 million; Valley

Green Bank (Philadelphia) – $5.0

million. There are over 275,000

small businesses in Pennsylvania

that employ over 3.2 million peo-


done. Successful projects like this

provide solid evidence for future

undertakings of this nature.

The story of the Mt. Vernon

Manor apartments is multi-lay-

ered. Mantua is being transformed

as a result of significant funding

from a few different sources, and

it is an incredible sign of collabo-

ration and success during a chal-

lenging financial climate.

The apartment complex is being

renovated to include updated

apartments, landscaping and

courtyards. The 125 Mt. Vernon

Manor apartments were built in

1980 and are encompassed by a

nine-building, housing complex

that is assisted by the federal Dept.

of Housing & Urban Develop-

ment. In April, HUD awarded the

Mt. Vernon Manor Apartments

and the Mantua neighborhood one

of 17 nationwide Choice Neigh-

borhoods Planning Grants for

$250,000. The project was one of

119 applicants vying for the grant.

The grant was a significant win

for an area looking to improve,

and opens the project up for the

potential to receive an additional

$20 million from HUD once the

planning stage ends.

The goal of the grant is to support

a comprehensive approach to revi-

talization that brings housing im-

provements together with various

incomes and links them to quality

education, transportation and jobs.

This grant is also being supported

with additional financial and in-

kind services from the Philadel-

phia Foundation, Drexel

University, the Philadelphia Hous-

ing Authority and One Economy


An additional $3.7 million in

funding for the redevelopment

will be coming from the city of

Philadelphia through its Neighbor-

hood Stabilization Program. NSP

identifies neighborhoods that are

most in need of going from va-

cant, foreclosed properties to

owner-occupied dwellings. Man-

tua is a target area for the city’s in-

vestment from the American

Recovery & Reinvestment Act,

also known as stimulus funding.

Finally, PHFA supported the fed-

eral and City efforts by awarding

$12 million in Low Income Hous-

ing tax credits to support the $15.6

million first-phase renovation,

which includes six of the nine ex-

isting buildings for a total of 75


Mt. Vernon Manor joins Mantua

Square and Union Hill as afford-

able-housing developments in

Mantua as the area continues to

undergo a dramatic transformation

attracting new development and

businesses – a dramatic transfor-

mation that will tempt others to

replicate in communities across

the city that need assistance. In-

vestment in our neighborhoods

and people works, and the revital-

ization of Mantua is just the be-


Casey Announces $43 Million For Pa.

To Help Small Businesses Create Jobs


Councilwoman Sánchez: Get City

Out Of Immigration EnforcementFollowing Tuesday’s release of a

new report documenting a pattern

of unjust deportations, Council-

woman Maria Quiñones Sánchez

renewed calls for the end of the

City’s controversial involvement

in federal immigration enforce-

ment, urging: “Our true priority in

local government is the safety of

our residents. It has become clear

that federal immigration enforce-

ment is at best haphazard and is

often unconstitutional. Entangling

the Philadelphia Police Depart-

ment with this broken system has

made us all less safe.”

The report by the American Immi-

gration Lawyers Association, “Im-

migration Enforcement Off Target:

Minor Offenses With Major Con-

sequences,” was released Aug. 16.

It dramatically shows how federal-

local partnerships have failed their

stated goals, leading to the depor-

tation of many who pose no threat

to public safety or national secu-


AILA’s member attorneys nation-

wide submitted examples of cases

where their immigrant clients had

been stopped, questioned, or ar-

rested by local police leading to

the initiation of removal proceed-

ings. Over 200 cases were ana-

lyzed, including 9 from

Pennsylvania, revealing disturbing


In 82 cases, deportation was initi-

ated after arrest or citation for

minor offenses (66 cases involved

only minor traffic violations). In

41 cases, local police never pur-

sued any criminal charges. In 87

cases, the individuals had no crim-

inal history. In 61 cases, there is

evidence the primary reason for

the stop may have been to assess

immigration status. In 79 cases,

deportation was sought against in-

dividuals with family members

who are US citizens or lawful per-

manent residents. In 21 cases, the

individuals have pending asylum

claims or should be protected by

special visas for crime victims or


The Councilwoman condemned as

counterproductive programs en-

couraging local involvement in

federal immigration enforcement,

such as “Secure Communities” and

Philadelphia’s agreement to grant

real-time access to the City’s

PARS arrest database. She stated,

“These programs are not just inef-

fective, they are destroying indi-

vidual lives and community trust.”

City officials including the Mayor,

District Attorney, and 1st Judicial

Dist. will decide before Aug. 31

whether to renew the PARS con-

tract. In June, Council Members

Sánchez and James Kenney co-in-

troduced a resolution in opposition

to the contract, which was adopted

unanimously by City Council.